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tv   Bay Area News at 7  KICU  December 26, 2011 7:00pm-7:30pm PST

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what police call a tragic accident. get the word out about a major security breach. complete bay area news coverage starts right now. this is bay area news at 7:00. >> good evening. it's monday, december 26. i'm gasia mikaelian. this is bay area news at 7:00. neighbors said they could hardly see the flame, but a house fire proved deadly for an east bay woman and her two dogs. live with sandy andrew. >> reporter: gasia, it might have helped save a life.
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the holiday on broadmoor boulevard is ending an a sad note. neighbor edward a most was just waking up while the house across the street quietly burned. >> smoke came out of the front part of the house and you could see what was coming out probably, but you didn't see any flames. >> reporter: tonight it's hard to tell there was a fire here. the house is in tact. she died when her house filled with smoke. two dogs died in the fire too. the home did not have working smoke alarm. >> it's always to make sure that you have the appropriate amount of smoke detectors in your home and you change the batteries on a regular basis. >> did you have any smoke alarm? >> he didn't know until we asked him to check.
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>> needs a battery. >> reporter: according to the national fire prevention association, two-thirds of home fire death happen in homes without a working smoke alarm. >> the battery cost a couple of buckings, but you can't put a price on a life. reporting live in, noel walker, ktvu, channel 2 news. a fire started in the garage last night left the house uninhabitable. the family was sitting down for a christmas celebration when the smoke alarm went off. they called 9-1-1. the captain told us the fire's exact cause
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hasn't been determined, but it appears to be accidental. a tragic accident claimed a child's life. police say ktvu news that a 2 year old was struck after leaving the home. the child was air lifted to a hospital but couldn't be saved. haven't made any arrests and aren't expecting to bring charges. a severe chill is overtaking the bay. temperatures into the low 30s are expected. it has the homeless shelter opening its doors and expecting a full crowd tonight. it could mean more than just comfort. >> you're freezing, and, i don't know, it's hard to explain. your body aches and it hurts. all you're thinking about is getting warmer some how. >> the san jose urge people who
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use the fireplaces to use caution. deep discounts an charges help the mall after christmas. stores in the bay area in the range of 50% to 70% day. 57% of americans said they planned on shopping on this december 26th and that's 14% more than last year. a man said he went looking for a coat for himself. >> after i got some for myself, okay, i should get some for my brother. and we kept shopping and we're still going. >> many online retailers are doing their best to lure shoppers back with sales that continue to the first of the year. the h & m store handed out gift cards to the first 100 people in the doors. took advantage of other sales.
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the woman said she spent more today than in all of her shopping before christmas. many shoppers used gift cards. you can go to a slew of web sites where you can buy the cards. one site was just for today. many are today after christmas. 80% of consumers purchase gift cards compared to 58% who wanted them. lucky super market shoppers had it stolen. unusual lengths to get the word out about a major security breach. not making it easier for a potential victim. >> reporter: lucky is addressing his customers directly picking up in several newspapers to strongly recommend any shopper who came to the santa clara store before
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november 23rd where they reviewed their bank account for suspicious activity. >> i'm going to make sure because no company wants that to hit the front page that they were hit by fees. >> reporter: in part of a statement released, ktvu was told they launched and no reason to believe it was compromised uncovered last month. two customers at the santa clara store said even though they haven't noticed any money missing, they canceled the cards. >> i went to the bank of america to make a withdrawal and was told my card was placed on hold so they had to order a new card for me because of the issue. >> they told me my card had been compromised. they checked and verified the last six or seven transactions. >> it's one way to keep the reputation. >> i think it's the future of
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how it should be done and lucky with continuous dealers directly. >> reporter: the branding expert said lucky should have done this sooner but the most important thing is handling head on. in santa clara, maureen naylor, ktvu, channel 2 news. some hacking by anonymous victimized a second time. anonymous hackers say they were responsible for stealing credit card information from client security think tank calls stratford. it was used to make unauthorized charitable donation stratford said people are being targeted for doing so. likely the last christmas meal yesterday in the facility. operating out of a former auto repair shop for years now.
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the san anthony plans to tear it down and build a new haul. $16 million needs to be raised. came to church for the annual christmas meals. the church fed 5000 people at the christmas eve prime rib lunch and dinner. 500 volunteers helped with preparing food, and doing all the clean-up. last year, it served more than a million meals to the hungry in san francisco. the cost of oil damage for the herring population. the herring make up the largest coastal population in the u.s. and commercial fish in the bay. the administration found herring embryos collected after the spill had defects from chemicallistic exposure.
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they didn't expect such a drastic fatality rate. >> the embryos were actually almost liquefying right before our eyes in the tile zone. >> it takes a few years for a class of fish to spawn, so the herring should be coming back this winter. facing murder charge. police tell ktvu news lupita suffered from extreme emotional distress. landed on the dirt and wasn't seriously hurt. she broke bones in her feet. cortes is due in court. held in night without bail. over for the person suspected of shooting a soldier at his homecoming party. this man, 19-year-old ruben rue hair doe turned himself in this
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afternoon. the army specialist christopher sullivan was broken up a fight. received a purple heart. sullivan's family said he's now paralyzed and hospitalized in critical condition. gop candidates plan a major push on the airways. many iowa, there's a statistical tie among the three. perry and bachmann and santorum show no signs of quitting. huckabee predicts that romney will win if the weather is good. paul will win if it is not. serious face time with president obama. the president and first lady were visiting with u.s. troops and their families when an 8 month old took a keen interest in the president's smile. he was just a bit too slow to
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notice. a marijuana dispensary shuts its doors and hit the road. mobile marijuana delivery. a bay area man part of a precedent setting legal case involving a former lawyer. the question is, just who owns the twitter account? five day forecast with your weekend in view and perhaps some rain drops. [ child ] it's so cool!
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you can put a force field on him and be invisible! [ child 2 ] i call first player. no. i already called it. [ dad ] nobody's playing anything until after we get our homework done. thank you. hello? test drive's not over yet. [ male announcer ] it's practically yours. [ louder ] hello? but we still need your signature. right now during sign then drive, it's never been easier to get the all-new passat, the 2012 motor trend car of the year, for practically just your signature. that's the power of german engineering. visit
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150th and freedom avenues. the impact triggered both side air bags. driver was not injured.
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driver suffered minor injuries in square. firefighters were forced to shut down. driver was later arrested and charged with dui. getting ready for the largest ban on plastic bag. january 1st, a ban extends from grocery stores to all retailers. they can pay ten cents for each paper bag. caught violating the ban can be steep, as much as a thousand dollars a day. restaurants are exempted from the ban. and also those who have meat. the road less traveled in a recent crackdown. the clubs are now knocking on the doors of customers. >> reporter: after two years in
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business, medical thrive closed its doors and hit the road. >> we morphed into a delivery service. >> reporter: the department warned its landlord that it was subject to seizure because the dispensary was operated near a school. >> you could say it's next to the school, but 785 feet from our door to their door. literally around the block behind us. >> reporter: the display cases are empty, cash register is closed, and 20 people layed off. medithrive is moved to an undisclosed location.
7:16 pm show the services. it includes the right to make deliveries. with legal and safety concerns, carriers limit the amount of marijuana per trip. >> anything can happen. obviously, it's a lot safer when you have a store front that's on a locked door. >> reporter: besides deliveries, they do community to get the doors open again. in san francisco, david stevenson, ktvu, channel 2 news. legalized gambling could be in new york city's future. told the amending the state's constitution to allow casino gambling. cited the pros would be better than not. korea paid respect to the
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late kim jong-il. they were greeted by kim jong- un. south korea apparently has no plan to send government officials in the ceremonies. last march's nuclear crisis said there were not only multiple errors, but training. 500 page plus of the nuclear power plant overheeded poorly trained operator for the key back-up system and waited too long for the cooling unit. tokyo electric power company didn't deal with severe accidents. neither were prepared that it can trigger a nuclearty
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disaster. they'll take anything you can plug in for free. rest assured the electronics will be recycled safely. >> they can go to a manufacturing facility and take sample of the air and workers to make sure there's no contamination. >> it works with whole foods and generates the other kind of green. : an oakland man is sued by former employer staking a claim to a 17,000 online followers. the central question is here, who exactly owns the twitter account? >> just the new name. >> reporter: locked in a legal fight over his twitter followers, blogger is sued by his former employer. five years with the company, c visits said he started a
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twitter account. both professional and personal tweets. >> we agreed it was my account. they abreed it was account. >> r. >> reporter: he changed his twitter handle, phone is still asking to be compensated for thousands of followers he was left with. use suing for $340,000. if you had a valuation, it would exceed the gross domestic product. >> reporter: we tend to aggressively protect our list and confidential information including intellectual property. >> as long as there's rules and they make sense, i'm all for
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it. >> reporter: kravits believes this twitter lawsuit could be in retaliation for a suit he previously filed over back pay. in the newsroom, alex savage, ktvu, channel 2 news. in just a few days, two nasa spacecrafts position themselves in the moon's orbit. the journey began in september when they launched the probes in florida. they reported the two unmanned washing machine's. collect exact measurements about the gravity fields. it's not your usual dip in the ocean. tourists captured on video. in the bay, the chill continues, but is wet weather anywhere on the horizon.
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we're streaming live at
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all the crowds at san francisco international airport are adding up. on pace for a record setting
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year. it projects more than 41 million travelers by the end of the year, top the mark set in 2000. the traffic this year projected to be up 5% to more than 2 million passengers. friday was the busiest day of the holiday season as 140,000 people used the airport. and definitely going to be a cool night tonight. no freeze warnings. no spare the air night. had a lot of those this year. the frost turns tomorrow morning just not as cold as it has been. and that's because it got a little bit of a west wind. you may notice the fog at the coast today. it was a coastal fog, not a valley fog, and believe it or not, it's warmer from the inland bay valley. in napa and vallejo and the area, it increases the overnight lows, okay? so it's still cold.
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napa, 34. just cold, just not 25 degrees. coming back a little bit. the next few days, more of the same. freezing temperatures toward san alina, but most around 30s. sunny and dry tomorrow. the long range forecast, there is a little something out there that could bring a shower or a sprinkle in the north bay specifically on thursday and friday. more clouds, more onshore flow more potential for rain down the road. the next few days, you'll see a chance for change. the pattern could change. frost returns tomorrow in the inland bay. you got it tomorrow morning. the high pressure stays put there. there's your tuesday. maybe some patchy fog as well. certainly some coastal fog and into the bay area weekend, it looks like a pretty nice one.
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there's some clouds coming in here on thursday. pardon me, on thursday and friday. chances of sprinkles at that time and then holiday weekend and it goes away. i stress the thursday and friday event, a tweak that break the pattern which could be helpful down the road. we need the rain. long range looks dry right now. we move into another very nice day. you're looking at 585 degrees, who's going to fix that? 60 in morgan hill. be ready for that. your bay area weekend. hopefullythat's all. >> thank you. thousands of adults swimming off the island of india. taking thundershowerrists to see the dolphins frolicking in the sea. scientists think environmental
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factors are driving the migration. that's our report. i'm gasia mikaelian. thank you for trusting channel 2 news. i'll see you the next time news breaks. coverage continues tonight. tmz is up next right here on tv36. [ male announcer ] citibank's new app for ipad
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makes it easy for anne to view her finances from anywhere. like gate d12 for the next three hours. citibank for ipad. easier banking. standard at citibank. [ beep ] hi. dave here. [ male announcer ] for dave, using citibank's online bill pay is as easy as setting up voicemail. hi, it's dave. [ male announcer ] actually, it's easier. hi, it's dave. i'm out of the office. [ male announcer ] online bill pay. easier banking. standard at citibank.


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