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tv   10 O Clock News  KICU  December 12, 2011 11:30pm-12:30am PST

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protesters stop truck traffic at the port of oakland. good evening i'm julie haener. >> and i'm frank somerville. they came in waves, occupy protesters marched to the port of oakland disrupting operations first in the morning then at night. this evening more than a thousand people streamed into the port before the 7:00 night shift. the demonstrators managed to prevent trucks from delivering or picking up cargo just as they did during the morning
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shift. the port of oakland consists of seven adjacent terminals and is the fifth busiest container port in the united states. it stretches south from the bay bridge to jack london square. we have live team coverage tonight, ktvu's debra villalon has been talking to truckers and protesters. we start with ken wayne and the demonstrators next move. >> reporter: we spent most of the night down in berth 55 where a large group of protesters are blocking the way there. 200 protesters broke off of that group and are now gathering outside the lpa gate blocking this gate and they say they plan to be here all night long. >> reporter: the occupy protest took on a bit of a carnal atmosphere -- carnival atmosphere with music and dancing. one man wearing a national rifle association hat said it's a protest for freedom.
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>> the issues i think are inequality and lack of rerepresentation for the rights of the citizens in our government. >> reporter: some tents were set up right in the street with some preparing for the possibility of a long night. >> right now we're occupying this space to keep the truckers from coming into this point. >> reporter: hundreds of protesters lined up for free food. >> we know that we made about 800 burritos and we're cutting them in half so we're going to serve 1,600, plus 500 peanut butter sandwiches. >> reporter: middle road was filled with hundreds of protesters. truckers caught in the middle could do nothing but wait. one trucker said he's part of the 99% but this is affecting his bottom line.
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>> this is affecting me because we push 1,100 miles on the road. >> reporter: sparking a street debate over the movement. >> i'm talking about -- >> we're doing a lot and you ain't doing nothing. >> reporter: on its company website apl says it moved $5 billion worth of cargo a year through the port of oakland. and employs 200 shore men a day. the protesters say they plan to be here until at least 3:00 in the morning. and we asked an apl workers and he said the morning shift does not start until 7:00 a.m. the mayor said the protesters took the port hostage and hurt workers who are trying to make a living. despite the size of the protest
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no demonstrators were arrested. at the port, no ships were unloaded or loaded today. some of the terminals at the port could not operate because of the protest. >> not have physical violence in this city is not fair. it's not fair to the workers of the port who already lost a day. this is their second day now they're talking about going into a third day. i thank the community. >> reporter: the mayor asked the protesters to rethink. she added the longshoreman's union did not support today's action. our team coverage continues now with ktvu's debra villalon she is live with more of what happened this evening and what may happen next. >> reporter: first i want to show you more of these idle big riggs and there are many of
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them. add ár at its briefing tonight, howard jordan said his officers will take appropriate action, his words -- and at a briefing tonight, howard johnson. they poured into the port like a river of protest. more than 1,000 marchers. jubilant after keeping several shifts from being unloaded at the port today -- after keeping several ships from being unloaded today. >> if the rich were taxed we could afford to have better schools for our kids. >> reporter: that from a kindergarten teacher. this from a lawyer. >> it's not okay for some people to make $16 in a day and others to make $16 every second. >> reporter: not everyone is marching to this beat though. simmering silently in their cabs are these long haul
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truckers stuck all day in their riggs unable to unload losing money. >> i understand some of the stuff they're talking about, but what they're doing hurts me. >> reporter: he's got 36,000 pounds of perishable meat he's hauled from the northwest to be put on a ship. hundreds of people trickled away from the port as the evening went on but a core grew remain and could throw a wrench in truckers's plans to get back to work tomorrow. >> the general manager said it's 7:00 a.m. opening the doors. because their permit to be here expires at midnight tonight. >> reporter: but it doesn't appear that a permit or an expiration time is going to make any difference to the few hundred occupiers still here. they got a taste of success disrupting operations today and it left them wanting more. we're live in oakland, debra
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villalon. scottolson was among those leading today's march. you may remember this ktvu video from an occupy protest. something hit olson in the head leaving him with a brain injury. olson is still continuing to recover, learning how to speak again. several hundred people marched from the oakland b.a.r.t. station and managed to block two entrances. truckers showed up and sat idle. the protesters left by 11:00 saying they had achieved their goal. effectively shut it down for an entire day. it was an expensive protest.
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officials say the port averages $8.5 million in financial activities each day. stay with ktvu for continuing coverage. at 10:30 tonight, police make arrests as occupy protesters in new york rally in solidarity with their west coast counter parts. that story as 10:30. a man is hospitalized tonight in san francisco after a shooting at an in-n-out burger in pinol. it happened tonight in the drive through. a man was in the car and shot several times he was then air lifted to walnut creek. investigators also say this was not a random attack. they call it a deliberate targeted shooting. police say there were other people in the victim's car but none of them was injured. the shooter is still at large tonight. the man who pleaded guilty last month to killing the san francisco publicist was sentenced today to 60 years to life in state prison. gary scott holand said he's sorry for killing kathleen horan in october of last year.
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holland has posed as a pg & e worker to get into the woman's apartment. holland said he did so with the intention of raping someone. the 44-year-old had recently been released from prison where he served 11 years for attempted murder. >> iraq's prime minister and president obama looked to the future during a white house meeting. as craig boswell reports now that the iraq war is pulling to a close, the two leaders are making a pledge. >> reporter: after a longer than planned face to face meeting at the white house. president obama and iraqi president held a meeting to discuss the withdrawal. >> we're taking all of our troops out of iraq, we will not have any bases outside of iraq. >> reporter: right now currently 1,000 forces are in iraq. down from a peak of 70,000. december31st marks the end of almost nine years of war. u.s. troops rolled out of a
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military base for the last time and signed it over to iraq we forces. >> i'm happy for the iraq people. that they are able to secure themselves and are looking at their best interest. >> reporter: during their appearance in washington today the two leaders say they will maintain strong ties but iraq sovereignty must be respect. >> right now it's become completely on its own security. >> reporter: there is fear that violence could escalate after all american forces leave. president obama also addressed threats that come from outside the country, a veiled reference to iran. >> make no mistake our strong presence in the middle east endures. >> reporter: after their appearance they layed a wreath to all the troops lost in iraq.
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they join to speak about the achievements. operation iraqi freedom has exacted a heavy toll since it began in march 2003. the pentagon reports that 4,408 service members have within killed. another 13 civilians working for the department of defense were also killed. there were nearly 32,000 americans that had been wounded. our coverage continues on you will find a series of reports from tonight's ktvu's prime news special out of iraq. the u.s. supreme court today said it will review the constitutionality of arizona's tough new immigration law. several key provisions of the law have been blocked. including that police check a person's immigration status while they are enforcing other laws. january brewer asked the -- jan brewer asked the supreme court to make a ruling and today said
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she is confidence that the nation's highest court will uphold her state's law. and back here in 10 marines the fog is trying to re -- in 10 minutes the fog is trying to reform in the inland vall z
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fed ex says today is not only their busiest day of the year but the busiest ever. workers are still processing packages. >> reporter: julie we're at the fed ex office store here in walnut creek on mount diablo boulevard with less than an hour to go before closing it's fairly quiet now. the workers here and at other locations told me it's been a very busy day. it appears fed ex is on track to have a wonderful holiday. fed ex told us it had hired 20,000 seasonal workers across the country. up almost 20% from last year. >> the economy has been getting better over the past year. and online ordering for christmas gifts. >> reporter: researchers say u.s. online sales so far this holiday season are up 15%. today is called green monday a
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term coined by ebay. the second top ranked online day. it kicks off the online shopping season. fed ex workers said they have been picking up a whole lot more packages than in the past. >> it's christmas time. nonstop. >> reporter: 3 miles away at the postal store business has also been nonstop today especially from customers wanting to ship fed ex. >> the last week people get more and more frankic. but this week there's a lot of customers. >> i'm happy with their service. basically have used fed ex for a long time. >> reporter: in order to get your packages out in time for christmas by ground shipping, fed ex says you must ship by this friday, any later you'll be paying more. reporting live here in walnut creek, amber lee, ktvu channel 2 news.
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on our facebook wall tonight we asked how you're doing your shopping. carasco says i solely shop online vincent kelly says online shopping takes a lot away from the shopping experience. i'm old school, i like to get within the crowd and shop. you can get into the conversation on lowe's said it decided to pull advertising from the tlc show all american muslim because the show had become a lightening rod. lowe's also said it stopped commercials after a conservative group e-mailed the company asking them to stop advertising during the show. the state senator said he may call for a boycott of lowe's. >> you watch it it's about americans who happen to be
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muslim. there's nothing bad about that show. for lowe's to take this action really taints what it means to be american. >> reporter: the group that sent out the e-mail asking companies to pull their ads says more than 60 have done so. however lowe's is the only major company to confirm it stopped it's advertising. dozens of people have been warned that they will lose power. but it's not because they haven't paid their bill but what they disconnected at their home. >> if we do not hear from you pg & e will have to discontinue your electric service. this letter comes after lindsay and others returned their smart immediate meter to pg & e. after hiring a certified
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electrician to remove the smart meter and connecting an analog. >> to its credit sometimes anita cruz is in the forefront of a lot of concerns, environmental concerns. on the other hand sometimes i wonder if it's just too much. >> reporter: pg & e says smart meters are safe and warrants it's unlawful and very dangerous to disconnect the device. >> removing it could result in potential for fires or e electricution. >> reporter: after meeting with an attorney, lindsay returned home with a new promise from pg & e saying they will keep her power on. >> i don't want anything else. they said they would come out here and place an analog meter. >> reporter: in san jose,
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maureen naylor. and a foot footnote, one of the other customers who removed his smart meter, called ktvu and said that he came home today and found that his power had been turned off. a fire at the uc berkeley building has officials searching for answers. diesel started leaking saturday night. a uc spokeswoman said the system passed a test just six days before. 1,700-gallons leaked from a tank and sub pumps automatically pumped out most of them into strawberry creek. response crews worked to stop the leak to keep it out of bay. >> we saw a little residual getting by. >> reporter: there's no word of any wildlife being affected by the spill. there's no word yet what caused the leak. cost guard and civilian teams worked in the richmond harbor today to manage an oil
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spill from a former navy tug boat. the boat which is 500 feet long was launched in alameda. crews deployed oil booms around the tug to try to contain the oil. a man who was shot on a busy hollywood street died today. this frightening video is of the gunman tyler brent. he fire at passing vehicles on vine streak before officers shot and killed him. the man who died today john aderberry was the only officer who was hit. adelberry was a music executive who worked with acts like the spice girls and jessica simpson. it's cool out there tonight. the skies are beginning to clear and the winds are light. this is a live reading at
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fairfield on live storm tracker 2. temperatures are in the mid- 30s. dewpoints are in the mid-30s, what does that mean? it means fog. 36 in santa rosa. the dewpoint temperatures, the temperature which fog will form right around 35 and 34 degrees. in the next hour or so we're going to see in these inland bay valleys we're going to see fog popping up. it's going to be downright cold overnight. maybe down in the upper 20s in the bay. when we come back we will see you back here, we will have the forecast for tomorrow and where you will see rain drops. caltrans agreed to halt work as part of a settlement with a group called alameda group alliance. the group says caltrans has not alerted the public. caltrans is now doing environmental reviews. state parks saved from closure. >> it's been a small miracle in
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this whole process. the bay area parks that ok, you guys wanted a space for entertaining your friends, so, open your eyes and check out your new living room!
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[ gasps ] honey, the tv's over there! yep, we got you the new at&t u-verse wireless receiver so you can put your tv pretty much anywhere you want. and that stand... anywhere? like, we can put it over there? and that coffee... or we could t it on the patio for watching the game with the guys. or in the kitchen? but, these curtains are... i can't believe you moved the tv. it's like a whole new living room. it actually is a whole new living room. [ male announcer ] the new wireless receiver, only from at&t. now get u-verse with dvr at the lowest price ever. at&t.
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at one point it was on the state park closure list but now it's off. herman coast day park has been saved at least for the next few years. new at 10:00, ken pritchett reports henry coe is not the first and not the last to get a reprieve. >> reporter: henry cove was just months away from closing. now that day is at least delayed thanks to private donors partnering with the state. >> this cove park fund came
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forward to. >> reporter: roy stern says of the 70 state parks on the closure list announced in may, 15 marks have either been saved or deals are imminent. >> people have been coming out of the wood work to really look for ways to help us. that's been a small miracle in this whole process. in addition to henry cove state park, tamales bay will also remain open. the benetia bay is another state park on the list. the state is in talks with the local government. >> we're working to keep a park off the crucial list. we're making it loud and clear to sacramento that that should not be viewed as a substitute for public funding. >> reporter: the state parks foundation applauds these partnerships to keep parks open but says the real need is long term stable funding. >> there were cuts passed in the budget by the legislature
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and signed by the government in march that led to the 70 park closure list. while it's possible, as many as half of these parks could be saved. many doubt many will still be shuttered. more details now by the policy institute of california indicates a majority of voters support the governor's plan to temporarily increase the state's sales tax and boost the income taxes of california's highest earnings. 60% of voters say they support the proposal. the poll found 36% are against it. the new poll also shows the majority of californians support governor jerry brown. 42% approved the job the governor is doing while 30% disapproved. officials in clayton met with parents to discuss the arrest of a teacher the áf
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arrested for having sexual conduct with a student. he could be charged with 17 counts of having sex with a minor -- arrest of a teacher arrested for having conduct with a student. school administrators went from classroom to classroom to talk to students and have also made counselors available. the mount diablo school board met tomorrow to agree discussing the budget. a bank is taking some major action in the lucky supermarket credit card scam. losses continue to grow. >> i was using my uniform every day and they were telling me to go home and change. >> reporter: a startling number of school children don't have a place to live. the help they are now being offered. [ female announcer ] what's so great about...jcpcash?
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no exclusions. with jcpcash get 10...15 or... $20 off. storewide. unlike other stores, we don't make you come back to save! get up to $20 off with no exclusions. jcpenney. so i used my citi thank you card to pick up some accessories. a new belt.
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some nylons. and what girl wouldn't need new shoes? we talked about getting a diamond. but with all the thank you points i've been earning... ♪ ...i flew us to the rock i really had in mind. ♪ [ male announcer ] the citi thank you card. earn points you can use for travel on any airline, with no blackout dates. no exclusions. with jcpcash get 10...15 or... $20 off. storewide. unlike other stores, we don't make you come back to save!
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get up to $20 off with no exclusions. we make christmas affordable. you make it yours. jcpenney. new information tonight involving the investigation into the lucky supermarket's credit card skimming scam that we first told you about last week. ktvu's lloyd lacuesta joins us now. he's now live. >> reporter: this fremont store is one of 24 lucky's in the bay area where someone rigged skimmers. toápbt -- tonight we're learning of one bank that is stepping up
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efforts to stop the scam. >> reporter: fremont bank is handing out new cards. a device inserted in the card readers captured all the data off the magnetic stripe of cards, then criminals placed it on new cards. >> they put the pin in and they withdraw, $100, $200 at a time. >> reporter: it was $300 and atm fees. >> reporter: a member used a card at a fremont lucky store and soon there were withdraws made several time from arcadia, san jose los angeles. but then today a lucky executive showed up with a check for $4,000. the biggest of several donations made since their
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plight became public. >> it's just really sad and disheartening to know that people would steal from the troops who are currently deployed. >> reporter: live in fremont lloyd lacuesta, channel 2 news. happening now a live picture from outside the apl terminal at the port of oak land. that's the more than president line. about 200 people marched here to berth 60 about an hour ago after a much larger protest disrupted operations in near by berth 55. the occupy protesters are vowing to shut down operations at apl container facilities at the apl container facility when the morning shifts arrive it is unclear if oakland police will allow that to happen. the ktvu channel morning news begins at 4:30 and they will be
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following this story and let you know if this protest spreads to a third day. occupy protesters try to occupy a major bank. they marched from the encampment to the headquarters of gold man sachs where some were taken into custody. demonstrators then marched. this protest in washington state took a dramatic turn as about 100 occupiers blocked off some train tracks. some even put bike locks around their necks linked up and then layed down on the tracks. san jose is making an officer to the occupy protesters if they promise not to set up tents in the city hall plaza for the next two years, the city says it will drop all charges against them. the occupiers cleared out of the plaza late last month. city officials made the officer to about a dozen people and three have already signed the compromise. stay with ktvu and
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for continuing coverage. we will bring you the latest development on the occupy movement as they happen. developing news now out of the los angeles area. we want to show you a live picture of interstate 5 or rather a picture of interstate 5 near silmar. the los angeles fire department says eight big riggs collided in a tunnel causing a huge back up. three people were hurt. automaker of the injuries are considered to be minor. fire officials say four tankers were involved in the pile ups, fortunately none of them ruptured. the road was wet at the time of that crash. a state senator saying he is introducing legislation to block the metropolitan transit commission from renovating a building it bought in 2006. state auditors are looking into the legality of using bridge toll money to buy the property. the contra costa time reports,
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senator mark desonie says while the battle is going on, they want to block it. it's a growing epidemic in san francisco. more than 2,000 school children are homeless. rob roth talked to a 10-year- old girl about what it's like to live in a homeless shelter and what is finally going to happen that will give her a place to live. >> reporter: the fourth grader told us how her classmates have treated her, with the -- with the permission of her mother, this fourth grader told us how her classmates have treated her. >> they told me to go home and change my clothes. >> but you couldn't? >> no. >> what would you do? >> cry. >> reporter: this couple is expecting a baby in a month, they're living in a family shelter with the wait list just for a bed is more than seven
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months. >> i could have worse, i could be out there sleeping in my car. >> reporter: today the board of supervisors operations in neighborhood services committee held a publy hearing. >> those numbers just keep growing. we need to do something. >> reporter: the mayor's office announced mark benioff are donating $1.5 million to help homeless families move into housing. and the city is kicking in another $1.5 million. >> to say that $3 million is going to end family homelessness would be an irresponsible thing to say but it's certainly going to help end homelessness for a couple hundred families in san francisco. >> it hurts me to my heart to wake up every morning and hear my daughter say, when is it going to stop. when are we going to be in our own home. >> reporter: until the city begins building more affordable housing, families on the margin will continue falling through the cracks. in san francisco, rob roth, ktvu channel 2 news. there are questions tonight about the future of ballet in
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san jose. the ballet which has been struggling with budget concerns hasn't made its plans for 2012 public. its dancers and artistic director are apparently also being kept in the dark. the ballet abruptly cancelled it's fall production this year but it is set to begin its nutcracker performances this saturday. just four weeks before the first presidential primary. where the gop candidates are focusing their energies. and we're going to have the forecast. it's going to be a cold start and i will let you know what that af
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announcer: abandoned and lost... [siren wailin from the dark cold streets of the city... a cage in the local shelter... heaven...your lap... the nation's first
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presidential primary is four weeks from tomorrow and republican candidates are turning up the heat in new hampshire. >> one of the thins that concerns me today is i watch oureconomy struggling is when i see a president and people around him about fundamentally changing america. mitt romney spent the morning touring a lumber mill where he spoke about jobs and the economy. while newt gingrich held a hearing at a lumber company. gingrich says he supporting social security. >> 95% of young people would voluntarily choose the new program because it is economically so much better for them. >> reporter: tonight gingrich faced off with john huntsman in a lincoln douglas style debate in manchester focus mostly on foreign policys in the house of representatives passed a bill today that doubles the maximum fine for the pipeline violations to $2 million.
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the bill also authorized as the hiring of two more federal inspectors, far less than is needed some say. the senate is expected to take up the measure as early as tomorrow. in news of the world tonight, in iran state television there says iranian experts have recovered most of the data from a u.s. surveillance drone equipped with stealth technology. and iran says it can reproduce the drone through reverse engineering. tie ran tyran says it brought down the drone. but the united states says the drone malfunctioned. a teenager from virginia is talking about his escape from kidnappers. the teen was abducted with his mother and cousin in july. a ransom was paid for his mother and his cousin escaped two months ago. he told his captors he was taking a bath in a stream,
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instead he escaped through the jungle two took two days. -- he plans to challenge putin who has considerable support. there was a large rally in moscow today for mr. putin's united russia party. michael jackson fans have a chance to bid on some of his personal item this is week end. julian's auctions in beverly hills offered a sneak preview today of some of the items being offered. they include a victorian style armour. >> he hand wrote on the mirror, so when michael would see stand in the mirror and see, he could see the writing, the notes that he made to encourage himself to perform. >> reporter: the auction will be broadcast live on the internet on saturday. bids will also be taken online. the oscar that orson wells won for the screen play is
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being auctioned next tuesday. it was the only oscar for the film. the seller is anonymous but the last known owner is a nonprofit organization. the oscar could go for a million dollars. the app pulled from apple's app store today. plus -- >> i started crying. i couldn't believe that someone could be so generous. the big surprise that a the big surprise that a [ male announcer ] citibank's new app for ipad makes it easy for anne to view her finances from anywhere. like gate d12 for the next three hours. citibank for ipad. easier banking. standard at citibank.
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really? [ male announcer ] kate uses her citibank debit card because kate knows there are some things you shouldn't be charged for. refill? i'm ok. [ male announcer ] so does that guy. the citibank debit card with no monthly fee. easier banking. standard at citibank.
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only on two, a south bay woman received a generous gift hidden inside an unlikely place. the cancer patient is hoping
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her luck continues as she undergoes an experimental treatment. >> reporter: today they showed us a $10,000 cashier checks left in a bag of avocados. but that's the latest good news they've receiveed in a long time. the family has been protesting outside of kaiser, they say kaiser misdiagnosed her condition and allowed a tumor in her uterus to get out of control. they took their mother to a hospital in texas and now want kaiser to pay for the medication to treat the cancer. in a letter kaiser called the treatment unproven and unreliable. the vargas family continue to
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pay for the money to continue. and then the bag of avocados showed up. >> we could not believe, they know on the bag it says the person who left the bag saw our protest. >> reporter: the family intends to keep protesting in hopes of attracting more public attention on the issue and maybe more guardian angels for other cancer patients. in san jose, robert handa, ktvu channel two news. a federal report shows that real estate investors played a much larger role than first thought in driving the housing bubble that led to the rescission. researchers with the federal reserve bank of new york found that more than a third of all mortgages granted in 2006 went to people who already owned at least one home. california was one of the state's hit hardest when the bubble burst. researchers say specklators made up almost half of the home purchases in the state during
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the height of the bubble from 2000 to 2006. apple computers has pulled an iphone app that allows people to make fake licenses. oakland based said it deliberately made the licenses without key security designs and in a format that was obviously phony. makers are asking apple to reconsider its decision. at&t agreed to -- the government sued to block the $39 million deal saying it would decrease competition and drive up prices. the trial was supposed to begin in february. a status hearing is now set for january. at&t has until january 12 to decide whether it still wants to buy team mobile. on wall street renewed concerns about leaders not doing enough to tackle the
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region's death sent stocks tumbling today. nasdaq lost 34. >> it's getting cold out there tonight. valley fog in the forecast and freezing temperatures in the north bay and some inland valleys. we go to live storm tracker 2. i want you to pick one of the cities here closest to your house. i know we don't have the south bay but north bay will be the coolest. i'm going to switch and show the dewpoint. got your city. here we go. let's say you picked santa rosa, they are at 36 degrees if they get to 34 fog will form. so of course they will and you see the dewpoints and the temperatures are right on top of each other that's why fog is in the forecast again tonight. the dewpoint temperature indicates about how cool it's going to get in that area as well. temperatures actually begin to warm a little bit. temperatures are in the mid-30s tonight. dewpoints are in the mid-30s tonight. there's going ton patchy fog in some areas there's going to be
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temperatures in the upper 30s and 40s. so fog returns, and that sort of a weather feature this week. there's no rain in the forecast per se. a few clouds on thursday maybe a sprinkle. the real trend is going to be for more of that valley fog nights and morning. there's no big rain in the forecast. as you look at the satellite loop, if you look at the calendar for december. you look at the high pressure situation here, we haven't had rain right for a while. look what happens this entire week. i'm going to yellow out this next line. there's no yellow there. and this next line looks yellow as well. we could go through the month of december without any rain. and that's where we are right now. 50 right now, 58 in concord, 57 in brentwood. these are your forecast highs for tomorrow and they certainly are a little warmer than they were today. because the sun is going to come out tomorrow. there's patchy fog, the sun comes out and you get your 60
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in mountain view. you get a couple of 62s in some of the warmest spots. san mateo, redwood city area. your five day forecast is a dry one unfortunately. this could all change. the next five days i've got a cloud or two in here on thursday. a chance of a sprinkle but right now that doesn't look like much in terms of accumulation. then you go into the bay area weekend you can see more of the same, so you know it's nice to have this nice dry weather but, the ski resorts up in tahoe they are concerned because they make all their money in the holiday weekend and right now there's no big storm headed their way. >> thank you bill. motor trend magazine has named the ford f150 pickup as the truck of the year. the truck outperformed its competition. it is
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keurig has a wide variety of gourmet coffee and tea to choose from. keurig is the way to brew fresh, delicious coffee in under a minute. way to brew. so with keurig, every cup tastes like it's brewed just for you. because it is. first lady michelle obama is now a world record holder. her attempt to get the most jumping jacks at one time has now been confirmed as a world
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record. easily breaking the old record of 20,000. the event was part of the first lady's let's move initiative. >> and they are moving. and mark is here with nba basketball which won't be too far from now. >> with regards to the warriors all you hear about, they have to get bigger, they have to add some more figures. and they will try to match deandre. a blessing in disguise that could allow andres betrin to resurrect his career as the warriors celebrate media today. bejins know a little something about this team and they're actively seeking his replacement but claims that -- >> everyone if you heard something bad about you it makes you stronger too. to hear all about those trades
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and everything else and getting somebody else here. and that you can prove them that i am still good, you know. i had my downs but i am back and i'm ready to go. >> reporter: if you thought you know there's no way to sugar coat it just a full on debacle by the raiders for the second consecutive week. basically everything goes wrong, never in it. jackson the unenviable task of talking about it without getting sick. >> we played the world champions last night. we played a team that just held that lombardy trophy a year ago. and is 16-0. we're not there, there's three more weeks in this season and if god willing we get an opportunity to win this division and get in the play offs, who knows. there's a chance you might see these guys eight weeks from now. >> if they don't play a whole
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lot better they'll be seeing them all right, on tv. >> little rough patch for the niners right now. having lost two out of the last three yesterday. more aggravated than anything else. about a dozen different ways they should have won the game. coach harbaugh asked today if there's anything positive to take away from the latest defeat. >> don't really get into the what's good, what's bad. you know it's what you make of it. we don't control any more what took place sunday or any time before that. you know, but you do control going forward and make the what ifs irrelevant on how we handle. how we attack it, how we go forward. it looked like a dog of a game on paper and it lived up to it. doug baldwin former niner.
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robinson runs it in. seattle easily over the rams and that is aaron rowan signing with miami a minor league contract. so he might hook on and get himself a job after his release by the giants. that's the porting
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