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tv   Bay Area News at 7  KICU  November 30, 2011 7:00pm-7:30pm PST

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and how countless hours of boring activities provides a major breakthrough. good evening, it's wednesday, november 30th. this is bay area news at 7:00. surveillance video breaks the case. a driver who allegedly tried to kill another man with his car last week is under arrest. the top story, live in san francisco, with reaction tonight from the victim's mother. >> reporter: 29-year-old al batal is still in a coma here the san francisco general, mowed down six days ago, he's been unconscious ever since. >> he's the same. but he's, live. >> reporter: pat bartal says
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her son, albert is young and strong, and she hopes that help him heal from brain injuries. the driver allegedly this man, caught on camera at a fast food restaurant where the two men argued moments before. with these images circulating, a san francisco cop recognized 22-year-old eduardo esquestionvel, now in custody >> reporter: the arrest, a relief. but this mother's focus is her 29-year-old son, a marine veteran who lost a half dozen friends in iraq only to come home to san francisco and how suffer life threatening injuries. >> i know he's not responsive. i e every day i talk to him, and i tell him, while you're sleeping i'm in charge! and i tell him his job for the day is to open his eyes. >> reporter: his 2-year-old daughter, elizabeth, recorded a cellphone message for her dad.
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>> i play it over and over. because she's the one person in this world that can make him smile. >> reporter: she can't imagine what kind of dispute would lead to such violence. a firefighter since he left the service, al is described as easygoing, but fearless. >> he didn't die on thursday. i believe god his more for him to do. >> reporter: police are still trying to find the vehicle from the attack, a black suv, possibly a ford or mazda with frond end damage. now -- front end damage. al bartal has had three surgeries so far, and a fund has been set up on his facebook page. >> continuing our coverage of the toddler shot in oakland monday night. two hours ago, the parents of hiram lawrence emerged from the hospital in oakland wearing shirts asking for prayers. his son is moving his feet and arms when being
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whispered to. >> just pray for him. help him fight through this. help my baby get through this. this is not for my baby. he's only one. and he is fighting. >> she showed the last photo of him, taken monday, before the shooting. parents are calling for an end to violence that has gripped oakland. surviles video shows the shooting that wounded four other people. no one has been arrested. a vigil is being held at the scene. a 19-year-old marine laid to rest in danville today after giving his life for his country. >> volunteer s from the wounded warriors motorcycle group escorted the hearse caring joshua corral's body. they say they've never seen such an outpouring of community support. thousands came to say goodbye. his father says chachi as he's
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known touched many lives. >> he'd tell us he was going because he wanted -- >> after the service there was a celebration of lance corporal corral's life. a jet delivered the casket burying the remains of sean walsh. his family and friends greeted the plane on the tarmac. he's killed in afghanistan this month while taking part in the police explorer program. a public funeral is planned for saturday at sand andrew's church in saratoga. a final farewell to a police officer killed in the line of duty. the emotional ceremony coming up in about nine
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minutes football plarz and raiders -- players, and raiders fans are mourning the unexpected death of grockton, in citizen second year at stanford university. he made the pro bowl four times. on the economy watch, it was definitely a stock surge that we saw on wall street. and that good news had investors in a mood that we haven't seen them in in a long time. this news kim in part to a new plan by central banks to fix europe's debt crisis. the dow shot higher by close to 500 points, a gain of more than 4%. the nasdaq scored a similar percentage gain. all 30 dow components finished this day higher. it was the largest one day gain for the dow since march
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of 2009. our consumer editor explains. >> reporter: deborah monroe who's been playing workers in jobs for more than a quarter century puts it in perspective. >> october, november, i felt a did he have nin up-tick in -- definite up-tick in business. but it follow aid dismal summer. >> you like it been xhp expected -- better than expected. that means there's more growth coming, that jobs begat jobs. >> reporter: economist were expecting an increase of a 200,000 jobs. but it was 206,000. folks we met on main street are still cautious at best. >> it's very fragile. it feels
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like it's, like, on the tip. and very small things can teeter it in very big directions. >> i think we still have a long way to go before things at real estate market, jobs, and those kinds of things become better and to a point where we can enjoy with some confidence that it's going to stay that way. >> reporter: perspective ? the stock market is still almost 800 points below its post recession high reached just seven months ago. the future of yahoo's ownership is the focus of speculation this evening. bloomberg news is reporting private equity from silverlake, a leading group to buy a minority stake. they're offering about $3 billion, come comes out to 16 busy $0.60 a -- $16.60 a share. a charity received the promise of $4,000 in donations from wells fargo. they made the
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pledge to replace food and other items stolen from friends of oakly yesterday. volunteers had collected the items to give to 300 families during the holidays, but they were stolen from a storage room at an elementary school. san francisco city officials issued a new dln for the campers -- deadline for the campers at the occupy camp to leave. the group's general assembly turned downon offer to move to an empty school site in the mission district. >> i will tell you today that time is short and that we do not want a camp on this property as of noon tomorrow. >> city officials say the camp is not sustainable. but it remains to be seen whether or not the city takes any action tomorrow. wind gusts of more than 50 50 miles per hour have the bay area under a wind warning.
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they knocked down branches and caused out annuals in sonoma county. people are without power there. gusts through tomorrow evening could cause additional outages. you can see the wind is actually shake our camera that's giving you this live view. but you can also tell it's a clear night, and traffic is moving smoothly. dense low fog caused eight flights to be capseled this morning. the fog prevent the the plane -- prevented the planes from leaving last night. cancellations are rare compared to other airports. flights in san francisco were delayed about an hour. oakland cannot encounter any fog related problems. >> man > and man making a break through at the tunnel bore. we showed you the photos on last night's newscast. and caltrans
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released this video of machines breaking through the rock at the top of of the bore yesterday. caltrans officials acknowledged the role federal funds are playing in the project. the 3 $390 million tunnel is expected to be opened to traffic by 2014. a new exhibit set to open in san francisco showcasing a forgotten segment of the city's society, wiped out by the 1906 earthquake. before the heavy earth moving equipment started excavation started the terminal, archaeologists had a chance to cyst through the era and found out what life was like for the working class after the gold rush. >> families packed into fairly small houses, three story houses with three families often with borders as well. very cramped conditions. >> among the items, a toothbrush made from a cow bone. and an over the counter cure for an upset stomach. the exhibit is set to open friday in the lobby of 201 mission street. >> a legal setback for the
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marijuana club. a judge denied a motion to stop a crack down on dispensaries around the state. they failed to show recent raids by the justice department were unconstitutional. the biomimicry administration said two years ago -- obama administration said it was not target dispensaries in states where medical marijuana is legal. and the first catch comes back for the bay area's dungeness crab season. the dense fog has been replaced with strong winds coming up with the strongest winds are scheduled to move into the bay area. [ male announcer ] for andy, tracking his spending with citibank is as easy as... making breakfast.
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omelet? sure. scrambled eggs. [ male announcer ] actually, it's easier. citi financial tools. easier banking. standard at citibank. so, open your eyes and check out your new living room! [ gasps ] honey, the tv's over there! yep, we got you the new at&t u-verse wireless receiver so you can put your tv pretty much anywhere you want. and that stand... anywhere? like, we can put it over there? and that coffee... or we could t it on the patio for watching the game with the guys. or in the kitchen? but, these curtains are... i can't believe you moved the tv. it's like a whole new living room. it actually is a whole new living room. [ male announcer ] the new wireless receiver, only from at&t. now get u-verse with dvr at the lowest price ever. at&t.
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[ zapping ] there goes dwayne's car. oh, man. there goes dwayne's house. whoa! whoa! and there goes dwayne. man, that thing does not like dwayne. [ male announcer ] state farm's got you covered. nice landing. it was. [ male announcer ] get to a better state. [ beep ] hi. dave here. [ male announcer ] for dave, using citibank's online bill pay is as easy as setting up voicemail. hi, it's dave. [ male announcer ] actually, it's easier. hi, it's dave. i'm out of the office. [ male announcer ] online bill pay. easier banking. standard at citibank.
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activists stood side by side at sfrap's golden date -- san francisco's golden gate park today. the state is closing 70 state parks due to budget cuts. environment california says parks are economic life lines for communities and closing them to save money will hurt them in the long run. a federal jury this afternoon began deliberating the merits of a civil rights lawsuit brought by a man who says he was beaten by police officers. this suit was brought by kenneth can you reluctanters. >> he's being remembered as a father, police officer, and hero. valahoe police officer -- vallejo police officer james capoot. friends, family, and
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colleagues all shared their memories of the 45-year-old former marine. they say he was dedicated to the vallejo high school girls' basketball team, his country, and his family. >> uniformed personnel. board! arms! [ cheering and applause ] >> m was an ordinary guy doing many ordinary things in life that turned out to be extraordinary in many people's lives. ♪ [ music ] ♪ >> my dad was a marine. my dad was a police officer. but my dad was different from the rest. he was special. i've never met someone like him. i'm hopeful i can live a life he'd be proud of. and i will.
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♪ [ music ] ♪ >> as a warrior, jim had the heart of a lion. powerful, and calm, he traineded warriors for war by day, and by night, he was teaching children how to play. ♪ [ music ] ♪ >> jim capoot's truest testimony will not be in the words we speak today but in the way he lived his life. with dedication, with honor, and with love. following the ceremony, officers led capoot's family to the fairgrounds for a representation. he was survived by his mother, wife, and three daughter. in march, he led the high school basketball team.
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>> a vigil for those lost to aids is being held tonight in a special grove in golden gate park. 20 years ago, it was a tangle of brush and debris. hundreds of volunteers turned it into the aids memorial stone to remember some of the thousands of bay area men and women who died from aids. it is being held on the eve of world aids day. in oakland, the focus was on those who are living with hiv and don't know it. they offered free screenings today. 48,000 people become infected with hiv in the united states every year. billy graham is in the hospital this evening. graham is 93 years old. his doctors said he is in stable condition at mission hospital in asheville, north carolina. he's suffering from a cough and fever. a spokesman said that graham smiled and waved to staff as he entered the hospital today. an
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exclusive new field poll shows fewer californians want president obama in the white house for a second term. 45% said they're inclined to reelect the president. and that's down four percentage points from march. 70% of voters believe california is seriously off on the wrong track. that's just better than the 75% of voters who felt that way in 2008. the irs is holding about $3 million in bay area tax refunds that have been returned in the mail. a spokesman told us that people have changed their addresses but haven't notified the agency. 2,100 bay area residents have a check waiting for them. >> we strongly recommend that people electronically file and request direct deposit. then they don't have to worry about this issue of a check that's undelivered. >> go to to find out if some of that money is yours. fresh
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dungeness crab is being served tonight on bay area dinner tables. paul was there when some of the first votes came to after a 2-week delay. >> reporter: better late than never. and if you're a fan of crab, you'll agree with that. today we were there as fishermen unloaded their fresh catch at pier 45. the start of crab season was delayed two weeks after food buyers and fishermen couldn't come to an agreement on a price. buyers wanted to pay two closet a pound. fishermen wanted $2.50. >> it's a shame we missed thanksgiving. but hopefully the weather will hold, and we'll have them through christmas. >> reporter: today, it's a different story. once the two sides setsed at $2.25 a pound, they set sale dropping traps and returned today.
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>> some boats decided that was good enough, and they went fishing, and that was it. they set the price for the whole west coast. >> there weren't even frozen crabs around. crabs are real scarce. we took a hit. >> reporter: now that's all over. and those who love to eat them can enjoy. and with the the delivery of today's fresh catch, the true stable fisherman's wafr is back. president obama signed the america's cup act of 2011 into law yesterday. for suspends parts of the jones act which prevents foreign flagged vessels from carrying imports between u.s. ports. kicking himself for what he forgot to do. he loaded the groceries in his car but left one precious item in the shopping cart. strong winds whipping through the bay area have already toppled trees and
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knocked out power. and you can watch pay area news at 7:00, on your computerr or mobile device. we're streaming live at [ female announcer ] at jcpenney, we're giving you a big thank you this friday & saturday. save an extra 20% off all your holiday gifts when you use your jcpenney rewards credit card. don't have a card, you still get an extra 15% off. no exclusions! doors open extra early saturday. go to to see everything on sale. jcpenney. keurig has a wide variety of gourmet coffee and tea to choose from. keurig is the way to brew fresh, delicious coffee in under a minute. way to brew. so with keurig, every cup tastes like it's brewed just for you.
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because it is. secondhand smoke affects everyone's health. it's not just irritating. it can cause heart disease and even death. speak up about secondhand smoke. your health and the health of your family depend on it.
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a big thank you this friday & saturday. save an extra 20% off all your holiday gifts when you use your jcpenney rewards credit card. don't have a card, you still get an extra 15% off. no exclusions! doors open extra early saturday. go to to see everything on sale. jcpenney.
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the last exit out of fran on northbound highway 101 is going to close in a few hours. the exit to reach the golden gate bridge visitors' center is going to close for construction. caltrans says it should reopen at 5:00 am. part of the presidio park way project. very gusty winds, and in some maces, it's pretty -- some places, it's pretty intense. >> so far that forecast right on track with winds gusting earlier today up to around 70 miles an hour at the highest piques in the bay area -- peeks in the bay year -- peaks in the bay year. right now, we have mostly clear skies over a good portion of the state and bay area with the winds really cranking up. and as a result, you can see the current wind gusts out toward the fairfield area, up to 30 miles an hour.
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and these wind speeds will continue to pick up. these are the current gusts. look at hayward. as a result the national weather service has issued a high-wind warning for the bay area hills, the santa cruz mountains, the east bay and north bay hills until 6:00 tomorrow evening. especially up above 1,000 feet. closer to sea level not as extreme but still as i showed you, the winds have been craveninging up. and -- cranking up. and they could be up to 50 miles an hour once again till tomorrow at 6:00. up around 2,000 feet, we had gusts of up to 71 miles an hour earlier this morning. and we are expecting a repeat performance early tomorrow. my pressure building in. upon low pressure out to the south and east. and the
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difference generates that strong north early wind. this is in place if -- northerly wind. and this is in place till thursday. as a result, power outages and downed trees already happening. that will be a concern as we take this lat tonight, and into -- late tonight, and especially into thursday morning. gusty winds, still breezy into the afternoon. and temperatures in the 60s for afternoon highs. san francisco, 63, santa rosa, 68, san jose tops out, 65, and . >> still breezy for friday. more sunshine this weekend . no rain clouds on the five-day. but watch out for the winds in the short term. a kentucky father forgot the most important thing from his cart yesterday. police say the man left his six-month old baby in the shopping cart outside a kroger's store near lexington. a couple found the baby and called police.
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after driving a few minutes away, the father realized his mistake. police say he was distraught. they're not filing charges but they have turned the case over to social services. >> it's our report. we'll see you the next time the news break. coverage continues online. ♪ going to the bank without going to the bank...
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