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tv   Bay Area News at 7  KICU  October 13, 2011 7:00pm-7:30pm PDT

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the lines are forming for apple's latest iphone but there are kinks to work out in the new operating system. . good evening, this is thursday october 13th, i'm gasia mikaelian, this is bay area news at 7:00. a conference is drawing big names and drawing protesters t. is our top story at 7:00. we are -- it is our top story at 7:00. we are live outside of the hotel where protesters length their support to local teacher's unions. >> reporter: this afternoon there were 75 protesters here on the street in front of the palace hotel. it wrapped up at 5:15 this afternoon. meanwhile inside the palas hotel former governor, jeb
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bush, one of the keynote speakers is set to take center stage. >> what is this about? >> reporter: teachers and union members chanted in front of the hotel this afternoon. angry over the foundation for education conference inside. organizers of the march say they were excluded from the conference and strongly disagree with the reforms conference leaders are proposing. >> it looks like, clearly, from the agenda of their program they would like to wipe out opposition to their ideas and they would like to move in and profiteer off of the schools. >> reporter: inside, attendees from across the country are gathering for the 2-day conference. conference organizers say they welcome ideas from anyone to improve schools, even the protesters. >> maybe to learn more about what we do and the policies that we advocate for they are not just about privatizing. >> reporter: outside, a handful of members from the nearby occupy san francisco protest showed up to lend their
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support. >> occupy sf like you heard the gentleman say, represents the 99%, you know, we are the 99% and all of these teachers and everyone out here they are all the 9%, too. >> union leaders told me this afternoon -- 99%, too. >> reporter: union leaders told me this afternoon we have a disclosure, we are independently owned. ktvu channel 2 news. >> occupy wall street protesters started a new bay area demonstration today. this time in richmond. they are targeting something other than banks. the occupy protesters are targeting the chevy refinery and safeway and payless. the group says they have plans to camp several days outside of city hall. a small group of protesters is occupying the last demonstration, they pitched a dozen tents in front of city
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hall. the police have made no arrests. in the south bay, people fed up with foreclosures are putting their money where their mouth is. see how they are taking action, coming up in 13 minutes. continuing coverage now of a plane crash in the north bay. pay lot of a small plane walked away from a crash landing late today without injury. we first brought you these pictures live on ktvu channel 2 news at 5:00. the plane went down in a marsh area near the san rafael airport at 4:00 this afternoon. the pilot was the only person on board the single engine air camper. fire officials say it appears the plane's engine malfunctioned shortly after take off. federal investigators are now looking into the collision of two amtrak trains in oakland. the low-speed crash happened at 10:00 last night at the amtrak station at jack london square. 17 people injured. a firefighter told us one of the trains ran a red signal and hit nose to nose with the coast star light train that was stopped at the station
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platform. >> we look for causes wherever there are accidents like that it is easy to blame the engineer or conductor or whoever is involved but the bottom line is there is more to the story than most folks might think. >> reporter: there were 150 passengers on the two trains. most of injuries were bumps and bruises and the serious is a broken arm. a lockdown after a mountain lion was spotted near campus and one in a parking lot a my away. now, one person even got a picture of it. >> reporter: there were a few tension moments as fish and game wardens converged on this wooded area behind the parking lot here. a man reported seeing a mountain lion after 1:00 in a field next to the buffalo wild wings restaurant on monte vista avenue. they did not find evidence of a mountain lion in the area and say they don't know if the
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sighting was of the same mountain lion reportedly seen near an elementary school a mile away. >> our initial plan was to be nearby the school in the event someone getting out of school was confronted or saw a mountain lion. and the next thing we know it is a mile away. >> reporter: this photo was taken by a resident on a cell phone who said he saw the mountain lion resting near the school. after the photo was turned over to the police they asked them to lockdown the school and keep the children inside. after searching for hours the authorities determined that the areas near the restaurant and the school were safe. that allowed the school officials to dismiss students at their normal time. vacaville police maintained a heavy presence just in case. some parents say they were worried. >> we did not know if it was legit. better safe than sorry. >> reporter: if you are confronted make yourself look bigger and not make sudden moves. they ask that you call 911.
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ktvu channel 2 news. new information is emerging about the man in connection with the mass shooting at a hair salon. scott dekraai's wife claimed that he was unstable, physically abusive and suicidal. the police say the 41-year-old walked into the salon in seal beach yesterday and opened fire killing eight people and wounding one other person. his ex-wife worked at the salon and just about an hour ago the police confirm that she is one of the victims. the pair was in a custody battle over their 7-year-old child. the mayor of oakland is named police department chief. he served as assistant chief and is a 23 year veteran of the force. he replaces bats. >> this is the time for us to move forward, look to the future. i think we have a lot of good
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people that are pulling for us. >> bats will be around for a few more weeks and will help him make a transition. there is no decision when a permanent chief will be made or how they plan to conduct the search. according to bankruptcy papers brian harrisson resigned last friday. he joined the solarcompany a year ago. last month he took the 5th and refused to answer questions about his bankruptcy when he was called to testify at a congressional hearing. president barack obama is heading to the bay area again. one month after a visit to the south bay. the official, speaking on the condition of anonymity says the president plans to stop here on a trip from los angeles and then the president comes to san francisco october 25th and then denver. more details are expected when the trip is formally announced by the white house. >> san francisco da says there is a growing antiimmigrant
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movement in the city. he held a news conference today to announce that two men were found guilty last week of beating two latino men outside of the nightcap bar. the jury said it was not a hate crime. the da says investigators determined the attackers had ties to a group. there are three such groups in the city. he is up for election next month. a teenager has been arrested in connection with the shooting last month that wounded a 5-year-old girl in the bay view district. the girl and her father were walking on 3rd street when she was hit by a stray bullet. the injury was not life- threatening. the police say they arrested a 16-year-old yesterday afternoon. his name has not been released because he is a minor. a 3-year-old child, who went missing in the foothills, is reunited with his family. a logger found him today in a heavily wooded area near the town of washington, 20 miles east of nevada city. he wondered away from his family's home yesterday afternoon. dozens of rescue crews searched for him through the night.
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when a logger found him this morning he was crying and very tired but the boy was not hurt. >> all of a sudden 100 feet away i heard him crying. he is standing by a fur tree this big or so. >> standing by a tree. i started crying too,. >> a great feeling. >> he was so tired he fell asleep. he was awaken by a helicopter searching the area. he says the noise made him cry. blue shield of california started giving money back to its customers and plans to return millions more by the end of the year. the give back is part of the san francisco health insurers promise to cap the profits at 2%. anything more is returned to policyholders and health care providers. they are returning $167 million. $283 million more will be given back before january. that adds up to $700 for a family of 4. for the first time in more than two years now the contra costa county city of oakly will have a primary medical care clinic. it is opening in the syprus
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square next month. the clinic is run by a nonprofit that focuses for care for the uninsured and under insured. they will serve about 1100 patients in just the first year. the minutes are ticking down to the release of apple's new iphone. experts say there are still bugs to work out. and things get testy on the witness stand as the defense attorneys challenge an expert who raised questions about michael jackson's medical treatment . summer night in middle october. giving you a live look there at clear skies out across the bay area. coming up, when we expect the above normal temperatures to stick with us through the weekend i am a face unclogger.
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i am a nose coach. i am a throat untickler. i am a human cough suppressant. and i am the sniffles worst nightmare. i am a target pharmacist. ask me about cold and flu remedies.
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hey, jessica, jerry neumann with a policy question. jerry, how are you doing? fine, i just got a little fender bender. oh, jerry, i'm so sorry. i would love to help but remember, you dropped us last month. yeah, you know it's funny. it only took 15 minutes to sign up for that new auto insurance company but it's taken a lot longer to hear back. is your car up a pole again? [ crying ] i miss you, jessica! jerry, are you crying? no, i just, i bit my tongue. [ male announcer ] get to a better state. text save to 7-8836.
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. the city hosted a cyberclinic aimed at people helping with on-line identity theft. the vise president of identity theft was there. he says online theft is about getting your information while being undetected. members of congress are demanding tougher sanctions against iran over its assault to kill kill. they may isolate them financially. president barack obama says there is no doubt they funded and directed the plan to kill the ambassador. the u.s. will ask the allies to help hold iran accountable. dr. conrad murray's defense team raised doubts about treatment of michael jackson. we have the latest from los angeles including when the
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prosecution might wrap its case. >> reporter: a sleep expert testified yesterday that propofol should not be used to combat insomnia. the defense attorney jay michael flanigan bringing his engine of propofol into question. >> a level characterizes 2.6. that is beyond your expertise to know the strength of that? >> i would like to defer that to a pharmocology expeter. >> beyond your expertise? >> that is something that i would rather have diskaoused by a pharmocologist. but he referred back to a
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recent study where propofol was used to treat insomnia. >> in doing the study they never had a problem with propofol with any patient, did they? >> no they did not have any significant complications because it was -- it was in eye highly monitored center. >> reporter: prosecutors are nearing the end of their case with an anesthesiologist who is an expert on propofol back on the witness stand on monday morning. back to you. the number of people applying for new jobless benefits dropped slightly last week. they said applications were down by 1,000 to four hub 04,000. -- to 404,000. california saw one of the biggest jumps in claims up 2500. concerns about an investment slow down weighed on wall street. the dow was dragged down by the banking sector and ended lower
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by 40 points. the nasdaq managed a 15-point gain. a group of people called on the department to investigate bank fees. they asked them to look into the nation's major banks work together on new debt cards fees. it would violate antitrust laws. banking officials say the hikes are necessary. they noted congress recently slashed. amounts they can charge mensh merchants. a homeowner's battle with bank of america. she put $100,000 down on her mortgage but now facing foreclosure. she says she has tried to negotiate. now, her church in san jose is pulling $3 million out of b of a out of protest. her employer, the community group pact is doing the same. withdrawing $1 million out of wells fargo. both banks said they put a lot
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of effort into reworking loans. ringing and buzzing after a 3-day outage, the maker of blackberry and smart phones say their systems are back to normal. a link in the european network failed on monday and a back up failed. now the company says it is looking at ways to help upset customers. people are camped out of apple stores tonight waiting to be the first among those getting their hands on the new iphone. our consumer editor tells us there are already problems with the system that operates it. >> apple's web site talks about the virtues of the powerful mobile device operating system ios5 that is downloadable only yesterday. but they can not vouch for it. >> well, the software is great if you can get it and working properly. a lot of people are having trouble downloading it.
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>> reporter: many are getting coded rejections experts say mean that apple servers are overloaded with too many download requests but it goes farther than that. >> i am not able to get i- message working properly, i am not able to get the i-cloud service. it is not accepting my apple id. >> some people are seeking help. >> it crashed out after it was activated it said it was not working. the card did not work. >> reporter: others are waiting. >> i am not going to download it until they fix it. >> the beginning of a newerra for apple and not gets off to a great start. >> reporter: they said that the download problem has been fixed and the meanwhile the line for the new phone coming out tomorrow has already begun to form. consumer editor tom vacar, channel 2 news. in another one of those lines we found one of the
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companies cofounders waiting to get the new iphone. steve wazniak is the first person in line outside of the apple store. he says he preordered two of the phones but wants to get one for his wife. the phone comes with a new operating system that comes yesterday as well as the voice command feature. >> you talk to the phone like a person and you get an answer and not direction that might lead you to find the answer. it gives you the answer. >> the iphone 4s set preorder, a million were placed on the first day. weeks after a nasa satellite crashed to earth another is falling from the sky. germany's sat light will re- enter the atmosphere on the 22nd or 23rd of this month. satellite trackers expect half of the spacecraft will survive reentry and could land from south america to canada. talk about a sticky situation. we will tell you how one base
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jumper's bold idea landed him in an unexpected place. bay area saw temperatures in the 80s but, a cool down could be ahead. we will find out what is in store for the weekend. you can watch bay area news at 7:00 and all of our newscast on your computer or mobile device. we are streaming live for you on so i got this new job last week, but their health insurance doesn't cover my kid's pediatrician. which is not cool. she was so fantastic. she had this sock puppet that she would use to explain exactly what she was doing and why she was doing it. i just wish there was someone to explain to me how i'm going to find another doctor like that. [ male announcer ] we know a good doctor is hard to find.
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we have some of the largest networks in california so you can choose one that's right for you. blue shield. [ cellphone rings ] cut! [ monica ] i have a small part in a big movie. i thought we'd be on location for 3 days, it's been 3 weeks. so, i used my citi simplicity card to pick up a few things. and i don't have to worry about a late fee. which is good... no! bigger! bigger! [ monica ] ...because i don't think we're going anywhere for a while.
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[ male announcer ] write your story with the new citi simplicity card. no late fees. no penalty rate. no worries. get started at
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. the generally light-hearted show, sesame street, is tackling bullying. the goal is to teach people how to recognize the problem. big bird is invited to join a club but he is made fun of him. and the pbs show is set to air on monday. i think we felt warm today. >> quite toasty. 80s across the region. talking from the bay to the valleys. we are looking at temperatures from 6-8 degrees above normal. now, we will continue this nice trend for the next day. yes. >> we got changes in store. take a look. we have a light breeze in most cases. the winds picked up over the last couple of hours.
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and north easterly flow continues through the evening hours. it is just a nice warm summer- like evening. take a look at the temperature. still in oakland. 78 in san skwroesa. finally dropping out in the 80s in many locations. 72 in napa and 74 in santa rosa. it is typical for us to see the widespread 80s. we are used to the middle and upper 80s. half-moon bay reported 84 degrees this afternoon. upper 80s near santa cruz. the high pressure now easily defined, right this. we will see high pressure or high clouds move in by tomorrow afternoon. between now and then we have mostly clear skies. mild continues in the overnight hours. tomorrow, warm once again, with the clouds we can see a little bit of hampering in the afternoon highs for the afternoon. i want to roll you through tonight and tomorrow. taking a look at noon time. the high clouds begin to pull in. then, for the afternoon we are covered in them. it should not be too bad. we will see that sunshine where it is sort of a milky white.
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your highs or lows for the overnight hours -- boy where are my thoughts, upper 60s as we get outside tomorrow morning. 60 in oakland, 61 degrees for concord. and the afternoon highs tomorrow, 80s for the north bay. 85 in sanoma, 85 in napa, 86 for nevado. 82. middle upper 80s from danville and antioch. warming back into the 80s. 85 san jose expected 89 morgan hill and along the peninsula for tomorrow, 80s in some cases. redwood city, row low 80s. 70s for the coastline. a tad cooler in some areas right along the coast the rest of us just as warm. by the weekend we are going to see that downward trend. we are going to fill it. five to 10 degrees of cooling
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by sunday. meanwhile, along the coastline, upper 60s, low 70s, the forecast, morning clouds, afternoon sunshine, monday and tuesday some of us will be cooler. over all, a good-looking pattern, gasia? >> thank you. a man who launched himself off of a bridge landed in jail. he attempted a base jump last night. he jumped off of the forest hill bridge 700 feet above the american river. however, his parachute was stuck in a tree leaving him in the wind 60 feet over the road. a sheriff's helicopter lowered a rescue deputy to the man and hauled him in and hauled him off to jail. he did not have a permit for base jumpingism the postal service is roll -- jumping. the postal service is rolling out the christmas stamps with the madonna and child stamp, this one a painting by an artist. the postal service plans to unveil the hanukkah stamps tomorrow. that is our report. i'm gasia mikaelian, our
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coverage continues on-line and with tonight's 10:00 news. tmz is up next right here on tv36
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i enjoy it the most when i'm with sidney. she doesn't notice that it's too crowded or that it can run a half hour late. i'm bevan dufty, and i'm running for mayor because it's not enough to just "get it done"-- we have to get it done better. sidney thinks muni is magic. we go underground and come out someplace new-- just us. i want all of us to see it that way.


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