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tv   10 O Clock News  KICU  July 5, 2011 11:30pm-12:30am PDT

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the search intensifies for seven fishermen from southern california, they have been missing for 48 hours now in mexico's sea of cortez. good evening i'm frank somerville. >> and i'm julie haener. after days of searching there is no sign of the seven tourists still missing tonight after their fishing boat
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capsized. helicopters, planes and boats are searching. the boat capsized before dawn on sunday when it was hit by a sudden storm, one man was found dead. his family identifies as leslie yee of geary. his family said fishing was his passion. a graduate of gallileo high in san francisco he worked at the san francisco chronicle for 37 years before retiring in 2009. his family said his friends had been asking him to go on this trip for years but he was always too busy with work and family. one of those still missing is a father of three from san ramon, he's the one who organized the fishing trip. tonight amber lie talked to his wife and tells us about the call he received from her husband just before all of them got on that boat. amber. >> reporter: family and friends created this poster featuring the missing fisherman in hopes of finding their loved ones. mae lee the wife of donald lee invited us inside their home
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this evening. while we were there she received a call from one of the survivors in mexico. other family members created a facebook page and twitter account to ask for help. they're finding strength in hope. >> just thinking about not being with him is too much sorrow so i have to hold on to that. i have to hold on that there's hope. >> all these guys --mily shared with us exclusively this video of a similar fishing trip with 62-year-old lee organized last year in san felipe. it was an annual outing to renew friendships. >> to him it was about comradery and be friends. all yearlong he would look forward to this. >> reporter: lee says her husband was a parks manager at an auto dealership before he retired. he says he always put the needs of his three daughters before himself. >> and it wasn't until the girls, we got them through
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college that he really started you know taking vacations and just enjoying life. >> reporter: this is the third time he took the trip on the eric. the vessel that capsized sunday morning. lee is on the far right in this group photo taking shortly before they got on board saturday. lee's wife says he called her. >> i just wanted to hear you again, to hear your voice before i left because this is my last chance that i will speak to you in a few days and i said okay, and i said thank you. >> reporter: the lee family told us they are trying to raise money to fly to san felipe along with the relatives of the other missing fishermen. still hopeful the missing men will be found alive. reporting live, amber lee, ktvu channel 2 news. the u.s. coast guard has joined the search for the missing fishermen and says conditions of the sea of cortez are favorable to be able to find the fishermen and for their ability to stay alive.
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>> visibility, weather, condition, water temperature is ideal for survivability. >> a coast guard c130 took off from sacramento and flew to baja to help in the search. this plane is able to stay in the air for eight hours. it's able to cover a larger area than a helicopter and has a larger crew to search for signsover survivors -- signs of survivors. we're hearing from yee about the his life. and what it was like for those fishermen on the boat as the storm hit. a fire burned about 400 acres alongside interstate 580. ktvu tracked its progress during the 5:00 and 6:00 forecast. the fire broke out about 5:30
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and was fully contained at 6:30 tonight. a car fire may have provided the spark that started this grass fire. incredible new video of a massive cloud of dust rolling through phoenix. it's called a habub and it's pushed forward by the front of a thunderstorm cell. habubs are common this time in phoenix. stolen in seconds, a one of a kind picasso. and tonight the search is on for the man who walked right out of an art gallery with the piece of art in his arms. heather holmes has the story and says police are making progress. >> reporter: police have impounded the man's get away
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car, a taxi cab. two empty hooks show where pablo picassos had been on display until earlier today. >> the suspect walked in, took the paintings and walked out. >> reporter: witnesses say the man quickly jumped into a cab and disappeared into traffic. >> police soon responded. >> what was your cab number? >> reporter: questioned cab numbers in the area and interviewed employees who described the moments before the pencil drawing was stolen. >> we have security measures in place and those obviously were breeched today. >> reporter: roland winstein seeing his gallery more like a free museum and keeps picass os for showing. >> we as a gallery will take a look at our security measures because my goal is, to be able
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to continue to bring san francisco this level of art work. >> reporter: now this gallery does have surveillance cameras and police tonight are looking to see if they actually captured the incident. i've also learned tonight that the suspect first told that taxi driver to take him to a particular intersection. then he suddenly changed his mind. hopped out without pay. reporting live tonight in san francisco, i'm heather holmes, ktvu channel 2 news. police are also discounting earlier reports that the thief was with two other men and that the cab driver picked up all three at the gallery and took them to the waterfront. we're now told the thief worked alone. the other three men were apparently tourists and just happened to hail the cab at about the same time. for for the second time in a row, more than 4,700pg & e customers are without electricity. the power outage was reported at 7:30 this afternoon.
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pg & e crews hope to have power back in a few hours. last night more than 2,500 people went without power for hours. it's not clear if both outages are connected. in san francisco it's not electricity but water that's causing problems in the mission district. the water main broke about 2:00 this afternoon. the pipe runs beneath 21st street between hamsure and potrero. crews say they were able to rerout the line so that no one lost service. crews worked fast and expected to have repairs completed by 8:00 this evening. this photo taken by a ktvu viewer shows water bubbling up and flowing down the street there. another picture shows the muddy water forming a big puddle in the middle of the intersection. in napa county three farm workers went to the hospital after they were exposed to pesticides. janine de la vega . jana
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katsuyama tells us that the two were taken to the hospital. >> reporter: a napa county sheriff's captain says they got the call about 9:30 this morning. the workers had been pruning a vineyard. napa officials say it appears a neighboring vineyard had applied pesticides overnight. >> there was enough breeze to cause a drift of this spray. >> reporter: the sheriff's office says the three women and a fourth worker had respiratory problems. investigators tell us the chemicals involve include sylgart, flint and altacore. >> we're in a quarantine area and we're trying to eradicate the moth. that's what altacore is all about.
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>> whether it's handling, understanding the labeling, understanding the mixing and being very cautious about the weather and the time of application. >> reporter: there's no word on just how long this investigation will take. the farm bureau says there are regulatory fines for unsafe pesticide use. jana katsuyama, ktvu news. we have information about a shooting by bart police that left one man dead on a b.a.r.t. platform in san francisco over the weekend. radio recordings obtained by ktvu show officials officials were answering a call of a wobbly drunk. >> what they're trying to
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determine through the investigation is exactly what that reveals. >> reporter: b.a.r.t. police said the man was also armed with a knife. authorities haven't released his name but describe him as a white man between 30 and 50 years old. police in berkeley said they were trying to retrace the route taken bay missing bicyclists. anthony mike martin was last heard from saturday night before he left on a bike ride. police say there are many possible routes the experienced rider could have taken. a cyclists found martin's cell phone on a tunnel. martin's girlfriend told ktvu he was fasting as part of a cleans and worries that he may have tired and veered off of a road. wednesday will mark the beginning of an extended cooling trend. what you can expect in your area coming up. a little girl's death fed a seemingly insatiable all talk appetite. >> we the jury find the defendant not guilty. >> reporter: and now a verdict in this case leaves even more unanswered questions.
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a large crowd gathered in orlando florida today outside the home of casey anthony's parents. you are seeing an overview of the scene after a jury found casey anthony not guilty. for many anthony's acquittal
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was a bitter end. but as rita williams reports, the defense team is calling the verdict a victory against the media. >> reporter: cable shows and three networks carried it live. >> we the jury find the defendant not guilty. >> reporter: casey anthony also not guilty of manslaughter and child abuse in the death of her 2-year-old daughter caylee three years ago. she was found guilty only of lying to police. with credit for three years time served, anthony 25 is expected to soon go free. >> we're disappointed with a verdict today and surprised because we know the facts and we put in absolutely every piece of evidence that existed. >> reporter: the little girl's remains stuffed in plastic bags weren't found in these woods for six months. her mother didn't report her missing for a month. >> casey did not murder caylee. it's that simple.
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>> reporter: the harshest words were put aside for entertainment media and so called loud mouths. >> now you've learned a lesson, my colleagues from coast to coast and border to border have condemned lawyers getting on television and talking about cases they don't know a darn about. >> the acquittal is crazy. >> the media sensationalizes things a lot. they can make you or break you. >> reporter: court watchers hooked on the case won't have to wait long for the next installment. the judge plans to sentence casey anthony thursday morning. rita williams, ktvu channel 2 news. ktvu viewers shared their thoughts about today's verdict on our facebook page. cindy gonzalez wrote justice for caylee anthony is now injustice. many people are comparing the case to the oj simpson murder trial prompting this response from jessica lovely one. she says quote i guess you don't have to be a celebrity to
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get away with murder. and we want to know what you think, just like ktvu on facebook and leave us a comment. you will also find a link on under networking. new at 10:00 tonight, a renewed search for clues to find a killer. the night manager of a san mateo restaurant was killed while doing his job. lloyd lacuesta tell us why tonight was chosen. lloyd is live tonight. >> reporter: today would have been the 40th birthday of the manager of this friday's restaurant. the occasion was marked with a drive to raise money for a reward to hopefully solve his murder. >> it says castello which is his name. >> reporter: dale castello's girlfriend has had a table here all day and night to keep the story of castello's murder alive. >> it's time for somebody to
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come forward with something that they know. >> reporter: this much is known, castello was closing the restaurant alone in the early morning hours of january 21, 2008. somehow someone got into the restaurant, he was killed by a blow to the head with a blunt object. >> was it really a robbery? >> it's hard to say. there were only two people in the restaurant. at the time. >> reporter: friends call him as a happy professional man. he rose from being a door greeter to a manager at friday's. >> i think it's something that didn't know him. >> reporter: why do you say that? >> because he would never turn his back on anything he didn't know. >> three months after he died i lost our baby due to all the stress. it was my last connection to him.
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>> reporter: tgif is donating 25% of all proceeds from today to a reward fund that currently stands at $40,000. police say they could receive calls or texts anonymously. live in san mateo, lloyd lacuesta, ktvu channel 2 news. oakland firefighters had some help getting people out of a burning building today from two wrappers. the fire started in an apartment building in the 3100 block near highland hospital shortly after 2:00. the two wrappers told us they smelled smoke. firefighters rescued two people including one person in a wheelchair. firefighters say fireworks may be to blame for a fire that happened early this morning. the fire destroyed at least 10 cars. officials say the fire caused an estimated $150,000 in damage. investigators say an exact cause has not been determined. the big gains we saw in
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wall street last week did not carry over today. the dow dropped 13 points ending the day at 12,170. the nasdaq rose 10 points closing out at 2,826. netflix saw big gains today after announcing plans to expand. they plan to offer the áf services to latin america and the caribbean. wendy's has completed its sale of the arby's restaurant group. the chain was sold for $130 million. its now owned by a private equity firm based in atlanta. arby's has about 3,600 restaurants across the united states. a federal judge said today he will probably not permit former teammates to testify in roger clemons perjury trial. the judge said that they
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received injections of steroids could influence the jury. clemons is accused of lying under oath about his use of muscle enhancing hormones. his trial is set to start tomorrow. and clouds are setting up as we move through the evening hours. we are watching as a trough begins to pull into the area. this by tomorrow will spring a stronger sea breeze. we're going to start with patchy fog, partly cloudies. tomorrow morning our temperatures will be very similar to how we look at this morning. widespread 50s to low 60s. your lunchtime numbers sitting in the low 60s along the coast. 80s, mid-80s for the inland areas. then going to be a warm one once again for our inland areas. 96 was the high, today it was 102. an improvement there. coming up we will show you what
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you can expect for your neighborhood, plus we're going to talk about this cooling trend and how low we expect to two. more on that coming up. tonight the family of bryan stow has some positive news about his condition. his family says his temperature has been down now for a week and he doesn't have any infections. now they hope doctors can put a shunt in his brain. that should help with his responsiveness. stow remains in serious condition at san francisco general hospital. nasa's longest running program is coming to [ male announcer ] you don't make the world's best chicken
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by pressing a button. it takes a cook. we're kfc and we've got a certified cook in every restaurant freshly making the colonel's original recipe, today and every day. 11 herbs and spices, hand-breaded, hands down the world's best chicken. today is a kfc day. so bring home a real meal -- 10 pieces of that famous chicken, 3 large sides and 6 biscuits. enough real food to feed a family of four or more, just 20 bucks. today tastes so good. the count down began today for the final shuttle mission. millions of the people are expected to watch friday's
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launch. as ktvu's maureen naylor reports a bay area native is one of the four astronauts on the atlantis crew. >> reporter: this week a national icon is scheduled to lift off for the last time. shuttle atlantis is set to launch friday morning marking the last mission for the entire shuttle program. >> it was over sold quite honestly. at the time they said it would operate once a week. the most it ever flew was seven times in a year. >> reporter: fort worth nasa aims director scott hubbard says it's time to move on. >> a astronaut good friend of mine said, when you go over earth you're exploring the first 30 times but after that you're not exploring you're just going in circles. >> reporter: they came up with one key decision. >> it is high risk, aging and
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very expensive. and should be recertified or replaced. >> reporter: rex wilhime will be one of four astronauts in the final mission. the san carlos high and uc berkeley graduate has flown on two prior missions. >> i'm proud of him. seems to be no fear in him. he's a good man. >> reporter: all astronauts train at nasa aims. it will now be used for other flight training and no jobs will be eliminated. maureen naylor, ktvu channel 2 news. the iraqi government would first have to request the american forces stay put and that's not expected before september which is when the 46,000 troops are set to begin coming home. this latest plan from the
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administration has 10,000 troops staying. the president said he wants a long term solution and quote congress shouldn't kick the can down the road. >> that's in fact, what drives them nuts about washington. when both parties simply take the path of least resistance. >> reporter: president obama insists any deal must include some new revenue such as tax hikes for the wealthy as well as spending cuts. many republicans are opposed to any tax increase and insist on only cuts. the nation faces the deadline of august 2nd to raise the debt crisis or -- the debt ceiling rather or face financial crisis. a bill to ban california's death penalty will be heard this week. former san quentin warden is scheduled to testify on behalf
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of that bill on thursday. willford claims each execution costs 3 million taxpayers dollars. and a the gallup poll asked about news attitude. opinions of tv news declined. which might have been because of the news itself. it's very exciting, he was
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an update now on a devastating fourth of july fire. new estimates tonight put the damage at a million dollars. the fire tore through an apartment complex in roaner park more than 20 people lost their homes. ken wayne tell us authorities think they know what started it. >> reporter: the flames moved fast, racing across a wood shake roof of a two story building on commerce boulevard. fortunately everyone got out okay but not everyone will be able to return home. >> we're quite upset to come home to find out we burned out. some people here it's just lucky, they were lucky they got out. >> reporter: we're in a parking lot about 100 feet from the burned apartment building and invest fbi investigators say in all likelihood one of these that started the fire. bottle rockets found all over the parking lot. that's what neighbors say they
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heard right before the fire started. >> i heard bottle rockets. and a little later the sirens were going crazy. >> did you hear bottle rockets. >> yes, in the afternoon. >> you didn't think anything of it. >> no just thought kids were firing them off like they always do. >> reporter: the damage is going to disrupt lives for weeks maybe months to come. that doesn't include the damage and lost items. >> look at those, now what happens if they get brown and dried out? all that stuff is going to fall right into the shake roof. >> reporter: fire officials say they are continuing their investigation and it could lead to criminal charges if the people responsible are identified. in roaner park, ken wayne, ktvu
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channel 2 news. petaluma police say they arrested 28 drivers. the highway patrol arrested another two drivers during a checkpoint on friday night. more now on our top story, the fishing boat that capsized in the sea of cortez carrying 44 people. many of whom are from the bay area. tonight we're hearing from the family of leslie yee the former san francisco chronicle employee who's death has been confirmed. yee was identified by the mexican navy as the man who's body washed ashore after the boat sank sunday morning. lee retired from the chronicle in 2009. yee's daughter said she last spoke to her father as he was getting to board the boat in mexico. she says that for years, yee's friends had invited him on the fishing trip. and this year, she says he finally took the vacation of his lifetime. yee's daughter says her dad was
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a dedicated father. the family and stepmother are devastated by his death. the fishing expedition were sailing on a boat owned by baja fishing. this is the photo of the book called the eric. baja sports fishing license to operate in california was suspended. ktvu has learned the license was suspended in 2002 for tax reasons. today the company released a statement which says quote we are devastated by this horrible tragedy. every effort is being made to assist the authorities in the search. our thoughts and players continue to be with the families. >> reporter: a father of three is dead tonight after being pulled into a deep water current in the russian river. the man's drowning is the first on the russian river this year. as ktvu's ken pritchett reports, the tragedy is shedding light on the dangers visitors often overlook. >> reporter: looking at the russian river today and it
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looks lazy, calm. >> it's awesome. warm, slow, very comfortable. >> reporter: there is quite a difference between this river and say the american river. royaling with white water, the sergeant ed haener with the sonoma sheriff's department says looking can be deceiving. >> if you look across the surface of the water all you see is a nice calm tranquil top. doesn't seem to be moving all that rapidly, it's a different story understood beneath the surface. >> reporter: the water is shallow in spots, deep in others, the currents vary, the first drowning of the year on the russian river happened in an area of swift current where many people swim. >> drowning ask quiet. you know someone falls in and falls under water. it's a very silent killer. >> reporter: sergeant haener says there have been several drownings. on more rapid rivers like the american, it's well over 50 into the holiday. the best advise and we saw it
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often today, is the use of life jackets. >> that was smart on their parents part to make sure they were swimming safely. >> reporter: another thing to consider is the murkiness of the water. it took crews six hours to find that drowning victim and he was located just a short distance from where he went under. tonight concord police remain tight lipped on what's being called that city's fourth had had of the year. a body was found early today at an abandoned gas station on monument boulevard near detroit avenue. investigators are not saying how the victim died nor the victim's gender or age. ktvu spoke to people who says homeless people usually find shelter in abandoned buildings in that area. officials at the all girl's college say decudro most recently served as vice president and deputy council at
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pharmaceutical company lilly. a popular tabloid is under fire accused of compromising a decade old murder investigation. what police say the publication did that's making them reassess the case. and our temperatures running warmer with a
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a popular british tabloid is facing accusations today it
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hacked into the cell phone of a young girl who was kill. the family of millly dowler is planing to sue the news of the world claiming the paper interfered with the police investigation into their daughter's murder. the 13-year-old girl was killed in 2002. the paper said its shocked by the revelation and is looking into it. british minister cameron even commented on the situation while visiting afghanistan. >> if they are true, this is a truly dreadful act and situation. >> widespread and varied hacking has become. there are reports tonight suggesting apple's next generation iphone five could be ready in september. a tech company received an order for 15 million iphones from apple. that company pegatrom declined
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to comment. last year pegatron expanded to manufacture 10 million iphones. verizon is getting rid of its unlimited data plan. beginning on thursday the company will roll out 10 data tiers. customers currently using an unlimited data plan will be able to keep their plan. a battle between facebook and a -- the tool would be useful for people switching from facebook to google plus. the developer says he's working on a way to get around it. in an ironic twist, mark zuckerberg is the most followed person on google plus. according to the website, social statistics zuckerberg has more than 34,000 followers. google cofounder's larry page
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and sir brent round out -- sergey brent round out the top three. and police are looking for a truck like this. fresh start uses the bronco to distribute food to the needy. >> we've have had to depend on our volunteers to provide their vehicles but it's very difficult because we have to coordinate that and it would be easier with our old bronco. >> reporter: anyone who sees the bronco is asked to call walnut creek police. a new survey by condom maker trojan has found san franciscans have had the most sexual partners. the average san franciscan has had 30.
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chicago had the lowest number at 11. they've been a part of i want to crush more cars.
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♪ i want to sell more tea cups. ♪ i need help selling bread. ♪ i want to sell more crabs. [ male announcer ] you know where you want to take your business. i want to design more buildings.
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[ male announcer ] in here, small business solutions from at&t can get you there. starting with the at&t all for less package -- just $70 per month, voice plus broadband. it's the at&t network. helping you do what you do... even better. san juan batista is a tiny town on the outskirts of the bay area with an unusual problem, chickens. they've turned into such a big issue there and what some people want to do about it. >> reporter: why did the chickens cross the road? well in san juan batista they could be escaping from people who want to get rid of them or posing for tourists who love them. >> well it sort of takes you back to a little old world feel. you know. >> reporter: some business owners say they believe many of the chickens are descendents from those brought to mission
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san juan batista in 1759 and are part of the community. >> our chicken who we've named george is a part of our ambience here, he adds to the character. >> reporter: but some residents have been asking the town council to remove the chickens especially roosters say they roam too much, they are dirty and loud. >> it's really loud at night. i had the misconception that a lot of people have that they only do it at dawn, but they do it 2:00 a.m., 3:00 a.m., all night long. >> i get it, i understand the quaintness of it it's great. end of the day, i don't want them out, i want them managed. >> reporter: after a lot of public squackin, the council hired a group to take the chickens and house them. only one problem, have you ever tried to catch a chicken? reed says the town council is taking two weeks to reevaluate
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to see if a workable plan can be hatched. robert handa, ktvu news. wood side residents are advised to be on the look out for a mountain lion or two. a mountain lion was spotted on highland terrace. there was a sighting on whisky hill road. people should avoid walking or jogging at dawn, dusk and at night when mountain lions are most active. in china heavy flooding wiped out a bridge. people were stranded on the roadway that was still in danger of collapsing so workers used what they could to help. some people were lifted to dry land in a bucket of a piece of heavy equipment. others were pulled on a cable across the river. in greece the merge captain of the boat awe -- in greece the american captain of the
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boat audacity of peace was released from jail. and in london, police began a yearlong program today to make sure next summer's olympic games are safe. the massive operation involves 11 police departments and up to 12,000 police officers on duty each day. london is familiar with terrorism and the games are scene as a potential target. good evening to you, low clouds again returning to the coastline. and now funneling into the bay area. take a look at what's going on here from point ray station all the way to santa cruz and again we're watching it through the bay. perhaps areas through alameda beginning to see partly and mostly cloudy skies. it is going to be with us through the evening hours and tomorrow. pacifica, daily city. half-moon bay all dealing with some of that bay area cover. we're going to see some changes as we roll through the next few days and the cooling trend will be just in time for the
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weekend. we begin tomorrow, temperatures will be any where from four to 6 degrees cooler. we have a trough that will set up right off the coast and that will drive our temperatures down a little tomorrow then more so as we head into saturday and sunday. so our hottest spots will be sitting right about 95 degrees tomorrow which is an improvement. then on thursday, we'll barely be getting into the 90s. by friday we're sitting in the mid-80s. below average for some of our inland spot, low 80s in our forecast for your saturday and sunday. we continue to watch monsoonal moisture. this will be the case for tomorrow. haven't really seen much in our area. but as it moves to the north we might just get a little bit. you might see a few clouds heading over the southern areas of monterey. your forecast here i want to pick it up tomorrow morning. we do wake up with patchy fog in and around the bay area all the way into near concord.
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which means areas of walnut creek, lafayette may be waking up with a little bit of cloud cover. although we are expecting a stronger sea breeze in the afternoon. so it could bring back those clouds a little bit quicker than what we saw for today. patchy clouds, upper 50s low 60s. a lot like what we felt today. white spread mid-80s for santa rosa, napa we're looking at 80s and 90s outs there for our inland bay area. we're talking 95 for areas right around antioch but the rest of us along the bay upper 70s for areas like san leandro. 88 expected in santa clara,87
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sunnyvale. a dip tomorrow, bigger changes saturday and sunday. and we might be wearing coats along the coast and our inland spots very comfortable compared to what we've seen lately. >> 80s are nice. >> if you're waiting for gas prices to continue going down, you may be out of luck. analysts say that while prices at the pump may decrease slightly over the rest of the summer, most of the big declines are probably over. the energy department reports the state's average price for a gallon of regular is $3.78. that's down 46-cents since may. but only 75-cents since last week. >> prices are also slightly lower. right now a gallon of regular in san francisco costs an average of $3.88. in oakland the price is $3.77 and in san jose the average cost is $3.78. the department of motor vehicle is starting work once again on vehicle registration. the state put its registration program on hold during budget cuts while lawmakers discuss
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changes in vehicle license fees. governor brown failed to approve the hike on those fees. a bill sits on the governor's desk tonight that would make california the first state to require public schools to teach contributions by gays and lesbians. supporters say the legislation is necessary because of the bullying that happens to gay students. but some criticize the measur
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the british royal newlyweds tour of canada took them to the northwest territory and the city of yellow knight. since hockey is the national past time of canada, prince william took a moment to participant in a street game. and he did not score a goal. tomorrow they leave for los angeles. >> double whammy for the a's and giants tonight. >> padres had the last laugh on them last year. but lots of crying in between. kind of a familiar looking ball
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game. the swagger more like a stagger just like last season they just can't put this team away. san diego taking the first of two in a four game series, although it looked good early. brandon crawford base hit to right. andres torrez took off with a hit. now they fumble it around out there. the giants come out of the first with a 2-0 lead. but it's 3-2 giants in the fifth a two out two strike gaper out the bed of cameron maven and matt cain would be a loser a two run triple. giants were never able to get back in it. no, it is nick henley to the pitcher. as you watch the replay very close. but torrez is out. they fall shy 5-3. the a's and mariners both sending their aces out there tonight. both pitched too well to lose but not quite good enough to
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win. and neither cahill or hernandez did win. curt suzuki with a shot to left high powering drive. just over the wall and they cut it to 2-1. they have jamal weeks, a little dunker up there. guerrero can't hang on. in comes weeks to tie it up 2-2 we go to the tenth. it's defense that is has problemmed the a's all yearlong. he throws it away, in comes the go ahead run. they add another. and there you go the a's also on the short end tonight. the wheels keep on turning on the tour de france of the human race as things get started. imagine peddling 170 miles and have it come down to this.
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alberto contador thinks he wins as he raises his arms across the finish line but the still photo shows he's just a hair off instead of evans. it's husen as the over all leader. and contador is making his move. and tiger woods is not playing at the u.s. open. it is still news when he doesn't show up. he says his bad knee is still not 100%. so he misses another major. that's the sporting life for a tuesday night. >> wonder if he's ever going to get back to the old form? >> i can't see it. i think it was a foregone conclusion that he would wind up breaking jack nicholas record for most majors. doesn't look good at this point but he's been known to make a come back or two before. >> what about the a's or
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giants. they play tomorrow. >> yeah. >> we hope they have a better outcome. >> just the messenger. >> and be sure to watch ktvu [ male announcer ] you don't make the world's best chicken
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by pressing a button. it takes a cook. we're kfc and we've got a certified cook in every restaurant freshly making the colonel's original recipe, today and every day. 11 herbs and spices, hand-breaded, hands down the world's best chicken. today is a kfc day. so bring home a real meal -- 10 pieces of that famous chicken, 3 large sides and 6 biscuits. enough real food to feed a family of four or more, just 20 bucks. today tastes so good.


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