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tv   Ten O Clock News  KICU  December 25, 2010 11:30pm-12:30am PST

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. complete bay area news coverage starts right now. this is ktvu, channel 2 news. it's a race against mother nature at the nation's airport as a cold winter storm threatens to disrupt holiday travel from coast to coast. depending i'm ken wayne. >> hello again, everyone, i'm heather holmes. a travel nightmare looms for bay area airline passengers this holiday weekend. but it has nothing to do with our rainy weather. a winter storm is barreling across the country bringing snow to place that is haven't seen a white christmas in more
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than 120 years. ktva's allie rasmussen is at sfo with a look at the possible troubles ahead. >> reporter: no weather related delays at sfo or at oakland national airport. no delays to report at soak airport. but it could be a different story tomorrow. joanne duncan and her travel companion made it out of virginia in the nick of time at 8:00 this morning. >> snow flurries but nice. >> the commissioner: snow flurries at that point. no problems at all. >> reporter: they had a white christmas from north carolina to georgia, slushy snow and frost blanketed the airlines. >> the flight was cancelled. and all delta flights were cancelled to atlanta and then they moved me to come here. >> reporter: after two connections through the midwest she made it to san francisco in
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time to board a flight to the philippines. >> another 16 hours ahead of me to fly. >> reporter: the storm is expected to move north. in new york, city workers got the salt trucks ready. they issued a blizzard warning starting at 6 a.m. tomorrow morning for parts of the northeast. al is supposed to take a red eye flight to boston and hopes to get in right before the storm hits. >> you've got to be careful. you never know when the weather will get in the way. >> other passengers in oakland were happy to wait out the storm here in the bay area. >> we are lucky we got out on time and everything was on schedule. >> but these travelers from philadelphia say they are not looking forward to seeing their snow packed driveway when they return. >> this has happened before. and that's what the shovel is for. so got to make the best of this. >> now at the southwest counter in oakland they told me dozens of flights for philadelphia scheduled for tomorrow have already been cancelled today.
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but it is always best to check directly with your airline to find out more about your flight status. live this is allie rasmussen, ktvu, channel 2 news. here at home the stormy weather kept a lot of people indoors this christmas. it seems like it is almost become ag routine this season, stormy weather followed by a brief break. ktvu's christian kafton reports. >> reporter: the wind and rain rushed into the by area mid- morning. forecasters issued a high wind advisory until 4:00 this afternoon as the blustery storm blew inland. people out and about this holiday took notice. >> it's been quite wet, blowing, a lot of blowing and a lot of trees. some have blown down on the side of the road. >> as the storm ready through there were isolated reports of blood -- flooding. along highway 101 here at lucky drive and at the north don pedro exit. drivers say the best course of action is to slow down. >> the main thing i watch for
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is people driving too close. seem to be driving too close as they would when it was dry. when i sew a in the of traffic lick that i stay way back from it because if something goes wrong. >> reporter: in larkspur work equipment sat islands today after bringing an end to the sewage over the week. and the rain dumped but couldn't dampen the holiday spirit. >> well, rain, snow, shine, hail, christmas is christmas. it's a time to celebrate, to be with family, to know what's important and to value that. >> reporter: one of the lingering concerns is that the rain could weaken the ground around the trees and the wind could push those trees over into power lines. that is what we saw with last weekend's storm. one of the other concerns, of course, are people living near urban streams and creeks is that the water levels could rise. take a look here at this creek. you can see that the water is rushing. but at this point it is nowhere near flood level. this is ktvu, channel 2 news. so how much rain fell and where is that storm right now?
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ktvu meteorologist mark tamayo is here with all of the details. mark? >> ken that, storm has must have had out to the east of the bay area. as a result the rainfall rates have been decreasing over the passed few hours. of course the most intense activity moved in early to mid- afternoon. showing you right now as you can see the rainfall totals. in fact we bumped up the numbers since the earlier newscast at 6:00 this evening. napa is fairly close to right around an inch. and the valley over an inch ofrain. oakland a half an inch. impressive numbers for all of the rest. you can see the bulk of the action heading out to the north and the east. on live stormtracker 2 you can see a bit of activity am mainly outside of livermoore approaching tracy and watching some cells. one cell at least approaching the north bay coastline closing in there. as far as tonight we will hold on to the possibility of a few lingering rain showers. coming up though take a look at the rain forecast model high
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lating the rainfall potential for tomorrow. also we do have another storm talking about that in a few minutes. thanks mark. in the sierra the snow level is expected to fall to as low as 3,500 feet overnight with as much as another foot falling in the next 24 hours. chains are required on all roads heading to the tahoe basin. and chp says drivers should be ready for road enclosures or slow downs at least for tomorrow night. skiers have plenty to celebrate this holiday weekend with at least five feet of snow at lake level resorts. up to ten feet at higher elevations. -- you can find the weather conditions by going to our, click on the weather tab near the hop top of the home page. >> an apparent manhole explosion caused some concern in the marina district this eastern. witnesses described a loud noise and smoke coming out of a manhole on chestnut just after 5 p.m. pg&e says a cable failed in the
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underground electrical equipment. a local business owner came down to check on his store. >> when i got here the fire department was here. i guess the underground transformer blew up. the lid blue off the ground. pg&e just got here. there was still a lot of noise coming out from down there. >> the pg&e crew shut down the malfunctions circuit cutting power to 150 customers. all of them have their power become now except for two customers affected by that bad cable. no one was hurt. southwest airlines now says the plane that made an emergency landing in oakland last night may have had a fire in the engine. the flight 1226 took off from sfo at 9 p.m. for la. when a cockpit sensor indicated a possible engine fire. well, the pilot shut down that engine and landed safely at oakland airport. the passengers then got on another flight to la. the faa is investigating the cause of that incident. officials at sfo tonight are denouncing a youtube video posted by a pilot as both
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baseless and misleading about the security measures there at the airport. the unnamed pilot says the video shows ground crew employees gaining access to restricted areas with only a key card. the airport spokesman mike mckaren says the room in question is a lunch room. other restricted areas use a biometric access system to identify employees. in a statement he says the proper is he security requires many layers. a woman's body found in the oakland hills may have related to the discovery of a woman. a naked body was found on a bike path at 8:28 a.m. friday by a person driving in the neighborhood. police say the cause of death wasn't obvious. they won't know until how she died until after a coroner's
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investigation. meanwhile, police say the bid of the woman found on tuesday afternoon has been identified as 21-year-old jasmine jordan of fresno. the body was found in martin luther king park across from the airport. they say jordan was stabbed to death. no arrests have been made in either case. police and crime stoppers are offering a $10,000 reward for information leading to the arrests of the killers. police have arrested a homicide suspect wanted for shooting in broad daylight earlier this week. police say 21-year-old danny web surrendered to the police yesterday afternoon. he is suspected of killing 30- year-old david parry on monday. that shooting happened at noon. the officers say there were several potential witnesses. and they are now asking anyone with any information to call the police. soil and un installed lights discovered in a warehouse that caught fire in east oakland. officials are now looking into whether that building was home
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to a marijuana greg operation. crews were called to 10 higginbottom place at 5 a.m. this morning. they declined to say if there were marijuana plants in the area that burned but they are investigating the cause. no one was in the building when firefighters arrived. damage is estimated at $30,000. [ music ] well, how did you spend this christmas? coming up next we will show you how some bay area people spread holiday cheer. >> the call was answered. how a bay area group sent to keep people warm went global. >> they call it a christmas miracle. how an oakland family got their tw
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. parishioners of the nation's largest catholic church had their traditional midnight mass. in addition to holding services every day of the year the church offers a renowned collection of religious art. almost one million visit the church each year. on this christmas day some people weren't lacking under their trees for presents. they were out and about making sure others had a before this timeer christmas. ktvu's john sasaki reports. >> this was the third time around for 13-year-old mike and his christmas effort to feed the hungry. it all start's because mike's life was saved by a man who
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donated his liver in mike's time of need. >> my donor's name is johnny. what he gave to me i can't give back to him. and since he is not here, i decided to feed the less fortunate to give back to the community. >> reporter: this event which happens on thanksgiving and other holidays as well clearly had a positive impact on the west oakland community. >> well, it makes your christmas brighter because i don't have any income at this point. so it's -- i'm very thankful for the ones who put this on. [ music ] >> merry christmas. >> reporter: across the bay, this is the biggest christmas feed in the area. >> there are a lot of people down and out. >> reporter: glide memorial church and its annual event bring out hundreds of volunteers. >> every day there are people desperate going in need of shelter and food and assistance. we are so fortunate knotty point to have to worry about that. >> reporter: these diners are
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among 5,000 people getting a meal today. it's as many as they can handle. >> we are very concerned because we are using up our january stuff and the resources. >> reporter: in the city of richmond, a clothing, toy and food giveaway in two locations, including the nevan community center which served 2,000 people. >> it is a tough time right now. i lost my job. i'm trying to start over from scratch. >> reporter: this woman came here after losing her home in a fire just yesterday. >> like i said, it's a blessing. we can't do nothing but be happy and grateful. >> reporter: and with new toys to enjoy, it's clear the children are happy and grateful as well. in richmond, i'm john sasaki, ktvu, channel 2 news. an army of volunteers today brought christmas cheer and a warm meal to 5,000 hungry san franciscoans. the salvation army kitchen was busy preparing meals for the city seniors and those too ill to leave their homes this holiday. volunteers cooked ham,
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vegetables and other trimmings and then hand delivered the meals to people's homes. organizers say it is all made possible by donations from the public. >> this is what happens to the money that goes in those red kettles. this is where it ends up. if anybody is curious about where that money is spent. it goes to making christmas meals. >> the salvation army said 300 more people this year than last, but also welcomed an additional 300 volunteers. st. anthony's dining room opened its doors today to 4,000 people in need of a hot meal. the charity served its annual christmas dinner today. it took 2,000 pounds of ham to feed all of the guests and 50- gallons of gravy. st. anthony's has been serving san francisco's poor for the passed 60 years through events such as today's but also provides other life sustaining services for those in need. >> a gesture to keep patrons of st. anthony's food kitchen a little warmer this holiday season became an international cause with the donation of
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thousands of hand nit scarves from all over the world. ktvu photojournalist anna uses her camera to tell us the story. >> reporter: everybody knows someone who in addition to. it is a great way to give something special to someone, something homemade. >> it started as an idea that nitting could be a symbol of compassion. we had a group of three staffers that were convinced that we could invite people in urban craft and nit knitting groups around the bay to contribute a scarf so we could pass out one scarf to every senior that comes to the dining room on christmas day. and what proceeded to happen is that small group of people exploded. >> yes. on the internet. >> facebook. a lot of facebook. >> it went viral. we have had knit tweets and
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facebook postings and a facebook group. and blog posts. and many, many text messages. >> it was on the internet that people really shared their stories about who they are knitting these scarves for and why they are knitting them. there is that personal connection between something that you are making and a person who can really be warmed up on the holidays just by receiving a simple gift like a scarf. >> we had no idea when we started our goal was enough scarves for every senior that came to the st. anthony dining room on christmas. so we were looking at about 2500 scarves. and that has almost tripled. and we've received scarves from all over the city, from all over the bay area, from all over the united states. and even scarves from japan, australia and brazil. we have now collected about 7,000 scarves. [ music ]
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>> happy holidays. >> happy holidays. >> here we go. >> there you go, merry christmas. >> happy customers there. just because christmas is pretty much over, doesn't mean local charities still don't need help. they are looking for donations. you can go to and scroll down to the holiday charity section to see how you can lend a hand. >> well, an oakland couple admits it may sound a little corny but says it is something of a christmas miracle that its two dogs are back home tonight after they both disappeared and one was left for dead on the side of the road. the saga started when kevin and clint escaped from their home a week ago thursday. kevin was found two days later on the side of the road badly beat inn and had been shot in the head with a pellet gun. but today he is back home recovering. last night the couple got a call from a woman who found
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clint the other dog and saw his photo on the news. the two men and their dogs were quickly reunited. grateful for all those who stepped forward to help find clint and donated money for the $10,000 in vet bills. >> that says a lot about, you know, us as humans. you know, we may -- there may be some really terrible people out there, but there is a lot of wonderful people. >> reporter: and now tonight there is a $12,000 reward being offered for information that leads to the arrest and conviction of whomever is responsible for beating and then shooting the other dog kevin. >> well, there is word tonight the long awaited visitor section for rosy the riveter park. they say the 10,000 square foot building will be renovated to serve as the center. the national park opened on the waterfront in richmond more than ten years ago but there is no visitor center at the site where thousands of women built ships, planes and weapons used by the u.s. forces during world
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war ii. christmas in iraq. why the decision was made to cancel many traditional celebrations there this year. >> also a new year and a new look. why some of san francisco's famous cable cars will be taken out of service at the beginning of 2011. showers have been decreasing over the passed couple of hours. coming up we will take a look at the rainfall forecast lightning fast. lightning strong.
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verizon 4g lte. rule the air on the most advanced 4g network in the world. [ music ] christmas celebrations were subdued in baghdad today. church officials cancelled many celebrations after recent attacks in churches and christian neighborhoods killed dozens of iraqi christians. religious violence over the last few days in nigeria has claimed the lives of at least 38 people. the majority of those killed were in a region violently divided between christians and
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muslims. six were killed in christmas eve attacks in two churches. the taliban taking issue with the new u.n. report that says civilian casualties in afghanistan are rising. and that insurgents are responsible for the lion's share of the death. >> reporter: this has been the bloodiest year of the war in afghanistan to date. the most recent u.n. report shows a 20 percent increase in civilian casualties for the first ten months of 2010 when compared to the same reporting period for 2009. the majority of those casualties, however, are caused by insurgent attacks. the taliban called the figures fabricated, while the government welcomed the information that the percentage of casualties caused by afghan or international troops had dropped. air strikes have long been controversial, due to their association with civilian casualties. and have serve today fuel anti- western sentiments. >> this man believes that the decrease in civilian casualties
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due to air strikes will send a positive message to the afghan people. while he highlights the point that war is misery that kills innocents. he tells us that the killing of civilians by foreign forces causes people to lose their trust in the troops who say they have come to help. for the afghan population it's not about numbers or percentages, it's about the reality that people are still dying, that this war is not over yet. in other world of the news tonight, in pakistan at least 45 people were killed today when a female suicide bomber blew herself up in a crowd of hundreds who had gathered to get food ate. witnesses said the woman was dressed in a burka and she threw a-grenade and detonated an explosive vest as she was stopped at a security checkpoint. the attack happened near the afghan border. in roterdam police arrested 12 somali nationals suspected of planning a terrorist attack
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in the netherlands. the security forces carried out raids in hotels and businesses late last night. islam have called for attacks in the netherlands following a quote from an official there. and on the ivory coast it says 14,000 people have fled to lie better yeah since last month's disputed elections. the man the u.n. says is the legitimate winner called on the current president lorne to step down. the u.n. says at least 173 people have been killed in violence following the presidential vote. the majority of the dead are said to be otara's supporters. >> a setback for india's space program after a rocket carrying a communications satellite exploded shortly after liftoff. the unmanned rocket was just 40 seconds into its flight when it exploded with several strap-on boosters continuing to accelerate towards space.
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the launch was originally scheduled for earlier this week but delayed because of an engine leak. this is the fourth satellite mission to end in failure. christmas day violence near salt lake city to tell you about where the police shot and killed a man armed with a shotgun outside a mormon temple. investigators say the man had gotten into an altercation with another man outside the temple southwest of downtown salt lake city. police say the suspect refused to doctor the weapon. and that's when an officer shot and killed him. police found numerous guns, ammunition and a sword in the deadman's car. san francisco's california street cable car line is getting $16 million worth of work. on january 3rd the cable cars will be taken out of service. crews will replace the electrical, mechanical and sewer systems, repave the streets and make the curbs wheelchair accessible. muni will provide bus service until the work is completed in july. the california line runs a mile and a half from the financial district through chinatown to
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nob hill. >> a water problem. just how many people here in california do not have reliable drinking water. [ music ] >> the sounds of
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. a small central valley town southeast of fresno is the latest to be affected by polluted well water caused by fertilizer runoff. we have the story. >> reporter: at the lone school in saville, california, students drink water from the water bottle. the drinking fountains have been disconnected. >> when you see a kindergartener having to drink out of a bottle, there is something not quite right there. and so you look at where the water comes from.
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>> reporter: home to 350 residents saville is supported by the agriculture and livestock industries, orange groves and dairy farms. activists say the well water is polluted from nitrates from fertilizer and animal waste and crusty old pipes expose their water to soot and sand. currently there is no program in california that prevents contamination into our groundwater sources. it is unacceptable. enough is enough. clean water is a basic human right and it should not be a privilege. >> reporter: lifelong resident becky agrees but uses bottled water instead of tapping into water on the sink to make her daily cup of coffee. >> this isn't supposed to be happening in california. i mean, california is one of the richest states in the nation. and we're living like third world country. >> reporter: state public health officials acknowledge nitrates can lead to serious health problems like kidney disease, cancer and blue baby syndrome which could be fatal. but they add water problems are not unique to saville. more than one million
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californians are without reliable tap water. >> this community has some problems that are not rare in the san joaquim valley community. on the availability of adequate water and the fact that many of our water systems and sources have contaminants in them creates some concern. >> reporter: in the meantime, to larry county officials are applying for a federal grant to help pay for new underground water pipes for saville that will help with the water pressure, but not the levels of nitrates. so for now, most residents say they will continue to swallow the extra costs to purchase their own bottled water instead. those who are enjoying a glass of wine this christmas neither can toast to more medical evidence that moderate drinking is good for you. data from a long-term study of nurses shows that women who had two drinks a day or up to 28% more likely to live to aged 70 than women who drink once a
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week. another recent study tied one daily drink to a 20 percent lower risk of stroke. however, researchers and doctors both warn that binge drinking is bad for you. the centers for disease control blames more than 75,000 deaths each year on alcohol abuse. conservationists are praising a boot inspection program at lake tahoe for keeping destructive mussels out of the lake. state officials inspected more than 8,000 boats this year and found 11 boats with invasive mussels or mud snails. those and more than a dozen other boats were decontaminated before they were allowed to enter the lake. it can destroy property as well as ecosystems. a zebra mussel infestation back in the 1990s caused more than $3 billion in damage. >> clues from ancient rain drops have settled the long debate over just how old the sierra nevada mountain range is. they think it rose to sea level
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3-5,000 years ago. by analyzing the chemicals in ancient rain drops it shows the range has stood more than 7200 feet high or higher for at least 40 million years. a federal judge in washington, d.c. will now decide whether to declare polar bears an engine dangered species. a lawsuit filed in san francisco has now been consolidated with four other cases in washington and a hearing will be heard in february. environmental groups say the polar bear's current label of threatened does not provide enough protection. but the state of alaska and other business groups oppose the status change, saying the current label isn't even needed. a symphony of music played by street musicians is on full display at san francisco's union square. ktvu photojournalist martin fulton takes us now behind the music to the rhythm of the season. [ music ]
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>> i love playing music. and i love to play for thousands and thousands of people, right? >> i am having the time of my life. i have been doing this to support myself for a couple of months now. that's about it. i quit my job and set saline i'm loving it. -- set saline i'm loving it. [ music ] >> i have put on everything from james brown to michael jackson. for some reason people think it's all, you know, big smile. and it's so much more than that. >> people are, you know, happy seeing me sweat because that's what i'm really good at is sweating really, really hard. [ music ]
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>> it makes me happy and all of my good vibes goes out to people here. you don't know who is going to come out here. if they like you they will hire you. that's how you get your gig. you don't go to an agency and let them do the work. you do the work yourself. >> music keeps the beat. music changes your attitude. [ music ] >> sometimes people make me feel like i'm pan handling. you know, i am always like when people do give me something, i say thank you. a lot of people say, oh, no, thank you because we have got some good music out here, man. [ music ]
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>> and you can catch all of the fantastic pieces put together by our very talented photojournalist in our holiday in focus special. it airs tomorrow night right here at 7:00. if you are a giants fan you might argue your present came in november when the giants won the world series. a little bit later on we will re-live that remarkable run. >> how fun. >> also a wet christmas and now a chill could be on the way. when the temperatures are supposed to drop and how low minding my own business...
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when it came out of nowhere. suddenly, there were lights all around me. i'm like, "they're coming for me!" yeah, it was crazy. i just never thought they'd find me. not out here. it doesn't matter where you drive. if you don't buckle up, you will get caught. cops are cracking down all across the country. click it or ticket. [ music ] >> today's storm has moved out to the east. and as a result, the persistent heavy rainfall no longer a factor. still have a few scattered
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showers right now on live stormtracker 2. you can see the coverage. not a lot to show you. the buck of the -- bulk of the action heading out to parts of sonoma county. and so that will be a factor for tonight. some showers occasionally drifting overhead. and even into tomorrow as well. for tonight we still have some lingering clouds in place across a good portion of the region. also temperatures are cooling off. tomorrow the chance of still some scattered showers but won't be rain all day. the deals that you have some clouds or showers. the showers go on. you might see a few breaks in the clouds as well. the extended forecast more storms and temperatures definitely cooling off. notice that change by mid-week. as far as tomorrow partly to mostly cloudy skies. fremont is 45. and san jose has 44. here is all of the activity from earlier this afternoon. a cold front is moving across the bay area. this was a source. in fact, can you see right about here the yellows and reds
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really popping up along the bay area. we still have this, a winter weather advisory and snowfall. but the 5-10 inches we could have amounts approaching a foot for the higher terrain. snow levels right around 4,000 feet for late tonight, pretty much right now into tomorrow morning. back here in the bay area for sunday cool out there with a few showers. here is our next system for tuesday. and rainfall could be taken up by tuesday afternoon. but rainfall rates really increase by tuesday night into early wednesday morning. as far as tomorrow you can see a little bit of activity. here is our forecast model at 9:00 the possibility of a few showers. this model will show you the showers up in the north bay. and then into the afternoon hours this could be approaching the central portions of the bay at 1:00. and then drifting out by 4:00 with not a lot to show you by 8, 9, 10:00. this will set the stage for a break. in fact, a dry day that will be for monday. temperatures for tomorrow afternoon mainly in the low to mid-50s.
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not a big warm-up here. soak 56. and half moon bay is 54 degrees. here is a look ahead at your five day forecast. monday there is that break day with partly cloudy skies. rainfall develops on tuesday especially mid to late afternoon. especially for the evening hours we could be talking about some very heavy rain. heather and ken look what happens that cool down behind that system the temperatures are dropping off dramatically for wednesday and thursday. lucky to make it to the 50- degree mark by that timeframe. get ready for more rain and the bay area chill especially by mid-week. no one is asking about new year's just yet. this is a real winter. >> yes. >> we have had a real winter this year. >> it is very progressive, too, with one storm after the other after another. that tuesday one could be a sizable one with heavy rain and also some winds. >> thanks, mark. >> thanks. >> up next, the complete run down of the nba on this christmas as hoops stake stage on this holiday. >> how about this for fun, a look back at
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[ music ] good evening, everyone. thanks for joining our saturday night edition of sports wrap. tonight the warriors played on christmas for the first time since 1984. and for the first time since 1969, they won on christmas. portland blazers at the oracle arena where ellice did his usual pre-game warm-up. merry christmas where he dishes to david lee and david dunk. the ws take the 78-77 lead. and wright makes the steal and he is off.
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wright scored 16 points tonight. warriors using the 11-0 run to take this game into the fourth quarter. ellice 49 points and seven assists. the warriors did get outrebounded 62-44. ellice again gold state wins 101-102. their 11th win of the year but they win back-to-back games. steph currie made just two of his 15 shots. lakers hosted the miami heat today. cameron diaz and snoop dog watched lebron james take apart the two time defending lakers. miami came to play. that's chris bosch. you see it again. and then dwayne wade is playing with a bum knee but didn't show any pain here. wade adds 18 points tonight. lakers simply seemed disinterested today while james records a triple double, 11
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rebounds and ten assists and also hit five three pointers. heat win 96-80. >> shaquille o'neal playing his 13th christmas day game in orlando to take on the magic. kevin garnet pops in two of his 22. magic did a roster makeover this week and newcomer jason richardson hit the three ball. magic outscored boston 29-15 in the third quarter. nelson puts in a dagger three here as the magic win 86-78. you can say good-bye to boston's 14 game win streak. new york hosted the bulls today. the mets off to the best start in decades. they break the tie here as he scores 20 points. they had several streaks in this game but watch his spin move here. you got to like that. but it would be a blue christmas for chicago.
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the nicks hold the bulls to 12 points in the fourth quarter. new york's channel here drives and this is for real, folks. they win 103-95. the only bay area professional sports team not home for christmas is the san francisco 49ers. they are in st. louis for tomorrow's must-win game against the rams. kickoff here right here on ktvu, channel 2 news. joe fonzi is there right after that game. we will also bring post-game comments and analysis. cowboys in christmas giving mood today in arizona. cowboys quarterback john kitna through two interceptions. the cardinals returned both for tds. toller a 66-yard and they led 13-0. cowboys come back from 18 points down. quarterback stephen mcgee making his nfl debut throws to miles austin. dallas takes a 26-24 lead. but hold on their kicker missed and they get the volunteer point. it is still a two point game.
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arizona then drives down. and with just ten seconds left james sealy calmly fiction the 48-yard field goal. cardinals win. both teams are 5-10. raiders host the colts. batt teams need to win to get their playoffs hopes alive. get your recording device ready
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. the giants struggled to get into the playoffs this year but then won 11 of their post season games to claim san francisco's first ever world series title. the bay area sports story of the year. and we remember all three champagne showers. [ applause ]
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>> and giants beat the braves 1- 0. a brilliant pitching by tim lincecum. >> what a great job that kid did. [ music ] >> and conrad as the giants beat the braves 3-2. >> and here is cody ross who has tied the game. >> and the top of the third and the throw and it is tied. [ applause ] >> four games all decided by one run. that shows you just how much drama and how important pitching was. >> this is the portion that we were talking about earlier. but we will play those close ones but makes it all that more meaningful and more special i think. >> you managed to have a veteran's present, not bad for a 21-year-old rookie. >> go out and relax and it is just a great thing to keep -- [ applause ] >> this is not going well. >> to keep all of the adrenaline down and try to stay
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calm out there and not let it get to me. but like i said, we were doing a pretty good job of that. buster keeps me in line, too, when they start to see me get a little excited he will come calm me down. >> this doesn't seem weird to you at all right now? >> it's awsome. it's awsome. >> they didn't spill the beer. >> the beard won. >> i don't know what the beard has been doing but it felt pretty good. that's cold. it felt pretty good to be out there. >> let's get ready for baseball. >> cody ross has gone deep to put the giants on top. he has gone deep once. and game one for the giants. and utley to put one on. here is uribe back into the wall and this ball is gone for a homerun. juan uribe has gone deep.
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and the phillies are down just to one strike. >> and caught him looking and the giants win the pennant. >> we did not want to go game seven because we go game seven and it will get really panicky around here. get this out tonight and had to do it with two outs and the big boy out there. this makes it interesting. >> reporter: but does it feel like what you anticipated this was going to be? >> absolutely. as far as this, man, we are going to get weird tonight, very weird. >> uribe lines one out to right. >> juan gets a huge hit and we respected the opponent but we were the better team in the series. >> we have been called castoffs and misfits. but i think the ownership were bringing them in. such a fun group to management. so battle tested. and, you know, from the way we play, even in august, we're talking about big games, big series. and they have been through it so long that they were able to handle these tight games. >> we held off a pretty good
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offense. and, you know, we scored key runs against some pretty good pitching. we all feel like champions tonight. it feels really good. >> you are the mvp of the nlcs. is it everything you have imagined? >> i can honestly say i can never imagined being in this situation right now. you always as a kid think about being a hero in the world series and this and that. but this is just so special for me right now. he will cherish it for as long as i can. >> the 106th world series the texas rangers represent the american league. on the other side, the san francisco giants self- proclaimed misfits. ♪ i've got a feeling ♪ that tonight's going to be a good night ♪ >> and aubrey huff hits one to right. and down to right this ball is gone for a two run homerun. >> and it is hit high in the air to left center-field and it
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is his third homerun for rentaria. >> here it is. he struck him out. [ applause ] >> and for the first time since 1954, the giants are world champions. [ music ] >> so congratulations to edgar rentaria, the most valuable in the 2010 world series. >> he was the hurt all year. didn't know he could play again next year and he comes out. he is the mvp and comes out and hits a huge homerun for us. couldn't happen to better guy. >> i was standing there and when he hit it we didn't know if he got enough of it. we were hoping he would find a gap. and when he did that was just the moment. and it was unbelievable. >> i got lucky. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> your mantra was always play hard and have fun. it worked out. >> you never give up. we had a couple of downs but we never gave up.
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and we timed it just right. [ applause ] >> and it sounds ridiculous and i love every minute of it. >> what a feeling. i can only imagine what the fans are thinking or what they are doing. i am glad. >> are you going to run for mayor? what are you doing? >> we talked a little bit about the history of great games. i tell you what was neat through all of this through willy mayes and will dark and dustin they were here pulling for these guys and they want these guys to get it done and they felt it. i am just honored to be on this journey. >> i want to help my director kevin for this. heather and ken let's do it all over again. >> fun to watch it. >> i want to watch it again but we are out of time. >> good-bye, everybody.
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thanks so much for joining us on this christmas night. >> our coverage continues online on
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