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tv   10 O Clock News  KICU  November 29, 2010 11:30pm-12:30am PST

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there he is an escaped inmate back many custody tonight after overpowering a deputy and putting a neighborhood on lock down. good evening everybody i'm frank somerville. >> and i'm julie haener. he's accused of of tasing a
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santa cruz officer. >> reporter: convicted inmate is being kept in the hospital. he is being kept overnight for unspecified medical examination. the inmade allegedly attacked a sheriff's deputy, tased her and took her gun before running off into a near by neighborhood. at around 4:30 this afternoon, heavily armed s.w.a.t. police brought the 6'7" into custody tonight. >> so frightened everybody that a run went running out of the house. and the dog made an escape route for the parents who ran out as well. leaving the guy in the house by himself. >> reporter: when police arrived, they initially went to the wrong house. >> our officers actually located the suspect in the house next door to the one
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where the initial entry and burglary had occurred. >> reporter: officers recovered the deputies gun and taser, the suspect did not resist. >> he took advantage of advantage and punched the deputy. he fled out into the perimeter of the hospital area where they fought again. he managed to take the deputies taser then tased the deputy. >> reporter: the inmate took the deputy's gun and shot at a bistandard but missed. >> was that proper to have just one deputy is deputy? >> i'm not prepared to speak whether it was proper to have one deputy with one inmate, that's something we will address later. there will be a review of
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transportation procedures of inmates. live in santa cruz, lloyd lacuesta. haynesworth was in custody awaiting trials that he broke into a home. he was accused of threatening three people inside, and stealing jewelry and credit cards. he also has felony convictions in 2008 for auto theft and injurying a peace officer. a hostage situation just came to an end in eastern wisconsin with the suspect captured and a student shot by his own hand. a student took a teacher and 22 other students hostage. after five hours, police say they heard gunshots and rushed to the classroom. at that point they said the 15 shot himself.
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tonight his condition is unknown. no one else was physically hurt. it left a teacher in tears and a school wondering what kind of person would do something like that. sometime over the long holiday, thieves broke into a school in belmont. someone stole 15 computers and it's possible the crime may have been caught on video tape. amber lee has our report. >> reporter: frank, staff members are shaken up, we're at carlmont high school. staff members tell us they're hoping footage from these surveillance cacerato the thiev >> from the outside they broke in, rolled down the window and came through the window. >> reporter: roy ameston showed us the bloken window where the thieves broke into the classroom that was targeted. staff members said the crime took place over the holiday
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weekend. between the time school let out to the time that they returned this morning. >> the teachers had tears in their eyes saying. someone broke in and took all the computers. >> reporter: 30 back i pod touches were stolen from this room. staff members say the computers were stored in the packing station and padlocked so the thieves had to have used a tool. >> there's 48 pieces of video which our authorities are reviewing in hopes that the thieves are on the cameras some where. >> reporter: this theft affects many students. >> to rip off something that kids are trying to learn and this is what happens. what comes around goes around, and somehow, some way they will get pay back, the karma you
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know, something will happen. >> reporter: police told us they will likely finish going through all the surveillance video by tomorrow and share those images with us in hopes of catching the thieves. the stolen computer equipment is valued at $50,000. reporting live here in belmont, amber lee, ktvu channel 2 news. at 10:30 tonight another unsolved crime, this time at another school. what happened to two chickens there and why the principal had a very difficult time to tell the students there. and a judge has denied paper work asking for bail for mehserle. bail is generally allowed for a convicted felon only if the
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defense shows likelihood of a successful appeal. cyber monday sales are up this year. a year ago the country was mired in a rescission, now there's hope and 90% of retailers are now offering some sort of cyber monday promotion. last year, cyber monday sales totaled $685,000. retailers slashed their prices and analysts say it was a good weekend online. if it went up to five or 6%, and it could have been a really good result. it seems to have increased by over 6%, it has been a really good weekend. >> reporter: cyber monday isn't always the biggest online shopping day of the year.
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last year it was december 15th. amazon stock benefited by cyber monday. it trended up by $179.49. is the largest online only retailer. facebook scored a major publicity cue today as george w. bush stopped by the company's palo alto company. mr.bush seemed relaxed and joked easily with facebook ceo mark zuckerburg. zucke rburg commented the president for standing his ground against criticism. >> if you believe in what you're doing, criticism means nothing. the worse thing you can do is try to change who you are. >> reporter: the former president said he chose to speak at facebook because many people are paying attention and he's trying to sell books.
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mr.bush' book went on sale earlier this month. a pioneer of grass roots environmentism who called the bay area home has died at the age of 90. richard goldman was one of the most influential philanthropist in the country. and his countless contributions touched the lives of people around the world. jana katsuyama has a look now at his legacy. >> reporter: at the golden fund offices today, the corner office was quiet and empty. as condolences poured in from around the world. >> everybody is really sad. i mean he was a big man with a big spirit. >> reporter: and richard goldman was one of the area's biggest philanthropist. he and his wife gave nearly a half billion dollars to people around the world. >> he built two organizations with his wife. the goldman fund and the goldman prize and he touched people in all levels.
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>> reporter: the goldman often compared to the oscar. >> here's to the next 20 years of inspiration. >> reporter: along with environmental issues, the goldman philanthropist nurtured the arts and policies at uc berkeley. >> you wanted to know what you were doing what you said you were trying to do and to make sure his philanthropy would have the affects he wanted them to have. >> reporter: the san francisco native saw one more dream come true. goldman's son said he had the joy of celebrating the giants world series win. >> he got to sit on the city hall stage for that ceremony. and that was a really wonderful moment for him railroad now goldman leaves behind his own legacy inspiring others and passing on to the next
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generation. >> i think my father accomplished a lot of what he dreamed of early in his age. i think he had a life well lived. >> reporter: reporting from the goldman school at uc berkeley, jana katsuyama, ktvu channel 2 news. a cool crisp sunset tonight. when the cold weather is going to ease. our chief meteorologist bill martin has the weather in just a few minutes. a crime spree is over tonight thanks to the quick
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two people are in custody tonight accused of a burglary scheme. one of the men posed as a fire inspector to gain access to his victims. one would be victim caught on, ken pritchett has the report. >> reporter: this upscale mexican restaurant does not seem to be the place where the crime spree could come to an end, but it did. thanks to the alertness of a
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woman who barely weighs 100 pounds. >> i instinktively ran after him. i don't want him to get away. i had my three inch heels on , luckily he fell. >> reporter: matthew knocked him town, getting the license plate of the vehicle and turning it into police. >> we found property from six
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different victims and thefts. >> reporter: petaluma police say they got calls from half a dozen different law enforcement agencies and even out of state. wondering if sullivan is responsible for similar crimes. >> i actually felt very enpowered that i went after him. i don't think it was the smartest idea. don't know that i would do it again, looking back at how potentially dangerous it could have been. >> reporter: the suspects are being held in the sonoma county jail on burglary, possession of stolen property and conspiracy charges. more felony charges could be filed as the investigation continues. as for tres hombres, the management says they are installing lockers now for employees. today neighbors of a 60- year-old napa man who was killed in an officer involved shooting offered their version of the events leading to the arrest. napa police say they were called to a home at 3:00.
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after a relative called saying pachia was suicidal. officers tased, then shot and killed pasia. but neighbors say they saw pasia cooperating with police. another neighbor said she thought the shooting and taser happened simultaneously. napa police said they cannot release details of the event because it is under investigation. the interviews took place in a hospital just hours after the attack on christmas day 2007. the siberian tiger named
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tatiana escaped from its cage attacking the brothers. >> we're trying to figure out how the tiger got out. >> i told you what happened. >> reporter: daliwal's brother paul said he was sure he was going to die and that every breath he was taking was his last. the number of californians using cell phones to place a 911 call is rising and the minutes of wait times is dropping. part of the reasons may be that dispatch centers are now
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fielding the calls. supporters of proposition eight are appealing a lower court ruling. today we learned the names of the three judges who will hear the appear. ktvu's john sasaki report. >> reporter: the names are reinhant, hawkins and smith. tom devacaro is state chair of the republican party. >> we as a party support the values of the prop eight but we also support the value of voters having a stake instead of just some men in a black robe. >> reporter: the castro district is holding its collective breath. now the ninth circuit will decide whether to uphold the latest ruling. >> i think it's going to happen. i think if california finally
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resolves the issue, i think that many other states will eventually go that way as well. >> reporter: molly mckay is with marriage quality. >> it's an american principal that all should be on board for. >> reporter: i spoke to jesse shober by phone today. >> if the ninth circuit reaches a verdict and says that proposition eight is inconstitutional, there's a high probability that the supreme court will take the case. >> reporter: the process might end there. in san francisco, i'm john sasaki, ktvu channel 2 news. and has background information on the prop eight case and the arguments that will be presented next. just look for the prop eight tab on the home page.
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a quake rocked japan today. the u.s. geological survey put the magnitude at 6.6. while the japanese agency said it was 6.9. it so far there are no reports of injuries or damage. and it's going to be another cold one out there tonight. you woke up this morning, monday morning it was downright cold. frosty in the inland locations. same game tomorrow morning, freezing temperatures in the north and east bay. as we head down if road here we've got showers back in your bay area forecast. right now santa rosa is 37 degrees. 34 in napa, that's two away from freezing: you can get frost with 36 degrees. 39 in oakland, that's real cool. san jose 31. it's going to be real cool when you wake up tomorrow morning. into the upper 20s in the north
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bay, frost you will see ice in some of those locations, a cold start in santa rosa tomorrow. about 7:00 a.m., it's 32 degrees. when i come back i'm going to show you the computer model that has the latest update on the forecast for rain coming up here really soon. in addition to the prestige, how much do you think a world championship is worth. the losing texas rangers, for them a full share is worth $246,000. players who took part in the postseason had a pool of $55 million to split. the ones who win it all get the most. new questions tonight about that 19-year-old accused of trying to set off an explosion at a tree lighting ceremony. why some
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the portland oregon teenager has been -- >> 19-year-old muhammad pled not guilty to an alleged plot to set off a car bomb at a christmas lighting ceremony on friday. >> one of the issues that will be coming up in this case involves whether and how he was directed in those actions by the government agents. the fbi is trying to determine whether a fire at the
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islamic center where muhammad worships is arson. >> what's scary really is the way this whole thing has been played out. i'm not comfortable with the fact that the fbi who the community generally wants to trust is setting people up. >> reporter: the bay area office of the county of islamic relations says while it condemns all sorts of violence, it questions why they provided muhammad with the fake equipment. >> do we want a sensational story? i argue that the fbi was looking for a sensational story. >> there were a number of opportunities that the subject was given to retreat. to take a different path, he
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chose at every step to continue. >> reporter: muhammad is charged with attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction and a tentative trial date is set for february. maureen naylor, ktvu news. the united nations security council today discussed naval exercises in the korean coast. military officials cancelled live fire drills after marines failed to get final approval from higher authorities. an anti war group staged a rally at 5:00. the group blames the obama administration and it's allies in south korea saying they provoked north korea and what the u.s. really wants is a regime change in the north.
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the demonstrators also say north korea wants to regulate with the united states. the need to protect other chickens tonight
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the highway patrol today identified a skateboarder injured in a car accident. a pickup truck hit him in the intersection of martinez and shell avenues. after was not in a crosswalk 3:00 yesterday afternoon. he suffered cuts to his face, the driver at this point has not been located. surveillance video captured a deadly crash at a los angeles accident. police say three members of a family were seated in a booth next to the trash can saturday
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when a car came right through the wall and hit them. a 50-year-old woman died at the scene, her 20-year-old son was critically injured. another relative and a customer at the register suffered minor injuries. police say the driver could be cited but so far has not been arrested. there is strong reaction around the world tonight to the wikileak release of classified state documents. ktvu's gasia mikaelian reports. >> reporter: secretary of state hillary clinton has strong words today for those behind the release of stolen classified documents on the wikileaks website. >> there is nothing brave about sabotaging the peaceful relations between nations on which our common security fends. >> reporter: the latest
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wikileaks dump includes candid and unflattering exchanges. the u.s. ambassador to the u.n. refuted the claims of espionage. >> our diplomats are doing what diplomats do all over the world every day. which is negotiates advance our interests and work to find common solutions to complex problems. >> reporter: the compromise, a secret predator drone program. general pa the secret memos reveal saudi king unveiled u.s. tactics surrounding afghanistan, pakistan and north korea. secretary clinton says the embarrassing comments about foreign leaders are far less important. >> in my conversations, at least one of my counter parts said to me, well don't worry about it, you should hear what we say about you. so i think that this is well
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understood in the diplomatic community as part of the give and take. >> reporter: one republican lawmaker says he wants wikileaks to be declared a terrorist organization. lawmakers on both sides of the aisle are urging strong legal action. gasia mikaelian, ktvu channel 2 news. lingering fears that ireland's crisis will spread drove stocks down today. the nasdaq dropped nine points. google finalized a deal today to purchase groupon. they are expected to pay 2.5 billion for groupon that offers
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daily coupons. and hewellet packered are now -- heard resigned from hp after a company investigation found that he had violated it's standards of business conduct. as part of his search package, hurd was expected to get shares of hp shares. students at an elementary school in concord, the principal had the difficult task of telling them someone had killed two of their pet chickens. ktvu's janine de la vega. >> reporter: principal christina bowman had a difficult time today telling the students what a custodian found the day before thanksgiving. the chickens were used to teach students about the life cycle
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of animals. only two remain after someone hung maxine and linie by a string. >> someone really took time. they would have had to jump over two fences and break into the chicken coop and literally pull it off the hinges and catch the chickens and hang them. >> sad because thanksgiving just came. so why aren't you just thanksful. >> reporter: lisa treating the incidence at a case of vandalism and animal cruelty. there don't appear to be witnesses and that there are no solid leads. >> it really makes me sick. i think this is a deranged individual or individuals that need to be apprehended. >> reporter: the four survives chickens have been moved
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temporarily to a teachers home. the chickens will once again be fed leftovers and their droppings used in the compost. thieves made their way into an elementary school and took laptop computers. it was the third theft at the school within the last year. someone stole cameras and more recently someone stole a window and took a computer. doctors being able to tell within seconds if a cancerous tumor is spreading. the procedure being tested that may save lives.
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we're tracking very cold temperatures and clouds offshore. i'm going to show you the
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late today, palo alto police released the sketch of a man wanted for an attempted rape last week. the woman managed to fight off her attacker. the man is described as white, in his late 20s to early 30s. he had short dark hair and a goatee and was wearing a white
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t-shirt and jeans. the attempted rape happened in the 900 block of alma street. an experimental technique that tracks the aggressiveness of tumors enables researchers to first local then see precisely how fast the tumor is growing and do it within seconds. patients are injected with a special compound then given an mri. right now it's being done on four volunteer prostate cancer patients. >> it has implications for all kinds of other cancers and other diseases. cardiac disease, all kinds fatty liver disease. anything that has a metabolic consequence which is any disease this is applicable to. researchers says the superior to current images and can cost less. this is a stage one trial still a long way from being commonly used. san ramon based 24 hour fitness is settling a lawsuit
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with a deal estimated to be $205 million. under the settlement, 24 hour fitness is to provide $20 reimbursements or three month all access membership certificates to 1.5 million former members. earlier this year, the bill died in the state senate. the governor acknowledged there are local bans but said they're not enough. san francisco, oakland and palo alto are among the bay area cities with a ban already in place. the special session is scheduled to begin next week. tomorrow the san mateo board of supervisors is scheduled to consider an appeal intended to prevent a medical marijuana dispensary to open in redwood city.
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it plans to open on bay road. last month the collective became the first dispensary in the county to get approval from the licensing board. but the da, the sheriff and some residents appealed. they argue among other things the proposed site violates county law because it's less than 1,000 feet from a school. in news of the world tonight, in afghanistan, a border police officer shot and killed six american servicemen during a training mission today. it happened in a remote area near the pakistani border. the taliban claimed responsibility saying the gunman joined the border police specifically to kill foreigners. nato said the gunman was later killed in the shoot out. in iran, two top nuclear scientists were attacked today as they drove to work in teheran. one of the scientists died the second badly wounded, their wives were also badly wounded.
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and a man says he has a trunk full of art by picasso. the art comes from picasso's cubist period. picasso's heirs are claiming the art was stolen. the art could be worth as much as $90 million. despite the usual complaints about airlines, frequent fliers do give credit to stand out carriers. virgin america scored the highest over all marks for any u.s. airline. continental ranked tops among big airlines. southwest was sited for best value and on time performance. the zagat survey asked consumers to rate the airlines
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on food and convenience. and more rain is on the
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late word that toyota will pay to fix about 650,000 prius cars. toyota says the design of the electric water pump lets air bubbles enter the system, slowing coolant circulation. the heat up is supposed to trigger a warning light but that doesn't always happen. most of those cars are in the united states. a hop warner football team in san francisco is on it's way to the international championships but it's going to cost them a lot of money to get
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there. the bombers have only days now to come up with the cash to get to florida. ktvu's debra villalone is live. >> reporter: they were >> reporter: they're supposed to leave on thursday or friday, but right now money is the big block. the san francisco brown bombers clenched only yesterday. defeating a baseball team for an undefeated season. >> the estimated cost for the football team 1481. >> reporter: tonights parents learned the other numbers, the cost, almost $1,500 for each player to go to orlando. >> a minimum of $500 payment to get air fare. >> reporter: the frustration is clear. whatever pressure the players felt on the field, familys are
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feeling now. one 15-year-old with a touchdown yesterday has been playing for nine year. >> we're trying to raise money to get there. a lot of people's parents don't have it. so i want all the football team to go, i don't want to miss this for nothing. >> we ask for help, we go out and ask for sponsor, whatever we can get, we will swallow our pride for kids. >> reporter: the cheer leaders also qualified for the finals. >> we're trying to get donations from the neighborhood, anybody that can sponsor the kids to go. >> they grow up in a violent high crime area, they overcome a lotover things. >> it keeps my head on my shoulders, it keeps me on the right track. i have good grades in school. i'm a good player, my teammates are good players, if we work together we can do it.
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the players from the bay view sunnyvale and no one wants to miss their spot. to help, two to our website ktv some needy san franciscans is much warmer tonight thanks to the generosity of ktvu viewers by donating to the one warm coats drive. ktvu and the organization one warm coat collected 1,000 coats at various points throughout the area. those in line for the coat today said the help was much appreciated. >> reporter: it's freezing, i had to borrow this coat to stand in line to get a coat today. >> reporter: you can still donate through the end of december, there are collection barrels in the ferries in san
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francisco, bay street, broad view plaza and santana row. one of the ship that's part of the fleet may soon have a new home on the ocean floor. california ships to reefs wants to buy that ship, clean it up and sink it near orange county. the department of fish and game would have to back the proposal for that deal to go through. it is cold out there right now, temperatures nearing freezing. let's go and i'll show you, it's got some high clouds out there. those will increase the next couple of days and warm us up. when you get up there to the napa valley and it's cold. 49 in napa, it's a little warmer than it was last night. but we have clouds filtering in. you see that rain starts to show up north of us. you see green right there and right there. the jet stream is going to do this thing. the jet stream is going to hang
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up in northern california. it looks like it wants to swing through but it's not going through. it's going to stay up there for the next 48 hours. cool temperatures in the morning. and then as those clouds increase, believe it or not temperatures are going to increase. tomorrow feeling like today. high pressure still there, the system still stays to the north, there's just a few clouds. but as we roll into wednesday night the clouds increase, temptures come up. overnight thursday into friday. that's how it looks right now. all that could change. forecast for san jose tomorrow starts out at 42. 55 at lunch near 60 degrees for san jose tomorrow for a daytime high. that's quite a bit warmer than they have been in the last couple of days it's been in the low 50s. here's the computer model, wednesday night you sew what we have, just hanging out there. we go into thursday, there it is. thursday that's after the
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commute. overnight thursday and there's your morning commute on friday. and then there's friday afternoon and then it's kind of out of here pretty quickly. it'll linger in the mountain. we get a foot of snow from this thing. right now, the friday morning commute looks like it's going to be the wet one. your friday afternoon will be dry. it's a ways off. 56 in napa, 56 in richmond, these are warmer temperatures than we saw today. some of these places did not get out of the 40s. 60 in santa cruz tomorrow and 57 in redwood city. the five day forecast, they just keep coming. this next system is a quick mover. maybe a quarter of an inch, maybe a half inch. maybe an inch up toward santa rosa. on a scale of one to 10 it's a six. right now the main event appears to be friday morning and a little bit into the mid- morning on friday. so just kind of an interesting weather, a winder weather pattern if you will.
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>> another winter snow in the sierra. he had just
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twizzlers. the twist you can't resist.
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sports director mark ibanez join us mouse. seems -- joins us now. seems like it was their best game of the year. >> niners despite all their problems are only one game out of first place until the nfc west. they're playing their best game of the year against the team that doesn't seem to have the best of anything. down in arizona, the cardinals first quarter following a fumble recovery. it's troy smith letsing it fly from michael crabtree, touchdown 49ers. 38yards but you see the replay, that ball hit the ground. they may have gotten a break. you know what, they got a break coming to them. in fact, it comes in the place of frank gore, a fractured hip. he's probably out for a week. so the point comes at a cost. it sets up gore's replacement, bryan westbrook, where has this guy been all year?
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he came in with ten carry, for 9 yards tonight 23 carries, 136 yards and that touchdown which pretty much put it away. second half just a couple of field goals for the niners. 2-6 niners. arizona quarterback derrick anderson caught on camera chatting it up and smiling with a teammate in the second half, cardinals are getting hammered by the niners. bruton called him up, saying in effect he would never want to see his players acting like that. anderson reacted to questions about his demeanor. >> i'm not laughing about it. you think this is funny. i take this [ bleep ] serious. real serious, i put my heart and soul into this [ bleep ] every single week. >> i'm just saying the cameras showed -- >> all i'm saying i do this every week. i don't go out there and laugh, it's not funny. nothing is funny to me.
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i don't want to go out there and get embarrassed on monday night football in front of everything. we're talking, deuce and i are talking. >> what was the context? >> i'm done. >> that's a story you're going to be hearing more of for the next week or so. meantime it's just talk but giant fans get a kick of this. the wall street journal reporting that the giants have contacted the agent for jeter. whatever the case, the giants apparently do need a shortstop as juan uribe is gone. signing a three year deal with the dodgers of all teams reportedly it's for three years at $21 million. cant blame san francisco for not paying that much for uribe but certainly no taking away the value of his contributions. many a clutch hit for the giants, 24 homers, 85 rbis and helping to make it happen in a very big way for the giants
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this past season. international soccer this season, the clasico match up madrid ended ♪ [ female announcer keurig has over 200 varieties of gourmet coffee and tea to choose from. ♪ keurig is the way to brew fresh, delicious coffee in under a minute. way to brew. [ female announcer so with keurig, every cup tastes like it's brewed just for you. ♪ because it is. choose. brew. enjoy. keurig.
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