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tv   Bay Area News at 7  KICU  November 29, 2010 7:00pm-7:30pm PST

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>> complete bay area news starts right now. this is bay area news at 7:00. good evening. it is monday, november 29. i am gasia mikaelian, and this is bay area news at 7:00. an escaped prisoner considered armed and dangerous is back in custody following an intense manhunt. the incident came to an end in the past two hours as officers captured maurice ainsworth in a home in santa cruz could he had escaped around noon today after arriving at the hospital where
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he was scheduled to have an mri. they say that ainsworth attacked a deputy and shot her with her own taser. >> he punched her and fought with her. >> he stole the deputies handgun and nearby schools were put on lockdown. now to the northbay where police shot and killed a man who may have been suicidal. two witnesses were questioning whether the shooting was justified. officers responded in east napa. a woman had called 911 worried that her husband would take his own life. police say they convinced him to, aside but said he became confrontational. witnesses tell ktvu a different story. >> i watched him come out of
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the house. he raised his arms up. >> police say one officer shot him with a taser while another filed a rifle. they say that he was a psychiatric nurse suffering from post-dramatic stress syndrome. richard goldman, a philanthropist who spent his life in the bay area has died. jana katsuyama is live in berkeley. >> reporter: what is amazing is that he touched so many people. from the school of public policy to the prestigious environmental surprised he supported causes near his heart. the office was quite today as condolences poured in. >> everybody was really sad.
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>> reporter: he was one of the areas biggest philanthropists. he gave nearly a half-million dollars to people around the world. >> he had to organizations with his wife. he really did touch a lot of people. >> reporter: the goldman environmental prize often compared to the nobel prize was given to celebrities such as robert redford and al gore. along with environmental issues, they planted other seats in the community from art to the school of public policy at their alma mater uc berkeley. >> he always kicked tires. he always wanted to know that you would do what you said you would do and make sure that his philanthropy would have the effect he wanted to have. >> reporter: after 90 years, he is also passed on to his children that spirited giving.
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>> i think my father congress more than he had hoped and dreamed at a young age -- accomplished more than he had hoped and dreamed at a young age. >> reporter: funeral services are set for 10:30 friday morning at the congregation emanuel. a way for people to give tribute to a man who gave so much. two uc berkeley graduates being held in iran spoke to their families by telephone this last weekend. josh for tall and she bauer told the family members they have not had access to an attorney and did not know the status of their case -- shane bauer. she said her son sounded strong but frustrated. the two young men along with share -- sarah shourd were
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taken captive. the u.s. supreme court will hear arguments tomorrow about medical care and the release of inmates from federal prison. they ruled that the panel should reduce the population by at least 40,000. the federal appeals court in san francisco will look at the issue of same-sex marriage one week from today. today we learned the names of three judges that will hear the appeal. >> mayor stephen reinhardt, the most liberal, michael hawkins, and randy smith. >> we know the record of the ninth circuit could we have concerns whether they were respect the people.
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>> we obviously as a party support the values of prop eight people we also support the value of voters having a steak instead of just some men in black ropes. >> reporter: the castro district is holding its breath. a federal judge overturned the ruling scene is unconstitutional. >> i think it's going to happen. i think if california finally resolves the issue, i think many other states will go that way as well. >> reporter: this man is with marriage equality usa. >> is an american principle. >> reporter: i spoke with a uc berkeley law professor. >> if they reach the merits that says proposition eight is unconstitutional there's a high probability that they will
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overturn it. >> first they have to decide if prop eight supporters have legal standing, and if not the process may in there. >> two people injured in san rafael are said to be recovering tonight. the fire started early this morning. fire crews put out the fire after about 15 minutes. one woman was treated for smoke inhalation and a firefighter suffered a minor head injury. they see the fire was likely caused by someone smoking a cigarette and data. in belmont police are asking for the public's help. investigators say sometime during the thanksgiving break, thieves broke in and took 25 apple macbook's plus 30 apple ipod touches. beats also broke into a
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berkeley school -- thieves also broke into a berkeley school and stole several laptops from the library. it was the third-best at the school within the past year. someone still cameras and more recently someone broke a window into the computer. the san francisco arts commission says it is seen a dramatic increase in vandalism targeting artwork. the commission has $15,000 budgeted for cleaning up graffiti but it can cost up to $25,000 -- up to $5000 from a single monument. a union representative estimates 20,000 bay area workers will be affected by a freeze. it would amount to $20 billion in savings over the next five years. john elwood, a public policy
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professor said it will not make a real dent in the nation's deficit. >> is small potatoes. the chilean dollar deficit is there because of a dramatic decline in revenues -- the dollar deficiency is there because of a dramatic decline in revenues. >> the proposal does not apply to congress which voted last april to freeze its own pay to the american people and our friends and partners i want you to know that we are taking aggressive steps to hold responsible those who stole this information. >> secretary clinton went on to say the release of state department tables in which some world leaders are undersized
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point people in danger. one soldier is accused of downloading the information from a military computer and giving it to the website wikileaks. he has already been charged with a series of crimes including violation of the espionage act. tension between north and south korea brought protesters to the streets of san francisco tonight. they gathered and blamed the escalation on on the u.s. and south korea. newly released audio but what happened before that deadly christmas day tiger attack at the san francisco zoo. these have become such a threat to brick and mortar retailers they say, why fight them? let's join them. cyber monday is still ahead.
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it will be cold tomorrow morning. i will show you which city will be the coldest. we have some rain in the forecast, up next. using our points from chase sapphire. last minute... on christmas. and sitting next to us, chevy chase. and we really hit it off. we play golf, and then the luau. he's like da vinci with ice. and after, we help hang christmas decorations. wait, wait, wait. you flew last minute... on christmas... with points from chase sapphire? yeah. amazing. believe it. with points from chase sapphire, you can book airline tickets with no blackout dates or restrictions.
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>> immigrant rights activists called on congress to pass the dream act which would provide a path of citizenship. students attended rallies at the mission high school in support of the legislation. among them was steve lee, a nursing student who faces deportation to peru. if it is past, they could apply for permanent residency if they were under the age of 16 when they came to the united states. kaiser permanente announced that they are getting a $10.5 million gift to the city of
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oakland. one of the existing programs is the police department program, the purpose of which is to improve the relationship between police officers and city youth. on the heels of black friday, the holiday season retail blitz continued with cyber monday. experts say the shoppers may have spent more than $1 billion today. as tom vacar reports, it has become much more than a marketing gimmick. >> reporter: at cash registers this morning it was ka-ching- glebells all the way. >> it has increased five or 6%. a really good result. a really good weekend. >> reporter: today is the day that retailers offer big bargains to get you to buy
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online. >> sometimes they are a lot more reasonable in price. i will do the shopping ahead of time and compare prices. >> reporter: the founder of the sharper image strictly does business on the internet and says that unique products at a discount price are essential. >> they made offers on cyber monday better than a promotional. >> reporter: some of the biggest retailers are actually some of the biggest brick and mortar retailers. but nobody thinks that store shopping is passing away. >> i would say is a supplement to shopping. >> a little more personal contact. so whoever i get, they appreciate it more and. >> reporter: he would rather go to the store? >> absolutely. >> reporter: figures should be
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out tomorrow. the post office kicked off what it calls the holiday shipping season. between now and christmas eve, they are expected to deliver close to 16 billion cards, letters, and packages. to make sure your items arrive on time, mail them early. there was lingering fears about european debt that we heavily on wall street. the dow ended its day down 39 points and nasdaq posted a loss of nine. you can find more coverage on our website, click the tab on our homepage at the hostage drama at a wisconsin high school has just ended peacefully. police in maine at wisconsin say an armed student has
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released all students and a teacher that were held hostage. a student reportedly burst into a classroom and took two dozen people hostage be there is no word yet on whether the gunman has rendered. investigators are investigating the attack on pet chickens and an elementary school. they say that someone less for chickens out of their group and killed two others. the teachers are caring for the surviving chickens at home -- before the surviving chickens at home until they can find those responsible for the attack. it has been nearly three years now since the stunning tiger attack left one person dead and two others injured. david stevenson reports. >> reporter: three years ago, a
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240-pound siberian tiger escaped her enclosure, tacking three young men and killing one of them before police shot the animal. >> reporter: these differences go police department released a taped interviews. they were conducted in the hospital just a few hours after the attack. they hoped to discover whether the young men taunted the tiger or through nachos into its 10th prior to the attack. >> did you throw them food or anything? >> no. >> reporter: the zoo insists the boy said something to provoke a. >> those boys enraged her and took somebody's life and lost her life as well. >> a young man died because
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tatiana the tiger got out of the enclosure. some people seem to care more about tatiana the tiger then they do carlos sousa. >> how did they get out of their area? >> reporter: they redesigned the tiger enclosure and the families received a financial settlement. california's department of managed care announced fines against the seven largest health insurance companies. they are accused of paying less than what they were old. they ranged from 300,000 to $900,000 are aimed at anthem blue cross, blue shield, united pacificare, health net, kaiser foundation health plan, and
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cigna. the saint anthony's foundation in san francisco added several coats to its clothing giveaway. they collected some 4000 coats. they say help is much appreciated. >> many are standing in line to get a coat today. >> you can still donate to the end of december. a bay area teenager says his life has changed thanks to a device that he can fit in his pocket. and will be biting cold hang around? bill martin will have your forecast. if there is no tv nearby, you can watch bay area news at 7:00 on your computer. we are streaming live on the web at
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>> there is a major change coming to the surfing competition at half moon bay. spectators cannot gather on the beach. this is why, last year a rouge
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wave seriously injured 13 people. surfers have 24 hours notice when conditions become just right. >> is a little bit cold. >> there is no record cold or frost advisories but it is cold. some places, maybe your neighborhood, did not get out of the 40s. these clouds were moving in this weather system which will bring rain on thursday night. the next few nights will be a little bit warmer because of a blanket of clouds moving in overnight and through the day. clear and cool tonight. the clouds start to move in. the clouds are not here yet.
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what that means is in the morning, by 8:00, you will have frost on the windshield. give yourself a little bit of time to get your car warmed up. you'll notice it was cold in san francisco. it is not just the inland valleys. as we head into thursday night, friday, rain develops. this is not a big system that we will get a quarter inch to a half-inch. snow in the mountains that starts thursday night. that is the time right now. at the 10:00 news i will have an update. tomorrow in santa rosa, 41 degrees. this is the latest computer model. it shows rain starting to show up wednesday morning in the marina. and then more showers thursday morning in the north. here we go thursday night,
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there is a lot of rain up here. it is out of here friday afternoon. should not be a big win producer based on the fact that it is not sticking around to more than 12 hours. maybe 60 degrees in some places tomorrow. the five-day forecast -- there is speed i will be back tonight during the 10:00 broadcast. >> a. a big area teenager says a medical device the size of an ipod has changed her life. walking was painful for the 19- year-old freshman until earlier this year when she was fitted with a device called the walk aid. it uses electrical currents to help control the ankle and
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foot. that is our report for tonight. i am gasia mikaelian our coverage continues online at and with our 10:00 news. tmz is up next right here on tv36 ocooer feoel cort eeit t totr r
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