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tv   10 O Clock News  KICU  November 26, 2010 11:30pm-12:30am PST

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that, in test, outlasts the flop to make volume that lasts long past 4 o'clock. pantene. healthy makes it happen. . complete bay area news coverage starts right now. this is the 10:00 news on ktvu, ktvu. >> they are off. black friday arrives in the bay area and so do the crowds all hungry for a great deal. good evening, everyone, i'm frank somerville. >> i'm in tonight for julie haener. san francisco's holiday season is officially underway with the lighting of union square's 80- foot tree tonight. no one waited for that to mob the stores for holiday
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bargains. deborah villalon has a live report from the city. >> reporter: macy's here at union square still has an hour to go closing at 11. the deceit are still alive with people enjoying the thanks savings holiday. >> go giants. >> pat burrel helped light the tree. this crowd was a lot like the world series celebration, big and enthusiastic. macy's estimates about 10,000 people packed union square tonight. >> merry christmas, san francisco. >> reporter: santa might as well have said go, go, go. a sea of people and merchants. they say traffic and sales are definitely up from recent years. >> i think it's fun except my feet hurt after shopping. >> reporter: sore feet are an annual tradition for the
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williams family of sacramento. they will spend three days in the city seeing the sight and doing their shopping. >> i think compared to other years there are so many more people out. maybe that's a sign that the tide is sort of turning. >> we still, you know, make out lists and know what we are going to bay for who. and how much we want to spend. it is a little better this year than it has been in the past. >> that combination of optimism, pent-up demand and unbridled bargains brought people out all over the bay area shopping door busters that began in the wee hours. >> my first black friday. i am enjoying it. so far it is kind of fun. i guess i will find out in the long run if it is worth it or not. >> reporter: many shoppers had no doubt. here in union square, shopping right up until the tree lighting and planning to plunge in for more right afterwards. >> we started at victoria's secret, of course. the perfumes and went to macy's and william and sonoma for some
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tasteers. and spent four hours at cfw for boots. >> 4, 3, 2, 1. >> reporter: when the free finally lit up the crowd loved it. waited patiently through a 40- minute presentation sometimes chanting light the tree. and safe to say long after the gifts are given and the bills are paid, the memories are friends and family here that are going to last the longest. reporting live in san francisco's union square deborah villalon, ktvu, channel 2 news. a rush of shoppers regretted target employees early this morning in walnut creek. >> let's go. [ applause >> hundreds of people waited for hours outside in the cold until the store opened up at 4:00. shoppers told us the hot item was a $300lcd television. unfortunately for many it is sold out before some of the earliest shoppers could get their hands on it. coming up police are warning people while outlooking for deals they could be the
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unsuspecting victim of a holiday grinch. what could make you a target and what you can do to protect yourself in 25 minutes. >> what a difference a week makes. 11 days example talking about temperatures in the 80s. this week we have had record cold. and likely will get some rain this weekend. meteorologist mark tamayo will have more on the impending rain but start with diane who is live tonight in san jose. >> reporter: frank cold but tolerable downtown in san jose right now. a relief of the 30 degrees temperatures of the past few nights. but just in case, people here were not taking any chances tonight. they bundled up for the official opening of christmas in the park and the lighting of the tree. >> 3, 2, 1. light it up. [ applause >> among the crowds admiring the two acres of displays, several people appeared specially winter eyed. >> it is going to be cold and i will be on a motorcycle later
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on. >> it's really nice. >> reporter: but not everyone loves the cold or the rain this forecast to drop on san jose by mid-morning tomorrow. this group of homeless men had to move out of their usually doorway because christmas in the park lights encroached. >> so we go to a bridge. sometimes it's a little windy and it will get wet. we have got to move somewhere else. but we find a place. >> reporter: are you ready for the rain? >> yeah. i just got to stay in. >> underneath? >> yes. and our address is whatever the height clearance is on the bridge. >> reporter: they could go to one of the three army ours that open this week but they say it's difficult to get there with all of their belongings on buses and light rails. people who live and work indoors were keeping cash registers peg at orchard supply. >> looking to heat a funeral home. >> 20 degrees upstairs in a
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mortuary. >> reporter: jesus bought flannel shirts to wear as he maintains the museum. >> this can definitely keep me warm at the museum where i am working. >> reporter: they anticipating a run on rain wear with boots and sandbags. >> the managers usually look at the future forecasts are to help predict what we need to satisfy the customer's needs. >> reporter: so with the weather and tonight's tree lighting san jose feels and looks a lot like christmas. the bizarre november heat wave is almost forgotten against the mufflers, and mittens and pretty soon the umbrellas. live in san jose, diane, ktvu, channel 2 news. it could be a wet start to the weekend for a look at where the rain is right now. ktvu in with meteorolog left center. >> watching the rainfall approach the north bay neighborhoods. right now on live stormtracker 2 i can show you this.
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the temperatures still on the cool side. remember we are talking about freeze warnings in this area over the past few days. not the case overnight with the temperatures basically near the 40 degrees mark. there is the expanded view with the rain showers really targeting the north coast up towards crescent city. all of this activity will spread to the south. at least here in the bay area right now you can see once again that activity is moving into the northwestern portions of sonoma county. not all of this is reaching the ground. already some rainfall reports. could have a few sprinkles moving into cloverdale and guys geyserville and coming up the heaviest rain bands for tomorrow. look at the projected rain totals over the next 24 hours. >> you can track the weather yourself if you like with live stormtracker 2 updates any time. go to and click on the stormtracker tab near the top of the home page. >> police are piecing together clues of the thanksgiving killing of a woman in japan
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town. amber lee spoke with the police chief and a witness who described the deadly shooting. amber is live in san francisco now with more. amber? >> reporter: gasia in front of the building where the young woman was shot and killed. neighborhoods told us security cameras on top of this building captured the attack. tonight we have new information about what the victim was overheard saying just seconds before she was shot. the medical examiner's office has identified the woman as 23- year-old medin a coter of san francisco. shortly before 9:00 last night, one neighbor told us he heard the woman say "boo, what are you doing? " and then gunshots. another neighbor who we are not identifying because of safety concerns described what he saw. >> i heard six shots fired last night. and i saw two guys running. >> reporter: the night manager of the st. francis square residential complex told us the building security cameras captured the attack and that he has shown the surveillance footage to the police.
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>> oh, it's crazy. you know he shoots her four times. she was still moving. so he came back. he came back and he came back and he shot her three more times. >> reporter: police chief george gasone says this random shooting does not appear to be a random attack. >> we are looking through the evidence right now. >> reporter: have you questioned any possible suspects already? >> no, we have not. >> reporter: neighbors have not seen the victim in the area before and they are stunned by what happened. they say they tried to help her. >> so i checked her pulse and there was none. >> reporter: neighbors told us another resident performed c.p.r. but it was too late. >> it is scary to think that someone would do that. it's frightening. >> so anyone that has any information, no matter how small, no matter how insignificant you think it is we need to get that. that might be a critical piece to put the other pieces together. >> reporter: back here live there is now a small memorial with flowers and a candle to remember the young woman. a family member told us he doesn't know why anyone would want to hurt her.
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reporting live here in san francisco, amber lee, ktvu, channel 2 news. the smell of gas caused a brief evacuation today at a popular san jose museum. some 1500 visitors had to leave the childrens' discovery museum just before 2:00 this afternoon because of reports of the odour. firefighters and a hazmat team checked out the building and found vapors from a cleaning solution had entered the ventilation system. the visitors were able to come back inside about half an hour later. the police and cal tran are investigating the death of a man killed by a train today. the unidentified 38-year-old man was hit while inside the pedestrian crossing shortly after 10:00 this morning. about halfway between the burlinggame and broadway stations. a cal tran spokesman tells us they are looking into whether the warning system was working properly. the death has some residents in the area concerned. >> i don't feel very safe because i feel like by the time i hear the bells and the bar go
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down, the train is almost here. >> reporter: a cal trans spokesperson says the bars are lowered 29 second before the train passes. today's death was the 10th on cal train tracks this year. fire officials in contra costa county are investigating a fire that destroyed a clayton business. they responded to hair by jim salon on main street yesterday evening at 5:00. a fire marshall for the protection district says the investigation points to the fire being deliberately set. it is unclear if it is the work of an arsonist. chp is out in force looking for drunk drivers. their efforts are paying off. through their latest reporting period at 6 a.m. today chp says dui related deaths across the state are down. since wednesday night, seven people have been killed in dui crashes. that is down from 12 this time last year. in the bay area, chp officers
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have arrested 99 drivers on suspicion of dui. that is up from 87 last year. a fire in san francisco this morning sent one person scrambling for safety. it started about 10:30 in an apartment on turner in the hill neighborhood. investigators say one person was inside when the fire broke out but managed to escape the smoke and flames. firefighters took about an hour to control the flames. there were no reports of any injuries. but the apartment appeared to have suffered major damage. fire officials have not yet said what started the fire. making the ultimate sacrifice. a local marine is killed in afghanistan. how his death has put life into perspective for those who knew him. >> time for the little guys to shine. the new effort being made tomorrow to lure shoppers into a certain type of store. new information a deadly tiger attack at the san francisco zoo. how the two brothers who
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. a live look now at the sierra from the cal trans camera at the truckee scales on i-80. you can see traffic is moving fine at this hour. no chain requirements and no snow is falling as we speak. since last weekend, though, several feet of snow has fallen in the sierra, much to the delight of ski resorts. and some of those resorts were going full blast today taking advantage of all of that new
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snow. besides downhill skiing and snowboarding cross-country skiers were out at soda springs. operators are upbeat saying all of this early snow is drawing record or near record crowds. the national weather service has issued a weather storm warning. meteorologist mark tamayo says they could get up to a foot of new snow by tomorrow night. that will make for some slow going on i-80 and i-50. >> a holiday filled with heartbreak for one family. a 19-year-old marine was killed this week in afghanistan just two months after he deployed. robert handa spoke today with his family and people who knew him from high school. >> reporter: the grandfather of joseph says flowers keep arriving for his grandson a 19- year-old marine lance corporal who died wednesday while conducting combat operations in afghanistan. the grandfather says he is too devastate today talk on camera. the rest of the family is in delaware to claim his body.
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at his high school friends remember a calm laid back classmate. >> always seemed nice like a good guy. never had any problems with anybody. just a good kid around school. just saddening somebody so young and just fresh out of high school like that for their life to be over that quick like on a dime when you don't even know. >> reporter: a parent echoed those sentiments. >> i thought about his parents and his family and the tragedy they are feeling, especially around the holidays losing him. it's, you know, life is very short. and we cherish our children. and to lose them at such a young age. >> reporter: a neighbor, a former county commissioner for veteran's affairs pointed out that arden joseph chose to serve. >> it saddens me. but to me there is no greater with a i to live your life than in service to others. so i know that he died in the best way that a soldier can and that's in service to his fellow man. >> it is great he wanted to serve our country and everything. but i mean at the same time it's real out there. >> that reality is starting to
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sink in for many in the piedmont hills commune. the family of arden plans to return to the bay area this weekend to start arranging memorial services. in san jose, robert handa, ktvu, channel 2 news. the organization that puts on the annual walk for aids in silicone valley is closing. the aids leadership center says the loss of corporate sponsors is forcing it to shut down. the center's chairman is hopeful that another group will be able to take over the fundraising they have hosted for the last 21 years. they have raised more than $6 million for aids programs. volunteers and staff at st. anthony's dining room today went about the business of feeding those who need a little extra help. st. anthony's serves an average 3,000 free meals every day up 15% in the past three years. yesterday on thanksgiving they served 4,000 dinners. they need donations more than ever to keep their shelves filled. >> it's wonderful this time of the year that people are really thinking about it around thanksgiving and christmas,
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they are really thinking about giving back. but, in fact, that need is here at st. anthony's year-round. we serve here 365 days a year. >> they say because of discounts they receive they can feed a person for a cost of just 45 cents per meal. they also say they are always looking for more donations and volunteers, especially after the holidays are over. >> you might call them the back bone of america. the small businesses that make up the fabric of this country. but in this age of super stores like wal-mart and costco, small businesses have to come up with innovative ways to keep the customers coming in. and this year they are trying something new. it's called small business saturday. ktvu's mike mibach explains what it is. >> reporter: an exciting time in san francisco. the union square christmas tree is lit. the 2010 holiday shopping season is underway. >> black friday, lighting of the tree, thousands of people. [ music
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>> reporter: the day was filled with sounds of the season as shoppers attacked big shop after big shop sniff out the big deals while across town. >> carol was giving her complete attention to the few customers shopping inside her 19-year-old small business childrens' store adventure. ironically called small fries. >> definitely the last three years have been, two and a half years have been the worst i have ever seen it. >> reporter: tomorrow marks a new initiative across the nation called small business saturday, a goal to get americans to reinvest money closer to home. >> more people on this street the last year or so i think. you know just more recently. >> reporter: they are talking about the shops lining the streets where we found a chocolate boutique called chocolate cupboard. >> black friday here is not the same. >> reporter: the key to the season is not small season saturday. it is original alts.
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>> you work hard on your business and do something that other people aren't doing you will do all right i would like to think. >> reporter: for every $100 spent at a local small business $68 returns to the community. small fries carol has hope this holiday season for her store and for all of san francisco. >> part of the wonderful charm of san francisco is that we have neighborhoods that are viable and continue to have small business owners that have stores that are interesting to people, that people want to shop at. and that's probably more my passion than anything. >> reporter: the national retail federation is predicting about a two percent bump in sales this holiday season. based on the crowds that we saw down here at union square as well as the crowd in the valley not a bad prediction. reporting here in san francisco, mike mibach, ktvu, channel 2 news. [ music i'm tracking some rain for your saturday. first thing tomorrow morning. no more freeze warnings or frost advisories. still on the cool side. talking about 40s for napa.
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san francisco what. san jose is 41 degrees. this is the updated rainfall forecast model. you will notice tomorrow morning the rainfall picks up at 5, 6, 7:00. the moderate cells pushing through the region. into the afternoon showers still some more scattered break. even into the evening. still a chance of a thunderstorm. by 10:00 tomorrow night pretty much the storm is moving out to the east. storm expectations rainfall about a quarter of an inch to around three quarters of an inch. wind gusting 20-30 miles per hour. there is another winter storm warning in place. coming up more details. let you know when that is scheduled to begin. >> newlyly uncovered investigations tapes of two brothers at a tiger at san francisco zoo backs up their claim they did not opportunity the tiger. on christmas day 2007 a tiger escaped during closure attacking the brothers and killing their friend carlos jr. according to the examiner an
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investigator examined asked the brothers on tape if they taunted the big cat or threw food. he said: >> the fact whether they had food or didn't have food is really irrelevant to the fact that the tiger jumped out of that grotto. the tapes do not explain how or why the tiger escaped. ktvu, channel 2 news may release the tapes as early as monday. lost at sea for 50 days with virtually no food and very little hope. tonight how three teenagers were rescued and how they survived for so long. >> black friday gone bad.
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♪ [ female announcer keurig has over 200 varieties of gourmet coffee and tea to choose from. ♪ keurig is the way to brew fresh, delicious coffee in under a minute. way to brew. [ female announcer so with keurig, every cup tastes like it's brewed just for you. ♪ because it is.
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choose. brew. enjoy. keurig.
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. three teenagers from the south pacific are back on dry land after being lost at sea for 50 days. in fact, after all of that time, their families had given up and thought that there was no way they could have survived. amy lewis reports. >> reporter: the adventure was only meant to last for a few hours. but dragged on for 50 days. they were a little shaky but relieved to be back on dry land. the 14 and 15-year-olds drifted 800 miles, surviving on just a handful of coconuts, raw fish and rainwater before being eventually spotted by a fishing trawler. >> we got involved and we dispatched a patrol boat as soon as it came to our notice that there were three survivors out there in urgent need of medical attention. >> reporter: the boys had set off on a tiny boat from their home island in the new zealand territory. they then floated to the northeast to fiji. this tournament was the last time they were seen before they
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disappeared. it was a long wait for their relatives more desperate for news. >> we call it a miracle. so thank you, god. >> i'm happy that he is alive and i need to dance. [ laughter >> reporter: it's not known what went wrong but it is thought the boat's motor may have broken. the boys are under nourished, severely dehydrated and badly sun burned but are now recovering from their hare rowing ordeal. amy lewis, sky news. >> a political bruising of sorts as a friendly game of basketball led to president obama getting stitches. a white house spokespersfellow president, hitting him in the lip during a pick-up game near the white house. it took 12 stitches for the doctors to put the president back together. a recent checkup shows the 49- year-old president is in excellent health. >> black friday shopping got off to a rough start inside a sacramento wal-mart. sheriff's deputies had to
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evacuate the store shortly after 5:00 this morning when customers got out of hand. the store anticipated a large crowd and hired three off-duty sheriff's deputies but they were quickly overwhelmed by the crowd and had to call for backup. the shoppers had to leave the store and their carts. >> they started congregating at the electronics section and things got out of hand. started pushing and shoving each other. there weren't any fights. there really wasn't any violent acts. just pushing and shoving trying to get to the merchandise. >> after everyone left the store, employees handed out wrist bands to shoppers who wanted to return into an orderly fashion. deputies say no one was injured and they did not end up making any arrests. robbers held up an east bay convenience store in evening in an area that was a hot spot for armed crime. they entered the quick stop just passed 6:00 this evening. they demanded money and got an unknown amount. no shots were fired. no one was hurt. the owner says the gunmen were
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between 18-20-year-old. both around five feet five inches stall. the same store was robbed during a crime spree last year that hit other convenience stores in the neighborhood. scenes like this are a dream come true for pick pockets. the most important thing you should know to keep from becoming a victim. happy holidays, everyone. happy holidays. >> salvation army bell wringers
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so, we book a flight to hawaii using our points from chase sapphire. last minute... on christmas. and sitting next to us, chevy chase. and we really hit it off. we play golf, and then the luau. he's like da vinci with ice. and after, we help hang christmas decorations. wait, wait, wait. you flew last minute... on christmas... with points from chase sapphire? yeah. amazing. believe it. with points from chase sapphire, you can book airline tickets with no blackout dates or restrictions.
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. it doesn't happen very often but it did today. apple held a rare one-day sale with so-called black friday discounts on popular items like the ipod and the mac book pro. the bargain hunters came out in force. check out the line. a long line outside the apple
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store in union square this morning. all there to take advantage of those sale deals. black friday means lots of opportunities for bargain shoppers. but black friday also means another kind of opportunity. an opportunity for pick pockets to steal from distracted shoppers. david stevenson with what you need to be aware of especially in big crowds. >> reporter: as black friday shoppers roamed san francisco's union square this morning police offered safety tips to keep these bargains from being boosted. >> a busy time and a lot of shoppers out there. thieves are out here looking for victims. >> reporter: san francisco police say personal thefts which include everything from purses and wallets to shoplifting to items stolen from cars jump 2% from november 1st to december 25th. police say more people on the street means more opportunities for theft. the city's ten district police stations are beefing up foot patrols in shopping districts. the effort comes at the end of a year in which the san francisco police department has
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aggressively warned pedestrians to be more aware of their surroundings. especially when using devices such as these. even before the holiday, police say people distracted by using their smart phones on the street have increasingly become targets. police are now advising shoppers burdened with bags to slow down and secure their personal devices. >> they have got to be aware of the crowds and how thick it is. and about purses and about cell phones. >> i think we are aware of our surroundings but definitely something that, you know, kind of throws your vibe off. >> reporter: shoppers wrestling with bags of black friday bargains this morning said it is not always easy to put safety at the top of their holiday list. >> trying to be really careful keeping my purse zipped up and watching what's around me when i'm bumped. but everybody really courteous and excited about christmas. >> reporter: in san francisco, david stevenson, ktvu, channel 2 news. shoppers can expect some good deals on the internet this upcoming cyber monday. 88% of retailers surveyed are planning some kind of special promotion monday when workers are back full time at their
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computers. many of the deals will feature high tech products such as gps units and flat screen t.v.s. cyber monday shoppers spent an average of $180 each. red friday on wall street even with a short cay of -- tray of trading the concerns of koreas sent the dow down 98 points. the nasdaq was down by eight. they have published the wealthiest zip codes. a holiday tradition is getting a high tech twist. if you find yourself short of cash the next time you happen
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upon one of those red salvation army donation kettles the agency says they have a new way for you to give. janna katsuyama has more. >> reporter: it is the sound of the season. stephen spencer is taking his volunteer work seriously. ringing and singing. ♪ it's beginning to look a lot like christmas ♪ >> reporter: spencer is one of thousands of bell wringers nationwide today who are laurening the salvation army's red kettle drive. >> for me the most important thing is knowing that i am doing things for people in need. >> reporter: shoppers flipped spare change and cash into the kettles. >> they take the money and they use it good reason. ♪ jingle bells in the. >> reporter: the salvation army is staying in tune with the time. some kettles will feature credit card machines. >> that's a great idea because a lot of people don't carry cash nowadays. >> the average gift was $2 that went into the kettle.
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where with the credit card machine it's actually $15. >> reporter: salvation army major richard larson said for the first time people can donate by text message which adds a $10 donation to your phone bill money that's needed to help families in these tough economic times. >> in the last three years doubled the amount of people helping through our family services. so the need this year is great. >> reporter: the donations come in by card or time honored cash, it's all about helping others this holiday season. ♪ it's beginning to look a lot like christmas ♪ ♪ soon the bells will start ♪ ♪ and the singing will make them ring and it's the carol that you sing ♪ ♪ right within your heart ♪ >> reporter: the salvation army says that the kettle drive raised about $400,000 last year in the greater bay area. they hope to do just as well this year. reporting from san jose, janna katsuyama, ktvu, channel 2
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news. a building collapse in colorado today sparked a frantic search. it happened this afternoon in a salvation army thrift store in grand junction, colorado. rescuers feared a shopper may have been trapped inside so they cut a hole in the side of the metal building to get at the debris. so far they have found no trace of a victim. but vow to continue searching through the rubble. no word on what led to the collapse. authorities uncover another sophisticated drug tunnel connecting tijuana and san diego. up next the unusual starting point. >> here is a storm that will impact one part of your bay area weekend. the low snow levels here locally and when the storm clouds will move out of town. and why women commuters in in
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. u.s. marines known as the few and the proud are the full names opponents of the lifting the military's don't ask, don't tell policy. they found 70% of service members do not object to over turning the policy over openly gay troops. the survey found 30% of marines are against repealing it. the senate is supposed to consider the matter next month. >> u.s. dips spent diplomats spent the day informing allies. wikileaks is expected to re leaps the information this weekend. the latest rounds of leaked documents will put lives at risk. the top u.s. commander in south korea toured the island hit by north korean artillery
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fire delays ago. it is a way to boost the credibility of kim john un's son. the joint military exercises set for next week including the u.s. and south korea will push that area towards the brink of war. in saudi arabia today authorities announced the arrest of 149 suspected al qaeda members and showed off money weapons and computers seized from the suspects. the government spokes men said those arrested were planning more than a half a dozen attacks against saudi arabia government and military targets, as well as civilians and media figures. officials say 25 of those arrested were foreigners. the rest were saudi nationals. in i happened yeah today female travelers took justice into their own hands when men boarded a metro car reserved for females only. dehli began the women only car six weeks ago after complaints of sexual harassment. women say police were -- would
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not enforce the policy and men openly snuck into the cars. today women took matters into their own hands slapping and shoving the men back out into the platform. >> for the second time this month narcotics agents have discovered a tunnel between san diego and mexico with its own rail line. agents say the tunnel measures about a half mile long and runs from a kitchen in tijuana to warehouses in san diego. it has a track where marijuana could be moved by cart. investigators have seized more than 20 tonnes and arrested eight people. back on november 2nd they found another rail equipped turned less than a block from this one. the bay area really comes through. tonight the milestone one warm program is about to hit. >> rain is on the
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. cold nights like tonight are the one reason why the one coat warm weather program were started. weather like this can be really dangerous if you can't stay warm. all day we have been collecting coats in the bay area. people have been very generous. lloyd lacuesta now has more from san jose. >> donate a coat for one more coat. >> reporter: at this shopping center in san jose. >> there you go. >> reporter: the ferry building in san francisco. >> what do you say? >> thank you. >> you are welcome. >> reporter: the bay street shopping center in emeryville. and broadway plaza in walnut creek. ktvu partnered all day with the charitable organization one warm coat to collect clothing for the needy. and people responded. >> we saw the news report last night that you guys are accepting coats and decided we would come on down. >> if you don't use it give it to somebody who does use it. >> yeah. >> i mean, it just sits there.
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>> i just feel it's my responsibility to help out. so go bring a coat and warm up somebody for the holidays. >> reporter: one warm coat started in the bay area 18 years ago and is now in 49 states. this year the number of coats checked and distributed to the needy will reach the one million mark. >> 1, 2, 3. >> reporter: the coats collected in the bay area will go to the st. anthony foundation in san francisco. city team ministries in walnut creek and san jose. and st. vincent depaul in walnut creek. the generosity was touching. one woman actually brought in a newly purchased coat. >> we actually went and bought a nice jacket that is water repellant for the weather and warm for the cold weather that's here right now. >> reporter: the slogan of one warm coat is warming communities one coat at a time. >> this year we have so many families in need. the kids are happy to get a coat. but the parents are relieved
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that that pressure of keeping their child warm is one less thing to worry about. >> reporter: barrels remain at the ferry building in san francisco. bay street and emeryville. blood way plaza in walnut creek and santana row in san jose at the end of next month. so if you can help out one more coat. in san jose, lloyd lacuesta, ktvu, channel 2 news. and you will find a the complete list of locations to drop off a coat for the needy this holiday season on just scroll down to the right now section. >> nasa scientists say temperature readings from lake tahoe confirm their research showing the world lakes are getting warmer. they studied infrared satellite photos of 167 of the world's largest lakes, including lake tahoe. they found on an average they increased one degree every decade. they checked the actual water temperature to validate their findings in lake tahoe. [ music
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more activity on live stormtracker 2 as a cold front approaches northern california. it will impact one part of your bay area weekend. in fact you can see right now most of the impressive activity up along the north coast rainfall amounts have been a half an inch over the past 24 hours. also to the north for northern lake county we do have a winter storm warning in place. we could have snowfall amounts approaching 10 inches. go ahead and switch over the radar and come in locally here. a little bit of activity moving into the north bay neighborhoods. not all reaching the ground. mostly just some cloud cover. but we could have some drizzle or at least a few sprinkles associated with that band. the scene today looking out across the open estuary. some high clouds. started outs with mostly clear skies this morning. the high clouds increasing over the past few hoarse hours. rain for saturday. the extended forecast though the dry weather pattern at least in the long range outlook. here we go with the satellite once again. here is that cold front. you get an idea here with the boundary.
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that's the cold air that will be moving into the region for tomorrow for your saturday. so here is the anticipated track with that cold front. cool rain for your saturday. snow levels locally coming down to around 2500 to 3,000 feet. as this cold air moves into the region, it did he stabilizes the atmosphere. as a result, we do have to bring in at least a slight chance of a thunderstorm. the timing for that would be mid to late afternoon across the bay area for tomorrow. the highest chance will be focused in the sacramento valley. for sunday, high pressure returns. the dry weather pattern. so clearing skies for sunday. but with those winds on the increase, winds will be from around 20-30 miles per hour. a bit breezy for the second half of the weekend. the rain clouds will be moving out ever town. here is a look at the winter storm warning just hours away. this kicks in at 4:00 tomorrow morning until 4:00 sunday to the sierra. snowfall around 5-15 inches. snow levels there coming down to 3500 feet. so chains will be required on 80 and 50 sometime as we do
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head into your saturday. for tomorrow morning mostly cloudy skies. rain likely into the afternoon hours. occasional showers. 52-55 degrees. even some sunny breaks and some breaks in the shower activity throughout the day. temperatures mainly in the low to mid-50s. still on the cool side. san jose 55. half moon bay 53 degrees. here is a look ahead at your five day forecast. no more rainfall at least for the second half of the weekend. clearing skies for monday and tuesday. cool air moves into the region monday and tuesday morning. as a result it cools the locations right around the freezing mark. i kind of pulled back on that rain cloud for day five into wednesday. a slight chance. it looks like the activity moves in for thursday. this weekend all of the outdoor activities should be focused if you can on sunday. >> more snow for the sierra. gotten feet now and not even december yet. >> a constant snow machine over the past week. they will get more tomorrow. >> the skiers love it. thanks, mark. >> the world famous jumping frogs of the county will get a home of their own now.
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mark twain made the frogs famous will be in a short story published in 1867. the u.s. fish and wildlife service has approved the creation of a nature preserve to help protect the threatened red legged frog. that frog is the biggest frog in the western united states and listed as threatened back in 1996. new owners, new policy. what the warriors
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. >> the new owners of the golden state warriors have settled a landlord debt. the lawyer for the authority says the tribune appreciates
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the payment. the team hadn't paid because of a dispute over coliseum revenues and who should pay for a new scoreboard. >> the warriors are getting their finances in in order and now have to get their game in order. another rough one tonight. >> they might have something going here because the warriors power forward infected knee is improving enough they may play tomorrow night in minnesota. andres became the first warrior in six years to record at least 20 points and 20 re points. warriors in the dark jerseys stayed close. down six with less than four minutes to play. here he comes andres. the put back 28 points and 21 rebounds for ad. but memphis kept firing. mail pops in one of the grizzly's eight three pointers. warriors tie the game with their own three pointer. just seconds write wright, not right. memphis gets the rebound and
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the victory 116-111. golden state falls to 7-9. >> mike montgomery and his cal basketball team traveled to orlando for the old spice classic. second round action tonight. bears score just five points in the first half against notre dame. made 2-25 shots in the field and five points. blame it on the trip there. they ended up winning 57-44. cal falls to 3-1. montgomery is steaming. the sharks beat chicago wednesday night. some fans thought, well, we are back on track. but that train got derailed once again tonight in vancouver. sharks never led in this game. they trailed 1-0 in the first period when they pressured the net. joe thornton takes the first show. but dan heatly beats canucks robertoluongo. and torres takes the puck on the right side. watch him get down low and slip it in to make it 2-1. the canucks store six times.
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keith ballard six times. the sharks lose 6-1. they have lost four of their last five games. they call them the scoreigan introduction in the nation's number one ranked football team oregon. oregon freshman josh hop.takes the pitch and delivers. an 85-yard td for josh hop. they are now 11-0. third ranked jersey state puts it on the line in reno. the wolf pack tied the game 31- 31. nine seconds left the tightest young in the broncos. watch as they questioned the call. but it's good. he is smart enough also to call a time out. but the broncos kicker misses the 26-yard field goal so go to overtime. 31-31 all. they missed a field goal. nevada, oh, no, go ahead and make it. a 34-31 upset.
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nevada's first ever victory over boise state. one of the four under defeats is down. another near upset today alabama jumps out over second ranked auburn. and auburn though overcomes the 24 point deficit. auburn's quarterback cam newton throws the third td pass of the game. phillip the game winning touchdown. auburn stays unbeaten 28-27. they are 1-0. that was a big victory for nevada. congratulations they beat fremont to win the silver bowl today. they become just the second football team in the oregon section to go 12-0 all time. that's sports as we see it friday night. down go the broncos. >> who would have thought. >> thanks, fred. >> you bet. >> that's it for us. but tomorrow evening be sure to join ktvu at 6:00 the latest on the changing weather.
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>> our coverage as always continues online have a good evening, everyone. good night. >> good night.
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