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tv   Bay Area News at 7  KICU  November 15, 2010 7:00pm-7:30pm PST

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was a troubled, troubled woman -- she was a troubled, troubled woman. we are live tonight with bay area news at seven. taking a stand against a scam. why a challenge to airport security could create travel headaches during the holidays. complete bay area news at 7:00 starts right now. this is bay area news at 7:00. >> good evening. it is monday, november 15. i am gasia mikaelian, and this is bay area news at 7:00. the california supreme court today upheld a controversial state law ruling that illegal immigrants are entitled to the same tuition breaks as legal california residents. the high court upheld the law
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that any student regardless of imitation -- immigration status to be eligible for in-state tuition rates. jana katsuyama is live in san francisco with the story. >> reporter: with most surprising is that this ruling here at the california state supreme court came out in a unanimous ruling by all justices even the most conservative. students were out in the sunshine heading to class and stopping by tables. that's where we found a group called rise. >> i was born in mexico city. i spent a few years in l.a. and have lived in san jose for the a few years now. >> reporter: he came to california at the age of six. >> we have been in the system for 12 or 13 years now. >> reporter: by california law,
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he and other illegal immigrants can qualify for in-state tuition. today the california supreme court ruled against a lawsuit challenging that could it was filed by a group of out-of- state students. they argue that the tuition law violates federal law and encourages illegal immigration. a law professor says attorneys for california argued that in- state tuition is not based on residency. >> california say we do not make them available on the basis of residency. we made them on the basis of the california high school,. >> reporter: california law does not violate federal law that weighed illegal immigrants can continue receiving in-state tuition. >> i think that is a good idea. i think everybody should
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allowed. berkeley is a public school. >> reporter: just this hour i got a call back from the attorney in kansas who represented the 42 student plaintiffs. he says there are nine other states in the country that have similar laws. reporting live in san francisco, jana katsuyama. now to the east bay where police are investigating a fatal accident involving a wood chipper. concord police tell us that a relative was caught in the machine and the victim became tangled and suffered a fatal head injury he picked he was not pulled into the chipper and his name has not been released. a cable car operator is said to be improving tonight at the motive for the attack remains unclear. he was on board and out of
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service cable card at about 4:20 yesterday afternoon. no passengers were onboard but several people witnessed the attack and it led police to an apartment a few blocks away paid the cable car operator suffered stab wounds. today he's expected to survive. the man arrested thursday for a standoff on the bay bridge entered a not guilty plea could he is charged with federal crimes including kidnapping, child endangerment and another felony for making a false bomb threat. he is being held in $750,000 bail. he is ordered to return to court november 30. the commercial crab season is officially underway as of
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6:00 a.m. tomorrow. was supposed to begin midnight last night but initial reports indicated that this year's crabs were not medianmeaty enough -- -- meaty enough and will have plenty of crabs available. a sequel was caught -- seagull was caught with a cane around its neck. the beer cans could kill the bird and the bird needs their feathers to protect them. body scans is taking up in a video shows a man taking issue with the tsa scan and now
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there's word of a possible passenger revolt during the holidays. robert honda reports. >> reporter: the busy travel holidays are approaching and some consumer groups are calling on travelers to boycott full body scanners and demand pat down searches be done in a separate room and call security procedures and invasion of privacy. >> people who think it is a should be able to put it out there and go on another line. >> complaints escalated when a man recorded his encounter after refusing a scanner check and been told that his patdown includes a search of the growing area. later the man is told if he refuses both procedures he cannot fly. >> i cannot understand how sexual assault be made a condition of flying. >> reporter: many airports defended the procedures today. >> it is the difference of having the full comfort of
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going through. >> as long as i'm aware of what i am doing i am fine with it and the pat downs, they do it when it is needed. >> they can boycott all day. it's not going to do anything. >> i wish there was a middle ground for people, you know, for people who cannot handle it. >> reporter: tsa says unlike sample pictures scanner images can only be seen by worker in another room and cannot be transmitted. they say in a boycott be irresponsible. santa clara sheriff's investigators are calling the death of two people found inside a burning van exponential. they responded to a hot fire and found the bodies around 2:30 this morning.
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the burning van was about 1 mile from the county line. investigators say something inside the van ignited. a police officer broke down in tears as he testified in court about a gang rape victim. he testified that he thought that the girl was dead. sheriff's deputies escorted the seven men charged with raping the 16-year-old girl. the thing is to determine if there is enough evidence to stand trial. it could send them to prison for life. >> we are anticipating approximately 20 witnesses. it will take two to three weeks. >> the attack happened outside the richmond high homecoming dance. prosecutors contend that the girl was supplied with alcohol, robbed, raped, and beaten for two hours. now to the northbay authorities are warning verbal residents. scam artists are preying on one group. >> two years ago the district
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attorney's office started a task force. since then they have held roughly 10 forums about the dangers that may be lurking. >> they will call up and say, so you won the lottery or you won some award. please give us your social security number. >> reporter: robert watson was one of the people. he said he was lucky enough not to be a victim but he's thankful that the community leaders are taking time to bring this topic to those who needed. >> people people born before 1950 were raised to be courteous, polite, trusting. >> only one out of 14 of these cases get reported to adult protective services. >> reporter: scans against the elderly is one of the fastest- growing crimes -- scams against
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the elderly is one of the fastest-growing crimes. >> we have seen con artists portray themselves as financial planners and promise everything under the sun. >> reporter: he recommends that seniors and anyone should not give out information and if you are a victim or know someone is a victim you are encouraged to call police. the people who want to develop a casino have paid for report that suggests a giants marijuana farm could be planted on that site -- a giants marijuana farm could be planted on that site it could be installed in the building and includes an office park, mixed- use development, or wildlife preserve. at the meeting on this matter is set for next wednesday. state officials clear the way to sell several state owned buildings. the state public square code -- voted 3-2. under the deal they would sell several office
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buildings and then rent it back. california is a billion dollars in belgrade and this will raise $1.2 billion. expanding your social network. facebook unveiled a new e-mail feature. what that means for users and questions about privacy and security. new orders in a new area. -- a new era. a bit of record warmth again today. things will change rapidly. i have got reigning -- got rain in your forecast
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>> man was accidentally shot to death in sonoma county over the
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weekend. 44-year-old daniel downes was fatally shot a sunday afternoon in the wildlife refuge not far from highway 37. he was hunting with two friends and his 11-year-old son. they have not said who were shot down the sheriff's department and department of fish and game are working into that. police are searching for a car thief. a car crashed into a street light on bay vista drive and the driver sped off and crashed again. a police officer crashed into a guard rail during the pursuit. the thief turned off -- started running. facebook unveiled its next center today. >> is embarrassing how much time he spends networking with friends and family on facebook.
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the palo alto county unveiled its new feature. ceo mark zuckerberg says it will make electronic communication more easier. users can now send and receive messages from friends via text message, chat services, or nonfacebook e-mail. analysts say it's designed to make it the center of the users life. >> now they say, why should i use a separate gmail address. this cements facebook role as a form, not just a social network place anymore. >> there will be a social inbox similar to a feature on google's gmail system. >> all of these different mediums are in one place and that goes back all the way so
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future generations will have the ability to look back over years of conversations. that will inform the way they treat each other going forward. >> reporter: all of which raises privacy and security issues that facebook has struggled to overcome. >> so much data is stored inside one place. they have tremendous power. it goes back to this idea, do you trust facebook? >> only 90 percentage -- only a small percentage of facebook users got to test out the messaging today. apple is set to make a major announcement tomorrow. the company is not providing any details but the new york times reports it could be a deal to sell music by the beatles. analysts are speculating that apple will launch a program that would allow users to store music and video on remote servers. experts think a strong tide surge may have caused tens of thousands of jellyfish to wash
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ashore. the jellyfish were spread across a 20-foot wide swath of the beach that stretched for 3 miles. a spokesman for the golden gate recreation area says the occurrences are rare and a marine biologist is considering several possible causes. >> we do not know what their mortality rate will be. we will let it take course. >> experts said something happened similarly seven years ago with smaller jellyfish. nasa engineers are preparing the space shuttle discovery. they found a fourth crack in the shuttle's fuel tank. the shuttle was first delayed on november 5th and since then they have found cracks in the fuel tank and detained exterior. nasa hopes to launch discovery by december 6th. a panel started deliberations in the case of
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new york congressman charles rangel. the panel denied his request to raise money and rangel walked out of the hearing room. if rangel is found guilty the entire ethics committee will decide on the punishment. at the hearing continues tomorrow. closing arguments are expected tomorrow in the case of the man accused of killing chandra levy. she disappeared in 2001 and her body was later found in the washington dc park and she was linked romantically to congressman gary condit. leaders for more than 80 countries are meeting to address environmental issues. the governor is using this year's global climate summit to
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encourage governments to curb greenhouse emissions the governor opened the meeting by thanking california voters for defeating proposition 23 that would have suspended california's greenhouse gas emissions. >> special interests from fossil fuels will not wither away and i without a fight. >> harrison ford spoke out against deforestation could tomorrow they will announce a major agreement between some countries and states regarding carbon emissions reduction. statements as go giants buster posey has been voted the national league rookie of the year. -- san francisco giants. he was excited and humbled. he is the first to be named rookie of the year since 1975 could we have a slideshow for some of the highlights that you can find on under the sf giants tab.
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the warriors new owners said that the franchise could end up in san francisco. they praised oakland and the fans there but they couldn't even several years. >> we will evaluate our opportunities. and if it's a better thing to move to san francisco we would consider it. if it's a better thing to stay in oakland we would consider that. >> he said he will have the final word. his team will have to take some chances to turn it around. san francisco is adding a new feature to a popular gathering spot and the calendar says november but you may say it's still like summer in parts of the bay area. we could see rain this week. bill martin will let us know when. you can watch bay area news at
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7:00 on your computer. we are streaming live on the web at
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>> it is mid-november by today's warm weather put a spring in many people step. people were riding bikes in san francisco and the seasonal ice skating rink is already
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partially melted. people in alameda spent time with their toes in the water. chief meteorologist bill martin is here now. this is really pretty typical for a. >> you remember, november, december we get weather like this. we have these baby swings where you get a week like this or a few days and then what will we see at the end of the week? wet and cold. let me show you what i am tracking. this system is in the gulf of alaska. it will get here friday night, saturday. it will be a cool weekend. here are the highest today. temperatures were record in san rafael. not the tiny -- napa tied a
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record. if not for the rain we would have an extremely higher fire danger situation. sunny and not as warm tomorrow. instead of the 80s, it is mid- 70s in the hot spots. the high pressure is weakening. wednesday it will still be around and once that goes around the low pressure will drop. not a lot of rain. it would be a cool event and drop snow levels on the western slopes of the sierra, nevada. here's how the model sees it. starting on wednesday -- it does not show up until then. friday we get a chance for a
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sprinkle or so. saturday there it is. scattered showers. still not heavy. snow in the mountains and it will be cool. overnight low with rain in the 40s. 70s throughout the bay area. lots of upper 60s. a nice day for your tuesday. wednesday looks good but cooler still. clouds will start to come into the weather forecast. so san jose, 74 and then 70. here comes the five-day forecast. i think it's pretty close. the timing will change on the weekend but we will watch it closely. >> clec 10, thanks, bill. the city of san francisco held a groundbreaking ceremony for some new bocce ball courts.
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they will go in across the street from the ferry building. excavation is underway and they hoped to have the courts available for players at the end of the week. that is our report for tonight. i am gasia mikaelian. our coverage continues online at and with our 10:00 news. tmz is up next right here on tv36.
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the black widow spider's severe bite can cause coma and even death. the african black mamba can kill a man with one bite. but there's an even deadlier predator cigarettes, produced by big tobacco, which take a life every six point five seconds. don't be big tobacco's next victim.
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