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tv   Ten O Clock News  KICU  November 14, 2010 11:30pm-12:30am PST

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. >> oh, yeah. yeah. i'll eat crab every day for a week once the season starts. [ laughter ] >> tomorrow morning fishermen will collect about 100 test crabs. they will weigh them and see how much meat they can recover from each crab. if it's not at least 25 percent the delay will likely continue for at least a few more days. in san francisco, david clemson, ktvu, channel 2 news. >> bay area seafood shops have high hopes for a healthy catch despite the delay. piedmont grocery in oakland says they expect the crab industry to bounce back after struggling for several seasons. groceryers say they have been reassured that they will get a shipment in the next few days. this is after all the time of year when crab is at the top of
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many people's grocery list. oh, yeah, this is our big time of year for crab. from now until christmas, new year's, this is the time crabs go. so we will have a lot of them on hand. >> piedmont grocery says the first shipment of crab is usually between 150 to 200- pound and is usually gone within three days. >> marine biologists with the national park service plan to hit san francisco's ocean beach tomorrow to try to determine what caused that recent jellyfish invasion. now, this is what beach goers saw yesterday, more than 10,000 large jellyfish dotting the sands. most of the jellies were washed back out to sea at high tide last neat. >> police are still searching for a suspect in a fairfield double homicide. he may be headed for new mexico or mexico. he is suspended of gunning down his ex-girlfriend and the new
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boyfriend outside her apartment yesterday. he may be driving a 1999 white dodge van with a blue stripe on the side. investigators say he also has access to a white ford pick-up with a camper shell registered in oregon. >> oakland police are investigating a possible life threatening assault. last night a man was found laying on the sidewalk on perkins near lake merit with a head wound. he was taken to the hospital in critical condition. police say his condition remains the same tonight. the investigators are trying to find out if the victim's injury was caused by falling to the pavement or if someone attacked him. he was found near an atm with no identification on him. the antioch man arrested in thursday's standoff on the bay bridge is scheduled to appear in a san francisco courtroom tomorrow. craig valentineo is said to be arraigned on several felony charges including making a false bomb and child
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endangerment for holding his daughter. the 51-year-old was distraught over financial and marital problems. the officials say he threatened to detonate a pipe bomb on the bridge, bringing traffic on the upper deck to a standstill for two hours. also set to appear in court tomorrow, the seven suspects in the brutal gang rape of a 16- year-old richmond girl last year. tomorrow's preliminary hearing will determine whether there is enough evidence to go forward with the trial. that case grabbed national headlines and stunned the community there. the authorities say the girl was attacked outside her homecoming dance at richmond high where several onlookers reportedly stood by and did nothing. >> one school board member today pointed out the changes made since that crime. and including the installation of high definition cameras and security gates. >> you just feel the difference in the campus. you don't see people loitering. you don't see people using profanity or see people. this parking lot is full. but guess what, they are engaged in constructive
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activities. >> the defendants face charges including forcible rape and robbery. prosecutors say 17 witnesses are scheduled to testify during the hearing which is expected to take several days. announces by the san francisco chronicle finds that california with its 110,000 miles of gas pipelines has only nine inspectors working up and down the state. following the september natural gas line blast in sanbruno, the california public utilities commission announced it was adding inspectors. however, the chronicles has now since found that between 2003 and 2009 state inspectors were able to reach only 90% of the federal government's inspection levels. the cpuc acknowledges it is shortstaffed but says its inspectors are "very aggressive and very effective." santa cruz firefighters are looking into the cause of a house fire that killed 58-year- old woman in this morning. firefighters say neighbors on idaho avenue tell them the
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unidentified victim was a heavy smoker. but the exact cause of that fire has not yet been determined. >> pg&e is working to restore power to sonoma customers after strong winds brought down power lines. it sparked a fire on todd road. no structure where is damaged. pg&e stays more than 1200 customers were affected by the outage. tonight though fewer than 80 are still in the dark. power is expected to be restored by 2 a.m. >> a san francisco nursing student is getting a reprieve from deportation thanks to senator diane finestein. the u.s. immigration and customs enforcement had planned to deport steve lee to his native p. ru but she waited authorities to wait while she considers introducing a bill that would allow him to stay in the u.s. indefinitely. it follows efforts by his family, friends and school officials to keep him in the u.s. lee and his parents came in 2002 on a tourists visa.
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the 22-year-old has been detained in arizona for the past eight weeks. green with envy. you won't believe how some people are taking advantage of a state incentive program to dispose of ewaste. >> no information tonight on a crash that killed five people. why one of the people involved is now under arrest. >> it's back to work for congress, though one issue that could affect the
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11:42 pm, complete bay area news coverage. >> california has spent millions of dollars encouraging people to think green. and recycle their electronic waste. but some people are taking advantage of the state's generosity. ktvu's lloyd lacuesta takes a look in tonight's special report. [ music ] >> reporter: in the movie star wars, scavengeers roamed the universe looking for spare parts and waste. in today's world, recycling the disscards of our digital world is big business. this is ecs refining in santa clara, one of the largest and most respected waste recyclers of the nation, processing more than 20,000 pounds a day. so many electronic devices contain toxic metals, led, mercury, and zinc cannot be put into landfills in california. they recycle the metals for use
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in new products. >> so that's like circuit boards, wires, and different electronic things that still have metal on them. >> reporter: california is the only state that pays ewaste collectors and recyclers to take care of dissguarded video screens. since 2005 every time a californian bought a computer screen, a television screen, he or she paid a fee for its ultimate waste disposal. >> $6 for the smallest. $8 for the medium sized. $10 for the largest. and that is charged at the retail location for the purchase of those devices. >> reporter: mark leery is with the state agency that oversees california's e waste program. discards come from within the state but some tuneists have brought in junk from other states. >> people picking up scrap metals and so forth would start picking up t.v. sets from sources that the state wouldn't otherwise have wanted to collect those
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materials from. they didn't have the proper paperwork. but they invented the paperwork. >> reporter: kelly parker runs a licensed e waste collection site in santa clara. and it all goes to ecs for recycling. parker says that the money she makes goes to a charity for children. >> when monitors come in, of course, they have to, you know, give a name and an address. >> reporter: ecs refining also keeps logs of e waste it receives and hands the logs over to the state. >> and they will call the consumers. they will reverse check this address. >> reporter: cal recycle says false logs result in no payments. the state has paid $393 million in claims but rejected about $23 million in false claims. and the state is actively prosecuting fraud. >> we will not issue checks for the recovery of that material unless those logs standup to our scrutiny. >> reporter: fraud aside, environmentalists worry that
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too much e wasted is exported to third world countries where it polluting the environments and where the crude recycling is being done by children. >> 80% of the kids in this one region of china have led possess owning. the it toxin levels are high. it is found in the soils and the air. >> there is pending legislation seeking to end the export of e waste. >> if you export it you lose control of it. you lose control of your data and you lose control of your environmental security. >> reporter: meanwhile, the e waste continues to pile up here at ecs. and it is estimated that every person on this planet possesses an average of 12 pounds of electronic devices every year. that eventually will have to be discarded. in santa clara, lloyd lacuesta, ktvu, channel 2 news. take another look at lloyd's story tonight along with other recent special reports by going to our website and clicking on the tab there at the top of the home page. a ban could be put into place this week preventing new
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cell phone towers from being erected in an east bay city. the walnut creek city council on tuesday will consider imposing a six-month moratorium on new wireless towers in residential neighborhoods. this follows complaints from residents who say the city's 13- year-old wireless facilities ordinance doesn't go far enough. it regulates the heights of antennas and what they can look like but not where they can be placed. >> a man as arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence after he slammed into a group of motorcyclists killing five people. carlos ramirez was among the six people injured in yesterday's crash on a remote desert highway east of san diego. the highway patrol says while officers smelled alcohol on ramirez's breath, it is unclear if it was a factor in the crash. ramirez is not being held responsible for the deaths of the four motorcyclists and his passenger. investigators are still looking for the driver of a honda civic that forced ramirez off the road causing him to hit the
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bikers. >> san jose police are waiting autopsy results on a woman's body found floating in the guadalupe river. police received a call around 6:00 last night about a body in the water near julian street and highway 87. they say the unidentified woman is a transient and appears to be in her 40s. the medical examiners office is looking into the cause of her death to help investigators determine if there was any foul play. president obama is back at the white house tonight after returning from his ten day tour of asia. the visit was his longest foreign trip since becoming president. mr. obama stopped in india and indonesia before going to a g20 summit in south korea. the president also attended the asia-pacific economic cooperation summit in japan where he met with russian president dmitri he assured the russian leader that he would work with the senate to ratify a new nuclear weapons pact between the two countries. congress returns to work tomorrow for the first time since the mid-term election.
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a top priority for both parties is dealing with the bush era tax cuts which expire at the end of the year. but there is not much agreement yet over whether the wealthy should continue to get the tax breaks. reporter april williams has the latest. >> white house senior advisor dave axlerod tried sunday to clarify his recent comment suggesting the white house is open to compromise on extending the bush era tax cuts. >> the president still believes that we have to move forward on these tax cuts for the middle class. the middle class is taking a beating in this last decade. we can't afford to borrow another $700 billion to pay for tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires. >> the issue has become a big one as the congress enters the so-called lame duck session on monday. republicans want the tax cuts made permanent for everyone, not just for those making less than $250,000 a year as the president has proposed. the arizona republican senator john mccain. >> we are in the midst of the greatest recession in the
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history of this country since the great depression. it is not the time to raise anyone's taxes. >> reporter: as axlerod noted estimates put the costs of making the tax cuts permanent for the richest americans at $700 billion over the next ten years. the costs to make the middle class tax cuts permanent an estimated 3 trillion over the next decade. i'm april williams reporting from atlanta. >> a white house advisor david axlerod announced today he will leave his post to begin president obama's reelection campaign. axlerod told fox news sunday he will return to chicago in the late winter or early spring. the 55-year-old advisor served as mr. obama's steve strategist in the 2008 campaign. >> a previously secret justice department report shows that the u.s. knowingly allowed german nazi party members to live here after world war ii to work on the space program. arthur rudolf was one of the nasa scientists featured in the report published today in the
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new york times. now, according to the report, rudolf admitted to u.s. officials that in 1947 he directed a german rocket plant during the war where jews and others were used as slave labor. in spite of orders from president truman to keep nazis out of the u.s., rudolf became the father of the saturn 5 rocket that put americans on the moon. and previous court filings, the justice department said its report was never finalized and contains numerous factual errors. coming up, finally a heroing experience at sea ends for a couple after two ransoms were paid. >> thanking our veterans. how one community paid tribute to a soldier who became a double amputee while serving in iraq. record heat today. the warm
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you want some fiber one honey clusters? yeah.
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you must really care about him. what? no, no. you gave him fiber. no she didn't. this tastes way too good to be fiber. they're delicious crunchy clusters with sweet honey and half a day's worth of fiber. you care about my fiber? not really. i care about your fiber too. i have for a while. ok, carl. why don't you care about her fiber? hey carl. [ male announcer fiber one. cardboard no. delicious yes.
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. >> somalia pirates released a british couple held for more than a year. paul and rachel chandler met today with the president today. pirates off the coast of east africa kidnapped the couple from their yacht in october 2009. although the pirates received $400,000 in ransom in june, they demanded more money. time magazine reports another ransom of about $300,000 was paid to free the couple. [ inaudible ] >> they were thrown to kenya, according to regional observers, the pirates are still holding more than 500 people hostage. >> in other news of the world tonight, myanmar freed sue chi struck a note of reconciliation today as she spoke publicly for
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the first time since her release. she told supporters she was ready to work with all democratic forces. her comment is seen by many as an appeal to the bitterly divided opposition party. the nobodyel prize winner was released yesterday after seven years of house arrest. in mexico at least seven people, including a child died in an explosion today at a luxury hotel in playa del carmen. mexican authorities say preliminary investigation suggest a buildup of natural gas may be to preliminary. the hotel was built four years ago on swamp land. and investigators are looking into whether trapped rotting organic material produced the gases that may have caused that explosion. and in haiti, the health minister now says 917 people have died from a cholera outbreak and thousands more are ill. cholera is now present in six of haiti's ten provinces.
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and port-au-prince health officials fear the illness could spread quickly in the squall i had tent camps. it can hill in hours but if caught early it can easily be treated through oral hydration fluids. >> the new york times is reporting that the obama administration is developing a plan to withdraw nato combat forces in afghanistan in 2014. word of the plan comes as nato officials same seven nato soldiers were killed today in afghanistan fighting taliban linked insurgents. late last night, militants set fire to a convoy of nato fuel tankers. according to, an independent website that tracks coalition deaths a total of 643 service personnel have been killed in afghanistan this year. last year 521 nato service members were killed in afghanistan. a tennessee soldier who served in iraq and returned home a double amputee is in a new home, a home given to him to honor his sacrifice and his
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service. erica curry has the story on how a non-profit is exchanging the lives of wounded soldiers, sailors and airmen. >> the little things in life that get me on a day-to-day basis and this is making those little things better. >> reporter: retired staff sergeant keith calhoon walks up to his brand new house. he was serving in iraq in november 2003 when a rocket propelled grenade took both of his legs above the knee. >> welcome home, my friend. >> he is greeted by friends, family and fellow soldiers. in the had dedication ceremony he is given his key to a home by a friend he hasn't seen in about five years. laws [ applause ] will be will be they met and shared the same injury. he was wheelchair bound for two and a half years. hardwood floors and special showering amenities are among the details of this home that will help him do every day things with his wife and three children a little easier.
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>> the home that i live in now is stairs. it is so difficult to drag myself up the stairs with these prosthetic legs. >> reporter: a gift given to him by homes with our troops an organization created in 2002 to help injured soldiers. >> unfortunately there is a need for what we do but we will partner with communities to make this happen. >> reporter: he says it's a small way of taking care of those who take care of our country. >> it means so much to me and my family. i am absolutely thrilled to be able to walk into their room and tuck me into their bed and knowing any time they yell for me to come in to their room that i can. >> reporter: homes for our troops has built 33 houses in 33 states. according to the u.s. officials there are more than 1100 military amputees from the iraq and afghanistan wars. of those 258 have lost two limbs. and 21 people have lost three. [ music ] this berkeley landmark
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which was in serious danger of shutting down now has new owners. and parents and their children are thrilled. >> up, up ♪ [ female announcer keurig has over 200 varieties of gourmet coffee and tea to choose from. ♪
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keurig is the way to brew fresh, delicious coffee in under a minute. way to brew. [ female announcer so with keurig, every cup tastes like it's brewed just for you. ♪ because it is. choose. brew. enjoy. keurig. but this is warm, fresh-baked strawberry toaster strudel. [ music see the difference?
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pillsbury toaster strudel, the one kids want to eat. than listening there'to our favorite songs. there's nothing we love more than listening to our favorite songs. but our favorite thing is eating totino's pizza rolls. but our favorite thing is eating totino's pizza rolls. ♪ we're the kids in america ♪ oh, oh, oh . a long time toy store in the east bay is getting ready to celebrate another holiday season. and this one is particularly special. as ktvu's john sasaki reports, this store was on the verge of closing its doors. for almost half a century, mr. mops has been the place to go for toys in berkeley. >> i think because it's small. it's got a lot of little specialty kind of items. and you can find things that are not in the main stores. >> but this year the previous owner decided to shut down
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because he couldn't find someone to take over the business. that is until a couple of months ago. >> and we were not happy about that. and we were very happy to hear that they found somebody who is local and who is from what we can tell is keeping it up. [ music ] >> reporter: despite having few electronic items, this store still has a wide variety of toys. >> boy, spider man. >> reporter: these are recycling trucks that are made out of recycled milk jugs. and they are durable. they are cute. >> reporter: holding that truck was denton mcdonald, one of the people who paid big money to save mr. mops. >> i grew upcoming here. there was a lot of emotional attachment for me as well as the community surrounding this place. >> reporter: in this age of kids owning cell phones and asking for play station the toys here are rudiment are you. not so say the parents. >> well it is and what you see is the kids actually like the stuff we grew up with. they don't have to be oversold
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and overmanufactured. >> the kids like it so much they are almost speechless. >> i like it. >> reporter: what do you like? tell me the things that you've seen that you think are pretty cool. that young man and all other children in the city can rest easy because mr. mops isn't going anywhere. >> it's really awsome to be able to support, you know, small businesses like this and to find different kinds of unique little things. >> reporter: after the holiday season mr. mops will be closing but that will be for only a couple of weeks during january to refurbish the store. in berkeley, i'm john sasaki, ktvu, channel 2 news. >> the oakland fire department took over a landmark east bay ice cream shop today and scooped up some donations for a good cause. firefighters were at debtons on piedmont avenue waiting tables and making sundaes. they were helping with the 7th annual firefighters random acts month. 25 percent of the sales at
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fentons helps firefighters create random acts of kindness in oakland. >> all of the proceeds goes tot oakland's random acts of kindness. it empowers us to make a positive different and some positive memories for us. >> these firefighters have a chance to climb aboard a restored oakland fire engine. some people dropped off toys for the random acts holiday toy drive. >> tomorrow a senate sub- committee will hear about the growing number of serious threats against judges who decide social security benefits. the social security administration says over the past year, at least 80 judges or courtroom staff have been threatened with death or bodily harm. that's an 18% increase over the year before. threats come from people angry over denials. but others are also frustrated at long delays in processing their claims. the ssa says it is making efforts to improve security. a new study indicates women and high stress jobs face a greater risk of suffering a heart attack or stroke. the study involved more than
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17,000 participants in the federally funded women's health study. the long running study looked at heart disease as well as cancer prevention. women with hard jobs and little control were over twice as likely to have a heart attack. participants who worried about losing their jobs had higher blood cholesterol, cholesterol and body weight. there are reports tonight that facebook is set to launch a new competitive e-mail system. silicone valley tech crunch is reporting the new service that is part of a secret product known as project titan. the goal is to compete with g mail and yahoo mail. tech crunch says facebook will announce the service at a press event tomorrow in san francisco. facebook currently has about 500 million users. >> raises at google are making headlines again for the second time in less than a week. a handful of top executives at the mountain view based company are getting 30% pay hikes next year. bonuses are also going up.
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executive officers will also be eligible for bonuses of up to 250% of their base pay up from the current 150%. the raises were revealed in a regulatory filing. last week it came to light that employees throughout the company were getting 10% pay hikes and $1,000 bonuses. coming up, oakland on ice. police versus firefighters. see how protect to serve are helping the community by lacing up their skates. >> also a very warm weekend. but
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[ music ] >> temperatures soared once
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again across the entire bay area. still some warm numbers in the forecast for tomorrow. but by next weekend, we might all be shivering. right now on the maps i can show you this on live stormer two. high clouds moving into the northern part of the state. but the bay area for the most part mostly clear skies. come in tighter towards the livermore area. right now think 10:00 hour it is 74 degrees. wind speeds have been cranking up as well. out of the north at 17. gusting to 24. we could still have a bit of a breeze for tomorrow with winds around 10-20 miles per hour. temperatures from today you can see the records showing up in mountain view and also out towards concord. but right around 80 to 81 degrees. san francisco topped out at 78. and santa rosa84 degrees. so most areas about 3-6 degrees warmer than yesterday's highs. weather story is this, clear and breezy for tonight. warm for your monday. but the extended forecast is a noticeable cooling trend. spot four caste for santa rosa tomorrow morning at 7:00. right around 55 degrees.
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by lunchtime 76. and once again approaching the lower 80s. right around 80 by 3:00 tomorrow afternoon. wind speeds still a factor. especially for the higher terrain. a recent gust of up to 52 miles per hour at the peak just nearly 4,000 feet. mount hamilton the top 50 miles per hour. oakland hills not as extreme, 22 miles per hour. the wind advisories have expired but still we are expecting some gusting winds especially for the higher terrain. for your monday, sunny and warm as high pressure sticks around and winds from 10-20 miles per hour. you can see what happens beginning tuesday. we begin our cooling trend but look what happens later in the week by thursday and especially into friday, this weather system moves in that will bring a significant drop-off in temperatures. the chance of a few showers. and by the weekend we could be talking about lower snow levels for the bay area peaks. that would be a week for now from today we could be talking about sunday seven days out. first thing tomorrow morning mostly clear skies and mild
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temperatures. 55 to right around 60 degrees. the blue contours are 50s. green contours right around 60. put this into motion into the afternoon hours. the brighter colors do affect the warmup. a few locations in the 70s will touch the 80-degree mark. santa ros will be one of them. richmond with 76. oakland in the upper 70s. and livermore once again 77. once again a bit of a breeze out there as well for your monday. san jose in the upper 70s. these temperatures check in right around 3:00 where mid- november and we are talking about mid-70s in san francisco. >> and here is a look ahead at your five day forecast. we begin our cooling trend as we do head into tuesday. look what happens by wednesday. partly cloudy skies. thicken up the clouds for thursday. by friday in fact took a look at the latest forecast models still bringing in rain chances for friday into next weekend. we could be talking about snow chances up before 3500 feet as we heads into next weekend especially for sunday.
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>> we may not see 80s for months. >> make the most out of the next 24 hours. >> thanks, mark. enjoy it. the police may have won their matchup on the ice in oakland today but it's children and adults with physical disabilites who are the real winners following the annual guns and hoses charity event. an early count found that the friendly ice hockey game between oakland firefighters and the oakland police raised about $12,000. the money is for the bay area out reach and recreation new sled hockey program. that program puts children and adults with physical abilities on the ice. >> over been on the ice with kids about a dozen times. it's all smiles. >> reporter: sharky showed up for the game as well as several members of the sharks team. the sharks donated the ice and labor for the event. and there was a silent auction featuring their memorabilia. >> way to go to everybody involved there. coming up next we break down a very exciting weekend of the
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nfl. >> including a wild overtime finish between the rams and the you want some fiber one honey clusters? yeah. you must really care about him. what? no, no. you gave him fiber. no she didn't. this tastes way too good to be fiber. they're delicious crunchy clusters with sweet honey and half a day's worth of fiber. you care about my fiber? not really. i care about your fiber too. i have for a while. ok, carl. why don't you care about her fiber? hey carl.
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[ male announcer fiber one. cardboard no. delicious yes. when you can have pillsbury grands! flaky layers biscuits? the warm, light delicate layers are like nothing else. add a layer of excitement to your next meal. ♪ layers of brownie and caramel, dipped in chocolate ready to eat sweet moments new from pillsbury. in the refrigerated section but this is warm, fresh-baked strawberry toaster strudel. [ music see the difference? pillsbury toaster strudel, the one kids want to eat. than listening there'to our favorite songs. there's nothing we love more than listening to our favorite songs.
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but our favorite thing is eating totino's pizza rolls. but our favorite thing is eating totino's pizza rolls. ♪ we're the kids in america ♪ oh, oh, oh [ music ] good evening, everyone. welcome to this late sunday nights sports wrap. the first half of the 49er season was filled with what ifs. the second half is filled with nfc west opponents and a chance for san francisco to pull out of its 2-6 hole. alex smith is not active on today's game against the rams. troy smith with his second straight start at quarterback. the 49ers brought a few things out of the play book for him on the first down smith gets the ball to josh morgan who takes off 64 yards down the sideline. san francisco's longest play of the year.
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it sets up a frank gore run. 10-10 at the half. 49ers know all about stephen jackson. he is a load. when he rumbled into the end- zone from 13 yards out the rams had a 17-10 lead after 3. this was a game that i had are the 49ers to dig deep. joe stealy left after hurting himself trying to block james hall. he was carted off but returned later to find out that he had broken his leg and about miss 4- 6 weeks. 49er character. smith throws a td pass to vernon davis but the play is nullified by a holding call. they had three touchdown called back because of penalties. later in the drive they got 14 yards on the 32. then on fourth and 18 smith hit gore for 23 yards to pick up the crucial first down. smith then completed the unlikely scoring drive standing in the pocket spotting michael crabtree in the ends zone. smith brings something to the
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49er passing game. and threw for 366 yards but the rams still had two minutes and 10 seconds to get into field goal range. went 17 yards and 11 plays. josh brown go ahead on the 43 yarder. on the final play of regulation go to overtime. the 49er defense. and called for pass interference on this call. the 9ers were infield goal range. they got closer. joe was able to slide the 29- yard field goal through the uprights. watch it here. and a day full of ups and downs at candlestick park ends in an overtime win for san francisco. 23-20 the final. far too many mistake for the 49ers. but at this point, at least, they have a win to show for it. >> it was our day today. you know, as a quarterback it's not going to be as good as you always want it to be. and it is not going to be as bad as you think it is. >> you saw what i saw. he made the plays.
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and he made plays and in crucial times. and i mean that's what you want. so that is less exciting to see. >> going back to the first eight games, you know, everything was going wrong for us. we were hoping that something would happen. thanks to our return, everybody knows that we are working hard. we know what we have in the locker room. we are just going to take one game at a time. and just go out there and look at it likes it's march madness. take one game and win it and keep moving up the ladder. the other two nfs teams made it. mate hassleback back in the lineup behind butter. he gets away and cuts back on the 63-yard score. seattle scored 19 unanswered points and went on to win 36- 18. that makes the division look like this at 5-4 the seahawks are the only team over 500. the rams won behind them with the 49ers and cardinals. two games back and tied at 3-6.
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it was a productive buy week for the raiders. while they had this sunday off they moved into a tie for first place in the afc west. chiefs a half game in aren't fro of oakland when the day began. they are playing the denver broncos. they scored the game first 39 points. 17 when matt hassleback was hit by higgins. and they take it back 75 yards the other way. they put up 49 points and win 49-29. kansas city is now tied with oakland atop the division. tom brady and the pats and pittsburgh trying to re-group from the loss last week. this with one wasn't much of a problem. brady lobs to his tightened. and the beth teams in first place in their respective divisions after new england's 39-26 win. a meeting of ryans rex and rob as the giants hosted the jets. cleveland trying to pull off an
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upset for the third straight week. colt mccoy to mohamed and the game goes into overtime. 16 seconds the game over when mark sanchez found antonio holmes who flipped and tackled and ran to the end-zone. the jets take it 26-20 the eighth straight regular season win on the road. in jacksonville the texans headed to over time. and david gerard let's it slide. he gets it back. but quinn hands the ball right into the hands of mike tomlin. the jaguars have a 31-30 win. quinn did what he was supposed to do in this situation and it came up to bite him. jason garrett matched his red decrees sores win total the first time out. cowboys in new york where the giants were driving for lead td. manning picked off a yard deep in the end-zone by brian mccan.
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nothing but clearly sailing for mccan. 101 yards the other way. giants on top the nfc east but taken down a notch by the 2-7 cowboys 33-20. brett favre and the vikings came to chicago. the second quarter play jay cutler he leaps into the ends zone for a 19-yard score. and they had the 27-19 victory. and shawn hill detroit takes on the only winless team in buffalo. brian fits patrick to jackson on the shovel pats. jackson does the rest. 14-3 bills after three. but hill brought the lions back. calvin johnson with this score makes it 14-12 with just 14 seconds left. the lions have to go for two to try to force the overtime. hill looks things over but can't find an open receiver. he finally throws it in the direction of randy petigrew but the pass way way too high.
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the bills 1-8 after hanging on 14-12. elsewhere the 49ers will meet a 6-3 tamayo team tampa team after the win over carolina. they forced five turnevery 0s and squeaked one out over the ben equals. and for tennessee randy moss one interception. with a race to go three drivers can still win. tell you about that when sports wrap continues. and as far as the men's golf tour is concerned we wi
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. just one race to run on the sprint cup. and three are separated by just
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60 point. hamlin led today for 190 laps but racing hard with carl edwards. had to come in for fuel with opal 14 laps left. that allowed edwards to win. hamlin was 12th and obviously upset about his fuel strategy. johnson was fifth and harvick sixth. hamlin is in front of johnson by just 36 points. harvick just 15 points back. a lively week next weekend in miami. >> the home game under official new ownership. a re match with the pistons, the team that beat them one week ago in the first game of a five game road trip. in the staples center nearly a history making night for the suns. richardson with a pair of 3s on the way to a 34 point game. three is the key phoenix in this one. from beyond the arc for three of his 17 points. the suns got 22 three pointers.
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one short of the league record. they got their second straight loss 121-116 for phoenix. a lot to wrap up today in florida in the final pga event of the year. the disney classic. this tournament sets the top 125 money winners which determines who has a playing card next season. those who have problems with davis love was notable for this shot on the 200-yard par 315. log on the money for this four arm plop hole in one. this was a season changing day for robert geuregis gave him the three stroke win. he is in the top 25. one other end of the year issue settled. 30 holes are used throughout the year to determine the kodak challenge winner and a $1 million prize. troy merit won the money in a three-way playoffs when he put this approach on the first extra hole with an easy birdie
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range. merit won the $1 million and saved his pga card for next year. and the women finishing things up in the invitational in mexico. kim from south korea starting her final round with a birdie. kim on the way to a 64 that vaulted her by three strokes. came up with another birdie on the way to her third career win. that will do it for this late sunday night sports wrap. have a go ahead week, everybody. all right. let's get back though to the 49ers. >> yes, right. >> obviously a rough start. but they can still make something out of this. >> we were saying 2-6 and an 5- 5 start with eight games left. the beautiful thing for them was the fact that five of those were against division opponents. so now four. still a chance really to control your destiny. you know, they have won three out of the last four. >> yes. >> i don't really see anything much that still says this team will get on a roll and win eight in a row or something but at least they have a chance. >> yes, exactly.
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>> to control their destiny. >> may have a quarterback situation here. >> i am not sure they have a situation. when a guy throws for 356 yards and makes things happen i don't see how you couldn't be the starter the next week. >> thanks, joe. >> be sure to join the ktvu morning news at 5 a.m. >> our coverage also continues online at ktvu, online at ktvu, you inhale, they inhale. millions of children continue to be exposed to secondhand smoke. secondhand smoke causes asthma, a disease that cannot be cured. protect your loved ones.
12:29 am
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