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tv   Bay Area News at 7  KICU  November 9, 2010 7:00pm-7:30pm PST

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at 7:00. coming up ride anywhere for $2. it's not how the super card is supposed to work with you passengers found -- but passengers found a flaw in the information. oakland police found information about a deadly shooting of an unarmed man. why lawmakers are not happy about a video game. >> good evening. it's tuesday nn . this is bay area news at 7:00. it's a loop high school that hasn't been fixed. the new clipper card has a flaw that allows riders to pay a partial fair. -- fare. jana katsuyama is live with the story. >> some people have found a wayo
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beat the system and ride anywhere for just $2. the clipper card allows passengers to ride bart, nummi without buying separate tickets. >> it's very convenient. >t now a loop high school that's surfaced that could allow those with clipper cards to ride anywhere with just $2. we checked it out today and bought clipper cards for the minimum price of $2 and bought a $2 bart ticket. for a ride to san francisco that normally cost $3.10. what happened? well when we tried to exit at the station, we put the bart ticket in and a gate remains closed. but with the $2 clipper card we were able to exit and the card showed a negative 10 cent balance a balance you pay if you refill it, but if you throw it away, the transportation
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commission and taxpayers are stuck with the bill. >> that's not very fair, but i'm sure people take advantage any way they can. hopefully they fix that if it's possible to fix. >> if everyone is traveling aro2 , that sucks for people paying full price. >> officials say they have knowe loop high school from the start. one problem, there's no way to add value to the clipper cards before exiting stations. >> this is designed into the sys customer convenience so we wouldn't have customers trapped in the system. >> he says to add machines woult tens of millions of dollars and so far, most people have been honest. through october sold 250,000 cards. >> and of that number, only abo5 % carried a negative balance. >> and that negative balance ons has a limit of $10. officials told me they plan to
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monitor the situation and if the abuse is too widespread they'll make some changes. >> well a bay area lawmaker is g privacy concerns about the clipper card. they gather information about registered users and registration is optional but offers benefit. state senator and other legislation that keeps fast track personal information to parties, he says clipper card users should have the same users. the metropolitan transportation commission is meeting tomorrow and could build another mid-bay bridge as a way to ease traffic. the southern crossing would link interstate 380 with interstate 280.
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when they looked at a similar idea, they estimated a new bridge would cost up wards of $8 billion. oakland police say a man fatally shot by officers was not armed. it happened near bankroft avenue. they responded to a call and the suspect fled from officers and tried to tse him but they said he continued to run and reached for his waistband. two officers opened fire killing jones. >> his only thinking is, we havn over oscar and here we go again. >> family members says jones wah a young daughter, and was staying out of control. his cousin says they plan to hire an attorney. and you can view additional
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clips of today's news when you get to across the bay a parolee accused of killing a woman made his first court appearance. gary holland didn't enter a plea. the arraignment was postponed. camera were not allowed into the courtroom, but we were just outside. holland is charged with murder, burglary, robbery, and attempted rape in the stabbing beating death october 29th. police say he got inside her apartment by posing as a utilitiy worker. state krug agents say they arrested 16 members of a violate drug gang operating across the bay area. they say the gang is known as the insane thugs. among the arrested is the suspected leader 21-year-old. they conducted 23 raids in seven cities down to san jose and along with the arrest seized one ton of marijuana, more than a
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dozen guns and $100,000 in cash. >> we learned that they were inn distribution of mdma and marijuana, and they're involved in other criminal enterprise activities such as drive-by shootings. >> they will be aryaned in santa county on friday. marijuana advocates are askg for more protection. they say recent raids targeted legal dispensaries. santa clara county says the people they arrested were legally dealing drugs but some are saying they were law-abiding marijuana medical patients. san francisco city leaders are taking the first step to finding a replacement for outgoing mayor gavin newsom but some are worried the process could take months. >> as san francisco's mayor
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plans to leave office, supervisor moved to a point and interim mayor by as soon as next week. >> it's best we do it earlier so that we can actually work on doing the work. we need to balance the budget. >> he introduced a motion to tas and possibly hold a vote for an interim mayor at next tuesday's full meeting of the board. >> i believe it will be cast no matter what. i guarantee you there's going to have a lot of that discussion going on people talking for a position. >> board of supervisors david wi vice a doctor -- devise a process that would take weeks. >> i'm looking for a process that's fair. >> they say the board should choose wisely however and whenever they make the decision. >> the mayor will take an active
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role in aggressively managing the city, and they should not behave like an interim mayor. >>even supervisors that vote on interim mayor next week, their choice would need to be ratified for the full board again in january when newsom leaves office. in san francisco david stevenson ktvu channel 2 news. >> some politicians helped celeg of san francisco's first free medical clinic set by a volunteer health care professionals. it's located in 4000 block of mission beach and helps residents in parts of daily city. the clinic actually opened in september. today's event drew senators finestien and many of the doctors and nurses are officially retired. >> serving a population that i d people that are very grateful and happy to see you.
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>> it's comforting to know there to come if i get is i can. >> to qualify for the clinic, ud insured -- uninsured patients must earn less than $27,000 a month. the binding decision by an arbitration panel settles a long-standing dispute from ac transit and their driver's union. it calls for them to contribute to their health and benefit plans. ac transit says the decision will shave $38 million off a deficit during the next three years. cal state university trustees decided to raise tuition 15% to offset state funding cuts. the finance committee voted to increase tuition for 5% for upcoming winter and spring terms and go up 10% next fall.
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the board of trustee full board votes on it tomorrow. >> today's increases are inexcud if i was given a vote, i would say absolutely not. >> san francisco mayor gavin newsom to a proposed 8% next fall. newsom sworn in as lieutenant governor in january, he's awarded a seat on the u.s. board of regions. the former host of a popular local radio show unexpectedly returned with a renegade broadcast. they dismissed the entire staff at the morning's show yesterday citing financial reasons. but this morning they returned to the location, lost themselves inside, and took over the air
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waves for hours and talked about their cuts. prized possessions owned by a rock legend go up in flame. it could have been worse. and a new video game that could shatter sales record. one lawmaker is firing back and saying its violence is over the top. >> and right now i'm using livem tracker 2 to track showers in many bay area neighborhoods. i'll let you know how long they'll last.
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memory. >> the pentagon says they do noe an explanation of the mysterious vapor trail. the military says they're unaware of a launch.
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and the agency in charge of the air space, says it was not by a foreign military. dmroebl security experts say it is likely an optical illusion caused by the plane. help has arrived by cruise ship passengers. it is 150 miles south of san diego and going nowhere when an energy room fire caught the ship's power supply. no injuries are reported and now they're shuttling supplies to the ship. tug boats have started toeing it back to shore. carnival cruise lines says it will taken to san diego. early morning fire ravaged a warehouse that firefighters said had priceless memorabilia. they are all owned by neil young. jay hernandez explains. >> >> music legend neil young
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better known as the nash is like everyone else, saving his prized possessions and storing them in a safe place. but overnight, a storage warehouse, went up in flames. >> it's going to be a significat we're going to salvage. the structure, we estimate $1 million lost, so $250,000 to the structure, $750,000 to contents at least at this point from an observation. >> overnight guard noticed the n san carlows before 3:00. they arrived and captured this video containing flames to the front. guitars, band equipment, and half a dozen cars, one of which were destroyed all were housed here. young had representatives out here surveying the damage, but no one would comment on where they would be trangs fered. firefighters -- transferred but firefighters told us they were grateful. >> they're glad we saved a vasty
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of his equipment and a lot of his film material the way they took care of a lot of material and film that could never be replaced. >> this fire wasn't deliberatele cause is under investigation. this warehouse didn't have a sprinkler system inside. not unusual due to the age of the building but firefighters said if it had one, more could have been salvaged. >> and in san francisco, employa coffee roasting company says a fire started there when the roaster got so hot, it caught part of the roof on fire. firefighter say that one person was treated for smoke inhalation. san francisco mayor gavin newsom is banning a bill to
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stop toys getting sold with unhealthy meals. it forbids the sale of toys with high in calorie and salts and don't include fruits or vegetables. santa clara county passed a similar bill this year. six supervisors and the mayor have taken another step to hosting the cup race in 2013. the group has introduced a host city agreement with the yacht club that hosts out the logistics if san francisco is chosen. it includes the repairs and use of piers on the water front. the full board of supervisors must approve the agreement. bay area chev ran announced a multibillion dollar deal to purchase an unconventional gas dealer. atlas produces natural gas located in the eastern united
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states. natural gas made from shale is considered a growth industry because it burns more cleanly from gas from other searchs. the dow and nasdaq spent much of the day in negative ground. hot new video game that debuted is flying off the shelves and many people predicting it will become the industry's best -selling game ever but as rob ross reports it's coming under heavy fire for its violence. >> this video game ran so hot tt stores opened at midnight, and the line stretched around the corner as players wanted to be the first as what analysts say could go down as the most popular game ever. >> we're here for the greatest r this year! >> black ops! >> call of duty. >> you get online, meet people from around the world, get
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to shoot them with fake guns. >> the game is about more, it is gun battles and other adrenaline charged challenges. the mission, to make it out alive. tv commercials have been hard to avoid, or ignore state senator says that violate games should not be sold to children 17 years or younger. legislation to ban the sale of such games is now in the hands of the united states supreme court that must weigh the ban against free speech rights. >> you want not to be selling tm to kids. and why they say they don't do it, why are you advertising to children. that's part of the problem with these ultra violate video games. >> when i get home, this is goig to my x-box and not coming out for 24 hours, at least!
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>> the standard version of the s for just under $60. game stop says there were more reserved copies of this game than for any game in the company's history. ktvu channel 2 news. >> a bay area boxer is getting y to suspend his world title on home turf. he was promoting his upcoming fight and he is an olympic gold metal winner that turned professional in 2004 and undefeated with a record of 22-0. america's most popular tv show returns to the bay area. the idols that judge idol roll into san francisco, see why they're here and who stands to benefit. our chief meteorologist is tracking weather. mrap. and if there's no tv by you
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can watch bay area news at 7:00 at our points from chase sapphire preferred are worth 25% more on travel. we're like forget florida, we're going on a safari. so we're on the serengeti, and seth finds a really big bone. we're talking huge. they dig it up, put it in the natural history museum and we get to name it. sethasauraus. really. your points from chase sapphire preferred are worth 25% more on travel? means better vacations. that's incredible. believe it...with chase sapphire preferred your points are worth 25% more on travel when booked through ultimate rewards.
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you inhale, they inhale.
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millions of children continue to be exposed to secondhand smoke. secondhand smoke causes asthma, a disease that cannot be cured. protect your loved ones. >> the u.s. navy has been ordered to reduce the use of
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sewnar. the national oceanic association says navy ships must use spotters to warn commanders when dolphins come too close. they will conduct more training exercises off the coast from northern california to the state of washington. turning our thoughts to weather our chief meteorologist is here. how long is the rain going to go? >> it's going to continue throughout the evening hours and has hit afternoon commuters. i'll show you what we have. and i think the computer model nailed the forecast. right now i have showers just outside of milpedis. i have rainfall accumulations up to about .1 in heaviest locations and this is light drizzle, light showers, not a big deal, but you know, if you have to commute, it will be a little bit wet on the road ways of what's happening tonight.
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it will be cool in the morning, clearing tomorrow, and then warming and drying or warmer and drier, as we roll into the weekend. this morning there was a frost advisory. tomorrow morning temperatures will be a little bit warmer and increase the moisture, and you warm up the atmosphere. you probably knew that. more moisture and this weather with the showers, we'll keep the temperatures in the 40s. still a chance of frost, and as you move through the day tomorrow, you'll notice it clearing as this system goes east, high pressure does what you expect it to do and creates a warmer weather pattern. sprinkles move out and clearing and dry through the bay area weekend, and this is crazy, warmest temperatures we're going to see on the weekend is low 70s. warm and dry. and you can plan your weekend now because last weekend we've had wet weekends. you can plan for dry events. 60 degrees at lunchtime tomorrow in oakland. 62 for our daytime high.
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santa rosa just 60 degrees and that's the daytime high. a week ago we had temperatures in the 80s in these areas. so 20 degrees cooler than it was a week ago. 62 in walnut creek and these highs crimp, clear, take a -- crisp, clear, take a jacket for school, and probably not going to use it all day but it will be chilly enough in places like livermore. five-day forecast looks like this. the showers end but might be a sprinkle in the morning, and breezy on thursday. >> thank you, bill. american ido san francisco today. ja-lo randy jackson and steven tyler. they will decide the contestants that got through the auditions will make it through to the holly wood rounldz. it will air on ktvu channel 2 in january. that's our report for
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tonight. i'm gasia mikaelian. our coverage continues online at
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