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tv   Bay Area News at 7  KICU  October 22, 2010 6:00pm-6:30pm PST

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doors. pg&e promises to re move the deadly pipeline in san bruno. . >> good evening. it's friday ocn . this is bay area news at 7. a health advisory has been in effect for several hours due to fumes for an oil building. an equipment failure forced the refinery to use its flair to burn off excess fuel. they advise anyone with refrptory problems to stay
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inside because they could breathe in irritating chemicals. the burn off is expected to continue until about 10:00 tonight. pg&e is making a promise to people in san bruno. they say they will relocate the pipeline that exploded last month and reroute it agree from the glenview neighborhood. jana katsuyama live with the story. >> well immaterial you to take k at this yellow paint. these are markings that show where the gas line runs underground through this neighborhood, but officials say it could take a year or even more before they can find another route. >> i never want to go through ay anything like that, i don't want anyone to go through something like that, so we have to find out what we're living on top of. >> kathy says the yellow paint r nervous. she was home when it sfloeded on september 9th just a few blocks from her house. if they rebuild the line. >> i will leave. if it goes bacn
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, i'm out of here, definitely. >> today san bruno mayor and stn ator eye met pg&e and the ceo committed to relocating the line. >> he made the commitment to me on behalf of pg&e that he did not want that pipeline reconnected through the glenview neighborhood and they would do everything they could to find another location. >> but it won't be easy that wil find another neighborhood in this densely populated area. >> pg&e staff are in fact rightw going through different modelling possibilities of where might you put that particular pipe. >> today we learned that p gchlx g&e has turned off the gas in a mile and a half stretch of the pipeline seen here in red. the one problem winter is approaching when gas demand isest for customers. >> so they can't break the liney
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can't change the line, they can't install automatic valves because it will stop the pressure in that segmented of the line, and they don't have that second segment to pick it up. >> if that doesn't happen who'ss destroyed. >> it's hard. and when you just don't know what your next move is and don't feel like you're in control of your own life. >> another meeting is scheduledk makers g&e to discuss the pipeline relocation. reporting live in san bruno tonight jana katsuyama ktvu channel 2 news. >> and for more coverage includk to our spishl section devoted to the blast, click the tab at the top of a santa barbara student has died in a shark attack. 19-year-old lukas was body boarding this morning off s
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beach when the shark grabbed his leg. a friend says he cried for help as he went under. he was able to get him to shore but he had a massive leg wound and died at the beach. we have a picture of a foot-wide chunk taken out of his surf board. the shark was 18-feet long and they have closed the beach and two other nearby beaches as a precaution. authorities in salono county are searching for a man that sexual assaulted a woman. they attacked a 50-year-old woman inside her trailer october 10th. a spokes woman says she suffered injuries suffer enough that investigators are treating this as a case of attempted murder. today they released this sketch resembling him. 30 years old, short and heavy set he was wearing a white t-shirt and work gloves. the sacramento area shopping mall damaged by fire yesterday is expected to be
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closed for several weeks but could reopen in time for holiday shopping. a city manager says he thinks repairs could be made after black friday. a state of emergency declared could help the clean up process. a 23-year-old man seen here on a stretcher is accused of setting fire to the mall. tonight he's held without bail on arson and other charges venlts with ten days to go to the election, meg whitman is hyping up voters. >> joining meg whitman emphasizs background. >> the big issues facing califoe ing, environment, and meg whitman is the right person to go and take those things on. >> we have to have a different h
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, and a different outlook and that's what i have. >> if this is his biggest gun, a 's democratics biggest. thousands of students at the university of southern calif heard mr. obama tell them that they need to get to the polls. >> we need all of you to vote! we need all of you fired up! we need all of you ready to go! >> ready to go at this point ine campaign means more than v, although whitman is behind jerry brown in the polls, who gets them to the box matters the most. >> everything we see republicane enthusiastic than democratic voters. >> the get out to vote operation make a difference. >> can you extend to younger voters, less likely voters the people that built his coalition in 2008. >> even with an eight-point lean
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campaign is acting like they're tied and the whitman camp is operating like they could have a winner. ktvu channel 2 news. >> democratic senator barbara bt from the first lady. michelle obama is scheduled to visit the bay area on monday for a fundraiser at the farment hotel in san francisco. speaker of the house is expected to attend the reception and dinner and part of a 12-day swing by the firth lady. video on the white house website to the growing chorus against bullying of gay teens. >> you didn't do anything wrongt do anything to deserve being bullied, and there's a whole world waiting for you filled with possibilities. there are people out there that love you and care about you just the way you are. >> the president said americanss pel the myth that bullying is a normal right
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of passage. hillary clinton has released a video in the wake of number of recent suicides of gay teens. the groups rallied outside the bart station to call on the community to join the march. they said too many young people's lives have been caught short by shootings involving police officers. they say they will stop work at all bay area ports tomorrow in honor of oscar grant's memory. new numbers out today show california's unemployment rate is holding steady. the state employment development says the jobless rate was unchanged in september at 12.4% and is a few ticks higher than one year ago. labor experts say the actual unemployment rate is higher than the official numbers suggest. >> the unemployment rate is dete who are looking for, so if you're not categoried as looking for work, we can lose jobs in the
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state, but the rate remains the same or go down. >> and if you include those peoe jobless rate could be as high as 15 even 20%. here in the bay area, unemployment remains below the average. highest jobless rate is 12.1%. several other counties follow close behind, the bay ar jobless numbers are in marin county. wall street managed to extend their streak of w gains. dow lost 14 points and nasdaq gained 12. [ overlapping speaker homeowners marred in into into a branch to protest their handling of home forecls. one protesters say they gave
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them a run around and losing his paperwork. they did not return our calls. they are reviewing whether the paperwork was properly handled nationwide. the giants are back in philadelphia tonight, but neither the giants or phillies actually took to the field. the giants didn't leave san francisco until late this morning. they got caught behind president barack obama's flight and didn't arrive until about 6:30 p.m. eastern time. in the meantime playoff excitement is running high in the bay area even after last night's loss fans are optimistic they will win tomorrow night. >> it's exciting. i don't thinkg s us down. we have a chance, and if we win, it would just be better because we lost and came up from that. >> speak with them, stick with y supportive, they need that especially going on the road. >> the start time for tomorrow's
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not yet been determined. it depends what happens between yankees and rangers in the american league championship series. we will carry the giant's game whether it's played in the afternoon or evening. keep in mind for continuing coverage for the playoff run and orange and black side slow, go to a last minute cancellation attacking plenty of people off guard. are will vendors be left holding the bag? >> a traditional section rivalry as our high school football game of the week is valley christian against unded bellerman. we'll have a report coming up. >> and i'm using storm tracker o track rain headed way.
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>> a good will store reopened more than one year after he was destroyed by fire. it is located in the 3000 block and has 25 employees, 15 of them arly hired. the annual exotic erotic ball has been a one of a kind event and it was supposed to take place tomorrow in richmond but it was canceled today and has some people feeling blind sided. >> past erotdic balls have beene top celebrations of sexual assaultee. -- sexuality. this is not what they expected. >> the event is canceled for tht
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time in its 31-year history. >>we got exclusive access that's they tore down the stages they just set up. >> due to cost overruns and a de ecline in ticket sales other the course of the last pivotal days, it just made the event cost-prohibitive. >> the decision to cancel came g and was announced on the web page. now sponsors are wondering how they'll get their money back. >> if this is a financial thingd they haven't been able to sell tickets, then i don't know where the financial retrobugs will come from. >> morguon flew in from floridak $10,000 into marketing erotic colouring books at this year's ball. money he doesn't think the promoter will refund. >> right now it's just like a kk in the stomach. >> the recourse for vendors, sponsors and exhibitors as well as entertainers just deal
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with the producers. >> and not just vendors, it draws up to 14,000 people over the two-day events. they cost between 69 and $169 and they're advicing them to look for a refund through their bank and organizers can't answer if there was be a ball next year. in richmond ktvu channel 2 news. >> the head of san francisco's e parade has announced her resignation. she would leave next week. the organization is almost $100,000 in debt and owes al $50,000 to non-profits that stack beverage booths after the parade. the budget for the parade is $2 million and will review their finances and raise money for the popular event that marked its 40th year last june. lindly lohan will remain in rehab after violating her
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probation by failing a drug test. the 24-year-old star must stay in the clinic until january 3rd. that ruling means shell avoid a fourth trip to jail since wg arrested in 2007 on drug and drunk driving charges. the nevada supreme court refused to overturn armed robbery that sent o.j. simpson to prison. jurorors were dismissed because they were black. he is serving 9 to 33 years for a hold up at a las vegas hotel. he claimed he was trying to receive stolen momentos. ten students ended their school day in the hospital. the students at north high school in torrent were burned when cooking equipmed. they have second-degree burns and others have less severe burns. it happened during a fundraiser. fire investigators are looking into what caused the explosion. the school remained open. the impact of dangerous
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football hits is being felt on capitol hill. george miller is proposing a law that would keep high school players off the field for the rest of the game if they suffer a concussion. he's a chairman on education and labor that's taking up the issue. players would have to see a doctor. >> what you don't want is you dt want young people at the college level or high school level seeing those hits and believing that's the way they should be playing football. >> the bill would apply to all l sports, not just foo. well it is friday night and time for our game of the week. we go to the south bay between valley christian and bellerman and among the top teams. live in san jose with our story. hi joe. >> hi gasia. it doesn't get bets when you talk about high school football match ups. we have a couple of teams that as you said are undefeated. they're 6-o and playing for
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first place in the west cath athletic league. the other thing, they often times see each other later on in the season in the playoffs and that could be happening no matter who wins. i talked to the two coaches about their respective teams and this game. >> same old thing. they're goint , they come at you, the disciplined, they have some good guys they're going to toss the ball to, and you have to be disciplined. you have to be disciplined up front or they're going to get away from you. >> when you play a team like ths that you can see down the road again, does it bring a different dynamic? >> we're going to play for tonight, and prepare for tonight, and then later on we'll watch the film, go over what we saw, adjust where we need to, and then play them again. >> it's two teams that you knowy ing very well right now it's going to be a great ball game. who is going to stop who is going to be the big question. >>talk about evenly matched.
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the two running backs for their respective teams averages 137 yards the other one 140 yards per game. undefeated teams playing for first place and seeing each other later on doin the road in the playoffs. this is a late start a 7:30 game and there's still time to get out here and take in a true classic when it comes to high school football. we'll have highlights at 10:00. until them reporting live from valley christian high school back to you gasia. >> police are investigating a dn a cemetery. two jars containing human hearts and a photo pinned to the hearts. the photographs show two different couples of latin decent and trying to determine the identities of the people in the pictures and doesn't appear any foul play was involved and might have
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something to do with a religious ritual. some future doctors are off to the ranch. this might be a winning ticket to a better city of edmonton-side manner. and tracking rain that will likely intensify over the next couple of days. he'll be here with your weekend forecast. and if there's no tv nearby, watch bay area news at 7:00 on your computer at
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ocooer feoel cort eeit t totr r
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>> it's expected to be a rainy weekend with a wet weather system moving on the bay area. this is what it looked like this morning. they had their windshield wipers on and careful to navigate wet roads. they warn motorists to be careful during the first real rains of the southbound when roads can be slick. bill martin is here to talk to us. this is what we were told to xt. >> the computer model has been n . the forecast has been pretty close. the scattered showers arrived and more on the way with big rain on sunday. live storm tracker 2, take a peek, and i'mng philly, temperature tomorrow up in the 60s during the day, partly cloudy but no rain. sunday, won't be needed, but if they play temperatures in the 70s.
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showers tomorrow, widely scattered and sunday it's going to rain. it's going to rain like it's february kind of rain. there's a lot of moisture in the pacific. it's lower latitude so its warm, just lower latitude. and this moves in and organizes on sunday, and we're going to get wet. so saturday, that's tomorrow, widely scattered showers a lot like today. heavier at times but a lot like today. the sunday system could bring 4 inches of rain in the heaviest locations. it starts on saturday night, and moves all day sunday. so the computer model does this and tomorrow morning scattered showers. saturday mid-day, showers. more consistent. tomorrow afternoon-evening it starts to ramp up, and then sunday morning look what's coming. there's a low pressure center
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and the main crux of the system starts to drop in. and sunday lunchtime, raining big time in generaler, santa rosa, and just showers for us, and then sunday afternoon boom. so it's wet. sunday is your wettest day and you can see that just by the computer model clearing out on monday. lots can change from now and the timing but one thing that won't change, we're going to get wet. 63 in nevada, and notice the warmth here. mid-60s on a cloudy wet day was it's coming from a low latitude. tomorrow just prime of the pump as we head into sunday, that's when the real rain gets you. your five-day forecast it's a wet one gasia. >> see you tonight at 10:00. thanks, bill. students at stanford medical school are givin meaning to learning o farm. their's using horses to teach bedside manner. most patients don't speak up if their doctors are rude or
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sensitive, so they use horses to help them. that's our report for tonight. thanks for joining us. bay area news at 7:00 returns on monday.
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