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tv   Bay Area News at 7  KICU  September 20, 2010 6:00pm-6:30pm PST

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>> complete bay area news coverage starts right now. this is bay area news at 7:00. >> good evening. it is monday, september 20. i am gasia mikaelian, and this is bay area news at 7:00. we begin tonight with developing news where people who live in a large apartment complex are being told to stay inside their homes today during a police investigation pre-at this chapter to us about that scene on the 5500 block of eucalyptus stripy witnesses
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tell us there appears to be a female homicide victim inside one of the cars created again people in this complex near main street and highway 29 are being told to stay inside. for the first time drivers can use this beauty on a freeway for a price. the polling open today along a 40-mile stretch between the pdfs and christien kafton is life tonight we're day one is in the process of winding down. >> reporter: the new 680 total expressly here is aimed at clearing congestion they said it had collected just the opposite and they are calling it a success and is preparing for lanes just like this around the bag. >> commuters got their first chance to try out the new expressly today paying for the privilege of using it created some drivers complained that was supposed to be a convenience slowed them down and. >> i left home at 730 this
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morning and it was supposed to take me 45 minutes. i did not get until i needed -- where he needed to go until 9:15. >> reporter: is supposed to reduce congestion between highway 84 and 237 in the. solo drivers can now use the carpool being the light gleamed and that can vary depending on how heavy the traffic it is. caltrans says roadwork, new science and make configuration all worked to slow traffic in particular when vehicles merged into the expressly south of highway 84. >> there with about 15 minutes of delay action on top of the five minutes that you typically have to sell it was bad for the general public because of that merge. >> reporter: despite italy's caltrans is calling it a success and said that about 1,000 drivers -- it still
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leaves, caltrans is calling it a success. carpoolers who do not want to be charged accidentally need to use a special day obtained from the metropolitan transportation commission and. >> when you're traveling in the carpool lane taker takes off the windshield or dashboard and pop it in the bank and that will prevent it from being read. >> reporter: they can expect to see more expressly is added to the area in the tri- valley area and 2011. they see this on 680 is a first that will be paying areawide network created christien kafton, teaching, teaching -- ktvu channel two news. >> bass track on the bay bridge has more than doubled on the
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bay bridge the metropolitan transportation commission says in 2,000 fix 36% use transponders to pay their tolls and now almost 77% use the device. they say that 60% of drivers use fast-track to pay tolls on the seven bridges it oversees. pg&e released a list of its 100 highest risk gas pipelines in california all in need of repair. this comes less than two weeks after the deadly pipeline explosion in san bruno pre-pg -- a pg&e said it was based on design and if there is ongoing instruction in area. there are four sites in livermore and near stanford university among other bay area sites be they say any sites in immediate danger are simply placed on the repair list and taking care of right away.
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>> whenever we identify any potential threat to public safety we immediately go and address the situation. we do not put it on some lists. it's not on some list of 100. >> this does not include the stretch of pipe that blew in san bruno pre-and officials say they still do not know what caused the disaster that killed seven people and destroyed 37 homes. many people in the bay area found out they live or work above one of the high-risk pipelines. some cities learned that they need to know more about what lies beneath the ground. >> reporter: this light rail line runs along the street here in this neighborhood and is home to a underground national pipeline that is on a list of 100 highest risk pipelines all of them in need of maintenance or repair and another pipeline on the lists nearby plus two more just over this new-line. >> it's kind of scary, of
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course, preview want to make sure they are taking care of it could we do not want to see any more accidents happen that is for sure. >> reporter: the valley transportation agency that operates the light rail system wants more information about scheduled repairs at. >> v.t.a. was aware of the utilities, the condition of those utilities were not something that was on our radar. >> reporter: the mayor has an idea what he would like pg&e to do to make people feel safer. >> if you look at what pg&e does with its electrical system and ability to shut things down to avoid problems they have the same capacity with a pipeline to know what is happening at all times and all places. be able to take action before we have an explosion. >> reporter: some say they feel better knowing what is beneath them. >> since we are aware of it now if they are able to fix it i think that is a huge benefit. it does not make me nervous
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about as long as they take care of it that is good. >> reporter: there's a timetable for each pipeline and repairs in san jose will begin in 2012. there will be one more change. they say they plan to be more aware and involved in those projects. in san jose, robert handa, ktvu channel 2 news. >> pg&e has set up a hotline and the number is on your screen 8-887-437-4312 we have posted a link to the entire list of all 100 pipeline segments on her homepage. police have arrested a third person. francisco sierras is accused of being an accessory after a fact. he said he admits helping andrew barrientos after he shot officer todd young. police arrested at barrientos in san diego.
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they are due in court this wednesday. an aspiring rapper now faces life in prison after pleading guilty to murdering four people one year ago. and a plea agreement the 21- year-old man admitted he killed his 16-year-old girlfriend, her parents and a friend of hers. he met the 16-year-old on line and were fans of his rap music. he traveled to virginia where she was living and said that he and the teen had a fight after attending a rap show which led to the murder. attack happened near the south end of snow avenue outside san jose city limits at about 7:45 a.m. the one and bought off the attacker and screamed for help and he ran away. she described the man as being in his 20s who 5'6", clean-
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shaven with brown hair and brown eyes. the description resembles a man who assaulted a jogger in morgan hill in december and that man remains on the loose torment a deadly car crash has school officials changing a school policy. the change would keep students on campus at lunchtime. today was the first day back at school firm with six team -year-old isaac scott was killed on friday. -- 16-year-old isaac scott was killed on friday. a soggy drunk driver in class before the crash. they later skipped class and took advantage of the schools open campus policy which school officials are considering changing. >> we are still concerned when our students leave campus. they can bring their lunch and i think it's something we need to consider. >> the california department of
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alcohol beverage control has launched an investigation to find out how bt driver may have gotten alcohol and a novato school district is conducting an investigation to find out why no school staff noticed he may have been drunk in class. the governor canceled today's play in meeting after he became ill. lawmakers are breaking and negotiations on hold at the governor did meet with democratic and republican leaders on friday and staff members worked over the weekend on a spending plan agreement. california is now 82 days passed is constitutional deadline to pass a budget. >> we hope that the budget is finished by up to over one. that is what everybody hopes. after october 1st the state starts having cash flow problems. >> the state comptroller says he will be forced to start issuing iou plants in october in a budget is not in place. hewlett-packard said that mark hurd is now free to work for a rival tech company.
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the suit was dropped after a settlement was reached requiring hurd to protect hp's financial information and agreed to give up several million dollars of hp's stock options he was forced to resign over a scandal with his relationship with a contract employee. hurd was one of the headliners today at oracle convention in san francisco. again today it will end on friday and includes a musical performance on treasure island including the black eyed peas. stocks jumped today on the eve of a key federal reserve meeting. the dow surged more than 145 points the nasdaq climbed by 40 gaining more than 1.5%. the recession is now declared over on top of that
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rebound has been going on for more than one year. find that hard to believe clerics find out what bay area job seekers to think about today's announcement. plus lindsay lohan's slipup that may send her back to jail. >> there will be some major temperature swings this week in a five-day forecasts predict we will highlight the coolest day and the warmest day coming up.
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>> a fire under a new york city bridge struts on rail service for more than four hours today but fire crews crusade would entirely and in the river below the 130th street bridge caught fire. they claim the smoke was visible across east harlem. two trains were on the bridge at the time and we'll crews inspected the tracks before
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reopening them for service. your home san francisco could begin developing some old- school sites to house teacher. they will direct school officials to convert a mission street property into low-cost housing for teachers. details are still being hammered out but the deal could be worked out with developers to include higher rent retail space. leaders say that one third of all san francisco standards as cars do not live in the city. the great recession has been declared over. a group of economists announced one of the longest economic slowdowns ended in june of last year predicted you notice that? jim vargas reports if you did not you are not alone. >> reporter: and was announced today that the recession ended 15 months ago but the people we spoke with looking for jobs find the idea laughable. >> [ laughter ] where are the jobs? >> reporter: it may have been
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over in frustration -- over frustration or incredulity it is no laughing matter and this man says he was laid off from a sales job two years ago. he is staying financially afloat with social security and unemployment insurance which is soon to run out. >> you know, we are not far from being on the street and that is not a good place to be. >> reporter: summed up speakers say they have sent hundreds of job applications and still come up dry. this man has been looking for work since april the. >> ten interviews, eight interviews. it has been a very frustrating situation. >> reporter: job growth always lags behind economic growth in a recovery but this uc berkeley professor says this is stagnation. >> what we are seeing is a far more lagging indicator that sustained long-term unemployment or half of those
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who are unemployed right now virtually half have been unemployed longer than six months. >> reporter: unfortunately many economists think that high unemployment will continue for at least another year. jim vargas, ktvu channel 2 news. the united nations say it will miss many of its goal is to improve the lives of impoverished people around the world. they addressed the development summer at which samples one decade ago to reduce infant mortality and improve sanitation and reverse the spread of hiv by the year 2015. the global recession should not be an excuse for member nations to pull back support for the world's poorest people. actress lindsay lohan has been ordered to appear in court friday or face arrest after violating probation by failing a drug test. the 24-year-old actress confirmed on her twitter page confirmed that she failed court ordered screening and is
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working hard on her drug problem. she spent two weeks in jail earlier this year from her stunning dui conviction. the judge that in 30 days in jail if she violated parole against him at paris hilton was sentenced to a year of probation and pay the 29-year- old hotel heiress was arrested last month when a bank of cocaine fell from her purse. she admitted lying to police and claimed that the purse and drugs were not orders. she must pay a fine and 200 hours of community service. the food and drug administration became a hearing today on whether to approve genetically engineered salmon for human consumption and critics are calling it frankenfish. they say it's safe and environmentally sustainable, of course, critics worry that it may include dangerous allergens and if that proves it may be on grocery shelves within two
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years. and leather industry tonight. for the second time in less than one week the -- another mystery tonight for the second time in less than one week the of a whale has landed on the bay area coastline. >> reporter: national park service officials say the call came in at 7:00 a.m. with beachgoers referring that a 50-foot dead whale had washed up on ocean beach just a short job away. >> we encourage visitors to not touch the whale in any way and let the whale rest in peace until we can properly. >> reporter: last week a whale was towed out to sea for disposal and officials believe this whale was the same creature washed ashore in san francisco but despite signs of decomposition it did not match. >> it is sad to see a creature
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of that size to die like that. >> reporter: marine biologists from the marine mammal center look for tracking takes and cut away tissue samples before now it's unclear what species it is for age, and cause of death's. >> there's a certain amount of die off that happens out there and i think we are seeing more of it because they are closer to shore and there is abundance of glucose by. >> reporter: they say the cause of death may take a month to determine and officials say they cannot bury the until daylight tomorrow when work is less likely to disturb a bird habitat and bring up funds for a burial. in san francisco, david stevenson, ktvu channel 2 news. a critical section of the bay trail open today and runs about 2.5 minus ;-) sunny vale and mountain view. they had to detour around that
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across highway 91 and it took more than two years for permission to use that land and they hope one day to link the base with some 500 miles of trail. something unusual in the waters across san francisco today. experts now say they know what is causing its bid in the bay area weather should be cooling off towards the rest of this weus kw how cool it will get.
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>> if the waters off san francisco seem unusually red today there is a reason they experienced a red tide and the fish and game department says when nutrient rich cooler waters blend with warmer waters conditions ripen for algae blooms and the substance comes from the algae became volcanic matter -- decaying organic matter. mark tamayo is here with some changes we will see tomorrow. >> it will begin with a cool down across the bay area and then we are talking about a significant warm-up good right
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now i can show you this. not a lot to show you we have mostly clear skies and maybe a patch or two of symbolic closer to fort bragg. -- of some fog closer to fort bragg and looking out toward san francisco bay we had some clear skies and current temperatures of 60 degrees. we warmed up on average most areas about three to 6 degrees warmer and santa rosa was 81 degrees. tomorrow we are cooling off you can see the forecast for fremont starting out the day with 54 degrees. an afternoon high only in the upper 60s. this will be the source of cool down for tomorrow and as we head into wednesday. this area of low pressure will be seeing into the ridge and stick around for the next 48 hours. as we take our forecast into thursday especially by friday or saturday we will see more of an off shore flow and the fog
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goes away. we will have an increase for fire danger. not expecting red flag warning for something to keep an eye on as we head into friday and saturday. seriously plan for tomorrow. partly to mostly cloudy skies. then into the afternoon hours increase in sunshine. low '80s in the forecast via some locations approaching the mid-70s. we see the forecast highs for tuesday. oakland 65 degrees and livermore right around 72 degrees three at san jose at 59 degrees with increase in sunshine. here is a look ahead at your five-day forecast. look at what happens by thursday. warming back up just in time for the weekend. >> p2p is a legendary san francisco 40 niner is receiving a distinct honor tonight. they are retiring jersey number 81 by wide receiver jerry rice
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and tonight they are hosting the new orleans saints at candlestick park and highlights are coming up on ktvu 10:00 news spread that does it for us. our coverage continues online at tmz is up next right here on tv36.
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