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tv   Bay Area News at 7  KICU  August 23, 2010 6:00pm-6:30pm PST

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fire crews are at the scene of a grass fire the weather is causing unusually poor air quality. will this stick around? complete bay area news coverage starts right now. this is bay area news at 7:00. >> good evening. it is monday, august 23.. i am gasia mikaelian. we begin with developing news where firefighters are gaining an upper hand on a grass fire we have live pictures now from newschopper 2 and it appears that this fire is almost distinguished. it burned along highway four in unincorporated contra costa county not far from the city of
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pittsburgh. officials tell us the fire reached two alarms and started about ten minutes before 6:00 and it is unclear as to how many acres burned and there are a few homes in the area but none appeared to be threatened. topic has been moving on highway four but slowly and we will keep you updated. >> that is the second grass fire the other burned about 10:30 a.m. and scorched the whole side near livermore and several windmills were in front of the fire but none were damaged. there is no word about what spared either fire. >> hot dry weather left people trying to find ways to cool off. finally the cooler than usual summer is starting to warm up and the temperatures hit the upper 90s. in pleasanton families hit the water slides in several cities near the 100-degree mark making for the hottest day of the summer so far. >> yeah, it is hot but this is
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survival and we get used to it could we have been having a cool summer's lately so this is pretty good weather. bill martin tells us that the weather will be hotter tomorrow and will join us later on in this newscast. emergency responders rushed to ocean beach after there was a report of a teenager in the water and instead it was surfers to the rescue. they grabbed their board and brought the 14-year-old to shore. it happened along the highway and the team was shaken up but it appears to be okay. the corner is working to identify a body that washed up in pacifica today. they had to rappel down to the beach to recover the body. some fishermen called 911 when they discovered the body, some rocks and the victim was wearing scuba der gear.
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and there was the first spare the air alert today and there is already another report for tomorrow. >> reporter: smoky haze could be seen in the air was dirtiest in the south bay because of the wind direction and beating here was downright unhealthy according to the bay area air quality management district. >> there are dangers of allocating in respiratory conditions. >> it comes from industrial sources and household spray. >> reporter: people are urged to take public transit and but public transit agencies usually increase ridership on spare the air days. >> if we can get people to read but like real and buses and it really reduces that carbon
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footprint. >> this burst spare the air today was unnoticed by many people and some say that there is not in the public transit. >> we are just walking around the pit have not driven anyway -- have not driven anywhere. >> i have kids and have to drop the kids up and come here to work. >> were you aware that this was spare the air day? >> yes. >> reporter: why didn't you take public transit? >> it was too far from home. >> tomorrow will be even unhealthy air with the worst is the spreading from san jose to the livermore valley. jim vargas, ktvu channel 2 news. >> two college students were arrested because they carry high-powered weapons on campus.
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they took the two into possession after they were carrying loaded semiautomatic pistols the same type of gun used in the columbine massacre and some were upset by news of the arrest. >> i do not feel safe but that is not going to stop me from coming to school. >> do your thing there and people are here -- are pursuing a education and upgrading their life. >> police say they do not know why the men had weapons on campus. lawyers had been granted more time to make their case in moving the trial to los angeles and the chain of and emotion was postponed today for the fourth time the judge agreed to delay the hearing until september 13 because his lawyer has been ill be he is accused of ordering a co-defendant to shoot down 20 bailey and base a media coverage prevent the
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defendants from getting a fair trial. police and san francisco are looking into a bold package of eight catholic church. it was a 109 year old bell that was wiped from the church on broad street. jana katsuyama joins us with more. >> reporter: this was not easy cried to commit, the bell was hanging in the open and is extremely heavy but still someone somehow took it last week. it is a nuisance at st. michaels catholic church and an emptiness with the old church bell used to hang. >> it was part of the church and now it's missing. so strange. >> reporter: this image shows the bell bid staff say was about 4 feet wide and 2 feet high. one of the staff members who did not want to be on camera says the priest noticed the bell was gone last tuesday
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night. >> i went outside and looked and the bell was missing. so i called the police. >> the staff members showed as these large bolts that were left behind. a broken piece of plywood was also left. weber's told the bell likely had help. it weighed up to 600 pounds and was in plain view from the street accessible only from stairs or wheelchair ramp and was priceless dating back to 1901 with the original church was built. the st. michaels 800 member congregation is parade someone will help find that piece of history. time is important because police say there's a chance it might be destroyed. >> the bell was made of bronze, that is my understanding and it is one of our concerns that it was taken and sold as scrap metal. >> reporter: today at the scrap metals shop many notices coming about stolen items and
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she says a 600-pound bronze bell would garner more than $900. >> they tend to take it some place to get it chopped up and get rid of, the to not try to sell it. >> reporter: this is not the only historic bell stolen. we've learned today that there was another bell stolen that dates back to 1808 stolen but the botanical gardens in san francisco on march 10th. in either of these cases the thieves could be facing felony charges and pleaded reporting live, jana katsuyama. police have arrested a man accused of setting a high- school classroom on fire. he was booked in the solano county jail on three counts of arson. they say he set a small fire last thursday and the fire was extinguished quickly but the
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costumes sustained significant damage. he is a suspect in two other fires. new revelations coming to life about the fire chief accused of killing his personal vehicles at a gas pump for city vehicles. the union says they took photos of him casting up his bmw and he said it was a perk agreed to by the alameda county manager paul as it turns out this is not the first time that he has faced such allegations. back in 1919 when he was working in lake tahoe when he was accused of using a vehicle for personal use. a search is on for a 14- year-old san francisco girl who police believe ran off with a man whom she met on a social networking site myspace be the family thinks she is out of on his way out of state with a man in his 30's named gino.
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the family believes she might be headed towards houston, texas,. as the american egg industries real's, some organic egg producers here in california are seeing an increase in their business. organic eggs are not affected and many people are turning to locally produced eggs to avoid possible exposure. one organic a producer says with many brands of the recall list customers are confused as. >> we have seen an increase of sales since the recall. >> whether some questions? >> if we are involved in the recall. they were happy to know that we are not. >> some popular brands linked to the recall include bright candy eggs, safeway lucerne brand and albertson's bid for a complete list you can log on to a website at
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former base. newsman dave has died. >> his career in broadcast spent more than 50 years and he first became an announcer in 1951 and then glued to television. and then moved to television and he died in palm due to complications from a previous stroke. he was 81 years old. stock owners are up reached after a dog is stab at a popular park and new details about the incident and possible charges. it has never happened anywhere before, details on the first ever muslim college opening tomorrow here in the bay area. >> temperatures were near the triple digits today and/or tuesday will include a bunch of
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triple digit temperatures. your forecast, coming up. [ male announcer when meg whitman arrived at ebay,
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they had 30 people and an idea. meg's job was to make it happen. it took leadership. focus. and the ability to bring people together. meg whitman delivered. named one of america's best ceo's by harvard business review, she grew ebay 15,000 strong and made small business dreams come true. now meg has a plan to create jobs. fix sacramento. and deliver results. meg whitman. for a new california.
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>> in chile, the remarkable tale of survival but it could take four months to dig of 43 miners out of the collapsed mine appeared they were discovered alive and apparently in good health. 18 days after the mine collapsed. they are trapped in a chamber 2000 feet underground which is connected to the surface by a hole about 6 inches in diameter. rescue workers are using now hold to lower food and supplies to the trapped miners. a mother and her be escaped a two alarm fire about 1:30 a.m. and it took a cruise about one hour to put out the fire that caused severe damage to the home. no one was hurt and what caused
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the fire isn't clear but it started in the kitchen near the newly purchased refrigerator. the stabbing of the dog on the popular san francisco dog walk has left people on easy and tonight we learn more about who police say stabbed the dog. >> the senate whether was welcomed by eight dogs and their owners still jittery over stabbings last week. >> investigators say it happened about 230 last thursday an unidentified female dog walker said she was approached by another part regular who was walking a pit bull and when she asked the man and per doll was neutered he pulled out a knife and stabbed to per dog. >> he had two stab rooms close
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to his -- two stab wounds in his abdomen and i was worried about internal injuries. >> reporter: the dog is expected to recover and be a suspect is a part reeler and known to many. >> they immediately started farming through their database and customer logs looking for matches and the names and content in relation. >> reporter: two tips led them to the suspect on saturday in. >> park police went to his house and positively identified them gentleman and that gentleman has obtained an attorney. >> reporter: park police say an arrest and charges under federal statute are imminent. >> i can just imagine how i would feel pretty i would like to see that man caught in serious punishment. >> reporter: police are still investigating this case and are looking for direct witnesses to
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the stabbing. in san francisco, david stevenson. agent bidding war has broken out this morning is hp's announced it would pay $1.6 billion in cash for the provider threepar at then dell's bid of 1.3 billion the company is still active despite the resignation of c0 mark hurd earlier this month. stocks fell today and the dow lost 39 points. the nasdaq finished down by 20. a finger is all it takes for a member to get into a 24 hour fitness center. the company is using fingerprint scanners at 60 locations and to ensure they enter a ten digit code and have their index fingers scanned. it compares the image to the one the company has on file and allows members to leave their
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id cards at home and keeps unmembers from speaking in. top financial officials told lawmakers that will delay paying until the state has enough money to pay bondholders. the state comptroller treasurer and finance director says the 90 day deferral would start next month and california's budget is now 54 days late for the governor and lawmakers are taught how to fill $19 million by the shortfall. a federal judge suspended the guidelines that expended embryonic stem cell research. the judge ruled those guidelines violate a law that bans the use of federal funds to destroy human embryo is. the impact is unclear but the head of one transportation program says it would immediately disrupt work and at dozens of labs appeared several groups brought the lawsuit including night light christian
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adoption because people should adopt human embryos from fertilization clinics. tomorrow for the first time ever in the indebted states eight muslim college will open its doors and they held -- a muslim call to open its doors and rob roth was there. >> reporter: he is one of 15 freshmen coming he is from denver and wants to study with the faculty and becoming a teacher himself. >> these are some of the most respected muslim scholars in the world and it's important that this college opens the. >> it is renting classroom space and tuition is $11,000 a year. one of the co-founders cities the school is great because it is opening up opportunities for real jobs. >> there is a growing need for highly trained professionals that are grounded and have an
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understanding of their position at the same time able to function and relate to the contemporary issues in american society. >> reporter: estimates and faculty begin for their first day of class is administrators say there has been no backlash in the bay area. no local opposition to all muslim college controversies such as those in new york over plans to place a mosque near ground zero make schools such as zaytuna of the monasteries. >> we need to be engaged in deep dialogue. >> they hope to have 150 students by the time the current freshmen become seniors. rob roth commerce ktvu channel 2 news. >> it is official for tiger woods and his wife elin, they are divorced and it began with a golf superstar was involved
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in the cities of affairs for the statement issued through their attorneys say they will share parenting of their two children and financial terms of the divorce were not revealed. coming up on bay area news at 7:00, a legal twist involved in the case of photo negatives that may or may not be the work of fame to photographer ansel adams. will here with your forecast. droiiiid.
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what this droid does will change how you do web connections. this creates a mobile 3g hotspot, powerful enough to fuel multiple devices at will. putting you at the center of your own world wide web. introducing the new droid x. the next generation of does.
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>> wreckers are picking the grapes and wine country and the weather has had an impact. they were harvested before dawn and the picking israel later than usual because of cool weather up until today they said the cooler weather means the grapes being a couple weeks before they're ready for harvesting be when it comes to the hot weather we saw today early in the morning or late in the night is at the way to go. >> has been a cool summer and tomorrow will be the hottest day of the week. we go outside and i will show you what we have in terms of current temperatures be 91 degrees in santa rosa the. 80 degrees in san francisco. here are the highest court today. the temperature is up for tomorrow are coming of -- highs
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for today and the temperatures are going up for tomorrow. the extended forecast calls for drastic changes much cooler for your bay area weekend. overnight loans in the '60s, the upper 60s in the warm spots. you may wake up and it will be 67 degrees at 6:00 a.m. it has been out in san francisco and richmond the temperatures have been in the '50s but tomorrow they will be in the upper 70's and made a peace. a forecast high tomorrow, you will see whites showing up representing temperatures in the 100-degree range and the area that does not have a color is up to 110 degrees. you see the heat definitely increase fire danger and is a
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spare the air day tomorrow. you have concrete down there and 97 degrees in downtown san jose and that will feel like 105, 108 degrees. on the surface you could feel like 120 degrees. the heat advisory isn't that tomorrow and it will be hot. then a big changes -- is in effect tomorrow and then the big changes. you will want to try to carpools if you can because it is a spare the air day. there is the 5-day forecast, gasia. a story is unfolding to write the ansel adams publishing trust is trying to stop any sale of the natives that uses the photographers lane the lawsuits names rick norsigian who claims legendary
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photographer ansel adams took the pictures. they claimed the natives were work $200 million a woman says the phones were taken by her uncle earl. that is our coverage for tonight. tmz is up next right here on tv36.
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