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tv   Bay Area News at 7  KICU  August 6, 2010 6:00pm-6:30pm PST

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should begin again. and a confession without precedent. in the south bay this weekend as marijuana takes center stage. . complete bay area news coverage starts right now. this is bay area news at 7:00. it is friday august 6th hello again everyone i'm healthy holmes welcome to bay area news at 7:00. thousands of san francisco businesses are receiving letters from the city demanding money for fees they did not realize they owed. one antique shop owner says the city now wants more than $1,000. our powell chambers is live in san francisco to explain what this assessment is all about, paul? >> good evening, heather. now, antique shops are the first of many businesses here in san francisco to feel the pinch of the filing and permit fees. now, the fees are nothing new.
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they have been around for awhile. it is just that the city has not collect them, in many cases, until now. >> this is just so wrong on so many levels. >> reporter: she says last week san francisco police department sent a letter to her antique shop. it informed the owners they owe $1400 inifies they must pay. >> -- in fees they must pay. >> we barely make it. $1400 is coming out of my pocket and my children's school fund. >> reporter: it comes from a filing fee, and service fees tkhr-f 300 and this is money the city should of collected when the shop first owned. >> it was something that has always been done but we are updating our records. >> last month the police department started working the way down an alphabetical list of businesses to make sure they are operating legally and prove they have up-to-date permit noose we will contact the business and if they don't have their proper documentation then we will go ahead and send a letter stating they have 10
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business days to contact our officer. >> reporter: once they contact the police they can work on a payment schedule. if not they could be cited. the police say that is not what they want to do they are just enforcing the law. >> if it was just a couple hundred dollars and more time to do it we would have paid it. >> reporter: now, it appears some businesses might not of contacted the police and fell through the cracks but with the city budget stressed out they are looking to collect every dime they can to pay up. back to you. california's governor and attorney general late today filed motions calling for the immediately reassumption of same sex weddings it comes two days after the district judge overturned proposition 8. the voter approved same sex marriage ban. walker also issued a temporary stay and says he will decide if to keep it in place while prop 8 supporters appeal. brown said he opposes that temporary stay. >> after reading the been by
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the federal judge certainly the conclusion is very strong that propositionity proposition 8 violates the law. if people are not allowed to marry we say no stay, let california's law re-established as it was before proposition 8. >> today was the deadline for attorneys on both sides of proposition 8 to submit written arguments on if the temporary stay should be lifted there is no word when judge walker will issue his ruling. hewlett-packard's ceo has resigned in allegations of sexual harassment. the company says its investigation said that he had not violated the company's sexual harassment policy but that he exercised a profound lack of judgment. hp says he engaged with an inappropriate relationship with a contractor and filed false expense reports. he served as the chief
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executive for the past five years. a search is now underway to replace him. the chief financial officer, kathy lestick has been named name ceo. christine hugs faces 67 felony counts of sexual assault. investigators say she sent nude photos of herself to boys from her cell phone. she is accused of providing the boys with gifts including video game consaouls. she is married and has three children. hubbs is held in jail in lou of $4 million bail and scheduled to be arraigned on monday. well, all things marijuana are on display at a first ever convention in san jose. hepcon is what it is called and expected to attract people interested in medical marijuana and the ballot to make marijuana legal for all adults.
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rob roth reports now from the south bay. >> reporter: it is trade show. it is here for seeing but not smoking. anyone with $69 can seek a medical recommendation for a doctor. some medical marijuana users say pot eases their pain. >> it really, really helps me. it is better than taking a handful of pills. >> reporter: they have been already to los angeles. the first time it has come to northern california. many folks here is a they came to be better educated on the statewide ballot measure to legallize marijuana. >> i think it is great for public awareness of the development with the different law changes. >> 3.5, 3.6 grams of medicine, $55. >> reporter: it comes as a new club held the grand opening today on steven's creek boulevard on auto road. it offers free home deliver.
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they have about 60 medical dispense ors and city voters will decide if to tax them up to 10% of their gross revenue. the city councilmen says he has court reporters how best to regulate the club. >> i think that we need to be much more cautious because these clubs are really effecting the quality of life in our neighborhoods and our families and we really have to take that into deep consideration. >> reporter: it runs until sunday evening. the next stop is denver, colorado. it appears marijuana is a growing business. in san jose, rob roth, ktvu channel 2 news. we are following developing news at this hour out of the central valley where an amtrak train, traveling from oakland to bakersfield has derailed. train came off of the tracks shortly after 4:00 near the town of shafter. this is video we are just getting it. it is 20 miles north of bakersfield. we are told 10 passengers suffered minor injuries and one
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amtrak crewmember was also hurt. it was not immediately clear just how many of the 200 or so passengers are from the bay area. in oakland, two suspected burglars are under arrest accused of trying to steal marijuana plants from an illegal pot-growing operation. the police responded to reports of a burglary in progress at a building on 12th street near 12th avenue near 1:00 this morning. officers say when they arrived they saw two men running from that building. a police doing chased down one of the men biting him several times. both men were caught. they confiscated 600 marijuana plants worth about a quarter million dollars. a citizen crime fighting group says it is stepping up patrols to help the city struggling to staff their police forces. the guardian angels are gathering. the group has patrols in several san francisco neighborhoods including the tender loin and mission districts.
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they say more teams will be trained to patrol in oakland where the officers have been laid off because of budget constraints. >> reporter: two people killed in a deadly plane crash was identified as a couple in sunnyvale. it went down in the mountains on wednesday about 35 miles from boulder municipal airport. 70-year-old john howard and 56- year-old catherine heverin were killed with a 25 man from spokane, washington. in sunny valley today, howard and heveren's neighbors expressed sadness and shock. >> very sad. his first wife she was a pilot. >> the plane was registered to john howard. ntsb investigators say they plan to return to the crash site tomorrow to look into what caused the crash. a marked 21st trial date today has been set for the
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perjury case against barry bonds. he faces allegations he lied to a federal grand jury ne2003 if he took performance-enhancing drugs. the case was on hold as they unsuccessfully appealed a decision. bonds has pled not guilty to 10 copyrights of perjury and one count of obstructing justice. a man convicted of paralyzing the city of san francisco's computer network was sentenced today to four years in prison. former city network engineer was convicted in april of locking the city out of its main computer system for almost two weeks in 2008. childs also might have to pay restitution of as much as $1.5 million. that matter is kheled scheduled for a hearing. two candidates in california plan to hold their first debate here. barbara boxer is set to square
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off against her republican challenger on sept 1st. ktvu, kqed public radio and the san francisco chronicle are all cosponsoring the event. our political editor will be one of the moderators. you can watch the debate live from 7:00 until 8:00 on september 1st. well, governor schwarzenegger visited the bay area today attending a business round table in santa clara. at the top of the list, the state budget. you know, i have two choices as governor. especially since it was my last year. do i want to go and make everyone happy and go along with them? or do i want to go and, you know, wage this battle? >> schwarzenegger says he would rather fight. the budget is more than a month late. the governor expressed optimism a budget would be done in a few weeks. he said he was pessimistic about getting a budget before he leaves office in january.
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a solemn remembrance in japan marking the atomic bombing of hiroshima. u.s. ambassador john ruth attended the ceremony. the first time the u.s. has participated. great britain and france also made their first official appearances at the ceremony today. 140,000 people died in the hiroshima bombing on august 6th, 1975. a second atomic bomb was dropped three years later. japan surrendered on august 15th,. they gather to remember those that died in the hiroshima bombing. there were speakers and survivors of the 1945 bombing. the protestors later matched and picketed at the lab's
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entrance. a massive recall of beef sold in stores right here in the bay area. coming occupy bay area news at 7:00. details on the massive recall and what experts say you should do to avoid e.coli. >> and the countdown is on. as one of the bay area's most widely used and most historic transit hubs is now in its final hours of operations. temps warmed up slightly over the bay area today. outside right now, tracking low clouds and fog in the cost and the bay. the fog, a big factor in the weekend forecast. i will have that coming up in a few minutes.
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. san francisco's terminal is expected to shut its doors in just five hours. they are scheduled for demolition to make way for a
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new $4 billion transit center. it is expected to open in seven years. meantime they will catch buses at a temporary terminal a few blocks away at howard and main street. caltrans rolled in the heavy equipment today as if prepared to dig a new bore for the tunnel. caltrans plans to start drilling on monday using this massive tunnel boring machine. the new tunnel is meant to ease traffic congestion along highway 24 between oakland and arenda. the project is budgeted at 420 million. they expect to complete the job in about three years. a major beef recall is underway tonight in the wake of an e.coli outbreak. some of the beef being recalled was sold at safeway locations here in the bay area. jim vargas has details on this massive recall. >> reporter: state health officials say valley meet of madeso acted quickly on it
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madesto acted quickly on it. the meat, a million pounds was sold to safeway in four different states, some under the brand "butchers cut". >> you can not smell it, taste it or anything. >> reporter: they say people who intend to cook their food should cook it well. >> the best thing to do is cook the food and handel it carefully. >> reporter: wash your food, too. that is what the shopper, who used to handel food on amtrak, does. >> you should wash anything that you buy at the stores as far as food and produce. even though they tell you it has been washed. >> reporter: others say they are careful. it is not ease tow be up on all of the latest news. >> i just can not spend too much of my life doing this. if i hear about something i stay away from that stphaoeupbg in the past when i read about it or heard about it i try not to shop at that store. >> reporter: valley meat released a statement saying we will investigate the matter and take the measures deemed necessary to evaluate our safety standards, protect
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consumers and ensure confidence in our products. anyone who still has the meat in their freezer can go to the store where they bout it and get a refund. the officials say much of the meat is probably already been consumed. jim vargas, ktvu channel 2 new >> if you would like to find out more about the beef recall click on the link under the bay area news tab at our home page, state health officials said california's epidemic of whooping cough has not yet subicided despite a statewide vaccination. seven infants have died from the disease. that is so far this year. and there are 1500 reported cases. and that is actually six times the number of whooping cough cases that has been at the same time last year. infants too young to be immunized are the most vulnerable. they blame it on an increasing number of parents who refuse to get their children vaccinated. well, just how many books exist in the world? that is the question a google
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software engineer was charge with finding an answer to and today, well, he came up with a number and that number is 129 mill, 864,, 880. they are trying to scan and dig advertise the world's collection of books and hopes to do so within a decade. they scanned 12 million titles so far. the latest .ly unemployment numbers show few signs of improvement. labor department released the july report today. theination's unemployment rate remain unchanged from june at 9.5%. private employers add only about 70,000 jobs and overall the economy lost more than 130,000 jobs. mostly due to temporary census workers being let go. our reporter craig boswell has more. >> reporter: the unemployment rate was unchanged. while companies add 71,000 jobs that is below the roughly
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200,000 needed each month to reduce the unemployment rate. democrats say the figures would be much worse without the stimulus plan. >> this recession would have been another great depression without thesis actions we would of lost -- these actions we would of lost eight 1/2 million more jobs by the end of 2010. >> reporter: they say it is the taxing and spending that is the problem. >> more spending will not create jobs. the message today is higher taxes will not get anyone hired. >> reporter: it comes as the chair of the white house council of economic advisories is stepping down. she crafted the $862 billion stimulus package. she coauthored a paper saying to stop it from topping 8%. barack obama is keeping the focus on jobs with a visit to a side business that has not been forced to lay off worker >> we add private sector jobs every month this year instead of losing them as we did for the first seven months of last
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year. >> reporter: the recent forecast predicts unemployment will not drop below 8% until the end of 2012. a resignation is expected on the 23rdism the weak jobs report and a tumbling dollar pushed stocks lower. the dow is down triple digits for much of the day but finished well off of its lows. down 21. the nasdaq fell four points. a wildly poplar sandwich shop in san francisco received an eviction notice today. the owner of ike's place has been involved in a dispute with neighbors who sued because of the long lines and large crowds that regularly formed outside of the shop. the occupier had a permit for a coffee shop not a sand witch shop. the eviction is scheduled to take place on august 26th. the owner reportedly is looking for a new location. coming occupy bay area news
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at 7:00, sustainable energy making a stop here in the bay area. find out where you can check it out this weekend. and warmer summer temperatures any where on the horizon. our meteorologist will be here next with your all important weekend forecast.
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. it was not a yellow bus but a green bus rolling in on a cross country trip to promote sustainability. the bus is modified to run on waste vegetable oil from restaurants. it has roof top solarpanels and a interior with green materials. this science fair on wheels was on display today and you can check it out tomorrow at the california academy of sciences. it will be on display from 10:00 until 5:00. all right, talking about our weather. it felt a little warmer today. let's check in on the temperatures. mark, you were saying a slight increase? >> just about one or two degrees. feels like a big warm up because it has been cool lately. we will hold on to the forecast pulling back in the storm line for the weekend. now, live on the maps, here we go once again. we have talked about it a lot in the last few weeks. they are regrouping in the pases and there is a factor heading into your saturday
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morning. a look outside right now we can show you this. a live look out towards san francisco in the distance. currently san francisco, bundle up as a chilly 55 degrees. highs from today across the bay area, you can see the lower 60s for the coast and for san francisco, 70s for san rafael and santa rosa. the warmest locations inland. no 90s but a few 80s out there. here is a look at the overall story. the clouds on the increase overnight. cool coast, warm inland. no major changes. as far as temperatures tomorrow the rain from the upper 50s coast side, 60s and 70s around the bay. warmest locations touching the lower 80s, around 82 to 83 degrees. the overall weather pattern is this. the weather system out to the north and it will not move too much. tracking the fog and the fog pulls back near the shoreline. weekend highs, upper 50s for the beaches, warmest locations inland on track to reach the lower 80s. next week for the most part stays cool with no warm up in sight. just yet. that could be changing from the second half of august but we
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will continue to keep an eye on that still quite a ways out. as far as tomorrow morning, areas of fog, drizzle out there. there is the forecast model showing you the depiction and then the afternoon hours mostly sunny and there is the temperature range from the upper 50s to the beach. inland, antioch, 84 degrees. these numbers not a big change from today's high. 76 in morgan hill it. tops out at 80. and it cooled slightly for sunday and monday and a minor bump on tuesday, heather? >> thanks, mark. duke university researchers say the position of an athletes bellbutton can determine the talent. the position of the navel determines the center of gravity. why african athletes who have higher bellbuttons excel at
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running and why european athletes who are low are appear better at swimming it. appears in the journal of design and nature and eco hyundai dynamics. have a great weekend.
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