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tv   Bay Area News at 7  KICU  July 26, 2010 6:00pm-6:30pm PST

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homicide case and big news in san jose the chief of police tells us why he has decided it's time to retire. complete bay area news coverage starts right now. this is bay area news at 7:00. >> it is monday, july 26. i am maureen naylor, will come to bay area news at 7:00. he says he loves the job but now tells us he is ready to call it quits he will step down in october after 30 years on the force including the past six years as san jose's chief of police jana katsuyama spoke with him this afternoon and is live in san jose with the story. >> they sent this three page letter this morning announcing the retirement and today we did
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sit down with him to talk about his career and what comes next. >> i have absolutely no complaints, all i enjoyed this job. >> reporter: san jose is more than a work place, it is also his hometown could he started as a police or keep becoming chief in 2004 and now he says it is time to go and spend more time with his family paid during his tenure he says he's most proud helping the department get new technology. >> our officers are using site electronics cetacean devices which can take fingerprints and transmit them electronically. >> reporter: at times he has come under fire as well as the recent police shooting and racial profiling. >> there have been times when the department has not been as transparent as people in the community would like to be so this is the opportunity for
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change. >> reporter: he also face prison at times from the rank- and-file. >> we are not always going to act as did the same way on issues and. >> reporter: he will receive the maximum benefit, 90% of the estimated two reported thousand dollars salary. the chief's replacement will face some tough budget reality. >> i think it's important to know what the financial position of the city is not only from their own perspective but from the reality of what they're going to have to manage when they get here. >> as for chief davis he says he has no regrets. >> the city has treated me. well and i like to thank them for the opportunity of service. >> the city manager says she does plan to hold public hearings to hear what people want to see in the next police chief and chief davis says his
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last day will be october 40th. jana katsuyama, ktvu channel 2 news. >> a major development in the killing of a man who was in the bay area for a job interview. these pictures were taken about to 45 this afternoon. oakland police arrested 24-year- old george hugguins of the dropping and shooting of jinghong kang. they say a good samaritan detained him and police appreciate the help but once this since they put their lives at risk in these situations. >> this guy was armed and we had him out as armed and dangerous so i cannot recommend this doesn't take other people into custody like that. >> on saturday police arrested his girlfriend, althea housley. police say that she was arrested after someone recognized her from this surveillance footage. investigator shape the next day she admitted being involved in the crime. he was robbed of $17 shot to
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death eight days ago and oakland after getting his teeth cleaned off. prosecutors filed two felony charges after a pit bull killed his step grandson's last week paid he is charged with child endangerment. he will enter a plea next week the dogs mauled the taba last thursday when the boy got into a garage. he said he was not home at the time. one of the dogs killed the family to while about one year ago but did not feel that the dogs weary danger to children. >> one man is dead and three injured shootings in antioch today. witnesses say there was a fight and a 20-year-old man was fatally wounded. half an hour later someone shot and wounded a 64-year-old clerk at a convenience store.
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the third victim was also shot about in court after that first incident. investigators are not sure if the shootings are linked to. the stamp and cisco police chief has a new crime-fighting -- the san francisco police chief has a new crime-fighting and adipic he will hire civilians to collect fingerprints, dna and take police reports. it would help free up sworn officers to help put this on crime but not everyone is in favor of the plan. some say civilians should only investigate certain cases. >> the one caution that i have when you talk about a residential burglaries, those can be a rather sophisticated. the crime is so serious that it can qualify as a third strike. >> the civilian investigator should have at least three years of college and maybe retired police officers. the hiring is expected to get
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underway in january. california state parks have seen fewer rangers in recent years and out comes the word crime is on the increase. the sacramento bee reports crime has tripled over the past decade and jim vargas that reaction today at mount diablo. >> this major does a lot more than pose for pictures it to mount diablo state park, and he is the only ranger on duty to respond statewide nearly 30% of ranger positions are vacant. >> of all things that could happen in the city they happen in the parks. >> reporter: the one reason is that problem spread over. >> it is always frustrating if you do not have what you need to get the job done. >> reporter: they have seen an increase in assaults, break-ins and marijuana growing. >> not only is marijuana problem but the damage and
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impact to the resource. irrigation lines, taking water of the streams that would feed fish. >> reporter: rangers say that it is safe to visit the parks but the numbers do raise some eyebrows among visitors. >> there is a lot of crying and we need personnel here. >> we feel safe. >> reporter: face with a multi- billion budget shortfall the government will provide more money to the parks this year. there is the november initiative that would raise car registration fees but passage of looks pretty iffy. in contra costa county, jim vargas, ktvu channel 2 news. residents are warned to throw away any grapes in their home gardens. agriculture officials are trying to protect valuable wine grapes from the great vine motta and the state is strained back yard boot -- vine moth and
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they say destroying backyard fruit can help destroy the moth. officials are ready to ask [ cheers voters to propose a failed tax on medical marijuana and if approved the 10% medical marijuana tax would be the highest in the states. the san jose city council is being done with in the proposal. the deadline is coming up next week. two marin county with the municipal water district is considering dueling ballot measures tonight and one has a pretty qualified for the november ballot and would require approval before the district steadies the idea of building a plant to convert the water into drinking water. at the meeting set to begin in a few minutes they will consider a second less restrictive ballot measure. officials are looking for a
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thief who stole the catalog and drove up with a 5-year-old girl in -- with a cadillac and drove off with a 5-year-old girl inside. the father, a toupee with the keys in the ignition and that is when a white minivan pulled up. police say a man got up and jumped into the cadillac and drove off. while investigators were handling that investigation in another call came in. >> we got reports of a young girl unintended an area about 3 miles away. we were able to link the two. a father and daughter were reunited after ten minutes but i cannot imagine what would be like to not know where your truck was for that long. it seems like an eternity. >> the girl was unharmed and the car was found abandoned a few years and ap they are treating this as a kidnapping of the the top of the snow leopard the child was in the car. the oakland says that the chief of police say they are
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looking at what happened after the decline is -- johannes mehserle verdict and started debriefings today as they prepared for sentencing november 5th. c.h.p. says the woman's clothes suv was struck by a greyhound bus was drunk. they say she was heading home from a party with two other women when her trailblazer hit the center divider of highway 99. a few minutes later the bus hit the suv and skidded off the freeway her and her two passengers were killed as was the driver of the greyhound bus and two passengers on board. rescue crews scramble to save a firefighter and also up on bay area news at 7:00 the pentagon tries to get to the bottom of the massive security
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breach. will an internet leak compromise efforts in afghanistan. the iphone has many apps but uncle sam says consumers should have more. the cool weather continues there will be fog in your neighborhood tonight. i will have your forecast for tomorrow.
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>> crews came to the aid of a firefighter who is suv went of a trail and came to the end of an embankment. the man was doing maintenance near the beach road just before 10:00 a.m. when happened. a spokesman said they had to free him trapped inside the truck and hauled him up the
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hill to ambulance using ropes and pulleys be he is in stable condition. because of the accident is under investigation. rallies and celebrations around the nation today mark the 20th anniversary of the americans with disabilities act. the law was intended to provide equal opportunities to the disabled and jobs, transportation and telecommunications. those on hand at san francisco's city hall today said important progress has been made towards improving access but that much work still needs to be done. >> reporter: there is reaction around the world to manage because of confidential u.s. military documents. some 90,000 pages of documents posted on an unusual website. scott mcfarlane reports on washington from the breech. >> you probably have never heard about this before but
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they are reading it came as no surprise to this man. >> the american people are not. they have seen the chaos broke in afghanistan and there is no clear reason why. >> they say they have an ax to grind and have an ugly picture indicating they are clapping with the television also indicating u.s. military were operating shorthand, short on resources and they say recent tropes surges is a remedy that problem. >> for years and years more troops were needed and had been requested by the commanding general but no troops were forthcoming and that is why the president increased our number of troops heading into an important election. >> reporter: they say much of what was posted on the web site
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is old news or not surprising to anyone who has followed the war in afghanistan but the blood that was so popular today it was knocked off line several times by users worldwide. scott mcfarlane, ktvu channel 2 news. in london the board of directors has agreed to replace chief executive tony he word from the week of harsh criticism. it will stay in dallas says that hayward will step down in october. they have chosen bob dudly as hayward's replacement. he said he wanted his life back and attended a yacht race at the height of the disaster. asap san francisco company has recalled its hummus products. they are manufactured by this
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company and sold unno one has reported getting sick but can cause -- no one has reported getting sick but can cause serious infection and those with weak immune systems. they carry expiration dates up to september 23rd and people who have these products should throw them out or return them to the store with their purchase you can get more information regarding the hummus recall by clicking the link on our homepage k , sales were up last month but it was still the second slowest month on record. new homes sold at the annual rate of 330 dozen units in june and that is a 23.5 increase but down 16.7%. it follows the april expiration
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of the government's rebates. that's news and an upbeat forecast helped boost stocks today and the dow gained 100 points and is now with an 7% for the month of july and the nasdaq had a 26-point gain. a key decision today could be a big defeat for apple and they could break internal software to download applications including ones not approved by apple. the consumer editor tom vacar explained. >> they took some of apple's control the way, something iphone users we met liked. >> i think it's a good idea, if you are smart enough to make an effort, it's not easy. you should be able to happen on your phone. if other people want the you see should have that. >> i like how it is closed and guarded. i like those bars in it is probably a good idea.
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>> reporter: up until now it was a violation of civil laws. >> jailbreaking has been around for a long time people oh we got a comment from dan morin from his boston apartment. >> it makes it that you can install software on the iphone. >> reporter: they see that an open app market gives users a choice. >> and the developer can develop an application for an android smart phone. >> reporter: apple has always maintained is controls. >> bit much to make sure all of the applications are safe and you do not have any viruses or applications that would take advantage of your personal data. >> reporter: but nothing stops a couple from the setting up
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those technological barriers tom vacar, ktvu channel 2 news. they believe it or not auditorium reopened today after a 5 million renovation. it has been there for decades and new additions include a mirror maze and also has a new emphasis on the bay area with the artifacts related to local history and icons. coming up on bay area news at 7:00, a case appalling what is coming to the bay area in brad pitt talks about a new movie here of. chief meteorologist bill martin will be next to tell us when the warm-up will arrive. there's no tv nearby, you can watch bay area news at 7:00 on your computer. we are streaming live on the web at
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>> state and federal firefighters are battling dozens of fires sparked by lightning over the weekend in the northern areas of california be the largest fire has burned 7000 acres and saturday. bureau of land management are working to control the fire which is 10% contains. back at home we are talking
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about these cooler conditions that we're seen and it looks like we have the fog moving further inland. >> and lightning moves up to the east and is out there. tomorrow there is another chance for a few strikes. we have some fire danger in the bay area air has been cooler. fire danger is down a battle but for you can see the fog read along the coast. it is shooting in over santa rosa. shooting over the pendulum of coastal gap there can you conceive of there there is fog all the way across to richmond. tomorrow is another cool day and fog is working its way across the city now these are the daytime high temperatures from today. they were cooler in some places than they have been and tomorrow's temperatures will be
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just like these. so the upshot for us is a lot like last week but we are not worried for high fire danger or bad air quality but it will be cool if you will need your jackets for tomorrow morning. in san jose your target forecast is 70 degrees by lunchtime and mid-70s week in the day pretty will get a good air quality. temperatures a little cooler than you expected the pulldown is coming in the east bay and north bay. 72 degrees in napa and clear lake. 77 degrees in their fields. these are the forecast highs for cities where you live and they are at 77 degrees. you expected to be 92, 93 degrees. use the temperatures on the cool side and more cities in the santa clara valley a local lawyer. upper 70's and some low 80s --
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a little lower. temperatures will come up in the five day forecast. this is subtle stuff. you can see the numbers i am talking about. those are the hottest inland temperatures. i will be back tonight at the 10:00 news on channel two. see you then it did thank you, built. a major hollywood production is taking place in the base. >> i know about "moneyball." i have a book and the nuns to sign up and be an extract. it is fun. >> do you hope you catch aid plans of brad pitt? >> absolutely. >> much of the filming will
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happen overnight and will be finished by august 6. it is about how they defied a unique strategy to build a winning team. that is our report i am maureen naylor. our coverage continues with the 10:00 news on ktvu channel 2. tmz is up next right here on tv36 it. until then, have a great night.
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