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tv   Bay Area News at 7  KICU  July 23, 2010 6:00pm-6:30pm PST

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in hot water. the man that killed a 2-year-old boy in congress. and word in the arrest near the berkeley campus. . it is friday july 23rd. hello everyone. i'm heather holmes and welcome to bay area news at 7:00. nummi says they cost san francisco thousands of dollars. they have nabbed two men allegedly involved in the illegal sale of all-night bus transfers. one of the suspects has worked there for 24 years. our patty lee is live with the city with our live report. >> they say this is a major arrest because it sends a
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message, but it doesn't solve the problem that dates back decades. > >>at mission and 16th street in san francisco, nummi riders say that illegal of late night bus transfers are every-day occurrences. >> they offer it to you, and hey bus transfer. >> they sell the tickets for the bus, and they just sell it for $1. >> selling what is normally a $2 ticket for $1 might not seem like a big deal, but add up to a loss of thousands of dollars. >> the late night ticket allows you to ride the bus all day. usually when you get a transfer, they rip it off and give you 90 minutes to 2 hours. >> last week they had two arrests, 52-year-old ed monday king andmond king.
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nummi spokesman says that the transportation agency is trying to determine just how wide-spread the problem is and fix it. over the past three years, they have lost 180 million in state funding and facing $56 million budget deficit next year, and right now every dollar counts. >> we're going to look at our policies and the best way to look forward. >> nummi tells us that he made $130,000 is on unpaid leave and recommending that he be fired. in the meantime they're looking at how transfers are distributed to see if there's a better. reporting live patty lee ktvu channel 2 news. >> a parking enforcement offices hospitalized and in serious condition after a car slammed into his small car. it happened at 11:30 by a driver that ran a red light. the parking officer was thrown
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from his three-wheel cart that rolled over and landed on him. he was wearing a helmet and the other driver stopped and is cooperating. right now concord police officer are using bomb-sniffing dogs to search a park where three bombs have been found in the past 48 hours. the third pipe bomb was discovered by a man just after noon today by new hall community park. they blocked off the area, and a bomb quad was called in. they want to make sure there aren't any more explosive in the area because a soccer taurment is set to get underway tomorrow. a man's pit bulls that killed a 2-year-old in concord is expected to appear in court and he talked about his regret over the mauling. >> just hours after being brougt to the county jail, a soft spoken steven talked about the deadly attack that killed his 2-year-old grandson.
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>> my wife found our grandson in the garage mauled. i don't know how long he was in the garage because i wasn't at home. if i was at home, it wouldn't have happened. >> the 52-year-old was not home at the time of the attack and doesn't know jacob got past the dead bolt that secures the door to the garage where he kept three of the dogs. >> having the dogs is my fault and the burden i will carry on for the rest of my life. >> there were a total of five pit bulls at the home. neighbors told ktvu that the dogs scared them, but he insists he never saw the dogs act aggressively towards the children. >> i personally had never seen aggression on any of the dogs. my wife has seen it, but i've never actually seen it. >> still he admitted that a year ago one of the dogs killed the family's chihuahua and the
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biggest pit bull wasn't allowed near the kids but kept the dogs because the 13-year-old son wanted him to. >> keeping the dogs i never realized this kind of a thing would happen. maybe my love for the dogs blinded me. >> he says he was warned that doing an interview might put his life in danger, but decided to talk anyway. he says he believes he should be facing penalties and fines but not jail time. he's facing two felony charges for jacob's death. ktvu channel 2 news. >> we have more of today's jailhouse interview posted online. look for the bay area news tab at our home page oakland police are offering $10,000 reward in connection with this morning's fatal shooting from a man arriving home from work. 53-year-old was headed to his apartment at 1:30 this morning when someone shot and killed him. they say the motive is not clear
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because his wallet and keys were left untouched. >> i was taking a shower and i heard the gun shot. it's pretty normal around the area, and all of a sudden i heard him banging on the gate screaming for help. >> his brother says that he was a 20-year veteran of the u.s. navy with a wife and daughter in the philippines. also in oakland, investigators are looking into armed robbery at a desert and tea shop. they say two masked men robbed nine customers at mr. green bubble just before 11:00 last night taking their purses wallets and electronics and took money from the cash register and no one was hurt. fire crews tackling a one alarm fire say they std
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across a marijuana growing facility. they were called to an apartment building around 5:15 and they say they were coming from the first floor and quickly spread. a spokesman said they had a tough time getting through the building because it was filled with debris but once they reached the top floor, they found dozens of marijuana plants. >> the third floor had two rooms that made extra room in there and both rooms had plants at different stages, and in full bloom with buds. you could smell it from the street. >> no one was hurt. the cause is still under investigation. fire officials say they're ruling out electrical problem. oakland police are investigating whether the pot farm was legal. police are berkeley have arrested a man they say could be responsible for a string of arson. they suspect travis churchhill set fire to a recycling bin on
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tuesday. they say surveillance video taken outside of sam's market was the key to identifying him. there's been eight other suspicious fires in the area all in the past week. churchhill has not been charged in those cases and being held on $50,000 bail. a 3.2 magnitude earthquake shook san francisco. it was 3 miles northwest of daily city and 9 miles from the san francisco city hall. it struck at about 2:29 p.m. and no problems though were reported. san jose mayor chuck reid says he wants to put a stadium on the measure even though there's no guaranteed they will land the oeblgland a's. it's a shift for him until they received a green light to move to the stout bay. they need the approval of team owners and major league baseball because giants hold the right to
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san jose. the giants are not too will to go relynn wish those rights. a political war district 2 supervisor took out papers to run for reelection. her candidacy has been down until yesterday when they had been turned down and the mayor put political allies in a difficult position. >> senator all big supports and endorsed her in previous elections. >> janet riley had hoped to succeed pier. she told us she's staying in the race for now. a wireless industry group filed suit today in federal court challenging a new san francisco law that requires retailers to post information on
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cell phone radiation emissions. the law will mislead customers into thinking one phone is safer than another, when they call comply with rules. they have found no conclusionive evidence to link cell phone radiation to cancer and the new law doesn't take effect until next february. the federal trial of former giant slugger barry bonds won't begin until march of next year. they're due to return again in two weeks. he's accused of lying back in 2003 and said he never knowingly used steroids and they upheld a key ruling in this case barring prosecutors from using positive drug tests as evidence. bond's friend and former trainer greg anderrorerson.
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coming up, dramatic new video of the moment a whale's breech presses a boat. >> notice the trees cut down by vandals. now a reward still ahead. >> and some weekend warmth to talk about. i'll have the details for tomorrow's forecast. what this droid does will change how you do movies.
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with blockbuster on demand, this does hit films on a 4.3-inch screen so big, the way you see them will never be the same. introducing the new droid x. pre-loaded with blockbuster. the next generation of does. . >> this shows a whale swimming in the distance, and then unexpectedly jumping on to a
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sale boat snapping it in half. of the two sailing instructors on board were not hurt and the whale just swam away. the state has been running without a budget for 23 days, and there's little sign that lawmakers will pass one any time soon. the governor has been meeting with a couple of legislative leaders, but the big five have yet to come to a conclusion. last year lawmakers approved a revised budget on july 24th. a mystery in san francisco. someone is going through golden gate park and chopping down trees. tonight there's a big reward to try and find the culprit. john fouler reports. >> san francisco's iconic thouse park is home to trees and some of most visited
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spottings, these were four four-year-old elms. >> i don't understand why someoe would do this. >> for no good reason they just cut this, wow. >> it's very bad of people to do that. >> because the trees deserve to grow and be big. >> my emotions range from being stunned to why, to just being pissed off. >> they say the trees cost $500 each and potentially felony property damage. volunteers had nurtured and pruned them and someone at night with perhaps a small power saw cut each near the base and some says it sounds like a fieko. >> someone that's sick, and doet care about the society. >> despite budget cuts, they need new trees to replace ageing and diseased ones. >> i really look finding to find to finding out who is responsible and hold them accountable. this is inexcusable. >> the city and two nonprofits
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teamed up to offer $2,000 reward for the arrest and conviction of whoever is responsible. health and science editor ktvu channel 2 news. >> the actress is in critical condition. doctors say it appears that the 93-year-old television and movie star might have suffered a stroke while undergoing hip replacement surgery. she broke her hip falling last saturday and hospitalized right now. she rose to fame in the 1950 sxz and 60s and has been wheel-chair bound when she was partially paralyzed in 2002. daniel shore died today in a washington d.c. hospital. shore was hired by the journalist edward as a cbs news reporter in 1953. his work on the water gate scandal put him on ennys list a fact
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he read the list live on the air. shore taught at uc berkeley before helping to launch cnn and for the past 25 years he worked as an annalist on national public radio. daniel shore was 93 years old. general electric announced they're racing their quarterly dividend for the first time since last year. they say they'll pay shareholders 12 cents a share in october. the company slashed their quarterly dividend to 10 cent inside february of 2009 because it's lending arm ge credit was hit hard during the melt down. the widely held company has more than 10 boil shares outstanding. that news along with optimism keyed a rally on wall street. the dow ended with a triple-digit gain and nasdaq rose 23 points. ford announced they had their best sales quarters in six years. in general autosales are bouncing back solidly since last year,
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their lowest year ever. jim takes a closer look at how auto sales might impact the overall economy. >> statewide new car sales incrd 23% in the first six months of this year when compared to the first half of 2009. some might say the figures have nowhere to go except up. >> the consumers their mind set since the economy i consumer spending. >> >> the first half they were face rivals and all dealers we spoke with were optimistic and record low interest rates sometimes 0 are helping. >> credit has loosened up consiy particularly over 2009 and much, much easier to qualify, and lower down payments as well. >> annalists say that some manus especially ford are drawing customers with improved quality and new models that offer more for a buyer's money.
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buyer's we spoke with have been waiting for the right time to buy and that's including being convinced that the economy was getting better. >> i had my mind set on this vehicle for the last six months, and it's on my mind for that long, you know, decide to just make the jump forward, and then buy one. >> some people say that consideg weak jobs and housing reports there might still be a double dip, but no one can deny the auto sales are some reason for optimism. >> government economists say bay area workers had the highest average pay in the u.s. last year making 20% more than workers elsewhere. a u.s. bureau of labor statistics discovery found the highest paid relative to the country was construction 27% above the average. bay area service workers made
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25% more than average, and people working in sales were paid 2% above the national average. a south bay judge today ordered them to stay clear of vietnamese singer. he reduced his bail from $100,000 to $75,000. he faces six criminal charges including a new one filed today assault with a deadly weapon for allegedly using pepper spray on the singer. welcoming up here. going over the edge in san francisco all for a worthwhile cause. and it looks as if warmer weather is around the corn. our chief meteorologist bill martin will have your weekend forecast. and if there's no tv nearby. you can watch bay area news at 7:00 online at
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>> engineers and clean up crews are evacuating the gulf coast ahead of tropical depression bonnie. forecasters say the storm is on track to strengthen before it reaches the spill zone in the gulf of mexico.
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tomorrow the coast guard says the containment cap keeping the oil contained will stay close and they don't expect the storm will effect it because of the depth, but could delay work on plugging the well until mid-august. time to talk about local weather. pretty nice and things are going to be nice this weekend. >> yes. the weekend looks like a classic bay area weather weekend which we haven't had, and it's been an unusual spring, and now unusually early summer and san francisco one of the coldest daytime highs a couple of days ago at 56 degrees. so it's been cool and outside we go. we've got a lot of warmth in the valley and it's going to work its way in your direction. bay area temperatures on the increase. and right now they're in the 6 os and see the oranges coming into the richmond area. saturday will be your warmest day on the bay area weekend, and the coastal fog is constant, the weekend is warmer, and then next week kind of cools off
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again. not into the 70s like this week but into the 80s. tomorrow's forecast, classic summer pattern. 40-degree speed from pacifica and forecast highs the next couple of days are about where they should be. the microclimates, coast, bay and inlands are where they should be. i don't think you're going to see a lot of sunshine at half-moon bay, but see them at berkeley and alameda, but right at the coast the fog is there. you know this pattern. this is what summer should look like and i tell you, it hasn't really looked like summer the past few weeks anyway, and this weekend will feel like a summer weekend. the heat in gillroy, 88 degrees and in some neighborhoods easily 90s and sunday upper 80s and low 90s. we've will garlic festivals where it's 106 and that's too much. a nice weekend and a lot going on and look for upper 70s for
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the races this weekend, and the rest of the bay area tomorrow, the warmest day on the weekend, 90 is the livermore, no fog in your neighborhoods tomorrow morning unless you're at the coast or right next to the bay, san jose, morgan hill you wake up mostly sunny and that starts you off warm, and a few degrees warmer than today. foggy along the coast, mild around the bay, and warm inlarnld. classic summer pattern. there's your five-day forecast. >> and it looks good. thanks, bill. some brave souls went over the edge in downtown san francisco to raise money for a good cause. >> go! [ cheering and applause ] >> supports of the special olyms repelled down the grand hyatt hotel as people below cheered them on. the money raised benefits the northern california special olympics. they offer free training and a
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dozen sports year round. and ktvu own john right there joined the fun and repelled down the side of the building and repelling continues tomorrow at 9:00 in the mornings. and john you are much braifr than i. that is it for tonight. -- braver. bay area news at 7:00 will be back on monday and we continue at 10:00 on channel 2. [ male announcer presenting the cadillac "summer's best" sales event.
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a fantastic opportunity to get 0% apr financing on every new 2010 cadillac model.
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like the cts sport sedan. the most acclaimed vehicle in its class and a "car and driver" 10 best, three years in a row. or the all new cadillac srx luxury crossover. and even the most acclaimed luxury suv ever, the cadillac escalade. summer brings out the best in all of us. hurry in to get 0% apr financing on every new 2010 cadillac during cadillac's "summer's best" sales event, going on now at your cadillac dealer. ♪


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