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tv   Bay Area News at 7  KICU  July 21, 2010 6:00pm-6:30pm PST

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a sweeping financial reforms into law and oakland police hope surveillance images will help to track down a killer and hundreds gather in oakland to remember a gospel singer. complete area news coverage starts right now. this is bay area news at 7:00. >> it is wednesday, july 21. hello again everyone, i am heather holmes and the president signed sweeping financial regulation into law aimed at preventing a repeat that triggered economic crisis two years ago and he says reforms will end wall street practices that led to the worst financial crisis since the great depression and he says taxpayers will never again be asked to bail banks considered
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too big to fail. >> finally because of this law of the american people will never again be asked to foot the bill for wall street's mistakes. there will be no more back funded bailout period. >> under the new reform more financial companies will be subjected to federal oversight and the law gives the government power to regulate derivatives and contracts and create a council of the regulators and the treasury department. that starts with detective would tend to risks to the economy and gives the president power to appoint a federal regulator to protect consumers. >> it also regulates so-called sleep fees that banks charge businesses each time you use a credit card and small businesses apply the changes and others say consumers end up paying for it. we are live tonight in berkeley to explain. >> when you pay for something with plastic the banks charge distort 8 feet and that he can
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very but typically between -- charge you 80 feet and the fees add up. >> it cost more than $200 a month to allow customers to use a debit and credit card. >> when they pay for 75% could keep the senate by sen cookie we may be charged for the transactions which means that we are losing money on that transaction. >> the financial overhaul bill will help retailers deal with those fees and allow them to set minimum purchase requirements for customers using credit cards and also allows retailers to about this, and prices for customers to use cash and gives the federal reserve oversight of debit card fees allowing them to regulate and restrict those fees. >> i think it is the movement forward if there is awareness about the pain that credit contract fees have on small
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businesses like ours. >> reporter: this man is the president of small business california representative is a need for a dozen businesses and he says because of the nobel we could still see new businesses give customers an incentive to pay with cash. the bottom line, retailers now have more flexibility. >> the decision is left up to the business not been dictated on what has to be. >> reporter: the electronic payment coalition says that flexibility comes with a price that will be passed on to consumers. the coalition represents banks and credit-card companies. >> consumers will see more fees on their checking accounts, awards cards, a regular credit cards. it also that merchants do not have to pay their fair share. >> reporter: the new law will not affect all but the card fees, those issued by small community banks and credit unions are exempt. reporting live, allie rasmus.
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ktvu channel 2 news. the federal reserve chairman when before the congress today and said there is no quick fix for the high unemployment rate. >> a significant amount of time will be required to replace the 8 million jobs lost. >> he is predicting modest growth but calling the overall outlook unusually uncertain end consumer spending would help grow the economy by about 3% this year but bernanke said that u.s. housing market remains weak. wall street turned negative. the dow industrials ended with a triple digit lost in the nasdaq -- and the nasdaq lost 35-point. for a piece by piece guide on how it affects you, click the business tabbed just below the banner on our homepage
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incident is being investigated. accused 583 freeway shooter made his first appearance today prevent stopped a 45-year-old early sunday morning. a gunbattle followed he is accused at shooting at officers before he was shot and arrested and prosecutors filed two the additional 40 to charges against williams bringing the total number of counts to eight. williams is due back in court august 11th. the city of oakland will pay a $6.5 million settlement to more than 100 people who claimed that police searched their homes illegally. >> many of these people were ordinary everyday people who happen to live in neighborhoods where drug activity was taking place but they themselves were not involved. >> the city council voted last night to approve the settlement but is still subject to court approval. attorneys filed the lawsuit in 2008 alleging that police had obtained search warrants by
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providing false and permission for oakland police officers were fired in the wake of that scandal. the governor named his nominee to replace the chief justice of california supreme court and as paul chambers reports the choice is historic. >> she is the governor's race to become the first filipino justice. >> it didn't surprise me. >> this is a superb nomination. >> when i watched her keynote speech everybody in the building, 120 attorneys were impressed by her ability to capture the audience. >> she currently is eight associate justice and her parents were farmworkers and
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she and her husband a police with tenant have been two and young girls and her decisions have been there and not political in she decides each case specifically. >> she is a moderate and respectful of the legislative branch and executive branch and i know whatever she does it will be a sound judgment and a wise judgment. >> it's almost as though her whole life has prepared her for this step so she is wonderfully well-equipped. >> she will take over as chief justice january the second if approved. >> another incident, on tape, the san francisco police department says it has launched an internal investigation into a competition between an officer and an unruly woman pushing a baby stroller. the woman was a drug and yelling obscenities when two officers confronted her on
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sunday not far from the station and it shows officers handcuffed the woman in an attempt to put her in the back of the police cruiser but the woman at them increases and appears to break free. it shows one of the officers forced the woman down onto the pavement. >> the use of force when people say it's just yet they may see it one way and you have to look at the totality of the circumstances to actually see what happened. >> the officer admitted using force and mean that the woman was suspected of an earlier salt pg also reportedly been a paramedic later. the officer has been reassigned to non field duty pending the outcome of the investigation. a san francisco nightclub is being forced to shut down. they are terminating the lease as of august 18 citing concerns over public safety pretend days ago a 39-year-old man was
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killed during an argument in the parking lot outside the club is located on pier 50 near the ballpark and no arrests have been made in thisshooting that club in two years. a meeting is under way to discuss a new pharmacy posed at 281 turk street and neighbors worry about drug dealers. they say that people leaving could be robbed of drugs such as pain killers and there is concern that people may feel their prescriptions and turned around and sell those drugs themselves. could a new las vegas style casinos and spring appear in the bay area? , up -- coming up details and a key decision that may turn that plan into reality. >> i am rita williams in oakland. they came here from around the country today to honor a gospel singing legend and oakland
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native. that story still ahead. >> a lot of fog out there and it will warm up. i will tell you when. see you back here. woman: did you bring the camera phone? man: i did. do you wanna go first? i've been waiting for this all day. ok, this is from... aunt stacey. introducing chase quickdeposit. just photograph the front and back of your check
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>> police in the east bay are looking for a bandeau who struck at the panda express restaurant and at four other businesses nearby. they say the first report came in just before midnight and reports that kept coming in until the wee hours of the morning investigators say they believe the sampras and hit three restaurants and all, the starbucks and a gas station stretching from san papillote
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avenue in richmond. caltrans kicked off construction work today for the replacement project and san francisco. this shows what the project is designed to look like when it's finished about two years from now. the city is receiving $80 million in federal recovery money to help pay for the work and caltrans says that is creating 6,000 jobs spread the budget also includes pedestrian pathways and bicycle trails winking the interior. a controversy is leading lights of commuters asking lots of questions pick for the third straight day dozens of ac transit called in sick and greed that the district has imposed a contract and they face a $56 million deficit and say pay cuts are needed. we have the latest. >> reporter: more than 230 ac transit workers have called in
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sick most are bus drivers. they report minor disruptions in service and some say they have noticed the change. >> the bus driver that was trading was new and he did not know the route and there was not nobody on the bus to show him which way to go out and he passed up all of his turns. >> out of 12 plundered ac transit workers, the union says despite the labor dispute this is not an organized sick out but they are calling in sick because of drastic changes in the union calls a safety issue. >> having a bus operator with diabetes who cannot see at night and is forced to work nights. >> ac transit spokesman says the union is being disingenuous at best and the union is fighting back against the contract imposed on them by ac transit p. he says the drivers are not being placed on trained on unfamiliar or unsafe for
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roads. >> this is a ruling sick out because different people on different days but that about 2 >> it is unclear how long this dispute will go one and they want ac transit to roll back the changes and return to the bargaining table and the issue will go before a judge at the end of the mind. in oakland, ken pritchett. it paid to. an extension to the south they may be one step closer to the reality. the house to present its appropriations committee has approved a bill that will provide $2 million to the valley transit authority. bart is asking for $900 million in federal grant money to pay for that extension of. santa clara base supply materials will cut as many as 500 jobs in a move to restructure its solar panel business. they say the cuts are part of a $425 million restructuring plan
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to make its environmental division profitable by next year could a spokesman said the cuts would apply from the global work force by november. it is not immediately clear how many workers in the bay area will lose their jobs. housing figures released today indicate mortgage default notices are at their lowest levels in three years. the research firm said 70,000 people in this is a% out and that is down 44% from the same quarter last year. it down 14% from the previous quarter. the biggest drops were reported in most expensive part housing markets were most of the foreclosure activity is have a ochered. a proposal to build a las vegas style casino is heading to the november ballot. they will put in and buys a measure to voters on a plan to
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build eight resort adjustment -- a resort to this north of a bridge and it was still a line with the city council. the proposed complex would include a casino to luxury hotels and a conference center as well as a shopping center. they came early and left sleepy people from all over the world said a family could -- the kimberly and left late in people from all over the world came to say goodbye to walter hawkins. >> the funeral turned into a four hour tribute for an oakland made native who touched a lot of lives. >> reporter: it was parked revival part a musical tribute. and it was a whole lot of celebrating the 61 years of life of grammy-winning gospel legend and bishop walter lee hawkins. >> reporter: it was hard to
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sit still as singers lifted their voices in song as they said to send hawkins to the promised land after his long battle with pancreatic cancer. >> they were singing, oh happy day. >> reporter: those who knew them best -- knew him best said the public good buys. >> my best friend, my partner. >> oh, my god. i loved him so much. >> his son and brother says his nontraditional to urge music and teachings were not always well received by everyone. >> my father could see this. he was a humble man he is
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basically the michael jackson of the gospel kennedy. >> it was his music that inspired me as a young man to walk with god and i had to come to celebrate the life of this great man. >> reporter: the hearse carrying the body and limousines carrying his family left for a private burial pit in oakland, rita williams, ktvu channel 2 news. three years ago someone stole a plastic arm of eight minute and at a restaurant in san francisco and the arm which is attached to a life-size replica of a riot by mail along with those taken of the arm and included a letter from a self- described drunken patron who's admitted to stealing at the arm the restaurant held in the attachment party and also
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served free bloody mary's to customers. coming up on bay area news at 7:00, if this july seems cooler than normal, details on the bay area's chilly summer predict temperatures may be inching upward a. chief meteorologist bill martin is tracking the weather and will have a full report. bay area news at 7:00 is a multimedia newscast. we are streaming live on the web at what this droid does will change how you do movies.
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introducing the new droid x. pre-loaded with blockbuster. the next generation of does. >> it has been yet another foggy, chilly day in the bay area and this is been one of the coolest summer in decades. temperatures have remained unseasonably low heat on the west coast and subsidies are seen their lowest temperatures in years. so far this month san francisco's temperatures have been 4 degrees: normal and there is a bigger drop in land. temperatures in concord are about 10 degrees lower than normal. for more on those chilly numbers which checking with our chief meteorologist bill martin. >> it is called the -- cold outside and here is the reason
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why, high-pressure normally sits over are area in the summer months and gives us up for too big '90s has shifted gradually to the east and this low pressure center has building in this is why the spring has been so cool. this low pressure center will migrate east predict things will begin to warm up but not a lot to prepare -- forecast rise tomorrow will be -- i would expect low 90s but tomorrow morning the fog is there but not into the delta as far. it burns off more quickly and temperatures can get into the upper '80s. more sunshine tomorrow hence increase temperatures. a week goes specifically to san jose where the sun comes out at noon easily. 70 degrees at lunchtime and 81 degrees for a daytime high as you get into the 3:00 hour. the heat starts to work its way
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towards the west. it has been mostly out in the east and with that temperatures will have a chance to increase, 78 in santa rosa and these are not sweltering but they are a good eight to ten to 12 degrees warmer than the word today. you'd expect mid-90s instead of the upper 80s. the forecast for the coast remains a and the bay area weekend will not have that big push and land like we have been seen the last couple days. temperatures, up in the warmest spots and back tonight at 10:00 with the weather forecast updates. tourists who come to look at the famous sea lions can now learn more about the noisy
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animals. trainers will be available at the popular destination and is all part of the visitor of each program organized by pier 39 and the marine mammal center so, and ask those questions. that is our report for tonight. i am heather holmes and our coverage continues online at appeared i will see you tonight. tmz is up next right here on tv36.
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