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tv   ABC World News Tonight With David Muir  ABC  May 17, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT

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around the bay area. world news tonight with david muir is next. and i'll see >> david: breaking news, the graphic video emerging of sean diddy combs appearing to assault his then girlfriend. in kentucky the world's number one golfer arrested. the u.s. economy tonight, the new record set in the stock market. first, the hotel
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surveillance video. cnn obtaining video showing combs wrapped in a towel throwing her to the floor and kicking her. it comes months after federal authorities raided his home in l.a. and miami. matt rivers with the images. in louisville, the world's number one golfer arrested after a confrontation with police in kentucky. scottie sheffler accused of assaulting an officer while the officer was trying to direct traffic. sheffler calling it a misunderstanding after leaving the police department, he was back on the golf course. the tornado watches right now in several states, the deadly storms already. at least five people killed in the houston area. a straight-line wind event gusting 90 to 100 miles an hour. blowing out windows and taking down power lines. new severe storms across several
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states. supreme court justice samuel alito under fire after an image showing the american flag being flown upside down outside his home after the january 6th attack on the capitol. he's blaming his wife. the israeli army recovering the bodies of three hostages who tried to escape that music festival, later killed in the o october 7th hamas terror attack. the war in ukraine with russia targeting kharkiv. james longman taking us underground. the entire school 18 feet below the ground. the alarms going off while james and our team were there. in this country, the new record for the stock market. the man who viciously attacked nancy pelosi's husband paul pelosi, the suspect sentenced. the attack on the street in new york city on actor steve
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beau she my. we all depend on our fire departments. one department had no idea this was coming. good evening. we're tracking severe storms. they have been deadly. at least five dead. straight-line winds, a derecho, several states on alert right now. we begin with the alarming images of sean diddy combs, disturbing surveillance video of him attacking his then girlfriend cassie ventura. combs grabbing her at the elevator bank, knocking her down. this months after federal authorities raiding his homes in los angeles and miami. sources telling abc news he's the subject of a human trafficking investigation.
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abc's matt rivers leading us off in los angeles. >> reporter: tonight, this disturbing new surveillance video, obtained exclusively by cnn, appears to show sean diddy combs attacking his then-girlfriend, cassie ventura, throwing her to the ground in a hotel elevator bank and then kicking her twice. he then tries to drag her away. the incident appears to support ventura's claims, long denied by combs, from a now-settled lawsuit filed last november, stating around march 2016, at the intercontinental hotel in century city, los angeles, mr. combs became extremely intoxicated and punched ms. ventura in the face, giving her a black eye. adding that when she tried to leave the hotel room, combs, followed her into the hallway of the hotel while yelling at her. he grabbed at her, and then took glass vases in the hallway and threw them at her, causing glass to crash around them as she ran to the elevator to escape. at the time of the lawsuit, an attorney for combs, stating, mr. combs vehemently denies these offensive and outrageous
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allegations. ventura and combs settled for an undisclosed amount. today, an attorney for ventura responding to the surveillance video stating, the gut-wrenching video has only further confirmed the disturbing and predatory behavior of mr. combs. it comes just months after federal authorities raided combs' l.a. and miami homes, seizing computers and electronics equipment. sources telling abc news the entertainment mogul is the subject of an ongoing federal investigation out of the southern district of new york into human trafficking. comb's attorney calling the raids a witch hunt. adding, mr. combs is innocent and will continue to fight every single day to clear his name. in recent months, combs has been accused in lawsuits of sexual assault and sex trafficking, allegations which he has denied. david, we reached out to combs for comment and haven't heard back. that video could be used as evidence in other cases. >> david: matt rivers, thank you. we turn to the arrest of
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scottie sheffler arrested after a confrontation with police in louisville, kentucky. they say he dragged an officer with his car while the officer was trying to direct traffic. sheffler in handcuffs placed under arrest. after leaving the police department, he was back on the golf course. abc's trevor ault in louisville. >> can you please help me? >> reporter: tonight, the stunning moment caught on camera, the world's top-ranked golfer, scottie scheffler, accused of assaulting a police officer, arrested on his way to tee off at the pga championship. >> right now he's going to jail and there ain't nothing you can do about it. >> reporter: it happened at 6:00 a.m. outside valhalla golf club in louisville. police closing down the road after a man was struck and killed by a shuttle bus. espn reporter, jeff darlington, watched it unfold, saying scheffler drove slowly into the median, where one officer tried to stop his car. >> the police officer had approached scheffler, his car,
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on the driver's side door. the car then proceeded. and then you basically saw the police officer, kind of -- >> did he fall over? >> we saw him sort of disappear behind the car. >> reporter: according to the police report, the officer suffered pain, swelling and abrasions to his left wrist and knee and was treated at the hospital. darlington, recording this video as scheffler was arrested. the golfer asking for his help. >> please help me. >> reporter: police then taking him to jail in downtown louisville. scheffler in an orange jumpsuit for this mugshot. now facing four charges, including second degree assault of a police officer. he was released within hours, in time to tee off, and he played well. after the round, scheffler telling the reporters he was shocked, but couldn't discuss specifics. >> when they got me out of the car, i -- you know, i -- like i said, it was very chaotic. and, you know, i said, i'm sorry. i'm just trying to get to my tee time.
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>> reporter: but the golfer did say he never meant to disobey police instructions. >> it was just a huge misunderstanding this morning that that'll get resolved, i think, fairly quickly. >> reporter: david, according to the police report there is video of this incident. sheffler is due for arraignment on tuesday. his attorney said he'll plead not guilty. this is a felony with a potential sentence of five to ten years in prison. david? >> david: trevor ault, thank you. now to the tornado watches across several states. the powerful storms have been deadly, including a derecho, straight line winds killing at least five in the houston area. where they're on alert right now, the states involved and mireya villarreal in houston with the awful destruction tonight. >> reporter: tonight, more torrential storms threatening millions across the south after a deadly wall of wind and rain slammed houston overnight. straight line winds gusting to 100 miles an hour, sending debris flying outside this office building.
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smashing windows inside this business. more than a million homes and businesses losing power. america's fourth-largest city, looking like a war zone. downtown skyscrapers missing windows. glass and debris littering streets everywhere. myra williams rushed home from a nearby restaurant as the storms were bearing down. thankfully she's okay. >> we had to go through high waters, fallen lines and fallen towers just to get through. we made it. >> reporter: a tornado, confirmed by the national weather service, northwest of the city. huge trees practically splitting some homes in half. the death toll rising tonight to at least five. >> david: mireya villarreal in
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houston. obviously we're having audio issues. we'll continue to stay on these storms. mireya, thank you. we turn to supreme court justice samuel alito under fire after an image of the american flag being flown upside down at his home for several days. this is the image the days after the january 6th attack on the capitol. tonight justice alito blaming his wife. here's terry moran. >> reporter: tonight, supreme court justice, samuel alito, embroiled in controversy after "the new york times" published a photograph showing the american flag outside alito's house, flying upside down. "the times" says the picture was taken in january 2021, just days after the january 6th attack on the capitol. some trump supporters that day held aloft upside-down american flags as a sign of their rejection of joe biden's election. the u.s. flag code says the american flag should never be flown upside down except as “a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger.”
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alito's neighbor, aija karlson, remembers seeing alito's flag that way in 2021. >> in my mind, i just said, there's something wrong with the flag. >> reporter: today, she saw the story in "the new york times." >> and i said, oh, my god, of course that's what it was. it was hanging upside down. >> reporter: justice alito, one of the court's most conservative members, responded to the story, and blamed his wife, telling "the times," i had no involvement whatsoever in the flying of the flag. it was briefly placed by mrs. alito in response to a neighbor's use of objectionable and personally insulting language on yard signs. mrs. alito has not issued her own statement. and "the times" did report the upside-down flag flew outside their home for several days. tonight the democratic chairman of the senate judiciary committee calling for justice alito to recuse himself from all cases stemming from january 6th. >> that upside down flag was a
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symbol for the big lie to attempt to steal the election and not admit joe biden was elected. what in the world is it doing at the home of a supreme court justice? >> reporter: the court has to decide big cases this term stemming from january 6th, including donald trump's claims of absolute immunity for his actions. that upside down flag, legal experts say, creates an appearance of con flight of interest for him and could damage the credibility of the court. david? >> david: a lot of questions about this. terry, thank you. meanwhile, tonight the son of a prominent conservative activist sentenced to four years in prison. prosecutors say he was a leader of the attack, seen shattering windows so hundreds could go in. after sentencing, he asked for forgiveness of his family. we turn overseas. the israeli army discovering the
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bodies of three hostages who tried to escape the music festival, but were killed in the hostages attack. >> reporter: terrorists storming the music festival in israel on october 7th, opening fire. concert goers running for their lives. and this video, half naked hamas pick-up driving into gaza. the idf said they discovered the bodies of three hostages from a tunnel inside gaza. >> they were murdered by hamas. they were escaping the nova music festival on october and their bodies remained in gaza. >> reporter: this comes as the first trucks carrying desperately needed food aid rolled off that u.s. pier anchored to the gaza coast.
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the white house says if u.s. troops out on the pier come under fire, they'll fire back. david, the family telling us being able to bury their daughter nearby gives them a kind of closure. the white house referring to the hostages that remain in gaza, saying it's working on jump starting the cease-fire talks again. jake sullivan heading back to the region sunday. >> david: matt gutman, thank you. now to the war in ukraine with russia targeting kharkiv james longman taking us underground where a school is 18 feet underground. james there as alarms go off. >> reporter: tonight the russians have pushed forward six miles along parts of the front. russia feels very close tonight.
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an almost daily threat that forces residents into their basements for cover. this school is the first to move entirely underground. it's extraordinary down here. 18 feet down. typical classroom for the kids getting on with their day, except they're quite far underground. one strange thing you notice about these rooms, no windows. this 16-year-old missed more than two years of school, now she's back. >> can you forget the war down here? is it possible? >> maybe. maybe not. >> reporter: the air siren has gone off. usually you would have to rush out of classroom and get to the bunker. we're already in a bunker. vladimir putin says he doesn't want to occupy kharkiv. he wants to push ukrainian forces away from the border. ukraine is not taking him at his
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word. >> david: james, thank you. back in the u.s. now, president biden marking the 70th anniversary of brown versus the board of education at an address in washington, d.c. the president honoring the supreme court decision desegregating schools. this comes 24 hours after a private oval office meeting with plaintiffs in the brown case. a note on the u.s. economy, the stock market setting a record. the dow closing above 40,000 for the first time. the index gaining 134 points to close at 40,003. the stock market hitting a new record after new numbers this week showing inflation easing. when we come back tonight, the man who viciously attacked paul pelosi sentenced to prison. what the sentence is here. in new york city, the major headline involving that random
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>> david: to the index, police arresting the suspect accused of attacking actor steve buscemi in new york. clifton williams was seen on surveillance. he was allegedly punched in the face several times. he's back to work. we learned actor dabney coleman has died known for his role in "9 to 5." >> i put up your with your pinching and staring because i need this job. this is the last draw. >> david: dabney coleman in on golden pond, tootsie, war games, dabney coleman was 92. when we come back, america's volunteer firefighters who answer the call. what one 91-year-old neighbor just did for them. this is incredible. ! ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell ♪
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firefighters who always answer the call. tonight the neighbor up the street who answered the call for them. our person of the week. in calhoun, missouri, outside kansas city, the incredible generosity of a 91-year-old resident in that town. he just saved the volunteer fire department. sam sloan lives two miles up the road and presented them with a check for $500,000. >> $500,000, it's a pretty good donation. >> reporter: sam revealed he's been saving for decades to give back to his community. when he heard the volunteer fire station needed help, he stepped in at 91. >> i'm getting a lot of credit for it, but i don't know how to
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fix one of them things. >> reporter: the fire department was in shock. they bought new june funiforms, helmets, gloves, buying new fire trucks too. driving 12 hours away to the sp sparta township fire department to buy a truck. seeing the truck for the first time and driving it back to missouri. the fire chief checking in with us along the way. >> about halfway home from our 12-hour trip. >> reporter: driving the new fire truck up to the station, the firefighters cheering. moving out their old fire truck from the 1970s, moving in the new one. right here tonight -- >> all: hi, dividend. >> reporter: -- the calhoun fire department and their message to the man who saved them. rick schneider. >> there are no words other than thank you very much. >> reporter: chris bridges. >> i'm in all of your gift and
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generosity. >> reporter: volunteer firefighter james jones. >> you made us safer. >> reporter: and assistant chief brandon cole, all thanking sloan. >> your generous donation will go a long way in keeping us safe. >> david: so we chose sam today's sentence reflects david the pope's lack of remorse and contrition for violently assaulting mr. pelosi. >> today's sentencing of david depape to a significant prison term sends a clear message that violence and intimidation have no place in our community or our political discourse. the man convicted of attacking former house speaker nancy pelosi's husband inside their san francisco home was sentenced to
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30 years in prison today. >> good afternoon. thanks for joining us. >> i'm larry biel and i'm kristen sze abc7 news reporter melanie woodrow was in the courtroom when the sentence was announced. >> and melanie joins us live now from the newsroom with the details. mel. >> larry and christine depape does have the right to appeal both his conviction and today's sentence. proceedings will continue next week in superior court for the state charges that he's facing. today in court, he did not speak. he was looking straight ahead as the judge told him that she sees one silver lining in this case. u.s. district judge jacqueline scott corley sentenced david to pap to 30 years today in connection with the october 28th, 2022 intrusion into speaker emerita nancy pelosi and husband paul pelosi's home. he'll receive credit for approximately 18 months and 20 days already served. the government had asked for 40 years. depape was convicted of assault and attempted kidnaping charges in november of last year. outside court, a spokesperson read a statement on behalf of the u.s. attorney for the northern district of california.