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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  May 17, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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because of residual delays and number seven, one of the wackiest races around gets underway in san francisco this weekend. >> you know, we're talking about bay to breakers. it starts at 8 a.m. on sunday. but the road closures start tomorrow night across san francisco all the way from embarcadero to ocean beach. so just be aware and i'm ready for the outfits. oh yeah. >> for sure. what's more important, the race or the party? i feel like they're equally as the party. >> and i will see you at the party. okay, good to know. i >> michael: good morning america. overnight, deadly storms sweeping across the western gulf coast. texas slammed with 80 mile per hour winds. at least four people killed near houston. >> just looks like a bomb went off. >> michael: windows blown out of
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skyscrapers, power transmission lines taken down, roofs sent flying. astros fans scrambling inside the dome when the rain got through. ginger's tracking the widespread flash flooding and the new threat this morning. >> whit: justice alito under fire. the photo of an upside down flag outside his home days after january 6th. >> rebecca: out of order. >> order! >> rebecca: out of control. >> i think your fake eyelashes are messing you up. >> order. >> rebecca: overnight a hearing in the house flying off the handle. >> trying to find clarification. >> calm down. calm down. >> no, no! >> rebecca: why insults were flying back and forth. >> michael: michael cohen grilled. donald trump's defense trying to paint his former fixer as a serial liar. >> rebecca: the white house new push on marijuana, moving to classify it as a less dangerous drug.
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why president biden calls it a monumental step. >> rebecca: semitruck scare. the driver helpless over the ohio river living to tell her story. >> sometimes you pray, and i'm guilty of this. sometimes i pray and i don't think god is listening. but he was that day. >> whit: what happened in those 40 fair terrifying minutes. >> michael: john oates, of the legendary duo hall and oates, on their split. will hall and oates ever perform again? >> michael: their relationship through the years and his message for hall this morning. ♪ oh oh oh the right stuff ♪ >> michael: all the right stuff on the ice. one, two, three goals for kreider for a no quit in new york comeback. and we're hanging tough with the new kids on the block. their new album dropping overnight rocking us into the weekend live in times square.
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>> announcer: live in times square, this is good morning america. >> whit: i thought you were going to sing. >> michael: i'm just enjoying watching you two. >> rebecca: the right stuff. [ laughter ] >> whit: good morning america. >> michael: good morning. i get to feast my eyes on all of that. it would not be a friday without the right stuff. and we're bringing you new kids on the block live in times square. >> rebecca: i which i could tell my childhood self that i would be talking to nkotb today. we're looking forward to that. as many of us count down to memorial day weekend, we are breaking down the best sales already hitting the shelves as the tsa predicts a record travel season is about to take off. >> whit: we begin with the deadly storm bringing dangerous winds and widespread flash flooding. take a look at downtown houston right now. that is just a glimpse of the severe damage there.
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at least four people were killed near the city. our ginger zee starts us off. ginger, this looks like damage after a possible tornado. >> ginger: yeah. it doesn't really matter whether it's a tornado, straight line winds. they'll get out and tell us what it was today. is your family all right? this was big. >> michael: they're all right. they're all right. >> ginger: this was a gnarly line of storms. unfortunately, it went right into downtown houston. we saw the time lapse. the mayor was saying it looks like when they had hurricane ike. unfortunately, we're not done yet. we've got flood watches all the way to destin and more storms to go tonight. overnight deadly storms sweeping across the western gulf coast. southeast texas with winds over 80 miles per hour. near houston, at least four people were killed. at one point overnight, more than 1 million customers in
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texas and louisiana without power, as those vicious winds took down transmission lines. >> i can't emphasize enough the danger of fallen trees and fallen utility lines. downtown is a mess. it's dangerous due to the glass and the traffic lights. stay at home. >> ginger: downtown houston, a mess. >> it just looks like a bomb went off and everything is damaged. >> ginger: windows blown out of skyscrapers, streets littered with debris. >> we could feel the building shake. then the ceiling tile was coming down. >> ginger: the roof of this hyatt hotel sent flying. a large chunk of this bar crumbling. >> i realized it was pretty bad when it got black. i mean, it really got dark. >> ginger: astros fans scrambling after rain got through the dome at minute maid park. trees littering the streets. this tire shop barely standing. >> it's hard. i worked for two years and a half, my family business. i'm sorry.
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>> ginger: and with all the damaging winds, torrential rain. radar estimates up to half foot, leading to widespread flash flooding. so i think flooding is the daytime hazard that we're going to watch for because the storms are slightly less powerful. but we are going to reinvigorate the atmosphere and later tonight from lafayette through new orleans in the overnight hours, people will be sleeping and you'll get this big line of storms again. you do want to know from hat hattiesburg to montgomery, the flood concern going through tomorrow. >> rebecca: we know you'll stay on it, ginger. we will be thinking of all those people in that zone. okay. we turn to supreme court justice samuel alito under fire after the new york times published a picture of an upside down flag flown outside his home in 2021 just days after the january 6 riot. our senior national correspondent terry moran is outside the supreme court with the story. good morning, terry. >> reporter: good morning, rebecca. justice alito is no stranger to
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controversy, but this incident at his home days after the january 6 attack on our capitol is stunning and unprecedented at the supreme court. this morning an unusual controversy is swirling around supreme court justice samuel alito. it shows the justices home with the american flag flying upside down outside of t it. "the times" said it was taken in january 2021 just days after the january 6th attack, just before president biden took office. flying the flag upside down is meant to be a signal of dire distress in instance of extreme danger, according to the u.s. flag code. it's also been used as a symbol of protest over the years. after the 2020 election some of donald trump supporters adopted the upside down flag to object to biden's victory. falsely claiming biden stole the election. "the times" reported e-mails between alito's neighbors show
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the flag was flying for multiple days. some interpreting it as a political statement by the couple. >> they were incredulous because one of the bedrock rules of being a federal judge is that you are not supposed to take part in politics. >> reporter: representatives for alito and the court did not respond to questions from abc news. the "new york times" says justice alito confirmed the incident to them, telling "the times" it was solely his wife's decision to fly the flag like that and that she was in a dispute with the couple's neighbors after one displayed an anti-trump sign that contained a curse word. alito writing, i had no involvement whatsoever. it was briefly placed by mrs. alito in response to a neighbor's yard sign. >> days after january 6th days before president biden's inauguration. the court was still considering whether to take 2020 election case.
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it was very much a live, legal issue. >> reporter: justice alito has a history of stirring political controversy, unusual for supreme court justices. the author of decisions that overturned roe versus wade, he mocked criticism of the ruling that ended a federal right to abortion. >> i had the honor this term of writing i think the only supreme court decision in the history of that institution that has been lambasted by a whole string of foreign leaders. [ laughter ] >> reporter: and alito famously heckled president obama at the 2010 state of the union when obama criticized the court's citizens united campaign finance decision. alito calling out, not true, at obama. and one possible concern about that upside down flag. there are still cases before this court stemming from january 6th including former president trump's claims of absolute immunity for his actions at that time. and one more thing. there has been no statement from mrs. alito, whom justice alito
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blames for the incident. whit? >> whit: thank you. now the criminal trial of former president trump. the defense grilling trump's former fixer, michael cohen, for a second day, accusing him of lying on the witness stand. aaron katersky has the latest from the courthouse. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you, whit. the trial is not sitting today so former president trump can attend his youngest son's high school graduation. but the trial is nearing an end after the defense accused the star prosecution witness of lying. two weeks before the 2016 election, michael cohen said he called donald trump's bodyguard keith schiller, to get trump on the phone. cohen testified he wanted to discuss the stormy daniels matter and the resolution of it. defense attorney, todd blanche, his voice rising, said that was a lie. the defense showed these text message suggesting a different reason for the call. cohen asking schiller, who can i speak to regarding harassing calls to my cell and office? schiller responding, call me.
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that was a lie. you did not talk to president trump that night, blanche said, animated. you can admit it. blanche punctuated each word. that was a lie. cohen met blanche with composure. no, sir, i can't. i am not certain that is accurate. the defense showed the call lasted 1:36 but cohen insisted, i believe i was telling the truth. cohen's credibility matters because he's the only witness who directly ties trump to the alleged scheme to falsify business records to hide the hush payment to daniels from voters. trump's ex-fixer pleaded guilty and served time for his role in the hush money and other crimes. the defense wanted the jury to hear cohen gloat. >> revenge is a dish best served cold. you better believe i want this man to go down and rot inside for what he did to me and my family. >> reporter: trump has been coming to court with a daily entourage of congressional republicans and prosecutors complain some of them have walked in during testimony with their security detail for the jury and the witnesses to see. the judge said that shouldn't
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happen, but trump's attorney said, i have less than zero control over what is happening. trump is still deciding whether he will testify in his own defense, but, michael, the jury could hear closing arguments early next week. michael? >> michael: thank you so much for that, aaron. we're going to turn now to the insults flying during a heated hearing on capitol hill overnight. our senior congressional correspondent rachel scott is here with details. this was something, rachel. >> heated is one word for it. some days i don't know whether i'm covering congress or a reality show. in all seriousness, these hearings are supposed to be civil. healthy debate over whether to advance legislation or hold a vote in the house. instead it turned into an hour of chaos and disorder, with lawmakers screaming over one another and hurling insults. overnight a new low on capitol hill. >> this is out of control. >> reporter: a late night committee meeting evolving into chaos. at center of it all, marjorie taylor green. >> you don't have enough intelligence. >> chair recognizes mr. perry.
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okay. move to strike -- i move to strike that. >> order! >> reporter: the hearing was supposed to center on republicans' demands that attorney general garland turn over audio tapes of president biden's interview with the special council which he has refused to do. instead, it quickly escalated into a heated back and forth. green making comments about democrat jasmine crocket's eyelashes. >> i think your fake eyelashes are messing you up. >> ain't nothing -- >> hold on. order. >> that's beneath even you. >> order, order. >> reporter: at times giggling and refusing to apologize. democrats moved to censure green. >> that is absolutely unacceptable. how dare you attack the physical appearance of another person? >> are your feelings hurt? >> move your words down. >> girl, baby girl. >> oh, really. >> don't even play. >> baby girl? i don't think so. >> we are going to move -- >> reporter: the chairman struggling to maintain control of the committee. >> i'm just curious, just to better understand your ruling.
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if someone on this committee then starts talking about somebody's bleach blonde bad built bush body, that would not be engaging in personalities, correct? >> a what now? >> chairman, i make a motion to strike those words. >> i don't think that's part -- >> i'm trying to find clarification. >> calm down. calm down. >> no, no. this is what y'all do. i'm trying to get clarification. i don't want to play games. >> i can't hear you with your yelling. calm down. calm down. can you please calm down? >> no. don't tell me to calm down because y'all talk noise. then you can't take it. >> you're out of control. >> mr. chairman -- >> that actually played out on capitol hill. no apologies were made. after an hour it did eventually get back on track. but the level of decorum sinking lower and lower, guys. i have covered a lot of these markup hearings. i have never witnessed anything like that. >> michael: you mentioned civil. that was out the window.
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i was embarrassed to even watch it. >> it just got worse and worse. >> whit: what now? that was the quote of the whole hearing, i think, for me. thank you, rachel. appreciate it. let's turn to the white house and moving to ease federal rules on marijuana that have been in place for 50 years. president biden is calling this a monumental step. >> look, folks. no one should be in jail merely for using or possessing marijuana, period. far too many lives have been up ended because of failed approach to marijuana. i'm committed to righting those wrongs. you have my word on it. >> whit: our senior white house correspondent selina wang is here with the latest. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you, whit. this is a historic move to ease federal restrictions on marijuana with the biden administration moves to reclass fight as a less dangerous drug. from a schedule 1 drug to schedule 3 which includes tylenol. this won't be immediate, there's a 60 day comment period where americans can weigh in before it is made official.
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this does not legalize marijuana nationally, but does mean that possession could come with less penalties. you've got the president campaigning on this. this could boost his re-election chances especially with young voters and black americans, even though white and black americans use marijuana at similar rates black americans are more likely to be arrested and convicted for it. the president has been working on this move since 202. he's already pardoned thousands of people who have been convicted on federal offenses for simple marijuana possession. rebecca? >> rebecca: thank you. we turn now to the heart stopping crash that left a semitruck driver dangling over the ohio river for almost an hour. the driver is sharing her harrowing story for the first time exclusively with whas. alex perez has the details. stunning images, alex. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, rebecca. that semitruck driver said it all happened in an instant. she was convinced she would never make it out alive.
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>> it happened so fast. >> reporter: this morning we are hearing from sydney thomas, she was in the driver's seat of the semitruck that dangled precariously over the ohio river in louisville. her first time back at the bridge. thomas speaking to our affiliate whas. >> i was like, i can't believe this, that i'm really hanging over the river. >> reporter: it all began when the driver of this pickup, 33-year-old trevor branham, swerved to avoid a stalled car, slamming into her semi. she crashed into the bridge, staring right at the river. >> i thought that the trailer was still on the bridge. i didn't know that it was like this. >> reporter: stuck there for more than 40 terrifying minutes, wondering what would happen to her 5-year-old son if the worst should happen. >> it was really hard for me to think about leaving him behind. on earth. >> reporter: an army of fire fighters working to rescue her. >> it was terrifying to be that high up in the air and look down
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and all you see is the ohio river. >> reporter: finally, firefighter bryce camden reaches her and prepares to get her to safety. are you a praying woman? i said, yep. we just started praying. >> reporter: those prayers, while dangling in the air, a moment thomas says she'll never forget. >> sometimes you pray -- and i'm guilty of this. sometimes i pray an i don't think god is listening. but he was that day. >> reporter: and the driver of that pickup was charged with wanton endangerment and driving on a suspended license. as for thomas, she says she's getting ready to go back to work and get back on the road june 1st. guys? >> michael: we're happy that she's okay. alex, thank you. coming up my exclusive conversation with john oates of the duo known as hall and oates, taking us inside the feud and lawsuit that may have ended 50 years of making music together. >> whit: we're tracking
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everything you need to know about memorial day weekend, from travel plans to early sales. but first let's go back to ginger. good morning. >> ginger: i have heard a growing number of new yorkers ask, are we ever going to see the sun? >> whit: three of them right here. >> ginger: the summer forecast has a lot more rain. so does tomorrow. your local weather in 30 seconds.
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>> rebecca: nkotb, be right back.
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feel hydrated, and look healthy. cerave facial moisturizing lotions. was that your grandfather, leading armies to battle? was that your great aunt, keeping armies alive? drafting the plans. taking the pictures. was it your family members who flew? who fixed. who fought. who rose to the occasion. when the world needed them the most. discover, preserve, and share the stories of your family's heroes. explore all us military records on ancestry for free today. (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) t-mobile has plans built just for you. like two lines of unlimited for just $30 bucks a line. ...that's a 45 percent savings
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versus verizon and at&t! so switch to t-mobile and save. (oldest girl) someday, i'll be the first female president. of the universe. (middle boy) someday, i'm gonna marry my baseball glove. probably in vegas. (youngest girl) someday, i'll help all balloon animals roam free. (vo) there are a lot of miles between today and “someday”. your long-lasting three-row subaru ascent will get your family there. ninety-six percent of subaru vehicles sold in the past ten years are still on the road. (middle boy) someday, i'll be able to read dogs' minds. he's thinking squirrels. good morning. i'm reggie aqui from abc. seven mornings happening today. the man convicted of breaking into former house speaker nancy pelosi's san francisco home and attacking her husband, paul, with a hammer will be sentenced in federal court. the attack
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happened about a year and a half ago, david depape was convicted by a federal jury last fall for the attack. prosecutors are calling for a 40 year prison sentence. his lawyers, however, are asking for a 14 year sentence. now, here's traffic with amanda. yeah >> good morning. reggie. we have a commuter alert here at 723. because of an earlier equipment problem, bart is still working to recover. at this moment, there's still about a ten minute delay in the antioch direction. this is specifically between san bruno and south san francisco. reggie aqui. back to you. >> thanks, amanda. we're going to check in
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that marine layer breaking down between 9 a.m. and noon today. even along the coast, will get more sunshine today than yesterday. your sunset today is at 815. the afternoon is a bit breezy. those temperatures upper 50s coast side bay shoreline on either side of about 70 degrees inland will go into the 80. so tomorrow it's another day of morning fog to sun. we'll lose a lot of that marine layer on sunday. reggie aqui less fog, more sunshine and temperatures near average. >> drew thank you. another abc seven news update in about 30 minutes. you can always check, check us out on our news app and abc seven and join us every weekday morning from 5 to 7. here's more gma. >> a precision garage door. our technicians can repair your door the same day or order you a new garage door. you can rest easy knowing it'll be done right with precision garage doors. as we've been around for over 25 years, precision door service a name you can trust. >> are you ready for ultra reliable, ultra fast, award
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i should just try to get the ball in one shot every time. [ laughter ] >> michael: ha, ha. welcome back to gma. i loved that movie. i know you do, whit, as well. we have news from adam sandler. that's coming up in pop news. lara will have all the details. >> rebecca: i guess the price was right for what's coming up. but first we turn to -- we are looking forward to that. adam sandler and lara. first our top headlines that we are following including the severe weather overnight. texas was slammed with 80 mile per hour winds. at least four people were killed near houston. astros fans were scrambling inside the dome of the ball park when the rain got through the closed roof. more than 17 million people across parts of 12 states are under a flood watch this morning after yesterday's tornado reports marked the 22nd straight day with a confirmed or reported tornado in the u.s. also right now all eyes on the markets this morning after the dow jones industrial average
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crossed 40,000 for the first time yesterday. the dow finished the day slightly lower but the recent rally followed strong earnings reports and signs that inflation may be easing. whit, the thing about most 401k's, the s&p500, that's also near record highs. >> whit: all right. the hurricanes, talking hockey, have been eliminated from the stanley cup playoffs from the new york rangers thanks in large part to a hat trick in the third period by chris kreider. one, two, three goals secure a no quit new york come back. rangers haven't won the cup since 1994. but they are looking good. we'll see what happens. we have a lot more ahead including will reeve's interview with the first person to have a brain implant made by elon musk's company neuralink to help control a computer with his thoughts. that's coming up. >> rebecca: big news there. all right. we turn now to an abc news exclusive interview with john oates, half of the duo known as hall and oates.
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he has a new solo album. he's also opening up about the fallout with his former creative partner darryl hall. >> michael: darryl hall filed a lawsuit against oates over their music catalog. as john oates told me, the dispute might jeopardize their future. will hall and oates ever perform again? >> not from my point of view but you need to ask darryl how he feels about it. ♪ your kiss is on my list ♪ >> michael: this morning john oates, half of the legendary rock duo known as hall and oates, famous for hits like "rich girl." ♪ you're a rich girl you know it don't matter anyway ♪ >> michael: and you make my dreams come true. ♪ you make my dreams come true ♪ >> michael: sitting down opening up about his side of the legal battles he's currently fighting against his creative partner of over 50 years, darryl hall. last year hall filed a lawsuit
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against oates, alleging that oates attempted to sell a share of their jointly owned company without hall's permission. did you try to sell your half of the company or your part? >> yes, i did. i did. let me explain to you why i did. when this whole situation got mired in legality and really complex, you know, legal wrangles, i got frustrated. i said, do you know what? darryl has always wanted to be his own man. i said, i'm gonna give him the opportunity to do that. if i sell my half, he can either, you know, he can do what he wants. kind of ruining my life, to be honest with you. i wasn't happy. i said, i'll just step aside. people do it all the time. you look at all the artists selling their catalogs. it's not that big a deal. darryl didn't like the idea that i would sell to a certain third party. >> michael: he said the alleged planned sale was a completely
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clandestine and called it the ultimate betrayal. did you see it that way? >> strong words. >> michael: do you see it that way? >> not at all. i don't. we've always looked at ourselves as individuals working together. and i felt like i had the right to do that. but, you know -- ♪ i can't go for that no can do ♪ >> michael: i think as fans you sit back and you go, they made this incredible music. they must be in sync. and have this bond. you two hadn't worked together in over 20 years. >> right. that's right. the only thing we did together was play concerts where we just went out there and trotted out the hits. ♪ you're out of touch i'm out of time ♪ >> michael: before this lawsuit came about, were there any disagreements? >> no, not really. we never really had a lot of disagreements. but then again we never really talked to each other.
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for the past 20 years we'd show up at a show individually, walk on stage, play and then go our separate ways. it really wasn't as tight as people might, would like to imagine in their fantasy imagination of our relationship. ♪ private eyes they're watching you they see your every move ♪ >> michael: hall said sometimes people change and sometimes you don't know someone how you thought you did. how do you respond to that? >> guess he should have looked a little closer. >> michael: has he changed in your opinion? >> i believe he has. yes. i believe he's changed a lot. >> michael: if darryl hall is watching right now, is there anything you want to say to him? >> i love him like a brother. i love you like a brother, if i'm talking to him directly. but do you know what? brothers have disagreements. families grow apart. i would say, i wish him the best. i hope that he has everything he
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wants in life and that he can pursue his dream of being a respected solo artist, which i believe is something that he's always wanted. >> michael: solo success is something oates has also wanted. this week releasing his eighth solo album titled "reunion." ♪ >> michael: you recorded this in nashville. >> yeah, i did. >> michael: does being there, living in nashville, does that influence your sound? >> so much. my move to nashville has really changed everything for me. before i met darryl hall i was kind of a roots acoustic guitar, blue, folk musician. when we met we kind of come bind our individual influences and created something totally new. that guy, that musician, was always there in the background kind of idling, you know? when i moved to nashville, got back into it and it really gave me a new lease on my musical life.
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♪ >> michael: what can fans expect from the new music? >> this is the first time i was able to really commit to a project and to a future of creativity in music. the title track was inspired by my 100-year-old father, who told me he was going to reunite with mom, who passed away years before. when he said that to me i thought of the word reunion, what it really means. ♪ i'm making letters for my reunion ♪ and i said reuniting. i realized what was happening is i was reuniting with my musical self and my personal, myself as a man and musician. >> michael: that's about as personal as it gets. >> it's the most personal thing i have ever done. >> michael: what do you want your legacy to be? >> i want my legacy to break down barriers. i'm looking to express myself honestly.
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to be a good father. i want to be a good husband. i want to be a good friend. i want to enjoy my life. >> michael: i think you've accomplished all of that. >> getting there. >> michael: you see these relationships, you listen to the music and say, wow, they must be great together. and you realize it hasn't been that way with these guys for awhile. >> whit: sad to see it, from a music fan perspective, coming to something like this. but at least new music on the way. >> rebecca: nice to hear about his family and his ability to spend time with them in this life. >> michael: that's what it all means. all about family. we reached out to darryl hall for comment but he hasn't responded to abc news. he did speak recently to variety. he went on to say, it's unfortunate and untimely. but some things just change, people rewrite history and harbor thoughts you had no idea about, end quote. there is one thing they do seem to agree on. they're probably not getting back together. but the music does not stop. john oates new album "reunion" is out today. >> whit: looking forward to
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that. appreciate it. coming up here next, we are counting down to memorial day weekend. elizabeth and trevor have everything, from flying to driving and shopping. good morning, guys. >> reporter: good morning, whit. coming up, i'm gonna tell you how the tsa and airlines are gearing up for a record setting travel season. plus the staffing shortage that's already impacting the flight schedule. elizabeth? >> reporter: sales signal the unofficial kickoff to summer are already getting started pip eel tell you what you shouldn't buy just quite yet. buy higher strok from afib not caused by a heart valve problem,... ...we're going for a better treatment than warfarin. eliquis. eliquis reduces stroke risk. and has less major bleeding. over 97% of eliquis patients did not experience a stroke. don't stop taking eliquis without talking to your doctor as this may increase your risk of stroke. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart
7:41 am
valve or abnormal bleeding. while taking, you may bruise more easily... ...or take longer for bleeding to stop. get help right away for unexpected bleeding or unusual bruising. it may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. the number one cardiologist-prescribed blood thinner. ask your doctor about eliquis. try killing bugs the worry-free way. not the other way. zevo traps use light to attract and trap flying insects with no odor and no mess. they work continuously, so you don't have to. zevo. people-friendly. bug-deadly. higher shipping rates may be “the cost of doing business...” but at what cost? turn shipping to your advantage. with low cost ground shipping from the united states postal service.
7:42 am
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call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ [laughing] ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy for copd because breathing should be beautiful, all day and night.
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>> rebecca: we are back now on gma with our memorial day dream team tracking summer travel and summer savings. the tsa announced a record setting travel season is about to take off with memorial day weekend expected to shatter records. so first we're heading to trevor ault, who's at la guardia airport for us. trevor, tsa says they are ready for the rush. good morning. >> reporter: yes. it's going to be quite a rush. rebecca, good morning. it's expected to kick start a record setting travel season. tsa fully staffed up ready to go. the airlines also say they're ready to go. not just for staffing but they'll be using larger aircraft to accommodate more passengers. at the same time a staffing shortage that will cause some snags. we're about 3,000 air traffic controllers shy of where we'd
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like to be. it's already impacting the schedule out of new york city. there will be about 10% fewer flights. >> rebecca: there will be a lot of people driving, too. what's the situation on gas prices? >> reporter: well, the good news is there's not a lot of news with gas prices, rebecca. they've been relatively flat over the past month. national average $3.59. that's very similar to what it was this time last year. but if you're going to be driving for memorial day weekend it will be quite crowded. aaa anticipating 38.4 million people driving. that, too, is a new record. guys? >> whit: thank you. now the big memorial day weekend sales with elizabeth schulze. retailers already getting aggressive and slashing prices. >> many retailers are turning to early deals and promotions as customers frustrated with inflation pull back on their spending. some of the biggest memorial day discounts are on mattresses, appliances and small household essentials. this whirl pool microwave is marked down $100. a dream cloud mattress that would typically cost you $1,300
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is now $600. that's half off on a huge purchase for your home. we're also seeing popular sneakers on sale for $50 from the usual $100. for all parents out there, these blewy kids cups is 20% off on amazon. >> whit: those are big time. elizabeth, what other items can shoppers find deals on? >> memorial day is also when stores are trying to off load some unsold winner and spring inventory. you might find deals on heavy coats or foot wear. those on the shelves in the spring. it also means it's not the time to stock up on summer weather stuff. you typically will want to wait later in the year. that's things like swimsuits or outdoor furniture, guys. >> michael: elizabeth, thank you for that. next we have our play of the day on this friday morning. we'll be right back. e will be right back. the road to opportunity. is often the road overlooked. (♪)
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at enterprise mobility, we guide companies to unique solutions, from our team of mobility experts. because we believe the more ways we all have to move forward. the further we'll all go. (vo) purina is supporting more touch therapy dogs to make a difference in the lives of more kids like me. purina cares here. (♪) with wet amd, i worry i'm not only losing my sight, but my time to enjoy it. but now, i can open up my world with vabysmo. (♪) vabysmo is the first fda-approved treatment for people with wet amd that improves vision and delivers a chance for up to 4 months between treatments, so i can do more of what i love. (♪) (♪)
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vabysmo works differently, it's the only treatment designed to block 2 causes of wet amd. vabysmo is an eye injection. don't take it if you have an infection, active eye swelling, or are allergic to it. treatments like vabysmo can cause an eye infection or retinal detachment. vabysmo may cause a temporary increase in eye pressure after receiving the injection. there is an uncommon risk of heart attack or stroke associated with blood clots. severe swelling of blood vessels in the eye can occur. most common eye side effects were cataract and broken blood vessels. open up your world with vabysmo. a chance for up to 4 months between treatments with vabysmo. ask your doctor.
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>> michael >> michael: it is time for play of the day. no one better to brynn to it us than you, lara. >> lara: thank you so much. last night was a big one for the l.a. dodgers star shohei ohtani who was honored with his very own bobble head. before the los angeles dodgers hosted the cincinnati reds. espn reporting the give away caused a major traffic jam outside the stadium, but the star decided he was going to go for it. he shared the spotlight with a 13-year-old boy from children's hospital. he visited him before the game. he signed a jersey for him. albert is a pediatric cancer patient, as you can see. he was quite moved by the surprise visit.
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that wasn't the only surprise in store for albert. he was invited to throw out that first pitch and he enjoyed the game from a suite. now that's pretty great. those bobble heads are a big deal. >> sam: checking the espn website, as i always do at this hour of the morning, it says they had a sellout crowd 53,527 people largest in the majors this season, dodgers stadium since september. >> rebecca: guy, new kids on the block are lear performing live. stay with us. are here's perfori .
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dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. tell your doctor right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines including steroids, without talking to your doctor. when you can get more out of your lungs, you can du more with less asthma. and isn't that better? ask your doctor about dupixent, the most prescribed biologic in asthma. welcome to the new petsmart treats rewards™ collect points with every purchase. save big on their favorite services. get free gifts on birthdays and gotcha days. and right now, treats members earn 2,000 points when you spend $20 or more on dog or cat toys. level up your love with the new petsmart treats rewards™ petsmart. anything for pets.
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to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today. >> the barnes firm has years of experience handling thousands of car crash cases. we will give you the support you need and help to get the best result possible. sperm injury attorneys call one 808 million. >> welcome to the semifinals. our four remaining champions will face off. >> doesn't that sound awesome? >> only the top three masters will advance to the finals. >> who's the greatest of all time? now, i ask you, jeopardy! >> masters semifinals. can always live. abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning. i'm reggie aqui from abc. seven mornings. we have breaking news. the president of sonoma state university is retiring. that announcement coming. just moments ago, mike lee had been put on leave for insubordination after announcing an agreement with pro palestinian student protesters. the csu chancellor
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said lee issued the message without proper approval. lee later apologized, saying that he marginalized some students in an attempt to find agreement with others. and now here's drew with your friday forecast. >> hey, reggie, we'll take you to pier 39 this morning where we have our morning marine layer the sea lions just waking up. we'll take you to our temperatures where we are basically starting in the 50s in every city. most of us have that cloud cover right now. and we'll find that cloud cover breaking down between 9 a.m. and noon today for bright sunshine. it is a breezy afternoon. those temperatures quite pleasant later today. similar story tomorrow. a lot less fog. >> drew. thank you. another abc seven news update and about 30 minutes. you can always catch us on our news app and abc seven and join us every weekday morning from 5 to 7. the news continues right now with good morning america. >> if you've been hurt in an accident and you need results, call sweet james. here are just some of the recent wins for our injured clients. call the firm that wins big call. sweet james
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>> hello, i'm franklin graham as we watch the news, it feels like the whole world is filled and engulfed with hate. we see it on our college campuses. we see it across the world. uh. where did this come from? you see, hate is coming from the human heart, god made us and he created us. but sin has come into the world, and it's come into each and every heart. and the only one who can fix the heart is god, and god did that by sending his son, jesus christ from heaven to this earth to take our sins. and he died in our place on a cross and shed his blood. he was buried, but on the third day he walked right out of that grave. that's right. jesus christ is alive. and my question is, have you ever invited him into your heart? if you haven't done it, do it right now. just say, god, i'm a sinner. i'm sorry. forgive me. i believe jesus, your son. i want to trust him as my savior. and i pray this in jesus name.
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if you prayed that prayer, call that number right now. that's on the screen. god bless you. and eyes on me. >> brand new dripping sweat. they see his diamonds. i'm on my feet. >> brand new whip is what they see in my bag. like a bunch of groceries. all these cheese and greens just come to me. freedom. you can't take your eyes off the new 2024 jeep wrangler and gladiator jeep. >> there's only one right now during jeep 4x4 season, well-qualified lessees can lease the 2024 wrangler sport s four by e for 389 a month. visit your local jeep dealer today. >> are you ready? get ultra reliable, ultra fast, award winning internet start at $20 a month and add unlimited mobile for free. be astounded! switch today. >> what happens when ordinary becomes extraordinary? find out this summer at the exploratorium . nine artists make everyday stuff into incredible art.
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explore stunning installations made out of lego pieces, string shoes, saxophones and more. see the ordinary transformed. maybe you will be >> if you've been hurt in an accident and you need results, call sweet james. here are just some of the recent wins for our injured clients. call the firm that wins big. call sweet james >> tv's biggest morning >> michael: good morning america. it's 8 a.m. deadly storms striking overnight. texas slammed with 80 mile per hour winds. at least four people killed near houston. >> just looked like a bomb went off. >> michael: windows blown out of sky scrapers, astros fans
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scrambling inside the dome when the rain got through. ginger's tracking the widespread flash flooding and the new threat. >> whit: 1 in 1 million. 5-month-old kiley's new hope, lung and a hole in her heart repaired. how she's breathing on her own for the first time in her life. >> rebecca: medical break through? the first person to get elon musk's neura link implant. >> it's going to be amazing when someone can have a spinal cord injury, go to the hospital, get surgery and walk out a couple days later. >> rebecca: how the brain implant has changed his life, and what it means for the future of medicine and technology, only on gma. >> whit: off to the races. we're live on the water for a turbo charged dragon boat race. ♪ step by step ♪ >> michael: and we're going step by step into the weekend with new kids on the block live in
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times square. and they're saying -- >> good morning america! >> announcer: live in times square, this is gma. >> michael: good morning america. it is rebecca's favorite day. >> rebecca: do you know what it is, michael? this just takes me to a moment, downtown minneapolis, windows down, breeze blowing into the cutlas. guess who was performing? jordan, jonathan, joey, donny and danny. nkotb. they are here live, new kids on the block. they have a ton going on. new music, a new tour, and much more. >> whit: they've got a new dance. we heard the fans going wild outside. they are the house band for the right stuff, right, guys? ♪ oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh the right stuff ♪ >> rebecca: they hit their cue. >> michael: there it is. they got the right stuff. we're looking forward to that. before we get to that we have a look at the top stories breaking at 8 starting with dangerous
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winds and flash flooding overnight. houston was hit hard. our ginger zee is tracking it all for us. tough to see all the damage. >> ginger: yeah. i was watching the gnarly looking radar as i was doing world news. we said that will be bad for houston. unfortunately, it verified just that way. at least four people have been killed by these storms. we're seeing the winds in excess of 80 miles per hour. and the pictures tell the story. those windows blown out of sky scrapers. you had the building here, a bar in downtown houston, crumbling. we had a camera there this morning and then more than half foot of radar estimated rain. flood watches still exist to destin. we're not done yet with the storm. what's going to happen today, we'll see more of those showers into the overnight hours. hattiesburg to montgomery is in that elevated risk area. 1 to 2 inch rates could happen. later tonight, i want new orleans to watch this clock. look at that. 2 a.m. just about to get to lake ponchartrain.
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that's gonna come with damaging winds as well. from lafayette, destin, too. it's not just this morning but into tomorrow morning. so it's a long 24 hours ahead. >> whit: that threat continues. ginger, thank you. we turn to the criminal trial of former president trump. the defense grilling trump's former fixer, michael cohen, for a second day, accusing him of lying on the witness stand. let's go back to aaron katersky at the courthouse with more. aaron, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, whit. there is no court here today. former president trump is attending his youngest son's high school graduation. unless he opts to testify in his own defense, this trial could be over as soon as next week. you're right, the testimony by trump's former fixer, michael cohen, which will end monday, was brutal at times. he lied for trump for years. he lied to congress. he said he lied to a federal judge. the defense told jurors cohen lied to them when he testified that he spoke to president trump by phone about the hush payment to stormy daniels one night in late october 2016.
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that was a lie, defense attorney todd blanche yelled, asserting cohen was really speaking in that call to trump's bodyguard. cohen held firm, never lost his composure. the jury must decide whether to believe him, since he is the only witness to testify he directly spoke to trump about the business records prosecutors said trump falsified so voters wouldn't find out about daniels before the 2016 election. after cohen, prosecutors have no witnesses left to call. the defense is still deciding whether to put on a case, including testimony from trump himself. the judge signaled the jury could hear closing arguments soon as tuesday of next week. rebecca? >> rebecca: thank you. we turn now to 5-month-old baby facing 1 in 1 million odds and surviving thanks to a miracle double lung transplant. erielle reshef is here with the details you will hear first on gma. good morning, erielle. what a remarkable story. >> what a story this is, rebecca.
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so nice to bring you good news. kylie is a miracle baby with a dream surgery team of 15 to 20 doctors and nurses who helped perform that double lung transplant. now she is breathing on her own for the first time. kylie overfield was diagnosed at birth with a very rare often fatal lung disorder. >> they didn't think she would make it. she wouldn't survive the weekend. >> reporter: her mom ashley clinging to help her daughter could be saved. >> she was feisty so i was like, she's that feisty, i'm not giving up. >> reporter: the diagnosis, surfactant b deficiency is found in roughly 1 in 1 million babies. the only effective treatment a double lung transplant, so rare that in the past ten years only 35 have been performed in the u.s. on babies under a year old. >> the challenge is, her age and her size. >> reporter: in january, at just 3 months old, kylie was transferred from the east coast to texas children's hospital. >> we are one of the busiest transplant centers in the
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country. >> reporter: kylie receiving her new lungs two months after she was added to the transplant list. during an 11 hour surgery, 5-month-old kylie received the new lungs and a hole in her heart was also repaired. she is now breathing on her own for the first time in her life. >> she has a life now. she gets a chance. >> reporter: ashley and her husband jacob so thankful to the mom of the donor baby. >> my heart hurts for her. i think about her every minute of every day. >> such gratitude there. kylie's new lungs began to breathe immediately when they were first transplanted but she remained on a ventilator. within a week she was breathing on her own. the good news, she gets to go home. she really is 1 in 1 million. >> rebecca: so happy for her family. erielle thank you for bringing us that news on this friday. coming up in our gma morning
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menu, will reeve has a tv exclusive talking with the man who received the first ever brain implant from elon musk's company neuralink. to help him control a computer with his thoughts. you have to see this to believe it. >> michael: and all the excitement for furiosa, a mad max saga. >> whit: plus jackson lee will be live in a traditional dragon boat race. looking forward to that. lara and sam are outside in times square. hey, guys. >> lara: new kids on the block are with us. they're lending lori b a hand with the right stuff, a road trip. come on. >> sam: allow me to get that. [ cheers ] new kids are going to perform some old music, some of the new music. we'll be right back on gma, guys. ♪ ♪
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of the things you love. sight some things should stand the test of time. long lasting eylea hd could significantly improve your vision and can help you go up to 4 months between treatments. if you have an eye infection, eye pain or redness, or allergies to eylea hd, don't use. eye injections like eyla hd may cause eye infection, separation of the retina, or rare but severe swelling of blood vessels in the eye. an increase in eye pressure has been seen. there's an uncommon risk of heart attack or stroke associated with blood clots. the most common side effects were blurred vision, cataract, corneal injury, and eye floaters. and there's still so much to see. if you are on eylea or a similar type of treatment, ask your retina specialist about eylea hd today, for the potential for fewer injections. (♪)
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(♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) if you're 55 and up, t-mobile has plans built just for you. like two lines of unlimited for just $30 bucks a line. that's a 45% savings versus verizon and at&t! plus, get one of the latest 5g phones free when you add a line. experience it all on america's largest and fastest 5g network. at t-mobile, customers 55 and up can get two lines of unlimited for only $30 bucks a line. switch today!
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rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin; heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. done settling? ask your rheumatologist for rinvoq. and take back what's yours. abbvie could help you save. nature's bounty hair growth. help grow thicker, fuller hair with just one capsule a day of advanced hair complex. conquer hair thinning... ...and fall in love with your hair all over again. only from nature's bounty.
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♪ >> michael: oh yeah. >> whit: is that just me? [ laughter ] >> michael: i'm learning something new. we are excited to see new kids on the block perform later. but right now we have our gma cover story and a network tv exclusive interview with the first person implanted with an elon musk neuralink. will reeve had a chance to sit down with him. good morning, will. >> reporter: good morning. they make a device that gets surgically implanted in a person's brain. the user can then control a
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computer or smart phone only using their mind. it doesn't affect physical movement for a person with a spinal cord injury. but for this person, it's affected his life in profound ways. >> i didn't have anything to wake up for in the morning. this has changed that for me. >> reporter: in a gma broadcast exclusive, the first human implanted with the neuralink chip in his brain is telling his story. >> i accepted that i was paralyzed and that was my life. i always held out hope that it would get better. >> reporter: at 22 years old, nolan said he dove head first in waist deep water, struck something and sustained a spinal cord injury. he couldn't move from the shoulders down. from the time of your injury until earlier this year, what was your daily life like? >> i know one thing about being paralyzed is there's a lot of time to sit and think.
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so i thought through basically my whole life and realized all the mistakes i have made and what i could do better. >> reporter: then, just last year, nolan, now 30, receiving a life changing opportunity. >> one day one of my buddies from college called me up. we talk pretty regularly. he was like, hey, neuralink opened up human trials. i said, what's neuralink. >> reporter: co-founded by elon musk, is an experimental brain implantable brain computer interface. or bci. a chip surgically implanted by a robot and connected by threads to a patient's brain that allows the patient to control a computer or smart phone with their mind. this is all from there to there. wow. wow. neuralink is not the only company working on this technology. several others are testing their bci in paralyzed volunteers. nolan joins that group as neuralink's first patient. >> i was just very happy that i would be part of something that is so monumental and next step
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forward of helping people with paralysis. >> reporter: what can you do now with the chip implanted that you could not do prior? >> i can control a computer just like anyone else can, which is not something i was able to do beforehand. >> do you want to listen to some music? >> reporter: yes, man. do you worry because you are the first patient that something unforeseen could go wrong now that this is inside your head? >> i wouldn't say worried. it was something where i knew that if i did this, then it would take a lot of headache and heartache away from the people down the road. >> reporter: just last week news that some of the threads in nolan's brain had retracted affecting the performance of the device. how did you take the news when they told you the threads had retracted? >> it was really hard. it was very very hard. to give up all of the amazing things that i was able to do. i think i cried basically afterwards.
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>> reporter: the problem becoming an opportunity for the makers of neuralink to explore solutions. >> the reason we do clinical trials and early feasibility trials is to uncover these sort of issues as early as possible before they get marketed. we rolled up our sleeves and found various different ways for nolan to be able to recover his performance, which we have successfully been able to do. >> reporter: as for nolan the future of the technology only looks bright. >> it's going to be amazing when someone can have a spinal cord injury, go into a hospital, get surgery and walk out a couple days later. i think it's going to happen. i don't think it's as far away as people might think. >> reporter: nolan's mom is his primary care giver. she cleans him and feeds him and gets him out of bed. while this neuralink device won't change any of nolan's physical realities, and it's still going to be hard for his family to live with his spinal cord injury, he says it's changed their life.
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as for what is next for neuralink, the co-founder told me they are looking to implant participants number two and three in the coming months, guys. >> michael: that's incredible, will. glad he shared his story. thanks for bringing it to us. now we're going to ginger. >> ginger: it has been really hot, really early in south florida this week. key west for example. had a heat index of 115. that ties their all time heat index. big weekend ahead with that ridge that storms are riding along. going to leave south florida with more records. 94 and 95. from west palm to miami could be some records today. south texas will also have some. everybody's asking what is summer going to be like? just yesterday brand new summer outlook from the climate prediction center, above average for almost everyone across the country. let's get a check closer to home.
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>> whit: time now for pop news. what's popping? >> lara: you're going to like this. i'm very excited to share this with you all. we're going to begin with a hole in one in movie news. happy gilmore is officially getting a sequel with adam sandler returning to the green -- i mean screen. netflix have not shared any details. sandler did play happy gilmore alongside carl weathers in the 1996 golf comedy classic as a hockey player with a slightly bad temper who finds he has quite a stroke of talent when it comes to golf. christopher mcdonald, who played
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shooter mcgavin in the original, he teed up the rumors when he told a cleveland sports radio show that sandler showed him the first draft of the script. the original made nearly $40 million globally. that was 30 years ago, guys. that's big bucks. many say it's sandler's funiest movie. >> whit: 100%. absolutely. by the way, michael, i'm sure everybody attempted that drive. right? the walk up drive. at least a couple times. >> michael: i still do. [ laughter ] >> lara: also in movie news jamie foxx back to work on the set of his upcoming film. netflix releasing new images from the film "back in action." appropriately. the oscar winner stars in a story of two spies who retire together to start a family. then they're dragged back into the world of espionage when their cover is blown. production on the film stopped in april '23 when foxx was
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hospitalized for an undisclosed medical complication. he still hasn't revealed what exactly happened but said he plans to share his full story in an upcoming comedy special. for diaz it's a huge return. this will be her first film role in a decade since he starred alongside foxx in "annie." back in action premieres november 15th. looking forward to seeing it. >> sam: he looks good. so does she. >> lara: they're both just beloved. >> michael: i saw him on monday. he looks great. he's as witty and smart and funny as ever. jamie foxx one of the most talented people on the planet. >> lara: taylor swift's eras tour headed to the u.k. where she will perform 15 shows. british bank barclays are saying she will add $1 billion to the economy there. yeah. it's estimated fans will spend $800 on tickets, travel, accommodations, food, fashion, expense. plus her american fans are
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choosing to travel overseas to see her perform there even with flights and accommodations factored in. the over all cost of attending one of her shows in europe is lower than ticket prices here in the u.s. oftentimes. yeah. >> sam: are we going? >> lara: i am going. >> sam: oh, wait. singular. i said are we going and the response was, i'm going. [ laughter ] right. you heard what i heard. >> lara: i'm going with my daughter. all right? >> michael: blame it on the kids. [ laughter ] >> lara: the first show is sweden. she will be there tonight, everybody. finally, uc berkeley graduates had a slam dunk speaker or friend, dallas mavericks ceo who graduated from berkeley. she told the class she recognizes they strive for their dreams by daring to fail. she used something pretty special to prove her point. >> basketball legend michael
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jordan said, i have missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. i have lost almost 300 games. 26 times i have been trusted to take the game-winning shot and missed. i failed over and over and over again in my life, and that is why i succeed. don't be afraid to miss the shot. just rebound with grace. >> lara: great advice. she has a busy week. her dallas mavericks are up 3-2 in the playoffs against oklahoma city. they will try to clinch it in game 6 saturday night. >> rebecca: great message. always take the shot. >> lara: don't be afraid to fail. >> rebecca: lara, thank you. we turn to dozens of dragon boats that will be racing at a festival in d.c. this weekend to celebrate aanhpi heritage month. jaclyn lee has the story. >> reporter: rebecca, good morning. the dc dragon boat festival will
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be celebrating its 21st anniversary. this is the perfect blend of culture and competition. 51 teams. one winner. the dragon boat festival here in the nation's capital drawing teams from all across the country. >> i love the camaraderie of our club. the sport itself is very welcoming and supportive and it's just a great way to stay in shape. >> reporter: dragon boat racing is an ancient chinese tradition stemming back more than 2,000 years. but fishermen raced to their boats to save a beloved poet and politician. since then it's transformed into an internationally competitive sport, with teams across the world. prince william racing in singapore just last year. >> it's one of these things that once people do it, it really catches on. it's something that can be done anywhere in the world where there's water. >> reporter: the festival kicks off with a traditional eye dotting ceremony, where eyes get painted on the dragon to wake it up.
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the dragon is a symbol of power and believed to rule the water. >> we wake up the dragons so the dragon will lead all these people moving forward safely and quickly. that's a symbol of a country to move forward. >> reporter: then it's off to the races. each team working in sync to cross the finish line. >> the best part about dragon boat racing is because it's such a large group in order to participate, you get a lot of camaraderie within your team. we enter different level crews, different types of cre that's great part of racing. >> and guys, what better way to kick off a friday than right here on the water. and you know dragon boat racing is one of the fastest growing sports in the entire world. and there's actually a push to make it an official olympic sport. guys.
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>> who's out there on the boat with you. so i am sitting among the first ladies. >> not only are they national champions, but they are competing in the world championship in italy later this year. but everybody out here on the boats, they are part of the dragon boat club. they've been around for 16 years. and what's so cool about this is it is all ages. there are people out here in their 70s, so it's a huge team effort. it's a lot of fun. we have men, women, visually impaired. every single person can do the sport. guys, we're hearing a drumbeat. is that helping as you all row. yeah. so the drum is considered the heartbeat of the boat. it tells the paddlers when to speed up, slow down. and honestly guys, it's great ambiance. we love this out here on the water. >> so jacqueline there's a d.c. festival tomorrow. fill us in. >> that festival is going to be celebrating their 21st anniversary tomorrow. so dozens of these boats are going to be taking over the potomac river. and what's really cool about this is the rowers out here.
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they say there is no superstar on a single boat. this is a true team effort. they're only as fast as their slowest paddler. and i don't know if you guys can tell, but that is me today. this is really hard. >> i'm feeling the burn out of breath. >> shah, you're the superstar. keep it up. thank you for bringing that to us. coming up guys, kids on the block. the new ones. join us. >> nba finals starting june 6th on abc. >> you want? >> oh, i even got on here. it's my idol's grand finale. >> is packed with all star performances, including rock icon bon jovi. >> i love it, and it's all down to will, abby and jack. >> and the winner is idol's grand finale. >> live coast to coast. >> always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning everyone. i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven mornings. we're going to take a look at traffic now with amanda. good morning kumasi. the good news here is that the solo crash in campbell that has cleared, and there are only some minor
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residual delays. you can see traffic is already back to 68mph, but there is still that ten minute delay on bart because of an earlier equipment problem on the sfo millbrae line in the antioch and richmond directions. kumasi back to you. >> thanks, amanda. meteorologist drew tuma has your accuweather forecast after the break. >> when you truly show up ready, there's no need to show off the bmw x3 and x5 are defined by world class design and engineering. take on the energizing utility of the adventurous bmw x3 or balanced luxury and versatility with the dynamic x5. excellence runs in the family, but that's what you'd expect from the ultimate driving machine. hurry and alisa. 2024 bmw x3 xdrive30i for 629 per month. >> the perfect vacation getaway is just a flight away. but before you take off, take a minute to relax at one of ozark's escape lounges at terminal one. and now it's time
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to go to maui. maui is home to breathtaking beaches and tropical landscapes. it is renowned for its natural beauty, crystal clear waters, and vibrant marine life. maui offers a variety of breathtaking hikes that allow you to explore lush rainforests and cascading waterfalls. plus you'll find one of the largest volcanoes in the world, haleakala. and there is no shortage of great shopping, buying local helps bolster small business owners who are supporting their communities and families when visiting. remember, locals are still healing from the devastating wildfires, so visitors are encouraged to travel with aloha, compassion and empathy. discover the magic of the islands with nonstop flights from oakland to paradise on southwest or hawaiian airlines. aloha begins at o.r.k. >> hey bay area live with kelly and marcus coming up. >> it's our twin show. we'll chat with the property brothers and nikki and brea garcia. stop by. >> that's at nine on abc seven. >> very cool. we'll see you in
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30 minutes. we're taking you to pier 39. the sea lions are waking up under partly sunny skies. we'll take you to the coast first for the forecast. pretty cloudy right now with some drizzle. we will get more sunshine throughout the day compared to yesterday with temperatures in the 50s now around the bay shoreline were mostly cloudy, but that sun's about to pop out here. after 9 a.m. we'll get those temperatures in the mid 60s for daytime highs and inland today we're getting that sunshine a lot faster. this afternoon it's mild with daytime highs mainly in the mid 70s to the lower 80s by about 5 p.m. kumasi. thanks, drew. >> we'll have another abc seven news upd update in about 30 min, but you can always find the latest ♪ oh oh oh the right stuff ♪ ♪ oh oh oh ♪ ♪ oh oh oh ♪ >> lara: all right, guys. welcome back to gma. we've got the right stuff. lori b is here gearing up for road trip season, loading up the
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car with items perfect on the go for travel. she has some help from new kids on the block, of course. [ applause ] i mean, you got the right stuff, baby. lori, let's get to it. you and donny have the right stuff in case you get in a jam. >> exactly. so we're road tripping this season, right? >> that's right. >> you need to ensure your car is going to work. right? >> road tripping to the new kids on the block magic summer tour you got to make sure your battery has some backup. >> that's right. this one is from nextel, lara and donny. not only can it jump your car, can do a motorcycle, a truck. if you're traveling by boat, it can do that. >> that's right. it's got a flashlight in case it's night time. that's right. you can call your friends on it. >> donny, wait. can't call your friends on it. you can -- >> charge your phone! look at it. you can charge your phone. >> such a great thing. >> lara: where did you find this? >> on amazon under $60.
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>> that's right. driving to waffle house, charge the car. don't put the wrong one on the wrong one or you'll get a jolt. >> that one will protect you. don't worry. >> lara: donny is not included though. what about tires? >> there's approximately 11,000 fender benders from bad tires. we want to make sure your tires are in good shape. right, danny? >> absolutely. >> safety first. to that end, you want to keep one of these portable air compressors in your car. viewers love this one. it will not let you overfill it. >> lara: i was going to say, can you please keep your eye on it? >> it's programmable. you just program what you need and it will automatically shut off. under $30. >> lara: small, compact. everyone can have one. >> everyone should have one. >> i am available on the magic summer tour. i will come, in your city, fill your tires if you have low tire pressure. >> lara: all right. what about your road tripping to a new kids on the block concert and the car gets messy? >> anybody road tripping with friends or kids knows that it gets messy fast, right?
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our buddy jonathan, is here. let's go over here. you can see he is holding a car vac. this is the number one best selling car vac. >> lara: jonathan, you made quite a mess in there. >> i know. >> lara: you love those rice krispies. my goodness. >> what's so great about this, it comes with three attachments and has over 3,000 five star reviews. that's like a new kids concert. it's on sale. what's not to love about that? >> lara: really gets the job done. i like these are all very small and portable. >> exactly. compact. thank you so much. keep that car clean. >> lara: we have the best models today. >> i know, right? >> lara: and that's not all, everybody. >> okay. next up we're going to organize not agonize with our buddy jordan. >> hello. hi. >> what do you have for us? new kids merch. where's lara? >> lara: right here watching. i'm in awe. >> we organized everything in this trunk organizer.
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if you don't have a trunk organizer, you've got to get one today. here's why. you always have lots of things in your car, whether you're road tripping or even need to keep your jumper cables and all of that organized. it collapses. it can open up. look at all this cool new kids merch. it's waterproofed on the inside so if you have kids, it will protect against that. and the gma discount code. >> lara: i love that. so nice to have your car organized. >> it really is. >> lara: and, again, it folds up. >> exactly. >> lara: i can't get over the models that we have. >> are we missing one model? >> lara: we are missing one of our special models. >> where can he be? >> i'm up here. hey! >> joey? there he is! joey! roof top carrier? >> this thing is fantastic. >> it's amazing. is that all of your sound equipment? >> you can fit at least two new kids in here.
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number one. it's very inexpensive. >> it is. it's under $60. you can get this at wal-mart. what people love about this, it's detachable. the hard shell cases can cost you up to $500. >> lara: and they're kind of a pain. >> yes. and when you strap it on, you can strap it off. you can fit all your extra new kids merch there. come join us. >> lara: how much fun is this? >> this is the best. i'm so honored that they're here today. >> lara: we've got all this information for everybody. those were fantastic. thank you lori b. thank you to new kids on the block. >> hey! [ applause ] >> lara: are we getting music, too? i'm so excited. >> lara: are we hearing music? michael, let's go to you. >> michael: thank you, lara. now to chris hemsworth, anya taylor-joy, from furiosa. a mad max saga. this got a six minute standing
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ovation at the cannes film festival. maggie rulli was there. good morning. >> reporter: michael, good morning. we were lucky enough to be at the festival this year. we got to sit down with all of the film's stars. i asked them, what was it like to be part of an iconic franchise like mad max? they all said, yeah, there was a little bit of pressure. it's the action packed -- >> ladies and gentlemen! >> reporter: dystopian epic fans have been waiting nearly a decade for. furiosa, prequel to blockbuster fury road and the fifth installment in the mad max saga starring chris hemsworth like you have never seen him before. >> who do we have here? >> your character, let's say it's really good to see you looking like yourself. >> fresh shower. feels good. he is the image of roman emperors and so on. the bridge nose and profile being prominent.
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the hair, the beard. the makeup. it's so wonderful to lose yourself within the look of the character not recognize the person staring back at you. certainly the emergence of the transition. >> anya taylor-joy. the film pushes all the limits. how did you prepare? >> i still don't have my driver's license. the first thing they did put me in a car, put me on the motor bike. just a lot of physical training to do the stunts again and again. >> you don't have a driver's license? is that what you said? >> yeah. >> so you can just bring the movie to the dmv. >> chris is going to send them -- >> i'm going to send them link. >> tom burke as warrior. >> the fan in you, when it's happening 360 around you, which it feels like it. i love the show. you want to just stop the take
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and go, what's that guy wearing? show me your boots. >> would you come back for a sequel? >> yes, yes. >> i refuse to answer that on the grounds that it might give away some content as far as -- >> very nice. very well played. >> reporter: and, guys, this movie was a family affair. chris' wife acted in a few scenes with him. he says they often brought their three kids to the set. he said having them there was a great reminder to take the work seriously but never himself. guys? >> michael: all right, maggie. thank you so much for that. looking forward to seeing "furiosa." it's in theater next friday. next week chris and anya will be here live in studio. coming up, you've been waiting for this one. >> rebecca: my whole life. >> michael: new kids on the block. they're performing live. be right back.
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♪ it's like magic magic when you touch me gotta have it ♪ >> ginger: we are back with new kids on the block. they are getting ready to perform their new song live in our studio. we can't wait. i thought why not we'll do a new kids on the block forecast, shall we? jordan minnesota, a few showers
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but then sunshine. donnybrook, north dakota. joey ridge, nevada. danbury connecticut and jonathan north carolina. let's get a check closer to home and get some music. ♪ early in the morning brand new album called "still kids" out today. here they are performing their new song "kids" right now. take it away, guys. >> yeah! ♪ we've been up since day one we've been chasing the sun on the ceiling
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what a feeling ♪ ♪ when we touch we stop time we were dancing skylines it's amazing what a feeling ♪ ♪ follow, anywhere you go, i'll follow don't make any wait til tomorrow don't make me wait without you ♪ ♪ jump in the drop top 'cause we're taking it up got time on lock and it's all that we got ♪ ♪ we're free and we got nowhere to be ♪ ♪ we're still just kids from a nobody town, still just kids that are messing around making the most of the things that we found whoa ♪ ♪ jump in the drop top 'cause we're taking it up got time on lock it's all that we got we're free and we got nowhere to be ♪ ♪ every night we're spending
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like the world is ending 'cause we're dreaming oh what a feeling ♪ ♪ dancing every heartbeat light up every dark street in the starlight we got all night ♪ ♪ follow anywhere you go i'll follow don't make me wait til tomorrow don't make me wait without you ♪ ♪ jump in the drop top 'cause we're taking it up got time on lock it's all that we got ♪ ♪ we're free and we got nowhere to be ♪ ♪ and we're still just kids from a nobody town still just kids messing around making the most out of the thing that we found ♪ ♪ jump in the drop top 'cause we're taking it up got time on lock and it's all
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that we got ♪ ♪ we're free and we got nowhere to be ♪ [ applause ] [cheers and applause]
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the right stuff ♪ >> michael: we cannot get enough of new kids on the block. multiplatinum group, they're still going strong with 100 million albums sold. 100 million. you heard them perform one of the songs from their new album still kids. they're going to perform one of their biggest hits coming up. but first we're gonna catch up with the band. donny, jordan, jonathan, danny, joey. always great to have you here. always great to see you. >> sam: we play that song almost every day, by the way. [ laughter ] >> michael: we have a segment called the right stuff just so we can play the song. that's all we care about. first new album in a decade or so.
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>> yeah. >> michael: donny, you said this is the most mature album you ever made. what do you mean by that? >> i mean it's mature because we have matured even though we feel like kids. that's the relationship between us and the fans, the block kids. it's an excuse for all of us to feel young, happy, free again. put all our life's stresses to the side. mature in the fact that we were comfortable enough to be ourselves and not try to match any expectations. just do the music that came from our hearts. trust it. trust that the fans would love it. and it would speak the message. >> michael: what a lxury to have that mind set. >> sam: we saw the new kids. in kids, you have got the tutorial. all right. choreo has been a huge thing for you from the beginning. who picks it up better than who? >> picks it up better? >> sam: picks up the choreograph? >> he was our first choreographer in our basement.
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[ laughter ] >> we couldn't afford a really good one. [ laughter ] >> no, you did great. >> sam: you're better at picking it up. who is worst? >> me. worst. >> sam: really? >> we all have our routines. we get there though. we get there. >> michael: you get there. i can't even walk and sing. you guys are dancing and singing and not even out of breath. you're about to go back on tour in a few weeks. how is it different now going on tour than it was 34 years ago when you started? >> go ahead. >> i mean, i think, you know, in a positive way it's like we enjoy it more. back then it was just a whirl wind. it was just like mayhem, you know what i mean? we'd go on stage and all you would hear just like -- mayhem. [ laughter ] strange mayhem, okay. just flashing lights and screaming girls.
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we couldn't even hear ourselves. now it's a little more relaxed so we can enjoy it more and soak it in and really look at people and smile. >> just enjoy. >> people always wish to go back in time with what they knew now. we're doing it. we're doing it with our fans and it's amazing. >> michael: they can't wait for the shows to start. until you go back on tour. we can't wait 'cause these guys are going to perform for us. they're going to perform one of their biggest hits when we come back with more nkotb tv. nicely done.
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>> announcer: next week, where will chris hemsworth and anya taylor-joy be first thing in the morning? >> get ready. >> we are coming your way. >> and lara and sam are taking you aboard the uss bataan live for u.s. fleet week. >> michael: that's great. all right. before we go a member of our gma family welcomed a new kid on the block. congratulations. mom, dad, baby peter edward gaffney iii are all doing well. >> lara: congratulations. thank you to new kids on the block for being with us this morning and that incredible job outside.
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>> sam: it was all so much fun. we're not done yet. the hit song "step by step" coming up now. have a great weekend. all right, guys! [ applause ] ♪ ♪ step by step oooh baby gonna get to you girl step by step ♪ ♪ step by step ooh baby really want you in my world ♪ ♪ hey girl in your eyes i see a picture of me all the time ♪ ♪ and girl when you smile you got to know that you drive me wild ♪ ♪ step by step ♪ ♪ oh oh baby you're always on my mind ♪ ♪ step by step oh oh girl i really think it's
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just a matter of time ♪ ♪ step by step oooh baby really want you in my world ♪ ♪ step by step oooh baby really want you in my world ♪ ♪ hey girl can't you see i got to have you all just for me ♪ ♪ and girl this is true no one else will ever do ♪ ♪ step come on, my step by step. oh, girl, i really think it's cousin mary. oh turn up the fast oh, baby. we're gonna get to
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you, girl. step by step. oh, baby, we want you in my world. let's go. step by step. oh did what to do. >> if you were in your car. submerged under water? wednesday gma will show you live how to survive. all right. it's go time from inside a car as water rushes in. must see. live only on good morning america right now. >> there's just so much happening in our world. so much at stake at the start of every morning. >> and that's why it. good morning america. >> we're right here. and we got
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too. awesome when your trip is monday, see these nine assignments on my feet. >> brand new replacement basic in my bag like a bunch of groceries. >> all this cheese and greens just come to me. freedom. you can't take your eyes off the new 2024 jeep wrangler and gladiator jeep. >> there's only one right now during cheap 4x4 season well qualified lessees can lease the 2024 wrangler sport s four by e for 389 a month. >> visit your local jeep dealer today. >> always live abc seven news starts right now. good morning everyone. >> i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven mornings. here's a look at traffic with amanda. >> good morning kumasi friday light at the bay bridge toll cam. you can see cars getting through. no issues here. it will take you 43 minutes to get from highway four into the city. and then from our south beach cam. things to know about on the eastbound direction. crews just cleared a stall out of the
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middle lane so it will be slow moving there. and then on the westbound side there is a two car crash blocking the right lane before treasure island drew . >> hey, man, we'll take you to san jose where the sunshine is breaking out. we're increasing those brighter conditions. we'll have that cloud cover continue to break down temperatures right now in the 50. so looking at the day planner between now and noon will really break down that marine layer for afternoon sunshine. temperatures today looking a bit above average tomorrow morning fog day. sun brighter on sunday kumasi. >> thank you drew. >> now it's time for live with kelly and mark and we'll be back at 11 for midday live. havewe'ly get ready. you'll be seeing double on "live with kelly and mark!" today, twin brothers jonathan and drew scott take the twintuition test. also, twin sisters nikki and brie garcia play the twin to look at the game.


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