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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM Repeat  ABC  May 16, 2024 1:06am-1:42am PDT

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finally tonight, on this day in 1928, mickey mouse made his debut. america would see him first in "plane crazy." and mickey would go on to star in more than 130 films, like "fantasia." ♪ becoming disney's most recognizable character. lillian disney named him mickey. her husband, walt, originally called him mortimer. that's "nightline" for tonight is. you can see full and cache in, at cache creek casino resort,
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unrest once again spiking at uc campuses up and down the state. the university system is finding itself in the thick of intense protests at its schools, and students are demanding their requests be met. good evening. i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley. >> thanks for joining us. tension from protesters flaring up again now due to the public university system's financial involvement in military and pro-israeli causes. >> we watched all day as demonstrations and clashes with police hit multiple campuses. we begin with the situation that's unfolding right now at uc berkeley. a group of protesters has taken over the ucs and ahead alumni hall, across the street from people's park. >> it's been sitting empty since a fire two years ago.
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>> abc seven news reporter j.r stone has the latest on their demands. >> a day after a compromise was reached to disband the encampment on the uc berkeley campus, pro-palestinian activists took over a uc berkeley abandoned building. the one directly behind me. this has been peaceful and that is important to note. there is graffiti though now covering parts of this alumni hall building. we have seen online video showing the same inside uc berkeley. police say some in this group hopped fences and broke windows out to get inside, and there was initially a thought that this was a people's park protest because it's the 55th anniversary of the founding of that park, but that has merged more into gaza. they're first going to hear from a woman who is here supporting the people of gaza. then you'll hear from a man who is upset with organizers saying he doesn't know who they are or what the message is. i got here a little late. why? why was the building taken over?
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>> i didn't take over the building, but we are resisting with palestinians who are the bravest, strongest and most tenacious resisters i ever heard of. >> they seem to parrot the narratives that are given to them, and only want to focus entirely on on gaza when their own backyard has problems. i mean, they took our park, we have homelessness all throughout california. we have, i mean, the issues of our modern world are endless that are local, but none of these people are local, and none of these people seem to care about the local issues. all they care about is gaza and overseas. >> uc berkeley officially says this is a crime scene, and that is something different than civil disobedience or nonviolent political protest. the question right now, will this be cleared and will arrest be made? and at this point that is unknown in berkeley, j.r. stone news and new tonight we've
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learned the union that represents uc grad students and academic workers have voted overwhelmingly to authorize a strike over the uk's response to the protests. >> now, this vote doesn't guarantee a strike will happen, but the union is demanding the uc system divest, and they're upset with how they feel. uc officials interfered with its members right to protest. this means union leadership can call for a work stoppage at any point. classes and research could face major disruptions as many of the institutions wrap up the school year. police cleared an encampment on uc irvine's campus this afternoon and arrested several pro-palestinian protesters after they had barricaded and occupied a university building. >> there were some small clashes as officers moved in and corralled the demonstrators. as you can see, some of that chaos right there in that video, police say some of the protesters had chained the doors to a lecture hall shut. the group was demanding the university divest from israel over the ongoing war. >> then earlier today, the uc board of regents meeting was
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disrupted and paused because of jeers and shouting from protesters who were sitting in over the listen to our voices. >> so the second warning. you're welcome to observe the meeting should you continue to disrupt it, we will have to recess and have the police clear the auditorium, this is the final warning. and if and we will clear the room until you divest >> the demonstrators yelled over the board members during several points of the meeting held at uc merced. after that final warning, the regents asked the california highway patrol officers to step in and to lead them out. the board of regents will hold the final day of their meetings tomorrow. yesterday, the regents said they have no plans to divest from military or israeli supporting assets. now, stay with us for continuing coverage of the college campus protests in the bay area and across the country. get the latest anytime at abc7 >> new at 11 a group of san franciscans is taking their
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demands for change to the streets. the city's annual ride of silence is a solemn memorial meant to honor those injured or killed while biking. the event is held on this day globally in more than 20 countries. abc seven news reporter tara campbell was there for the city's 22nd ride of silence, and shares the powerful stories behind the ride, a gathering of cyclists in san francisco's mission district. >> here with a mission of their own, to remember those killed while biking and to raise awareness. >> nine years ago, my partner charles here died three blocks from here. >> and jeff jones has been participating in the ride of silence ever since. >> he was a very good cyclist. he knew what he was doing and, you know, if nothing else, you know, he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. >> the annual ride takes cyclists from the mission district to city hall, where they will place what's dubbed a ghost bike. >> we do the ride year after year after year after year to
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honor the people that we lost and never to forget that paul valdez is the event organizer and says this year they're adding two names to the list, including professional cyclist ethan boyce, who was hit and killed while riding in the presidio last year, and laura taylor, who was killed in a hit and run. we don't like to, add a name or create a new ghost bike because someone, you know, lost their lives simply because they're riding a bike. >> the bicycle community in san francisco is really tight, and it's very strong. and seeing people come together for a common cause is always lovely. >> and she says it was a close call herself that brings her out to ride. this ride is important to me because i almost died riding my bicycle. >> people who drive to slow down, please. you know, and try to share the roads. >> and they're asking for the city's help as well. >> the city should do a much better job of building infrastructure that permits people to get on their bike and not risk their lives every single day.
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>> and as for jeff jones, he says he'll keep coming back in remembrance of charlie. >> i'll be here again next year for the same reason, and hopefully we won't have we won't be adding any more names. >> tara campbell, abc seven news. >> in just a couple of hours from now, governor newsom is set to meet with pope francis at the vatican. the governor is one of several state and local leaders from around the world invited to speak at the pope's vatican climate summit. the governor will discuss how the changing climate is affecting california's landscapes and natural disasters. now, the state can lead on the world stage. >> we always love to get you ready for the day ahead with a look at the weather, let's bring in abc seven news meteorologist sandhya patel with the answers in your 24 hour accuweather forecast. sandhya >> yeah, and dan, you're going to start off your morning with gray, drizzly conditions. take a look at these live pictures. in addition to the exploratory camera, you will see that we are shrouded in the fog. visibility is down to three miles in half
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moon bay. four miles in petaluma. give yourself that extra time for the morning commute. you will need it. it is going to be damp on some of the roads as well. 7 a.m. we're talking about 50 clouds and sun at noontime, mild inland in the afternoon with some 80s, but you'll notice how cool it is near the beaches and breezy to gusty conditions for the evening, i'll show you what is going to be changing as we head towards the weekend. in just a few minutes, ama. >> all right. thank you. sandhya. building a better bay area is our primary mission. every day we bring you the news here at abc7 and better yet, we love finding and celebrating the breakthroughs happening in our neighborhoods every night. our first breakthrough led us to san jose. the fire department is looking to boost the number of female, trans and non-binary firefighters within its ranks and as abc seven news reporter lauren martinez explains, they're already seeing a surge in interest in bending the knees a little bit. >> sitting into it. yeah, sitting into it a little bit more. >> you'll get more power that
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way. the san jose fire department says there's room for everyone to join the fire service this saturday. they're hosting their fifth annual women's plus boot camp, open to those who are gender nonconforming and trans community members. 75 spots were filled within five hours of registration. >> shows that we have a lot of interest, which is really amazing. one of the things that we love to say is that if you can see it, you can be it. >> jennifer haverty is a firefighter emt and joined the department four years ago. >> i didn't know any woman in the fire service before i started, and so it's just not something that we realize is an option. and so once we think about it, how do we get there? >> the boot camp includes a 90 minute circuit training workout, similar to what participants may find at a fire academy. afterwards, there's a q&a with the women of sdfd. >> what's our schedule like and what's the station life? how do we kind of cohabitate with other people and kind of overcome some of those challenges that we may face? >> the san jose fire department currently has 24 women firefighters out of 648. that's 3.7, according to an independent research firm. that's below the
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national average of 4.7. >> this all in technique, right? i can say for myself personally, i am not even five feet tall. and as i've said, i am in this industry. >> khalilah yancey is a 20 year veteran with the baltimore city fire department and a representative of the organization women >> when you want women in your organization, you have to make them feel welcome. have a welcoming environment before they get there. that's how you can keep them. so you don't want to just recruit. you want to retain for halferty, she says the more women in the industry, the more outreach they can do. >> showing them that these culture changes are happening and they have to recognize that women offer something that men sometimes don't. and it takes all of that in order to make a successful team in order to really serve the public the best that we can in san jose. >> lauren martinez, abc seven news in the east bay. >> we made sure to stop by the bridge yard in oakland today near the toll plaza to find our next building. a better bay area
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breakthrough. plenty of city leaders were there for the town tourism day to strategize how to make oakland a go to place to visit for tourists. mayor shengtao says the city needs to lean into its younger generation. we want to showcase our diverse culture and our arts here in the city of oakland. >> we have great young, youthful folks. you know, my son goes to oakland school for the arts and the talent that we have here in oakland is by far like no other and grows from the earth. >> also there today, new oakland police chief floyd mitchell, in his first week on the job. >> i tell you it will not. when we first drove up here, we could hear all the music and i was like, oh, they're getting it popping in the afternoon here in oakland. i love it, i love it, i love it. >> this is the second year the city has put on this event, our final abc seven news building a better bay area breakthrough is a big win for cutting edge innovation right here at home. general motors is betting on the bay area to fuel its innovation, as the auto industry becomes
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more high tech, it has opened up a tech hub right in the heart of silicon valley. >> located on tarabella avenue in mountain view, it will house about 200 employees. they range from software engineers to research and development. >> report to bring you here. a massive manhunt underway right now in france. more on the prison break by a drug kingpin known as the fly and the frantic search from international police, plus a presidential rematch. >> more on the newly announced debates. in what nancy pelosi says she would do if she were president, biden, and one of the biggest mysteries of the mona lisa may finally have been sold. first, a look at what's coming up tonight on jimmy kimmel live! right after abc seven news at 11, jimmy, watch tonight and i'll clean your pool. >> that look, i don't know if you know this, but you're a bit of an influencer because it's really catching on. in fact, really catching on. in fact, i've seen peop ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well ♪ ♪ jardiance! ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪
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see the difference with olay. (♪) when life spells heartburn... how do you spell relief? r-o-l-a-i-d-s rolaids' dual-active formula begins to neutralize acid on contact. r-o-l-a-i-d-s spells relief. off a deadly escape. officers blocked prison entrances in response to this ambush. two officers were killed. three others were wounded when gunmen rammed a van transporting a prisoner and stormed it. the entire attack lasted just two minutes. the prisoner, nicknamed the fly, is a suspected gang leader and has a lengthy criminal record. authorities think he may have left the country already. now to your voice your vote where president biden today challenged donald trump to debate him and the challenge was accepted.
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>> donald trump lost two debates to me in 2020, and since then he hadn't shown up for debate. now he's acting like he wants to debate me again. will make my day, pal. so let's pick the daetz. donald, i hear you're free on wednesdays. >> trump responded to the challenge on the hugh hewitt show and accepted it, saying biden might as well just get it over with. the first debate will happen on june 27th at cnn studios in atlanta. it's unlikely third party candidate robert f kennedy jr will be there. the second debate will be at abc news studios and will take place september 10th. nancy pelosi isn't the biggest fan of debating trump. >> i myself would never recommend going on a stage with donald trump, but the president has decided that's what he wants to do. i think the format he is suggesting is a good one. >> the rules are different for these debates. there will be no live audiences, and the candidates microphones will turn off when their time is up. >> investors enjoyed a day of historic gains on wall street. it's as consumer price index
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data shows inflation may now be trending down. that led to record highs today from all three major indices. the dow closed less than 100 points away from 40,000, a major milestone. the nasdaq gained 231 points. the s&p gained 61. stock futures for tomorrow are also all trending up. >> a state bill aimed at keeping certain skincare products away from kids could clear another hurdle in sacramento tomorrow. the bill, introduced by milpitas assembly member alex lee, would ban selling certain anti-aging skincare products to kids younger than 13 years old. an appropriations hearing for the bill is scheduled to take place thursday. lee says the bill will protect preteens from products that may lead to short term or long term skin damage. the trade association, representing about 600 cosmetic and personal care product companies, says the bill would be largely impossible to enforce. >> one of the original megaresorts in las vegas is
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preparing to close for good. the mirage hotel casino will shut its doors this summer. owners of the property are clearing the way for major renovations and construction of hard rock las vegas, which is set to open on that property in 2027. the mirage has been in business on the strip for 34 years, and was developed by former casino mogul steve wynn, and is said to have spurred a building boom on the strip through the 1990s. the final day of business for the mirage will be july 17th. >> no painting is perhaps more famous than the mona lisa, but what is behind her iconic smile? >> one of those mysteries of our time? we're not talking about her, but the background. and we're specifically we're exactly. is she? >> yeah. the landscape of leonardo da vinci's painting has long been subject to debate, and we may finally have an answer thanks to science, a geologist and art historian says the location is a small town on the shores of lake como. >> i found rock formations that
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he described, even, streams that had this kind of foamy, aspect to it. and then when i came to lecco, i realized he had painted the mona lisa here, and peruzzo was even able to pinpoint the likely spot along the river. >> the mona lisa scene was painted. >> wow. >> that's fascinating. that is interesting, isn't it? yeah. >> all right, check on our weather. >> speaking of lovely smiles, sandhya patel is with us, dan and ama. not quite as lovely as mona lisa, but let's take a look at a live picture right now. that was really interesting stuff. as we look from our bay bridge toll plaza, you will notice it's a little bit of a murky view. we've got fog in visibility is lowered around parts of the bay area because of the fog. the marine layer is about 2000ft deep. tonight, as the sun was setting, we saw it rushing across the east bay hills and rolling into our
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valleys. so with our marine influence going, we'll take a look back at oakland's this month. the temperature calendar, i should say. we've had seven days of below average temperatures and eight days of above. so a little bit of both. just like today. and we're going to continue with that theme. so when you look at oakland's high tomorrow 68 degrees really fluctuating very little. but with this deep marine layer, the higher humidity, the pattern we have in place, this is perfect from a fire danger perspective. we'll keep it this way, at least for another week. high pressure is over the pacific. low inland, and the wind is flowing from the high to the low, which is why we've had those onshore breezes that have been kicking up right now out towards the delta, 23 miles an hour, cooling us off nicely. most areas are in the 50s and 60s. you really have to get out towards brentwood or clear lake to get into the 70s. live view from our emeryville camera right now and the look at the headlines overnight tonight. overcast skies, spotty drizzle tomorrow afternoon. it's going to be cool at the coast. mild
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inland and your weekend weather. it's nice, but it is going to be cooler. breezy. conditions are expected first thing tomorrow morning. watch out ■for some dap roadways. we'll start out with not just widespread low clouds and fog, but the spotty drizzle and that pattern will hold until about noon time, when you still have some fog lingering in the north bay and parts of the east bay. but most of the coast will still be socked in all day long. and then that marine layer advances back in as we head towards 7:00 tomorrow night. 40s and 50s. on your temperatures in the morning, give yourself a little more time to get to where you need to go tomorrow because of the reduced visibility and the slippery spots, upper 50s to the low 80s, it's going to be breezy, cloudy, coast side, sunny inland where it will be mild, but the winds will pick up once again 31 miles an hour tomorrow afternoon along the coast and even out towards the delta. we'll have 25 to 30 mile an hour winds. accuweather seven day forecast. morning gray and drizzle temperatures in the upper 50s to low 80s. we'll
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duplicate that friday and then drop those temperatures a few degrees each and every day for the weekend. really pleasant weather still, but not exactly a heat wave in the accuweather seven day forecast. hopef if you have heart disease and struggle with ldl-c... even with statins and a healthy diet... listen to your heart. talk to your doctor about repatha. repatha plus a statin lowers ldl-c (bad cholesterol) by 63%, and drops the risk of having a heart attack. do not take repatha if you are allergic to it. repatha can cause serious allergic reactions. signs include trouble breathing or swallowing or swelling of the face. most common side effects include runny nose, sore throat, common cold symptoms, flu or flu-like symptoms, back pain, high blood sugar, and redness, pain, or bruising at the injection site. talk to your doctor about repatha.
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with more than 2 million people tuning in on espn2. for comparison, last season's finals between the las vegas aces and new york liberty averaged around 728,000 viewers. >> that's really pretty impressive. yeah. it is. all right. the giants were hoping to avoid getting swept by the dodgers. >> sports director larry beil is here with more larry. >> dan, the giants have so many injured players. what we saw tonight was downright scary. luis matos looking just like young lee scaling the wall, young lee scaling the wall, coming down hard in alice loves the scent of gain so much, she wished there was a way to make it last longer. say hello to your fairy godmother alice and long-lasting gain scent beads. part of the irresistible scent collection from gain!
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logan webb out to try to salvage the series finale against the dodgers. they got a real scare in this game when luis matos climbed the wall, just like jung ho. lee by the way, in case you're wondering, this is not the real logan webb. giants got on the board first. mike yastrzemski, yaz two run homer to right and curt casali, who was just signed scores with yaz. he's back with the giants two. zip giants scary moment in the fourth. eerily similar to the jungle dislocated shoulder recently. hernandez robbed by matos matos goes down hard but stays in the game. would have been a homer and webb really appreciates the effort. he was shutting down the dodgers. six scoreless strikes out max muncy and then hernandez, finishing with five ks overall. now we showed you luis matos at the wall. how about luis matos at the plate. bam rbi single. giants salvage the series finale, getting their first win
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over the dodgers this season four one. your final ace visiting the astros looking to avoid a fourth consecutive loss. aaron brooks making his first big league start since 2019. kyle tucker down the right field line. throw to second, gets away and jose altuve comes around to score one. nothing. houston rest of the astros runs came on sac flies. brooks will help from zach gelof who robs altuve with a diving play. brooks went seven innings, but the a's had no offense and lose three. nothing the nfl schedule for the upcoming season came out today. the 40 niners with six games in prime time, starting with a monday night season opener against aaron rodgers and the jets september 9th game. you can watch right here on abc. seven niners have a big back to back in october. they host the chiefs on the 20th super bowl rematch. they're also at home the following week against the cowboys. sunday, november 24th. niners go to green bay. lovely at that time of the year. and at buffalo the following week monday night, december 30th, they'll host the lions in a playoff rematch. nba playoffs bay area product jason kidd
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calm, cool collected game six mavs and thunder jalen williams like he learned at santa clara. that is wolf party at a dozen points. that certainly deserves a second look. but luka doncic went for 31 points, 11 assists, ten boards. dallas takes a32 series lead, 104 92. major league soccer quakes visiting the portland timbers scoreless in the 31st minute. the quakes with the corner kick. first header. no. second hitter. yes. jamaal pellegrino loves water. comes in flying to head it. home quakes built a two nothing lead. timbers come back. felipe moro wins it on the pk. sports on abc wins it on the pk. sports on abc seven. i am obsessed with olay's retinol body wash. with olay retinol body wash, 95% of women had visibly renewed skin. it makes my skin feel so smooth and moisturized. see the difference with olay. (♪) when life spells heartburn... how do you spell relief? r-o-l-a-i-d-s rolaids' dual-active formula
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begins to neutralize acid on contact. r-o-l-a-i-d-s spells relief.
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>> where you are. >> never miss a moment of the news that matters to you. download our abc seven bay area streaming app. join us and start watching. >> there's a lot of news to sift through out there, so if you're searching for one final nighttime read, we pick something out for you tonight. it's the sweet new deal for cal fresh recipients for the monterey bay aquarium and the free discount is just in time for summer break. there's plenty to know, including ways to check out other museums and attractions nationwide that story is one of the top things people are clicking on right now on our website. it's up for you in the top news sidebar at abc seven all right. thank you so much for watching tonight. >> i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley for sandhya patel. larry biel. all of us. we appreciate your time right now on jimmy kimmel chris pine and bert kreischer. have a great night.
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