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tv   ABC World News Tonight With David Muir  ABC  May 14, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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tonight, breaking news. donald trump's criminal trial. his one-time lawyer and fixer, michael cohen, on the stand. and what he revealed. the defense going at him. also tonight, the horrific bus crash. the bus flipping, at least eight people killed. and the images coming in now, a brazen prison escape. first tonight, donald
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trump's former fixer michael cohen testifying about a visit to the oval office. cohen testifying the former president signed off on a plan to reimburse cohen for the hush money payments to stormy daniels. and tonight here, the defense taking aim at michael cohen. what they pressed him on. the images coming in tonight, at least eight people dead, many others critically wounded, in that bus crash in florida. authorities say the bus sideswiped by a pickup crossing the center line, careening off the highway. just in tonight, the new preliminary report on that deadly bridge collapse in baltimore. what it now reveals about two blackouts on that cargo ship hours before it left that port. several hours later, it was crashing into that bridge. there is a severe storm threat right now as we come on. a confirmed ef-2 touching down, and now severe thunderstorms we're watching across several states, pushing right into the northeast. ginger zee has the new forecast. president biden taking aim at china. the details tonight. $18 billion in new tariffs on
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chinese imports. among them, quadrupling tariffs on electric vehicles from chinese automakers. biden saying he wants the electric vehicles of the world made in america. tonight, israel launching intense attacks across gaza. and this evening, growing concern for about 20 u.s. aid workers. they say they have no safe way out. you'll hear from them right here tonight. the chilling video coming in now, the deadly police ambush in france. heavily armed gunmen attacking a prison van at a toll booth. at least two prison officers killed. what we know so far. back in the u.s., a major turn in the case of that 15-year-old killed, hit while in the water. tonight, the news on red lobster, suddenly closing dozens of restaurants across the u.s. what they're now blaming. was it too much of a good thing? caitlin clark making her regular season debut tonight before a sold-out crowd. also, the cougar scare, chasing the family pets and then the family. you'll see it. and america strong tonight. the season of graduations.
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but we've never seen one quite like this. >> announcer: from abc news world headquarters in new york, this is "world news tonight." with david muir. >> demarco: good evening. and it's great to have you with us here on a very busy tuesday night. that horrific and deadly bus crash, careening off the highway after being sideswiped. we'll go to the scene in just a moment. but we begin tonight with donald trump's criminal trial. his long-time fixer and lawyer michael cohen on the stand. what he revealed, and then the defense going at him. the intense cross examination. donald trump arriving at court today, listening to michael cohen in that courtroom, as his one-time friend and fixer detailed a meeting in the oval office, testifying that trump signed off on the plan to reimburse cohen for the hush money payments to stormy daniels. and cohen testifying that in 2018, when cohen himself was the target of an fbi raid, trump, who was president then, told cohen, "don't worry, i'm the president of the united states. stay tough, you're going to be okay."
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it was the last time they spoke. here's our senior investigative correspondent aaron katersky leading us off at the courthouse tonight. >> reporter: on the witness stand today, in vivid detail, donald trump's former fixer michael cohen described the unraveling of their relationship after the hush money deal with stormy daniels and trump's rise to the white house. cohen was clear, trump told him to pay off the porn star so it would not affect mr. trump's chances in the 2016 election. cohen said trump discussed plans to reimburse him during a meeting in the oval office. jurors seeing this photograph and these checks that allegedly covered part of the reimbursement. trump is charged with illegally falsifying business documents to make it all look like legal expenses. cohen admitted even after the election, he kept lying again and again “to protect mr. trump, stay on message, demonstrate my continued loyalty.” but in april 2018 the lies caught up with him when the fbi raided his hotel room and office. cohen said he was “frightened,” but trump reassured him, "don't worry, i'm president of the united states. there's nothing here. everything's going to be okay. stay tough.
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you're going to be okay." cohen said that was the last time he ever spoke with donald trump. he ended up pleading guilty to federal campaign finance charges related to the hush money deals with daniels and former playboy model karen mcdougal. he served 13 1/2 months in prison. on cross-examination, defense attorney, todd blanche, casting cohen as a man now hellbent on revenge. “you're actually obsessed with president trump,” he asked. “i can't recall using that word, but i can't say it would be wrong,” cohen replied. cohen acknowledged saying he would take a bullet for his old boss, but he described himself as "knee-deep in the cult of donald trump." blanche then painting a picture of obsession gone wrong, grilling cohen about the barrage of insults he's lobbed at trump on his podcast six days a week, his book called "revenge," and the t-shirts he's sold, "trump behind bars." and asking him bottom line, “you want president trump to be convicted in this case?" "yes," cohen said. "i would like to see that." >> i think it was a very, very good day. >> reporter: trump had little to say about cohen's testimony. he is under a gag order, barred
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from attacking witnesses. in more than two hours of cross-examination today, david, the defense assailed michael cohen's character, questioned his motives, but asked nothing about stormy daniels or hush money or any of the business records at the heart of the case. and remember, cohen's the only witness to have testified he spoke directly to trump about those things. he'll be back here on the witness stand and thursday, david. >> david: aaron katersky leading us off again tonight. thank you, aaron. we're going to turn now to the horrific images coming in this evening. a deadly bus crash in florida. at least eight killed. many others critically injured. authorities say the bus was side-swiped by a pickup truck crossing the center line. the bus then careening right off the highway. late today, the driver of that pickup was arrested and charged. victor oquendo is on the scene in marion county, florida tonight. >> reporter: tonight, the driver of this pickup truck arrested and charged with manslaughter, after this mass casualty bus crash on a central florida highway that killed at least eight people. >> at this point, we are conducting a massive traffic
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homicide investigation. we have a full team and then some here on the scene. >> reporter: this morning, a retired school bus carrying 53 migrant farm workers traveling on state route 40 in marion county. a 2001 ford pickup coming from the opposite direction on the two-lane highway then moving towards the center lane, sideswiping the bus. >> post-collision, the school bus traveled off the roadway onto the grass shoulder where it went through a fence, struck a tree, and overturned. >> reporter: the bus rolling over, landing on its side, killing eight. first responders pulling out survivors. more than 30 transported to local hospitals. eight of them in critical condition. the driver of the pickup, identified as 41-year-old bryan maclean howard, also seriously injured. tonight, charged with eight counts of driving under the influence, manslaughter. cannon farms, where those workers were headed, closing today “out of respect to the
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losses and injuries.” david, that is the pickup truck that was involved, it's been loaded up, about to be towed away. tonight, we're learning that some of the victims were mexican nationals. the mexican consulate in orlando now working on connecting those affected with family. david? >> david: victor oquendo in florida, thank you. we turn to the breaking news involving the investigation into that deadly bridge collapse in baltimore. late today, the ntsb issuing its preliminary report on the cargo ship that slammed into that bridge. you'll remember video showing the ship appearing to lose power twice just moments before it brought down the bridge. well, tonight, the report now revealing that that ship hours before it even left port had two other major power outages, two blackouts. hours later, crashing into the bridge. terry moran on this again tonight. >> reporter: a new report tonight finding that the massive cargo ship that knocked down the key bridge in baltimore suffered two blackouts while undergoing maintenance, about ten hours before that deadly collapse. that preliminary report from the national transportation safety
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board concludes that a mistake by a crew member on the "dali" cargo ship caused the first blackout while the ship was docked in port, followed by a second power outage shortly after. the crew then “switched” the “configuration” of the electrical system. the "dali," a 9-year-old ship, left the port of baltimore hours later and experienced two more power failures, seen in this video. the main engine shutting down, the crew losing propulsion, control of the ship. and just moments before impact, emergency calls went out. the crew tried to drop anchor, but it was too late. the ship hit the pier, toppled the bridge, and killed six construction workers and injured two others. now the ntsb is seeking to determine if those in-port blackouts are connected to the power issues the ship experienced just before it hit the bridge. and david, this report also rules out the possibility that contaminated fuel caused the loss of power on that ship. that was one theory. and those crew members, they're
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still on board. officials say they're going to move the ship back into the part of baltimore tomorrow and clear the rest of the wreckage from the channel by the end of the month. david? >> david: nearly 50 days later. still onboard. terry, thank you again tonight. we're also tracking severe storms on the move as we're on the air here, moving into the northeast, in fact. let's get right to chief meteorologist ginger zee, tracking the storms in the hours ahead. hi, ginger. >> hi, david. severe thunderstorms tracking right across the state line of alabama and tennessee. huntsville is getting hit now. chattanooga, you'll be up next. that goes until 8:00 p.m., that severe thunderstorm watch, i think it will extend into the night. so keep an eye, if you're anywhere east of there. tomorrow morning, tampa, orlando, also daytona beach. watch for storms, all the way through the early afternoon. it's the heavy showers that start to wrap up around the mid-atlantic and the northeast here, where we've just been inundated. we'll be also quite blustery as this passes. and then wednesday, thursday, we bring back the severe threat for the plains. also dallas, one of the wettest years on record to date. they'll be getting a whole lot of rain late this week. david? >> david: we'll see you first thing in the morning on "gma." thank you, ginger. tonight, president biden
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taking aim at china. we have the new details here. $18 billion in new tariffs on chinese imports. among them, quadrupling tariffs on electric vehicles from chinese automakers. the president saying he wants the electric vehicles of the world made in america, to protect american jobs. here's mary bruce. >> reporter: tonight, president biden making a play for key swing state voters dependent on the auto industry. quadrupling tariffs on electric vehicles and targeting other imports from china, $18 billion in total, in an effort to protect american jobs. >> folks, look, i'm determined that the future of electric vehicles will be made in america by union workers. period. >> reporter: biden nodding to workers in pennsylvania and wisconsin, where polls show the race is tight. and michigan, a crucial battleground, where recent polling has donald trump up by seven points. >> my predecessor promised increased american exports and boost manufacturing. but he did neither. he failed. >> reporter: biden once promised to repeal some of trump's
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tariffs. now he's building upon them. the president making the case he's the one who is really tough on china. trump, outside his courtroom, on the attack. >> they've also got to do it on other vehicles, and they have to do it on a lot of other products. because china is eating our lunch right now. >> reporter: biden putting the blame right back on trump. >> he's been feeding them a long time. >> reporter: and david, the president is certainly well aware that china is the leader in the production of electric vehicles, and he wants to stop them from flooding the market and create jobs, by having them made here in america instead. and he's hoping that will give him a boost in these critical states. >> david: china hard at work on electric vehicles amid all this debate here in the u.s. mary, thank you. we move on tonight and we have a developing headline on israel at this hour. president biden now set to move forward with $1 billion in new arms for israel. and this evening, there is growing concern for about 20 u.s. aid workers, they say they have no safe way out of gaza. you'll hear from them right here tonight. matt gutman is back in tel aviv.
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>> reporter: as israel launched its most intense air attacks across gaza in weeks, the harrowing story from two of the nearly 20 american aid workers trapped inside gaza, unable to get out. saying they don't feel safe to leave. what does it feel like to be marooned in what is essentially a battle zone? >> work, work, work. that's -- that's what works for me. i try not to think of anything else. >> reporter: tonight, our team in gaza following dr. adam hamawy from new jersey, and nurse monica johnston from portland, oregon. the group was scheduled to leave rafah on monday. >> there's no bed sheets, there's no hand sanitizers, there's no soap. we have almost a 100% infection rate because of the conditions we're in. >> reporter: tonight, israel telling abc news any accredited aid worker can enter or leave gaza, but the u.s. and aid workers fear there is no guarantee for safe passage. aid continues to be a flash point. our marcus moore in israel,
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where protesters continue to swarm gaza-bound aid trucks. >> these people believe that the aid, this critical aid for those who are starving, is falling into the wrong hands. they say the hands of hamas. >> reporter: and with casualties mounting, the u.s. says nearly half a million palestinians have fled rafah, only increasing the need for those crucial supplies. david, last week the biden administration suspended a shipment of bombs to israel that it feared might be used in an incursion into rafah. but just moments ago, we learned that the white house has alerted congress it's moving forward with a new weapons deal for israel worth over $1.2 billion. david? >> david: matt gutman on that developing headline from israel tonight. matt, thank you. now, to the war in ukraine tonight, where secretary of state antony blinken made a surprise visit to kyiv, reiterating that more u.s. military aid is on the way tonight. abc's james longman from inside ukraine. >> reporter: tonight, as russia presses its offensive in the northeast, secretary of state blinken in kyiv, as american military aid is rushed to ukraine.
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>> the assistance is now on the way. some of it's already arrived. more of it will be arriving, and that's going to make a real difference. >> reporter: but america's most senior diplomat was also here with a message for u.s. voters, in a year where ukraine spending will be a critical issue. >> the american people want to know that we have a plan, so that america's support can transition to more sustainable levels. >> reporter: the latest $60 billion u.s. aid package was passed after months of congressional delay. ukrainian forces have run low on critical weapons and ammunition. the kremlin now trying to take advantage of that shortage. and in russia's sights, kharkiv, ukraine's second-largest city, home to more than a million people, bombarded multiple times today. injuring at least 17. and secretary blinken laid out a plan for how ukraine could be less reliant on u.s. aid, it includes a path to nato membership, and a way to build up their military so they can stand alone. david? >> david: james longman with us
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from kyiv again tonight. thank you, james. there's also chilling video coming in from overseas tonight showing a deadly and brazen police ambush in northern france. here are the pictures. authorities say two prison officers were killed in this, several wounded, when heavily armed gunmen blocked their convoy at a toll booth. graphic images tonight showing the gunmen firing into the police vans, freeing a kidnapping and homicide suspect who was convicted of burglary last week. there is a massive manhunt now under way in northern france. when we come back here tonight, the major turn in the case of the 15-year-old killed, hit while in the water. the boat who authorities say kept going. also, news tonight about red lobster, suddenly closing dozens of restaurants across the u.s., and the reason tonight, why they're saying too much of a good thing might be to blame here. and then take a look at this. the cougar scare, chasing the family pets and then eventually the family, too. more on that in a moment. but psoriasis swooped in to clip them. it crushed my confidence. but no longer will psoriasis get a piece of me.
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don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. while taking, you may bruise more easily... ...or take longer for bleeding to stop. get help right away for unexpected bleeding or unusual bruising. it may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. the number one cardiologist-prescribed blood thinner. ask your doctor about eliquis. tonight, authorities say they have now found the boat involved in that hit-and-run death of a 15-year-old girl in key biscayne, florida. ella adler was killed while wakeboarding with friends. she was in the water when authorities say she was struck by the boat. the boat did not stop. police say the boat's owner is cooperating tonight with this investigation. tonight, the cougar scare for a family in monroe, washington outside seattle. the cougar was first seen on home surveillance chasing the family's cats across the back yard there, coming inches away from their young daughter. that daughter, mother, and new puppy then running inside for
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themselves. the father then chasing away the cougar, making sure all the other pets were okay, as well. when we come back here tonight, red lobster suddenly closing dozens of restaurants across this country. and a hint tonight at the reason why, in a moment.
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you can du more with less asthma. and isn't that better? ask your doctor about dupixent, the most prescribed biologic in asthma. to the index of other news tonight, and red lobster is now closing dozens of restaurants across the u.s., at least 87 restaurants temporarily closed in 27 states. many not expected to reopen. red lobster reporting millions in losses. one reason analysts point to, they had expanded that popular endless shrimp deal. the promotion proved very costly. the wnba's new season gets under way tonight. number one draft pick caitlin clark making her regular season debut with the indiana fever, taking on the connecticut sun, playing before a sold out crowd. tonight's games air on espn, espn+, and disney+. and news on jason kelce here tonight. the retired philadelphia eagles star retired no more. kelce signing a multi-year deal to appear on espn's "monday night countdown," leading into "monday night football," of course. jason kelce saying he's ready for some football. welcome to the disney team.
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claritin plus decongestant. live claritin clear®. finally tonight, the graduation that was a party of five. tonight, in montclair, new jersey, five siblings graduating together from college. the polvedo family, they are quintuplets. three brothers, two sisters. all attending montclair state university. five different degrees.
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tonight, tonight they have just graduated. the first time in their college's history quintuplets have graduated together. from left to right, ludovico, victoria, michael, ashley, and marcus. born on the fourth of july, 2002, quite the fireworks, growing up always encouraging each other. the first in their family to go to college. and they went together. and on graduation day, their proud parents, paul and sylvia, right there. all five siblings in cap and gown walking across the stage. and right here tonight -- >> hey, david. we're the povolos. >> david: the family, the ones who are not at work. >> my name is lewd vicko. i'm a political science major. >> i'm a nutrition and food science major. >> my major is bio chemistry. >> i'm ashley. i'm an english major. >> david: their brother marcus at work, but he got a business degree. and tonight, they are all proud of each other. >> it feels great. graduating with my siblings, we put so much work into this. >> we held each other accountable, and we just try to
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get the most achievements as possible. together. and we just strive for greatness. >> there was a little bit of healthy competition going on, but really, it's all about support, each other, talking, being open. just made it here all together which is really awesome. >> david: just a little competition. congrats, five times over. good night. tonight we're live. with the changes announced at google. i o and how the world's most popular search engine just got stronger and smarter. >> breaking down but not backing off their dismantling their tents at cal's pro-palestinian protest. what's the next step for activists? plus golden state valkyries? >> i like that name, jess. >> everything's coming up. valkyrie. violet the warriors new wnba counterpart, shares its
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new name, and the new merch is already moving. always live abc seven news starts right now >> that drumming just part of the protest disrupting google i o. the tech giant's flagship conference that's drawn 10,000 people as it unveils its newest artificial intelligence capabilities. good evening. >> i'm ama daetz, and i'm dan ashley. thanks for joining us. it's the second time in two days that advances in ai have made headlines, and both announcements were met with protest. openai released its new model yesterday. gpt four zero can interpret and generate text, images and audio and then have a realistic conversation with you. protesters outside the company's san francisco offices rally to pause ai, saying it's advancing too fast to be safe. we won't stop till never get drunk on outside google today, protest