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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  May 11, 2024 8:00am-9:01am PDT

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>> whit: good morning, america. it's our second hour. show in the skies. a rare celestial phenomenon the northern lights heading south, visible down to florida and beyond. the dazzling display delighting
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skygazers, but causing potential problems for communications and the electrical power grid. >> gio: new details on the miss usa shake-up. back-to-back resignations from miss teen usa to miss usa. >> the new miss usa. >> gio: the allegations miss usa wrote in a letter to miss usa leadership about why she's giving up her title just seven months after being crowned. >> janai: "gma" is celebrating moms with a feel-good foodie and a quick and easy take on a mediterranean brunch. we're in the kitchen whipping up the meal the whole family can make while mom takes a break. >> whit: and we're one-on-one with an american soccer phenom. 14-year-old cavan sullivan. scoring his first pro contract. >> soccer is my life. it is the main thing. >> whit: could he become the next u.s. superstar hoping to play in the english premier league, while all retaining his
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philly roots. ♪ brighter than the sun ♪ >> gio: we're getting the lei of the land saying aloha learning the art and culture of leis and how you can make them at home, as we say aloha and good morning, america. >> janai: good morning, america. happy saturday. happy start to the weekend. we are so excited to learn more about the lei as we celebrate aanhpi month. >> whit: there's an "n" in. we're also one-on-one with that 14-year-old soccer phenom signing that major mls deal and celebrating mother's day with easy to make dishes. >> whit: new video from the moments after the deadly key bridge collapse in baltimore and we'll have more on that coming up in just a moment. >> janai: back to phil lipof following a rare celestial phenomenon. the northern lights visible to millions in the u.s. and the possible problems they may bring. it's fascinating and the images are unbelievable, phil.
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>> yeah, the best image i saw is off of gio's phone. utah. the northern lights had millions of people, possibly billions of people, depending on where you were, looking up at this spectacular sight in the sky. it was first seen in europe before moving right into the u.s. overnight. this morning if you look up at the sky you may see a spectacle, a rare but powerful solar storm hitting earth for the first time in 20 years that could potentially result in power and communication outages. the national oceanic and atmospheric administration warning power plant operators to take the necessary precautions amid potential impacts to the power grid, gps, and satellite navigation. >> the reason why it's called geomagnetic is because magnetic fields are involved, and when they change, they create electric fields, and those electric fields can accelerate
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the charged particles inside of the conductors in our electronics, in our power lines. >> reporter: the skies lighting up across america with colors seen as far as florida and texas. this video from vermont showing the lights dazzling in the sky above mount mansfield and extended to other countries like italy and the uk. if you missed it, don't worry. if you're in one of these spot, the best play to see it, of course, when you're away from city lights so it's darker. best time to see it between 10:00 p.m. and 2:00 a.m. gio. >> gio: i'm looking forward to to more photos. thank you, phil. let's go to somara theodore. you have all the science, all the geek stuff. >> somara: let's walk on over and tell you how this goes down. so, we actually have this beautiful image of the sun right here behind me. >> janai: you turned down the lights. >> somara: i turned it down so we could luminous maximus, there we go. the sun in all its glory, this gas ball filled with hydrogen
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and helium. what is happening? it's spewing out all these particles, they're at 1.5 million miles per hour, hitting our magnetic field. when it does that it comes into contact with all these other particles like oxygen and nitrogen giving us beautiful colors like this one out of trumbull, connecticut, that my weather producer took and finally, one last chance to see it, the northern lights are possible in that green zone there. that's a look at the forecast, janai. back to you. >> janai: thank you. now we are turning to the newly released video of the emergency response moments after the baltimore bridge disaster. abc's ike ejiochi is back here now with those incredible images. good morning again, ike. >> reporter: this is a very eye-opening -- it shows the moments of that search following the deadly collapse of the key bridge. after receiving a call about the incident, a marine officer is seen speeding through before
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heading out on the river on a boat. the officer shining a light into the barely visible water, the officer eventually spotting a car submerged and trapped underneath the mangled metal, with the car's lights still flashing. that officer eventually making his way to the dali. all while the officer is heard screaming to the crew members on board, one of them confirming a finger injury to the officer. now, the collapse claiming the lives of six construction workers. this new video comes just days after officials announced the body of jose lopez, the sixth and final victim, was recovered from the wreckage. tomorrow crews are planning to use a controlled demolition on parts of the key bridge, still stuck on the dali in order to eventually tow that massive cargo ship away from the patapsco river. >> whit: thank you so much. we appreciate it. this morning we are celebrating the life of longtime los angeles entertainment reporter sam rubin. rubin was a fixture on ktla's morning news, he had been with the station since 1991 covering some of the biggest entertainment stories of our
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time. rubin's family says he died of a heart attack in his home friday. sam rubin was 64 years old. guys, you know, i worked in los angeles and worked for a competing network to sam rubin but we ran into each other in the field multiple times. truly a fixture in los angeles. his passion and humor always came through. just a devastating and shocking loss and our thoughts go out to his family and all of his colleagues there at ktla. >> gio: so many across the country celebrating his life for the man he was. coming up in our "gma morning menu," new details on the miss usa shake-up and back-to-back resignations. >> janai: also ahead, it's mental health awareness month and we're getting the best tips to being the best version of yourself. >> whit: and tory johnson is here with "deals & steals," deals to keep you comfy and cozy. we'll be right back.
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♪ ♪♪ >> janai: welcome back to "gma" and now to our "gma" cover story, the pageant shake-up. new details emerging just days after former miss usa gave up her crown. melissa adan is joining us with the latest on the turmoil within the miss usa organization. good morning, melissa. >> good morning, janai. it has been a tumultuous week for the miss usa organization. two beauty queens handing back their crowns and now we're looking at that resignation letter written to organizers by former miss usa noelia voigt accusing them of a creating a toxic work environment. >> miss usa, 2023 is -- utah! >> reporter: this morning new details emerged just days after former miss usa noelia voigt gave up her crown.
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[ cheers ] abc news getting a firsthand look at the internal resignation letter she wrote to the miss usa organization. in it, the former beauty queen makes allegations of a toxic work environment that, at best, is poor management and, at worst, is bullying and harassment. the 24-year-old says it started soon after she won the title in september, and she was made to feel unsafe at events without an effective handler culminating in allegations of sexual harassment at an event where she says she was left alone in a car with a man who made several inappropriate statements to me about his desire to enter into a relationship. voigt accusing the organization of failing to take action after she raised concerns citing at future events the organization neglected its responsibility to provide a chaperone and i was alone. >> i believe that she's a strong woman, and she's courageous, and
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brave, and i think that she stepped out before it was too late. >> new jersey! [ cheers and applause ] >> reporter: these latest allegations on the heels of miss teen usa 2023, umasofia srivastava announcing she was resigning in a lengthy instagram post writing in part her personal values were no longer aligned with the direction of the organization. >> i prayed that people, their eyes will see and their ears will hear because it's very important to listen to these titleholders. >> reporter: now, the miss usa organization not directly responding to voigt's resignation letter, but in a statement sharing how they are committed to fostering a healthy and supportive environment for all asking for community, empathy and kindness. the new miss usa will be crowned next week in hawaii, whit. >> whit: melissa adan, thank you very much. time to meet an american soccer phenom. 14-year-old cavan sullivan just signed a professional contract with his boyhood club, the
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philadelphia union. and it's the largest homegrown contract in major league soccer history. cavan, good morning to you. it's great to have you here. let me start first and our "gma" friends know i'm a huge soccer fan. i played soccer my whole life. i've been following your career. congratulations on this incredible moment. >> thank you, thank you. it means a lot. >> whit: let's talk about what this means here, because you could become the youngest player ever to make a regular season debut, and that's across all top american sports leagues, not just soccer. how are you feeling about this new and exciting journey? >> obviously i'm really excited but still have a lot of work to do, and i think making my debut would be an awesome dream and to have the record would be pretty special for me and my family, but as of right now it's not really the main goal. the main goal is to just work on my game, and i'm really young.
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i still have a lot of work to do and still a long journey ahead >> whit: another part of the story that i love. your older brother quinn also plays for the philadelphia union. so, what's it like to launch your pro career not only with your brother but near your hometown? >> yeah. home means everything to me, and having quinn by my side throughout the, throughout the journey is really special. he's been through the same process, so it is nice to have someone that knows what he's talking about and is always going to be honest with you. so he has been really helpful and he's always feeding me with information and preparing me for the next level. so it is special to me. i know not many people get to do this, and being at home is -- it makes it ten times better. >> with your contract you could end up transferring to english premier powerhouse manchester city when you turn 18 years old. what's it going to take? what kind of work do you need to put in to get to that level? >> obviously i'm focused on the
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current stage of my career, and i know it will take a lot, and it's going to be a hard challenge, but i think me, my family, and my coaches are confident enough that they think i can do it, and i know i have my m my mentality is at a good state right now. i'm alwa the talent and work eni ethic t so. my mentality is at a good state right now. i'm always levelheaded, so i think -- i think mentality will get me there. >> whit: with all your training and education going on, do you get any time to just be a teenager? >> i do. i do. i have some off days and in the summer i get to live with my brothers down the shore and we do -- i do have teenage fun, but i don't know how it's going to work with the mls season running through the summer anymore, but i know we do get some off days and i do spend it with my family doing different activities, basketball, golf are some ones, and family time, just chilling in the house and relaxing is also key for me.
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>> whit: there you go. yeah. don't forget family time. always important to get in there. kavan, congratulations on everything. we look forward to following you and your career and hoping i get to interview you many times in the future. congratulations once aga looking forward to that congratulations once again. >> thank you so much. >> whit: all right. let's turn now and get a check of the weather with somara theodore and we've been seeing storms having a devastating impact. >> somara: absolutely. this is tallahassee, florida. look at the sheer scale of the damage from the drone shots. very close to florida state university. they took some damage there on their baseball field. and it just wasn't tallahassee. the immense amount of storm reports around the country pptd 105-plus tornado reports this week alone, but the last 16 days we've seen an exorbitant amount of tornadoes on the ground. in the coming days, severe weather taking a back seat. rain still going to be a pretty big focus especially in the texas area, the southern half.
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we could see three to six inches through tuesday. that's a look at the forecast across the country. let's see what's going on a >> gio: all right, time for >> gio: all right, time for "deals & steals" and this morning tory johnson is here, of course, with all the products dedicated to comfort. good morning, my friend. >> hello, honey. we are diving in, linens & hutch. >> gio: feels so good. that chunky knit. awesome if you want to snuggle or want some style or both, that's got you covered. we also have their microfiber sheets. feel how soft these are. >> gio: oh, yeah.
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>> incredibly soft and they're also wrinkle-resistant. so when they come out of the machine they will look good. >> gio: probably cooling too. >> also more durable than cotton so they will last you and feel good. a big variety of patterns and have their coverlet sets. what i love about a coverlet that you can put on the bed it instantly changes the look, like remodeling the room without having to remodel and get a whole new look when you change the bedding. so we've got a huge assortment online. way more than this top here. all slashed at least in half, plus free shipping from linens & hutch. >> gio: that free shipping. >> you got it. >> gio: i'm fascinated with this. >> this is helight. 28 minutes to better sleep. their patented scientifically backed product. so it's red light. you set this right next to your bedside and red light is known to trigger the release of melatonin so a lot of people take supplements and do all kinds of things. this triggers it naturally, red light does that. so it's on a 28-minute timer and at about 14
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minutes, that red light starts to fade until it automatically shuts off and at that point, you should be asleep. >> gio: that's amazing. >> it's a really great product. we've got it today, 50% off. >> gio: that's a really good price. 50%. what do we got here? >> this is parasilk, all warming intensive treatment. that one you picked up there, that is instant treatment for heel repair, so cracked heels, unsightly, that's a lavender one and these are the paraffin treatments. a lavender one. pop these into the microwave. for hands and feet. two minutes in the microwave. a warm and restorative -- great for people who have arthritis or dry skin, lots of different options, four uses from each of these, i like they're reusable and that's a great tangerine scent. if you have dry, cracked skin, this is the product for you, everything slashed in half starts at $10. >> gio: so smart. what is this? >> this is about acupressure mats.
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think about acupuncture. right? this is acupressure and what it does, it stimulates your body's own healing process, so you could -- you would lay your head on this or your back on this, we've got the strap that you could wrap this around your back or your thigh and in under 20 minutes, you use it for up to 20 minutes. in that amount of time, it helps to ease tension. ease pressure. reduce pain. reduce inflammation. headaches. it's just -- there are people who we've got all the years by acupressure, and that's what this is. this line is designed for this. we've got all of the piece, plus this is like their modern take on it. all slashed in half. starting at $15. >> gio: you're blowing my mind. so, what's -- >> a podiatrist created line that's all about helping to eliminate foot problems like plantar fasciitis. heel pain. super lightweight. what's great about these -- super lightweight. they're not going to add any bulk.
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>> gio: wait a second. >> these have the look of a flat but on the inside there is a rice in the heel so it's not flat and that eliminates that pain from walking in uncomfortable shoes, all of these are designed from a doctor's place and mind for great comfort, great support, all 50% off today, plus free shipping for frankie4. i think janai might want to have another baby. i think janai might want to have another baby. >> gio: she doesn't. [ laughter ] >> oh, my gosh. she's already eyeing things for the baby she has. little lambie here. stephen baby. nothing says comfort like this little lambie here. have a baby in your life. >> gio: what do you think, janai. >> janai: i think we're done. sorry, tory. [ laughter ] >> look at this little thing that says "my little black dress." come on. dapper dude! if this won't convince her, i don't know what will. >> gio: adorable. >> they make some of the most spectacular baby products.
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everything from little lambies like that. totes for mom, a birth certificate and baptism holder. you name it. we've got it. a massive selection you can find online >> gio: how sweet. >> nothing beats the sweetness of a little lambie and they start at $7. >> gio: amazing and you're so sweet. we love you, tory. thank you so much. we partnered with all the companies on these great deals. you can get them on our website or scan in the qr code at the corner of your screen. coming up, we are cooking up something special just for mom. maybe even janai. we'll be right back.
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fuentes, san francisco public health nurses are set to hold a strike authorization vote next week. they're concerned about what they call inadequate and unsafe staffing levels at the city's hospitals and clinics. the san francisco department of public health runs s.f. general and laguna honda hospitals. the department says 166 nurses have been hired since december and has plans to hire 50 more. let's get a check of the weather now with meteorologist lisa argen. all right. >> good morning to you. we have a compressed marine layer. you can see it here from our pier 39 camera. just what's left of it in the city. it is 54 downtown, but we have a dense fog advisory from san francisco down along the peninsula through 10:00. so it is dense in pockets.
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beautiful sunshine there, 63 by the delta and the visibility improves from 60 at the coast to 90 inland. >> thank
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♪ >> gio: we are back now -- i love this song. you hear that. >> janai: boyz ii men. you know it's mother's day weekend. >> gio: that's right. celebrating all our moms.
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and coming up, we are helping you celebrate the special women in your life with an easy to make mediterranean brunch that's sure to please. we're excited. >> whit: looking forward to that. but first some of the other top stories we're following. about 700 union hotel workers walked off the job at the virgin's hotel and casino in las vegas. the 48-hour strike comes after months of trying to reach a new contract deal. this marks the first time that members of the culinary union are on strike in 22 years. >> janai: prince harry and his wife meghan are on a three-day trip to nigeria. the couple who no longer engage in official royal visits are there to promote the invictus games, as well as the themes of mental health and female empowerment, and back in england, in a rare comment about personal matters, >> gio: target announcing it will scale b saying princess kate is "doing
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well" when asked about her cancer battle. >> gio: target announcing it will scale back pride month merchandise after boycotts and backlash. the chain selling it will sell its lgbtq+ merchandise online and in select stores based on past sales. janai, what you got over there. >> janai: all right. well, tomorrow, guys, in case you've forgotten, is mother's day. if you're in a pinch for breakfast we have got you covered. okay, so yumna jawd from feel good foodie, love that, is here with some easy dishes to make brunch. what are we starting with? this looks delicious. >> thank you. the first one we're starting with is a french toast casserole. really cool about this, you can make the batter in a blender. throw it all together in a blender, pour it over and leave it overnight and pop it in the coffin the next morning. it takes 10, 15 minutes. >> janai: super easy. >> pistachios you can sprinkle on top of it and some dates. that makes a mediterranean flair. a little special. >> janai: i want to dig in, but i got to be able to talk. it makes it look so good. >> janai: it does.
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>> a little pistachios, makes it look so good. >> janai: it does. it looks fantastic. so easy to prepare it the night before. >> totally. >> janai: easy sunday morning. next -- baked pesto eggs? >> this is a two-ingredient recipe, and like a lot of my recipes, ten ingredients or less, 30 minutes or less. >> janai: quick. show me how to do this one. >> you take the pesto. >> janai: on mother's day mom shouldn't be doing anything. >> yes. i grew up in africa, and my mom used to make everything from scratch. just rub it against the -- west africa in sierra leone. everything from scratch. >> gio: that is so good. >> see? >> janai: amazing! >> she used to make her own yogurt, her own potato cakes from scratch. >> janai: really. >> now i'm like -- >> janai: that's how you got into food? i was kind of intimidated. >> janai: from watching your mom. >> i was intimidated at first. i thought, i want to make it simpler for the home cook. so, pesto eggs. five minutes. >> gio: that's delicious.
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i'll leave now. >> janai: just popped in to eat. thank you for coming to visit. >> now we're going to crack two eggs. you can do more pesto. >> janai: i should have really gone for it. >> go for it. because this is only two ingredients. go ahead and crack two eggs on that and pop it in the microwave or skillet. oven. your kids can make this as well. that's what it looks like when it's all done. >> janai: gio loved it. okay. >> fruit salad. whenever we had fruit ripening, my mom would throw rose water. gn ooh! >> go ahead and throw some rose water on it. just a little bit. i didn't tell you how much and orange juice and what this does is just makes everything more fragrance, more sweet without adding any sugar. >> janai: did you bring this dish? >> no, i didn't. >> janai: it's beautiful. gorgeous. >> you toss it all together. anytime, i mean, this is such a fun way to make fruit more special and it's like a dessert. >> janai: it looks great. >> amazing, exactly. toss it all together and you have a great dish.
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>> janai: overnight oats. >> overnight oats. here is, like, a full spread for mother's day. what i love about overnight oats it takes a couple of minutes and empower your kids to make it the fight before. >> janai: empower your kids. >> yes. for mother's day. if my kids are listening -- >> janai: feel empowered. >> toss it together and they can have so much fun. switching things around and just making it their own. this is what i love to do with my recipe, make them super simple, approachable and so favorful with mediterranean twists and ingredients. >> janai: this is so fantastic, and i love that it was your mom who inspired you. thank you so much for being here and for hopefully making it an easy mother's day for others out there and real quick, the olive oil muffins, too? >> you have to try one of these. so, what i love about these, they're spiced with cardamom and have olive oil in them instead of butter and they have cinnamon and i love cardamom because my mom used to put it in her coffee
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and reminds me of her. >> janai: stick around. we'll be right back exploring hawaiian culture. before you use ai to transform business, accelerate growth, predict trends, you need to begin with trust. introducing watsonx governance. helping you govern any ai, as data, models, and policies change, so you can scale it responsibly. let's create ai that begins with trust, with watsonx governance. ibm. let's create. this is steve. steve takes voquezna. this is steve's stomach, where voquezna can kick some acid, heal acid-related damage to the esophagus called erosive esophagitis, and relieve related heartburn. voquezna is the first
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♪ we got somethin different ♪ ♪ spreadin' good vibes all day ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ nada se puede comparar ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado ♪
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>> whit: we are >> whit: we are back wit >> whit: we are back with our celebration of aanhpi month saying aloha to the lei and joining us is meleana estes, author of "lei aloha." my wife in it's good to see you. >> you too. >> meleana went to school with my wife in hawaii. >> she was a good triple jumper. >> whit: she was. she was. >> i had to bring you a lei from hawaii. >> whit: this is amazing. >> this is how we like to share our special lei, so there you go. >> whit: oh, wow. >> i actually brought for everybody. >> whit: this is gorgeous. >> i have to give you a hug and a kiss. >> whit: yes. >> yeah. so thank you for having me. >> whit: of course, it is a
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pleasure to have you and i wish our viewers could smell what we're experiencing here. talk to us first about the cultural significance of the lei. >> lei in hawaii represents so many things. it really represents how we share our love, our appreciation, our gratitude. really, our aloha, lei and aloha, synonymous, and it's for every occasion, graduations, you know, family luau, everything, that's the reason i did the book because i really grew up around this tradition of sharing lei for everything and wanted to highlight all the different occasions of which we do that. >> whit: i understand you'll put to work here a little bit here this morning. >> i am. >> whit: talk to me how this is something that you were raised with? >> yeah, i think like a lot of people in hawaii you kind of grow up making a lei for swung for their birthday or for your teacher, you know, but i think me in particulars my tutu was known for her leis and i was just so fortunate to be raised
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with that, like we all had lei. my surf contests, volleyball tournaments so it was in me and all my family members and i just really -- it wasn't just that she made beautiful lei, it was how she shared them. she had such a beautiful big aloha spirit and would waltz into a room with lei. share with everybody. >> whit: in the spirit of sharing. walk me through this as we put this together since we only have a little bit of time left. this could actually be pretty easy for people to do at home? >> this came from hawaii. >> whit: yep. >> one of our favorite flowers, however, you can do this with anything. so it's pretty much a needle and some thread, so carnations, roses, anything with, you know, pretty hearty stem, and you just go through the top and down through the center and down on to the needle and onto the string, yeah, what's great -- >> whit: even i can do this. >> yes. even you can do this.
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what's great about this you you can be anywhere. i always say you can share your aloha wherever you are, so you can go get flowers from a bodega, some roses and string a lei wherever you are. >> whit: love that. this is great and something you can do with the whole family. quickly before we go, what are some of the special moments in which you would share a lei with someone? >> oh, you know, it can be anything from really significant times to, you know, graduation, mother's day, mother's day. >> whit: perfect timing? >> perfect timing. retirement, even funerals but it can even be that you make a lei because the flowers are blooming and the right recipient comes along, your neighbor who may have just gone through something and have a beautiful lei to share. it's the intention that goes into making the lei. >> whit: or when uncle whit comes to hawaii to visit all his friends and family. ohana. thank you for coming in. aloha to you and your family. all right. back to samara and a check of
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the weather. >> somara: aloha! let's go back to the forecast. happy mother's day weekend to all the moms out there. mwah, mwah. mothers arms, florida, 88. love, mississippi, 80 degrees, i hope you're relaxing at relaxation lake in alabama. flowers, florida, 92. happy mother's day. that's a look at the forecast across the country >> gio: now to this month's >> gio: now to this month's "gma" book club pick, "the ministry of time" by kaliane bradley about a woman who connects with an arctic explorer from the past who changes her future in the wildest of ways. kaliane. welcome to "gma." >> thank you. >> gio: first interview, first
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book. what's it feel like? >> it's astonishingly surreal because i originally only wrote it for a group of friends and didn't imagine it would have more than 15 readers so exciting to have i hope more than 15 readers. >> gio: i love first lines. viewers' know. yours is perhaps he'll die this time. i'm in. i'm so hooked. we partnered with little free library to get copies of our book club picks to readers all across the country here. one of our stewards, john, has a question for you, check it out. >> if you could visit any moment in past history, when would it be, and why would you visit? >> oh, that's a great question. i think i would go back in time to the elizabethan court to see the first performance of "king lear." shakespeare had a series of plays, and i think there would of gossip. maybe bill shakespeare has lost his touch then see "king lear," and their minds would be blown and fun to
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be the equivalent of the lobby for that. >> gio: what do you hope readers will take away from this? >> from "the ministry of time," i hope they take away we don't need time travel to change the world. we can always change ourselves, look to the future, make the future more beautiful. i also hope they take away that graham gore is a very, very attractive man. >> gio: there you go! i can't wait to dig in. thank you so much for being here and bringing this to us and bringing your magic to television and books. thank you so much, kaliane and "the ministry of time" is available right now. available right now. we'll right back here on "gma." known for following your dreams. known for keeping with tradition. known for discovering new places. no one wants to be known for cancer, but a treatment can be. keytruda is known to treat cancer. fda-approved for 16 types of cancer, including certain early-stage and advanced cancers. one of those cancers is early-stage non—small cell lung cancer. keytruda may be used with certain chemotherapies before surgery when you have
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and ask your doctor if keytruda could be right for you. mom genes. she passed them down to you. but who passed them to her? ancestrydna can show her who and where her genes came from. best of all, it's on sale for mother's day. get it now, before she has to remind you. (♪) clif bar is made with organic oats. but you're made for the climb. clif. the most important ingredient is you. (♪)
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>> janai: turning to mental >> janai: turning to mental health awareness month, former comedy central executive turned mental health advocate and best-selling author tara schuster is here to give us tips on how to become a ninja of self-love. i love that. tara, thank you so much for being here. how did you go from being a successful executive at comedy
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central to becoming a mental health advocate. >> yeah, so on the outside it looked like i had it all together and made it but on the inside i was suffering from severe anxiety and depression due to an neglected childhood so it looked like i had it all together. i was good at work but bad at life and now it might have kept going that way except i hit a rock bottom on my 25th birthday and the next morning i decided it's time to get real. i didn't really have parents. i got to parent myself but how? >> janai: wow, wow, wow, wow, wow. so, there's so much in this and the mental health aspect is so important and as people are dealing with issues from childhood, a weekend like mother's day weekend. >> oh, yeah. >> can be really tough because we talk -- everyone loves their mom. yeah, but not everyone does and not everyone has that kind of relationship. how do you protect your mental health on a weekend like this and father's day weekend. >> it's all about building
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rituals. rituals, just a fancy word for habits, that get you self-aware and give you self-nurturing, so things i would say you do this all the time. not just on a bad weekend, so, one, journal. it's like dm'ing with your soul. >> janai: ooh. dm'ing with your soul. >> dm with your soul. that's right. get out of your head onto the page. the second thing is use your human body to sweat in whatever way you're able. endorphins are nature's xanax and third, deal with the dis track from within. if you think something like, i'm not loved, nobody is ever going to love me, come up with a realistic affirmation like i'm loved by my friends. and because positivity, you can't outpositive yourself out of something that hurts so come up with a realistic affirmation. >> janai: and for the people out there who, you know, maybe
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realize they had some trauma or childhood issues but aren't ready to really face it, what advice do you have for them to say, like, no, this is your chance to look this in the face and deal with this, to move past it? >> yeah, so what i write about in my book, buy yourself the lilies" is i really was a mess wreck disaster. i was miserable. but in this google doc i made, i studied all kinds of techniques to help myself. i did it for five years. at the end i had a 600-page google doc and felt like a sane person. now, i wasn't a mental health professional. i was just me at a stressful job. so really it is possible, people don't want to start because they think it's too overwhelming and they'll never be able to do it. it's so possible. you just need to start treating yourself well. you need to start buying yourself the lilies. >> janai: buy yourself the lilies, don't wait for a reason to celebrate. i love this message.
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thank you so much, tara, for being here and we will be right back here on "gma."
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>> janai: hey, get more "gma" in >> janai: hey, get more "gma" in your day with "gma" live streaming on abc newslive this morning at 9:00, 11:00 and 1:00 p.m. eastern, but, but, but, wait, there's more. >> whit: before we let you go it's been one year since gio benitez joined our weekend team. >> janai: since he made our team complete. >> whit: we have cupcakes for
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you, gio. >> janai: now we're talkin'! >> whit: we got to play that reaction from earlier this morning. >> janai: pass the plate. >> gio: oh. >> janai: how shocked you were. >> gio: i was shocked. i had no idea. you really surprised me. y'all are family. y'all are family, and every single day you prove that and she's keeping the -- >> janai: i'm trying. >> whit: pass the cupcakes. she's hoarding the cupcakes. good grief. >> janai: you didn't join our team. you made our team. >> gio: ah. >> whit: exactly. we love you right back, g-money. >> gio: love you guys.
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good morning to you. i'm zach fuentes in the north bay, a massive bird fighting bus that started as a different case. it began with rohnert park police investigating a burglary at a storage facility. they searched the suspect's home last month on stony point road. this is what they found. 1000 birds that police say were raised for fighting, plus knives and several other malnourished animals. investigators also found the stolen property tied to that initial burglary that they were investigating. police arrested a man on suspicion of 36 counts of possession of razors used for bird fighting. governor newsom's revised budget calls for some belt tightening across the state, but no new taxes. newsom says the deficit grew by $7 billion above his $38
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billion projection in january. but due to $17 billion in cuts and other actions, he and lawmakers have already made, the deficit stands at $27.6 billion the governor says despite the adjustments in his proposal, he believes the state's values are, quote, foundationally intact. let's get a check of the weather now with lisa argen. >> all right. good morning to you. we have sunshine across the bay area. still a dense fog advisory along the shoreline and a 10 degrees drop in some cities. today. there's a look at emeryville right now, nice and sunny, where temperatures are ranging from the mid 50s san francisco, low 50s with the fog, half moon bay and our dense fog advisory and upper 60s along the bay shore and hayward. here's a look from vollmer peak, our east bay valleys hottest spots today. near 90 once again and already approaching 70 by the delta. there's a look at the visibility improving throughout the entire bay area, except a little hazy in mountain view, quarter mile visibility, half moon bay and the range today from near 60 with in and out cloud cover at the coast to near 90 inland. zack.
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>> lisa. thank you. up next, uc berkeley's big commencement is today. we hear from students as officials are preparing for potential protests. abc seven news at 9 a.m. is next
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that no one was got hurt. >> now at nine, flames and smoke billowing out of a


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