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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM Repeat  ABC  April 24, 2024 1:06am-1:42am PDT

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geo's "secrets of the octopus." the beautiful and intelligent creatures were followed for two years across five countries. marine biologist dr. alex snell followed this octopus for weeks, gaining its trust. >> when she raised up her arm and put her suckers on my hand, it just felt like a life-changing moment. >> byron: behavior never before captured. the octopus taking cover in a coconut. documenting how octopuses survive by camouflaging themselves from predators. >> their brain is connected directly to muscles in their skin. the octopus can produce an endless array of patterns and colors. >> byron: the three-part nat geo series part of abc's parent company disney is produced by filmmaker james cameron. it's streaming now on hulu and disney plus. and that's "nightline" for this evening. thanks for the company, america. good night.
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investigators who help children in trouble. the flood of fake child abuse images that could be jeopardizing real kids. >> tense situations on college campuses right now as pro-palestinian protesters refuse to leave campuses closed, classes going remote as colleges plan their next move. >> i'm really grateful that i get to be a part of this and get to do this for other people. >> and we'll take you inside a bay area school making a difference inside the classroom
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and out only on abc seven news at 11. >> always live. abc seven news starts right now. >> and we begin tonight with that warning on the alarming toll of artificial intelligence on our children. good evening. i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley. >> thanks for joining us. researchers at stanford say law enforcement is simply not ready to handle the surge of child sex abuse images generated on the internet, and they're worried it will stop investigators from helping real children who need to be rescued. >> abc seven news reporter lauren martinez asked researchers what needs to happen to fix this scary situation. >> is there any pictures of this girl on his, facebook? >> an influx of online child sexual abuse material is a rising concern for law enforcement. a new stanford report examines the strengths and weaknesses of the online child safety ecosystem. >> it's not just that law enforcement are overwhelmed with the volume of reports, it's that they feel like they aren't able
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to accurately prioritize among reports for investigation. they feel like they can't figure out which report is most likely to lead to the rescue of a child who is actively being abused. >> the organization, national center for missing and exploited children has a cyber tip line. it's a tool for members of the public or companies to report online. child sexual exploitation. but many of the tips received are incomplete or inaccurate. >> many platforms are submitting cyber tip line reports that show a meme, and the meme technically meets the definition of child sexual abuse material, so platforms are required by law to report it. these are typically images that people are sharing out of, like poor comedic intent. >> according to the center's data, nearly half of all reports made to the cyber tip line in 2022 were considered actionable. >> law enforcement might look at an image and not be able to tell if it's an ai generated image or an image of a real child who has
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not yet been identified, who needs to be, who needs to be rescued. and so that's just going to overwhelm an already overwhelmed and overwhelmed system. >> san jose state associate professor bryce westlake says as ai generated images become more realistic looking, it's going to become more of a problem if they're spending time trying to determine if this ai generated content is a real victim. >> it's taken away their limited resources that they already have to rescue real children that are being abused. challenges. once an image gets out there, you can't do anything to get rid of it. and with ai generated content, it means that tons and tons of brand new images are being created every day. >> ncmec tells us with the complexity of reports evolving, they will continue to improve their cyber tip line in the south bay. lauren martinez abc seven news and help is out there for families dealing with bullying and other scary situations involving our kids. >> we've put together a list of resources for you. you can find all kinds of support on abc seven slash.
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>> take action now to developing news on the pro-palestinian protests disrupting college campuses across the state and the country. tonight, demonstrators are camped out at uc berkeley and in far northern california. they've shut down a whole campus. but first, the tense situation at new york city's columbia university. right now, university leaders there in new york gave students a deadline tonight to come to a deal on clearing out their encampment. that deadline is up and no one has budged, with students saying the negotiations were not in good faith. it's not clear what the university's next move is here. this is the seventh day of protests at columbia, as students demand the university divest from anything related to israel with campus police at cal poly humboldt last night. protesters are still barricaded inside a building after officers tried to force them out. the whole campus
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is closed until thursday as school leaders negotiate with this group. and here in the bay area, tents are spread out on the steps to the administration building at sproul plaza. students tell us the columbia protests inspired them, and they have the same demands for divestment so far. the university tells us they haven't had any problems with this gathering. >> if the protest doesn't disrupt university operations, that will be one situation. even if it becomes disrupt live, it begins to interfere with the rights of others. the rights of students who want to attend class. and that will dictate a different kind of response. >> classes at cal end next week, with final exams set for two weeks from now. >> new details tonight about san francisco mayor london breeds plan to add a curfew for businesses in the tenderloin. she wants to require smoke shops and corner stores to close early, trying to stop drug related crime at night. >> we are still having some challenges around the evening and that's one of the reasons
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why we're proposing a new solution to add to the work that we're already doing. >> and we just heard from the mayor at an event in the tenderloin tonight. the proposed curfew wouldn't apply to restaurants, bars or event halls. abc seven news reporter suzanne fawn got business owners thoughts on the plan. this is what the tenderloin looks like during the day. >> the daytime is relatively safe for people that are working here and living here. >> many people say the tenderloin looks dramatically different at night. mayor london breed wants to impose a curfew on some small businesses selling prepackaged food or tobacco products between midnight and 5 a.m. that would affect convenience stores and smoke shops and part of the tenderloin. >> when we looked at the data around some of our kind of corner store operations, we discovered that that was where we had the most problems, especially at night. >> the curfew would impact this area between o'farrell and mcallister, from polk to jones. some say when people gather outside certain tenderloin businesses that stay open late,
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there's trouble. ethan luper is with the tenderloin community benefit district open air drug markets. >> they will see open air uh- resale markets, and they're often coalescing around places that are open. and so that's not always the merchants fault. >> as part of the proposed curfew, a $1,000 fine would be imposed for every hour. the business stays open past midnight. we talked to edna rahmani, the owner of underground gift and smoke shop, on weekdays. >> he closes at 10 p.m, so i was not worth the headache for me to open late. >> rahmani agrees with the mayor's proposed curfew for business to open late, like 3:00, 4:00 in the morning. >> i don't think that's a good idea, because the only people going at this time at the street, people looking for trouble. >> one corner store employee tells me restaurant workers and kitchen staff often stop by late at night, and a curfew would impact customers. david blood of the tenderloin can relate.
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>> i was a cab driver. i used to come home and i was so grateful for them to be open blood doesn't think a curfew is the answer to curbing drug related crimes. to me, that it seems like, like a cruel, a cruel sort of crackdown on somebody that's not responsible for that. >> in san francisco, suzanne phan abc seven news. >> the san francisco board of supervisors still has to approve the curfew. they may not vote until mid june. supervisor dean preston, who represents the tenderloin, wants to see a list of impacted stores before the vote. >> new developments tonight. legislation that could lead to a potential ban of tiktok is on president biden's desk. the senate passed the bill this evening. it was made part of a wide ranging foreign aid package in an effort to speed up the tiktok legislation. the bill forces tiktok's china based parent company to find a new owner within months, or the app will be banned in the united states. lawmakers have raised concerns about privacy on the app. in a statement tonight, president biden said he will
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sign the bill tomorrow. tiktok has threatened to sue. new at 11 an emotional tribute for the legendary founder of glide church, reverend cecil williams, the san francisco board of supervisors adjourned their meeting in his honor today. >> sometimes dark and sometimes hopeless, the rev has always been someone i think we've all turned to help us understand the world better and our role in it. and to understand the power of faith in times of chaos and struggle. reverend williams epitomized san francisco values, and there will be no replacing him or having someone who can fill those shoes. his legacy of love lives on in san francisco. >> reverend williams died yesterday at the age of 94. memorial arrangements have not yet been announced. >> as part of our mission to build a better bay area, we always want to highlight when we're making progress tackling big problems. >> our first breakthrough tonight is a step toward curbing crime in the south bay. san jose is installing 500 cameras across the city to take video of people's license plates. police say their existing cameras have
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helped them catch a group of people breaking into cars and suspects and other crimes. neighbors in east san jose told us the cameras will make them feel safer in the neighborhood they love. >> we've had shootings, we've had murders, we've had, auto theft. we had tons of crime. so the quality of life issue that we need in the east valley, that's what this helping this is helping us with. >> there are some privacy questions with these cameras. they keep video for a full year, which is ten times longer than most cities that use them. san jose's acting police chief says the video is only used for criminal investigations reasons. >> our next bay area breakthrough new affordable housing is in the works in two communities today. leaders in sunnyvale celebrated the grand opening for the meridian complex in the city's heritage district. it has 90 units, with a quarter of them set aside for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. in oakland, the city broke ground on a housing development near lake merritt, the complex at east 12th street and second
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avenue will include 91 apartments, 25% will be for unhoused people to move into permanent housing. >> and our last breakthrough is good news for a favorite vacation spot. it's a sign of less litter around lake tahoe. hundreds of volunteers took part in an earth day cleanup yesterday. the league to save lake tahoe posted these photos of the effort. they say this year they had more volunteers to cover more ground, and even still, they picked up about 182 pounds less trash than at last year's cleanup progress. >> she spent months in a russian prison, not knowing if she'd ever be free. wnba star brittney griner is sharing her story of her arrest for the first time. >> students who've overcome tough times are helping kids now facing their own challenges. we'll take you inside the bay area classroom, where every stitch makes a difference. >> i'm meteorologist sandhya patel. it is going to be an overcast start tomorrow morning with wiper weather due to drizzle. i'll let you know how long we'll be in this pattern.
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coming right up, wiper weather? yes. >> all of that's ahead. but first, here's a look at what's coming up tonight on jimmy kimmel live. right after abc seven news at 11. jimmy. >> thanks, dan. and amy. tonight we're playing all the hits. you feel like trump is finally starting to age when you look at him? >> no, but we are i mean he's he's still looks the same my life is full of questions... mom, is yellow a light or a dark? how do i clean an aioli stain? thankfully, tide's the answer to almost all of them. why do we even buy napkins? use tide. can cold water clean white socks? it can with tide. do i need to pretreat guacamole? not with tide. this is chocolate, right? -just use... -tide...yeah. no matter who's doing it, on what cycle, or in what temperature, tide works. so i can focus on all the other questions. do crabs have eyebrows? ahh... for all of life's laundry questions, it's got to be tide.
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(psst! psst!) ahhh! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily gives you long lasting non-drowsy relief. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills. oh... stuffed up again? so congested! you need sinex saline from vicks. just sinex, breathe, ahhhh! what is — wow! sinex. breathe. ahhhhhh!
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not graduating are now giving back to kids going through their own tough times. yeah. >> test scores are on the rise at bidwell. continuation high school in antioch, and they just received an award for best attendance in the district. >> but tonight, abc seven news reporter j.r. stone introduces us to some students who are also learning life lessons in the classroom. >> kids sewing at school in 2024. you better believe it, miss fees class at bidwell continuation high school in antioch is making what are called snug as a bug. bags that will go to kids or families in hospitals and other tough situations. a homemade rag quilt is the premier item inside. >> the most challenging part is like i guess, sewing. sewing these two together, like the squares together, you know, for the rose. >> and then you're gonna stencil it with the chalk. >> that's alison norris. she's partnered with the women's club of antioch and has already made and given out more than 700 of
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these bags, which include books, small artwork, and tiny toys. now, through this new partnership, 11th and 12th graders in mrs. leadership class are helping her. >> we're painting ladybugs for kids. >> i'm packing seeing these bracelets we are making for snug as a bug. >> today i was hoping to create the website for a snug as a bug. >> the fact that we are giving these two children in need who need comfort, who need hope. many of our our students have been in positions to empathize with that. >> i'm really grateful that i get to be a part of this and get to do this for other people, because it's not a lot of opportunities that come to you like this. >> my mother, who recently passed away, i really enjoyed helping others. and so doing this, it really motivates me to do to be able to do more stuff like this. >> this program certainly hits close to home for me. this is my godson jordan's homemade quilt. he's a kidney transplant survivor, and alison gave him
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one of these snug as a bug bags with this homemade quilt in it. whoa. that was after a past hospital visit. >> it's a fan. there's avengers video game sonic. thank you alison. >> and during his next surgery, he brought his quilt with him. >> i think that the greatest reward that will come from this is the smile and hope on the child's face when they receive the bag. i don't know how often our students will get to see that piece of it, but we know that that's happening. >> i know that the students have had some challenges in their life and for me, and i believe for other people that you overcome your challenges by service, by acts of service and love. >> in antioch, j.r. stone, abc seven news. >> and it's so sweet. well over 3300 tesla employees in california will lose their jobs in the company's latest round of layoffs. the news comes after a
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filing with california's employment department today, more than 1300 of the laid off employees work at the fremont factory and several dozen work in palo alto. tesla has been under pressure because of a declining sales and stronger competition from other electric vehicle makers. >> it's been more than a year now since wnba basketball star brittney griner came home from a 16 month detention in a russian prison. now, griner is opening up about the arrest and the prison stay that she says changed her life. griner's arrest on a drug charge and ultimately her release, became an international political matter. in an emotional interview with abc's robin roberts, griner shares for the first time details about the swap that led to her release and her time as a russian prison inmate. here's a preview. >> the mattress had a huge blood stain on it. i had no soap, no toilet paper that was the moment where i just felt less than a human. >> roberts also speaks with griner's wife about her role in
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advocating for brittney's release. the 2020 special prisoner in russia. the brittney griner interview airs may 1st at 10 p.m. right here on abc seven. it will also be available on hulu the next day. we are learning more about just what it's going to take to bring a couple of chinese pandas to san francisco. >> mayor breed has introduced a resolution to the board of supervisors to allow city departments to start fundraising in support of the plan. >> san francisco has had its challenges, and we need joy, and pandas represent joy. so i do think it's important for us to really focus on the positive about this. >> the chinese government agreed to allow the san francisco zoo to host a pair of the bears next year, as part of the country's panda diplomacy program. the deal is contingent on construction or renovation of a panda enclosure at the zoo. the exact cost is still unclear, but the mayor says it will be fully funded by donations. >> the california garlic festival is on the move once again. the garlic festival will be celebrated in los banos this
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year. last summer, the festival was held in stockton, but organizers organizers are now bringing it to merced county. the festival will run from august 30th through september 1st. organizers say there will be a monster trucks, a carnival, vendors and of course, plenty of garlic treats. this festival began after the gilroy garlic festival shut down in 2022, so this is its next iteration? yes. >> not quite feeling like summer weather just yet. no ways to go. we're a little ways to go to get back to where we were a few days ago, but tell is here, sandy. >> i get the sense dan and emma. you're both saying, bring it back. we are sunshine back. all right, i'll bring it back in a couple of days. let me show you some live views right now. i know, so disappointing. overcast skies from san jose to exploratorium to vollmer. even the golden gate bridge is a little bit on the murky side. i do want to show you water vapor imagery. there's an area of low pressure spinning off our coast that has been responsible for driving the winds out of the
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southwest to west uh- today, and bringing in that much cooler air. today's temperatures 2 to 9 degrees below average only in the upper 50s and upper 60s. range six mile visibility right now in half moon bay. watch out tomorrow morning because that marine layer is pretty widespread and you're going to have some damp roadways to deal with. so right now the winds are 28 miles an hour sustained. mount diablo 22 spring valley not terribly strong. temperatures in the 50s and the 60s at this hour. a live view from exploratorium camera. you can see the overcast conditions tomorrow. another gray, drizzly morning thursday into early friday, a chance of spotty showers or sprinkles. and for the weekend, we're going to turn it sunnier and milder. just in case you do have plans now i have plans. i'm going to emcee. i'm honored to do this. the pan can purple stride in san jose at almaden lake park. it is an event to help end pancreatic cancer. 9 a.m. few clouds,
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comfortable weather, 53 degrees and it's going to be nice for the walk at 10 a.m. upper 50s by 11. we're talking low 60s and at noontime, 64 degrees. abc seven is a proud sponsor of this event. let's look at what you can expect tomorrow morning. it is going to be a cloudy, drizzly start. temperatures in the 50s by noontime. mostly cloudy, and at 4 p.m. there will be peeks of sun, but it's not going to be completely clear, breezy, and cooler in the evening. we'll call it partly to mostly cloudy skies for the afternoon. your morning temperatures 40s and 50s. give yourself a little extra time to get to work or get your kids off to school. not only do we have the drizzle, but we'll have areas of low visibility due to the fog and low clouds. temperatures tomorrow afternoon still below average upper 50s to the upper 60s. and another breezy one for you as we head towards thursday. that trough is going to finally start to come closer. we may see a couple of spotty showers in the afternoon, hours between 2 and 4, and then in the midnight time period for friday morning. and then look, the sun comes out by friday afternoon. so let me
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just show you what you can expect thursday into early friday, maybe a few hundreds here, 8000/400 of an inch in crescent city. the accuweather seven day forecast. morning clouds and drizzle. another cooler than average day will repeat that thursday. chance of a few showers, but really sunnier for friday and brighter and milder just in time for your weekend plans. it is loo you didn't live this strong, this long to get put on the shelf like a porcelain doll. if you have postmenopausal osteoporosis and are at high risk for fracture, you can build new bone with evenity®. ask your doctor if you can do more than just slowing down bone loss with evenity®. want stronger bones? then build new bone;
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happening, including the ultimate fan experience. this week. over the next three days, fans will have the opportunity to meet the players, get autographs, get an up close look at the vince lombardi trophy and all 57 super bowl rings. >> the nfl says with all the excitement, they may hit max capacity for the event. so very complicated. very disruptive. but we thought that this was provided the best backdrop for both the tune in the viewer at home, but also the experience of someone coming in person. the draft unfolds right here on abc seven, with round one starting at 5:00 thursday night. >> stick with abc seven for a special edition of after the draft thursday at 830 on abc. seven. news at 11 will be on right here as usual. it's amazing how huge the draft has become. big time. well the giants had their ace on the mound tonight. sports director larry beil is here with more. >> larry. >> dan i'm a logan webb made it look like the mets were out look like the mets were out there swinging i'll be honest. by the end of the day, my floors...yeesh.
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but who has the time to clean? that's why i love my swiffer wetjet. it's a quick and easy way to get my floors clean. wetjet absorbs and locks grime deep inside. look at that! swiffer wetjet. rsv is out there. for those 60 years and older protect against rsv with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. i chose arexvy. rsv? make it arexvy. all of the things that
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you're looking for in a pad, that is always discreet. look at how it absorbs all the liquid. oh my gosh! and locking it right on in. look at that! totally absorbed. i got to get some always discreet. i love that my daughter still needs me. but sometimes i can't help due to burning and stabbing pain in my hands, so i use nervive. nervive's clinical dose of ala reduces nerve discomfort in as little as 14 days. now i can help again. feel the difference with nervive. will the giants give him any run support tonight against the mets? the answer was yes. oh, baby. giants looking for some offense scoreless in the fifth logan webb a little help from my friends, please. michael conforto diving catch to rob dj stewart. that would be your web gem. giants. they didn't have a hit until the fifth thairo estrada singles to left here
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comes conforto, here comes the throw. great slide and he is safe. first run of the game one zip giants next batter mike yastrzemski. little flare that gets down. matt chapman and estrada both score three zero. giants yaz three rbi's on the night. webb's spectacular high heat there, four strikeouts, scattered six hits, gets francisco lindor to ground out to end the eighth. 106 pitches thrown. webb three and oh with a 0.93 era in his last four starts. giants win five one a's and yankees in new york. cool and crisp 51 degrees paul blackburn he had one bad inning. it was the first anthony rizzo up, up and away blackburn goes six allows for all in the opening frame. now the a's did come back in the fourth lawrence butler here it comes. there it goes a lo ha to make this a one run game. it's as close as they'd get. four three yankees is your final. the nfl draft is thursday right here on abc seven, where the brandon aiyuk is actually on the 40 niners on friday remains to be seen. those two are not close on a contract
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extension. niners don't really want to trade him, but if somebody comes up with a first round pick, who knows in an ideal world, the niners roll out aiyuk and debo and mccaffrey and kittle with brock purdy and go all in on the upcoming season. niners obviously lucked out with purdy after giving up three first round picks to move up for trey lance, who was traded to dallas last season. >> yeah, we gave up a lot. we did it for, you know, reasons that that we had and motivation and, you know, it didn't work out. but thank god for mr. irrelevant. >> obviously i'm a big believer in it doesn't matter where you're drafted. it's what you do when you get there, you know, with that opportunity. so that's my advice to guys that are drafted day three or undrafted guys or whoever nba playoffs, suns and timberwolves jaden mcdaniels had 25 points. >> this is part of an 11 zero fourth quarter run that blew the roof off the target center in minnesota. t wolves 105 93 up minnesota. t wolves 105 93 up two zero all of the things that you're looking for in a pad, that is always discreet.
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abc seven bay area connected tv app. it's available for apple tv, google tv, amazon fire tv and roku. download the app now so you can start streaming. all right. thank you so much for watching. >> i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley for a sandyha patel larry bill all of us here. we appreciate your time right now on jimmy kimmel wanda sykes and gabriel iglesias. >> have a great night. wick at-home .com or call (800) 511-6319. call (800) 511-6319. today >> what is circle? circles the fuel you need to take flight. circle is the energy that gets you to the next level. circle is what you hope for when life tosses limits your way. circle available at walmart and drink i'm steve.
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