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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM  ABC  April 13, 2024 11:00pm-12:01am PDT

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captioned by los angeles distribution and broadcasting, inc. are you? >> gay. >> the skies over parts of the middle east lit up by missiles for part of the day. tonight there is much reaction to iran's retaliatory strikes against israel. good evening. i'm lauren martinez. thank you for joining us. those attacks have subsided over the last few hours. and
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most of those missiles and drones did not reach israel. u.s. forces stepped into the conflict, intercepting more than 70 drones and at least three iranian ballistic missiles. we have team coverage, starting with reporter josh einiger. he's live in jerusalem with the latest on the airstrikes and the response from the white house tonight. >> dawn has now broken sleepless night in israel. people who live in the north have been told it's safe to move away from their safe rooms, and iran has told the un that the attack is over. and now it's up to israel to decide what it does next. reporter the sky lit up over the holy land tonight. unmanned iranian drones streaked over the old city of jerusalem, exploding in the sky as israel's missile defense system picked them off one by one. they were some of more than fired by iran in an unprecedented attack on israel. >> iran has launched a direct
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attack from iranian soil towards the state of israel. this is a severe and dangerous escalation. our defense and offen capabilities are at the highest level of readiness, and by the end of the assault, israel had managed to fend off most of them. >> there was one civilian injury and damage to an israeli military base in the nation's south. iran's supreme leader said of israel the evil regime must be punished for its airstrike on iran's consulate in syria, which killed several military officials, and officials say tonight's response appeared to be targeting israeli military assets. meanwhile in washington, president biden returned early from his weekend in delaware and huddled with his national security team. the us military, which was already increasing its footprint in the region, confirms it's shot down. some of the drones in the coordinated response to iran's aggression.
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>> us has made it clear that they will do whatever they can to help israel in this attack. but iran has also said that if the us helped israel in this attack, that us troops in the in the region would become fair game. and so the world has gotten very dangerous tonight, not only for israel but for the us as well. >> when those uavs crossed over the old city and we heard the sirens, our team of three moved into a staircase and down to the basement of the hotel where we are. and when we got the all clear, we came back to this balcony and we heard more explosions. and we looked out behind us at the old city, and we saw fireworks rising from the vicinity of the al-aqsa mosque, an apparent celebration by iran's sympathizers after this unprecedented attack. overnight in jerusalem. josh einiger, abc seven news. >> more now on those celebrations. josh mentioned this was the scene outside the british embassy in tehran, a
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group of hard liners celebrated the missile and drone strikes against israel. many of them waved iranian flags. some carried signs that said, we are ready to be sent to war. well, we're hearing about the impact of these global conflicts on people here at home. tara campbell spoke with families in the bay area about what they're feeling and what to expect after iranian airstrikes intercept in the skies of jerusalem, tehran saturday launching hundreds of drones and missiles at israel and in the bay area. >> loved ones bracing your first instinct when you hear reports of an incident are to immediately text your loved ones and to turn on the news to see what's happening. and that's the reality of what many of us are doing as we speak. >> jonathan mincer lives in oakland and has family in israel. many of us who have connections to israel, who have family in israel when they're watching the scenes on tv, how powerless you can feel when spending hours messaging saturday, trying to support his family and put his own mind at ease when they red alert sirens,
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stop in israel. >> that will be. at least you know, the relief for now that life will go about as normal when restrictions on large gatherings coming together or attending a school are lifted, which we're hoping will happen soon. >> grappling, he says. with what comes next, the concern right, as many have, is this escalating into a bigger war, which we're hoping we're praying doesn't occur. >> you know, we're very concerned about what could happen over there. >> hamid rezapour lives in lafayette, but his mind is on the middle east, and his family in iran. >> we have heard that people are leaving what they think are the highest likely targets. you know, always the capital gas stations are, you know, cars are lining up outside, fill up their cars so they can just, you know, get out of the major, major cities. >> and he says people are preparing for what could come. >> we've heard some messages from family members that the, you know, your average person on the ground, they are running
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into gas stations and supermarkets, you know, hoarding food and, and, trying to really stock up. so to speak, for a potential, you know, much larger scale war. >> tara campbell, abc seven news. >> we will continue to keep you updated on what's happening in israel, gaza and here at home. you can find the latest updates anytime at abc seven, and download the abc seven bay area app to get breaking news alerts and live stream updates. a uc berkeley law student is sharing more details tonight about an encounter with a professor that's gone viral. it happened at a private dinner party on tuesday around the world. >> fast. not only from n past, not only from my house. >> okay? you don't have to get aggressive. >> please leave our house. you are guests at our house. >> you can see the moments in this video when a professor tries to take the microphone from a student voicing support
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for the people in gaza. that student, malek afana, is trying to draw attention to the university's financial investments and says she had the right to express her view. we're trying to bring this back to the larger claim of why i was there. >> i was there because uc should divest from apartheid, more than $2 million of tuition money goes to up in arms manufacturers. and this is much bigger than myself and much bigger than any students here. this is about stopping a genocide, and that's important to remember. >> the incident happened at the home of the law school dean and his wife this week. they told us the event was supposed to celebrate graduating students, and they're saddened. protesting students disrupted it for political purposes. turning to weather, looks like the stubborn storm moving across the bay area is going to stick around overnight. and spencer christian joins us now tracking the latest for us. >> okay, lauren, it is indeed a stubborn storm. it's still sticking around, but many parts of the bay area have quiet weather conditions right now.
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here's that live doppler seven. you can see that what's left of the storm sort of spiraling there along the santa cruz county coastline and the san mateo county coastline, the areas in green are just getting very light rain at the moment, but there's some pretty heavy and steady rain over parts of the santa cruz mountains. so let's take a satellite radar view of the storm. you can see it's not showing much movement. it's just spinning right there in that one spot, which is likely to continue getting wet for a while. this is still a level one storm on the exclusive abc seven storm impact scale, so overnight we expect more spotty showers. a slight chance, but a diminishing chance of thunderstorms, and maybe some more snow on our highest peaks. here's the forecast animation starting at midnight. notice between midnight and about 5 a.m. the storm continues to weaken and fall apart, but there is still a chance of some light scattered or spotty showers coming through the area tomorrow. in the mid to late morning hours, and then by midday, we expect the storm to be almost over, with the exception of some isolated showers here and there. i'll give you a closer look at the accuweather seven day forecast and a warm week ahead in just a
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few minutes. >> lauren spencer, thank you. it's been a rough day on the roads with not one but two crashes involving fire trucks. firefighters in walnut creek say a driver smashed into a fire engine blocking off the scene of an earlier accident. it happened on 680 near olympic boulevard around ten this morning. four firefighters went to the hospital to be evaluated contra costa fire says the people in the car that hit the truck are in critical condition. the same thing happened again on 680 between fremont and sunol firefighters there say two different drivers smashed into their fire engine. one of the drivers was hurt, but the firefighters are okay. a wild scene at mount tam this week after a woman's car plunged 200ft down a ravine near panoramic highway. the sonoma sheriff's office released this video of the rescue wednesday evening. it shows crews being lowered from a helicopter into the heavily wooded area to pull the woman to safety. she was airlifted to a nearby ambulance
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and treated for injuries. her condition is unknown at this time. still ahead on abc seven news at 11. new developments in a sex assault case involving the former mayor of windsor. also, why one only few trauma centers in the south bay is closing the im the shutdown will have on ta-da! hulu on disney+ is now available. i think we just found our new home. your favorites, together like never before. this is a destination spot.
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politician accused of sexual assault. multiple women are moving forward with civil action against former windsor mayor dominic foppoli. that follows a recent decision by california's attorney general to not file criminal charges against him. abc seven news reporter cornell bernard has details from santa
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rosa. >> we will not be silenced. we are not going to stop the fight. >> seven women claiming they were sexually assaulted by former windsor mayor dominic foppoli, holding a news conference with their attorneys outside the sonoma county civil and family courthouse. the accusers say they're disappointed by last month's decision by attorney general rob bonta not to file criminal charges against foppoli due to lack of evidence in the case. >> we are shocked that even with the large number of women from all over the globe who have come forward, that this is still not considered enough for a criminal criminal conviction. >> these women trusted in the police department and the attorney general's office to do their job prosecuting these crimes. and unfortunately, the criminal justice system failed. these women. >> foppoli resigned from office three years ago after multiple women came forward with sexual assault allegations. the scandal rocking the small wine country community. >> this has been so hard,
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reality tv personality farrah abraham says. >> foppoli drugged and sexually assaulted her in florida in 2021. >> next time you're offered wine or anything to drink, think about the sexual predator that may be behind the bottle. protect yourself. >> other women recorded statements of their trauma. i fight with myself and i look stupid. >> i must have fed to let him hurt me for so long. >> did you assault any of these women? >> absolutely not. >> people telling us last month the encounters were consensual. in a new statement, he said in part, there needs to be consequences to crying wolf and attempts to ruin the lives of innocent people. based on coordinating false stories about an individual, the truth will eventually come out. after today, i am seriously considering filing a lawsuit against these false accusers for slander and defamation. foppoli now lives in italy and says he's engaged to be married this summer. he's considering a return to sonoma county politics in 2025. we're dealing with the
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arrogance and the narcissism of somebody who thinks he's the victim. attorneys say a civil lawsuit against foppoli is now moving forward in sonoma county. cornell, bernard. abc seven news. >> new details about the impact of closing. one of the only trauma centers in the south bay regional medical center in san jose plans to close its trauma services in august. the hospital says it's not getting enough patients. a new report by santa clara county's medical services agency says the closure will mean longer wait times for ambulances, especially north and east of regional medical center, because ambulances will have to travel farther to drop patients off to trauma centers will remain in the south bay after the closure. well, spencer christian here now we have a chilly weekend and some lingering showers still lingering, and it feels so much like winter out there. >> i mean, temperatures have plummeted the last couple of days after that little spring tease around the middle of the week. here's a look at what's happening right now on the
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satellite radar composite image. you can see that showers are moving up from our south into the bay area, but they're not making it all the way up to the golden gate. they're mainly getting stuck around the santa cruz mountains and a little bit up into san mateo county. but much of the bay area right now is reporting only cloudy skies, but no rainfall. nonetheless, we have a storm. it's a level one storm on the exclusive abc seven storm impact scale, so overnight, look for more spotty showers. a slight but diminishing chance of thunderstorms, and more snow on our highest peaks. as that cold air that lauren mentioned is a mixed in with this storm. so here's our forecast animation starting at midnight between midnight and about 5 a.m, we'll see some more scattered showers in the system starts to break up a bit. we get a little bit of a pause, but there is still enough energy here that we could see some spotty or scattered showers going through the morning hours tomorrow, and possibly even into the afternoon, so we'll keep it at a level one storm for now. the rainfall estimates between now and about 5 p.m. tomorrow are very light, only under a 10th of an inch in most locations. however, half moon bay may get a quarter of an inch
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down at ben lomond, close to a quarter of an inch, and you can see that we still have a possibility of some snow accumulating on our highest peaks up in northern napa county and up into lake and mendocino counties may see as much as four inches in some of the higher elevations over the mount hamilton area, maybe 1 or 2in in the same thing down in the santa cruz mountains. so when we go to the winds right now, it is quite gusty area wide. earlier in the evening and even at now at napa, we have gusts up to 30mph, 21mph at livermore. but you can see that many other locations are still breezy, but the stronger winds are tapering off. still quite a bit chillier than 24 hours ago. 11 degrees cooler right now in novato and oakland and concord. ten degrees cooler at livermore and hayward than at this time last night. so let's take a look at our current temperature readings. 49 at san francisco oakland, 47 low 50s at hayward and san jose, and upper 40s at san mateo and half moon bay up in the north bay. it is pretty chilly mid 40s right now at santa rosa, petaluma and napa, mid 40s also at concord
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and livermore, and 42 degrees at fairfield. let's take a look at our forecast headlines overnight. more spotty showers. it will remain windy with the winds tapering off to just breezy conditions by morning tomorrow a few scattered or isolated showers and then next week some warming up and some drying out. much like what we had the middle of last week, overnight lows will be generally in the low to mid 40s, so not a cold overnight period, but it feels chilly out there because of that breeze. and the colder air we had earlier today. high temperatures tomorrow mainly in the upper 50s to low 60s, so not much of a warm up tomorrow, but we will have quite a warm up next week. starting well actually starting out tuesday. monday will be partly cloudy and mild. tuesday we'll see high temperatures in the low to mid 70s, low to mid 80s inland and around the bay shoreline on wednesday and thursday. then temperatures moderate next friday and saturday. but all in all it's a nice sunny, dry and relatively warm week ahead and looks like we're going into an extended period of dry weather now.
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>> that's nice. we keep getting teasers right, it gets warm and there should be more than a tease. >> okay. >> all right spencer thank you. well, relief from overpriced concert and sports tickets could be on the way. still ahead on abc seven news at 11. the proposal on the table that could give ticketmaster some competition and some ticket buyers a financial break
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youth from kindergarten to fifth grade also got cycling skill training along with their gifts. more than 50 volunteers with sf rotary club made the event possible by assembling the bikes. the whole block was closed off to give everyone space to practice braking, turning and overall safety. rotary has been doing bike builds for nearly 15 years. the whole donation is valued at over
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$20,000. california lawmakers have introduced a bill that could challenge ticketmaster ab 2808, introduced by oakland assembly member buffy wicks, would allow multiple companies to sell the first official tickets. currently, ticketmaster is the only primary seller. the goal is to have more ticket buying options that could possibly push lower ticket prices. other companies like stubhub and seatgeek typically get resale tickets, which ends up costing customers hundreds of dollars. >> ticketmaster controls 80% of the primary ticket sales in the united states. this lack of competition or otherwise known as a monopoly, hurts consumers. >> officials say ticket prices have gone up 140% since live nation and ticketmaster merged in 2010. ticketmaster responded in a statement, saying we support reforms to improve ticketing, but ab 2808 will not do that. it will instead
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undermine the efforts of artists, sports teams and primary ticketing companies to minimize ticket scalping. both bay area baseball teams in action and the warriors prepare for a huge game tomorrow afternoon at chase. chris alvarez is here with a preview of sports. >> hi, lauren. coming up in sports, the giants break out the bats in tampa bay. plus playoff positioning. the best case scenario for the warriors and their playoff seeding entering
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(box thuds) (water boils) (packet tears) (tea bag clanks) (water pours) - listening to people that drink bigelow tea is so important to my family, because making that perfect cup, it's the reason we do what we do hi, guys! - hi! - hey! - so what are you guys drinking? - constant comment. - when i'm drinking bigelow tea, it's just a moment for me. it's just me time. - that's what a cup of tea is. - it is. - a moment for you, someone you love. - aw! (customer sighs) - it tastes really great. - yes! it was always bigelow tea - wow! that's what my family hopes for. cheers. - cheers. (bright upbeat music)
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seat in the west. they have to beat the jazz at home and then have both the kings and lakers lose. five players are listed as questionable for tomorrow, including steph, klay, dre, jonathan kuminga and chris paul. gp2 officially out right now. the warriors are currently the ten seed, but also could finish as the 8 or 9 seed, which creates plenty of scenarios for head coach steve kerr. >> but could you be resting some guys on sunday? >> oh hell yeah, yeah, i'm much more interested in, our, ability to, to be ready for, for next week, but we've got to wait and
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see how everything shakes out any day. >> you want to just have the best vibes going into a playoff. you know, or a play in scenario. we know it's going to come down to playing type experience. and whoever we play, wherever we play, we have a shot. so let's just focus on that >> giants in tampa you got rays in the tank. the giants hadn't hit a home run since last wednesday in la. that was seven straight games. they made up for it today with five thairo estrada. there's lamonte wade jorge soler and then estrada. if one is good, two is better and then matt chapman off a position player, there it goes, more than enough support for logan webb. seven innings. just one earned run. he struck out for his first victory of the year. good for webbie. giants put up a season high and runs 11 two. the final a's hosting the nationals. it's a stomper party at the coliseum. a starter, joe boyle, was solid on the hill. five innings, five strikeouts, just one run allowed. a's bats were silent
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most away. bottom seven down two. nothing. abraham toro, hot shot off the base of the wall in left run scores, and it's a21 game. chance for more, but zack gelof strikes out to end the inning and the a's lose it three one. moving day at the masters a beautiful day in augusta, georgia. tiger woods made the cut for a record 24th time, but the back clearly giving him trouble. ten over with two double bogeys. his worst round at augusta. he's well off the pace. clovis clovis native bryson dechambeau part of the three way tie after friday, struggling late but what a finish here. a hole out on 18. he's in fifth place. cal's collin morikawa three. back when the day began. birdied his first three holes. is six under one back of scottie scheffler. birdie on 18 to take the solo lead. four guys within four shots, including cal's max homa. this abc seven sports report, sponsored by river rock casino. >> lauren thank you. much more to come on abc seven news at 11, including an update on the
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latest conflict in the middle east after missile strikes from iran aimed at israel. plus, the final plans for oj simpson after death. why they are no specific plans for a funeral and a decision after
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now the latest on the conflict in the middle east following iran's retaliatory strikes toward israel. the idf says more than 200 missiles and drones were launched from inside iran, and more from proxies in iraq, syria and lebanon. u.s. forces have stepped into the conflict, intercepting more than 70 drones. at least three of those were iranian ballistic missiles, most of them knocked out of the sky before they reached israel. president biden cut short his weekend trip to delaware, delaware to huddle with his national security team at the white house. iran is telling the u.s. to back off, claiming its attack is a defense in response to israel's attack on the iranian embassy in syria earlier this month. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu says his country is prepared to
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respond. abc seven news reporter anser hassan spoke to two bay area scholars of international relations for their perspective on today's events and what they think could happen next. >> iran's retaliatory attack on israel in response to the bombing of its embassy in syria was a restrained response. >> as professor lizette poole, they could have done something worse, i'm sure. i mean, they have a whole arsenal of stuff. they could have chosen another military response, but they chose something that was that did not put them in, put bodies in, in the mix. >> poole teaches journalism at cal state east bay. she spent almost two decades reporting from the middle east for the associated press and the london times. israel hasn't claimed responsibly, but the pretext, poole argues, is for iran's support of hezbollah. the april 1st embassy bombing killed seven members of iran's revolutionary guard, including two generals, that triggered iran's attack. >> they've been provoked. israel
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invades the sovereign space of an arab country and then hits an embassy in that country. what do they think was going to happen? do you think iran was not going to retaliate? >> iran was one of the first muslim countries to recognize the state of israel. but relations ended following the 1979 islamic revolution. poole says tensions increased as the u.s. was working towards a deal with iran over its nuclear program, but israel, under netanyahu would not accept that and kept angling for, you know, friction with iran under the guise that iran supports >> palestinian resistance. >> iran called the attack true promise, which professor sashikumar says was a message
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for the iranian people. >> and by having a military response to that attack by israel, they are telling their people that they are defending their sovereignty and ensuring their security, she says. >> iran's response was calculated as to not invoke a military response from the united states, and made it very clear that this was the end of its military operation in dave, now basically forced israel to take the next step of escalation. >> if they choose to. >> still, israel is promising a response. sashikumar points out. this escalation could lead the middle east into something even bigger. >> if this current crisis is not handled very, deftly, this could lead to the development of a nuclear weapon by iran in self-defense, and then there would be nothing that would prevent israel from declaring openly that they have, nuclear weapons capability as well. and then you would have a openly nuclearized middle east in san francisco, anser hassan abc seven news. >> a reminder to stay with abc
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seven news, bay area for the latest on what's happening in israel, gaza and here at home. you can find the latest updates anytime at abc seven, and download the abc seven bay area app to get breaking news alerts and live stream updates. new details. oj simpson's body will be cremated tuesday in las vegas. sources say his brain will not be used for cte research after multiple requests from scientists. they wanted to study the x running backs brain to see if he suffered from the degenerative brain disease typically found in football. players who experienced concussions during their career. the late nfl star passed away wednesday after battling cancer. he was 76 years old. school leaders in oakland are under pressure from budget problems and strike threats. this week they took a step to solve those issues, but it would mean consolidating and closing schools. the oakland unified school board voted this week to set up metrics to help it figure
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out which schools to shut down the guidelines are supposed to make sure school closures don't hurt vulnerable students. ousd is in negotiations with several unions and wants to give raises. they can't do that without budget cuts and consolidating schools could free up money. >> there is a lack of teachers across the district, so our principals are having to do 2 to 3 times the amount of work to get to keep our schools running and keep our keep our students learning. >> at this point, ousd isn't expecting to share a list of potential campus closures until the fall. still ahead on abc seven news at 11. the latest on what seems to be a never ending pothole problem for the city of oakland, we dug deep to find out the city can't seem to get ahead of an issue that's driving many car owners straight to the repair shop. >> i'm spencer christian. if we can remain patient for just a little bit more stormy weather, there is a beautiful week ahead. i'll
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an and adults is now open in novato. the city held a ribbon cutting ceremony this morning at pioneer park. it's the first and only fully adaptive playground in marin county. the play area offers accessible structures featuring ramps and platforms that provide access with individuals with mobility limitations. novato mayor mark milberg says it's going to be an attraction for all parts of the bay area. >> it's been such a labor of love, we have been working at this for several years, and we're just thrilled with the results. it's amazing. >> the playground will also get benches and shade umbrellas added this summer. oakland has many problems, but none as bumpy
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as the pothole problem plaguing the city. leaders say they have a paving plan, but many residents are skeptical, complaining that is going at a snail's pace. as part of our effort to build a better bay area, we went to oakland to find out why it's taking so long. abc seven news reporter lyanne melendez dug deep to find the answer. >> blame it on the rain. in the meantime, city officials are asking oakland residents to have patience when filling those potholes. but really, how long can a city and its people put up with this nuisance? tell me what you see every day. >> every day we see people come off the freeway. you're watching me. if you keep standing here long enough, you'll see the people swerving in and out. swerve over and they'll slow down, see? and it just every day . and if you're parked here, they will sideswipe your car. it has been many people who have had accidents here. we drove around oakland for two days, documenting what residents were experiencing. >> call them what you want. potholes craters. some of these
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are too big to avoid. let's measure. this 22. wow and at times we got too close to the road. >> i just got soaked >> some neighbors have even spray painted around the potholes to make sure drivers see them ahead of time. >> i just got my tire fixed because this street been tested messing up my tire. >> we went to oakland's department of transportation. they're the ones coordinating the street repairs. they sent us to city hall. so we came to city hall to try to talk to a city council member and found this. the offices were closed on a wednesday. nobody is here. and of course, the city council members aren't here either. not everyone is back in person. they
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did leave their phone numbers though. next up, the mayor's office. except that it too was closed. wait, it says here we are away. so please ring the bell. what's going on in oakland ? someone eventually came out and referred us to a press person, who then sent us information on the status of oakland's five year paving plan work under the £0.05 continues to be behind schedule, primarily due to a slowdown in contract processing as well as some equipment challenges impacting in-house crews. council member noel gayo agreed to meet us outside city hall this past year. >> we did have a good number of vacancies and certainly i had to subcontract with even auto repair shops to make sure that our vehicles that fix the streets, are in operation. >> that's because the city's truck repair shop cannot handle the overwhelming demand. we were
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told that there are 20 employees currently working on 700 pieces of equipment. so what are we looking at here? >> we're looking at, you know, vehicles that need to be serviced so we can get them on the street for example, the city should have four designated city trucks that work exclusively to fill potholes. >> here's their status. one truck burnt in an accident. two are currently waiting to be repaired as parts are hard to find. that leaves oakland with only one working pothole truck, so they rely heavily on private companies to do the work. this truck from the oakland fire department is out of commission after the torsion bar broke. when you guessed it, the truck hit a pothole. warren logan is running for a council seat in oakland and has been outspoken about the city's pothole problem. the reason we're only showing you pictures of him is
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because the day we were supposed to interview him, he had an accident. he sent us a text from the emergency room, quote, i'm unfortunately not available because i'm. and the irony isn't lost on me just arriving at the er, having flipped my bike over, hitting a pothole. here's the culprit. council member gallo agrees. oakland lacks the necessary equipment to keep the city running properly. >> yes, some have to be serviced, but some are outdated, that, you know, we need to buy new vehicles for our employees. that's the bottom line. >> leon melendez, abc seven news. >> we all feel it right here. >> we do indeed. and some of those potholes today might have been filled with water. yes, because it was raining. >> right, right, right. >> now. right now, though, laura, we have just one area down in the santa cruz mountains where the showers just don't seem to want to quit. but much of the bay area right now is reporting just cloudy skies. this is still a level one storm
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on the exclusive abc seven storm impact scale. overnight, spotty showers, slight chance of thunderstorms, but that chance is diminishing and more snow. light snow on our highest peaks. here's the forecast animation during the overnight hours. showers will continue to fall in that little ring right down there in the south bay, but they'll diminish and begin to just taper off by mid-morning tomorrow. still a chance of a few isolated showers tomorrow, but they'll be light and widely scattered. so let's take a look at the accuweather seven day forecast by tomorrow afternoon. we should be drying out a little bit. by monday. we can look forward to a string of sunny days ahead with a big warm up midweek. high temperatures back into the mid 80s as they were in the middle of last week, only this time we think the warm up is going to last longer. >> i was just going to say at least we have a nice long break ahead of us. >> exactly we do. >> spencer. thank you. thanks, laura. >> hi, lauren. coming up in sports, the sharks play their final game at home down at the tank this season, and the warriors finish the regular season at home tomorrow as well. the chase for
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the warriors start the day as the 10th seed in the west. they host utah at 1230 in the afternoon, while keeping a close eye on two other teams, the eight seed lakers and the ninth seeded kings. five players are listed as questionable for the warriors tomorrow steph, klay, dre, jonathan kuminga, chris paul gp2 is actually out. so here's the best case scenario for the warriors to reach the eight seed in the west. beat the jazz at home and then have both the kings and lakers lose. currently again, they're the ten seed now. depending on the results, golden state could enter the play in as the eight, 9 or 10. no matter how the seeding shake out, they've got a chance. >> these guys, you know, they've been doing it for 12, 15 years winning championships, playing deep into june. here we are. you know fighting for the play. and
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these guys are hall of famers. and you see the effort wasn't the result we wanted. but they showed you who they are. >> all we can ask for is a chance. and we got that. and i personally feel great playing a game. team high 38 minutes. >> so i feel wonderful at the end of the day it's you have to, you know, play your best game. that particular night. and you know, we're confident we can get out of that. and if we do, we're confident that we can, you know, scare whoever it is in the 1 or 2 spot. whoever we play. >> earlier this week, after nearly four decades of excellence down the farm, stanford women's basketball head coach tara vanderveer called it a career. coach vanderveer retires as the three time national champion and the winningest head coach in college basketball history. that's men's or women's with 1216 wins. and it's time to hit the skis. >> just felt, i'm ready. i never really thought i would be. i kind of just, you know, just felt like maybe i would, you know, kind of just keel over on
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the bench. but, you know, i mean, i just, you know, i because i love it, i love it, i love it. >> i have so much respect and admiration for her. and my initial reaction is, i'm thrilled for her. she can go water ski and she loves to water ski. >> i know it might be water skiing at the lake, but i'm on the phone recruiting. i've got, you know, a 4:00 call, 430 call, you know, and sometimes it's just uh- you're ready. >> and the cardinal will now be without kiki irie. often the junior led the cardinal with almost 20 points and 11 rebounds per game. but kiki reportedly entered the transfer portal and already knows her next school. the tough first year without tara now gets even tougher, with arianne often transferring and karen brink the likely number two pick in the wnba draft. that's on monday, just three games left in the sharks season home finale against minnesota. these kids, they are really into it. second period down three one mario ferraro scores and the sharks down three two. but
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minnesota's kirill kaprizov close the period. strong scored two goals in the final minute, including this power play goal. 44th of the season made it five two and the sharks lose six two. the loss clinches the nhl's worst record this season. let's kick it the one win quakes host in colorado in san jose, struggling to find offense. 77th minute down two nil. nico is a clean blast. goes off the crossbar. six shots on goal for san jose. colorado only had three but converted all of them just minutes later. it's denver native cole bassett scoring for his hometown team. quakes lose three nil there, 1 in 6 on the season. last night. the a's returned to the coliseum for the first time since announcing this would be the final season in oakland. now, the team will temporarily move to sacramento the next three seasons as they await a las vegas ballpark. maybe eventually, our own casey pratt went to the coliseum to get the player's thoughts on the move to sacramento and playing in a minor league park. >> this is one of those things that us as players, you know,
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you don't really have much of a say to it. you just got to take your punches and go along with it and, just continue to play baseball. >> we're going to have to put some work in for sure. i like the stadium in sac, but i, you know, i think it's you know, 14,000 seats for 4000 on the brmb very small shared weight, weight room, the locker room. i think it may be, you know, holds holds the minimum 26 guys. i mean, if you have any more, you probably are going to have to extend some space so they'll have some work to do. we're focused on, you know, being a successful baseball team here in oakland. >> and now that this is the last season, you know, it's our will to go out and have a september that's really meaningful. >> abc seven sports, sponsored by river rock casino. >> lauren chris thank you. that's it for tonight i'm lauren martinez abc seven news continues tomorrow morning at five for spencer and chris. thank you for joining us tonight . we.
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