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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  April 13, 2024 7:00am-8:01am PDT

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>> janai: good morning, america. breaking news, sydney stabbings. at least six people killed by a suspect armed with a knife at a busy shopping center. the massive police response with
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an officer shooting and killing the alleged attacker. the latest from authorities this morning. >> whit: ready to strike? the warning from u.s. officials who say iran could be poised to launch a major retaliatory attack on israel. u.s. assets already in the region. with president biden telling iran to think twice before any attack. >> gio: jailhouse rants. phone recordings from the father of school shooter ethan crumbley just released. his anger at the prosecutor. >> when i get out of here, i am [ bleep ] on a rampage, karen. >> gio: what both sides said about those comments. >> janai: spring sales. the major retailers offering loads of ways to spend that tax refund check. why you need to act fast to score some savings. plus, the advice on price matching. ♪ hey, you make me a believer ♪ ♪ believer ♪ >> whit: and turning his life
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around. how a man who served more than 20 years in prison is now headed to one of the country's most elite law schools. >> hello. you want incarceration to be a time of self-transformation. >> whit: his story of inspiration. ♪ you make me a believer ♪ >> whit: and good morning, america. so great to have you with us. gio is joining us this morning from washington, d.c. where the annual cherry blossom parade kicks off a little bit later on. gio, i don't see any flowers yet in the picture. >> janai: except him. >> whit: yes, of course. >> gio: not yet. oh, you know, this is why i miss you guys. irmiss you guys. i wish you were here. they are getting it all ready. so, i'm going to show you that very soon, because it's starting to look very pretty. it's my first time here at the cherry blossom parade, so i can't wait for that, but there is a lot going on including this. speaker mike johnson's journey
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to mar-a-lago receiving support from former president trump. johnson under growing pressure from far right republicans in congress, and in florida there is an urgent manhunt following a deadly carjacking. >> janai: yeah, that is an unbelievable story. we will get to that but do begin with the breaking news. a man armed with a knife stabbing people in a crowded shopping center in sydney, australia. a number of people killed with many more injured. abc's ines de la cuetara joins us with the latest on what's really a rare act of violence in that country. good morning, ines. >> good morning, janai. and the attack happening at a time when the mall would have been packed with saturday shoppers. hundreds being evacuated while inside officials say the suspect was going on a killing spree. at least six people dead. overnight panic inside a sydney shopping mall on a busy saturday afternoon. officials say a man began stabbing people around 3:00 p.m. local. the attack sending crowds spilling into the streets. first responders rushing to the scene. >> i saw a woman lying on the floor under a chanel sign.
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it just -- it was insane. >> reporter: multiple people were killed. others were stabbed and taken to a local hospital according to local officials. a number of them now in serious and critical condition. witnesses describe the suspect appearing to hold a large knife confronted by a shopper on an escalator trying to fend him off. a lone officer who was nearby confronting the attacker. she then shot and killed him as he raised his knife. >> he put it down, and then she shot him but -- well, if she didn't shoot him, he would have kept going. he was on a rampage. then she walked over then was giving him cpr. >> reporter: police believe the suspect acted alone and that there is no ongoing threat. the australian prime minister expressing his condolences and praising that officer's actions. >> she is certainly a hero. there is no doubt that she saved lives through her action, and it is a reminder that those people who wear a uniform, people who
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rush to danger, not away from it. >> and police say the attacker was 40 years old. police have yet to identify him and it's unclear what his may have been but it's not thought to be terror related. whit. >> whit: ines de la cuetara, thank you. now to the middle east and the latest warnings from u.s. officials that iran could be ready to attack israel with missile and drone strikes. those officials saying tehran has more than 100 cruise missiles ready and available. abc's britt clennett is in tel aviv with more. britt, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, whit. yeah, president joe biden says he expects iran to attack israel sooner than later, and iran issuing a new high alert warning this morning saying it's increased its readiness as fears increase that iran will retaliate for an attack that killed top commanders. this morning, israel on high alert. more than 40 rockets from hezbollah light the night sky. the iron dome intercepting
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many of those missiles over northern israel as new video seen by the associated press reportedly shows iranian commanders raiding a ship, which israeli army radio says is likely israeli owned near the strait of hormuz. it comes as israel prepares for the potential of a larger attack directly from iran, retaliation for a strike on iran's consulate in syria earlier this month that killed senior iranians. u.s. officials telling abc news that iran has readied more than 100 cruise missiles and a sizable number of drones over the past week, this as the u.s. government issues a warning to american embassy staff in israel telling them to stay put in cities. president biden again warning iran against a retaliatory attack. >> mr. president, what is your message to iran in this moment? >> don't. we are devoted to the defense of israel. we will support israel. we will defend -- help defend israel, and iran will not succeed. >> reporter: people on the ground here cautious about the potential of an iranian strike.
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>> if iran attacked, it would be world war iii, i think, because united states could find itself to strike against iran. >> reporter: now, responding to a question about whether he's worried about iran killing americans, biden said he's always worried, and the u.s. is now moving new assets into this region including troops, ship, and aircraft to protect american forces. gio. >> gio: a very serious situation. i know you'll be watching that closely, britt. thank you so much. we're going to turn now to that behind closed doors meeting now between the embattled speaker of the house and former president trump. abc white house correspondent maryalice parks joins us now with more on that. maryalice, good morning. >> reporter: yeah, gio, good morning. with such a razor thin majority and those threats from far right members of his conference that he could be ousted from his job, mike johnson has seemed like a speaker barely holding on to the gavel. he needed a boost from former
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president donald trump, who lately has been dictating from afar how republicans should vote on specific bills. former president donald trump overnight giving embattled house speaker mike johnson a boost saying, he has done a good job under tough circumstances. >> i stand with the speaker. we've had a very good relationship. >> reporter: weighing in on crucial votes in washington, trump has often undermined johnson but standing by johnson now, trump tamping down recent threats to oust johnson from his job. >> well, it's unfortunate that people bring it up, because right now we have much bigger problems. >> reporter: the two men using the moment to elevate their key political issue, immigration. johnson announcing new legislation requiring proof of citizenship to vote, although it is already illegal for noncitizens to vote in all federal elections. johnson seeming to admit there has been no evidence of this type of fraud. >> we cannot wait for widespread fraud to occur, especially when the threat of fraud is growing
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with every single illegal immigrant that crosses that border. >> reporter: voting experts agree, noncitizens do not risk the stiff penalties like deportation to vote illegally, and states already guard against this. >> this is an effort to create a solution where there is no problem. >> reporter: but that the impact of a law like this could make it much harder for qualified citizens to vote. >> tens of millions of americans don't have a passport or birth certificate available. it doesn't mean they're not citizens, it just means they're not jetting off to france for the summer. >> reporter: now, a lot of states already check their voter rolls against lists that do check citizenship like social security. georgia looked into this matter in 2022. it found that in the last 25 years, about 1,600 potential cases of noncitizens trying to register to vote, but also found that none in the end were allowed to cast a ballot. gio. >> gio: all right, maryalice parks, thank you so much. we turn to honolulu where police are investigating a
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deadly shuttle bus crash that killed one person and injured at least ten others. police say the driver accidentally hit the gas pedal instead of the brake while dropping off a group of people. the shuttle then crashed into two concrete barriers hitting 11 pedestrians. authorities are looking to see if drugs or alcohol were used. janai. >> janai: all right, gio. awful story there. now to another one. an urgent manhunt this morning for two people wanted for a deadly carjacking, masked men kidnapping a woman during daylight hours in the middle of an intersection. abc's em nguyen with the latest from police, who say this wasn't a random crime, and, em, that video is unbelievable. >> reporter: truly unbelievable, janai. can't wait to show you this video. now, investigators say this is kind of a bizarre murder mystery in which they say there are still outstanding unusual circumstances. this morning, new video shows a brazen armed carjacking involving who authorities say is a south florida woman at a
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traffic light stop. >> it is incredibly frightening to watch the boldness of this -- of this suspect. >> reporter: cell phone video capturing the moment a hooded masked gunman points his firearm directly at the driver in front of this green acura before then climbing into the car, a white durango, and now an urgent manhunt is under way in florida for at least two suspects in connection with this crime. >> the guy had a machine gun and got the guy to open the door and was pointing the gun at him, and then he got in the backseat of the car. >> reporter: authorities say they believe the woman held at altagracia guerrero de aguasviva was killed shortly after the incident. the sheriff said she had traveled from homestead, florida, and stopped at a gas station for eight minutes before noticing the car was following her. >> there is no explanation why somebody would target her, why she would be followed like that. >> reporter: investigators say a
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body was then later found charred inside a burning vehicle believed to be that white durango. it was located some 30 miles away from the carjacking in oseola county according to law enforcement. and many questions still remaining including how the victim was said to be visiting family, but detectives never found any blood relatives in the area, and while a motive remains unclear, investigators say one thing might be for sure is that they do not believe this was a random act. whit. >> whit: such a disturbing case, em nguyen, thank you. now, to the police shooting of a teen in ohio who was carrying a fake gun. akron police releasing body camera footage, and the teen's family is now speaking out demanding accountability. abc's phil lipof joins us with the latest. phil, good morning. >> reporter: yeah, whit, good morning to you. so the teen's family is speaking out for the first time you mentioned since the release of that body cam footage. they want the officer involved fired, and they want an end to these kind of police shootings. >> it's fake, it's fake, it's fake. >> reporter: this morning,
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akron, ohio, police releasing dramatic body worn camera footage of the moment an officer fires on a 15-year-old appearing to hold a gun later determined to be fake. the officer responding to this 911 call. >> he was aiming a gun at people's houses. he pulled it out and was like acting like he was going to shoot their houses. >> reporter: the officer identified as ryan westlake pulls up to 15-year-old tavion koonce-williams. >> where are you coming from? can i see your hands real quick? >> reporter: officer westlake firing a single shot as he gets out of his cruiser hitting tavion in the wrist. the 15-year-old can be heard repeatedly screaming that the gun is fake. >> it's fake. it's fake. >> shots fired. drop to the ground. drop to the ground. hands behind your back. >> reporter: handcuffed as other officers arrive. those cuffs then removed a minute later while first aid is administered. >> that imitation pistol you don't know as an officer if that's real or not.
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he appointing at windows. he's just being a kid, but you don't know that until you go up there. >> reporter: the family calling for officer westlake to be fired. the injured teen silent with his head down. >> the akron police department needs to be held accountable for the excessive force that you use on our black babies. it is not okay. >> reporter: this comes nearly 10 years after 12-year-old tamir rice was shot and killed by police. tamir was also carrying a fake gun. that shooting was investigated, but the officers involved were not charged, and so in this case akron city officials say they are committed to transparency throughout this ongoing investigation and that officer westlake has been placed on paid administrative leave during it. a police union representing westlake said in a statement, quote, they are confident with when all the facts are released, our officer's actions will be deemed justified. gio. >> gio: a lot to investigate there. all right, phil, thank you. turning now to baseball superstar shohei ohtani, his
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former interpreter is now free on bond but facing a charge that could land him in prison for decades now if he's convicted for allegedly stealing money to pay for his gambling debts. abc's zohreen shah joins us from los angeles with this story. good morning, zohreen. >> reporter: yeah, gio, this is a wild story. he was once very close to baseball's biggest star, and now shohei ohtani's former interpreter, his name is ippei mizuhara, has been ordered to have nothing to do with him. mizuhara surrendered to officials appearing in federal court friday. he was charged with one count of bank fraud, and, look, that could land him in prison for 30 years. he was released on a $25,000 bond and forced to surrender his passport, so the judge is prohibiting mizuhara from leaving southern california ordering him to undergo treatment for his gambling addiction and find and retain employment. mizuhara's lawyer said later that he's continuing to work with officials, essentially signaling he hopes to reach a
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plea deal. here's the thing, prosecutors are alleging he stole $16 million from ohtani and that he used it to settle mizuhara's gambling debts. whether he's saying is there is no evidence ohtani knew he transferred the money or had any involvement in his betting, and here is the big one. they also say there is no evidence mizuhara gambled on baseball. mizuhara waived his right to a prelim hearing, and his next appearance is may 9th, and you can bet all eyes will be on that moment. janai. >> janai: that is for sure. thank you. bears are making a return to wall street amid fears of inflation and rising tensions in the middle east. abc's alexis christoforous is here now to break it all down. alexis, good morning. there is not much good news here. >> i wish i had some good news to share, janai, but inflation worries and uncertainty in the middle east had investors heading for the exits on wall street. stocks suffered their worst week so far this year. the dow jones industrial average fell 476 points.
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the s&p 500 slid 75 while a tech heavy nasdaq tumbled 275 points. growing tensions between iran and israel sent oil prices above $90 a barrel. some analysts now predicting $100 oil if those tensions escalate. that could eventually push gas prices higher and fuel inflation, which is sticking around a lot longer than expected. a new report this week showed consumer prices shot up once again. now, instead of three interest rate cuts from the federal reserve, some investors wonder if the fed will lower rates at all this year, and in another setback for potential home buyers, mortgage rates ticked up again inching closer to 7%. next week corporate earnings reports will take center stage on wall street as investors keep an eye on developments in the middle east. whit. >> whit: all right, alexis, thank you so much. let's get a check of the weather now and get to somara theodore, and we've had the rain and the storms and the flooding too go with it. >> somara: that we have. all right, so last thursday in pittsburgh, pennsylvania, about two to three inches of rain fell.
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that led to water rescues, cars submerged. they had their wettest start to a year. more than 17 inches has fallen since january 1st, and it's not just pittsburgh, but if you look at the hot spot here, really throughout much of pennsylvania and ohio, 300% above normal for this time of year including cities like philadelphia and new york. now, here's the thing, we're anticipating more rain to move in, right, so we have these showers that are going to push through today throughout pennsylvania, upstate new york, we have a wind advisory in effect. wind gusts up to 55 miles per hour and saturated grounds could mean downed trees and power outages. that's a look at the forecast. let's see what's going on closer
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>> somara: and that, my friends, is a look at your local forecast. gio, over to you. >> gio: all right, somara. thank you so much. it's a little windy in d.c. we'll see if we can take care of that. all right, we're going to turn now to a story about second chances and a man turning his life around. in the fall benard mckinley will join the class of 2027 at the northwestern school of law. now his journey to study there is like no other. abc's will ganss joins us with his story. good morning, will. >> will: good morning, gio. the acceptance rate at northwestern's law school is just 4%, but the odds of benard mckinley being able to apply were so unlikely. here's his story. benard mckinley will start law school in the fall, but his trajectory to this moment almost impossible. he earned his bachelor's degree taking the lsat and applying for law school all while incarcerated sentenced to nearly
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100 years behind bars after a gang-related conviction at age 19 making a decision to change his life on the bus ride to the state penitentiary. >> i promised myself before i got off that bus, that no matter what the outcome was, you know, i was going to do better for myself. >> reporter: so he did. while behind bar, mckinley earned his ged and a paralegal program. >> i started trying to understand the law little by little. >> reporter: working to reduce his own sentence and sharing what he learned with those without the means or access to legal aid. >> i was giving back and contributing to those who was in need of help. you know, in spite of them being incarcerated with me, they was still human beings. >> reporter: jennifer lackey had a front row seat to his perseverance. >> for the five years in the program, benard worked tirelessly. he was relentlessly focused.
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>> my goal is to be a civil rights attorney and to also open up a nonprofit legal clinic in the inner city of chicago. >> reporter: though mckinley is the first graduate of northwestern's prison education to go to law school, he hopes he won't be the last. >> allow your incarceration to be a time of self-transformation. >> will: not only was benard the first incarcerated person to take the lsat in illinois, he's also the first person in his family to go to college. a full circle moment for the man who says he accepts full responsibility for the mistakes he made at age 16 and for the man he's becoming 23 years later. >> whit: what a story and the message too, allow the incarceration to be a transformation. >> janai: yeah. >> whit: he's doing exactly that. >> janai: and he worked so hard. great story, will. thank you. gio, you better make sure you work hard to get back because will is feeling real comfortable. >> whit: yeah, that's true. >> gio: no, no, no. get out, get out. >> whit: keeping it warm for you, gio. >> will: i glued myself here.
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>> whit: we'll check back with you in a bit. . still ahead, the disturbing jailhouse phone calls just released from james crumbley, the father of school shooter ethan crumbley. >> janai: and seasonal sales for spring. where and when you can snag the best deals. >> gio: and tiger woods makes history at the masters with a new record. stick around. you're watching "gma" on a saturday morning. and tiger woo history. stick around. you're watching "gma "on a saturday morning. better vision, healthy eyes ... everybody wants that. that they do. and they don't want to spend more money than they have to. true. but good eye health? that's priceless. “hero doc saves vision!” (laugh) well, i- “hero owl saves money!” ... sure. great eye exams from great doctors at a great price. better eye health ... from america's best. there it is...
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hulu on disney+. available with disney bundle. plans starting at $9.99 a month. good morning. i'm stephanie sierra. today. mayor london breed is flying to china for a week long visit. the mayor says she'll discuss everything business, tourism and possibly bringing pandas to the san francisco zoo. she'll be joined by asian business and community leaders. she's also meeting with several universities to talk about campus partnerships. president xi jinping extended the invitation during last year's apec summit. all right, it's wet outside. let's check in with francis. good morning. >> yeah, definitely. stephanie, we have lots of light rain falling over most of the bay area. some heavy rain falling throughout the south bay. and here's a live shot of 101 and 8-80. cool temperatures right now. most of us in the 40s with
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san francisco only 46 degrees. the rain will be moving east, but prepare for some heavy showers. stephanie francis, than
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♪ ♪ my hips don't lie ♪ ♪ i'm starting to feel -- >> gio: and welcome back to "gma" on this saturday morning. last month pop star shakira surprised new york city with a
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pop-up concert in times square, and last night "the hips don't lie" star surprised another crowd during the first weekend of coachella announcing that she'll be touring starting in november. this will be her first tour since 2017. you can't help but want to dance when you hear shakira. >> whit: right. >> janai: exactly. >> whit: the hips don't lie, gio. >> janai: the hips don't lie, especially the way he says shakira, shakira, thank you, gio. let's take a look at some of the other big stories we're following on this saturday morning. happening right now, terrifying moments in australia at a city shopping mall. authorities say a man began stabbing shoppers killing at least six people, injuring multiple others. according to local officials, a number of those victims are in serious and critical condition. an officer, we're told, shot and killed the suspect now being hailed a hero. police believe the man acted alone and say that there is no ongoing threat. >> whit: also right now, we are celebrating the life of
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legendary news anchor, robert macneil, a co-founder of the pbs "newshour" and a giant in the industry and went on to anchor his own show before partnering with jim lehrer for the longrunning "macneil/lehrer report." robert macneil was 93. and golfer tiger woods breaking the record for most consecutive cuts made at the masters. the 48-year-old broke a tournament record with his 24th consecutive made cut at the 88th masters at augusta national golf club on friday. woods has never missed the cut at the masters as a professional. >> whit: all right. we start this half hour with a closer look at the top political headlines this week, and joining us are deputy political director averi harper and in pittsburgh, maryalice parks. good morning to you both. always great to have you. let's start with you, averi, and that arizona supreme court
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decision going back to this anti-abortion law from the 1800s, democrats trying to use this as a top campaign issue. >> it's no surprise that vice president kamala harris was in the state yesterday. she was condemning trump's abortion stance. she called him the architect of the health care crisis that we've seen after the overturning of roe versus wade. she urged arizonans to come out and vote to restore reproductive rights in the state of arizona. you have to remember, arizona's 1 of 14 states where we could see abortion on the ballot. that could have huge political implications. we know arizona is a battleground state on the presidential level. there's also a senate race that's very competitive there, and abortion could be an issue that drives voters to come out to the polls in a way that democrats are hoping can help them score some wins up and down the ballot. >> janai: because of that, i want to bring in maryalice now. maryalice, donald trump's position on abortion, he is walking a very fine line as he tries to find a winning message on the issue, and our rachel scott really tried to push him on this. >> reporter: yeah, that's right. in recent election cycles, we've talked about whether republicans have a trump problem.
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well, on abortion trump seems to have a republican problem. i mean, look, he promised going into his first term that he was going to appoint anti-abortion judges, and yesterday we heard him again really brag about the fact that he did that. he said they successfully broke roe v. wade. he said that it was working brilliantly, that the states were doing exactly what they were supposed to do. i mean, voters we have seen over and over really disagree and reject that idea, and as he was talking, i felt like i could hear democrats starting to cut new ads. plus, when he was pushed by our rachel scott about whether he would sign a national abortion ban like he's talked about in the past, he tried to distance himself, but he was standing next to republican house speaker mike johnson, who also recently said that he wouldn't pursue a national ban but has for years been a co-sponsor of legislation that would put in place a national abortion ban. i mean, house speaker mike johnson also has his name on the
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life at conception act bill that if passed would really question the constitutionality of even ivf, so you're going to see democrats in the lead-up to november continuing to hammer this question, if republicans keep the house, if trump wins, do they really think that trump would veto a national ban if republicans sent it to him. >> whit: and while we're speaking of former president trump, averi, let's go brack to you, because jury selection for his hush money trial is set to begin on monday. how do we expect all this to play out politically this week? >> as this hush money trial gets under way, the courthouse really becomes the campaign trail for former president trump. we're going to see him try and take advantage of that. you know, yesterday in florida, he was asked about this trial. he said that all of his legal troubles are a witch hunt, he claimed, with zero evidence, that this is a method of election interference and that's really a call out to his supporters, not only for them to support him in november, but to give to his campaign in the meantime. we know that millions of dollars of campaign donations have been used to pay for his legal bills.
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what remains to be seen if this is going to expand his base is any way. >> janai: while we're talking about how things play out politically, maryalice, what about the current president, joe biden's administration announcement that they're canceling another round of student debt affecting more than a quarter of a million borrowers. nearly 300,000 waking up to emails that their loans were wiped clean. >> reporter: i mean, i think politically this depends on how well they message it. i mean, i have talked to a lot student loan debt forgiveness as a broken campaign promise. they feel like president biden fell short, hasn't done enough. i mean, he actually has done arguably quite a lot. even after the court struck down his first plan, he has through more targeted programs offered over $150 billion in relief, like you said, to over 4 million americans. that's roughly one in ten of those americans that hold student loan debt. so, i think that if more and more americans start to feel this, that will make a difference politically.
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i mean, obviously, janai, it is controversial. there are some americans that don't agree with the idea of forgiving student loan debt, but, look, the president needs to shore up young voters. we have seen recent polling averages from fivethirtyeight that show that his margin has really dipped with young voters, so this is definitely a play to make sure that he feels like he can say he's delivering on those campaign promises, guys. >> janai: a lot of work to be done by both candidates. lady, thank you both for being with us this morning. it is time to switch gears and get another check of the weather with our somara theodore. what you watching over there? >> somara: last week was a really active week. we had so many tornadoes on the ground. this is st. augustine, florida, an ef-1 tornado, 100-mile-per-hour winds. now, last week we saw at least 20 tornadoes across 7 states. the severe threat continues to loom today. so, as we head through tomorrow, i should say tomorrow night, we'll see this line of storms sweeping through the state of pennsylvania, there
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from canton, ohio, to state college to harrisburg, damaging winds and possibly a tornado. meanwhile, around the same time we have this next storm system moving into the west coast bringing about a foot of snow to the rockies before it hits the heartland at the top of your workweek. if you live in cities like wichita, oklahoma city down towards wichita falls, you have the highest tornado threat. we're also seeing a very impactful hail threat there before that shifts farther east on tuesday where we can se >> somara: and that's a look at your local forecast. janai, whit. >> whit: thank you, somara. all right, coming up here on "good morning america," rants behind bars just released. the disturbing phone calls from the father of school shooter ethan crumbley. (grandpa vo) i'm the richest guy in the world. hi baby!
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(woman 1 vo) i have inherited the best traditions. (woman 2 vo) i have a great boss... it's me. (man 1 vo) i have people, people i can count on. (man 2 vo) i have time to give (grandma vo) and a million stories to share. (grandpa vo) if that's not rich, i don't know what is. (vo) the key to being rich is knowing what counts. if you have wet amd, you never want to lose sight of the things you love.
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some things should stand the test of time. long lasting eylea hd could significantly improve your vision and can help you go up to 4 months between treatments. if you have an eye infection, eye pain or redness, or allergies to eylea hd, don't use. eye injections like eyla hd may cause eye infection, separation of the retina, or rare but severe swelling of blood vessels in the eye. an increase in eye pressure has been seen. there's an uncommon risk of heart attack or stroke associated with blood clots. the most common side effects were blurred vision, cataract, corneal injury, and eye floaters. and there's still so much to see. if you are on eylea or a similar type of treatment, ask your retina specialist about eylea hd today, for the potential for fewer injections.
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>> janai: welcome back to "gma" and the disturbing rants behind bars from the father of ethan crumbley. james crumbley's sentencing came earlier this week, and recordings are just now being made public.
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abc's ike ejiochi has been listening to them all. ike, good morning. tell us about it. >> that's right. good morning, janai. authorities released the audio recordings just days after crumbley was sentenced to prison for his role in his son's deadly oxford high school shooting massacre. we're learning the focus of the calls were aimed at the prosecutor, karen mcdonald. this morning, the oakland county sheriff's office releasing audio recordings of jail calls they say contain threats james crumbley made against oakland county prosecutor karen mcdonald. >> you know what, [ bleep ], three months from now, [ bleep ], going down. i mean, it's going down. >> reporter: the sheriff's office releasing eight phones from crumbley dating back to 2022 all while he was behind bars awaiting his trial. officials say the calls paint a fuller picture of his alleged feelings towards mcdonald calling her expletives over and over again. saying he was on a rampage. >> when i get out of here, i am [ bleep ] on a rampage, karen. yes, karen mcdonald, your
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[ bleep ] is going down, and you bet ever be [ bleep ] scared. >> reporter: later made public in the prosecutor's presentencing report. >> he knew specifically that his phone calls were recorded. he knew or at least he believed that the elected official was listening. >> reporter: in that report the prosecution claims crumbley hadn't taken responsibility for his role as a parent before the oxford high school shooting where his son killed four students and injured seven others. >> they're trying to blame it on us. they're trying to say none of this should have happened because of you. >> reporter: characterizing them as physical threats to mcdonald, however, his lawyer says crumbley was venting his frustrations over how he says mcdonald handled the case. >> she will not have a law license when i get done with her, and like i said earlier, karen mcdonald will be working at [ bleep ] mcdonald's because she ain't going to be able to [ bleep ] get a job anywhere else. >> these help their case definitely when it came to sentencing and allowed the judge to get a picture of who james crumbley was and his frustration of this case.
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>> reporter: now, police say there were at least ten jailhouse calls in which crumbley made potential threats towards the prosecutor. both james and his wife jennifer were sentenced to a 10 to 15-year prison sentence for their roles in the 2021 oxford high school mass shooting, guys. >> janai: we will see what a precedence those sentences set. >> whit: absolutely and, ike, on a totally different subject here, we do want to welcome you to new york. ike has been a correspondent in d.c. but officially you're coming home. >> yeah. >> whit: welcome. >> thank you. born in jersey, worked around this area. >> janai: really? >> absolutely. feels great to be back in the tri-state area. >> whit: we'll see you back in the studio plenty more, and one of these days we'll still get him to play his saxophone. we've been saying it for years. >> janai: now it's going to happen. >> i'll start practicing. >> whit: welcome home, ike. we appreciate it. coming up here on "good morning america," the major retailers dropping big spring sales. the best deals you can get right now. now. can't believe we pulled this off. (vo) the wells fargo active cash® card. earn unlimited 2% cash back on what you want,
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like an epic surprise party. (host 1) so when did alice pick him up? (alice) dave was supposed to get him. (dave) i thought he's driving himself. (partygoer 1) what? (partygoer 2) you volunteered to pick him up. (dave) i don't think that... (partygoer 3) so can i eat some of this sandwich? (host 2) i got this. (vo) and 2% cash back on what you need... (luis) thank you! (vo) like a ride share. (crowd) surprise! (partygoer 4) dave was supposed to pick you up. (vo) the wells fargo active cash® credit card. that's real life ready. camilla tried the new scent of gain relax flings and it changed everything. (♪) [silence] (♪) [silence] (♪) [silence] hey dave, don't knock it 'til you smell it. try the luxurious new scent of gain relax flings. and 50% more fresh... now that's love at first sniff.
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(psst! psst!) ahhh! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spray flonase sensimist daily for non-drowsy long lasting relief in a scent free, gentle mist. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills. ♪ ♪ when life calls for a little peanut butter peanut butter m&m's
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hey. nice to meet you. (♪)
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you're so amazing. (♪) >> gio: all right. it is looking like spring here in d.c., and that's why we are back now with spring sales heating up. companies are battling for your dollars by offering major savings on seasonal products, and jaclyn lee joins us now with where you can find the best bargains. jaclyn, good morning. >> reporter: hey, gio, good morning. financially times are tough. we're dealing with inflation and still have things to buy and gives to give, and now that spring is here retailers are seeing this as a prime opportunity to give some great discounts. >> i can't believe i get to work at target. >> reporter: when it comes to deals this season, major retailers are pulling out all the stops. target promoting their free target circle membership, even bringing kristen wiig's
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beloved "snl" character target lady out of retirement. >> no, i don't want to wake up. there's too many deals. >> you are awake, and the deals are real. >> reporter: the sale running now through the 13th offering up to 40% off of thousands of springs items including a very popular deal, 10% off target gift cards, but that happens only on saturday, and it's not just target. other stores offering seasonal products at a discount, like this hooded jacket at rei was $250, now $125, and at eddie bauer, this down parka was $269 but now it's only $95 with the code "hike 50." when it comes to grilling outdoors look for a very good price on the blackstone four-burner grill, which has been sizzling on tiktok. >> i'm cooking on the griddle. >> reporter: at walmart it's just under 300 ducks. >> in some cases you might that same great deal is also
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available at the same price on competing websites. go ahead and price match to make sure you're getting the best deal. >> reporter: we have a few more seasonal deals from target. 30% off swimwear, tees, tanks and shorts and outdoor furniture. you know what, spring also means yard work, lowe's has bark mul mulch. got to do that yard work. >> gio: got to do it. some good deals right there. all right. jaclyn, thank you so much, and look who just arrived here in d.c. at the cherry blossom parade. it's tiana. hey, tiana. we'll be right back with our "play of the day." in 99% of people over 50. it's lying dormant, waiting... and could reactivate. shingles strikes as a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks. and it could wake at any time. think you're not at risk for shingles? it's time to wake up.
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because shingles could wake up in you. if you're over 50, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about shingles prevention. ♪ ♪ whether someone is across the neighborhood, across the street, or across the room, you have the power to make them feel right at home. ♪ ♪ ritz. a taste of welcome. ♪(music playing)♪ (♪)
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(♪) born in roma fragrances. and the new born in roma green stravaganza. ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well ♪ ♪ jardiance! ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's start! ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to see ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪ jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction. you may have an increased risk for lower limb loss. call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of infection in your legs or feet. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar.
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♪ jardiance is really swell ♪ ♪ the little pill ♪ ♪ with a big story to tell! ♪
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♪ >> whit: we are back now with our "play of the day" and the youngster who is very excited about a really cool superhero, so take a look at 6-year-old zaire who got to meet frozone from "the incredibles." >> janai: oh, my gosh. >> whit: at disney world. so maybe he was a little shy at
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first, but then zaire sure warmed up to frozone who taught him how to assume the typical superhero pose right there. zaire's smile melting hearts across america. look at that. >> janai: oh, my gosh. that's why representation matters. >> gio: adorable. >> whit: got the muscles to go with it too. >> janai: adorable. gio, we need you to come back, because sitting here with whit, he's talking to me in between all the -- he's got all his dad jokes. gio, please be back tomorrow. >> gio: i'll be back tomorrow morning. >> whit: guilty. >> gio: i promise. >> janai: all right. i can't wait to see what you got coming up from d.c. still coming up here on "gma" in our second hour, tough news we're following, the latest on that mass stabbing attack at a crowded shopping mall in australia. >> whit: a young instagram star revealing her struggles with a rare eating disorder. dr. sutton here to break it all down.
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stephanie sierra crews are still working to fix a part of highway one that collapsed a couple weeks ago near big sur, just south of the rocky creek bridge. caltrans hopes to complete repairs to stabilize the edge of the road by memorial day. daily convoys escorting drivers are canceled today because of the rain. convoys are expected to resume tomorrow morning at seven. today is the start of an extra busy weekend here in san francisco, starting at 11. the cesar chavez parade begins at dolores park. the festival on 24th street between folsom and bryant, runs until 6:00. japantown celebrates the first weekend of the northern california cherry blossom festival, and today, san francisco kicks off its first
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ever weed week. businesses around the city will take part. we are waking up to the rain this morning. frances is tracking a level one. good morning. morning, stephanie. >> morning, everyone. the main band of rain is moving through the bay area right now. you can see we have some light rain over most of the bay area. some heavier rain just southeast of san jose, and the live shot from the east bay hills shows you some raindrops on the camera lens. temperatures on the cool side in the 40, san francisco 46, and we see some upper 40s in oakland, hayward, and in san jose. it's a level one, level one storm, so we could get some brief downpours, gusty winds, even a chance of thunder and some small hail with snow possible on our highest peaks. the rain will be moving east over the next few hours get some breaks in the rainfall, but it will continue to bring us showers even into this evening, and so have them an umbrella handy. it will feel like winter with the windy conditions.
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temperatures also well below average in the mid 50s to upper 50s today. t
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♪ >> whit: good morning, america. it's our second hour. breaking overnight, deadly stabbing attack at a busy shopping center in sydney, australia. the major police response. authorities shooting and killing the suspect. >> janai: all eyes on middle east tensions.


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