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tv   ABC7 News 500AM  ABC  April 12, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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we're learning more about the towing company involved in this now viral video. now a what happened when abc seven showed up to the business to get some answers, and the oakland airport name change is officially moving forward, san francisco officials now threatening legal action. a life of fame and infamy. a closer look at o.j. simpson. born and raised in san francisco
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using sound to save whales successful program along the west coast, now expanding to port cities along the atlantic good morning to you. it's friday, april 12th. >> we're going to start the checkerboard forecast andrew. >> all right. get ready. it's going to be a shock to the system today. the warm air is gone. it's getting colder out there. and then we're in store for showers this weekend. a live look from sutro tower. we have a little bit of fog out there, but the winds of change are already here. look at some of these numbers. we're approaching 30 mile per hour winds right now in the city. we're gusting to 25. and these winds are going to drag in some much colder air as we head throughout the afternoon out there. right now we're sitting in the 40s and 50s, so you need that jacket first thing this morning. but you may keep it on all day today. it's one of those days where those temperatures are going below average in a lot of spots. so here's a look at your day planner. we're going to have a lot of cloud cover in the sky
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from time to time. partly sunny throughout the morning. temperatures today only in the 50s and 60s and in some spots that's about a 20 degree drop compared to the warm weather we had yesterday. so looking at highs today, we'll see only 62 in oakland, 59 in the city, 69 in san jose, 63 in napa, 66 in concord. and rain is on the way for the weekend. we'll show you that coming up in eight minutes. but we do have a traffic alert with amanda. good morning. >> sound like deja vu for drivers through hayward? that's because this is a big rig crash you want to get to. if we can come this way. >> jill. >> thank you again. deja vu. for those living in hayward driving through hayward. that's because of a sig alert. this is on southbound 880 this morning after winton avenue. all lanes are blocked specifically because of a crash. uh- big rig crash. i should say one of the trailers is on its side. we have a picture to get to as well. know that there is no estimated time of reopening. it's definitely best to exit at lewelling boulevard and use hesperian
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boulevard to get around. and if you're coming from the castro valley area, you see the picture right there. you can also use mission boulevard in order to get around the congestion. amanda disappointed. >> that is a reaction from san francisco city attorney after the port of oakland voted to rebrand oakland airport to include the name san francisco. now the question is whether yesterday's vote is going to turn into a lawsuit. let's go to abc7 news reporter gloria rodriguez with reaction. a good morning, reggie. >> the vote by the port of oakland board of commissioners was unanimous. they say changing the name to san francisco bay oakland airport will improve awareness about the location and help increase the number of travelers. that is, despite staunch opposition from san francisco international airport and san francisco city officials. sfo officials addressed the board, cautioning the name change will lead to confusion. >> nobody owns the san francisco bay the port operates and is the steward for 20 miles of land along the san francisco bay. our
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airport is on the san francisco bay. >> we're very disappointed that oakland has chosen not to collaborate with us, to come up with a solution that kind of meets their needs and addresses our concern. >> this is far from a done deal. san francisco city attorney david hsu has threatened to sue over trademark infringement. his office told us in a statement, quote, we are disappointed that oakland did not take the opportunity to work collaboratively with us to develop alternative names and to avoid litigation. we will have further updates in the coming days, and this still needs to go through a second reading and approval at a meeting on may 9th. live in the studio gloria rodriguez abc seven news gloria just mentioned the city attorney. >> will he and san francisco police are now investigating this scary incident at a tow truck trying to hook a moving car in downtown san francisco with two people inside. abc seven news reporter luz pena has new information about that tow
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company. >> it was a terrifying experience that joanne and her husband are still processing. we were freaking out. >> we were calling. we were like, basically rolling down our window saying like, hey, like, what are you doing? like you can't be doing that out of nowhere. >> this yellow tow truck began to back up and try to drag their vehicle while they waited at a red light in san francisco. >> she started backing up and his lover came down and ed, and so basically, he's just backing up, trying to latch on to our car. >> today, the san francisco city attorney confirmed the towing company, specialty towing, is known to their office for violating state laws prior to this incident, this company appears to be the same towing company that my office had previously moved to suspend and debar from receiving city contracts. after viewing the video, city attorney chiu said the latest incident is simply illegal. >> it could likely be violating a number of laws, potentially criminal laws. the fact that we
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have seen yet another way in which this company is violating the law. unfortunately, it's not surprising, but, but the video is shocking nonetheless. >> prior to this incident, the city received complaints from multiple victims who were allegedly scammed by specialty towing. the city then proceeded to block specialty towing and or other towing companies under the same ownership. from working with the city on enforcing parking laws, specialty towing is an affiliated company with a company called auto towing, so they're all essentially part of the same operation. >> auto towing had been illegally towing cars off a private lot without the permission of the property owner , on top of that, they were strictly limiting the hours during which cars could be picked up and pressuring the owners to pay in cash. >> we called the towing company's phone number and the operator hung up on us. so we showed up to auto towing in the bayview, searching for answers. it's obviously closed. let's try to call them again. well, we're
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here on the phone. we were told auto towing is no longer in business and the person said they're not connected to specialty towing. sfpd is now urging other victims to come forward. >> it is insane, but we do ask the victims to if they have encountered something like this, to contact the police department immediately. >> that was luz pena reporting. the city attorney says in the past, specialty towing has allegedly defrauded san francisco taxpayers to receive welfare benefits. in this case, it's still unclear why this couple was targeted. that couple has filed a police report, and of course, we'll be following this story as it continues to develop this morning. >> reaction continuing to come in over the death of oj simpson, the san francisco native died of prostate cancer. he was an nfl star, actor, broadcaster, but his remarkable achievements on and off the field were eclipsed by his 1995 trial in the
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killings of his ex-wife and her friend, which became a spectacle seen around the world. amanda is here with more on simpson's life and legacy. >> amanda kumasi oj simpson died in las vegas on wednesday. >> he had been living there since 2017, when he was paroled after serving nine years in a nevada prison for armed robbery. simpson grew up in potrero hill, here in the city. he played football at galileo high school and city college before going to usc. he spent 11 seasons in the nfl. in 1985, simpson was inducted into the hall of fame, but all of this was overshadowed by the murder trials of his ex-wife nicole brown simpson and her friend ron goldman. simpson was accused of stabbing them to death. the nine month trial ended with a dramatic acquittal. two years later, the families of brown, simpson and goldman sued o.j. he was found liable for their deaths, his assets were seized, and he was ordered to pay $33.5 million in restitution to both families, but only ever
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paid a fraction. >> in many ways, he moved to florida to avoid having to pay these judgments, and it will be a question as to just what is left. if anything, to compensate the goldman family and nicole's family. >> simpson is survived by four children, two from his first marriage and two from his marriage to nicole brown simpson. >> reggie. >> and today on gma, kato kaelin is reliving the events that changed his life forever. he was a friend of oj and nicole brown simpson and was a witness in the case. here's abc news reporter andrew dymburt in this morning's gma first look. >> a key witness in the oj simpson trial speaking out. >> it was so surreal. like this is a criminal trial. >> simpson's house guests at the time of the murders was kato kaelin. >> so the experience of me walking as a witness into a courtroom for a double homicide was the first time i'd ever been in a courtroom talking about how he felt as the country watched
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him on the stand. by taking my time, people made judgments that i was making things up, and it was the furthest thing from the truth i was. i was called so many names. i was called a freeloader. i was called a liar. i was a pariah. i was even an assassin's target. but through it all, the court of public opinion already made up their mind of who i was. >> and coming up at 7 a.m, we'll have more reaction to the death of oj simpson. plus, legal expert dan abrams shares his experience covering the so-called trial of the century with your gma first look. i'm andrew dymburt, abc news, new york. >> for more on oj simpson's life and death. you can check out our stories at abc seven >> time now approaching 510 reggie. we're looking at live doppler seven along with satellite. we have big changes coming our way today. cold front approaching. it's going to drag in some much colder air. and then we have rain for the weekend. i know it seems like every weekend we're talking about showers and unfortunately it's no different tomorrow and sunday. look at this drop. yesterday it felt so warm out there. we got into the 70s and
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80s. today we're staying in the 50s and 60s. so in some areas that's more than 20 degrees colder today compared to yesterday. so you're really going to feel that chilly air later on this afternoon. here's a look at temperatures as you go hour by hour in future weather. we'll have partly sunny skies today. those clouds ahead of that cold front that will bring us some showers. we're still in the 50s today, so you're going to keep that jacket on a lot longer today compared to the past couple of days heading into the afternoon. temperatures 10 to 20 degrees colder compared to yesterday afternoon. we're staying in the 50s and 60s and a lot of areas that is below average. then late tonight into tomorrow morning, here comes that rain and even some snow in our peak. so looking at the three day forecast, it is much cooler today. that's what you're going to notice. then over the weekend it's a rain snow mix. thunderstorms are possible. look at tomorrow's high temperatures. that's just downright cold temperatures staying in the low to mid 50s. so this weekend it's a level one for scattered
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showers snow on our highest peaks. in the chance of thunderstorms. we're going to go hour by hour in future weather. plan out your entire weekend. reggie coming up in about seven minutes. thanks, drew. >> we are inching closer to summer and nothing says that like outdoor events in san francisco. coming up, the movie series returning to the city in just a matter of weeks, and shocking video of an armed robbery at one of oakland's oldest jewelry stores, the brave action from the owner that scared off the robbers. >> and now what's next for the business? >> the cost of doing business forces a south bay brewery to go bust. what some say is leading
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california. the whale was last seen tuesday in the waters off west of daly city. it was dragging a fishing net that got tangled around its tail. fish and wildlife officials now are trying to find the whales, so they can put a tracker on it and remove the net from its tail. an ocean system that protects whales along our bay area coastline is expanding to the east coast, and canada. the
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system is made of acoustic buoys that detect migrating whales and warns ships to slow down to avoid deadly collisions, and that information could be critical for an endangered species on the east coast. known as the north atlantic right whale, that population has dwindled to the hundreds, and there are already sitting on the edge. >> this precipice of extinction. add to that gets scary. and that's where tools like this then come through. and we hope will help make a difference for their survival. >> nearly three dozen major shipping companies participate in this voluntary program. researchers are hoping more cooperation will help protect threatened whale populations around the world. >> a well-known brewery in the south bay has closed. the owner says they're just not making enough money. abc7 news south bay reporter laura martinez explains the challenges all beer makers are facing. reporter after a six year run, camino brewing co is shutting down in
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san jose. >> a little overwhelmed, you know, to be completely honest. >> co-founder alan kornstein said the difficult decision came down to economics. they're not seeing the volume of customers they once did pre-pandemic. >> we've seen a big shift. you know, people don't come out the way that they used to come out and our business has primarily been driven by you know, our community, you know, and the taproom sales. >> anthony raggio with drakes brewing company and a member of the bay area brewers guild, wouldn't describe the beer industry as struggling, but it is changing. >> you have seltzer, you have cider, you have now nonalcoholic beer. these are all vying for the same space. >> reporter at foxtail fermentation project in downtown san jose. the owners hope to bring in more than just beer drinkers. they offer fermented or plant based foods. in march, they posted a picture of their empty space on instagram and asked the question what could they do better? so we just want
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to open up the conversation and say, hey, like, you know what? >> what is it that will bring you to this area to come in for lunch? you know, during the day, you know, not just at night. >> bravo said he's grateful for all the feedback and support, but when you start seeing the dominoes fall from places like anchor to our neighbors like camino, you know, it's scary to think that, you know, everything that you put into a business to survive is isn't enough. you know, as long as everyone that's listening, like the city and the community and all that, then we can all work together to make this a really thriving place. >> back at camino brewing co, sunday was the last day it was open for service. co-founder cornstein hopes local brewers embrace his talented staff and the community will visit other local taprooms. >> we don't want any more great san jose brewers to suffer the same situation. so, you know, please just, you know, come out, support your local breweries in san jose. >> lauren martinez, abc seven news san francisco's free outdoor movie series is coming back for a sixth season.
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>> sundown cinema kicks off may 17th with a sing along version of selena at dolores park in june. you'll be able to see the 1968 hit bullitt at the presidio . july brings labyrinth, oh, the nightmare fuel that was for me as a child. but i know a lot of you love it. august is the barbie movie. in september, it's lost landscape, a collection of home movies from decades of san francisco history, and the series wraps up in october with two movies, princess and the frog. come on, tiana and nightmare before christmas. >> well, this weekend the nor-cal cherry blossom festival kicks off in san francisco's japantown. thousands come out to enjoy the annual bloom and the activities, performances and vendors it runs this weekend and next weekend, and then the finale is a grand parade on the 21st, right on. >> it's always beautiful over there. so sunday is the better of the two days this weekend. tomorrow it's just going to be cold and rainy. we'll track some thunderstorms as well. here's a
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live look at sutro tower. clouds are rolling in from west to east . it's a partly sunny day and you're really going to notice the colder air this afternoon. temperatures about 10 to 20 degrees colder today compared to yesterday. then late tonight by 9 p.m. we'll start to introduce a chance of a shower first in the north bay. so look at your highs today. no. 70 and 80. today we're back into the 50s and 60s. so you can put the summer clothes away for a little bit. keep the layers on that jacket on for much of the day today. tonight we'll track those showers moving in with that level one storms. let's go hour by hour in future weather showing you we'll find those showers early tomorrow morning. not only rain, but also that snow in our highest peaks. that's what you're seeing. that white and purple shading around mount hamilton, the santa cruz mountains, parts of lake and mendocino county, then we'll transition to the chance of thunderstorms tomorrow afternoon. if we do see one, we could see some hail, even hear a clap of thunder. now heading into sunday, sunday morning is relatively quiet. perhaps an isolated shower, but it's mainly sunday afternoon. we'll find one final push of light showers, but
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saturday is certainly the more active of the two days. this weekend. rainfall estimates will likely see some higher amounts, but we can handle this amount of rain. we've been pretty dry for several weeks, so we're not going to see any issues when it comes to flooding. there may be some minor ponding of water on our roads, but there will be some areas that pick up more than an inch of rain over the weekend, with the bulk of this again falling saturday morning. we're talking snow as well on our local peaks again, likely a dusting in the santa cruz mountains early tomorrow morning. a better chance around mount hamilton for a couple inches of snow and parts of lake and interior mendocino county, likely above 3000ft. we could find some snow as well, just an indication that cold air is back . a little bit of snow coming to tahoe. not a lot by any means. and most of this is going to fall during the day on saturday, and it will mix with rain from time to time. so our highest peaks could see 4 to 6in of snow. no advisories are in effect, but just be aware it could be slick travel there over
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the weekend. here's the accuweather seven day forecast. much cooler today. rain, snow, thunderstorms tomorrow. just cold. scattered showers on sunday before we dry out next week. here we go again. another warming trend. feeling more like summer by the end of next week. amanda >> andrew. we're going to take drivers into the east bay. this is a sig alert in hayward. this is a different area than the trouble spot we saw yesterday. so that's the good news. the bad news is that all lanes are stopped. this is a big rig crash on southbound 880 after winton avenue. one of the trailers is actually on its side. we saw chp, they posted this photo to x. we'll get to it in just a second. you can see one of the trailers on its side. there is no estimated time of reopening, but it's definitely best to exit at lewelling boulevard and use hesperian boulevard to get around. we're also seeing people use the winton avenue off ramp, and then using winton avenue on ramp to get around. and if you're coming from the castro valley area, you can also use mission boulevard in order to beat the congestion back to you at the desk. >> thanks, amanda. coming up,
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the seven things to know this morning. >> hundreds of prescription drugs are in short supply across the country. what's behind the shortage and the impact it's having on people who rely on the life saving drugs? >> a live
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the name of the oakland airport to san francisco bay. oakland airport, and its likely set up a court battle. san francisco city attorney has vowed to sue to stop the change, saying it will confuse travelers. >> number two terrifying video shows the moments eight armed people cleared out one of oakland's oldest jewelry stores. police are asking the public to come forward with information about suspects. >> number three today, congress is set to take up a bill to renew part of the foreign intelligence surveillance act. it allows the government to spy on foreign nationals without a warrant. some have opposed this renewal because sometimes data from americans ends up being collected. >> number four, if you're heading to wine country this weekend, highway 37 will be open after all, a full closure of the highway for roadwork has been postponed because of the weather, and number five, get ready for a dramatic drop in
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temperatures today. >> staying in the 50s and 60s, some 10 to 20 degrees cooler compared to yesterday. and then stormy weather is back this weekend. it's a level one for scattered showers, isolated thunderstorms, and snow on our highest peaks. >> and number six, a sigalert in hayward. southbound 8-80 before highway 92. all lanes are blocked due to a crash between two big rigs. one of the trailers is on its side. people are using the winton avenue off ramp and using the winton avenue on ramp to get around. >> number seven instagram is testing out a new tool to protect young people so the feature can automatically blur images with nudity and direct messages, instagram said in a blog post. it's part of a campaign to fight sexual scams and make it harder for criminals to contact teens. a nationwide shortage of potentially life saving drugs is getting worse. more than 320 medications are in short supply. cancer treatments, diabetes medications, adhd injectable drugs just some of
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the medications in low supply experts say. there are a few reasons for this supply and demand manufacturer and raw material issues. after the pandemic, and also a lack of incentive for big pharmaceutical companies to produce the generic drugs because they've become very inexpensive. experts say there are often alternative medications, but those come with challenges. >> it creates a lot of problems inside the hospital potential for dosing errors, potential for medication errors, and in some cases, patients have to go without therapy or have their care rationed. >> the biden administration is urging congress to pass a law rewarding hospitals that buy drugs from a variety of manufacturers. >> another bay area high school is reporting multiple cases of pertussis, also known as whooping cough. more than a dozen cases have been reported in san francisco since january. most of the cases were among vaccinated high school students at sacred heart cathedral prep. that's according to the san francisco department of public
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health. there was a recent outbreak at tamalpais high in mill valley, where more than 60 students had whooping cough, measles cases are on the rise in some areas now, the cdc says measles could lose its elimination status. the disease was officially eliminated in the 2000 because there were no outbreaks for at least a 12 month period, but more than 300 cases have been confirmed in the us from 2020 to this year. we've seen more than 100 just since january, the cdc says. measles is very contagious and encourages people to get a measles shot to prevent it from spreading. >> big sur still closed off to visitors this weekend, coming up at 530, the progress being made on the cliff side after a portion of 101 crumbled away. >> it's 527. here's a live look outside. we'll be right back. >> this is abc 724 seven. >> in san francisco, live at levi's stadium in san jose.
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would >> so scary. an armed robbery in broad daylight caught on camera. now, at 530, we're hearing from the east bay family that's owned this shop for more than 40 years. >> a warning to congress from the fbi, the threat to american lives if lawmakers fail to reauthorize a piece of surveillance legislation.
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>> former president trump will be in court to face a new york city judge monday. the extraordinary lengths the city is going to ensure the safety and security for those proceedings. >> good morning everybody. >> it's friday, april 12th and it's going to be a kind of weekend. drew, that was exactly the emotion i think a lot of people are going to feel first today. >> it's going to feel much colder compared to yesterday. cities are going to see about a 10 to 20 degree drop in our daytime highs, compared to the 70s and 80s of the past couple of days. a live look we have some clouds rolling in from the coast. winds are already picking up and these winds will usher in some of this colder air. so it's windy over the city right now and over oakland, gusting 15 to 25mph. so temperatures right now are certainly chilly compared to yesterday morning. a lot more of the low to mid 40s on the board compared to yesterday. and that jacket, you may keep it on all day today and not take it off because temperatures are slow to warm today. we find partly sunny skies and look at your daytime highs. it is just so much colder
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than yesterday. no longer 70s and 80s were in the 50s and 60s, and by 9 p.m. we'll start to introduce a chance of a shower. first in the north bay. but it's mainly saturday that we're dealing with this wet weather. so today put the summer clothes away, break out the layers once again, 50s and 60s. we'll take an hour by hour. look at that rain coming up in seven minutes. but amanda has a traffic alert this morning. >> yeah, drew. not the news. drivers through the east bay want to hear this morning, but there is a sig alert in hayward because of a big rig crash. this is southbound 880 after winton avenue. you can see that speeds are down to zero miles per hour because it is stopped, as i mentioned. and then six miles per hour as well. in another spot, all lanes are blocked. one of the trailers is on its side. here's a picture. you can look at it now. there is no estimated time of reopening, but it's definitely best to exit at lewelling boulevard and use hesperian boulevard to get around. and if you're coming from castro valley, you can also use mission boulevard in order to get around the congestion back to the desk. >> thanks, amanda. the city of san francisco preparing its next move to stop a rebrand of the
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oakland airport port of oakland. commissioners voted yesterday to move ahead with the renaming idea. abc seven news reporter gloria rodriguez joining us live. and gloria, it looks like we're on the verge of a legal battle. >> we are kumasi. san francisco officials say this name change will lead to confusion, and the city attorney has already said he's considering a lawsuit to stop it, despite the threat. yesterday, the port of oakland board of commissioners voted unanimously to approve changing the airport's name to san francisco bay oakland international airport. they say it will improve geographic awareness and also increase the number of travelers and airlines. but san francisco city attorney david chu says that the new name would be trademark infringement, and there has been staunch opposition from san francisco city officials and san francisco international airport. >> we certainly understand as an airport how important it is to grow air traffic, the benefits of air traffic. but we don't think this is the right
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approach. we think it's ultimately customers that are going to pay for this. >> we don't think their lawsuit will succeed. so we're going to go ahead. i'm not going to wait for a lawsuit, city attorney chu's office told us in a statement, quote, we are disappointed that oakland did not take the opportunity to work collaboratively with us to develop alternative names and to avoid litigation. >> and they say they'll have updates in the coming days. now, this still needs to go through a second reading and approval at a meeting on may 9th. so this is not a done deal yet guys. thank you gloria. >> now to the violent heist that was caught on camera. this happened at one of oakland's oakland chinatown's oldest jewelry stores. the damage done is remarkable. despite all of this, the store owners say their vow to keep it open is stronger than ever. they tell abc seven news anchor dion lim they're pledging to move forward in the wake of this crime. you know. >> the chaos and terror that unfolded at fung jewelry in
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oakland's chinatown wednesday, just after noon, it happened so fast, is unlike anything the family owned business has ever experienced in their more than 40 years in operation. >> we've been robbed, you know, a few times before, but not at this level of brazen magnitude. eight individuals with, you know, two getaway cars and, you know, guns drawn. >> watch as tony tran, 69 year old mother diane ducks for cover and screams for help as those eight individuals smashed nearly every single case with no security guard on duty at the time, her 76 year old husband comes storming in wielding a firearm, which scares the suspects away. >> if he didn't do that, then they would have just kept going. >> their american dream and the majority of the store at least like 85% 90% gone in less than a minute. >> my mom was you know, devastated. my dad was broken. >> a devastating blow made worse after the family let their business insurance lapse due to rising premiums. >> her entire life's work savings gone in a few minutes.
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it is rough. you know, my mom is the leader of the pack, and she's been running the business as she suffers, i. i kind of suffer through the same pain crime in the area is what prompted tony to become executive director of the oakland chinatown improvement council. >> despite what happened, he remains optimistic. >> i've seen tremendous progress, even though it doesn't feel like that in terms of cleaning and safety ambassadors. there's a lot more out there with the night patrols and we have our walking police officers during the pandemic. we didn't. >> but is he optimistic enough to stay in business? >> we'd love to just with the environment and how tough it's been, yeah. we don't know yet. >> diane says she'll be back to work tomorrow to send a greater message. >> we can't let the fear overcome. the only way to reduce crime is actually to have more traffic, more events, more people. so that way we'll have more resources. strong oakland chinatown is a is a strong town for, you know, every community, especially in oakland. >> wow. that was dion lim
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reporting oakland police ask anyone with information on this case to contact their robbery division because fung jewelry does not have insurance coverage . the oakland chinatown improvement council is running a gofundme to help. you can find a link to it at the story on our website. abc7 >> the effort to curb crime in san francisco's tenderloin neighborhood has led to more arrests. san francisco police say 42 people were taken into custody on wednesday in their latest operation. 30 of the suspects were taken into custody, have outstanding warrants. officers seized several different drugs, including fentanyl and methamphetamine. the operation involved assistance from the san francisco sheriff's department, u.s. marshals service and several other law enforcement agencies. a man has been arrested for allegedly vandalizing a mosque in san francisco. the district attorney says she intends to prosecute this case as a hate crime. surveillance video shows a man using a skateboard to smash six windows at the masjid al-taqwa
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tawheed in nob hill last thursday. we have blurred his face because he has not been formally charged. investigators say the man returned on tuesday attempting to smoke inside the local council on american-islamic relations says in a statement. this arrest sends a clear message that hate driven behaviors will not be overlooked, and serves as a reminder of the ongoing challenges we face in combating islamophobia. >> today, congress will take up a bill that the government says helps fight against terrorism. it's the foreign intelligence surveillance act, or fisa. amanda has more on the bill. support and the opposition, reggie. >> republican lawmakers argue fisa gives the government too much power over americans. they refuse to reauthorize it this week without certain changes. >> fbi director christopher wray says without fisa, american lives will be at risk. the program allows our intelligence agencies to collect data on foreign nationals without a
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warrant. it sometimes collects data on americans who interact with persons of interest after late night negotiations, house republicans agreed to move forward with a shorter reauthorization of two years instead of five. wray is vouching for the part of fisa that can collect data on americans. this week, an 18 year old idaho man was arrested and charged after allegedly planning an isis k attack here in the us. >> it is crucial to identifying terrorists in the homeland working with or inspired by a rogues gallery of foreign terrorist organizations who have publicly called for attacks against our country. >> a possible reform to the bill would require a warrant before accessing data from americans that has mixed reviews from republicans and democrats. a vote is expected today in the house, and the clock is ticking. fisa officially expires one week from today. back to you, kumasi. >> thank you. amanda former president donald trump's first
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criminal trial begins in new york city monday. federal and local law enforcement are increasing security to protect trump. jurors and everyone else involved in this case. police say the court building will be wrapped in a security blanket of cameras, officers, drones, bomb sniffing dogs and barricades authorities call it an unprecedented several weeks. >> we're going to be looking at the threat picture on a, you know, a constant basis, social media, you know, scrubbing, just listening to people making calls or making threats online >> the case is the first criminal trial of a former u.s. president. trump has been in courtrooms for other legal battles in the last year since trump's indictments. law enforcement says threats agai judges, district attorneys and others are expected. >> former vice president mike pence has accepted a teaching position at a christian college in pennsylvania. grove city college made the announcement the same day pence delivered a
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keynote address at the college's faith and freedom conference. pence is expected to be a visiting fellow at the university's new center for faith and public life. >> two national monuments in california are expected to expand in the coming weeks. president joe biden plans to extend the perimeters of the san gabriel mountains national monument. angeles. he plans to do the same for the berryessa snow mountain national monument, which is north of napa. these expansions would protect sacred sites for native american tribes. the monuments were first designated by former president barack obama . >> but really, i think god's in control of our lives. we just know that he has a plan for all of us. and i've been single for 34 years. so do you think he'd be a little faster on this one? well well, instead of looking for love in all the right places, one californian woman looking for love in all the high places, we're going to tell you about her search for a partner
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via roadside billboards. >> first, though, a check of the forecast with drew. >> you got to do what you got to do. >> here's live doppler seven along with satellite. we have changes knocking on our door. it's going to get colder today. and then we're tracking rain for the weekend. i know it seems like every weekend we're tracking storms and unfortunately this weekend is no different. first off, today you're going to notice a dramatic drop in your temperatures. it is much cooler today. yesterday we were in the 70s and 80s. i mean walnut creek got to 87 degrees yesterday. today we're only in the 50s and 60s. so you can see it's about a 10 to 20 degree drop. and our daytime highs today. so certainly layers are key today you'll probably keep that jacket on all day in a lot of cities. here's future weather partly sunny skies throughout the morning. temperatures are very slow to warm heading into the afternoon. we'll stay in the 50s and 60s and a lot of spots. this is actually below average for this time of the year. now, if you have friday night plans, it's really quiet out there. here's 9 p.m. we're mostly cloudy. it's not until early
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tomorrow morning that our storm moves onshore. so saturday morning starts off wet and windy, even the chance of a thunderstorm. so three day forecast today. much cooler. that's the big headline friday. then over the weekend we have rain and snow in our highest peaks. some thunderstorms are possible. saturday is certainly the wetter of the two day sunday. we'll have more periods of dry weather, but still some scattered showers in the forecast level one this weekend for those showers, isolated thunderstorms and again we have cold air moving in. so we have snow chances on our highest snow chances on our highest peaks. we'll take a closer look when you have moderate—to—severe eczema, it's okay to show off. with dupixent, show off your clearer skin and less itch. because you have plenty of reasons to show off your skin. with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, you can stay ahead of your eczema. it helps block a key source of
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( ♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪ is stopped traffic in hayward because of a big rig crash. this is southbound 880 after winton avenue. do we want to get to a
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live picture right now? you can see it involves two big rigs. one of the trailers is on its side. i suggest exiting at lewelling boulevard and using hesperian boulevard to get around. and if you're coming from castro valley, use mission boulevard back to the desk for headlines. >> thanks, amanda prince harry and meghan markle will serve as executive producers of two new netflix shows. both shows will be nonfiction. the first will focus on lifestyle like cooking, gardening, entertaining. the other series will be about the game of polo, which prince harry plays. netflix plans to announce the show's release dates in the coming months. three fishermen who were stranded for days on a remote island are alive and well, thanks in part to their own resourcefulness. they left march 31st for a fishing trip. large. and they arrived at a nearby island. for the next seven days. they survived on coconuts and water from a small well. on saturday, a family member
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reported them missing. the next day, the coast guard spotted them on this tiny island about 100 miles from their own home island. rescuers covered more than 100,000 miles before spotting their sign on one of the more than 600 islands that make up micronesia. they spelled out help on the beach with leaves. >> the help sign was pretty visible. we could see it from a couple thousand feet up in the air on tuesday, ten days after this all started, a coast guard ship finally reached them and the rescue turned into sort of a family reunion. >> a coast guard officer from micronesia on the ship turned out to be a distant cousin of one of the castaways. now that's just living on an island. as someone from an island, you just. that's always a cousin. that's your, you know, that's somebody. that's your your play grandmother or whatever. your auntie. yeah. >> well, forget dating apps. one woman in butte county going old school in her search for a companion, meet linda howard.
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she's advertising her availability on the billboards in the town of paradise. now, in december, she put up holiday themed billboards, hoping to find someone to spend the rest of her years with. but none of those people worked out. so now she's back with these new ones, with an updated list of requirements. let me tell you all what the lady is looking for . what a christian man between 50 and 80 years old, willing to learn to weld and cannot be boring. >> thank god's in control of our lives. we just know that he has a plan for all of us. and i've been single for 34 years. so do you think he'd be a l faster on this one? i just wanted a good friend to go and laugh with and send them home when i get bored with them, and i get bored easily. >> girl, this is not. this is. she's really? >> what else? because it's a longer list. >> i'm so confused by this billboard. like, why is it. >> oh, meet at the turlock swap meet. no chevy pickups. bring your toolbox. born to fly. >> just kidding. we collected
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cans to pay for this ad. why is there a chicken. woman dressed up like a fortune teller and. >> oh, well, listen. well, let me also. >> who who's going to be able to read all that? that's what i'm saying. >> linda said. >> linda said if a date does not work out with her, she'll set them up with one of her friends to see if they're compatible. and she hopes to bring more companions to her life and to her friends life. >> now, we're not the way, we're not graphic designers, but there's a lot of esthetics that i would change on it. me too. i would not have blue on blue font. if that is an important thing you want to get across, you can't read that that. >> well, i would not have the word turlock on there for any reason, nor would i have a chicken. no, never have a chicken, i wish. >> yesterday i was on a walk near alamo square, and there were signs up that looked like like a lost poster. but it was for a man looking for daetz. i really wish i would have took a picture because i was reading it. >> we need linda in her best
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outfit. best hair and makeup. you know, just a nice little lean, a nice get a glamor shot, right? >> a little glamor shot. >> that's all she needs. no, that's all she needs. if that i everything about that billboard is terrible. >> well, this is what i would do. take the glamor shot. yeah. make that huge on one side and then just two words. want this. oh and a qr code, a qr code. and then all the details right there . >> all right. you think of everything. >> all right, miss linda. >> let us know. keep us updated. we want to know if you find your non-boring man. here's a look at the rain chances today. all day today, it's just partly sunny. it's very late tonight into early tomorrow morning. so this is saturday morning, midnight to 4 a.m. that's when we really see the rain arrive. so all day today, just partly sunny. it's a lot colder today. we'll see about a 10 to 20 degree drop in our daytime highs compared to yesterday. so certainly dress more for winter than summer like we have been the past couple of
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days. 50s and 60s. that's about it for your daytime highs. then tonight we have our showers moving in and overnight lows will dip into the 40s. let's go on future weather here saturday morning, 630. it's not only rain indicated by the green and the yellow, but we'll have some snow falling in our highest peaks. that's the pink and the white you're seeing in parts of lake and interior mendocino county, the highest peaks in the santa cruz mountains, certainly around mount hamilton, will see some snow. then as we head into the afternoon, we'll transition into thunderstorm possibility heading into the evening. as well. so saturday is just a wet, a windy day and it's cold and low 50s now. sunday is the drier of the two days. we'll find more hours of just cloud cover. there will still be a chance in the afternoon of a light shower, but really, saturday is the main event. rainfall totals will find some areas exceeding about an inch of rain, but those numbers really do drop off as you head inland. and the biggest impact with this storm would probably be some ponding on our area roadways first thing tomorrow morning. let's talk about that snow chance there you can see in the santa cruz mountains around
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mount hamilton, some snow up in lake and mendocino county around mount hamilton. we could see 2 to 4in of snow early saturday morning. we'll keep our eyes on that. a little bit of snow coming to the sierra. this is not a big storm by any means. in the late season, it's rain mixing with snow at times and a lot of this will fall on saturday, but you can see 4 to 6in on our highest peaks, leading to some slick travel. here's the accuweather seven day forecast. much cooler today. rain snow mix and stormy tomorrow. we'll have some scattered showers on sunday and then next week sunshine is back. another warming trend hits us feeling a lot more like summer late next week guys. bring it back. >> okay thanks, drew. new at six. the white house's latest push to eliminate billions of dollars of student debt here in california. who could benefit? >> but first, getting abandoned and possibly
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hey. nice to meet you. (♪) you're so amazing. (♪)
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they are trying to stabilize the cliffside before crews can start any permanent work. there is only one way in and one way out of big sur, and that is being restricted to residents and first responders at this point. a convoy is guiding traffic through one lane. caltrans confirms they are planning to install a temporary signal light to help with the flow. tourists keep being turned away despite navigation apps showing the highway is still open. there's no timeline yet on when any of this is going to be done, but caltrans says they are working nonstop. >> san jose is streamlining its 3-1-1 service request line. the city activated a new vehicle concerns feature for cars that may be abandoned, possibly stolen, or causing blight in a neighborhood. san jose has received more than 6000 such reports so far this year, but many times they may not get routed to the right department with this new service, residents
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can report vehicles anonymously and track what the city is doing about it. >> in a neighborhood where somebody's been looking at the same car, in the same spot for months on end and wonders, does anybody actually own this car? why is it in the same spot and why is it getting harder to park in my neighborhood if a vehicle is stolen, the case will now go directly to the police department. >> san jose residents can call to report potholes, graffiti and report burned out streetlights to the 3-1-1 service line for more san francisco businesses have filed a legal claim against the city over the controversial center running valencia street bike lane. >> those businesses claim the lane has decimated their bottom lines and dissuaded customers from visiting. attorneys say the city failed to adequately study the economic impact of the protected bike lane. before it was installed. three businesses businesses had previously filed claims in addition to yesterday's four new plaintiffs, lawyers say three more valencia street business owners are in the process of filing two, and
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this neighborhood was a destination neighborhood. >> it was a vibrant part of the city, you know, the city, and it had restaurants and other businesses. and now it is not. it isn't what it used to be because of the problems that this installation of this bike lane did. >> the sfmta has said they are open to modifications that improve business and protect cyclists. san francisco city attorney's office is telling us the quote, the three claims filed in february were denied regarding the new claims filed. we are reviewing the claims and will respond in the appropriate time frame. end quote. new at six. don't call it a comeback again. bay area native tom brady not closing the door on returning to the nfl if the conditions are right and the south bay brewery closing after a six year run in san jose. >> the owners saying they just can't make ends meet. >> the nearly two decades of work completed. stanford, the new space camera that will give scientists a look at the
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universe like they've never seen before. >> and take a look at your forecast. a much colder today before rain is back here tomorrow. it's a level one over the weekend. saturday, the wetter of the two days. t ♪ we belong ♪ ♪ we belong together ♪ ♪ we belong ♪ hulu on disney+. available with disney bundle. plans starting at $9.99 a month. today's cancer research is tomorrow's victory. a victory that is there for the taking. grab it. now that was a great halftime speech. let's go win. [jim valvano] don't give up. don't ever give up®
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of o.j. simpson. the complicated life and legacy of a bay area footbata


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