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tv   ABC7 News 500AM  ABC  April 11, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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live >> now at five. a scary situation caught on camera. imagine sitting at a stoplight when a tow truck driver tries to take your car. you're still inside. how? one couple managed to get away. >> all in favor of that motion? vote aye. aye all opposed. vote no. ayes have it. so the. shake shake. >> arizona's near total abortion
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ban having major implications in the national political arena. how president biden and former president trump are responding while on the campaign trail. >> a name change at the center of a bay area debate, the meeting today over a proposal to rename oakland's airport. it could prompt a legal fight. good morning to you. it is thursday, april 11th. >> it's going to start the check of our forecast. drew. >> yeah, really hard to beat yesterday. we're going to try again today. similar conditions before it all turns downhill by friday and over the weekend. here's a live look. this is sutro tower. you can see just a little bit of fog stretching through the golden gate. you can see the tops of the bridge right now. so any cloud cover we have is very thin and minimal. and it's another day where those temperatures will go above average. even out there right now, it's one of our warmer mornings. in the past couple of weeks. we're near 60 degrees right now in san jose, but we're 46 in santa rosa, 53 in vallejo, in oakland, san francisco. good morning. you're starting out at 52 degrees. so the light jacket
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again, take it with you, but you can get rid of it by about 9:10 a.m. this morning. because just like yesterday we have a ton of sunshine out there. it's another warm day, maybe 1 or 2 degrees cooler compared to yesterday. but those temperatures are still above average for this time. of the year. we'll go into the 70s and 80s away from the coast, 71 in oakland today, 80 in san jose, the same in concord, 80 in santa rosa. we'll hit about 67 in the city. hi. amanda drew, a major issue to tell you about in the east bay. >> this is happening in hayward right now. it started a few hours ago. but you should know that there is an overturned big rig northbound. 238 before southbound 880. it's the connector ramp there. it shut down because of an overturned big rig traffic is stopped from mission boulevard. and we want to get you to some video of that scene. the refrigerated truck on its side. you see it there. the driver tells alameda county fire that he fell asleep at the wheel. fire officials say diesel radiator fluid and oil leaked onto the ground in the area, so
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cleanup will take some time to get around. exit mission boulevard, take lewelling back to 880. back to you at the desk. all right. >> thank you. amanda a live look right now at the abc seven oakland airport camera. well, the future of the airport's name is set to be up for a vote today. the port of oakland board of commissioners is considering changing the name to san francisco bay oakland airport. well, that idea has kicked off a fight with officials from san francisco international airport and city of san francisco officials. they are threatening to sue to stop that name change, saying it will confuse travelers. oakland airport officials disagree. >> uh. we really feel as though their confusion is not is not going to be an issue for us. we serve different markets uh- from between san francisco and oakland. this is about bringing jobs, bringing good paying jobs to the oakland area. this is about bringing people to the oakland area. it's really about showcasing what's happening here in the region with oakland being the center point.
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>> now, the public part of the port of oakland board meeting starts around 330 this afternoon . >> more business owners have filed claims against the city and county of san francisco over the valencia street bike lane. today, they'll speak about the impact the lane has had on their businesses. the change was made last year. it moved the bike lanes from the sides of the road to the very center. in february, sfmta said it has improved safety for cyclists. local merchants say it's made the road very confusing and has led to a big decline in business because dozens of parking spots were eliminated. sfmta has said it's considering changing the lane if you live in the south bay, officials want you to check your property for standing water. >> they are warning about an invasion of a dangerous type of mosquito. today, santa clara county vector control will talk about the issue. officials say the mosquito has been found in east san jose after being eradicated in 2022. they called the species aggressive. it's
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known to carry diseases like dengue and yellow fever. the county is asking residents to check their properties for standing water because that's where mosquitoes often breed. all commercial and recreational salmon fishing will be closed this year to allow the population to return to normal levels. the pacific fishery management council unanimously voted to cancel the season off the california and oregon coast department of fish and wildlife said the salmon population is well below the historical average. that decision is expected to hurt restaurants and employees in the fishing industry. >> getting your car towed can be a pain, but how about getting towed while you're driving? this is video sent to abc seven from san francisco, an east bay couple says this happened to them while running errands in the city, and abc7 news anchor dion lim spoke to them. what the are you doing? >> that's the sentiment from the man who witnessed what happened
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to joanne and her husband. as they drilled through downtown san francisco tuesday morning. >> we're at a stoplight and we're just minding our own business. >> while the couple were stopped along bush and montgomery, they thought the yellow specialty towing truck was moving toward a nearby waymo autonomous vehicle, but soon realized it was getting too close for comfort. >> he came from the side. he started doing the reverse, and all the lights came on. that's when we were like, okay, something is really wrong. and his lover came down the tow truck makes several attempts to hook on to their 2017 toyota corolla. >> when the light turns green, the waymo next to them drives off. but joanne, who requested we only use her first name, realizes her husband, who's driving, is stuck in front of this black sedan. >> and we were freaking out. the first instinct was to make sure that we get away. >> fortunately, the black car backs up and joanne's husband is able to drive away. you can see the tow truck give chase, joanne says for several blocks. it's definitely really scary. we reached out to specialty towing via email and phone, but did not
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hear back. the company, along with two others, were charged by city attorney david chiu this past february for fraud and illegally towing parked cars. they're now prohibited from bidding or receiving city contracts. joanne and her husband tell me they were eventually able to lose the tow truck, and drove back home to the east bay. they maintain they didn't do anything wrong and are still perplexed as to why they were targeted. >> full disclaimer i definitely paid off my car. there's no like , you know, late payments or anything. i paid my registration uh- registration. >> she's planning to file a police report soon and is sharing their story to raise awareness for other drivers. >> be more like careful when they're driving around as well as like just making sure that if something kicks in or like if something doesn't look right, make sure you do your best to protect yourself. >> wow. that was dion lim reporting. this video has been going viral on social media. thousands of people stunned like
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we are by that truck driver's actions. we will be sure to let you know if we hear back from specialty towing, because certainly we need to know what was going on with this driver. >> now to your voice, your vote. abc seven news has learned it was voters who requested that district 16 recount, and that could begin as soon as monday. former san jose mayor sam liccardo secured a spot in the november runoff, but it was a tie for second with assemblyman evan low and santa clara county supervisor joe simitian coming in with the exact same number of votes. so that meant all three of them could go on to the general election. but right now, two voters have requested a recount. a person filing a recount request has to select a candidate and pay for it themselves. if that selected candidate wins, they would be reimbursed. abc seven spoke with a voter who requested that recount in san mateo county. >> statistically, very unlikely that these guys would tie. and i
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like to say, you know, the counties can't even keep track of how many cars they have, much less count the same number twice. >> the person who has the most at stake is probably, sam liccardo, who is betting that he would have a better chance in a two person race than in a three person runoff. >> registrars confirm a man named jonathan padilla requested the recount in santa clara county on behalf of evan low, according to padilla's linkedin profile. he was a policy and finance director for liccardo's 2014 san jose mayoral campaign. he released a statement on social media saying in part, our democracy is resilient when we put people above politics and our laws are designed to protect the will of the people. let's count every vote now. evan low's campaign issued a statement saying in part, there's zero doubt that sam liccardo orchestrated this recount and padilla's declaration that the recount is on our campaigns behalf is simply disingenuous. end quote. now, sam liccardo's
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campaign did not claim any connection to the recount request, but sent us a statement in part saying every vote should be counted. and that's why recounts are part of the state's electoral process to ensure accuracy. >> arizona is on its way to enforcing one of the strictest abortion bans in the country, despite critics saying that it goes too far. the civil war era law criminalizes all abortions, with just one exception. amanda, democrats tried to repeal this. yeah, reggie aqui. >> arizona's republican led legislature blocked democrats efforts to repeal the law yesterday, saying it needs more time. >> the 1864 law bans all abortions except to save the life of the mother. former president trump says he's proud of appointing three supreme court justices who helped overturn roe v wade, but that abortion should be left up to the states. however, on arizona, he says they went too far on the campaign trail. he has made it clear his stance is rooted in politics. abortion rights have won in all six states where it
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has been on the ballot. president biden called the arizona ruling extreme and dangerous. the arizona law won't go into effect for several weeks, and doctors offices across the state, patients are waiting for clarity. i'm having patients who have received abortions last week call and say, am i still going to be able to receive my follow up care? legal challenges are causing a delay in enforcement. vice president kamala harris is set to visit arizona tomorrow to keep a spotlight on reproductive rights. now let's get to drew for a look at our weather. >> hey, amanda, 510 this morning. it's another warm day. yesterday we were well into the 70s and 80s in most areas. today we'll drop maybe 1 or 2 degrees from the daytime highs yesterday , but still, it's going to be a warm afternoon. the first column 80s 70s for most areas except the immediate coastline, will stay in the 60s. that does include the city, but in all areas we are above average and in some spots more than ten degrees above average. once again, however, some changes to
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the weather, wellness, those tree pollen numbers are still running very high. mold is a little bit lower today. here's future weather showing you by 10 a.m. it's lovely out there. sunshine, 50s and 60s. and then later on this afternoon again, our warmest areas, upper 70s to lower 80s again. so get outside. enjoy. today it's one more warm day before colder air arrives here tomorrow, and then rain coming in here for the weekend. unfortunately, reggie will time it all out for you, show you some dry periods on sunday, coming up in about eight minutes. thanks, drew. >> addressing the issue of contaminated water sources across the country coming up, the action being taken by the epa to deal with so-called forever chemicals in our drinking water, and the ntsb ramping up its investigation into boeing. >> what new documents revealing about the airplane maker's lack of record keeping for work done on door plugs, fighting for the rights of pet owners? >> the proposal making it through the state capitol that could give more pet owners
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and the faa and its investigation into that door plug blowout that happened at alaska flight earlier this year. amanda, there are new documents raising questions about more door plugs. >> yeah. reggie. late yesterday, boeing gave federal investigators documents that may show cases in which a door plug was removed from a 737 max as it was being assembled. but boeing employees did not document that moment on the assembly line for the alaska airlines plane that suffered the emergency tsay in january. ntsb chair jennifer homendy told the state commerce committee boeing's admission that those records don't exist for that work on the plane in question was unacceptable. she also said investigators do not know who worked on the max nine in the incident. earlier this year, the ntsb has not been able to interview the door plug team manager, who has been sick on leave. the ntsb plans to hold a public investigative hearing into the alaska airlines incident in august. it could
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include testimony from employees at boeing and the fuselage manufacturer spirit aerosystems. back to you at the desk, kumasi. >> thank you. amanda. the epa is setting the first ever limits for so-called forever chemicals in drinking water. these limits will regulate pfas, which have contaminated water sources across the u.s. and are linked to cancer and other health issues. pfas includes six synthetic chemicals that are found in a number of industrial and personal products, from food packaging to frying pans, dental floss, makeup. the chemicals break down slowly over time. that's why they're called forever chemicals. the epa believes these new limits will protect around 100 million people from exposure. >> the epa's concluded that, you know, thousands of lives will be saved and tens of thousands of cases of severe disease will be prevented. >> the federal government has put aside billions of dollars as part of an infrastructure plan
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to help pay for filtration and upgrade water systems, caltrans says. >> repairs on a portion of highway one that crumbled away last month could cost about $25 million. monterey county is already issuing $1 million in emergency funding for that construction on the slip out happened just south of rocky creek march 30th. it forced road closures and evacuation warnings for areas around the big sur community. u.s. experts say recent rain and bigger waves likely created that fallout. >> the foodie scene on market street in san francisco getting a big boost today. a massive food hall opening inside the ikea store, sally hall will have 11 places that you can go eat and drink. you can get noodles, skewers, vegan tacos, soft serve. there's a bakery, three bars, their indian fusion chain curry up now will be one of the vendors selling its popular chicken tikka masala burritos and everything bagel naan. the
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food hall opens just in time for lunch at 1130, and it will be open wednesdays through sundays. come on, swedish meatballs. >> delicious uh- outside this morning. sutro tower showing you we have good visibility. we are dealing with a little bit of coastal cloud cover right now, but it's another warm day. we get one more warm day this week, so enjoy it because temperatures come crashing down tomorrow. 70s and 80s in the south bay today with a lot of sunshine above average along the peninsula. coastline cooler than yesterday. low 60s instead of the mid 60s like we had yesterday afternoon. but you hop away from the coast, 70 still on the board from redwood city to mountain view at 74 downtown today it's going to feel cooler, that sea breeze a little bit stronger. so we're not going into the 70s today. we'll stay in the 60s, 67 downtown, cooler along the coast with low 60s for the sunset in richmond, the north bay, lovely 70s and 80s except the coast, bodega bay, stinson. a mix of sun and clouds will stay in the 60s there. the east bay today sunny and warm. 71 in oakland, 76, in fremont, 74, in san
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leandro and then inland, one more warm day, upper 70s, lower 80s with total sunshine out there. but tonight clouds will start to roll in here ahead of a cold front. that will bring us some showers over the weekend. we'll dip into the 40s now. future tracker temperatures tomorrow is going to feel a lot colder than we are today. and then over the weekend it's just downright chilly, low and mid 50s for daytime highs. that does come with a return of showers tomorrow. it's a partly sunny day. we're dry during the daylight hours, then at night here comes that front early saturday morning. we're finding on and off rain and this is a cold storm again. we'll likely see snow in our hills like mount hamilton, the santa cruz mountains, park of lake and mendocino county. and then we're in and out of the showers all day on saturday before this system starts to pull away on sunday. so here's the accuweather seven day forecast. one more warm day today. colder tomorrow. rainy on saturday. sunday the showers mainly in the morning. we start to dry out
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later on in the afternoon and then next week another warming trend gets underway. amanda. >> hi drew. we're keeping our eyes on this sigalert that is really causing some issues here at 519, an overturned big rig. this is northbound 238 before southbound 880. it's in hayward at the border with san lorenzo towards san leandro. that's where the traffic is moving toward. the ramp is still shut down due to a big rig overturning on its side. there is stopped traffic backed up from mission boulevard. that's an eight minute delay. and you are looking at video taken earlier this morning. you see the refrigerated truck on its side. the driver of the truck tells alameda county fire that he fell asleep at the wheel. fire officials say diesel radiator fluid and oil leaked onto the ground in the area, so clean up will take some time and again to get you around. exit mission boulevard and take lewelling back to 8-80 kumasi. >> thank you amanda. coming up, the seven things to know this morning. life on the streets for the pets of the unhoused, the free service in san francisco. >>
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♪ we got somethin different ♪ ♪ spreadin' good vibes all day ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ nada se puede comparar ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado ♪ when i was twelve years old with cancer, i spent most of the year looking out a hospital window. all i wanted was to be outside. i owe the people at st. jude everything because i'm seventeen years cancer-free.
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my marathon is for st. jude. and helping all those kids with cancer who just want to be kids again. (♪) ( ♪ ♪ ) start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. (vo) when it comes to nature valley, which camp are you in? the #1 pharmacist recommended oats 'n honey? or everything bagel? nature valley makes an everything bagel bar?! try nature valley savory nut crunch bars, available in three flavors like everything bagel. number one. today, the port of oakland will take up the idea to rename the oakland airport to the san francisco bay. oakland
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airport. the city of san francisco, threatening to sue if this idea moves forward. >> number two, more business owners have filed claims against the city of san francisco over the controversial valencia street bike lane. they claim the lane has hurt their businesses. today, they're expected to speak about the legal action they're taking. >> number three, the biden administration announced this morning that caltrans is getting $20 million to make highway 37 in the north bay more resilient to climate change. the money is a part of the bipartisan infrastructure law. >> number four, santa clara county leaders are warning about an invasion of a mosquito that can carry dangerous diseases like yellow fever. they want you to check your property for standing water. that's where most mosquitoes breed. >> and number five, get out there. today we have one more warm day this week before everything comes crashing down. tomorrow, colder air arrives on friday and then the weekend rain is back. even some snow falling on our highest peaks. >> verse six we have a sigalert
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in hayward. this is close to the san lorenzo border toward san leandro on northbound 238 at the connector ramp to southbound 880, the ramp is still shut down due to a big rig overturned on its side. there is stop traffic back up from mission boulevard, and there is an eight minute delay. >> number seven san francisco based uber introducing new safety features for passengers. they include the ability to make encrypted audio recordings of the ride, and allow you to automatically share your location with family or friends. as part of our efforts to build a better bay area, we are turning our attention to the unhoused, their dogs, and the care they both need. san francisco among the top cities for dog lovers. and while you might think that every dog needs a home, we found that's not always true. a program called vet sos provides unhoused clients with pet food, medications, and other items for dogs. >> many are living on limited funds, right? so they make choices. and a lot of them do,
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you know, purchase things. food for their pets over their own own needs. >> many times i'm not sure if i would be here if i didn't have my dogs. that's how much they mean to me. how so, a few years back, when i got them, i was going through a really hard time and the love, the unconditional love that they have for you. you know, how much they appreciate every little thing. it just it shows you that there's reasons to keep going. imagine life without kimchi. >> i don't know. i i, i don't know where. >> i really don't know where. she's everything to me. >> yeah. and leanne talked to so many people who shared that same sentiment. >> should landlords be able to refuse to rent to tenants with pets? a state lawmaker from the bay area has put in motion an effort which would ban property owners from refusing to rent to
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people with pets. abc seven news reporter laura martinez explains exactly how the bill could change rental laws, a bill that would limit landlords from denying housing to pet owners is making its way through the legislature. >> it's hard enough to find a place for us, let alone include that dog moms and cat dads say it hasn't been easy navigating the rental market. >> somebody took a picture of me with him walking and they call the office martha rodriguez lives at a mobile home park and says she had to make her dog, marley, an emotional support animal to avoid trouble. >> they told me, no, they don't take pets. >> i have a business in the area. so i just offered, you know, financially or what kind of money is going to make them say yes, you can bring the dog into the house and live here. >> assemblyman matt haney, who authored the bill, says 70% of california renters have pets. but only 30% of available rentals accept them. in san francisco, only 21% of rentals
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on the market allow pets. landlords simply need to have a reasonable rationale for whatever limitations and restrictions that they're providing for. >> if you've got a brand new building, that you can't just say no dogs or cats allowed, that's not reasonable. >> property owners and associations are expressing concern about the bill. >> what we're looking for is at least some consideration that there is a cost, and that currently under our security deposit law, the tenant can use that one month security to pay for the rent on the way out the door. that leaves us nothing for repairs to the unit. >> pienta says the bill is about trying to strike a balance. it's not forcing every landlord to take a pet. he's currently in negotiations to amend parts of the bill. >> maybe they can have a little bit more on the pet deposit to protect against damage. if it means that we get rid of the pet rent. >> this week, the bill passed out of the assembly judiciary committee and moves forward to
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the floor in the south bay. lauren martinez, abc seven news. >> coming up at 530, we're live at sfo, where a special group of american heroes are expected soon to take off to go to the nation's capital. >> and california has the highest gas prices in the country. the bay area, feeling the weight of it. stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief.
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ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya. norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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dean's dinner party. they're claiming they were assaulted and silenced. now, at 530, the debate between free speech and the right to privacy. >> well, for me, it's the same. close and no close, because i no sell nothing. >> street vendors in san francisco's mission district say they are struggling as the city changes the rules again. >> severe storms moving through parts of the south this morning. we're seeing images of homes torn apart. some states reporting they've received a month's worth of rain.
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>> good morning everybody. it is thursday, april 11th. >> let's check the weather around here. >> hey. good morning. yeah yesterday around new orleans, they were under water with some heavy thunderstorms. here. it's another day of very warm weather . just like yesterday. temperatures going above average. good morning, san jose. a live look. that's 87 for reference. there's the airport right there. we have mainly clear skies up above and temperatures are warmer than we were yesterday morning in san jose. we're near 60 degrees right now, but it certainly is cooler in parts of the north bay. 45 in sonoma. good morning. we're at 50 in danville, 55 in hayward. that light jacket, your best friend. over the next couple of hours, you can pretty much get rid of it by about 9 a.m, because that warm air moves back in pretty quickly. sunny skies, maybe 1 or 2 degrees cooler compared to yesterday, but still well above average for this time of the year. 60s coast side 70s around the bay shoreline. our warmest spots inland back in the low 80s. get out and enjoy today because this is the last warm day we have this week. temperatures really come crashing down tomorrow and
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into the weekend. so 71 in oakland, 67 in the city, 80. that high in san jose, reggie aqui drew. >> thank you. tense moments at a private dinner party at the home of a uc berkeley dean and his law professor wife. now students are accusing professor catherine fiske of assault. you can see the moment in this video when professor fiske tries to take the microphone from a protester, voicing support for people in gaza around the world, fast, not only from this is not your house. >> not only it is from my house. okay you don't have to get aggressive. >> please leave our house. you are guests at our house. >> this happened during an annual dinner. fiske and her husband, law school dean erwin chemerinsky, hold for students. the group protesting released a statement that says in part, quote, fiske assault was a symbol of the deeper islamophobia anti-palestinian racism and religious discrimination that runs rampant within the university of california administration. chemerinsky did not want to speak on camera, but responded
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to the incident with a statement saying, i'm enormously sad that we have students who are so rude as to come into my home, in my backyard and use this social occasion for their political agenda. uc berkeley's chancellor issued a statement saying while they support free speech, the university cannot condone using a private event for protest. the foundation for individual rights and expression agrees. >> there is this misperception that a lot of students have across the country right now that taking over someone else's event, disrupting their event is an exercise of first amendment rights. and that's just wrong. >> chemerinsky, who is jewish, said that he was recently the subject of anti-semitic fliers posted on campus. he says security will be present for two other dinners. he still has planned. >> this morning, there are concerns about iran launching an attack on israel. it comes after a recent airstrike that killed two iranian generals and amanda. we're now hearing from president biden about this threat. >> kumasi us officials are warning israel of an imminent
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attack by iran in the coming days. they could possibly use drones and missiles to hit israel's regional assets. iran has vowed to retaliate for an airstrike last week at its consulate in syria, which killed two of its generals. israel has not admitted responsible 8-80, but pentagon officials say israel was behind the strike. israel's defense minister is now threatening a powerful response if iran launches an attack. iran often uses middle east proxies like hezbollah to hit certain targets. but the wall street journal reports defense officials have warned this time iran could use its own military forces. president biden reiterated u.s. support for israel. >> as i told prime minister netanyahu, our commitment to israel's security against these threats from iran and its proxies is ironclad. let me say it again ironclad. >> meanwhile, negotiations for a cease fire deal may have hit another snag. hamas now says it does not have enough hostages in
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custody to meet the terms of the proposed deal, and that's raising concern. n more hostages may no longer be alive. back to you at the desk, reggie. >> thanks, amanda. president biden says he is considering a request from australia to drop its case against julian assange for years. australia. australia has called on the u.s. to drop its prosecution of assange, who is an australian citizen. the wikileaks founder has been fighting u.s. extradition efforts from prison in the u.k. for over a decade. assange was indicted on espionage charges over his website's publication of classified documents nearly 15 years ago. >> president joe biden welcomed japanese prime minister fumio kishida at a state dinner. the white house was filled with prominent leaders, billionaires and ambassadors. last night, the guest list also included the bay area's own tim cook from apple and olympic ice skater kristi yamaguchi. cherry blossoms around the room highlighted japan's culture. biden's speech focused on the strong
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relationship between the u.s. and japan. the president also made a historic announcement a japanese astronaut will be the first non-american to land on the moon. biden says two japanese astronauts will join future american missions. nasa hopes to send astronaut missions to the moon in the coming years under its artemis program. >> mayor london breed is leaving for china on saturday, hoping to drum up business for san francisco. breed is traveling with asian business and community leaders to several cities, including hong kong, beijing and shanghai. she'll be meeting with airline executives to increase travel and several universities to extend their campuses in san francisco. >> we're going to be talking to some businesses that are already looking at investments in san francisco and the desire to have them do more to develop and grow in our city. >> breed will also make a push to bring pandas to the san francisco zoo. the trip is being paid for by a nonprofit and
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reggie aqui kumasi. >> we have a few traffic alerts to get to this morning. returning back to this overturned big rig in the hayward, san lorenzo and san leandro area northbound 238 before southbound 880. just something to keep in mind. the ramp there is still shut down two to due to a big rig overturned on its side. there is stopped traffic backed up from mission boulevard, and there's quite a bit of a delay there. and then we want to get you to the sigalert on the san mateo bridge. it's another big rig. we know one lane is blocked before the high rise, causing a minor slowdown, but really, no major delays. you see on the camera here. the first sigalert is causing more traffic. the second sigalert this morning, all due to big rigs. back to you at the desk. >> thanks, amanda. this morning, a very special trip getting underway for some bay area veterans. they are meeting at sfo right now to take part in the first honor flight of 2024. abc seven news reporter gloria rodriguez live at the airport with more on this. good morning, gloria.
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>> good morning. kumasi. yeah, that group is in the airport right now. we had a chance to catch up with them. they're getting ready for their honor flight, which is leaving at 8:00 this morning. and we have video from a past honor flight that you can check out right now. the group of 27 veterans includes one world war two veteran, six korean war veterans, and 20 vietnam war veterans. and there will be 53 people total on the flight, including guardian honor flight. bay area says they'll be going to washington. they'll be visiting about a dozen memorials, and one of the organizers tells me this is to thank them for their service. so the veterans do get this trip. all expenses paid, and they will be returning on saturday. so we will be chatting with them throughout the morning and bring you the very latest about their trip live at sfo. gloria rodriguez abc seven news. >> gloria, thank you. new rules at disneyland and disney world for those who use a disability access pass. but first, check on the weather with meteorologist
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drew tuma. >> hey, reggie, if you're traveling today, we do have a pretty potent storm system moving through the midwest and the east coast. so a lot of cities on the board this morning from new york to chicago, atlanta will be dealing with rain and even some thunderstorms at times. l.a. looking beautiful today. no problems at denver, honolulu, some afternoon showers, but a nice afternoon high of 81 degrees. almost as warm in a lot of cities today across the region because we have that high pressure still giving us temperatures above average. livermore, you're exactly the same high as honolulu today at 81 degrees. we'll go into the 70s for napa, oakland, san francisco. it will feel cooler today compared to yesterday. we have a stronger onshore breeze. so instead of the 70s we'll stay in the 60s. but 80s for san jose and santa rosa. so that means some areas again more than ten degrees above average. get out and enjoy today because colder air comes here tomorrow. air quality mainly on the good side. tree pollen. no change there unfortunately, but a change to the uv index. now we're getting more direct rays from the sun as
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we head towards the summer solstice. and now we're up to a seven that is high. wear that sunscreen you can burn pretty quickly less than a half hour without that. on future weather showing you 50s and 60s by 10 a.m. with bright sunshine, some coastal cloud cover, and then into the afternoon. it's another warm day, 70s and 80s and our warmest spots. the three day forecast. you get one more warm day today, then tomorrow you're going to feel that colder air move in here. cloudier skies and that's ahead of rain on saturday. even a chance of thunderstorms and snow on our highest peaks. we'll detail that weekend. storm comin when you have moderate—to—severe eczema, it's okay to show off. with dupixent, show off your clearer skin and less itch. because you have plenty of reasons to show off your skin. with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, you can stay ahead of your eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your skin from within.
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lights are on. they were activated at about 535 this morning. so just a few minutes ago you can see traffic is still flowing through, but something to keep in mind. and then we want to get back to that sigalert at the hayward san lorenzo area towards san leandro
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on northbound 238, southbound 880. that connector. the ramp is still shut down due to a big rig overturned on its side. there is stopped traffic backed up from mission boulevard. keep that in mind as well. >> thanks, amanda. this morning we are hearing from stanford women's basketball coach tara vanderveer. she announced on tuesday that she's retiring. vanderveer coached for a total of 45 years, won three national championships and had 1216 wins. she holds the record for the most wins in college basketball by a head coach. at a news conference yesterday, she talked about the conversation she had with her father when she took the stanford job in 1985. >> he proceeded to tell me that it was an impossible to win at stanford, and the job was a graveyard job. my father was right about one thing the stanford job involved digging, but instead of a graveyard job, it has been a gold mine job. >> cape pay will be taking over as head coach. pay played for
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vanderveer in the 90s and then has coached alongside her for the past 17 years. the oakland ballers have signed the team's first woman player, kelsey whitmore is a pitcher from temecula. she's already made history in 2022 as the first woman to sign a professional contract with a major league baseball partner league team. she played professional ball years earlier for the sonoma stompers. whitmore is one of three players the independent ballers hired after open tryouts last weekend. they have 31 players heading to spring training before the season starts next month. >> remember these four little words we can do it >> nearly 30 women known as rosie the riveters from across the u.s, presented with the congressional gold medal in washington, d.c. yesterday, rosie represented the millions of women who worked in factories and shipyards to support the
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nation during world war two to make the rosie the riveter congressional gold medal a reality. >> they hammered members, they cajoled members, but thankfully never had to weld them to support the legislation. >> so many of the women being honored are from right here in the bay area. the rosie the riveter national historical park is in richmond. their congressional gold medal will be kept at the smithsonian institution. >> too many people are using and some say abusing disability access at disneyland. as a result, disney, our parent company, is changing the rules. reporter rob mcmillan, from our sister station in la explains what's going to be different. >> disneyland, the happiest place on earth. of course, to experience that happiness, most of us have to wait in line, except those with certain disabilities who are allowed to skip the lines with something called a disability access service pass. but according to
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author david koenig, not everyone is playing by the rules. >> just in the last, five years, disneyland has three times as many people, requesting and claiming they need this pass. >> so in an effort to reduce those numbers starting june 18th, not everyone with disabilities will get that pass. disney making other accommodations for some, as opposed to simply skipping the line. >> if your problem is you're waiting in line and you can't go a half hour without having a bathroom break, well, they'll allow you to bop out a line now and return to line after the bathroom. if you and say your husband can't be in line for more than 20 minutes standing, you know one of you can wait in line and then at a certain point you can switch off. >> and if you're caught lying while trying to get a disability, pass the penalties could be severe. >> they're announcing that you will be banned from disneyland or disney world for conceivably the rest of your life. so
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they're really trying to scare people from, from trying to cheat this any further. >> this statement from disneyland, quote, disney is dedicated to providing a great experience for all guests, including those with disabilities, which is why we are so committed to delivering a wide range of innovative support services aimed at helping our guests with disabilities. have a wonderful time when visiting our theme parks, people we spoke with outside disneyland said these changes are probably a good idea. >> i think it's a good policy that they are cracking down on this. >> i think that individuals who try to manipulate that system should have consequences. >> disney is the parent company of abc seven. rob mcmillan, abc seven news. >> the comments are on fire about people saying, yeah, what are they saying? they're all over the place on it. there are people who are saying, you're taking away the disability access that my child or my husband or my wife needs, and there are other people who are saying it's about time because the way that it works is people who have the disability access
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go into the lightning lane automatically see that's where they go. got it. which is a service up now. people pay for. got it. and so i think what some people are speculating is that you're seeing this rise in people using disability access. once lightning lane became a paid service, it used to be a free fastpass. and so they essentially got supposedly using this as their free lightning lane. >> got it finding a loophole. >> so something needed to be done. >> interesting. >> but of course the debate is this what the solution should have been? we'll see. it goes into effect really soon. >> so yeah, clearly there was a problem. >> yeah, there's definitely a problem if they were addressing it. >> yeah. so it'll be interesting. it starts in june. this morning it is quiet out there. that's how we like it on an april morning a live look from our oakland airport. camera. all is calm. we have mainly clear skies, some coastal clouds right now, but it's another warm day. we get one more this week so make sure you go out and enjoy again 70s and 80s with that sunshine in the south bay along the peninsula, we'll have 70 from millbrae to
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redwood city to mountain view, low 60s along the coast. so it is cooler today along the coast compared to yesterday. now in the city, not as warm as we were yesterday. we got to 72 in san francisco today, a little bit cooler, 67 because we have an onshore breeze that's a little bit stronger today. low to mid 60s for daly city, the richmond and sunset, the north bay 70s and 80s, a lot of sunshine about 10 to 13 degrees above average. the coast cooler from bodega bay down through stinson. the east bay sunny 70s today 78 castro valley. we'll go to 75 in orinda, richmond up to 71 and then inland upper 70s, lower 80s again 82 brentwood 80, in walnut creek, 81 in livermore. tonight we'll start to see some clouds move in for partly cloudy conditions and temperatures dipping into the 40s. so tomorrow you will notice it's not as bright. we have partly sunny skies throughout the day. then at night tomorrow we have that rain moving onshore into early saturday morning. i'll stop it here at 3 a.m. because it's not just rain. rain indicated by the green and the yellow, but we are going to have
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cold air moving in. so that means, again, in parts of lake and mendocino county, mount hamilton, the higher peaks of the santa cruz mountains will likely see some snow mixing in with those showers on and off showers throughout the day. on saturday, i think sunday early on we get a shower, but sunday afternoon and sunday evening it is trending drier. about a quarter to an inch of rain is expected over the weekend. here's the accuweather seven day forecast. one more warm day today, then colder air moves in here. tomorrow the clouds arrive to then those showers on and off through sunday morning. it's a level one. and then we turn brighter with another warming trend coming early next week guys. >> drew thank you. new at six. the rite aid locations in the bay area that are about to shut down the first. >> more tools to keep you safe in your next uber.
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the hours after the same storm system caused severe damage in parts of the country. >> now, reggie. a deadly storm system hit the gulf coast. we know that a tornado slammed louisiana near new orleans, leaving a big trail of destruction. crews carried out more than 50 rescues. hundreds of homes and businesses are damaged. roofs of apartment complexes were ripped off at a contracting company. employees rushed for cover as the tornado tore through the building. seven people were working there when it hit. they ran to the back room as the tornado blew right through. luckily none of them were seriously hurt. >> this has been a catastrophic event for the city of slidell. it's catastrophic not at the level of katrina, but these folks that owned this, this business here and this, this church here, this business over here, and these 50 residents
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that live in the place behind me. it's catastrophic to them. >> in new orleans, people are dealing with flooding. a month's worth of rain fell in just seven hours. today, the storms are moving into florida, georgia and the carolinas. another system is headed north toward kentucky and ohio. back to you at the desk. kumasi. thanks amanda. >> uber has added new safety options to its app, including pin verification, giving riders the option to get a four digit code from the driver to make sure they're getting into the right vehicle. a ride check lets a passenger know if a driver goes off course, and there's also a new feature that can record the audio of your trip on your phone. in addition, riders can share their trip information with a friend. all the features are available now. >> this morning, we're looking into why gas prices are so high in the bay area and the state right now. here's a look at the latest gas prices in san francisco. it's 5.71 per gallon in oakland. 558. the state average is 541. but when you look at the national average, well, it's only 363. abc7 news
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spoke to the head of energy analysis at the oil price information service. he says there are too many two main reasons prices are so high. so first, local refineries are focusing more on maintenance rather than production. the second, a recent change at the phillips 66 refinery, one of the refineries that was contributing about 50,000 barrels a day of gasoline, isn't making gas anymore. >> there has been another setback for the permitted street vendors in san francisco's mission district. they are now losing the storefront the city has been renting for them. the goal was to end with the city categorized as quote, extremely dangerous fencing operations, and that meant vendors who did have permits also could not sell on mission. but the president of the street vendors association said the site simply did not work, so the target was not the right approach. >> exactly. there was no the right thing for us. the city tried. they tried to do it marketing. they tried to do the best doing marketing announced
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and everywhere. and it doesn't work. >> all the vendors are being asked to move to the outdoor location on 24th street. the city is working with state representatives to find a solution that would tackle the illegal fencing. >> in today's gma first look wholesale retailer, retail giant costco is selling more than $100 million a month in gold bars. here's abc news reporter rhiannon alley with what's behind this gold rush in this morning's gma first look costco gold rush. >> my mind was blown when we saw what the price was set at with the price of gold on the rise, costco customers turning to gold bars for investment. >> we bought that bar for $2,069.99, and the end of day spot for gold that day was $2,072. and $0.04. so we rarely paid only about $3 over spot. >> experts say gold usually increases in value over time. the idea is that holding on to
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gold will increase in value. >> based on the last couple of years, gold has been on a tear and has been increasing tenfold. >> and coming up at 7 a.m, we'll have much more on the gold bar frenzy and what you need to know before you buy, and what happens when you want to sell with your gma first look. i'm rhiannon ally, abc news, new york. >> that's wild to me. >> >> new at six royalty in the bay area. what brought prince harry to san francisco. >> and a tiny home in the south bay is for sale for more than a million bucks. and it's barely the size of a regular hotel room. >> if i can only imagine how much that's going to be looking at your morning drive. no issues when it comes to the weather. just like yesterday, we have a lot of sunshine out there. once that sun is up here shortly after 640 this morning, temperatures do take off once again very fast. looking at highs across the region, we get one more warm day, get out there and enjoy. you can see 70s and
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80s away from the coast about 13 degrees above average. cooler, cloudier and wetter. weather comes back for the weekend, so dig out that rain gear for saturday hey. nice to meet you. (♪) you're so amazing. (♪) today's cancer research is tomorrow's victory. a victory that is there for the taking. grab it. now that was a great halftime speech. let's go win. [jim valvano] don't give up. don't ever give up®
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