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tv   America This Morning  ABC  April 10, 2024 4:30am-5:01am PDT

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♪♪ captioned by los angeles distribution and broadcasting, inc. >> right now on america this morning. abortion showdown. the supreme court in the battleground state of arizona upholds a law dating back to the civil war era that bans abortion, with almost no exceptions. a top state official
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now vowing not to enforce it. what happens next and what it could mean for the upcoming presidential election? comes forward sounding the alarm about alleged safety flaws at boeing, claiming structural issues with some jets put them at risk of breaking apart after decades of use. why boeing calls the claims inaccurate, unprecedented sentencing the parents of the michigan school shooter are sentenced beyond the suggested guidelines for involuntary manslaughter. >> the judge explains her decision. >> sorority sisters to the rescue here from the college students who jumped into action saved a mother and her kids surprise in the kitchen. >> how a woman found this alligator lurking by the fridge, and later, the push to keep schools open. >> later, to help parents save on childcare costs. the one school opened for 12 hours a day . >> from abc news in new york, this is america this morning.
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>> good wednesday morning, everyone. i'm andrew dymburt and i'm rhiannon ally. >> we want to begin with that abortion ruling in arizona, a court upholding a near-total ban on the procedure. >> the front page of the arizona republic reads abortion ban is law. >> the political fallout could be significant with the presidential election fast approaching and abc's christiane cordero is here now with the details. christiane, good morning, brianna, and good morning. >> the ruling has drawn different reactions within the battleground state of arizona, raising questions about the potential impact on the presidential race and the people who live there. this morning, some republicans appear to be distancing themselves from a ruling by arizona's supreme court, which yesterday ruled arizona must adhere to a law dating back to 1864. before arizona was a state, the law bans abortion from the moment of conception, except when it's necessary to save the mother's life. arizona congressman one cisco mani, a republican who previously voted to restrict access to abortion, called the ruling a disaster for women and
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providers. and kari lake, a trump ally running for senate in arizona, said the ruling is out of step with arizonans, a shift from two years ago when she praised a near-total ban. the law would make abortion punishable by up to five years in prison for anyone who performs the procedure or helps a woman get one, the near-total civil war era ban that continues to hang over our heads only serves to create more chaos for women and doctors in our state, president biden calls the ruling extreme and dangerous. the court, in its ruling yesterday delayed enforcement to allow for any legal challenges in the lower courts, the issue now threatening to be front and center in the presidential campaign. former president trump, who narrowly lost arizona in 2020, said earlier this week that the issue of abortion should be left up to the states and whatever they decide must be the law of the land, in this case, the law of the state. as president trump reshaped the supreme court, which overturned roe v wade, allowing states to
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enforce their own abortion laws when the president's predecessor handicapped three supreme court justices to overturn roe v wade, it paved the way for the chaos and confusion we're seeing play out across the country today. >> well, let me first refer to the chaos that she just did. chaos was 50 years of marching left, right, left, right. the ability of the voices and the will of the people was never allowed to make its way into the law. well, after 50 years, it's going to take a little while for that discourse to unroll. >> abortion rights has won in all six states where it has been on the ballot. and this november , voters in 14 states could decide the issue. >> the kind of middle ground that trump was looking for probably was not found here. and we're going to continue to see a republican party that is searching for a message, a lot of questions to follow in arizona. and many other states to come. >> any enforcement of the arizona law is likely weeks away due to the court allowing legal challenges if it holds. arizona's current attorney general a democrat, vows not to
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enforce it. andrew. christiane >> thank you. we turn now to a new whistleblower coming forward with claims against boeing. those claims involve the safety of one of the company's planes. the faa is now investigating. this morning, boeing is responding to claims made by a new whistleblower who says engineering issues with the company's 787 dreamliners could cause the planes to break apart after decades of use. sam salarpur claims parts of the fuselage are fastened together improperly. >> i'm doing this not because i want boeing to fail, but because i want i want it to succeed and prevent the crashes from happening. >> salarpur has not provided any documented evidence, and boeing has fired back, saying these claims about the structural integrity of the 787 are inaccurate. the issues raised have been subject to rigorous engineering examination under faa oversight. this analysis has validated that these issues do not present any safety concerns
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in the aircraft, will maintain its service life over several decades in 2021 and 2022, boeing slowed production and stopped delivering 787 because of these concerns. it later said it addressed the issue and the faa signed off, resuming deliveries in 2022. but slipper's lawyer claims those fixes are not enough. >> they claim that they've done extensive testing and analysis, but haven't shown it internally to sam or the other engineers. >> boeing is already working on improving its quality control after that door plug flew off this max nine jet in january. a hearing is scheduled next week on capitol hill, the company's ceo already announcing he'll step down. and last month, a different whistleblower was found dead in south carolina from what authorities said was an apparent suicide. as for saliba's claims, boeing says that these issues were taken care of years ago. >> so right now, the onus is on the faa to tell the flying public is this a new problem or has it already been dealt with?
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>> saliba's lawyer claims he faced retaliation after raising those concerns. boeing, in a statement, said the claims he's made are inaccurate. >> well, sources say the father of a teenager accused of plotting to attack churches in idaho had dozens of weapons, including an ar 15. alexander mercurio allegedly planned to steal the guns. authorities say he pledged allegiance to isis. the fbi recently warned isis was calling on so-called lone wolves to carry out attacks in the us. >> the parents of a michigan school shooter have been sentenced for their role in their son's rampage. abc's lionel moise reports on the emotional day in court, including statements from james and jennifer crumbley. >> this morning, the historic ruling after a deadly school shooting, james and jennifer crumbley, sentenced by michigan judge to 10 to 15 years in prison each for their son ethan's mass shooting at oxford high school in 2021, which claimed the lives of four students. >> these convictions are not about poor parenting. these convictions confirm some
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repeated acts or lack of acts that could have halted an oncoming runaway train about repeatedly ignoring things that would make a reasonable person feel the hair on the back of their neck. stand up. >> the judge sentenced the crumbleys beyond the suggested guidelines, citing the catastrophic impact of their crimes. they were convicted of involuntary manslaughter, the first parents in the u.s. ever convicted for a child's mass shooting. they were accused of ignoring several warning signs, buying ethan the gun and refusing to take him home. after the school called about ethan's disturbing drawings that morning, james crumbley, speaking for the first time in court. >> please know that i am truly very sorry. i am sorry for your loss as a result of what my son did. jennifer crumbley tried to walk back a comment she made at her trial, when she said she would not have done anything differently.
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>> my answer would be drastically different if i even thought my son could be capable of crimes like these. >> this could be any parent here , up here in my shoes. ethan could be your child. the victim's families also testifying. >> you say you wouldn't do anything different. well, that really says on what type of parents you are, because there's a lot of things i would do different. but the one thing i would have wanted to be different was to take that bullet that day so she could continue to live the life she deserved. >> it is devastating and heartbreaking that it doesn't appear that either of you cherished or even wanted your son. but i wholeheartedly he wanted and cherished mine. >> both james and jennifer crumbley will get credit for the 858 days they've already served behind bars. their son ethan was already sentenced to life. the judge says. all three will serve
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their sentences in separate prisons. rhiannon andrew. >> all right, lionel, thank you for that. we are learning more about a new us humanitarian effort in gaza. the us plans to build a pier to deliver food, water and medicine. it is expected to cost at least $180 million. meanwhile, at least 14 palestinians have been killed after an israeli airstrike hit a refugee camp. that is according to the hamas run health ministry. in a new interview, president biden said israel's policy in gaza has been a mistake. >> a new video just in from hong kong. at least five people were killed when fire swept through a residential building. firefighters used ladder trucks to rescue several people. no word on what caused the fire. it is time now for your wednesday weather >> good morning. we are watching for another risk for severe weather today into tonight across louisiana, mississippi and alabama with it large hail, damaging winds, even some isolated tornadoes. lots of heavy rainfall to start the day.
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the risk for flooding as rounds of thunderstorms work through. and then tomorrow we'll see these move off the atlantic seaboard. and there's some potential for severe weather here with the threat for damaging wind, possibly a few isolated tornadoes, there's going to be another risk for severe weather tomorrow in the ohio river valley from accuweather i'm melissa constanza >> coming up, seeing gold at costco, just how many gold bars they've been selling. >> also ahead, why consumer reports is speaking out against a popular school lunch option. >> and up next, disturbing video. what we're learning about this deadly police shooting. officers firing nearly
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chicken, mac and cheese, it's one tasty week on gma.
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>> a $600 million settlement has been reached for last year's toxic train derailment in east palestine, ohio. norfolk southern has agreed to pay that money to settle all claims within a 20 mile radius of the incident, as part of the deal, the rail company does not admit to any wrongdoing or liability. >> now to chicago and a fatal police shooting. officers firing nearly 100 shots. abc's andrea fujii has new details. and we do have to warn you, it is hard to watch. >> this morning, chicago police body camera video shows what was supposed to be a routine traffic stop turned deadly. >> open the door. >> 26 year old dexter reid is seen getting pulled over initially for not wearing a seatbelt. five plainclothes tactical officers surrounded reid's suv with guns drawn. one is heard yelling commands open the door! now >> open the door now! open! that's when investigators say reid fired at officers hitting one in the wrist.
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>> four officers then returned fire, shooting about 96 shots 41 seconds while 96 rounds being fired by four officers seems like a lot. >> if the officer still perceived the suspect as a threat, the officers would be justified in continuing to fire. >> authorities say a gun was taken from the front of reid's vehicle at the time of the incident. he was facing charges for allegedly carrying a gun into a street festival. reid's family says they want justice. >> he was just riding around in his car, he said. mom going for a ride and they killed him. they killed him, they killed them. >> the officers involved are now on administrative leave. our chicago station reports a memo from chicago's civilian office of police accountability claims all five officers are also named in a separate investigation into another traffic stop, purportedly also based on a seatbelt violation. and the memo
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reportedly shows at least 50 of the shots fired at reid were from a 23 year old rookie officer. the chicago police union defending the officers, though this started as a simple traffic violation for a seatbelt, it turned into much more not because of the officers, because of the offender. the police deadly force policy in chicago is to fire until the lethal threat is stopped. it could take months before chicago police complete their investigation. andrew. rhiannon. >> still so many questions. andrea. thank you. consumer reports is pushing to remove lunchables from the national school lunch program, citing relatively high levels of lead. the magazine tested a dozen versions of lunchables and also found a chemical used in plastics. kraft heinz, which makes lunchables, says all their foods meet safety standards. >> coming up, the legendary coach, who has now retiring. >> also ahead, we hear from the sorority sisters who jumped into action saving a mother and her action saving a mother and her kids from ♪ marathon, nice to meet you.
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>> we're back with what's being called a miracle in central florida, rescuers revived a 21 year old man after his heart stopped for at least five minutes when he nearly drowned off new smyrna beach, a rip current had pulled him 100 yards into the water. one rescuer said. it's just part of the job, the training we go through and the amount of dedication and discipline it takes for doing this job. >> is definitely something and we see it every day with people coming up to us and thanking us. >> as for the man, he's vowed never to go to the beach again. >> now to a different rescue. this one involving sorority sisters. now speaking to good morning america this morning, the university of georgia sorority sisters who saved a woman and her two young children from a sinking suv are sharing their story. >> just see this like spark of light a little like cloud of
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dust and kind of like a big old crash. >> the five girls were headed to savannah when they saw the suv drive off a bridge and start sinking into a creek. inside were corey kraft and her two sons. >> they shouted if i was okay, and i'm like, no, no, my kids are in the car. >> the girls jumping in and rushing over to the suv, pulling out the oldest son, but his younger brother was trapped in his car seat underwater after it had been like 4 to 5 minutes. >> we all like together like just pulled him out of the vehicle and then, yeah, he was like fully unconscious. his lips were completely blue, like his eyes were closed. he was not breathing. i did not think he was alive. i just sat him on the side of the car. and then that's where i performed the cpr. >> the cpr worked. the little boy was able to breathe again. the whole family was rushed to the hospital. all are okay. >> without them stopping. i would not have my youngest here because i know i would not have been able to get to him in time. >> yeah, it's really right place at the right time.
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>> what a miracle. those girls are heroes. and later on, good morning america. how the sheriff is honoring those girls. incredible. >> all right. in sports, for the first time, the women's basketball championship game beat the men's in the tv ratings. nearly 19 million people watched south carolina beat iowa. that's about 4 million more than watched uconn beat purdue. and a woman's basketball legend is retiring. tara vanderveer is stepping down as stanford's coach, the winningest basketball coach in ncaa history. meanwhile, in soccer, the us women's national team won a dramatic shootout goalie alyssa naeher saving three penalty kicks and even scoring one. the us beat canada to win the shebelieves cup for the seventh time. >> now congrats to them coming up, the push to keep schools open later to help parents save money on child care. money on child care. >> plus, the great dupixent helps you du more with less asthma. and can help you breathe better in as little as two weeks. dupixent is an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma that's not for sudden breathing problems.
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mac and cheese, it's one tasty week on gma >> time to check the pulse. and we begin with costco striking gold. costco being selling one ounce gold bars for around $2,000 last year. >> and now the chain is making up to $200 million a month selling the gold bars. >> gold prices are up 16% since last year. thanks to concerns about inflation. but experts warn selling your gold has potential pitfalls. next, a way to help parents save on high child care costs keep schools open longer a new york elementary school is now open to students 12 hours per day. >> the brooklyn charter school is trying out the program for free to families. doors open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. students who stay late get a meal. they do their homework. they enjoy arts and crafts. the school is already seeing a spike in enrollment. next, a big deal for some youtube dudes. >> their latest trick involves a nine figure contract. dude perfect has scored $100 million deal with an investment firm to
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help the trick shot artists expand their brand. >> they're now planning more live experiences. next, some canine canine chaos officials at the mall are asking who let the dogs out. >> 100 huskies escaped from a pet cafe in a mall in china, taking over the mall. the dogs were eventually corralled. someone had apparently left a door open and finally a florida woman's unwanted house. guess she was watching tv. >> then she heard the front door rattle. and this is what she found an eight foot alligator in her kitchen. it had broken the screen door and was lounge near the fridge. wildlife agents the fridge. wildlife agents eventually when my doctor gave me breztri for my copd things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduced flare-ups. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur.
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