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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  April 3, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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it has black chocolate icing, has silver sprinkles, buttercream made with oreo cookie pieces, and it's topped with oreo. that's a lot going on and that's okay, but it's fine and that's okay. >> do you think that's salt or something else? >> it could be salt. be salt, or maybe just a little powder dusting on it, you know, get that sparkle. >> it looks good. a surprise you got amanda. >> don't play with my emoji. >> it's turtles week. >> april fools week >> george: good morning america for our viewers in the west. in the last 48 hours at least 20 tornados reported in nine states. americans waking up to widespread destruction. a powerful spring store tears through, bringing floods and twisters. >> dude, that is a tornado! >> george: severe winds flip semitruck, knocking people off their feet. even reaching 102 miles an hour
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in kentucky. this morning we're tracking where the tornado watches are still in effect, as the line of storms moves east, with i-95 in the bulls eye right now, our team is tracking it all. >> michael: breaking overnight. a massive deadly earthquake rocking taiwan, toppling buildings and triggering landslides. >> robin: fallout over the israeli strike that killed seven humanitarian workers. president biden outraged, slamming israel for not doing enough to protect aid workers and civilians. what the white house will do next. >> michael: race to reopen baltimore's harbor as we get an up close look at the wreckage of the collapsed bridge, showing just how dangerous it is for dive teams. >> george: new video from inside the raid on sean diddy combs. his ex-girlfriend, mother to one of his son, post video of heavily armed agents in his los angeles home. why she says the lawyers are now investigating the raid. >> robin: spring splurge. the first airline to start dynamic luggage prices.
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gio breaks it down. >> george: college tuition sticker shock. the eye popping new numbers. and how families can navigate financial aid to make it more affordable. >> michael: abc news exclusive. we hear from the man saved in a daring cliff side rescue. >> don't let go, man. don't let go, okay? >> michael: hanging on for almost an hour. what he' saying about the terrifying ordeal. ♪ >> robin: record breaking blockbuster basketball. >> clark, you bet! >> robin: after elite celebration, the final four teams touching down in cleveland. clark with a major assist catapulting the women's game to a whole new level. believe it. >> announcer: live in times square, this is good morning america. >> michael: good morning america. you like that song. i saw what you did there, believe it, from ted lasso.
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i gotcha. we stayed up late to watch the game. we weren't the only one. lot of people watched that game. record breaker. >> george: no question. right now powerful spring storm is on the move. >> robin: at least 48 hours, at least 20 tornados, we should say over the last 48 hours have been reported in nine states. let's go to trevor ault who is in prosper, kentucky, with the damage after a possible tornado. good morning, trevor. >> reporter: good morning, robin. this is just one of many homes that have been damaged here in the suburbs of louisville. it's not just the front entry way. you look up, you can see the roof has been ripped clean off. look at this giant tree in the front yard, snapped in half. these were widespread storms. we're talking about hundreds of thousands of people losing power from here in kentucky to georgia. overnight a powerful spring storm tearing into the central u.s. in jeffersonville, indiana, winds flipping tractor trailers and cars. this semi thrown over a barrier wall.
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a student at the university of kentucky knocked off their feet by severe winds of at least 60 miles an hour. the storms causing massive amounts of damage in just a few seconds. >> the gust of wind lasted probably 15 seconds through here. loudest thing i have ever heard. >> reporter: one person capturing video of a tornado forming in morrisville, kentucky. >> the roots of one house went across the street and ended up into another home in a matter of what seemed like minutes it went from about 70, 75 degrees and sunny to suddenly pitch black and debris flying. >> dude that is a tornado. >> reporter: this car crushed after a giant billboard came crashing down. the storm tore through dunbar, west virginia. >> no one can fix that. it's totalled. gone. >> reporter: drone footage capturing the magnitude of the damage they suffered in williamstown, illinois. rooms ripped off, some buildings gutted. and in ohio, floodwaters sinking vehicles.
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and teams from the national weather service will be out this morning working to determine just how long this suspected tornado was on the ground. course, now those storms are moving east. michael? >> michael: thank you for that. the storm, like trevor said, now heading east, targeting the i-95 corridor. sam champion is in for ginger. he has the track and timing. good morning, sam. >> sam: we've already had two tornado warnings very early this morning into the deep south. i want to show you part of the storm you haven't seen. that's the flooding part. about one-third of the country is covered by this storm. let's get into the north. we're talking about western pennsylvania. 3 inches of rain near pittsburgh. 1 to 3 inches of rain left in this system. there may be a blizzard warning for new hampshire. there's a lot of mountain snow coming in here, heavy rain. look at the timing, right around 6 p.m. drive time home when another round of heavy rain comes through the new york area. boston to new york, we've got high wind warnings. we've got coastal flood watches and warnings. this thing is a mess. then pick up where those
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tornados where and might be during the day today from washington, d.c., severe weather down to tampa. anywhere in here, we see it this morning in south carolina, also north of florida, some tornado warnings can pop. this is a problem up until around lunch time. so we will, of course, be talking about the big snows when we come back. george? >> george: going to turn to breaking news overnight. a violent earthquake in taiwan, the strongest quake to hit the island in 25 years, toppled buildings, triggered land slides. marcus moore has the story. good morning, marcus. >> reporter: george, good morning. we know of at least nine people have been killed and 900 injured. we've learned this morning from taiwanese authorities that more than 70 miners are trapped after these powerful earthquakes. overnight a massive 7.4 magnitude earthquake shaking the entire island of taiwan at 7:58 local time, sending buildings toppling to the ground. the strongest earthquake to hit taiwan in 25 years leaving destruction in its wake. this building collapsing on its
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first floor while another was left leaning at an angle. with public transit shut down across the island, disrupting the morning commutes of 23 million people, sending them running for their lives. these videos showing apartments rocking back and forth, shelves falling over from the chaos. in tapei, monitors in a news room could be seen shaking, while a warehouse crumbled into rubble, unable to withstand the tremors. these were shallow with 27 miles and 7 miles. usually shallow earthquakes are more damaging than the deeper ones, resulting in the damage that we've seen in taiwan this morning. robin, as the race continues to rescue survivors. >> robin: thinking of everyone that's been impacted by that, marcus. thank you. now president biden expressing outrage about the israeli attack that killed seven humanitarian aid workers in gaza, criticizing israel for not doing enough to protect aid workers and civilians.
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our foreign correspondent britt clennett is on the scene in israel. good morning, britt. >> reporter: good morning, robin. biden saying israel is not doing enough to protect aid workers and civilians in gaza amid a global out cry over that deadly attack that killed seven aid workers including a dual u.s. citizen. this morning growing outage after israeli forces killed seven humanitarian aid workers in gaza. in a strongly worded statement, president biden calling their deaths a tragedy, saying israel has also not done enough to protect civilians. the president upping the pressure on israel, saying he will press the country to do more to facilitate aid. this after clearly marked vehicles from the world central kitchen, an ngo providing meals, were hit by three israeli air strikes after unloading food supplies to this warehouse. and now we're learning more about those killed.
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jay flickinger, a dual u.s./canadian citizen, as well as three british national, another from poland, an australian and a palestinian. the white house is outaged. but national security counsel spokes person john kirby defending u.s. policy, surrounding the military aid to israelis. >> we're still going to make sure they can defend themselves. that doesn't mean it's a free pass, that we look the other way when something like this happens. >> reporter: in the immediate aftermath, israeli prime minister netanyahu calling this incident a tragic case and initially saying, quote, it happens in war. his office later releasing a follow-up statement using softer language, saying israel deeply regrets the tragic incident and the idf is conducting a swift an transparent investigation, and we will make our findings public. two aid groups have suspended their operations in the wake of this attack. the u.n. now says that 200 aid workers have been killed since the start of the war, saying wars have rules that need to be respected.
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george? >> george: okay, thank you very much. now the latest on the race for the white house. former president trump hit the campaign trail in wisconsin as primary voters went to the polls there. both trump and biden won. both campaigns also show signs of problems. rachel scott is in green bay, wisconsin, where there's a battle for the state. good morning, rachel. >> reporter: george, good morning. as much as donald trump wants to focus on immigration and president biden wants to focus on abortion rights these results do show clear challenges for both candidates in critical battleground states like here in wisconsin, where a few thousand votes could make all the difference. overnight, president biden and donald trump scoring decisive victories in a string of primaries, but the results showing clear warning signs for both candidates. the former president returning to the campaign trail repeating his lies about the 2020 election, and escalating his at attacks on president biden, accusing him of unleashing a quote blood bath at the border. once again using disparaging language to talk about immigrants.
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calling them animals. >> democrats say, please don't call them animals, they're humans. i say, no, they're not humans. they're animals. >> reporter: the biden campaign insisting trump is a threat to democracy. the former president drilling in on what he's calling migrant crimes pointing to the death of 25-year-old ruby garcia, who officials say was killed by an undocumented immigrant who she had a relationship with. >> they said she had the most contagious laughter and when she walked into a room she lit up that room. i have heard that from so many people i spoke to, some of her family. >> reporter: but the family of the victim telling a local grand rapids station that never happened. >> he did not speak with any of us. it was kind of shocking seeing that he had said that he had spoke with us. >> reporter: data shows undocumented immigrants are actually less likely to commit violent crimes than american citizens. just months ago the former president pressured congressional republicans to block a bipartisan border package their own party negotiated. as trump focus on immigration,
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the biden campaign putting aborg rights front and center, seizing on a florida ruling that will give voters a chance to protect abortion rights and releasing this campaign ad. >> 2016 donald trump ran to overturn roe v. wade. now in 2024, he's running to pass a national ban on a woman's right to choose. >> reporter: the campaign saying that now puts florida in play for the presidential election. president biden is facing his own challenges in critical battleground states like wisconsin. activists angry over his staunch support for israel, war with hamas, organizing a protest to send the white house a message. donald trump won wisconsin by just over 20,000 votes. more than 47,000 people participated in that protest just yesterday. as for donald trump, even though nikki haley dropped out of the race, she still got 13% of the vote in the republican primary. it's a sign that trump still has some work to do when it
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comes to winning over her supporters. michael? >> michael: lot of work on both campaigns. thank you very much, rachel. going to turn to baltimore and the race to remove the wreckage from last week's collapse of the francis scott key bridge. crews have opened a second temporary channel. we are getting an up close look at the site. our senior national correspondent terry moran is on the scene for us. good morning, terry. >> reporter: good morning, michael. some limited shipping is moving through those alternate channels despite the foul weather the past few days. those crews are there around the clock, divers going into the water. we did get that up close look at their work and the magnitude of the challenge ahead. this morning workers are racing to open a third channel in baltimore's harbor, critical to allowing some larger vessels to bypass the mangled wreckage of the francis scott key bridge. >> we are going to get this done. we will clear the channel. >> reporter: crews and cranes are working around the clock painstakingly cutting and removing the wreckage piece by piece.
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we saw that effort by close aboard a u.s. arm corps of engineers survey vessel. >> when you get up close, you see the sheer scale and violence of what happened when the ship hit the bridge. >> reporter: some of the cargo containers just crumbled like card board hanging off the side. murky waters and strong currents complicate the work, with new 3-d sonar images showing just how dangerous it is for dive teams. the jagged steel trusses tangled and snarled. >> what you are seeing behind me is what we are seeing above the water. the same complexity and challenges, even more so are below the water as well. >> reporter: among the most urgent tasks, recovering the bodies of those four remaining construction workers lost when the bridge went down. >> our thoughts and prayers go out to the families of those victims. our efforts are going into not only getting this channel and the port back open, but also finding those victims.
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>> reporter: officials still can't tell us how long it will take to reopen that main channel out there much less rebuild the bridge. president biden will be here tomorrow to see it all for himself. robin? >> robin: appreciate your reporting. now two big sticker shock headlines that could impact your wallet. rebecca is standing by. she has the latest on the rising cost of sending kids to college. first gio benitez is here with the first airline to start surge pricing for baggage. say it ain't so. >> gio: it is so, robin. good morning. right now it's just jet blue trying this out but in theory, other airlines could look at it to see if it works. jet blue is the first airline to try this dynamic pricing, surge pricing telling abc news that during peak travel times for most tickets, the airline will charge an extra 5 bucks for the first checked bag and another $10 for flights in the u.s., caribbean and latin america.
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but there is a way to save. if you're telling jet blue about that checked bag earlier in the process, so before the 24 hour check in window you can save ten bucks by paying for it in advance. no matter which airline you fly, you can also save on fees if you have the airline's credit card, if you fly enough it will essentially cover that annual fee. our friends at remind us, don't forget about southwest. it doesn't usually appear on those price comparison websites but right now it's the only u.s. airline that doesn't charge extra for that bag. so you might want to look at that. >> george: okay, thanks. turning to college tuition sticker shock. the price of some schools now more than $90,000 a year. chief business correspondent rebecca jarvis here with details. good morning, rebecca. >> rebecca: many private colleges have published costs for tuition, housing, food, books and other fees. they've all graduated to more than $90,000 for the first time. the schools include usc, u penn, brown, dartmouth and boston university.
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but what students will actually pay could be much lower. it really depends on the school. the first step is filling out the free federal student aid, or fafsa form, from which this will help the financial aid staff to determine how much aid you will receive. some of these higher priced private institutions have a lot of money to give because they have huge endowments. usc says nearly two-thirds of students receive some form of financial aid including merit scholarships, need based grants or loans. they also offer incoming first year students whose families earn $80,000 or less free tuition. so it is important to look beyond that sticker price. while the cost of college tuition continues to rise, what is more staggering is the amount of student debt which has gone from $619 billion in 2008 to $1.8 trillion. meaning it has almost tripled in 16 years.
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but, george, if you're wondering is it really worth it? people do tend to earn more if they go to college and graduate. >> george: it does make a big difference. okay, rebecca, thanks. coming up, we'll tell you what you need to know about the financial support options that are available. >> robin: that is so important. coming up, how costco is getting into the weight loss business, making it easier for some customers to get popular medications used for weight loss. >> george: plus the new video inside the raid of sean diddy combs. why his ex-girlfriend is blasting the federal agents who went into his l.a. home. >> michael: the man rescued from the side of a california cliff tells his harrowing story only on gma this morning. but first back to sam. >> sam: concern for flooding rain and strong winds, damaging winds in the northeast. i want to show you new york city. high wind warnings out, coastal flood watch and warnings there as well. that goes all the way into boston. we're talking about wind gusts. steady winds around 30 miles per hour but gusts could be 50 to 60 miles per hour. that's the weather around the nation. here's what you can expect this morning.
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>> george: we have a lot more coming up including our focus on ai. we'll tell you how parents can talk to their kids about this new technology. stay with us. we'll be right back. (♪ ) why did i keep missing out on this? before you were preventing migraine with qulipta? do you remember the pain, the worry, the canceled plans? and look at me now. you'll never truly forget migraine but qulipta reduces attacks making zero-migraine days possible. it's the only pill of its kind that blocks cgrp and is approved to prevent migraine of any frequency. to help give you that forget you get migraine feeling. don't take if allergic to qulipta. most common side effects are nausea, constipation and sleepiness. learn how abbvie could help you save. qulipta, the forget-you-get migraine medicine. look at that sweet frosting and filling.
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to introduce a resolution opposing that proposed name change. sfo officials sent a letter asking that the proposal be scrapped altogether because it could cause potential confusion for travelers. but several east bay business groups and representatives say they support the name change. port commissioners will vote on that modification on april 11th. now we're going to check in with amanda for a look at traffic. >> now. kumasi a big bart issue to tell you about bart service has stopped between antioch and pittsburg bay point in all directions due to a minor derailment. tri delta is providing a bus bridge between antioch and pittsburg bay point station. >> thanks, amanda. meteorologist drew tuma has a quick look at the bay area forecast. when
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going to be a partly sunny day, cooler and windier this afternoon. we're starting temperatures in the mid 40s to the mid 50s right now. winds will pick up this afternoon as a cold front passes by. future tracker wind speeds showing you between 20 and 35mph this afternoon. just a blustery day with cooler temperatures by 4 p.m. we're only going to the 50s and 60s. showers are back tomorrow. kumasi. >> thanks, ju. if you're streaming on the abc seven bay area app, abc seven at seven is next. for everyone else, it's gma. >> when a car knocks you off your bike, our team will get you back on your feet. justice takes more than a fighter. you need a champion walk a personal injury law call 866. walk up law. >> you made a cow. >> actually, it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. >> how about a more solid way to save? >> i'm listening. >> well, bmo helps get your
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awkward question is there going to be anything left? left over? yeah. oh, absolutely. my kids don't know what they want. >> you know who knows what she wants me. i want a massage in amalfi from someone named giancarlo. >> and i didn't live in that shoe box for years. not just with him. power we get all of our financial questions answered so you don't have to worry. >> i guess i'll get the caviar. >> just kidding. join 18 million americans and take control of your financial future with a real time dashboard and real live conversations. empower what's next? >> hey, look me over. >> tell me, do you like what you see? forgive me. i'm a. >> welcome to blue buffalo's one. taste is all it takes. >> she won't eat anything. she doesn't want to eat. there's no faking it with her. >> we sent you blue, tasteful,
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dry food. >> she loved it. >> what's for dinner tonight? >> it's tasteful. it's from blue buffalo. for this little girl. >> pick up blue taste bulls today. >> salonpas. lidocaine flex a super thin, flexible patch with maximum otc strength lidocaine that contours to the body to relieve pain. right where it hurts. and did we mention it really, really sticks? salonpas has it's good medicine for fine lines. >> make an appointment with this hyaluronic plumping water cream hyaluronic plumping water cream by l'oreal with micro hyaluronic acid hydrates better than we're worth it. >> caitlin clark! >> robin: back here on gma. caitlin clark, iowa, getting ready for the final four, where they will face uconn. this was after a record breaking rematch against lsu and a blockbuster celebration as you can see.
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lara will have more details on the megamilestone in our play of the day. >> george: following a lot of headlines including the spring storm on the move. in the last 48 hours 20 tornados have been reported in nine states. our team is tracking the storm as it heads east. new report from the department of homeland security blaming microsoft for a cascade of avoidable aroars that resulted in a chinese hack of the u.s. government last year. a report also concluded the company's security culture needed an overhaul. >> michael: take a look at this. the milwaukee brewers have a tradition called the sausage race. visiting twins byron buckston almost became part of the show. he almost got run over. came oh so close to being flattened. he plays center field for the twins. bratwurst, italian and a hot dog. and a polish. good race right there. we have more ahead including our exclusive with the man rescued from the side of a california
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cliff. that's all coming up. >> george: now new video of the raid of sean diddy combs. claims from combs' associates that agents mistreated his sons. senior correspondent aaron katersky has the story. >> reporter: good morning. after those dramatic raids by federal agents the mother of one of diddy's sons says a lawyer is investigating what she calls the excessive use of force. this morning a new inside look at the raid last month on hip hop mogul sean diddy comb, who's now the subject of a federal human trafficking investigation. his ex-girlfriend, with whom he shares a son, posting this video showing armored vehicles in the drive way of his los angeles estate and heavily armed agents from homeland security investigations moving in, guns drawn. two of diddy's sons, justin an christian combs, seen here detained and later released. its protocol during searches. but hilton posting the overtly
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militarized force used against my sons is deplorable. if these were the sons of a nonblack celebrity they would not have been handled with the same aggression. >> when law enforcement goes in to execute a search warrant, they've done quite a bit of intelligence gathering prior to doing the entry. it may seem excessive, but it may have been exactly what is described in their rules and procedures. ♪ >> reporter: federal agents carried out a parallel search at diddy's home in miami. law enforcement sources told abc news they found guns in both locations and seized multiple electronic devices as federal prosecutors in new york work to corroborate allegations of sexual assault and sex trafficking from several of diddy's accusers. in november cassie ventura settled a lawsuit accusing combs of drugging her, raping her and passing her off to other durings their relationship. music producer rodney jones is suing combs claiming he has evidence of sex, drugs and weapons offenses. combs has denied everything. his lawyer said he's innocent and will continue to fight every
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single day to clear his name. >> this could be a messy or drawn out or very complex investigation. you have famous individuals. you have many different people making many different allegations. also, many different defenses. they're going to have to go through all this and identify what is real, what is not, and what can be proved? >> reporter: combs has not been charged with any crime, but these searches carried out in broad daylight are a sure sign that prosecutors are confident in the strength of the evidence and in the case they're apparently building against him. >> george: what a story. thank you very much. >> michael: thank you, aaron. now to jury selection in the trial of chad daybell. the husband of so called doomsday mom lori vallow, accused of murdering two of her children and his first wife. erielle reshef joins us with the latest. good morning. >> of course chilling case. lori daybell convicted of killing her own children after claiming they were zombies.
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now the same judge is presiding over her husband's trial, he is facing the death penalty if convicted. chad daybell appearing in an idaho courtroom. jury selection in his murder trial now under way. the so-called doomsday step dad, who made national headlines accused of killing his wife, two children and murdering his first wife. his wife sentenced to wife in prison without parole. a jury unanimously finding her guilty for the deaths of her two kids, 16-year-old kylie and 7-year-old jj and conspireing to kill daybell's ex. >> the defendant, lori daybell, used money, power and sex, or the promise of those things, to get what she wanted. >> reporter: tylie and jj were last seen september of 2019. prosecutors say vallow and daybell claimed their kids were
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zombies and killed them. they were found in shallow graves in daybell's idaho back yard in 2020. vallow, who was already in custody, heard talking to daybell on a jail house phone call during the search of his home. >> are they at the house? >> no, they're out on the property. >> are they seizing anything? >> they're searching. >> reporter: less than an hour later, daybell was arrested, accused of killing both tylee and jj. he's also facing charges for the murder of his ex-wife tammy. daybell has pleaded not guilty to all charges. >> i certainly think based on the previous trial that mr. daybell has a very large hill to climb. >> reporter: it is unlear if lori will testify against her husband. neither took the stand in her trial. her attorneys rested her case without calling a single
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witness. jury selection is expected to take about a week, this whole trial about nine weeks. the key will be finding jurors who haven't heard of this case. >> robin: that's hard. thank you, erielle. >> george: coming up how costco is getting into the weight loss business, making it easier for some people to get popular medications. and the man rescued from the side of a cliff. janai will brynn us that story. hey, janai. >> he was trapped for more than an hour. coming up he's telling us about the terrifying life or death situation and what was going through his mind as he thought he may not make it, when we come back. back. ♪ don't let me go ♪ ♪ no ♪ ♪ don't let me go ♪ ♪ no ♪ ♪ don't let me go ♪ ♪ no, no, no don't let me go ♪ ♪ don't let me go ♪ ♪ no don't you ever let me go ♪ ♪ don't you ever let me go ♪
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♪are you ready♪ ♪are you ready♪ when my doctor gave me breztri for my copd things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduced flare-ups. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ask your doctor about breztri. ta-da! hulu on disney+ is now available. i think we just found our new home. your favorites, together like never before.
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this is a destination spot. for disney bundle subscribers, hulu on disney+ is here. >> robin: we're back with the hiker who was rescued while clinging to a cliff in california. janai norman is here with that story. good morning. >> so he describes himself as a risk taker and says he was being brave and adventurous when he started climbing the cliff, but rocks started crumbling, leaving him stuck, clinging to the side of the cliff, knowing that if he let go, he probably wouldn't make it. >> don't let go, man. don't let go, okay? >> reporter: after clinging to the side of this cliff in northern california for almost an hour -- >> i got you, brother. >> reporter: this morning, exclusively telling abc news about the terrifying moments he wondered whether he'd survive. >> my muscles were tired. i was cramping. i knew if i had fallen it wasn't going to be good.
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>> reporter: the 22-year-old trapped, dangling more than 50 feet above the ocean focused on just holding on. >> when help arrived i knew it was almost over. >> reporter: what began as a beautiful beach walk on easter with his girlfriend turning into a life or death situation when the avid hiker decided to take a short cut up the hill. >> i decided to climb the cliff, be brave, be adventurous. so i started climbing. about 40 or 50 foot up all the rocks started crumbling. every rock that i grabbed just gets removed from the cliff. >> reporter: his girlfriend rushing to get help. >> put your left hand in here, brother. >> reporter: helicopter teams using night vision to find him, barely visible as he hung among the crashing waves. >> it was very technical, in that the victim was on the
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cliff. he didn't have a ledge to get any hand on. >> reporter: rescuers fearing he could flip at any moment. >> don't let go, man. don't let go, okay? >> my fear is that he was going to let go. i realized if he did, he would start sliding. i had given him clear instruction, do not let go. do not let go. i was able to feed the rescue device around him. >> reporter: cody landing back on solid ground with just a few scrapes and bruises and a lot of gratitude. >> the helicopter and the person who grabbed me and saved me. i don't know where i would be without them. they helped a lot. >> reporter: my goodness. he said at one point he was holding on with just one hand and his feet didn't really fit on the rocks. it was one toe clinging there. he said the probably a lesson a trying to take a short cut. [ laughter ] >> michael: good point. there's no short cuts in life, janai. thank you very much. appreciate you. coming up sarah jessica parker talking about sugar and her kids and what parents can do to find the right balance in her home.
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next lara is bringing our play of the day. >> lara: are you sure you want me to do that? all right. we g the real winner may not be who you think it is. you think it i, send it over. we will be. te to severe ulcerative colitis or crohn's disease... put it in check with rinvoq... a once—daily pill. when symptoms tried to take control, i got rapid relief... and reduced fatigue with rinvoq. check. when flares kept trying to slow me down... i got lasting steroid—free remission... with rinvoq. check. and when my doctor saw damage,... rinvoq helped visibly reduce damage of the intestinal lining. check. for both uc and crohn's: rapid symptom relief... lasting steroid—free remission... and visibly reduced damage. check. check. and check. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin; heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred.
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live claritin clear® infused with vitamin b3 and hyaluronic acid, if you're taking an antidepressant, but you're still masking your depression, you could be experiencing a partial response to your antidepressant. partial response happens when your antidepressant alone isn't enough. let's try adding rexulti. when added to an antidepressant, rexulti significantly reduced depression symptoms more than an antidepressant alone. so you can build on your progress. rexulti can cause serious side effects. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. antidepressants may increase suicidal thoughts and actions and worsen depression in children and young adults. report new or sudden changes in mood, behavior, thoughts, or feelings, or if you develop suicidal thoughts or actions.
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report fever, stiff muscles, and confusion which can be life threatening or uncontrolled muscle movements, which may be permanent. high blood sugar which can lead to coma or death; weight gain; increased cholesterol; low white blood cells; unusual urges; dizziness on standing; falls; seizures; trouble swallowing, or sleepiness may occur. ask your doctor about rexulti. is a little help from your friends. ♪ everyone's invited to pixar fest at the disneyland resort... for a celebration of friendship and beyond you won't want to miss. starting april 26th. >> robin: we survived and are back now with our play of the day. blockbuster basketball breaking another record.
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break it all down for us, lara. >> lara: the big winner of the ncaa tournament might be espn. monday's epic showdown between iowa and lsu was the most anticipated game of the year. >> michael: wow. >> lara: it did not disappoint. the elite eight rematch lived up to the hype on the court. now espn is reaping the rewards, reporting 12.3 million viewers tuned in for all of that action. to put it into perspective, it now stands as the most watched women's college basketball game ever. that number even beating out last year's world series and almost all of the games in the nba finals matchup. i love it. and much of that is due to caitlin clark giving a master class on how to drain three pointers. with 41 points over lsu, she and her iowa hawkeyes will take on. uconn in the final four. it is not lost on uconn coach geno auriemma. he just hopes she doesn't drop 50 on them. that's what he said. we will also see nc state take
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on undefeated south carolina on the other side of the final four. that all goes down on friday night. we cannot wait. we should point out also that nc state and uconn are cheering on their men's teams, both still in it to win it. men's and women's teams all won in 2004, that would be uconn and 2014. it would be huge to see uconn do it again ten years later. >> michael: ten years. >> lara: unbelievable. they're due, i guess. we shall see. you can watch it all on espn. the women starting friday at 7:00 p.m. the men final four is on saturday 6 p.m. and then the women's national champs will be on sunday right here on abc. >> robin: going to be some great games, both men and women. >> michael: every time you do this sam goes like -- [ laughter ] >> sam: i don't know what to do with it. i'm lost. [ laughter ]
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>> lara: it's also reputation. big basketball action coming up. we're so excited. >> robin: we cannot wait. thank you, lara. coming up valerie bertinelli. we love her. we said come on back, and she is. she has some more great recipes from her new cookbook. i can't wait for the tasting table. [ laughter ] [laughter] >> turned over.
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severe swelling of blood vessels in the eye can occur. most common eye side effects were cataract and broken blood vessels. open up your world with vabysmo. a chance for up to 4 months between treatments with vabysmo. ask your doctor. >> sam: it's a cloud, two of them, hanging over the mountains. normally in calm weather and you get the winds going in the same direction, you can get these clouds that redevelop. it's not retouched. it's super cool looking.
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another one, a rainbow over san diego. this is when i normally try to do the irish accent my family says. they're always after my lucky charms. i try. here's what's going on. we've got a lot of high wind. vegas, you're part of this. there's a brand new system that drops down the california coast line. northern california, you're in it overnight. heavy rain from san francisco, los angeles. mountain snow is one of the things we're watching. coming up navigating financial aid and what families need to know when dealing with the high cost of college. plus try before you buy puts men's joggers through their paces. and the important questions about parenting and families before you decide to take the leap. here's your best abc weather from our local station.
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fitness training equipment for every workout. don't miss out! join the judgment free zone today and get energized for $1 down $10 a month. cancel anytime . deal ends friday, april 12th. >> monday afternoon, all eyes to the sky for a total solar eclipse. a breathtaking celestial event. eclipse across america streaming on abc news live. national geographic channel, nat geo wild, disney, hulu and live on abc. >> good morning america is sponsored by freshpet. it's not
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dog food, it's food. food >> 9-1-1. what's your emergency? >> a woman just glued herself to the driveway of the bachelor mansion. >> jesse, is the 9-1-1 team here for all the right reasons. >> we don't get lucky in the mansion. we might have a better chance at the fire station 9-1-1 new thursday on. >> always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning everyone. i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven mornings. going to check in now with amanda for a look at traffic. hi kumasi. >> we're keeping our focus on that big bart disruption service remains stopped between antioch and pittsburg bay point and all directions due to a minor derailment from earlier this morning. but to help you out. tri delta is providing a bus bridge between antioch and pittsburg bay point stations. back to you. >> hey, amanda. i'll take it here. south beach camera showing you the bay bridge. we are dealing with overcast skies this morning. temperatures right now. most of us in the low and mid 50s. so not one of our coldest mornings this week, but
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certainly today is going to feel a lot colder than yesterday in the afternoon. part of the reason why a front moves through here this afternoon. and we see those winds pick up between about 20 and 35mph. so it's a blustery afternoon on the way. we do see brighter conditions later on by 4 p.m, but that wind will be an issue. and that cold front is going to bring in some colder air. so highs today we're only in the 50s and 60s. by about 4 p.m. kumasi. >> thank you drew. if you are streaming with us on the abc seven bay area app, abc seven at seven continues next for everyone else, it's gma. >> no one can undo an accidental death, but we can help manage what comes next. justice takes more than a fighter. you need a champion walk a personal injury law visit. walk up the next 30s 250 couples will need to make room for a nursery. >> 26 people will go all in this family will get two bathrooms and finally one vacationer will
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right. >> precision door service a name you can trust no matter how long your journey to recovery may be. >> we'll be with you 100% of the way. justice takes more than a fighter. you need a champion walk, a personal injury law visit. walk up live is giving you >> george: good morning america. it's 8 a.m. powerful spring storm on the move. twisters and floods. >> dude that is a tornado. >> george: severe winds flip semitruck, knocking people off their feet. at least 20 tornados reported in nine states, as the line of storms move east, with i-95 in the bulls eye, our team is tracking it all. >> robin: the new push by the lawyer for the idaho college murder suspect to get his case moved. why they say he can't get a fair trial. >> michael: rotisserie chicken, toilet paper and ozempic.
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how costco is getting in on the weight loss business. >> george: with sarah jessica parker said about having sugar at home and her kids, and how parents can find the sweet spot. dr. sutton's here with a reality check. >> michael: walk don't run to find the best joggers. >> i wear them to the gym, traveling. even dress them up. >> michael: gio is traveling out three of the most popular brands before you buy. >> george: family matters. the important discussions you should be having, from family planning. >> what conversations should we be having about responsibilities once we're parents? >> george: planning to spend time with family. the expert advice before you take the leap. ♪ looking for some hot stuff ♪ >> robin: get ready to dig in. valerie bertinelli is back with more delicious recipes from her new cookbook. she's saying -- >> good morning america! ♪ got to have some hot stuff ♪ >> announcer: live from times
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square, this is gma. >> robin: we just couldn't get enough of valerie bertinelli. she's back for seconds. more recipes from her new cookbook. >> michael: i'll be sitting at that table getting my grub on. also this morning, with so many families finding out about college, or deciding where to go, we're going to help you navigate the financial aid maze to help manage the big price tag. >> george: first a look at the powerful spring storms on the move. at least 20 tornados reported in nine states. sam's in for ginger. good morning, sam. >> sam: this is a powerful storm. about one third of the country is covered. severe weather to blizzard warnings. let's show you the tornados. at least 20 of them in maybe nine states. this is a drone image. i want you to see that big chunk. when you put it in perspective, that's about half a roof in the air through that tornado. that one's in indiana. then 102 mile per hour winds reported in kentucky. this is on the campus of uk. not necessarily that strong, but
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strong enough to take this student and blow her all the way back. so please, please be careful with these storms as you go east, as they go east. this is georgia from earlier this morning. some wind damage. we're expecting winds 60 miles per hour. high wind warnings are out there. this has got the potential for getting some maybe tornados in right around lunch time. that's a powerful line going all the way through florida. now i want to show you the snow. this is two to maybe three feet of snow in parts of vermont and new hampshire and into maine today. the rain times out to be absolutely the worse in the the new york city area right around drive time home. this is 1 to 3 inches of rain. >> robin: then we've got wind with the ground so soaked and the trees coming down. all right, sam. thank you. now to the lawyer for the man accused of killing four university of idaho students in an off campus house in 2022. says he can't get a fair trial in the county where the murders happened. victor oquendo has that story
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for us. good morning, victor. >> reporter: bryan kohberger's lawyer arguing that the jury pool which will be made up of people who live in the area is bias because of all the attention the case has gotten. attorneys for the man accused of the murders hired an outside consultant to take a community attitude survey to look at media and social media coverage of the case to assess case recognition, familiarity an bias, hoping to convince the court to move the trial to a different county. well, after this was brought to the attention of the court, by prosecutors who asked the judge to ban this outreach, the judge overseeing the case has ordered that, for now, neither side can contact prospective jurors. bryan kohberger has been charged with first degree murders of four students. they were found dead in their home near the school a year and a half ago. he was arrested a month later after fleeing to pennsylvania and has been behind bars since.
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if convicted, he faces the death penalty. a not guilty plea was entered for kohberger in the case. his attorneys argue halting these surveys unfairly delayed their pursuit for a change of venue. a hearing has been scheduled for tomorrow. michael? >> michael: thank you, victor. we turn to costco offering a weight loss program through its stores. morgan norwood is here with details. good morning, morgan. >> reporter: good morning. costco is the latest retail giant to wade into the weight loss waters. the warehouse club is offering a full service weight loss program. here's the thing. it will cost members $179 for a three month subscription. that includes a video appointment with a weight loss doctor, guidance on nutrition and exercise and a medical history analysis. that will be key. based on that history, if the doctor thinks it's a good fit, they may prescribe you a weight loss medicine like ozempic or wegovy. so the cost of this medicine, you should know, is not included
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in the price. and remember, without insurance these drugs can cost more than $1,000 per month. the other challenge, getting the prescription filled. pharmacies across the country have reported shortages as demand for these drugs grow. the maker of ozempic and wegovy said it's working to increase supply. meanwhile, costco isn't the first to get into the weight loss game. right? it follows amazon and weight watchers, which both offer similar services to their members. we've not heard back from costco but its partner sesame says it is all about making high quality specialty care like weight loss more accessible and affordable. guys? >> george: thanks very much. coming up our gma morning menu. everything families need to know from grants to student loans. >> robin: also ahead how sarah jessica parker helps her kids have a healthy relationship with sugar. and what parents can do to make sure their kids don't eat too much of it. >> michael: plus gio is going to try before you buy. looking at male joggers for comfort and style.
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lara and sam are with a special guest. hey, you two. >> lara: sam, sam. tell everybody who's here. >> sam: valerie bertinelli is here! >> hey! >> lara: we're so happy she's with us. we're ready to indulge in some of her recipes. that's the name of her brand new cookbook. we'll get into it later on gma. get cooking there, champion. >> okay. # on. >> okay. you will want to eat these. it's okay to show off. with dupixent, show off your clearer skin and less itch. because you have plenty of reasons to show off your skin. with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, you can stay ahead of your eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your skin from within. many adults saw 90% clearer skin. some even achieved long—lasting clearer skin
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allergic reactions to ubrelvy can happen. most common side effects were nausea and sleepiness. migraine pain relief starts with you. ask about ubrelvy. learn how abbvie could help you save. ♪ we belong ♪ ♪ we belong together ♪ ♪ we belong ♪ hulu on disney+. available with disney bundle. plans starting at $9.99 a month. >> robin: spring day here in nyc. spring day everywhere. back here on gma. i'm really looking forward to this. tomorrow secrets to spring cleaning.
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expert tips for getting every room of the house squeaky clean. michael? >> michael: thank you for that, robin. now our gma cover story. college sticker shock. with some schools costing $90,000 a year as more than 2 million students prepare to graduate high school. elizabeth schulze is here to tell us how families can navigate their options. lot of parents will be paying attention to this one. what are the financial support options that are available, and how do you access them? >> this is such a maze to navigate. first thing families need to know, they need to go to student and fill out their fafsa form. this form is the gateway to any sort of financial aid. on that form you're going to create an fsa log in and enter all of your family's financial account information. basically, that's going to give you options for how many federal loans you can qualify for and pell grants. pell grants are really important
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because this is money you get from the federal government that you don't have to pay back toward your education. take that money when you can. same thing with scholarships. look into scholarship options. pell grants and scholarships help cover 30% of college costs last year. >> michael: there was a delay in the rollout of the new fafsa form. how is that affecting the process for students? >> this has been a big deal for a lot of families. they rely on the financial aid. the new form was simplified. it was supposed to make it easier. it is going to do that, but the rollout has been messy. there's been a lot of glitches. some students are in a position where they don't know what their financial aid package will be. they have to make a decision, make the deadline. the risk is that this glitch means fewer people apply for financial aid. one thing we are seeing is fafsa applications are down about 30% compared with this time last year. that just means there could be money people are leaving on the table.
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>> michael: how do families figure out what the best option is for them? apply for loan, save up? how do they decide that? >> so many questions. there are two types of student loans people can apply for. federal loans or private loans. most of them are going to be federal. that's the starting point for folks. you can figure out how much you can get from the government. then if you don't qualify, generally they're more flexible for borrowers. you can pay back over time. you might be able to lower your bill. private loans are something to think about if you've maxed out those federal options. they might have more favorable interest rates. as far as saving up, financial experts will say it is never too early to start. you want to think about a 529 fund. these are plans that are specifically designed for putting expenses away towards education. if you have earnings on money in those fund, you don't have to pay taxes. typically they don't have annual fees. so this is really an important way families can grow their
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earnings, grow their savings for education over time, michael. >> michael: whole college process is one of the most stressful things you can go through. i just went through it. thank you for helping people navigate. >> it's important to get those answers so you can save. >> michael: elizabeth, thank you. robin? >> robin: so important. now to sarah jessica parker making headlines, saying she keeps different kinds of sweets in her home to help her kids develop a healthy relationship with food. our medical correspondent dr. darien sutton will break it down. what is your advice about keeping sugary foods in the home? >> i think you should focus on making sure that your children have healthy relationships with food just in general. that's an investment. i think it's equally important to teach them about what foods to lean towards and what foods to lean away from. when it comes to sugar, robin, specifically for babies and children, it's important for parents to know the general recommendations. children under 2 years old, there should be no added sugar
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in their diet. over the age of 2, the total maximum should be around 25 grams of sugar. so pay attention to those numbers. >> robin: we have to pay attention to how much we're actually consuming and how much we think we are consuming. there's a difference there. >> very true. children are mimicking what we're doing. i don't know if you know, but the average american eats about 17teaspoons of added sugar day. that's about 71 grams. general recommendation for maximums are around 9 grams for men -- excuse me, 34 for men, nine teaspoons or 24 for women. >> robin: there's so much sugar in foods and drinks that we don't know. >> it's hidden in everything. you've got to pay attention to labels. >> robin: after school snack. that was a big one in our house. >> mine, too. that's when i was the hungriest. whatever was out, i ate it. these are some examples that i want to show when you're looking for added sugar. number one, soda. we all know soda has sugar in it.
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an average bottle of sodas ha around 60 grams of sugar. you think about sports drinks, they can be deceptive. they often come with this idea of being healthier. many times average bottle is about 34 grams of sugar. and condiments. that's where sugar can hide. a regular bottle of ketchup, one-third is added sugar. you want to make sure you pay attention to where sugar is. lot of times, easy to spot cookie, obviously, processed bread. not something you should avoid completely, but you want to stick to it keep it as sometimes food not always food. i included granola bars. paying attention to food labels. >> robin: this is sometimes. this is always. >> this is always. this is what you should leave out plenty of. this is what someone should come home to. you want to have fresh fruit. obviously there's sugar inside fruit but this is the healthy dense kind of food. you've got blueberry, blackberries.
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you also have sources of fiber, kiwi a source of fiber, yogurt a source of protein. you want to make sure you always have these. cinnamon is great just for adding sweetness. great options. >> robin: great. see you on gma3. >> absolutely. >> robin: george? >> george: now our series try before you buy. we're looking at joggers for men. gio benitez went in search for the perfect pair. you wearing them? >> gio: i am wearing them, george. i was already on the hunt for the perfect pair of joggers. i'm willing to bet many of you are, too. this morning we are singling out three of the most popular ones. they range from expensive to affordable. we're giving them a try before you buy. joggers, they've become a staple in men's wardrobes. even celebrities rocking them. >> i love this pair of joggers. i wear them to the gym, traveling. you can dress them up or use them to lounge around at home. but with so many pairs out there, is there one brand that reigns supreme over the others? to find out, we picked three popular options. the lulu lemon for 128 buck, the sunday performance joggers for
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$98 and the old navy stretch tech water repellant jogger pants costing just $34.99. i have to try these three joggers to see how they fit, feel and function. let's go. to help out, i have asked two guys to try them out. a fitness instructor and joggers junkie an henry jones. a fashion fiend and joggers enthusiast. we all tried the old navy pair first. i can definitely move pretty well. they feel breathable. >> gio: mike wears them to lift. >> there's flexibility to them, good movement. >> gio: he likes to water repellant feature. >> you can see the water starting to bead on it. >> gio: henry loves them, too. >> you never know what the weather will bring. >> gio: feels the price under $35 is just right. then lulu lemon. i was impressed. definitely very soft. extremely moveable in them. can get some good stretches.
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mike wore them for date night. >> this is my dressed up look with them. >> gio: but didn't like working out in them. henry was very impressed with the quality. >> comfortable. love the pockets. >> gio: and says these were his favorite pair, even making a fax statement. and final the jogger. i don't know, guys. i feel like all of these are so comfortable. i may have to sneak them on to the set sometimes. henry loved the softness. >> oh my gosh. it's like velvet. they are so soft and comfy. great pant for around the house. >> gio: and mike, who lives in sweatpants, says these are his top choice. >> these are great. you can wear them while you're working out. you can throw a sweat shirt on with them and wear them out. >> gio: all three are comfortable bringing great fit and functionality.
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we had fun with this. these are all shopable. the ones i'm wearing are the ones i like the most. they're from lulu lemon. i need them to be breathable for when i'm active, but also look a little -- [ laughter ] all three of these work really well. they look great. for a rainy day you might want to go for the old navy ones because of the water repellant. sam, you might as well. you already started with the tee. >> sam: i'm already wearing them now. that is what that is. [ laughter ] thank you for telling me, gio. >> lara: very nice. >> george: how about the weather, sam? >> sam: sorry. i was thinking about my pants. let's get going this morning. we got a lot to talk about. there's a big storm moving into the northeast. one of the worst components today is this strong wind. to my construction supervisors in these major cities, these wind gusts will be up to 60 miles per hour. that's super dangerous. tighten everything up. we've had big snow in western
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great lakes. we now have snow moving into new england. take a look at this could be three feet of snow. here's what you can expect this morning. little pop? >> lara: let's do it, michael. we're going to begin with taylor swift, officially on the forbes magazine annual billionaire's list. taylor entered the list with a net worth of $1.1 billionforbes also naming her the first newcomer to the list which also
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added magic johnson this year. while she is not the only musician on the list, rhianon is on there, taylor is the only musician to reach billionaire status based solely on her day job, if you will, song writing and performing. she's only getting richer. with the eras tour still going strong, taylor takes off in may. she's got four nights in paris to start. if you need a taylor fix, sirius xm is launching a new channel dedicated to her. channel 13. her number. taylor's version is set to launch april 7th. then 13 days later her 11th album the tortured poets department drops on april 19th, guys. she is on fire. also on fire lady gaga sharing the first official photo for the upcoming joker sequel in which she takes on the role of harley quinn. gaga revealing the first trailer will drop next week.
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the director todd phillips shared some pictures from the set over the last year but hasn't revealed much about the plot, other than lady gaga is starring alongside joaquin phoenix. those are pictures from the director. joaquin is back as the joker. he won best actor at the 2020 oscars for this role. the movie had 11 nominations. it raked in over $1 billion at the box office when it debuted in 2019. it will hit theaters october 4, 2024. that is exactly five years to the day after the release of the original. excited for that. >> michael: been that long already. >> lara: he's phenomenal in the role. >> george: i can't wait to see her. >> lara: as harley quinn. i always think of margot robbie. we saw that. she's really turning on the actor thing. a special announcement. our gma book club pick from september will be turned into a television series. four time oscar nominee ethan
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hawke and his wife are on board to executive produce the series. word is he may even star in the adaptation. it is about a family in northern virginia whose lives are up ended when their beloved father and husband goes missing. the author, angie, telling us she wanted to partner with the producer because of angie. and on this very big deal , we'll be watching. do we get a cut? i'm sure my guess is we can get the first interview, too, i hope. and then. i really love the story. i want to bring this to you real quickly, celebrating the memory of a very special golden retriever, famous for cheering on others. his name was spencer, better known as the boston marathon dog. his owner, rich powers, began the tradition with spencer after the marathon bombing in 2013. he went viral in 2018, though. yeah. remember that? we definitely talked about
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. this picture. yeah, he showed up in the pouring rain holding boston strong flags in his mouth to show his support for the runners. well, guys, i'm sorry to say, spencer passed away last year after a battle with cancer, but his memory lives on in the exact same spot where he would always stand for the runners. so in two weeks at the 128th annual race, runners will still get cheered on by their favorite golden retriever. oh wow. and that's pop news. >> that is a lovely idea to do that. thank you. thank you so much, valerie bertinelli. she's back and she's here live with more recipes from her new cookbook, monday afternoon all eyes to the sky, for a total solar eclipse. >> a breathtaking celestial event eclipse across america streaming on abc news live. national geographic channel, nat geo wild, disney plus, hulu and live on abc. >> what are the questions every couple should ask and answer before jumping in to marriage, owning a home and having children tomorrow on gma. oh yeah, we're going there before
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you take the leap. tomorrow on good morning america. >> doctor bailey, shall we begin ? >> arizona returns. >> a few months ago, i started clinical trial. we operate on the baby's brain before delivery. so who wants to make history? and only gray's anatomy thursday on abc >> welcome to always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning. i'm reggie aqui from abc seven mornings. amanda has a look at traffic. >> hi, reggie. a minor derailment has stopped bart service. this is between the antioch and pittsburg bay point stations. this is happening in all directions. it's happened since about 430 this morning. but to help you out. tri delta is providing a bus bridge between antioch and pittsburg bay. point. back to you, reggie. thanks, amanda. >> amanda, we're going to check in with meteorologist drew tuma for your forecast right after this break. >> grab the keys to a new fuel
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efficient toyota. let's go with powerful performance and fewer fill ups. toyota has more hybrids and plug in hybrids than any other brand. get out there this spring and take on the open road. get a low 249 a month lease on the sporty corolla or stylish camry after $1,000 bonus, cash or lease a corolla cross for just 2.99 a month. grab the keys. >> let's go toyota. >> let's go places, she got that dress with the extra money she saved using her brand new grocery outlet app. it's been really fun seeing what everyone's doing with the extra money that saved. nice shirt. >> just got back from vacation. a butler, super nice. >> guys. >> i gotta start using the jaguar savings download our app grocery outlet bargain market after my car accident, i
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wondered what my case was worth. so i called the barnes firm. >> when that car hit my motorcycle, insurance wasn't fair, so i called the barnes firm. it was the best call i could have made at the barnes firm. >> our injury attorneys work hard to get you the best result possible. call us now and find out what your case could be worth. you might be surprised. the bonds firm injury attorneys call one 808 million. >> outside this morning a live look for abc7 oakland airport camera showing you we're dealing with gray skies this morning. it's just a real cloudy start to the day and it will turn windier this afternoon. cool out there. right now we have temperatures in the low to mid 50s currently 52 in the city, 53 in oakland, 54 right now in san jose. as a cold front moves through this afternoon, you'll notice those winds do pick up. they'll gust about 20 to 35mph. and that front will bring in some cooler
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air. so we're not nearly as warm as we were yesterday. looking at the day planner today. cloudy right now, giving way to brighter conditions. but with that sunshine, those winds do turn to 20 to 35 mile per hour gusts. and it is cool. today. temperatures 50s and 60s reggie. >> thank you drew. we have another abc7 news update in about 30 minutes. you canyou car >> announcer: welcome back to gma live from times square. >> lara: sam is putting on gloves. we are here, so very happy to have our friend valerie bertinelli here with us this morning. >> so good to see you, both of you. >> lara: more recipes from her new cookbook, indulge. delicious and decadent dishes to share and enjoy coming our way. valerie, thank you for being with us. >> my pleasure. >> lara: this is cookbook number three? >> number three. >> lara: we have you guys. michael and robin are already at the tasting table.
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not faking it. >> michael: we're tasting. >> sam: we should get making because they're already eating. all right. >> lara: the secret ingredient of the salad is? >> pickle juice. you put some olive oil and lemon juice on this and start massaging the kale so we can get it nice and tender. >> lara: always massage the kale because? >> it makes it nice and tender. >> lara: it's tough. >> so we've we've got pickle juice, lemon juice, mustard. we're going to have some dill. some grated garlic. you want the garlic to melt. you don't have to chop it up. it's much easier when you grate it. i'm putting all of the ingredients in the acid first. >> lara: lot of dough. >> some salt. >> lara: sam, you're very into that. >> salt and pepper. okay. >> sam: it's calming. >> oh my god, sam. okay. i'm not going to say a word. you want to get all the ingredients in the acid first then drizzle in the olive oil.
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that's gonna get everything to kind of emulsify. >> lara: robin, you like? you love? >> now that we have the dressing made, take the kale and put that right into the dressing. >> lara: you like a fine chop on your kale. >> i do. nice and small. that's the only thing that is so brilliant. we got some quinoa, then cabbage, both colors. and then we've got some -- >> lara: this is a meal. >> roasted sweet potato. they're still warm. >> sam: this is so easy. i can totally do this. >> lara: we're going to have this on our website. the recipe. you can also find it in the new cookbook. >> thank you. you guys talk amongst yourself. i'm eating. >> lara: everybody wants to know, we were telling people you were on. it's been, i dare say, 40 years? >> shhhh. >> lara: it has been 40 years since "one day at a time."
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i know. i'm so flipping old. [ laughter ] >> lara: timeless. >> i love you. >> sam: the ultimate crush. you were america's crush. >> lara: that's true. >> really good thing i'm hearing it now and i didn't hear it then. i think my head would have been bigger. i was not somebody you wanted to be around when i was in my 20s anyway. good thing i'm hearing this now. >> lara: you have aged beautifully, emotionally and physically. [ laughter ] what do you miss most about the show? the people? >> bonnie and pat and norman and all of these beautiful people that aren't with us any longer. they were just the kindest -- we're reading things about child actors and the tough times they go through. and they do. no child should ever have to go through the stress of being a child actor. it's very challenging. but i had norman and bonnie as mentors. i was incredibly lucky. >> lara: master class. >> master, yes. they protected me. they treated me very well. even in the crazy business, i sort of had a normalish
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upbringing. >> lara: that's so great. one of the things that always made you happy was cooking so we'll get back to that. >> sam: you were cooking back then? >> i have been cooking since i was a very young little girl. i mean, i don't even know some of the first dishes. home ec was probably one of my favorite classes along with drama. no, i hated drama. i got a c in drama. >> sam: you got an a when you got into television. you may not have liked it in school. >> i thought i liked it. i thought i was pretty good. the teacher, not so much. [ laughter ] >> lara: i have never seen you two so quiet. robin is dipping into our second dish. [ laughter ] >> robin: what is this? >> cracker cookie. >> sam: you realize there was a job you were supposed to be doing. you were supposed to talk about how you are enjoying it. you two have sat there in silence. >> michael: silence means delicious. we're indulging. we're indulging. >> yes. >> lara: this is amazing. you call this a cookie, but it's savory. >> yes. you put the flour, the gruyere.
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all these ingredients. super easy. just put it into a food processor, roll it out. then you can just take -- sometimes when i'm at home i don't make them look fancy. i'll just roll it out and slice them up and put them in the oven that way. they're funky looking but still tasty. there's a little favorite thing, you can put them on a charcuterie board. little fig. by themselves. like chips. they're amazing. >> lara: so good. >> sam: what can you put on it? >> anything. >> robin: they're so light. >> they are. they're like a pastry. >> lara: can we get a little catchup on wolfie. >> yep. >> lara: every time i read about he's doing something fantastic with his music. >> he's in europe right now. on tour with slash. then we'll be going to be on tour with -- who else? foo fighters. then creed. i'm going to be touring a lot. i'm going to be on the road a lot. i'm a helicopter mom. not really, but i am. >> lara: it's fun to go follow your children.
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>> i call him my child. he's like a 33-year-old adult. >> lara: how proud would his dad be? >> so proud. that's one thing, i wish ed were here just so we could go, look at our kid, so cool. >> lara: out there doing it. happily married. >> i love his wife so much. andrea is, she is such a joy to be around. she's like the female version of wolfie. they are a perfect pair. >> lara: that's fantastic. >> sam: it's amazing when they find someone and you're happy because they're happy. >> when your child finds that person. i mean, i would look at them like, god, i want that. i didn't think i wanted to be in love. i was going to be really happy not being happy. then i was like, this looks like fun. i want that. yeah. >> robin: i want that. i want another bite. [ laughter ] i want another bite. these are so good. >> sam: valerie's cookbook "indulge" is now out. you can shop for it on good morning
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it's all here. valerie, thank you for the joy. >> thank you for having me back. >> sam: the superstar you are. just take a little time to talk about all the memories that we all have because of you. >> thank you. thanks so much. >> lara: thanks for feeding us. >> yes. >> sam: coming up, how you can talk to your kids about ai. we'll be eating, but i think somebody will be doing tv. we'll be right back. >> robin: not me. [ laughter ] e. [laughter] >> you guys are
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you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪
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>> george: our series all in on ai. we're looking at implicit bias and ai image generators. common sense media said it can show sexism and racism. becky worley is here with how parents can talk to their kids. good morning, becky. >> george, good morning. artificial intelligence bots can answer questions and create images based on your request. but how do those results influence our kids? especially when they could be loaded with implicit bias, sexism and in some cases racism. they have given one ai image generator its lowest rating. we wanted to understand why. no photographer snapped this picture. it was created using an artificial intelligence image generator. what is ai image generation? >> it's a form of generative ai which allows for anyone to put
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in a prompt of what they want to see and the ai will create an entirely new image based on that description. >> commonsense media shows me the way some artificial intelligence image generators can show implicit bias, racism and sexism. she had it create images of a poor white person. remember, these are not real photos. >> poor white person. >> correct. >> that's not a poor white person. >> no, it is not. >> why did it do that? >> it is looking for how to generate images of poverty. the majority of the images show people of color. >> she says this bias comes not from the ai engine itself, but from millions of data points it pulls from that pair people of color with poverty. in other words, it's a reflection of what's on the internet. now, we should add every query returned different result, and some do generate more images of poor white people.
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but then she tried the generic prompt for an attractive person. >> this represents white women who are all thin, very pretty. >> in her research when she typed in software engineer, almost all white men. >> as a female in tech, i find this insulting. >> not all results are this bias, but they can be racist, sexist and in some cases explicit. something one man found in his research of multiple ai image generators. >> ai models replicate and reinforce and make bigger the biases that real people encounter. it will give you answers that might be potentially racist, might be potentially sexist, might just potentially not be true. >> stable difusion said we have imphremented a number of mitigations. we're taking steps
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to address these risks and fine tuning to help mitigate undesirable behavior. we expect to reduce bias and improve the accuracy of out put. something google wanted to avoid with this latest model but failed, admitting they got it wrong after some images were historically inaccurate. now saying they are temporarily pausing the image generation of people. more proof it's challenging to get it right. in the mean time, commonsense has issued guidance for parents about how to help kids use ai. >> generative ai is not designed to be factual. whether that is an image generator or a large language model chat bot like a chat gpt, there's an opportunity for parents to have conversations with their children about what is incorrect. >> for parents this is a tricky new technology that merits some awareness. i was really impressed with the resources of the commonsense website.
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i think parents of school aged kids should go take a spin around that content and learn more about ai. both the concerns like implicit bias and the incredible power of this technology that our kids will most certainly be dealing with for years to come, george. >> george: what did you learn about how parents should talk to their kids about this? >> the big take away for me as a parent, tell my kids that image generators and creators, they're really new. they're not established technology that can be fully trusted yet. teach kids to question the writing, images and posts that ai tools create. commonsense says ask your kids, how did they come up with that answer? what information did it use to find the answer? they add, generative ai is currently better for fiction, not fact. that's so important. then we look at the issue of racism. these ai tools use data that may have implicit bias based in. the results will be that implicit bias.
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that's a bigger problem than ai. that's a societal issue, george. >> george: okay. thanks very much. let's go to sam. >> sam: george, kale for breakfast. if you haven't done valerie's recipe, download them now. let's get this checked out. largo by the sea, heavy humidity. we're going to see record highs. look at vero beach, west palm coming in at 90 later today. we will see a line of storms traveling from north florida to central florida. if we take a long term look, we're looking at much milder air in places where it has been chilly the last couple weeks. looking to the debtor southwest where now we think we'll get into a weather pattern that will keep you cooler. here's what you can expect this morning.
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>> robin: coming up we got our series before you take the leap. relationship expert is here with expert advice on everything from planning for kids to balancing family obligations around the holidays. there is so much, so much. it's never too early in a relationship to have serious conversations. we're going to talk about that right after the break.
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(box thuds) (water boils) (packet tears) (tea bag clanks) (water pours) - listening to people that drink bigelow tea is so important to my family, because making that perfect cup, it's the reason we do what we do hi, guys! - hi! - hey! - so what are you guys drinking? - constant comment. - when i'm drinking bigelow tea, it's just a moment for me. it's just me time. - that's what a cup of tea is. - it is. - a moment for you, someone you love. - aw! (customer sighs) - it tastes really great. - yes! it was always bigelow tea - wow! that's what my family hopes for. cheers. - cheers. (bright upbeat music)
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>> robin: as i was saying, our series before you take the leap. this morning we are focusing on parenting and family related discussions that can strengthen a relationship before marriage. joining us is relationship expert dr. melanie ross mills with her tips. thank you again. >> thank you for having me. >> robin: it's never too early to have serious discussions in a relationship. >> exactly right. some of the questions we can address is, am i creating an
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open atmosphere for us to communicate openly? how do you view marriage? what does a healthy marriage look like to you? am i dealing with any fears or underlying fears or over arching fears that i need to work through together with you before we get married? what challenges that you foresee we might have that we want to talk about? >> michael: we have family related questions from engaged couples. we're starting with erielle. >> we've been together for over five years now. >> engaged for three months. >> we wanted to know, do you believe expectations in a relationship should change once you get married? why or why not? >> michael: good question. >> absolutely, our expectations will change because, hopefully, we're both going to change, mature. and become more of who we were created to be. i challenge couples to address two questions before they fly off the handle. what expectations are reasonable, unreasonable? and have i communicated my expectations? so a reasonable one would be, do
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you know what? i'm going to cook and i would expect you to do the dishes. unreasonable is i'm expecting you to provide for me something that you're not capable of doing at the moment. communicate clearly. i would say let my thoughts match your thoughts. that way i know that i'm understood. i know you're not a mind reader so let him know you want the dish washers to go in the dish washer, not stay in the sink. >> michael: say that again? i'm not what? a mind reader? >> robin: really great advice. >> thank you. >> robin: how about susie and dan? >> we've been engaged for six months. we'd like to have kids after we're married. >> what conversations should we be having about splitting responsibilities once we're parents? >> i would change the word splitting to sharing. we know when we split, we tally. so first of all, look at what you're bringing to the table. what are your strengths? what are your gifts? play to your strengths. second of all, look where you can contribute together with child rearing, financial responsibilities.
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are we going to do dual income or single income? and marital responsibilities. are we going to take turns planning date night? be flexible, be open. room for negotiation is always your friend. then see the good. pay attention to the nuances and the tiny gestures you're doing when you're sharing responsibilities. gratitude in marriage is a game changer. >> robin: it really is. >> michael: i love that one word. share. >> robin: flexibility, too. >> michael: both of those. here's a social media question from devin and chris. my fiancee and i are blending families. how do we help our kids deal with possible jealousy they may have? >> jealousy is very common in blended families. studies show it takes two to five year force families to adjust so be patient. have empathy because your children's feelings are valid. so i encourage you to plan. plan one on one time, family activities. choose age appropriate activities that your children will enjoy. then prioritize creating opportunities that promote
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bonding, that build trust. let your children know why they are valued in your family unit. >> robin: three to five years you say? >> yes, three to five years. it doesn't take long. >> robin: i never thought about that. we have one more question, and it comes from katie. >> we have lived together for about seven years. we've been engaged for about one and a half. our question comes about balancing family obligation, especially around the holidays. we both have pretty big families. trying to figure out how to balance our holiday celebrations. >> i would reframe the word balancing family obligations to prioritizing family planning. what i would do is look at, okay, what are my stressors? what are my nonnegotiables? maybe your mother is wrestling with something so you need to travel to her. maybe family traditions you want to adhere to. make your family plan. this is your family. you're in charge. so look at, how can i implement some action steps? boundaries. maybe i need to tell my parents, we might not be coming for
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thanksgiving. maybe i host thanksgiving two weeks ahead of time so we can travel. this is your family. make your family plan. it is yours now. it's free. you're free to do that. have fun, get excited about it. >> robin: i love the communication that you're talking about. possibly reframing some of the language around it can really be very big. >> it's powerful when we do that. >> michael: thank you. i think you helped a lot of people. i'm not even engaged and i feel helped. [ laughter ] >> thank you. >> michael: stay right there, everybody. we'll be right back.
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he is really boxed in here. -not a good spot. off the comcast business van. into the vending area. oh, not the fries! where's the ball? -anybody see it? oh wait, there it is! -back into play and... aw no, it's in the water. wait a minute... are you kidding me? you got to be kidding me. rolling towards the cup, and it's in the hole! what an impossible shot brought to you by comcast business.
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grab the keys. let's go to toyota. >> let's go places. >> every baby deserves a happy start. but for those in foster care, that start can be a little wobbly. that's where you can make a difference. join mancini sleep world and the ticket to dream foundation in providing everything a baby needs through donations of new diapers, bottles, toys and other baby essentials. together, we can provide the warmth and security that every child needs to thrive . drop off your donations at any
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mancini sleep world location. learn more or donate online at sleep >> monday afternoon, all eyes to the sky for a total solar eclipse. a breathtaking celestial event. eclipse across america streaming on abc news live, national geographic channel, nat geo wild, disney+ hulu and live on abc. >> sure, we got that. how about, hey, what day is it, michael? what day is it? baby? yeah. >> come on, get up, everybody. >> let's go. have a great day, everyone. right now, there's just so much happening in our world. so much at stake at the start of every morning. >> making sense of it all. that's not always so easy. >> and that's where we come in. >> good morning america. we want you to know every morning we're right here. >> and we got you. >> all of europe is a war zone. >> it is not safe to be here. >> our families are out there >> and you make it.
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law >> if your garage is starting to feel more like a cluttered storage room. one 800 got junk is here to help. we'll help you get your space back with garage cleanup starting at just $197. call one 800. got junk? >> always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning. i'm reggie aqui from abc seven mornings. here's a look at traffic with amanda. >> yeah good morning reggie. that big issue on bart continues at this hour. it started at 4.30 this morning with that minor derailment. this is stopped service between antioch and pittsburg bay point in all directions. so be aware there. but we do know that tri-delta is also running a bus bridge between the two points. now to drew. >> hey, amanda, we'll take you to our walnut creek camera where it is still cloudy out there. >> temperatures. right now we're in the low to mid 50s and it's going to be a slow climb. a slow warming today as a cold front
9:00 am
moves through here in the winds. pick up future tracker wind speeds showing you gusts between 20 and 35mph. so increasing sunshine but also increasing winds this afternoon. cooler than yesterday in the 50s and 60s reggie jr thank you. >> it's time for live with kelly and mark.11 for m we see you ba. until then, have a great with kelly and mark. [applause] today, the one and only bryan cranston. plus, from never have i ever, actress maitreyi ramakrishnan. and we'll try out some reflexology techniques that might rev up your romance. all next on live. ["levitating" by dua lipa] ♪ i'm levitating, you, moonlight ♪ and now, here are kelly ripa and mark consuelos. ♪ you, moonlight, you're my starlight, i need you ♪


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