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tv   ABC7 News 500PM  ABC  March 19, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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and another is in the hospital after a shooting in pleasant hill. good evening. thank you for joining us. i'm dan ashley and i'm ama daetz. >> it happened just before noon today. police say they responded to reports of a shooting on twin bridge circle near long brook way, and arrived to find two men on the ground with multiple gunshot wounds. >> the man who died is 67 years of age. police have not released his name. witnesses reported hearing multiple gunshots, then seeing the two victims lying on the ground. one of them told abc seven news that she saw a car speeding away from the scene. >> i heard was he i couldn't tell if it was like that. his muffler, you know, because when he when he punches on the gas, it goes that pop pop pops out. so yeah, i heard it, but thought it was the car. then he come back and would have come to find out it was she he had shot in. i think it was about four different shots. 4 or 5 shots. >> no arrests have been made, but police say they are looking for at least one suspect in the south bay. >> campbell police shot and killed a man early this morning while investigating a domestic violence incident. officers say
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they got a 911 call to an apartment on south bascom avenue , near kempsey way just before 3 a.m. a woman met them outside and gave her account of what happened. her two children were still inside, along with the suspect. police say he had a restraining order against him and an outstanding warrant as well. they made contact with him and things spiraled when they moved in to take him into custody. officer hours went hands on with him trying to place him under arrest to prevent him from getting to the location where the children were, and at that point, the, the male subject had a firearm and fired a shot at police officers. one officer returned fire, killing the man. no one else was hurt during this incident. >> even before the racist texting scandal from the antioch police department, there were calls to create a police oversight committee. the city did finally create one, and last night the committee held its first meeting. the mayor was there to emphasize that
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neutrality will be key to progress. abc seven news reporter anser hassan has more. >> people have been fighting for an oversight commission here in the city of antioch for decades. >> after decades of trying to form a police commission. on monday night, the city of antioch's first ever police oversight commission held their inaugural meeting. >> we're here to make public safety a key to the city and increase the city, to have faith in our police department, harry thurston, who has served on numerous antioch commissions, was elected chair. >> the commissioners identified public safety, mental health, the use of force policy and police training as key issues they are prioritizing. commissioner devin williams acknowledging a sense of urgency given the antioch police texting scandal because of what's what was revealed last year. >> we are here to make sure that the city can never let that happen again, mayor lamar hernandez thorpe addressed the seven commissioners, emphasizing the need for them to remain
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neutral. >> this commission is not a is not a cheerleader for the police department, and it's not a critic of the police department. your role is neutral. the commission was created by legislation passed last may. >> the mayor says the commission will review policies to make sure they fit with the community's values and to ensure transparency, a sentiment echoed by interim police chief brian addington. >> i look forward to working with with each one of you, to getting to know you better, and to assure you that i will be open, that i will be transparent . >> the mayor says the commission will begin the process of auditing internal affairs, hiring and promotions, and diversity and equity throughout the police department. commissioner williams says restoring public trust is one of the big battles they face, and i wanted to restore that hope that they may have that little hope they may have left. >> and i'm not saying that's going to happen overnight. it may not happen at all. right away. right. but that's one thing i would love to see that this commission can do in antioch. >> anser hassan abc seven news. >> an early morning high speed
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chase from el cerrito toward the bay bridge toll plaza turned deadly after the suspects made a u-turn into oncoming traffic and crashed into two vehicles. one of those drivers was killed. abc seven news reporter leslie brinkley has the latest. >> 4:20 a.m. the burglar alarm went off at the tobacco outlet on san pablo avenue in el cerrito as a white pickup truck crashed into the storefront. the owner, named omar, said it's the sixth time he's been robbed. >> car ramming in. you know, guys jumping out and just ransacking, you know, just they're acting like they're acting on a game show, just grabbing what they could and running out. >> el cerrito police caught up with the suspect vehicle near the tobacco store, pursued them onto westbound 80 towards the toll plaza. >> you know, suspect vehicle began to make a u-turn movement and decided that the risk to the public really outweighed the benefits to apprehending the suspects and terminated his pursuit at that point, we got news from chp that the vehicle
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we had been chasing ended up being involved in a fatal accident. >> the two suspects in the white truck crashed head on into a bmw and a white van. the driver of the bmw died. the other driver was critically injured, as were the two suspects. >> around 4:31 a.m. of a three vehicle crash involving a wrong-way driver. this was westbound 580 to uh- westbound i-80, so our units responded lanes were blocked. >> traffic onto the bay bridge for the rush hour commute was brutal. >> i'm just really terrible that this is how it ended up. and all for, you know, a burglary at a at a cigaret store. >> we can get mad at that. the police officers for doing their job. you know, i think we should get mad at at the criminals for putting the police officers and normal citizens in this situation. >> omar says it'll cost him $50,000 to reopen as the broken glass was swept away. other
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business owners are worried. >> we have two cannabis dispensaries. they've both been hit similar to this with the same m.o. they back a vehicle up, go through the wall or the front door, in and out in a matter of minutes. >> you know, this is all material stuff can be replaced, is nothing. you know, a life is gone. you can't bring that back in el cerrito, i'm leslie brinkley, abc seven news. >> an 81 year old man changed his plea to guilty after his vehicular manslaughter and dui charges were reduced to misdemeanors. arnold low was back in court yesterday. accused of hitting and killing cycling champion ethan boyce last year in the presidio. low faces a minimum of a maximum, excuse me, of a year in jail, according to the chronicle. the judge is incredulous about this plea deal. his sentencing hearing is set for july 15th. >> right now, the san francisco municipal transportation agency is meeting to discuss the possibility of installing cameras to catch speeding drivers. the board is going through its budget and getting public feedback as well. this
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has been going on since 1 p.m, and we're not expecting them to take any action today, just discussion. sfmta has identified more than 330 locations where speed cameras could be installed. >> happening now a public hearing is underway. more than 200 callers phoned in to the california public utilities commission hearing this afternoon to share their opinions on at&t s proposal to remove its obligation to provide landline services in california. abc7 news reporter melanie woodrow has been following this story. she joins us from the newsroom. melanie >> i'm at this virtual public hearing has been going for on hours. at&t tells abc seven news it's not canceling landline service in california, and that for customers who do not have alternative options available yet, it will continue to provide existing voice service as long as needed. also that it will work with remaining customers who use traditional landline service to upgrade to newer technologies. still, there are strong opinions on both sides regarding whether the cpuc should approve at&t s proposals.
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>> was recently upgraded by at&t to fiber and, i've experienced nothing but better phone quality , more reliability. and now my home internet is much, much faster and improved. and so i want to make sure that the commission hears that, you know, there's a lot of folks out here that really want to modernize and move to the new technology. is there any discussion of another company actually taking control and maintaining copper? >> landline service? if at&t doesn't want to do it anymore, landlines are bass communications, voice and cell are not secure. and when they go out, which they both have recently, there's no communication. why do that? leaving people vulnerable. >> at&t says fiber and wireless based networks are faster, more reliable and require less maintenance over time. the application with the cpuc is the first step of a multi-year process to phase out copper based landline phone service, as demand declines in the newsroom. melanie woodrow, abc seven news.
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>> melanie, thank you. now you know winter is coming to an end as we start to see grass fires, a small one broke out today near paris creek road, just south of half moon bay. cal fire says the flames are now contained. no big deal here, but gets our attention. thankfully this fire only grew to about an acre and a half after the break. >> congress is now requesting documents from uc berkeley as part of its investigation into allegations of anti-semitism, plus, a bay area professor who accused supreme court justice brett kavanaugh of sexual assault is now sharing her experience following her testimony, why she took the stand and the impact it had on her life. >> in the months after
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let's take a look at this knee. that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team! kaiser permanente.
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allegations of anti-semitism at uc berkeley. the probe by the house committee on education and the workforce comes in response
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to several recent incidents. this includes last month's abrupt cancellation of a speech by an israeli lawyer when pro-palestinian students broke down the door at zellerbach playhouse. the university condemned the incident. uc berkeley issued a statement today saying, quote, uc berkeley has an unwavering commitment to ensuring every student feels safe and welcome at all times. >> as doctor christine blasey ford, a psychology professor at palo alto university, astounded the nation. remember in 2018 when she accused then supreme court nominee brett kavanaugh of sexual assault in high school? now, she shares her story about her life after the hearings in her new memoir called one way back, her testimony set off controversy, and she says her she and her entire family received serious threats after the hearings, enough to send her into hiding for months. in her first ever live interview today, she shared how she found the courage to speak out for herself and set the stage for other survivors. >> after my day on television, it was really difficult for a
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couple of years and now that i'm doing much better, i felt it was time to write about the full experience, the before and the after so that people will know what it's like and hopefully it will help someone. i knew it was going to be difficult, but i also realized it was going to be more difficult to not say anything that i would just feel terrible if i didn't say anything, and that i wanted to share the information that i had about him. i had a high schooler. >> she says she originally hoped to share that information to the senate anonymously, and she didn't know until the end of the day that the hearing would be televised. the new book also details lighthearted moments, like the time steph curry gave her family the shirt off his back, literally at a practice that they were personally invited to attend. >> still ahead, a warning to visitors at some east bay regional parks. we're going to tell you about the
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index. the oakland based utility ranked 23 out of 27 utilities in this survey. the study was measured by customer satisfaction using ten benchmarks, including reliability, support of green energy programs, and ease of understanding the monthly bill. >> harmful blue green algae blooms have the east bay regional park district warning everyone to keep themselves and their pets out of the water. the danger advisories have been posted at a number of east bay parks, including fremont's quarry, lakes. abc seven news reporter lena howland explains where it's coming from and how long it could stick around. >> from our sky seven view in obvious green tint to livermore's lake del valle is spreading. on the first day of spring, there whole wide bunch of organisms, some of which produce toxins that can be harmful to people or pets or fish. john rosenfield science director at san francisco baykeeper, an environmental watchdog group, says this is
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called a blue green algae bloom. >> they bloom particularly when uh- there's enough nutrients, the water is warm enough, there's enough sunlight, but also the water. when the water is moving slowly or not moving at all. >> the east bay regional park district has posted a danger advisory urging to keep people and pets out of the water, not just at lake del valle, but also at shadow cliffs lake in pleasanton and quarry lakes in fremont. do take it seriously, william conklin, an emeritus biology professor at san francisco state university, says blooms are becoming more common across the globe and they're starting to happen earlier in the year. >> with this increasing water temperatures. and we've seen that all through california that they're inching up due to climate change. that gives these blue green algae that a little, advantage over the others. >> for fremont resident matthew stewart, that means not taking his toddler to the beaches of quarry lakes. despite living within walking distance.
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>> i mean, i know that they opened like this stretch of beach over here a long time ago. and since my kid was a toddler, i've wanted to take her there. but i haven't been able to because it's been closed ever since. >> but rosenfield says if the bloom becomes big enough to drop oxygen levels in the water, fish will be at risk. next, similar to the red tide, algal bloom that happened in lake merritt two years ago, which killed off thousands of fish. >> they can last all summer, so they're starting now. as long as they have nutrients, as the nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer that they need to grow and reproduce, they'll keep growing in the east bay. >> lena howland abc seven news. >> all right, let's talk about the weather on this first day of spring. that's right. >> abc seven news meteorologist sandhya patel is here. hi, sandhya. >> hi, there. yeah, ama and dan. spring is going to start in just a matter of a couple of hours, but it's already feeling like it. >> look at this live picture from santa cruz camera where some people are soaking up the sun, enjoying the blue skies
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down there. we definitely had a nice looking day today. the breeze is up onshore winds 29 miles an hour right now in san francisco. and with that wind blowing all that pollen around, it's not exactly easy to breathe for some of us suffering from allergies. so right now, it's the tree pollen that is running in that medium to high category oak, ash and mulberry grasses and molds are low and weeds are pretty much nonexistent. spring begins tonight at 806, the vernal equinox takes place as we head towards a change in seasons at 806, the sun's rays will be directly over the equator, and we have those longer days. a lot more sun to enjoy. but that's all changing. let me show you live doppler seven right now. we did have some fog this morning. it was thick around the region and it did peel away eventually, but we ended up with a nice sunny day as you can see. but it will be back in later on tonight. i want to show you what's going on with the setup. high pressure is still controlling our weather. today's high temperatures so far have
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been in the low to mid 70s for many places. livermore got up to 76 so far. area of low pressure off the coast is going to start to take control of our weather. and that means changes are ahead. blue skies from golden gate bridge 57, in san francisco it is 61. in oakland. really nice. in san jose, 69 degrees. in san mateo, you're at 60 degrees south beach. cameras showing you clear conditions right now. mid 60s from santa rosa to napa, petaluma, you get the sea breeze around this time, 57 degrees low 70s, fairfield, concord and livermore. and from our sutro tower camera certainly seeing the sun. so you know, we're headed towards a change in seasons tonight. spring starts at 806 the next two days. mild inland cool at the coast. and for the end of the week, wet and much cooler weather is coming our way. so tonight a few high clouds overnight. some patches of fog first thing tomorrow morning and then a lot more high cloudiness tomorrow evening as the next system starts to approach. but it'll still going to be dry. your temperatures first thing in the morning. 40s 50s we'll call it partly cloudy
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tomorrow afternoon. it's going to be a mix of sun and high clouds, anywhere from upper 50s at the coast to the low 70s inland. now we're going to fast forward to your friday. that's when our first system gets in here. it will bring us rain. the rain will continue not just friday, but also into saturday, switching to snow in the mountains and the sierra that is . and then really, this is saturday night. sunday, there's a chance of some showers, but it's not a complete washout for your sunday plans. now. rainfall estimates this is early. still and snowfall estimates look like this over an inch in santa rosa, san francisco, 7/10 there in san jose. less than that in livermore. about 21in of snow at kirkwood. your accuweather 70 forecast. you still have some nice weather to enjoy as we head into spring, certainly we'll see rain returning, which we need. level one for friday. saturday sunday is a chance of showers. i'm not entirely sold that it's going to be raining on sunday yet, so for the time being, we'll keep it as a one and then we'll go with the dry pattern
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again. dan and early next week. all right. >> thank you sandhya. >> all right. well gas prices are up for the first time since last year. prices are now higher on a year over year basis. and experts predict they will continue to rise in the coming weeks. sorry to say, the national average is up nearly $0.10 from a week ago at $3.49 a gallon. don't you wish we were paying that? california state averages $4.91 a gallon here in san francisco. it's $5.07 more than $1.50 over the national average. >> a new program in san francisco could help with those high gas prices. the city of san francisco is launching an electric vehicle, curbside charging pilot program, ev charging stations will be installed in several areas across the city. the pilot project is part of the city's effort to expand san francisco's ev charging infrastructure. officials say the charging stations will also create positive impacts on the city's economic and environmental value. >> it's about making meaningful progress toward our climate and environmental objectives, while also improving the life of our
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residents. and as i said, creating good, high quality union jobs. >> san francisco needs 5000 chargers by 2030 to meet the growing demand of electric cars after the break. >> he was hip hop's first billionaire, and today his legacy officially cemented with a star on the hollywood walk of fame. we'll have the ceremony next. >> this is abc 724 seven. >> in san francisco, live at levi's stadium in san jose. >> live in oakland. yeah, you're watching abc seven news live anytime, anywhere. >> we are, we are, we are, we are, we are, we are where you are. >> never miss a moment of the news that matters to you. download our abc seven bay area streaming app. join us and start
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salonpas, it's good medicine. seven bay area streaming tv app. just search abc seven bay area so you can download it. >> all right. finally, here, one of hip hop's most notable moguls, doctor dre, received his star on the hollywood walk of fame today. >> and the icon, of course,
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brought some other big industry names along with them to celebrate the friends and peers snoop dogg, big boi and jimmy levine spoke during today's ceremony to honor dre. >> the compton native co-founded the influential rap group n.w.a before launching his solo career with his 1992 acclaimed album the chronic. the multi-grammy winner also mentored some of hip hop's most iconic artists, including eminem, 50 cent and kendrick lamar. >> pouring my whole soul and self into my passion for hip hop led me on the pathway to an incredible career, and not been fortunate enough to make a living doing exactly what i love to do in the city of los angeles. >> officially declared today dre day. yes! >> yeah. did more than make a living though. >> yeah. >> all right. we have much more news ahead for you. >> let's get to abc7 news anchor karina nova for a look at the stories coming up at 530. karina, thanks dan and emma. >> the district 16 race to fill representative anna eshoo seat is still too close to call.
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tonight. we're going to discuss the next steps for that race, which has evan lowe and joe simitian just two votes apart. yes. plus what's expected to happen with prop one and i-team's dan noyes joins us with an update to a story of a security guard confrontation down at embarcadero embarcadero center. that's after the shoppers say they were profiled by a security guard. join us for those stories and more at 530 on abc seven bay area streaming tv. dan. all right, thanks, karina. >> and you can download the abc seven app or head to abc seven to join karina in two minutes. >> and if you're watching this here on tv world news tonight with david muir is next for sandhya patel all of us. we appreciate your time. >> i'm dan ashley and i'm ama daetz. we'll see you again at six.
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let's take a look at this knee. that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team! kaiser permanente.
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tonight, breaking news. the supreme court says texas can enforce its own immigration law, arresting and in some cases deporting suspected undocumented migrants for now. also tonight, il


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