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tv   Nightline  ABC  March 16, 2024 12:37am-1:07am PDT

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>> jimmy: how about that? i want to thank dwayne johnson, i want to thank robert de niro, and this handsome gentleman, justin timberlake. apologies to matt damon. we ran out of time for him. "nightline" is next. thank you for watching tonight. thanks for watching, good night! good night! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ this is "nightline." >> byron: tonight, the big
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breakup. miami, the spring break hot spot. or is it? after things get way out of hand in 2023. >> a tsunami of people, plates, glass flying. people running over each other. >> guillermo: miami this year saying, no more. >> this isn't working anymore. >> and it's not us. it's you. >> where did all the action go? >> you want to party? >> we want to party. >> byron: plus regina king. known for her oscar-winning role in "if beale street could talk." >> did you think i came here to make you suffer? >> byron: opening up for the first time since the death of her son, ian. >> grief is love that has no place to go. if i can't get the nomination, i can still get delegates. >> byron: back in front of the camera as remarkable degrees woman shirley chisholm. >> we felt there were so many people who did not know who shirley chisholm is. >> byron: the important message
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she has for young people. and swifties rejoice. ♪ i can see you drop your jacket on the floor ♪ >> byron: the superstar unleashing her "eras" concert film with an exclusive version of "if i can see you." thanks to skyrizi, i'm on my way with clearer skin. 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. nothing on my skin means everything! ♪ nothing is everything ♪ ask your dermatologist about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save.
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♪ >> byron: good evening.
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thank you for joining us. as long as there's been a spring break, florida has been a prime destination for american students looking to cut loose and hatve some fun in the soon. miami has made it clear they're rolling out the welcome mat -- that's not stopping the party. here's abc's ashan singh. >> reporter: it's that time of year again. spring break. >> jersey shore, baby! >> reporter: an annual rite of passage for thousands of college kids looking for a good time. with its beautiful beaches and wild night life, the sunshine state is spring break's mecca. hot spots like daytona beach and panama city beach became synonymous with epic debauchery. after shows like mtv's "spring break" set up on the sand back in the '90s. in recent years, some of that party has gone overboard. last year on miami beach, the scene turned to chaos. the shootings, street fights,
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and stampedes. >> they need to shut it all off and take the party off the streets. >> every noise going on, we fear it. >> reporter: florida tired of the turmoil, it's cracking down. >> florida's a very welcoming state. we welcome people to come and have a good time. what we don't welcome is criminal activity. what we don't welcome is mayhem. >> reporter: the city of miami beach is leading the way. >> hey. we need to talk. >> this isn't working anymore. >> and it's not us, it's you. we just want different things. >> reporter: breaking up with spring break in this new ad. >> you just want to get drunk in public and ignore laws. >> do you even remember what happened last march? >> reporter: the city imposing harsh new restrictions, hoping to keep the rowdy crowds at bay. announcing today that a midnight curfew will be mandated starting tonight and continuing through monday. >> this march, you can expect things like curfews, bag checks, and restricted beach access, dui
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checkpoints, $100 parking, and strong police enforcement for drug possession and violence. >> it wasn't until a few days before our flight that the miami government posted that ad. i'm looking at that, i'm like, oh my gosh. is everything going to be okay? >> glasses, phone, wallet -- >> reporter: emily ball is a senior at penn state university, harrisburg. >> shutdown, lockdown. it was a day before we left. we had this booked, there was no canceling. that was it. >> i like low-key, but also i like a lot of people around. >> reporter: you want to party? >> we want to party. >> reporter: too late to change plans, they hopped on a plane. documenting their journey on tiktok. and hoping for the best. what's going through your head? >> looking at these videos, oh my gosh, what did we get ourselves into? >> reporter: the crackdown apparently working. instead of packed sidewalks filled with college-age partiers, miami beach is
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relatively quiet. the crowds of spring breakers replaced with police officers and barricades. >> it was okay. i just didn't like all the rules. we wanted to have fun. >> reporter: where are people going for spring break? >> word on the street is miami, fort lauderdale, were the big areas. we started looking for hotels in miami. then all of a sudden, we get down here, everyone's posting about fort lauderdale. >> reporter: with miami beach on lockdown, many revelers took the party up the beach. >> fort lauderdale loaded with young people. le here, it doesn't seem like there's that many. >> reporter: hordes gathering at the shoreline. cheering on a boxing match. partiers spilling out onto the sidewalks. the mayor of fort lauderdale trumpeting his city as a spring break destination. the police providing bars with testing tools for drugs. giving narcan to lifeguards to
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prevent fatal overdoses. back on miami beach, officials say so far, so good. >> we took robust measures. literally our strictest measures we've taken yet. i think it's bearing fruit. >> reporter: steven miner is the mayor of miami beach. what message is that sending to people who visit miami? i was just walking down ocean drive. i've never seen it like that before. >> it's a good message. we want people to enjoy. we're a tourist city. we're packed. our hotels are booked. we want people to come and enjoy, but come and enjoy and play by the rules, obey the law. >> reporter: last year, two people were killed on the city's famed ocean drive. in two separate shootings. security video showing crowds running for safety. in 2022, five people were wounded in two separate spring break shootings. the year before, miami beach police resorted to using pepper balls to try and control the crowds. >> the crowds were so excessive that you had these modified
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stampedes. that in itself dangerous. you had businesses shutting down early because it was too dangerous for their patrons and their employees. >> reporter: miami is known as a place to party, a please for people to vacation, have a good time. it's got the nickname "vice city." why clamp down? >> it's all in the name of public safety. people neglect that we have residents and their quality of life and safety are priorities to our organization. so there must be a balance. >> dance rooms above -- >> reporter: some south beach business owners say the lack of safety has been a problem for years. >> what goes on for spring break is a street party. they're not really customers, per se, of our businesses. that's what also makes it so difficult. ♪ >> reporter: david wall is the owner of ocean drive hot spot mangos. >> if we still see what we saw in any way, shape or form what we saw last year this year, they're going to curfew. if they curfew, most likely i'll
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just close mangos because we've already taken away all the sidewalk cafes. there goes 30%, 35% of our business right there. >> reporter: last year, mangos security cameras caught this mad rush of people on the sidewalk outside. we spoke about it with victor oquendo. >> we had multiple human stampedes of hundreds of people rushing at you like a tsunami of people. plates, glass flying. people running over each other. thank god nobody was trampled. we're all literally in mortal danger in that kind of a situation. >> reporter: a year later, wall is wary of how the new rules will impact business. >> we all have hope. but the reality will play itself out. and the only -- it's as the guru says. "we'll see." >> reporter: any concern that miami breaking up with spring break will cause miami to lose its essence?
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>> when we say we're breaking up with spring break, though we mean it, we're talking about the unlawful behavior. and that's 365 days, year-round. >> reporter: while the atmosphere on miami beach has been tamped down, emily and mark say they're still having fun. i know southport has become notorious for getting a little crazy. were you looking forward to the mayhem? >> i was. >> a little bit, yeah. a little bit, you know. see what's going on. that's why we came here. >> yeah, yeah. >> reporter: turns out, for the city of miami beach, breaking up isn't hard to do. >> byron: our thanks to ashan. when we come back, oscar winner regina king opens up about what moves her and moving winner regina king opens up about what moves her and moving others. detect this: living with hiv, robert learned he can stay undetectable with fewer medicines. that's why he switched to dovato. dovato is a complete hiv treatment for some adults. no other complete hiv pill uses fewer medicines
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♪ >> byron: welcome back. regina king is a creative powerhouse back to acting after taking time away following a personal tragedy. unfoth that will only to most of us. she sat down with my colleague, robin roberts. >> reporter: for nearly 40 years, she's reigned as one of hollywood's most versatile talents. >> that plane does not take off unless we're both on it, got it? >> reporter: for her breakout role in the '80s sitcom "227." to her oscar-winning performance in "if beale street could talk." >> did you think i came here to make you suffer? >> reporter: regina king is known for humanizing complex characters. >> if i can't get the nomin nomination, i can still get delegates. >> reporter: including starring in the bio-pic "shirley."
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how did you prepare to play shirley chisholm? >> it's been a 15-year journey since we were going to tell shirley's story to now, it actually happening. and i think 15 years ago, i wasn't ready to play shirley. i may have thought that i was then. but i wasn't ready. i needed to live more life. >> reporter: regina joined by sister reyna, who co-produces and plays a key role in the film that chronicles shirley chisholm's political rise as she becomes the first black woman to run for president. >> we felt there were so many people who did not know who shirley chisholm is, who she was, who she is. and that bugged us. >> reporter: yeah, and it just so happens to be an election year. >> yeah. we were like, no, it needs to live and be in the space now. so that if it's going to inspire
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anyone, especially young people to be involved with the political process, then we've done something right and we've also honored shirley and we've followed through with what shirley is, unbought and unbossed. >> reporter: for the last couple of years, regina has been taking much-needed time away. in january 2022, her dear son ian tragically passing away by suicide. you dedicated the film to your beloved ian. >> to my ian. >> reporter: what has this time span, these last two years, been like for you? >> oh, wow. you know -- i'm -- i'm a different person, you know? now, than i was january 19th. i am -- grief is a journey, you know?
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i understand that grief is love that has no place to go. i know that it's important to me to honor ian in the totality who he is. i speak about him in the present because he is always with me. and the joy and happiness that he gave all of us. >> reporter: but behind that joy and happiness, ian's mental health took a toll. >> when it comes to that people expect it to look a certain way. they expect it to look heavy. people expect that -- >> reporter: it's okay.
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>> to have to experience in this and not be able to have the time to just sit with ian's ch which i respect and understand, you know, that he didn't want to be here anymore. and that's a -- a hard thing for other people to receive because they did not live our experience, did not live ian's journey. >> reporter: i think a lot of people, a lot of people are going to appreciate that you said it was his choice. and that you recognize that. >> i was so angry with god. you know, why would -- why would that weight be given to ian?
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you know, of all of the things that we had gone through with the therapy, with psychiatrists, programs. and he just -- ian was like, "i'm tired of talking, mom." my favorite thing about myself is being ian's mom. and i can't say that with a smile, with tears, with all of the emotion that comes with that, i can't do that if i did not respect the journey. i've taken the time, my family's taken the time to be as private as possible. but with all of that, the beauty that has come with it is the amount of love that has just poured in. >> reporter: have you felt it? >> oh my god. oh my god. it's a little mind-blowing.
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when i run into one of ian's friends. i get all of these little ian -- i call them eyainian-spirations. all the time. and i'm not surprised because ian is my son, and i know that all that he is. >> reporter: their close bond always on full display at regina's red carpet events. are there moments where he was always there with you physically, not as a trigger, but does it -- >> oh, it's a trigger. >> reporter: is it? >> absolutely, absolutely. so sometimes it will trigger just laughter. most times, as of recent, the triggers a smile. but sometimes the absence, his absence, is really loud. the sadness will never go away. it will always be with me.
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and i think i saw sadness is a reminder of how much he means to me, you know? >> reporter: happy sorrow what is my mother used to call it. >> happy sorrow. >> reporter: you said something that -- shirley chisholm, what are the two words? unbought and unbossed. so what are two words for your motto? what would be your two words? >> i don't know that i can -- two words? >> reporter: i have two words for you. "ian's mom." >> that's the first thought that came to my mind. >> reporter: i know you. >> that was the first thought that came to my mind, ian's mom. >> byron: ian's mom indeed. our thanks to robin. if you or someone you know is struggling with thoughts of
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suicide, free confidential help is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. call or text the national lifeline at 988. when we return, we switch gears. taylor swift unleashes "cruel summer" and dozens of other songs straight to your living room. when you smell the amazing scent of gain flings... time stops. (♪) your heart races. (♪) your eyes close. (♪) and you realize you're in love... steve? with a laundry detergent. gain flings. seriously good scent. and 50% more fresh. now that's love at first sniff. ah mornings! cough? congestion? i'm feeling better. all in one and done with new mucinex kickstart.
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♪ >> byron: finally tonight, the tour that ignited a ticket-buying frenzy with secret songs and a set list in the dozens. ♪ >> byron: taylor swift's "era"e tour has dropped on disney plus. the show includes an amazing acoustic performance of "i can see you." ♪ i can see you drop your jacket on the floor ♪ ♪ i can see you make me want you even more ♪ >> byron: the demand for tickets for the history-making tour broke the internet and a cinematic release had fans
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