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tv   ABC7 News 600PM  ABC  March 15, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT

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drive. it's by balena bay, not far from encinal high school. >> alameda fire department divers and swimmers have been in the water, with a coast guard helicopter watching overhead. here's a live look from the scene. now. we just saw divers get out of the water in the past five minutes or so. we'll continue to keep an eye on the search and what comes out of this search. again, you're looking at live pictures of these divers just getting out of the water on those rocks, trying to find this person who went in. we'll keep you updated on this, but for now, let's move on to an abc seven news i-team exclusive. >> have a conversation with me. please tell me what's going on. >> i know what you're going to do. >> what am i going to do? >> you're going to go in steel. >> come on. no, i'm not sure. you have no reason to think that at all. >> a security guard at san francisco's embarcadero center shopping plaza has been suspended because of this incident from wednesday. caught on video. good evening. >> i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley. thanks for joining us. the guard told those two young men not to go into a store because he supposedly knew that
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they we going to steal. i-team reporter dan noyes has been digging into this incident since one of the men posted that video on reddit. >> yeah, dan, you have some exclusive information. >> well, ama and dan, i spoke to the two young men who feel they were profiled for no reason. they also tell me the guard flashed a sidearm and an inspector's badge from the san francisco district attorney's office. 24 year old nicholas kincade and 22 year old amir ali work at a high fashion boutique near the embarcadero center. during a break, nicholas wanted to pick up some supplies from the sephora. there. >> we just wanted to, you know, i wanted to get a scalp scrubber for myself. we were talking about beauty products all day, pretty much just discussing like what we needed. >> they first tried the inside door. it was blocked, so they walked around to the street side entrance where a security guard told them not to enter the store. >> this is private property. >> okay, okay. and what have i done so far? do you want to let me know? what am i telling you? you're going to go in and steal. how do you know that, how do you know that? i've been around a long time. you have no answer.
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you have no answer at all. >> i've been around a long time. >> i spoke to the two of them today. the first time he says, don't go in there because i know you're going to steal what goes through your mind. >> i know what time it is. i know what's going on. i mean, we've heard about the civilian times, so i immediately just start firing back and trying to get anything out of him to prove that he has something to stand on. because i know my heart of hearts is absolutely nothing there, they tell me. >> they questioned whether the guard even worked at the embarcadero. they thought he might be a vigilante. >> do you even work at this? pardon me. do you work at this property? yeah. >> can i see, like, building security? >> can i see like, any documentation that you work here? i see, like, any documentation that you work here. >> well, i can show you, i can show you this while it's just off camera. >> you can see the guard lift his jacket a bit. the two shoppers say he revealed his sidearm that is visible a few seconds later when he lifts his shirt and shows me a glock, and i'm like, well, that doesn't really. >> yeah, that doesn't really help the situation right now. i don't need to see a weapon now.
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i just feel threatened. i'll show you this. >> my id and the guard briefly showed a badge. a retired lieutenant inspector shield from the san francisco district attorney's office. starting there, i called law enforcement sources who identified the guard as 72 year old mike koppel. he worked for the marin county sheriff's department and then retired from the san francisco da's office in 2007. her staff says. district attorney brooke jenkins would not comment on the incident because this matter is under investigation by the special prosecutions unit of our office. the person seen in this video is not a current employee. the owner of the embarcadero complex, boston properties, emailed me that they are working with the third party security partner to conduct a full investigation into the incident. in the meantime, the security officer has been removed from our property pending the results of the investigation. koppel did not return my calls, texts and emails for comment. ali and kincade tell me they went shopping in sephora anyway. >> okay, so we're going to go inside now because you have no reason to stop us.
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>> all right. you go in, you steal. >> and they came out to find an sfpd officer waiting at the door, but they just walked by and returned to work, and both tell me they never saw mike koppel before that altercation. i spoke with several people in law enforcement and security guard training, and they said what happened could be a real problem for mike koppel. we'll tell you when the investigation is over and what it concludes. >> dan hama well, clearly more to come here. >> absolutely. >> thank you. dan, thanks. >> another problem today for a united airlines flight involving a boeing plane, a plane that left san francisco this morning had an external panel fall off. it wasn't noticed until after the plane landed safely and early in medford, oregon. united doesn't know when the panel fell off. the pilot said they didn't even know anything was wrong. just last week, united flight lost a tire after taking off from sfo. another flight headed to sfo had to turn around for landing gear problems, and a plane over texas had an engine fire. >> an emergency room doctor from the south bay is back home
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tonight after more than a month helping people in gaza, doctor mohammed subhi flew into sfo today to a warm welcome. as you can see, the end of a five week medical mission treating wounded civilians. he went from an e.r. in mountain view to a field hospital in gaza. subhi says the hospital was set up for 20 to 30 patients a day, but this week they treated nearly 1000 a day. >> we really worked with very scarce resources to be able to save lives, save limbs. half of the patients that i saw were children, many of whom lost their parents, and it's very hard to imagine what life looks like for them. >> doctor subhi says it wasn't a hard decision to go to gaza, and he hopes to go back to help more people. >> new video captures the chaos as a man fired on deputies in santa rosa. the shootout ended with deputies hurt and the suspect dead. a warning the video is graphic and may be disturbing to watch over me. i'm
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going for my rifle. body cameras show the nonstop gunfire back on march 4th. sonoma county sheriff's deputies stopped jose luis villasenor cervantes after they say he showed a weapon outside a nightclub. the sheriff's office says cervantes shot at. one deputy, then appeared to leave when other deputies showed up, cervantes started shooting again. several deputies ended up hurt by shrapnel. >> anyone who is willing to fire upon deputies or police officers is willing to fire and shoot and kill anyone. >> police say cervantes led deputies on a chase, crashing into a sheriff's car and through a fence. they think he died in the crash. a deputy is still in the hospital after another deputy accidentally ran him over . >> new data from san francisco's public works department shows a drop in street cleaning requests since a street vending ban went into effect along mission street three months ago. abc seven news reporter luz pena has been covering this issue from the start and is here with us with
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the very latest on this loose. >> well, don sidewalks on mission street are definitely clean. now san francisco's public works department is attributing this to the 90 day street vending ban that went into effect over three months ago, and recently, the city extended the ban for six more months. their data shows it's working. it's been over three months since street vending was banned on mission streets, and the first report on cleanliness is out. >> we're seeing that the overall request for street cleaning that comes through the 311 customer service center is down about 21% overall in the mission district. >> we saw it. sidewalks are clean and public works inspectors along with san francisco police officers, are patrolling the area. seven days a week until 8 p.m. on weekdays. the city is saying their efforts are also leading to more than just clean sidewalks. >> we've also seen fewer police calls that are coming through for burglaries and assaults. >> the city implemented this ban to tackle vendors selling stolen items on sidewalks. we ran into
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a vendor that goes by the name shark. he was carrying several pounds of stolen meat, selling it on foot to avoid it getting confiscated. and so do you do this often? >> i probably do it like ten times a day. i have to do that to feed myself. you don't want to be doing this? no, no, i just got fired from my job, though. that was the only thing i had. and i was only making $600 a month. >> he showed us inside his backpack. what do you have in here? >> beef tongue. it's one of these will feed a family for a week, a month. >> so how much was this meat inside the store? >> $150. >> susana rojas is the executive director of veinticuatro. her group represents street vendors. she agrees streets are cleaner now, but he's asking the city to think about the vendors who are selling merchandise that was never stolen and have permits. >> there has been a lot of narrative out there to promote a permanent ban for our vendors, not only in the mission, but all over the san francisco. and we stand against it. the vendors have never been the issue.
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>> one of those vendors following the rules is manuel soltero. he is inside the location on 21st and 37 mission street, set up by the city for them. how's business here? >> very bad. >> manuel is glad. streets are clean, but said they never contributed to the mess. he wants the city to let them sell outside while the inspectors are out. >> i think why they are not doing it like this. we sell and that's the space. they stay eight hours. why not say eight hours and we sell over there. we had. we had a permit. legal permit. >> and this ban is not perfect. after inspectors leave around 8 p.m, residents report seeing vendors selling what looked like stolen items on the sidewalks. again something the public works department is aware of, and said they will continue to gather more data before extending or changing their schedule. luz pena abc seven news okay, good to know, luis. >> thank you. >> in the race to replace
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retiring representative anna eshoo, whose district includes the south bay and peninsula, another lead change today, the top two candidates from last week's primary advance to november's general election. former san jose mayor sam liccardo will definitely be one of those candidates, but check out the battle for second place. santa clara county supervisor joe simitian today took the lead back from assemblyman evan low. low edged ahead on wednesday, but now it's simitian ahead by 44 votes, and it's looking more and more likely that prop one will pass. it would use billions in bonds to provide housing for the homeless and the mentally ill. currently it has 50.2% support, with 23,000 more yes votes than no votes. voter turnout is coming in just above 33. over the past 20 years, primary turnout has ranged from about 25 to almost 60. >> no more right on red. that could be the rule at even more san francisco intersection will take a look coming up next at the reasons why and take a look. >> the seven on your side tax chat is live right now. experts
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will be answering your questions until 7 p.m.
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salonpas, it's good medicine. on a proposal to add no turn on red signs in parts of san francisco. >> the new restrictions would be implemented in the downtown area. abc seven news reporter liam melendez is here to explain the reasons for this expansion. leon. >> well, this is coming directly from the sfmta. four of the 18 pedestrians who were killed in 2023 were hit when a driver was making a right turn on green. so they know this is a problem. but
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is restricting drivers from turning on red. the solution so far since 2021, san francisco's tenderloin district has had more than 50 intersections with no turn on red restrictions. one year after it was implemented, the san francisco municipal transportation agency found that 92% of drivers were complying with the law. so the city thought, why not apply those restrictions in other neighborhoods? >> san francisco is not anti-car ricardo olea is with sfmta. >> here's what he told us two months ago on their expansion plans. >> we are in the process of expanding prohibitions on turns on red into pedestrian heavy areas such as downtown union square, and that that project will start this year. >> that plan has already started, and now they're considering expanding the no turn on red restrictions even further to include 200 more intersections north and south of market street, pending public hearings next week. how about
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the rest of the city? we will see citywide, like new york city. are we going to be new york city? no. the plan at this point is not to make san francisco be like new york city. >> we're not at the point at which we say that every single intersection in san francisco should have a no turn on red. we want to have people understand when they're going to the tenderloin or downtown or a heavy commercial area. oh, the reason that this sign is there is because of pedestrian safety. >> traffic safety has been a huge challenge for san francisco. ten years ago, the city vowed to get to zero traffic deaths by 2024. and here we are. and so far this year, there have been seven traffic deaths, the last one on march 2nd, a pedestrian killed by a hit and run driver in the tenderloin. even though the speed limit there has now been reduced to 20 miles an hour and turns on red lights are not allowed. still, we caught a driver trying to make a left turn on red while i was crossing the street, and while we were doing that interview in january,
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we caught a series of violations and that person made a that person made a right turn on red. >> do you see that? yes, yes. >> if there's no enforcement, you can change all the rules you want to and no one will take them seriously. so we do need traffic enforcement and we need traffic enforcement of speeding, running red lights. >> we cruised around the tenderloin to see if police were actively stopping drivers for traffic violations. instead, what we found were police searching a car for possible firearms. >> they have other challenges. they're dealing with violent crime, and we're dealing with fentanyl sales and there's a lot of challenges, challenges in the tenderloin. but the officers do a great job on traffic enforcement to the extent that they can. >> how many citations have been written? >> yeah, i don't have the exact number. but what i do know is that we're also very grateful for the highway patrol that have been really good partners with us for the last year. they've written a lot of citations as well. >> beginning last year, the california highway patrol agreed to assist sfpd by enforcing all traffic violations in the tenderloin and surrounding
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areas. and next year, the city will install 33 speeding cameras throughout the city in an effort to minimize the number of traffic deaths. and again, that's one of several tools to get to zero deaths. now, other cities are also having this problem. last year, pedestrian deaths reached a 40 year high across the country. and now places like chicago, l.a, denver, seattle are considering implementing no turn on red restrictions. well in new york, i'm from new york. you know, you're never thinking, yeah, you're born thinking i could never make a right on red. so yeah, end of story. >> all right. thanks. thanks >> all right. a massive redwood tree fell on top of a house in forestville. the collapse happened about 245 today. while it was really windy. the house is on river road near scenic drive. no one was home at the time of this incident. as you can see, the house sustained major damage. just smashed through this house, forcing the city's building inspector to red tag it and deem the structure uninhabitable, which it clearly
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is. such a shame, but at least no one was home. no one was hurt. >> yeah. thank goodness. all right. beautiful day. still a little bit breezy. >> it is, but it was lovely. how long will the winds last? meteorologist sandyha patel is here. sandy? yeah, we're seeing a big improvement already. >> ama and dan. let me show you the peak wind gusts last 24 hours. not surprising to see that tree go down on mount diablo. 72 miles an hour at oakland hills and big rock ridge over 50. same thing with nicasio hills. mount eminem 47, by the way, in the last 48 hours, mount saint helena was 75 miles an hour. that wasn't this morning. it was the previous morning. 20 mile an hour winds right now on atlas peak, 22 mount diablo. still an offshore breeze coming out of the north northeast. and that's what brought us the warmth. temperatures well above average today, 75 in san jose, napa, santa rosa, 76, san rafael, 73, in san francisco, oakland. really, just a beautiful day. 74 in concord, 73, in santa cruz. a live view from our exploratorium camera.
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and the temperature right now is 72 degrees, so still warm. high pressure is the controlling factor. and really, that's what brought us the warmth with the downsloping winds. here's a view from golden gate bridge camera and the temperatures right now. still in the mild to warm category 72 in the city. as i mentioned, oakland 74, san jose 61, though in half moon bay, you know the sea breeze is back when that temperature is dropping from our san jose camera seeing clear skies. 75 in santa rosa, napa. you're at 72. concord 73, livermore 69. east bay hills camera showing you mount diablo and you are in the clear tonight. a few breezy areas. weekend forecast, sunny and mild, bay and inland, but it is going to turn cooler at the coast as fog is going to make a return. so as we go, hour by hour, a little breezy around calistoga middletown at 7:00 tonight. those winds will drop off considerably late tonight and tomorrow morning wind comes more out of the south. that's going to pull that fog up. so that southerly surge will be
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back in the picture. here you go. 10 a.m. you see that fog near the coast? it will just continue to spread up the coastline by afternoon. and then sunday more across the bay and inland, which is why those temperatures are going to come down in all areas on sunday. your morning temperatures in the 40s and 50, some patchy fog along the coast clear inland south bay. temperatures 70 degrees in gilroy, 74 san jose, santa cruz you're coming down to 65 degrees on the peninsula. 71 in redwood city, 60 two half moon bay with some fog. downtown san francisco 66 degrees 69. in san rafael, 60 is nine degrees in petaluma, 72 in santa rosa in the north, bay in the east, bay 68, berkeley 69. oakland. you want warmth? head inland. it is still going to be mild. 71 degrees in walnut creek, 72 livermore 74, in fairfield. here's your accuweather seven day forecast and temperatures are coming down as we lose the offshore winds this weekend. fog feels a fog the coast feels at first. excuse me. low 60s to mid
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70s tomorrow. saint patrick's day is looking nice. a little cooler, temperatures rebounding as we switch seasons. tuesday night. and then a level one system for friday. ama spring showers are coming our way. >> all right, you warned us. thank you sandhya. coming up next, we check in live with the seven on your side tax chat. it's open until 7 p.m. send in your questions now by going but his vision dimmed with age. he had amd. i didn't know it then, but it can progress to ga,
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an advanced form of the disease. his struggle with vision loss from amd made me want to help you see warning signs of ga, like: hazy or blurred vision, so it's hard to see fine details, colors that appear dull or washed out, or trouble with low light that makes driving at night a real challenge. if you think you have ga, don't wait. treatments are available. ask a retina specialist about fda-approved treatments for ga and go to (♪) entresto is the #1 heart failure brand prescribed by cardiologists. it was proven superior at helping people stay alive
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and out of the hospital. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto for heart failure.
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today seven on your side is hosting a tax chat answering your tax questions. we are exactly one month away from april 15th. the deadline to file and dan is upstairs in the seven on your side office. how's it going, dan? >> hey i'm great. in addition to learning about how to file my taxes, i'm getting my steps in today. running back and forth, up and down the stairs. you know this. we're really delighted to bring the tax chat to you once again. we've done this for years and years with seven on your side, sponsored by united way bay area. all of these experts here are taking your questions for about another 35 minutes until 7:00 tonight. and before i leave you, i'll tell you exactly how you can get a question answered. if you're thinking about digging into your taxes. maybe this weekend with a month deadline to go, chris housh is with me. he's with the golden gate, a society of enrolled agents, which means he's authorized by the treasury department no less to do this. that's big. chris let me ask you quickly about something. i know a lot of people in the bay area,
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particularly care about, and that is the change in the deduction for interest to your home. went down a few years ago during the trump administration to $10,000. that hurt a lot of people in the bay area because our housing prices are so high. any change coming on that? >> yeah, the law is going to expire in 2025. there is debate right now between the democrats and republicans to go and see. are they going to just let it fully expire or go back to being the full amount that you're paying in your property taxes and state income taxes as a deduction? or are they going to put in a raised cap if it's the other side that wins, going in and saying that there's an adjustment for inflation. >> so everyone's curious and wondering what will happen with this tax change that we had to that we dealt with a few years ago here in the bay area. >> exactly. and we're all hopeful that it goes to something more reasonable for us. yeah. >> because really, california, new york really got hurt. okay, chris, thanks so much, sophia. selassie is here. she's with united way bay area. sophia, thank you so much for sponsoring this event and also for sponsoring 90 sites around the bay area where you can go get free tax help. how do people
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avail themselves of that? >> well, you can go to our website at united way at tax help. or you can call 211 okay. >> and you can people who make what under $65,000 a year are eligible to go get free tax help. >> yes, they are eligible to get free tax help. however that number is an irs number. the 65,000. we are able to serve folks who make more than that. oh, great. so if you do make more than that, i wouldn't completely write it off. i would suggest that you visit our website, find a tax site and see if they're able to help you give it a shot. >> okay, sophia, thanks very much. united way bay area sponsoring our tax chat today and seven on your side. all of these volunteers ready to answer questions go to abc seven on your side. fill out the form. ask your question until 7:00. we'll answer that. i'll see you downstairs in a few minutes. >> all right. sounds good. thank you. dan. you bet. coming up next, the seismic shift in real estate rules affecting both buyers and sellers. also ahead.
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>> going and seeing these people in person really sort of drove home the inhumanity of the three strikes law. >> the three strikes law, a change in california's criminal justice system that came out of the polly klaas case. tonight we take a closer look. it's part of our new abc seven originals.
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but his vision dimmed with age. he had amd. i didn't know it then, but it can progress to ga,
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an advanced form of the disease. his struggle with vision loss from amd made me want to help you see warning signs of ga, like: hazy or blurred vision, so it's hard to see fine details, colors that appear dull or washed out, or trouble with low light that makes driving at night a real challenge. if you think you have ga, don't wait. treatments are available. ask a retina specialist about fda-approved treatments for ga and go to
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rang the closing bell at the new york stock exchange today in advance of saint patrick's day on sunday, of course, stocks closed in the red after yesterday's inflation report, which sparked worries the federal reserve will delay lowering interest rates. the dow dropped 190 points today. the nasdaq lost 155 and the s&p went down by 33. an agreement today could drive down the cost of buying and selling a home. it's a settlement that would put an end to the typical 5 or 6% commission. >> most real estate agents charge. >> abc seven news reporter suzanne fawn looks at the impact in the bay area. >> the median home prices are really high. >> santa clara county 1.3
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million, about the same in in, in san francisco county. but there's potentially some good news for those in the market. >> the national association of realtors agreed to settle a series of lawsuits over excessive fees, which could make the 6% commission a standard in buying or selling a home. a thing of the past. >> i think it's great. why because it seems to me like it's a bit excessive and, you know, it cuts into your profits of selling your home. that would be fantastic. >> i mean, if you're selling a home for $2 million, that amount adds up. really quickly. >> well, it benefits the sellers because they're not paying that commission. >> commission guidelines had been set by the national association of realtors for decades, but the group was also accused of conspiring to keep them artificially high as part of the agreement, they'll pay $418 million in damages and eliminate the guidelines. bay area real estate experts say commissions in california have always been negotiable. they have mixed reactions on the settlements impact. >> big picture is i don't think
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anything is going to change, in my opinion, i think that we'll have a more of a transparent approach to, helping people understand who pays for what and for what, service in the transaction. >> the settlement might spur some activity in the market because sellers have been sort of hesitant lately, but now with a little bit of extra money in their pockets, that might be a good thing. some argue that realtor fees could drop by 30, or that this could give rise to online brokers offering discounted realtor services. >> others wonder if dropping commission fees would mean lower bay area home prices. >> no, not in the bay area. we have demand, but it could shrink the number of real estate agents we're going to be forced to refine our practice, sharpen our skills and make sure that we have those conversations with consumers so they know what they're paying for in san francisco. >> suzanne vaughn, abc seven news. >> california's three strikes
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law was signed into law 30 years ago this month. our latest abc seven originals struck by justice, looks at how the kidnaping and murder of polly klaas brought about the three strikes law and an end, or an era of tough on crime policies >> the three strikes law took away the majority of my life. >> sahaj shakur is the owner of falafel corner, a chain of mediterranean restaurants with more than 30 locations across the state. he's also a former three strikes prisoner was in the gang. >> we're getting in trouble. some robberies, gun possessions, was involved in a big fight. got 25 to life for that one as a three striker and really just no prospects of ever getting out at all. >> when sahaj shakur was in prison, he began attending muslim services. he also started
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to educate himself. he got his high school diploma, then a bachelor's degree, and he began work on a masters. >> with that knowledge, i was able to figure out that, hey, there's something going on here in san quentin. these three strike guys that are here, they were seeing guys with murder have less time than they did for stealing a slice of. couldn't reconcile that. >> the idea of this class is start with an introduction with the three strikes law. in part because it's place that we found such incredible injustice. >> about the same time, stanford professor michael romano got his law students to represent people serving life sentences after committing minor crimes. >> my client is jeffrey. he's 60 years old. he's serving 34 to life. >> and i saw cases that came
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across our desk of a person who's got sentenced to life for aiding the sale of $5 worth of crack cocaine to an undercover police officer, or who got sentenced to life for forging a dmv exam, wasn't just one case or a dozen cases. there's hundreds of thousands of cases of people who have been sentenced to life for these extraordinarily minor crimes. >> back in san quentin state prison, shakur kept insisting on getting help for three strikes. inmates >> and i actually wrote a letter to the psychology department in san quentin saying, here's the symptoms that i see. and all these guys that are three strikers. it was a psychosis. so eventually they sent a psych tech to work with us to create a group for the three strikers we always call hope for strikers. >> shakur helped run the hope for strikers group for three years. when stanford professor michael romano heard about them. he and other proponents of
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criminal justice reform went to visit the prisoners at san quentin to hear their stories. shakur had already served 16 years in prison when he met romano during that visit. >> we have not given up going and seeing these people in person really sort of drove home the inhumanity of the three strikes law. >> the people who were sort of rotting behind bars and growing old did not need to be there. they were serving no interest in public safety, so there was an idea that really started here at stanford to change the whole law. and that's how prop 36 got started. >> by 2012, 27 states had adopted some form of a three strikes law, but california was the only state to impose life sentences for a nonviolent third strike. proposition 36 would allow prisoners serving life sentences for nonviolent crimes to petition a court for release
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under proposition 36 one, it got 69% of the vote. >> it was the first statutory change in this state that was real criminal justice reform. and it was the beginning of changing laws in other states and moving away from harsh sentencing. >> they all want to empty the prisons now. and what's happening, what's going on now in our society, crime is on the rise, struck by justice. >> the impact of polly klaas is now streaming on the abc seven bay area app. we hope you'll take time to check it out. >> well, coming up, if you feel lonely, you're not alone. coming up next, what's being done about it? a
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is at the forefront of this issue. and today county leaders launched a new campaign to try to help. >> here's abc seven news reporter zach fuentes. >> loneliness isn't just a word. it's a real physical and mental health issue. >> and many don't have the social connection experts say
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can be vital to our overall health. taylor j and carolyn kelly say that social isolation is especially difficult for adults over 40. that's why they created this app called wiser friends so people can really connect. >> when you get a little bit older, you might be an empty nester or retired or new to town, and we thought it would be fun and easy. >> launched in mid january, the app comes as the u.s. and governments around the world recognize the loneliness epidemic. the problem is so bad that last year, the surgeon general declared loneliness a public health crisis. >> this is a problem that has been building for decades in our country. covid certainly worsened it. it poured fuel on the fire, but that fire was burning before. >> in january, san mateo county became the first in the u.s. to recognize loneliness as a public health emergency. supervisor david canepa introduced the resolution that was voted on unanimously friday. he announced the launch of the are you lonely campaign and a call for the county to help fund it. >> we passed loneliness as being a public health crisis. words
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only mean so much now we need the investments in action. so whether it's, you know, peer help, whether it's a social media campaign, canepa says he hopes the new data they get from the campaign could be used to bring to the state in hopes that it would establish an office of loneliness. give us two years and don't be surprised if we have an office in the state of california dealing with loneliness. >> right now. the campaign has partners like ucsf, local nonprofit peninsula family service and wiser friends, a collaboration they all hope leads to positive changes as more recognize the severity of this epidemic. >> we're always worried about our physical health, but never our mental health, and i'm hoping i'm hoping that we're able to make some severe changes and to change this paradigm of suffering and silence in san mateo county. >> zach fuentes abc seven news. >> is this the weekend to finally wash your car? see sandhya's forecast next and the
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seven on your side. text chat wraps up at 7 p.m. here is a live look at the experts who are
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our seven on your side tax chat is open until seven tonight. you only have about 15 more minutes to get your tax questions answered live. dan is live in the seven on your side office to see how it's going. hey dan, hey, you have rice. >> you said about 15 minutes left. we're happy to get those tax questions in at the last minute, so please do that. we chris, laura, larry, norman, all of these tax experts here to help you. i want to thank them for helping with this effort today. the tax chat that we've done for years and thank united way bay area for sponsoring this great event. they're also sponsoring 90 free sites, all around the bay area where you can get free tax help. you can go to their website and get more information. i want to introduce amanda boston. she's an enrolled agent with southard and associates. amanda, thanks so much for being here. nice to see you. thank you for doing this today. let's talk a little bit about one of the hot topics in the news these days. i is the i it's the irs using ai. >> i think they are. there's been quite a few notices that
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have come out lately that just don't they don't mesh right. and all of all of us freak out when we get a notice in the mail, whether it's for a client or for just yourself. so when you get a letter from the irs or the franchise tax board, your first thing is thing to do is to panic and don't do that. just read the letter. and if you need professional help, seek professional help and there is help out there. >> now very quickly, how can people get some help out here? free help. >> so there's the vita site which the 90 sites that you mentioned. they've they're able you're able to go on the website that's been mentioned uva i yeah. >> you just go to their website, go to their website, united way and find a site for them. >> but also there's find an e on the california society of enrolled agents site. and you can find an e now that's not going to be free. but if you are above the income limit to get vita help, then you need to get professional help. >> all right. but there is help
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out there. amanda, thanks very much. once again, just a few more minutes to get the tax help that you may need your questions answered. go to abc seven news. slash seven on your side. fill out the form. you got a few minutes. they'd be delighted to finish their day by answering your question. i'll see you downstairs in just a moment. all right. >> sounds good. thank you. dan. happening tonight. a large stretch of six 8-80 will be shut down for the weekend. the closure begins at 9 p.m. caltrans will close the southbound lanes of six 8-80 from the 580 junction down to koopman road. it's about nine miles of roadway. caltrans is repaving and says the work should be done before the monday morning commute. all right, on to our weekend weather. it's going to be great for all the leprechauns out there. sandy. oh you betcha ama let's take a look at the winds right now. >> this is the good thing. the winds are starting to come down. they're nowhere near the intensity. they were at peak 20 miles an hour. a beautiful view from our emeryville camera. looking at san francisco, where tomorrow's saint patrick's day parade and celebration takes place. it's going to be perfect.
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parading weather 1130 is when it starts 60 degrees at 11 a.m. bright skies for the afternoon, nice and mild in the mid 60s, and cooler and breezy later on in the day with fog rolling back in. no fog right now, but it's back in the forecast late morning into the afternoon. cooling begins tomorrow and it continues on sunday, but you won't notice it inland. look at the low to mid 70s. still going to be pretty nice and mild on sunday. you will notice those temperatures will be in the 70s inland 50s 60s coast side and then a nice rebound on monday. last full day of winter. as you will notice that ridge rebuilds on monday. but then we do have rain chances returning to the forecast as early as thursday night, but better chance on friday and more snow for the sierra. the accuweather seven day forecast featuring sunshine inland fog at the coast tomorrow for saint patrick's day, a little bit cooler and then warmer monday. but you will notice spring comes in at 806 at night and it's still pretty nice during the day. and then we'll cool it off mid to late in the
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workweek. along with that rain coming back in with that level one ama and dan. excellent. yes, thanks. >> good. all right. sports director larry beil is here. sports. >> you know, this has been impressive watching you up, down, sprinting up to the tax shot office and then coming back down, sprinting up and coming down, sprinting up and coming down. >> i just made it here three seconds. >> yeah. great job. you're like our steph curry i mean it's just unbelievable high praise. yeah steph has missed three games in the past week because of a sprained ankle. so the question is he going to be good to go against lebron and the lakers in prime time on abc seven tomorrow night. we got [storms sound] whatever weather comes your way
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is that steph curry will be back tomorrow night here on abc seven. the warriors star injured his ankle last thursday, but he's had a couple of practices this week. looks like he will be ready for lebron on the lakers. same for draymond green who's been out with a back injury. curry rejoined the dubs in los angeles for a workout today. steve kerr said steph will likely be a game time decision, but assuming the ankle is fine and warm ups getting curry back for the lakers game is huge. >> that's the plan. everything goes well with the practice today and rehab tonight and all that, but i'm working hard all week to try to get back as soon
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as possible, so it's nice to be back with the team for a good energy going on. you can't fast forward or, you know, cheat the healing process. there are some that are kind of on the fence of whether you can kind of push through and not make it worse, but just deal with pain for days. a good, good bill to get your body back in shape, to pick up right where you left off. >> giants and a's in arizona. rainy weather has been a problem this spring in the cactus league. always bring a cardboard box with you. uh- some action here. ryan to line drive. mike yastrzemski have no fear, yaz is here. but this game was called for good in the third with the giants up two one. and the a's by the way, signed ex giant third baseman j.d. davis. well, stanford made the move they probably should have made a couple of years ago. parting ways with basketball coach jared haas after the cardinal lost in the pac 12 tournament last night. haas was at the helm for stanford for eight years, never won a pac 12 title, never made the ncaa tournament. >> i have not won here uh- to the level that i expect.
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like i hold my team accountable. uh- i'm being held accountable and i have no issue with that. >> nfl news three time defensive player of the year aaron donald is calling it a career at 32 years old. that is excellent news for brock purdy and every other quarterback alive and ex niners qb jimmy garoppolo released by the raiders. coming back to the nfc west. signing with the rams to back up matthew stafford. abc seven sports. sponsored by your northern california honda dealers. and he probably left aaron donald, 30, to 60 million on the table to walk away and say, i'm done. i got, you know, had a fine career. but the tax thing. yeah. so we have to pay. yeah that's unfortunate okay larry and see what happens. >> yeah. you don't have to be coming for you anyway. thanks, larry. very much. all right. tonight on abc seven at eight, it's shark tank followed by 2020. then stay with us for abc seven news at 11. remember that abc seven news is streaming 24 seven. get the abc seven bay
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area app and join us whenever you want. wherever you are. >> well, finally, this friday, a few thoughts about what really matters. as you've seen, we've been talking taxes on our newscasts this evening with experts who can answer your questions. i've been live with them in the seven on your side production office at four, five, and six. unless you're a cpa. most people don't really like dealing with the irs, larry included, evidently, but my wife and i have a dear friend, george, who has an interesting and really unusual take on taxes. and it's food for thought. he always says he likes paying taxes. i know what you're thinking. he's insane. he's not what he is practical. running our government costs money, plain and simple. and a lot of it. he's also grateful. grateful to live in a country that uses that tax money to provide so many services that protect us and make our lives better. our taxes build the roads. we use a fund, the police and firefighters who rescue us and provide social safety nets and so much more. now of course, our government wastes a lot of the money we give it. we can always
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be better there, but perhaps what really matters as we file our returns is this amazing nation that we help make possible by paying taxes. i always love to hear from you. let me know what you think. follow me on social media at dan ashley abc seven. >> all right, that is it for this edition of abc seven news. thank you for joining us. i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley for sandhya patel. >> larry biel and the entire abc seven news team. we appreciate your time. thanks for being here. yes >> and thanks to the seven on your side tax chat started at three and ends in just four minutes. >> yeah, we've been delighted to have them with us answering your questions today. >> so our thanks to all of those experts who came in. if they're giving up their time to help you, have a good evening. >> this is abc 724 seven. >> in san francisco, live at levi's stadium in san jose. >> live in oakland. yay! you're watching abc seven news live anytime, anywhere.
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>> we are, we are, we are, we are, we are, we are where you are. >> never miss a moment of the news that matters to you. download our abc seven bay area streaming
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from the alex trebek stage at sony pictures studios... this is the... [applause]
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please welcome our finalists-- a philosophy professor from green bay, wisconsin... a music executive from tampa, florida... and a social and personality psychologist from vancouver, washington... and now, here is the host of "jeopardy!!"-- ken jennings! [cheers and applause] [applause] thank you, johnny gilbert. welcome to the fourth game in our tournament of champions finals. so far, this series is all knotted up at one win apiece for yogesh, troy and ben. and as this is a first-to-three-wins tournament, we know we're in for at least two more games before we determine our winner. it's been great so far. i can't wait to see what happens next. let's get right into the game. good luck, champs. here are your categories in the jeopardy! round. ♪♪ first up... then we have... we're going...


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