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tv   America This Morning  ABC  March 15, 2024 4:30am-5:01am PDT

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. right now on america this morning. breaking news. tornadoes slamming the midwest, destroying buildings. >> i was just sitting there eating some chicken, and i heard that freight train coming. that's what it sounds like a mass casualty incident reported in ohio. >> significant injuries in indiana. the images just in.
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>> the father of the michigan school shooter found guilty. james crumbley, convicted for not doing enough to prevent his son's deadly rampage. the president this verdict could set. and what happens next for crumbley and his wife? >> shots fired on a crowded commuter train. new york subway riders hide for cover as a brawl erupts into gunfire. what we're learning about the shooter and the future of tiktok in the u.s. still up in the air as congress considers a crackdown, the potential new buyers emerging, including a shark from shark tank. long weekends forever. a new push for a four day workweek in the u.s. the lawmaker leading the charge. >> all the buzz a wild side as bees invade a tennis tournament, stinging a star player, halting the action and frustrated by self-checkout. >> the big changes coming to target and walmart >> from abc news in new york
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this is america this morning. >> good friday morning, everyone. >> i'm rhiannon ally and i'm lionel moise. andrew is on assignment. we begin with breaking news. several reported tornadoes slamming the midwest. at least two people killed in ohio. >> casualties also reported in indiana. four states endured a terrifying night of storms this morning. widespread damage is reported in multiple states, along with significant injuries after tornadoes tore through parts of the plains in the midwest, the sirens went off here in russells point and about five minutes later, it sounded like a freight train coming through our front room in central ohio, authorities responded to a mass casualty event after a half mile wide tornado hit the village of lakeview, destroying a mobile home community and buildings downtown. >> our laundromat is gone. the old plastics building is just completely demolished. downtown down. it's bad. yeah, it's very bad. it's pure devastation. i
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have never seen anything like this in my entire life. >> in indiana, authorities said they were working to confirm reports of fatalities from a likely tornado that hit the city of winchester. there were powerful winds, tore apart this large building, leaving the metal siding wrapped around trees and power lines. we don't know the extent of the damage on the south end of town. >> we do know that there have been some buildings and homes that have been completely destroyed elsewhere in indiana. >> these images of homes damaged in jefferson county, and an image of baseball sized hail in neighboring kentucky. authorities near louisville say the storms damaged at least 50 buildings, including homes. what do you what do you goes through your head in a moment like that, where it's like there ain't nothing you can do, but it's going to get you. >> it's going to get you. >> and farther south, this damage in hot springs village, arkansas, debris scattered, this utility pole shredded in half across the road. now, officials say they won't know the true extent of the damage until the sun comes up. we will check
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today's forecast in just moments after about ten hours of deliberations, a jury has convicted the father of michigan school shooter ethan crumbley for not doing enough to stop his son from carrying out the deadly attack at his high school in 2021. >> the verdict could have far reaching consequences. guilty of involuntary manslaughter this morning, the guilty verdict for james crumbley is being described as a wake up call for parents nationwide. >> it's a watershed moment for families and parents when it comes to guns. >> a jury in michigan convicting crumbley on four counts of involuntary manslaughter, holding him partially responsible for failing to prevent his son ethan from fatally shooting four students at oxford high school buying the gun four days earlier and failing to properly secure it. >> the defense argument was he just didn't know he didn't know his son was this dangerous, and i suspect the jurors saw through that. that's not okay for a parent to have no idea that your
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child is on the verge of this kind of mass murder. >> crumbley's wife, jennifer, was convicted on the same charges last month. prosecutors argued the crumbleys missed warning signs about their son's mental health, including a text message in which ethan revealed he was hearing voices. he wrote, i actually asked my dad to take me to the doctor yesterday, but he just gave me some pills and told me to suck it up. prosecutors also detailed a meeting at the school the day of the shooting between ethan, his parents and school counselors after a morbid drawing was found on ethan's math assignment, the school says ethan's parents refused to take him home, and ethan was allowed to stay in school because he had no prior disciplinary infractions. the victim's parents say last night's verdict does not end their push for justice. >> we need to start focusing on in the school, the school and its failures, the things that they don't want to admit to.
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>> we can put people on the moon , we can build skyscrapers, huge monuments like the hoover dam. and we can't keep our skills, our kids, safe in schools. >> legal experts note the crumbleys are the first parents in u.s. history convicted in a mass school shooting. >> it does send a message that prosecutors might pick this up and start holding parents accountable. actually, being responsible for manslaughter as if they participated. >> james crumbley will be sentenced next month on the same day as his wife. the crumbleys could face anywhere from 15 to 60 years in prison. >> a terrifying scene in new york as shots rang out on a crowded subway train. flying bullets sent these passengers ducking for cover. police say one man was shot in the head by his own gun and was in critical condition. now, video shows the two men fighting when one of them pulls out a gun, the other
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then grabs it and fires, spiking crime recently prompted the governor to deploy the national guard on the subway. >> it's why we need to keep fighting against guns. that's why the mayor is trying to take guns off the street and has had some success. that's why the governor is fighting these crazies who say guns should be able to be carried everywhere in the public space, get rid of the guns. >> the man who pulled the trigger was arrested. >> a special marines response unit has now arrived in haiti to help with an increasingly difficult mission of evacuating americans. the u.s. embassy is not allowing use of its helipad because street gangs are firing at incoming flights. hundreds of americans are believed to be in haiti, which is in chaos with no plan yet to form a new government. >> there are new questions this morning about whether tiktok could be banned here in the us. potential buyers are already coming forward. abc's em nguyen is here now with the latest m. good morning rhiannon. >> good morning. yeah. the fate of tiktok here in the u.s. remains unclear, but some
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wealthy americans are standing by hoping for a chance to buy it. two days after the house passed a bill that could ban tiktok in the u.s. unless its chinese owners sell the app, potential buyers are lining up. >> it's a great business, and i'm going to put together a group to buy tiktok, former treasury secretary steven mnuchin is among those gathering investors interested in the video sharing platform, which analysts say could fetch a price of more than $100 billion. >> if this order goes through, it's got to be sold. >> i'm going to put up my hand and say, i'll buy it, shark tank's kevin o'leary also throwing his hat in the ring, but many questions remain, chief among them will the senate even take up the house bill? >> while senators from both parties agree that tiktok poses a significant national security concern because of its chinese owner, senate majority leader chuck schumer has not yet indicated whether he'll take up the bill. tiktok ceo was on capitol hill yesterday. >> i haven't heard you know exactly what we've done that's
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wrong, he insists. >> tiktok keeps americans data on servers in the u.s, and says the bill that passed the house will hurt millions of people who make a living on the app. >> just passing the law. this is a ban on our app in this country. it's going to impact 170 million americans who use our app. it's going to impact 7 million small businesses. >> even if the senate passes the bill and president biden follows through on his pledge to sign it , analysts say the chinese government would still need to approve the sale and would likely withhold much of the apps underlying technology. if there is an eventual sale. analysts say the list of potential buyers would be small. major tech companies would likely not be involved due to antitrust concerns. lionel >> all right. i'm thank you. senator chuck schumer has stunned washington and israel with a blistering rebuke of israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, calling him an obstacle to peace. schumer is calling for new elections in israel. he is the highest ranking jewish official in the
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u.s. republicans have criticized his remarks. >> meanwhile, in gaza, officials claim 20 people were killed while waiting for food in gaza city. israeli officials deny launching an attack there. we have an update for a story we first brought you about cars tracking our driving behavior, potentially leading to higher insurance rates, the new york times first reported that general motors onstar service was recording some drivers behaviors, including speeds and hard braking, and then sending that data to a clearinghouse that works with insurance companies. well, now a florida man is suing, claiming violations of consumer protection laws, but gm says that system can be turned off. >> time now for your friday weather >> good morning. the last of the snow wrapping up in denver looking at a foot of snow downtown. it's been impressive there, but there's severe weather through the south today and that includes the threat for large hail, damaging winds, and isolated tornadoes. these
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thunderstorms continue plowing their way on south as we go throughout the day towards the i-10 corridor in the gulf coast. it will be a pretty active setup into the night, and then it stays wet into the weekend across the south, while the cool air works into the northeast for the weekend. for accuweather, i'm melissa constanza. >> coming up, a safety recall involving a popular air fryer. >> also ahead, what we've now learned about that plane that took a nosedive in midair, injuring 50 people. >> and a new twist in the search for missing college student. a bar owned by a country m
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latam airlines flight, the wall street journal reports a flight attendant accidentally hit a switch on the pilot's seat, pushing the pilot forward and into the controls, forcing the plane's nose to drop. we turn now to a college student who's been missing now for nearly a week in nashville. >> he was last seen at a bar owned by a country music star. here's abc's andrea fujii. >> this morning, authorities in nashville are investigating whether a college senior who went missing after a night out drinking was overserved at a local bar. 22 year old riley strain was last seen by friends last friday at luke's 32 bridge, a bar owned by country singer luke bryan. security video from around 10 p.m. shows strain stumbling down the street and falling. he got back up and continued walking, visibly unsteady. strain was on a trip with his university of missouri fraternity brothers. >> who is it that you're wanting to report his missing? we're here on a fraternity formal trip. it's one of my good buddies. >> one of strain's friends
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called 911, saying he had lost sight of him right before he was kicked out of the bar. the tennessee alcoholic beverage commission is now looking into whether bartenders broke the law, which makes it illegal to serve alcohol to someone who is visibly intoxicated. but i got a beer in my hand. bryan now speaking out on social media posting y'all, this is scary. praying for his safe return. authorities have been searching for nearly a week without finding any trace of strain, even deploying boats to search waterways. his family, desperate for answers, is asking why no one intervened. >> why didn't somebody help? i mean, we saw cars drive by, stop beside. >> they're also hoping luke bryan can help. >> it was one of the guys riley kind of looked up to. so we would love if he could help us get video footage of what went on inside that bar and right outside of it. so, luke, help us, please. please. >> bryan says his bar is cooperating and will provide
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police with video from inside the bar. police say strains phone was off. his family says it was last tracked to a location less than a mile from the bar. rhiannon lionel. >> all right, andrea, thank you so much for that update. a safety recall involving a popular kitchen appliance to update you on best buy now recalling air fryers and air fryer ovens from the insignia brand. the company says they can overheat, causing handles to break and glass doors to shatter. the recall affects about 187,000 devices. our website has the complete list. >> coming up, there's a new claim from alec baldwin concerning that deadly shooting on his movie set. >> plus, a wild scene as bees invade a tennis tournament, invade a tennis tournament, forcing play to be suspended [cars honking] i'm a guy who lost a bet. and my dignity. get out of the way! as if watching my team lose wasn't punishment enough. what are you looking at huh... it's a one speed. hahaha.
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hahaha. and if you have cut rate car insurance, odds are you'll be paying for that yourself. so, get allstate and be better protected from mayhem... like me. hey, i'm walking here! ♪ rise ♪ ♪ rise ♪ ♪ rise ♪ (alarm beeping) ♪ rise ♪ ♪ and thrive! ♪ (♪) belvita! it ain't my dad's razor, dad. ay watch it! it's from gillettelabs. this green bar releases trapped hairs from my face... gamechanga! ...while the flexdisc contours to it. so the five blades can get virtually every hair in one stroke. for the ultimate gillette shaving experience. the best a man can get is gillettelabs. wow. that's good. almond breeze? you like the almond breeze i got you... that's sooo interesting. what's happening, dad? with delicious taste and 50% more calcium. blue diamond almond breeze. don't just milk it. almond milk it.
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even the most chill of parents know when it's time to go into protect mode. nothing kills more viruses on more surfaces than lysol disinfectant spray. ♪ there it is... that feeling you get when you can... du more with less asthma. it starts with dupixent. dupixent is not for sudden breathing problems. it's an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma. and can help improve lung function for better breathing in as little as two weeks. dupixent helps prevent asthma attacks... and can even reduce or eliminate oral steroids. can you picture it? dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. get help right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection.
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don't change or stop asthma medicines, including steroids, without talking to your doctor. who knows what you can do when you du more with less asthma. ask your doctor about dupixent. the most prescribed biologic for asthma. most prescribed biologic for asthma. >> back now with a close call for a girl in glendale, arizona, police say she was almost kidnaped on her way home from school. this video showing a man getting out of an suv and walking behind the 14 year old. she begins to run as she realized she's being followed. luckily, a passerby called police and that man was arrested. >> really scary video there. alec baldwin is asking a judge to dismiss the charges against him stemming from the shooting on the rust movie set. he has pleaded not guilty to involuntary manslaughter for the death of a crew member who was shot when a gun held by baldwin went off. baldwin's lawyers accused prosecutors of, quote, violating nearly every rule to
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secure a grand jury indictment, claiming they withheld evidence. no response yet from prosecutors. the movie's armorer was convicted of involuntary manslaughter. she will be sentenced next month. >> now to the tennis tournament that's got everyone buzzing after an invasion of bees. >> ladies and gentlemen, play suspended due to bee invasion. >> this morning, a bizarre moment. halting play at a major tennis match. no, not the bees, not the bees. yes, nicolas cage bees! >> you can't be serious, man. you cannot be serious. >> we are surrounded with bees. here. play. pause, rewind. >> thousands of bees swarming the court at the indian wells open in southern california. >> yeah, that is a spot to camp. that is obviously very popular with bees. >> the bees stinging. the second ranked player in the world, carlos alcaraz, on the head as they swarmed the camera above the court, the queen bee apparently taking up residence on the camera. if the queen's there, they will follow that
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thing. officials calling in this man, lance davis, who runs a bee removal service called killer bee live removal. >> i think he's done it before. >> i think he might be right. >> davis was able to vacuum up the bees, eventually allowing the match to resume the sting. carlos alcaraz suffered did not slow him down. he went on to easily beat his opponent. >> well, i'm not going to lie, i'm a little bit afraid of the bees. >> well, that beekeeper has now become a celebrity at the tournament, even taking selfies with the fans. >> he saved the day. got that queen out of there. coming up, the new proposal to adopt a four day workweek in the us. day workweek in the us. i won't let me moderate to severe plaque psoriasis symptoms define me... emerge as you. with tremfya®, most people saw 90% clearer skin at 4 months... ...and the majority stayed clearer, at 5 years. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections
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>> it is time to check the pulse, beginning with the new push for shorter workweek, senator bernie sanders has introduced a bill to reduce the standard workweek from 40 hours to 32. >> his idea, though, fell flat with republicans during a hearing yesterday as a result of the extraordinary technological transformations that we have seen in recent years as american workers are now over 400% more productive than they were in the 1940s. >> extraordinary. almost all of the economic gains of that technological transformation have gone straight to the top. this disrupts that balance, and we won't maintain the status of being the world's wealthiest nation. >> if we kneecap the american economy. >> don't expect congressional approval anytime soon. >> next target is launching a new self-checkout policy restricting you to ten items or less. >> express checkout lanes will debut at nearly 2000 locations this sunday, with the goal of speeding things up. >> walmart is also making changes, now designating some
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self-checkout stations for walmart plus members only. next the fastest passenger jet ever has completed its slowest journey. >> the british airways concorde has slowly lifted onto a pier here in new york at the intrepid museum. after months of restoration, the plane was floated up the hudson on a barge and finally, the cowboy who didn't let traffic get in his way. he was headed to a rodeo in houston, but the traffic was so bad he unloaded his horse and then rode it to nrg stadium. then rode it to nrg stadium. >> he arrived in t [dog whimpers] [thinking] why always the couch? does he need to go to puppy school? get his little puppy diploma? how much have i been spending on this little guy? when your questions about life turn into questions about money... there's erica. the virtual financial assistant to help you spend, save, and plan smarter. only from bank of america. skin-carving next level hydration?
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time stops. (♪) and you realize you're in love... steve? with a laundry detergent. (♪) gain flings. seriously good scent. feeling claritin clear is like... ♪ is she? playing with the confidence of a pro and getting all up in that grass as if she doesn't have allergies? yeah. nice. of a pro and
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is it giving people lots of great food for 6 dollars, and letting them choose between two delicious sandwiches? great idea, devon. run with it! that went well. and you run and get my $6 jack pack. welcome to jack in the box! >> now abc seven mornings live >> treat the tenderloin as if. oh, you want to sell drugs? you can do it in the tenderloin. but don't do it in cow hollow. >> residents and businesses fed up with conditions in san francisco's tenderloin neighborhood, the province's premier breed is a city faces a new lawsuit to clean up the streets going way too fast. >> i feel like i'm slamming on my brakes every two seconds. >> if you're a bicyclist or a scooter or anything, and the cars like, do not want you on the road like i understand it. >> but you know, the city's already expensive. >> if you speed in san francisco, the ticket may soon be in th


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