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tv   ABC World News Now  ABC  March 11, 2024 3:30am-4:01am PDT

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>> this morning on world news now the parties are still going strong out in hollywood, and that likely includes the cast and crew of oppenheimer. >> after taking home the top award at the oscars, we've got all the top winners and surprises from john cena to a clapping dog. plus, what was happening backstage. we are live in hollywood. >> also this morning, the weekend attacks between the top two presidential candidates and what the latest poll numbers show about the state of the race. plus alabama senator katie britt still taking heat for her
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state of the union response plus weather extremes. >> the skier falling 600ft off an icy mountain, and the conditions delaying flights in florida just in time for spring break. >> and the questions this morning surrounding a royal family photo that was released over the weekend. the photo appears to have been manipulated. it's monday march 11th. >> from abc news this is world news now. >> good morning everyone. thanks for joining us on this morning after oscars. yes, everyone also talking yesterday about that photograph that was released by the prince and princess of wales's instagram account. >> it's a lot of tease surrounding that. we're going to break that down also. but the big story tonight, of course, the oscars, everyone stayed up watching it. a star studded night. so many great moments. >> what was your favorite? >> my favorite was i'm just kidding. >> that was my favorite. i mean, we knew it was coming, but i think they delivered. >> i love the cast with them. i
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loved him singing with margot robbie. just a really cool moment. >> it was just a really fun moment. >> we begin, we got to talk about the oscars, the biggest night for movie stars, dazzling the oscars. >> of course, oppenheimer stole the show. seven awards, including the most coveted prize of the night, while poor things picked up four oscars and barbie, the biggest box office hit of 2023, only took home one. >> abc's will ganss joins us now live from hollywood with all the highlights. good morning again. well, good morning rhiannon. >> good morning lionel. yeah it was an amazing night here at the 96 oscars. the energy was through the roof. despite the biggest blockbuster of the year, barbie only picking up one award last night. it was oppenheimer's big night. and then so many more, including a certain scantily clad presenter. take a look around of applause. >> where is he? messi who >> for the 96th academy awards, where the barb and heimer battle was settled once and for all? >> the way this award season has turned out wasn't that much of a
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rivalry, so oppenheimer is a seven time winner sunday night, including best picture, best actor. >> i would really like to dedicate this to the peacemakers everywhere and supporting actor. i'd like to thank my terrible childhood and the academy in that order. >> meanwhile, da'vine joy randolph, winning best supporting actress for the holdovers. i have always wanted to be different, and now i realize i just need to be myself and emma stone winning best actress for poor things. >> my dress is broken. i think it happened during i'm just kin, not the only one with a wardrobe malfunction on sunday night. >> costumes important. >> maybe the so after they accepted their awards. of
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course. everybody travels backstage to where our friend jason nathanson was waiting for everybody and he spoke with us about what he learned backstage. jason, thank you so much for joining us. okay. so we knew we were starting an hour earlier this year, but we somehow started five minutes late. do you have any intel as to why that happened? we did. >> i am told by sources that it had to do with traffic, which may have been extra traffic caused by some protests that were outside having to do with pro-palestinian protesters. but what they needed to have the people in the seats that they needed to have at the beginning of the show, to be able to start the show and give out the first awards that they needed to give out. those people were not there, so they needed to wait to make sure they had everybody there that they needed to have there in order to start the show. >> hey, listen, if all it is, is five minutes, i feel like it was worth it. it was worth the wait for you. the highlight of the night was what it had to have been, the energy. >> it had to have been the i mean, ryan gosling singing. first of all, he was so funny.
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that suit was so loud and amazing. but having everybody there in the theater, it's a joyous night, right? everybody's excited to be there, but we don't necessarily get to see that excitement from everybody to have a sing along with everybody, singing along and having fun. it was just great to be able to see that. >> so much fun, in fact, that emma stone said during her speech that she ripped her dress by the time she made it backstage to you, had things changed for her, the dress got worse. >> it was gone by the time she got back. no she told us backstage that when she got off stage, magical sewing fairies basically came up and sewed her dress back together, so she was fine by the time she got to us. no big problem. but she also said that she doesn't remember what she said. she kind of blacked out because she was really that shocked that we saw that some people look, these are actors, right? so we wonder, is that real? emma stone says it was 100% real, i believe it. >> great to see you. congrats on another. your 13th. you said my 13th lucky number 13. >> congrats on your first. >> thank you so much. great to see you let it go. lucky number one for me. they are literally
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dismantling the carpet right now as we speak. there are scissor lifts driving all around. i feel like if i stay here much longer, you guys, they're just going to roll me up with the carpet, all right? >> i know they're going to roll you out of there. will this being your first time, what was like the most shocking thing? what did you not expect to see how beautiful everyone is in person. >> it's just like jaw on the floor. it was amazing. also just the energy and how excited everybody was to be here. it was a really fun year for pop culture between barbie and oppenheimer. and to celebrate all of that tonight and watch history be made. i mean, it was just such a joyful night and a dream come true for me. >> well, it's such a joy to have you on the show. will thank you so much. >> thanks, guys. >> maybe you can get some sleep now. or are you going to go party with some celebs? >> he's going to party. >> that's the plan. no, no, it's sleep o'clock. >> okay. all right. >> have a good night, will. >> thank you. of course. >> have much more on the oscars throughout the half hour. >> all right. let's get you caught up now on the campaign
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trail where donald trump is under fire for mocking president biden's stutter, trump and biden are expected to secure their nominations by tomorrow. and that's when more states hold their primaries, a new poll shows. though americans are divided on who they trust more to lead the country, here's abc's ike ejiochi president biden and donald trump both visiting the battleground state of georgia on saturday, taking aim at one another. >> donald trump and the maga republicans are trying to take our freedoms away. >> you're destroying our country, joe. >> the latest abc news ipsos poll finds americans are split, with 33% saying they trust president biden to do a better job leading the us, while 36% say donald trump and another 30% say neither. the poll also found just 33% of americans have a favorable impression of biden, compared to 29% for trump. >> these campaigns are going to have to give these voters something to vote for. they can't just say that they are an option to vote against their opponent. >> trump has been campaigning heavily on immigration. >> the border is the biggest problem. i think it's one of the
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biggest problems, the greatest threat to the history of our country. >> the last month, the former president urged republicans to not pass any biden backed immigration legislation. another important issue for many voters the economy during his state of the union address, president biden, touting his administration's economic accomplishments, 15 million new jobs in just three years, a record unemployment at a 50 year lows, transportation secretary pete buttigieg believes the president deserves more credit for the economic result he's delivered. >> it requires work to get that story out, especially when there's a fire hose of negativity talking down the economy and trying to change the subject from the president's achievements, which which is just politics. >> the president now heads to two more battleground states this week. wisconsin and michigan. trump's plans this week have not been announced. ike ejiochi, abc news, washington our thanks to ike there in washington, transportation secretary pete buttigieg is calling out senator
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katie britt for a misleading story she told in her response to the state of the union. >> the alabama republican related a meeting with a woman who'd been raped by cartels as a child to illustrate problems at the southern border. however, the attacks took place in mexico during the george w bush administration. secretary buttigieg says the story actually illustrates a bigger problem with the gop, right? >> we have a very clear choice between a congressional republicans who seem to prefer that this issue remain bad so that they can attack the president over it, and those who would actually like to solve it, or at least improve it and address it. britt has responded. >> she claims she was just trying to show similar incidents that could happen due to the biden administration's policies. >> a 20 year old skier was killed on new hampshire's mount washington over the weekend after falling about 600ft. officials say the rapidly changing weather contributed to her death. they say warm temperatures quickly melted the
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snow, which then turned it to ice along the massachusetts coast, high wind sent big waves crashing into a causeway. those winds have more than 55 million people in the northeast under high winds. until tonight, the weather also disrupting spring break travel plans. hundreds of flights delayed or canceled in florida. southwest airlines was the hardest hit, with about 1300 delays nationwide. >> that video on that bridge was wild. >> those cars driving over and the waves crashing, that is like so scary to watch. there it is. i've never seen anything like my car would be stopped on the other side of the bridge. >> all right. and for this one, we should say no emus were hurt in the making of the story. >> yes, that is good news for buddy the emu in california or colorado. rather, weld county sheriffs say they used their containing capture skills to get ahold of buddy after he somehow got loose. one of them had buddy by the neck. look, there it is. and he didn't let go. >> well, buddy was taken to a
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fenced in yard and looked after until his owner arrived, and then he was loaded into a trailer and taken home. >> yeah, every day on the show, i learn of new animals that people have as pets, and emus are really cute. >> i don't know a lot about them, but they they're kind of kind of cute. >> i think they're really fast too, so i'm glad they caught him. >> he's okay. coming up, our very own awards ceremony, the world news now scares. >> yes. plus, we're going to get to the bottom of the growing controversy over that photo of princess kate and later hollywood's biggest night, starting from the number 1 to 3300, we'll have the oscar highlights by the numbers. >> you're watching world news now. we are enough and life of blond fragility. >> i'm just kidding. where i see the love. she sees a friend. what will it take for her to see the man behind the tent and fight . this is like my worst
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nightmare. >> on her lip. we are back now with things getting a little testy between the lsu and south carolina women's basketball teams, south carolina's camila cardoza shoving an opponent to the floor toward the end of the sec title game. cardoza and five
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other players were both from. both teams were ejected south carolina did win the game. they remain undefeated, going into the ncaa tournament. cardoza will miss their first tournament game, at least because of this. >> all right. well, this morning there is a photo controversy involving the british royal family. you may know about this already. it started after princess kate appeared in a photo with her children for the first time since her hospitalization. but some say the photo appears to have been manipulated. abc's derrick dennis reports this morning a royal family photo raising eyebrows and suspicion released on mother's day in the u.k, it shows princess kate all smiles with her three children george, charlotte and louis, in her first official photo since being hospitalized for abdominal surgery two months ago. >> kate saying thank you for your kind wishes and continued support over the last two months. the photos released comes just days after she was seen riding in a car with her
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mother behind the wheel. kate's condition still a mystery, sparking wild speculation online and on social media. but instead of quieting the lingering questions about her condition, the photo released yesterday is only fueling more questions. wide eyed royal watchers quickly noticed kate is not wearing her wedding ring in the photo, and charlotte's sleeve appears to be disjointed from her wrist. the associated press, reuters and other media outlets then retracted the picture, the ap saying it appears that the source has manipulated the image showing an inconsistency in the alignment of princess charlotte's left hand. >> it would be completely bizarre to my mind that that picture would be photoshopped. from everything i know about the palace, that is absolutely not how they work with photographs like this. and also they would have been incredibly aware just how heavily scrutinized this image was going to be. >> it's front page news in london. the daily telegraph saying photo from palace was doctored, say agencies. some experts say the photo may have
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simply been retouched for esthetics, but we just don't know because the palace isn't commenting. rhiannon. lionel. >> it'll be interesting to see how long it takes them to respond to this, and how long before we see her in person again. >> well, lots of questions. almost three months. >> derek, thank you so much. all right. coming up, the oscar moments that we just can't get enough of and this year's coveted world news now oscars. >> that's the award everyone really wants. you're watching world news now
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>> oscars after party. here we come. >> good morning america. i'm just kidding. >> anywhere you are looking live
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at hollywood boulevard post oscars and the one song we were all waiting to see performed live by the one and only ryan gosling and our one and only danny. >> new is here now with a complete rundown of the oscars by the numbers. >> that's right from godzilla toys to hundreds of tequila shots to one very naked former wrestler, i've crunched the numbers on the statistics for this year's ceremony the 96th academy awards. by the numbers. this is not an announcement. two members of the avengers reuniting on the red carpet before robert downey jr. s first oscar win for godzilla figurines going full kaiju on the red carpet from the folks behind godzilla minus one. before then bringing them on stage when the movie won best visual effects of course, the broadcast kicked off with a monologue from host jimmy kimmel featuring for pause. messi, who played snoop in
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anatomy of a fall, even applauding after rj's acceptance speech and two zero pieces of clothing as john cena honored the 50th anniversary of the infamous streaker at the oscars by coming out naked, 2% of all categories costumes. >> grandma, what are you doing there? >> mr. coleman needed a drink, and to approximately 3300 shots of tequila as jimmy kimmel's best friend guillermo takes a drink with the entire dolby theater salute everybody. >> salud. >> two halves of this pink board. after ryan gosling breaks through during his performance of i'm just ken from barbie. also, it featured one singular gun and rose. i'm just take anywhere else i've been. >> you take as slash makes a cameo for an epic guitar solo. >> and then the oscars just ended right there, right? oh yeah. and then there was also the aftermath of that
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performance, as told by now two time best actress winner, emma stone. >> my dress is broken. i think it happened during i'm just kin, a stone and gosling, of course, were stars together in la la land, the movie where she won her first oscar. >> they were. they're still very good friends. yeah. so she was probably dancing, moving, shaking. >> it was a moment.
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>> that's 800 987 8840. >> it's the only award show where bombing happens without robert oppenheimer. >> the announcers everyone. >> thank you so much for staying up with us to recognize the best from world news now. >> yes, it is so good to see so many people here tonight, including the cast of poor things, which is the reaction that we get when we tell people we work on this show overnight.
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>> a lot of celebs here, paul giamatti is in the house, as well as ken himself, ryan gosling, who crazy enough, only got that part once giamatti dropped out. >> yeah, that should have gone to paul. guys, this is only the d block. we got to get to our first category, best costume, and the nominees are danny knew as t-rex. rihanna and andrew as princess leia. >> and chewbacca. >> luke is your brother. leia >> and mr. peanut as himself. >> that's so cute. i wish you could be here. >> all right, this was a very tough category. and the oscar goes to mr. peanut. oh, well deserved. and now mr. peanut, of course, would like to be here, but he was in a bit of a time crunch, so i could just accept and pretend i won. >> yes. okay. thank you. danny. >> perfect. all right, next category. the most world news
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now story of the year. viewers. you know what i'm talking about. the nominees are dog driving a car. >> i took care of that video. >> sorry, lady who swallowed her airpod and retrieved it. >> i swallowed my airpod. i swallowed my airpod and the dog that ate a passport right before his parents overseas wedding. >> and i looked at, chickie's bed and i was like, oh, my passport does not belong there. >> and the oscar goes to the lady who swallowed her airpod. and danny, you're accepting on her behalf? >> yes. well, i actually have with me tonight those airpods that she wore. >> you know how she retrieved those? >> did you clean those? yes >> yes, yes. and i want you to have them on. >> so i put it in my ear. >> oh. finally, we are awarding an honorary oscar to all of you viewers who have put up with us
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for 32 years and counting. >> you are amazing. that's all the time we have for. thanks for watching and have a very good night. yes.
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cheers. - cheers. from the alex trebek stage at sony pictures studios, this is... here are today's past champions-- an economics professor from lakewood, ohio... a contract compliance analyst from pittsburgh, pennsylvania... and an english professor from calumet, michigan... and now here is the host of "jeopardy!"--ken jennings.


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