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tv   This Week With George Stephanopoulos  ABC  March 11, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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>> you can't love your country only when you win. >> george: as former president trump secures the gop nomination. >> joe biden should not be shouting angrily at america. america should be shouting angrily at joe biden. >> george: this morning, transportation secretary pete buttigieg, republican congresswoman nancy mace, and analysis from our powerhouse round table. >> george: crackdown -- >> tiktok is a threat to u.s. national security. >> george: congress moves a step closer to banning tiktok. biden endorses the move. trump opposes it. we'll speak with kara swisher. >> george: and -- >> you want to talk about history, but you don't want to talk about race? i don't know how you can't. >> george: with the film adaptation nominated for best picture, why the book "killers of the flower moon" is at the center of oklahoma's fight over teaching race in the classroom.
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>> george: good morning, and welcome to "this week." it's the first rematch between a president and the president he defeated in more than a century, and it's a rematch that few voters seem to want. our new abc news/ipsos poll shows majority of americans have unfavorable impressions of both candidates and a three-way tie on who americans trust to do a better job leading the u.s. with 30% saying neither. biden and trump held dueling rallies in georgia on saturday, and that's where we begin with selina wang. good morning, selina. >> reporter: hey, george. good morning to you. that's right. we may be eight months away from election day, but those dueling rallies held here last night shows we're already barrelling towards the general election. that biden/trump rematch has officially kicked off. in georgia last night, president biden and donald trump going head to head. >> hello, georgia. >> reporter: both biden and trump now focusing their
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campaigns on november. >> our freedoms are literally on the ballot this november. donald trump and the maga republicans are trying to take our freedoms away, but guess what? we're not going to let them take them away. >> but if you are a disillusioned democrat of which there are many today, i extend an open hand and open invitation on which i ask you to join us on the noble quest of saving our country. >> reporter: trump who's days away from becoming the gop nominee for the third time rallying in a state where he faces criminal charges for his allegeefn the results of the 2020 election, which he denies. trump once again made false claims about the 2020 election and repeated his attacks on e. jean carroll, despite a jury's more than $83 million defamation verdict against him, but that didn't bother those in rome, georgia part of the district of marjorie taylor greene. >> would you still support trump if he were convicted of a crime? >> i would.
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i would say it would depend on the crime and on the validity of the crime. >> reporter: some 70 miles away in atlanta, biden repeating his warning that trump is a threat to democracy. >> he says he wants to be a dictator, i believe him. >> reporter: the president looking to build off of any momentum from his state of the union address. >> my purpose tonight is to wake up the congress and alert the american people that this is no ordinary moment either. >> reporter: voters we spoke to split on if that performance was enough. >> did his speech ease any of your concerns around age? >> last night, yeah. i would say it did. it didn't seem -- he seemed like he was focusing on the teleprompters. he didn't stray off and lose his thoughts. >> i think he put up an act, you know, he's trying to show everybody he's capable. he's not capable. that's the thing. >> reporter: while the president addressed his age on thursday night -- >> i know i may not look like it, but i have been around a while. >> reporter: -- the biden campaign now further trying to
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alleviate concerns that the president's age is a liability, instead pitching it as an advantage in a new $30 million ad blitz. >> look. i'm not a young guy. that's no secret, but here's the deal. i understand how to get things done for the american people. >> reporter: last night split screen proves just how critical this state will be. back in 2020, biden only beat trump by a margin of less than 12,000 votes. now look. the biden campaign tells me they know how close this race is going to be. the president after his travels to pennsylvania and here in georgia, he's heading to wisconsin and michigan this week. the president ramping up the fight in those key battleground states. george? >> george: selina wang, thanks. we're joined now by pete buttigieg. mr. secretary, thanks for joining us this morning. you know, the president got good reviews for his state of the union, but our new poll shows that donald trump has the edge on critical issues like the economy, inflation, and crime. how do you explain that? how do you turn it around? >> i'm one of those who believes that president biden deserves more credit for the historic, economic results he's delivered.
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record job creation, unemployment that hasn't stayed this low for this long since i was born. even though most of us don't think that the stock market is an indicator of economy, but if you do, because i know the former president does, hit an all-time high under president biden, and not under president trump, but also credit doesn't accrue unless you go out and take credit and explain how these things were achieved. that's one of the reasons why i'm so energized by the president's state of the union address where he talked about the achievements that had come about on his watch and why, can then just as importantly, talked about a future. he didn't just talk about how he made sure seniors only paid $35 a month for insulin. he reminded america that we could have that for all americans. that's part of his second term agenda and something we could have today if just a handful of congressional republicans would change course and stand with us instead of with big pharma. on issue after issue after
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issue, americans agree with president biden, but of course, it requires work to get that story out, especially when there's a fire hose of negativity talking down the economy and trying to change the subject from the president's achievements which is just politics, but it's exactly why it's so important to tell the story right now. >> george: a response came from katie britt of alabama. let's take a look. >> the free world deserves better than a dithering and diminished leader. just ask yourself. are you better off now than you were three years ago? >> george: you know, majority of americans are saying the answer is no. that's the classic ronald reagan question. >> three or four years ago, you couldn't get toilet paper. three or four years ago, we were in the middle of a pandemic that killed about a million people. when we took office just to take a couple of examples from the transportation sector, there had
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been four straight years of promises about an infrastructure bill that never came. of course, president biden delivered that in his first year and is contributing to manufacturing jobs and construction jobs around the country. aviation right now, one of our biggest challenges, is making sure airlines can keep up with the demand. three years ago, the big question was whether american air lines would go out of business because of the condition the economy was in when president biden inherited it. those response addresses have to be written before the state of the union is actually delivered, and i don't think they usually change them based on what actually happens during the address, but anybody who watched that address saw not just in the substance, but in the delivery of president biden's remarks, a leader who is in command, showing strength and clarity of vision. >> george: but how can an 81-year-old incumbent be the candidate of change? that's so critical in presidential elections.
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>> look at the changes that he's brought about. take some of the issues that matter most to newer generations. climate is a great example, right? i think he generously suggested that nobody in the chamber would disagree with him that climate change is real and a real problem and yet i could hear snickering from behind me from some congressional republicans who say they don't think it is a problem. it's what matters most is the age of leader's ideas, and similarly, if you look at some of the issues that are especially important to younger generations like lgbtq equality, i appreciated that he renewed the call for the equality act, and then of course, the issue of which i think affects all generations of choice. look. the last president -- president trump kept his promise to end the freedom to choose in america. that's one of the few promises that he did keep. as a consequence, not only access to abortion, but access to ivf is now being interrupted in the united states of america. president biden laid out a very clear vision, called on congress to restore the right to roe v. wade. >> george: trump also claimed that this was at the sex trafficking.
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katie britt thclaimed that trafficking crime happened when that happened in mexico under george bush. that's not stopping the senator from standing by the story. what do you make of that, and with congress paralyzed, what more can the president do on his own to fix the border? >> i'll leave it to her to explain her falsehoods. she's a united states senator, and the united states senate right now could be acting to help secure the southern border. as a matter of fact, they very nearly did with negotiations that included very conservative republicans and democrats and had support from the white house. reaching that package that frankly involved tough compromises for all sides, the
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basis of both not all parties might have loved, but would have made a positive different, only for that to be killed because of the former president telling them not to support anything that would represent a policy win for president biden. look. we have a very clear choice between congressional republicans who seem to prefer that this issue remain bad so that they can attack the president over it and those who would actually like to solve it or at least improve it and address it. i think that's the most important question that should be raised and you mention that, you know, this story that there was suggested to be a reflection on president biden turns out to have be from a different country. one thing that gets me thinking is since the beginning of the bush administration, there have been three major bipartisan attempts to have comprehensive immigration reform or do something big and meaningful about the border. i think 2006, 2013, and now 2024. will 2024 go down in history as yet another failed attempt at bipartisan compromise or will congressional republicans follow
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the lead of their negotiators and the president of the united states and actually do something about it? >> george: donald trump is taunting the president about debates. do you think we'll see them this year? >> i can't speak to the campaign's side while i'm here as secretary. what i will say, we have a great story to tell as an administration, and just as you see the president hitting the road to tell that story, i know the cabinet will as well, and we're proud of it. no modern president has been able to deliver this kind of job growth, this kind of low unemployment, this kind of infrastructure. delivery hasn't happened since eisenhower. the nature of our world and certainly the nature of today's media environment is people won't hand credit to the president. we need to be out there illustrating why this happened and most importantly, making clear what this administration's agenda for the future is. >> george: secretary buttigieg, thank you for your time this morning. >> thank you.
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>> george: our next guest is nancy mace, a donald trump supporter who gave candid and courageous testimony about her own experience as a rape victim weeks before launching her run for congress in 2019. >> from some of us who've been raped, it can take 25 years to get up the courage and talk about being a victim of rape. and the first thing that happens when a woman comes out in public and says she's been raped, what is the first thing out of someone's mouth? is that it didn't happen. this is why women do not come forward. they are afraid. >> george: congresswoman, thank you for joining us this morning. you endorsed donald trump for president. two separate juries have found him liable for rape. how do you square your support fur donald trump with the testimony we just saw? >> i will tell you that i was raped at the age of 16, and any
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rape victim will tell you i've lived for 30 years with an incredible amount of shame. i didn't come forward because of that judgment and shame that i felt, and it's a shame that you will never feel, george, and i'm not going to sit here on your show and be asked a question meant to shame me about another potential rape victim. i'm not going to do that. >> george: it's actually not about shaming you. >> you are shaming me. >> george: you've endorsed donald trump for president. he's been found liable for rape by a jury. he's been found liable for defaming the victim of that rape. it's been affirmed by a judge. >> it was not a criminal court case, number one. number two, i live with shame, and you're asking me a question about my political choices trying to shame me as a rape victim and find it disgusting and quite frankly, e. jean carroll's comments when she did get the judgment joking about what she was going to buy, it
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doesn't -- it makes it harder for women to come forward when they make a mockery out of rape. when they joke about it. >> george: doesn't it make it harder for women to come forward when they're defamed by presidential candidates? >> she's joked about it. i find it offensive and i find it offensive that you are trying to shame me with this question. >> george: i'm not trying to shame you. >> you are. i have dealt with this for 30 years. do you know how hard it was to tell my story when there were no exceptions for rape, incest -- rape or incest in there? i had to tell my story because no other woman was coming forward. no rape victims were represented and you're trying to shame me this morning and i find it offensive and this is why women won't come forward. >> george: women won't come forward because they're defamed by those who perpetrate rape. >> they're judged and and shamed. you're trying to shame me this morning. i find it disgusting. it took me 25 years. i still get judged for it today. >> george: i'm asking a very simple question. >> and i answered it. you're shaming me for my political choices.
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>> george: i'm asking why you're supporting someone who has been found liable for rape. >> it was not a criminal court. >> george: it was a civil court that found him liable for rape. >> by the way she joked about the judgment and what she was going to do with all that money and i find that offensive. as a rape victim who's been shamed for years now because of her rape, you're trying to shame me, again, by asking this political question. >> george: you've repeated that again and again and again. >> i find it offensive. as a woman, i find it offensive. i endorsed the man that i believe is best for our country. it's not joe biden, and you looked at the dueling rallies yesterday in georgia. laken riley's family was with donald trump. they weren't with joe biden, the same guy who apologized for calling her killer an illegal who was an illegal. and here you are trying to shame a rape victim. i find it disgusting. >> george: you keep saying i'm shaming you. >> it is. >> george: how is the question asking you about a presidential candidate -- >> you're asking a rape victim. >> george: and there's no question about that, and you've courageously talked about it. >> because i've been raped, i think that's disgusting.
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>> george: i'm questioning your political choices because you're supporting someone who was found -- i'm not trying to shame you. you're not answering the question. >> that's exactly what you are doing and i think it's disgusting. >> george: you're welcome to say that but you have to answer the question. why are you supporting someone who was found liable for rape? >> i just answered your question. >> george: what is the answer? >> she was not found guilty in a criminal court of law. it was sexual abuse. it was not rape by the way and e. jenn carroll joked about the money she's going to get and made a mockery out of this case and i think that's offensive. there's a reason why women don't come forward, and when you have someone who says that they're raped and they make a mockery out of this civil court judgment, it's offensive to other women. it makes it harder for other women to come forward when another woman has made a mockery of it. >> george: you said they don't come forward because they're afraid. >> they are judged and shamed like this morning. >> george: as you said, because they are defamed by those who commit the rape. what's the donald trump has been found guilty of doing.
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>> he defended himself over that and denies that it ever happened, but he was not found guilty in a criminal court of law. it was a civil judgment. >> george: the distinction you're making. a civil judgment is okay, but a criminal judgment is not? >> this is different. they didn't even input all the evidence into the civil case either because some of the information she put in wasn't accurate or correct. to sit here and ask me as a rape victim to try to shame me for my political choices is wrong. i think it's offensive. >> george: you can repeat that again and again and again -- >> and i'm going to. >> george: i'm not shaming you. you don't find it offensive that donald trump has been found liable for rape? >> i find it offensive that as a rape victim you're trying to shame me for my political choices and i've said again repeatedly, e. jean carroll has made a mockery out of rape by joking about it. rape is not funny. >> george: you've made it clear -- >> rape is serious, and it shouldn't be made a mockery of. if you want to defend a woman who made a mockery out of rape, you go ahead and do that.
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>> george: what you are doing is defending a man who's been found liable for rape. i don't understand how you can do that. >> not in a criminal court of law. this was a civil judgment over sexual abuse, not rape by the way and she made a mockery out of it. >> george: it has been shown to be rape. the judge affirmed that it was, in fact, rape. donald trump was found to have committed rape. that's just a fact. >> that is a civil judgment, not a criminal court, and they're two different things and you know better. >> george: i just showed you the facts. >> you know better. what she's done is offensive to women who have been raped. >> george: we'll let the viewers decide about that. let's talk about january 6th. you were just sworn into congress. you voted to certify the election and you said donald trump must be held accountable for the violence right after the riot. let's show that. >> we've got to hold not only the president accountable and ensure he doesn't hold office again in the future, but also we need to hold members of our congress, even in my own party, accountable for the rhetoric and
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the actions that led up to wednesday's events. >> george: you said he should never hold office again, so why are you supporting his run for president? >> i listened to my voters. i listened to my voters in south carolina, and they've moved beyond january 6th. i said my piece on january 6th. i was very clear about how i felt about it, and i also as you stated, i voted to certify the electoral college for every single state in the country, but some things happened between now and then and that was joe biden, and i listened to my voters. they move on. they don't ask me about january 6th. maybe that's what you in the media talk about at your cocktail parties, but voters are not talking about it. they asked me about february 22nd, the day that laken riley was murdered by an illegal immigrant. they asked me about the day a 4-year-old girl, murdered by an illegal immigrant who was deported under donald trump and allowed back in under joe biden's administration, they're talking about 8 million illegals who have come in across our southern border and an invasion
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of our country and an actual threat to democracy allowing that to happen. that's what they talk about. >> george: not talking about january 6th doesn't mean it didn't happen. you were very clear. >> i was very clear. i just said that. >> george: you said he should never hold office again because of what happened on january 6th and what he did. you said he should be held accountable. how are you holding him accountable? >> voters held him accountable through our republican primaries this year. he's won overwhelmingly, and america supports him. they're not looking back. they're looking forward. since january 6th, we have had three years of joe biden. the american people do not like or support it. you've seen the polling. you cited the polling today showing that trump is beating joe biden on all the critical issues that american people care about, talking about immigration, the border, immigration, et cetera. he's very strong on those issues, stronger than joe biden and i listened to my voters. i talk to south carolinians every single day and they support donald trump. he's going to win our state overwhelmingly in november. >> george: how have you held donald trump accountable for what happened on january 6th? >> the american people have held him accountable at the ballot box just as people will hold joe
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biden accountable. >> george: you'll support him even if he's convicted of a felony? >> that's the thing. the court cases and lawsuits, that has nothing to do with you or me. it doesn't affect the american people. the chaos that joe biden has created by having a wide open border, we've seen it affect laken riley's family on april 22nd, and maddie hines' family. we've seen it where illegal immigrants beat up two new york police department cops. these things affect -- fentanyl crisis affects everybody. two years ago, i couldn't tell you what it was. last year i knew two people who died of fentanyl overdoses. the chaos that joe biden has created over the last three years has made americans rethink who they want to have president, and we have two back-to-back presidencies to compare. they've both been president and the american people i believe right now are overwhelmingly choosing donald trump regardless of how you feel.
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>> george: you've made it clear you're comfortable with donald trump being found liable for rape and january 6th. >> you're putting words in my mouth. >> george: you wouldn't condemn it. >> you're putting words into my mouth. >> george: are you comfortable with it? >> i support donald trump for president. >> george: you're comfortable with it. even though he's been found liable for rape. >> in a civil judgment and a criminal court case. you keep shaming women who have been raped. good luck with that. >> george: thank you for joining us. we'll be right back. okay y'all we got ten orders coming in... big orders! starting a business is never easy, but starting it eight months pregnant... that's a different story. i couldn't slow down. we were starting a business from the ground up. people were showing up left and right. and so did our business needs the chase ink card made it easy. when you go for something big like this, your kids see that. and they believe they can do the same. earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase
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with significant improvement over time. ( ♪ ) (christina) with verizon business unlimited, with significant improvement over time. i get 5g, truly unlimited data, and unlimited hotspot data. so, no matter what, i'm running this kitchen. (vo) make the switch. it's your business. it's your verizon. [cough] honey... honey. nyquil severe honey. powerful cold and flu relief with a dreamy honey taste nyquil honey, the real reason tiktok is freaking out so much is today congress is going to vote on whether or not tiktok has to cut ties with china if it wants to operate within the united states, and if it were to pass, tiktok would have six months to cut ties with china or else it's just going to be flatout banned all across america. >> george: the house is set to vote this week on a ban over
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tiktok on threats it could threaten national security by exploiting the app. many of its users are pushing back. both president biden and president trump have weighed in on opposite sides of the issue. we'll check in with kara swisher after this report from elizabeth schulze. >> reporter: it's one of the most popular social media platforms on the planet, but also there are serious national security concerns from some u.s. lawmakers. now the app is on the verge of facing a nationwide ban after a unanimous vote this week in the house, energy, and commerce committee. >> we need this bill because we simply cannot allow an app controlled by our nation's foremost adversary and competitor to take over the american media landscape. >> reporter: with some 170 million users in the u.s., tiktok is owned by a chinese company, bytedance, sparking fears that china's government could access and sell americans' personal data, manipulate users, or promote propaganda with the ceo recently denied. >> we have not been asked, and
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we have never provided it. >> reporter: the legislation would force tiktok to cut ties with its chinese parent within six months or face a federal ban, is set for a vote on the house floor this week. tiktok responding with a strong rebuke of the legislation saying, the government is attempting to strip 170 million americans of their constitutional right to free expression, and sending push notifications to users calling on them to reach out to their elected officials. >> you know it's going down when you get this notification from tiktok. >> reporter: the bill which house speaker mike johnson supports, is also backed by president biden. >> if they pass it, i'll sign it. >> reporter: even though just a few weeks ago, the president's campaign team launched a new tiktok account to help boost his re-election bid. >> i understand she makes great chocolate chip cookies. >> reporter: former president trump pushed back on the legislation despite his own failed attempts to ban the app
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with an executive order in 2020. now he says a tiktok ban would benefit rival app facebook. the social media giant he called the enemy. for "this week," elizabeth schulze, abc news, washington. >> we're joined by kara swisher, author of "burn book," which is available now. kara, welcome back to "this week." thanks for joining us. try to break down this debate for everyone. what is the concern about china? what are the prospects that tiktok will actually be banned? >> i think it's going to happen. i think it's going to pass. i think there's bipartisan support for it. president trump used to be for it until he was against it. now, in fact, had an executive order around it, but i think a lot of people are worried about two things, surveillance and propaganda, and right now the focus is mostly on propaganda, especially around the war in the middle east where there's more -- who is winning this war, and i think the bigger issue is that tiktok has become a news delivery vehicle, an
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entertainment vehicle. if you mashed all the different networks together, it's not as big as tiktok, and so they have unfettered access to the american people and obviously we can't -- our companies can't operate in china in any way whatsoever. it's not even unfettered in any style. i think there's a lot of support for it. i think tiktok's overplayed its hand by putting up these notifications and trying to get young people to call their representatives. it's made them more steeled to pass this, and president biden will sign it. >> george: if it's banned, what happens? >> well, it doesn't really get banned, right? there's other ways to do it. you can go around it. it doesn't have to be on the app store. right now you get them from google or apple. it won't necessarily be banned, but they're going to have to do something. a lot of people don't know that a lot of tiktok is owned by american investors and so they're going to want a solution where it moves into a different configuration that tiktok -- that the chinese government is going to have to accept that they don't have -- maybe this
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tool anymore and that instead they'll make a lot of money because right now, trades are up $250 billion. it really should be worth a lot more than it is and it's doing really well. so probably that's going to happen and it'll become an american-owned entity in some fashion that the chinese government may or may not have access to. obviously tiktok has denied that. >> george: how do you explain this flip from president trump? he's talking about facebook. does that go far enough to explain it? >> i think he's been influenced by the club for growth and he needs some money, i guess. i don't know because he was very vehement about this, and was right in the middle of it, but i assume that now he's going to attack facebook which is a competitor obviously with their owning instagram and other things. i assume it's for the money. >> george: in your new book, you write that even if it was never their intention, the tech
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companies became key players in killing our comedy and stymying our politics, our government, our social fabric, and most of all, our minds by ceding isolation, outrage, and addictive behavior. how concerned are you by their role in this election and what impact ai could have? >> very much so. i think this is the problem, is that this is the way people get their information. they can be manipulated by algorithms and various things, and they can be easily gained in some fashion in all kinds of ways. big and small, they can change -- i mean, with advanced artificial generative intelligence, they can change videos slightly, make biden look older, make trump say more things, put lies out quickly and it would have to be refuted. these are more tools and this has happened. we have been through this. these new tools are even more supercharged. at the time, i called them digital arms dealers in some
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way, by anyone who's a malevolent player and that's the problem, is that any malevolent player can take advantage of this even though there's tons and tons of great things that could come with artificial general intelligence, but it's a great tool for propaganda, to spread lies quickly. it could be a real problem, especially i think the focus is on young people that this is where they're getting their information and some of it's bad. this has happened before, but it's supercharged really. >> george: kara swisher, thanks for your time this morning. >> thanks a lot. >> george: round table is up next. we'll be right back. is up next. we'll be right back.
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now what's going around is 12-hour cough relief. and the giggles. the family that takes delsym together, feels better together. ( ♪ ) feel the power of osteo bi-flex®. taken every day, it's clinically shown to improve joint comfort in 7 days, with significant improvement over time. ( ♪ ) >> george: the round table is here and ready to go. we'll be right back. >> george: the round table is here and ready to go. we'll be right back.
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>> george: that was mitch mcconnell after january 6th. this week he endorsed donald trump for president. we want to talk to donna brazile, sarah isgur, rachel scott, and susan page, and i want to get to the state of the union, but rachel, let me begin with you. you cover mitch mcconnell every day. he said people shouldn't be surprised by his endorsement. still pretty remarkable. >> it's quite the turn and he did say, i would support the eventual republican nominee, but when you look at what he has said about the former president, that he bears responsibility for what happened on january 6th, when you look at what trump has said about his own wife who served in the trump administration hurling racial insults at her, and now you have mcconnell coming back around, falling in line with the rest of the republican party around the former president. for mcconnell, i'm told this is also about getting back the senate. he wants republicans to win
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majority back in the senate again, and he sees this as more of unifying the republican party, of course, heading into november, but this is a very sharp turn for the republican leader. >> george: even though he is retiring. let's talk about the state of the union. sarah, what did you make of it? >> this is a state of the union with an audience of one type of person. it was for the democratic elite base in d.c. to reassure them that he could make it through the rest of this campaign cycle. it certainly wasn't geared towards the independents. it wasn't geared towards the republicans who aren't happy with their choice. this is a pretty red meat speech with a focus on stamina, age, and could he get through it? that's why that long walk in and the very long walk out for as much a part of the speech as the actual substance. >> george: were you reassured? >> absolutely. i don't have to be in washington, d.c. to understand that when someone knows how to slow rose, strike fire, and continue to make noise and news, joe biden was at his best when he spoke to the american people. it was a master class and n saying we did this. we accomplished this, and we have more work to do.
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so i thought it was a great speech not because you're a democrat or republican, but you're an american who wants to see the country succeed. you're someone who wants to see the economy lift up everybody and yes. you want to see a president who can talk about the price of prescription drugs, okay? you want to see a president who says, we're going to defeat cancer and if republicans cannot rally to that, defend this country, help ukraine, and support the humanitarian efforts in gaza, well, guess what? just stick with donald trump. >> george: it's pretty clear biden had two main goals, address concerns about his age with that energetic delivery and draw a very sharp contrast with donald trump. >> an unusual state of the union address and we've both seen a lot of them, in that there wasn't the pretense this was an effort to unveil a legislative agenda, to build a bipartisan consensus for the things you want to do this year because that's not going to happen. this was a political speech in
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which 13 times you heard my predecessors to draw that contrast. i think you're right, sarah, this was an effort to reassure democrats who have been so nervous because that's what biden needs to do at this point. you have a poll that shows 72% of democrats say biden would do better job as president than trump. that means he's got room to grow. >> george: trump's with republicans is much higher. 82%. rachel, you were inside the chamber. what an atmosphere. >> the level of decorum and lack thereof, rather, and it was interesting to see president biden. he knew this from the last time he gave this address that republicans booed him, but going toe to toe, head to head with congressman marjorie taylor green as if this was an open forum, challenging him on that, and that's where he sort of caught himself in this bind when it came to using the illegal,
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which draw a lot of backlash and now the president has backtracked on that. >> george: i'm not sure that was as much of a mistake even though he took it back, as people made it out to be. >> he missed a moment for president biden. he gets the better of this back and forth moment and once again caves to that far left campaign staff level base within the democratic party where you're worried more about what you called the murderer than you are about the woman who was murdered and again, when you are trying to reach those voters who will decide this election, not the democratic base, but the people who don't like two of their choices here and are looking for some way forward, total missed opportunity. >> it was a missed opportunity too for the republicans. they could have passed that bipartisan border bill. that's what the american people want. they want solutions. they don't want to continue to litigate this fight, and yes. it is true that many democrats
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don't like the entirety of the bill because there's no pathway to citizenship. there's no provisions for the dreamers. so i thought the president did a good job and not taking the bait, but instead i have to tell you my favorite moment. you don't get this often, especially with white men. please forgive me, white men. i'm going to tell you this. he spoke truth to power in front of the supreme court. that was the moment when he said, yeah. you're going to finally see the power of women. that was a moment. so i applauded him, and yes. it was an opportunity for the president to talk about freedom and democracy in ways that i think the american people will understand it, and again, i just want to tell you, i love me some white men, but joe biden, he was top -- he was at the top of his game. >> george: susan, probably the hardest job in politics is giving the opposition party's address responding to the state of the union. how did katie britt do? >> she joined the litany of those who have done really badly and it's a bipartisan list and who knows why this is such a cursed position to have? you think it would be a great honor and an opportunity to be
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in the spotlight to give the official response to the state of the union, but the setting with you bizarre to put her in a kitchen. she focused a lot on immigration. tough issue for joe biden, but she told a story that is out of date -- of an incident, a terrible crime that happened in another country during a different presidency. so i think this is once again not proved -- if they call you and say, good news, you get to give the state of the union response, say you've called the wrong number and hang up. >> george: one of the lessons we're seeing in politics these days is never back down, rachel scott, even though it's clear that story senator britt told was misleading about something that happened during the george w. bush administration saying it's 100% accurate. >> her office is standing by it even though it did happen during the george bush administration, not during president biden's administration and it happened in mexico. we are seeing that even when you're called out for something that is not true and is mischaracterized, just standing by -- just standing by the
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statement as is. >> george: you talked about joe biden, sarah isgur. is donald trump doing what he needs to do right now? >> no. i feel like i'm, you know, taking crazy pills as the only person who is with the majority of americans who think both of these choices are catastrophic, and we have had the two most unpopular candidates in american history now for three cycles in a row starting in 2016, and it's this race to the bottom where negative polarization takes over meaning the people voting for a candidate don't like that candidate. they just are taught to hate the other candidate more, and it's this not lesser of two evils at this point. it's a lesser of what the frick are we doing here? donald trump isn't trying to win over these voters and joe biden isn't either. donald trump is up in every swing state he won. it's marjorie taylor greene getting a moment to shine. she gets that attention not for legislative success. katie britt is on the short list, very high inside trump world. >> george: still? >> to be vice president. i think we'll see, but it will
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depend on how she rolls out of this more. >> george: i wonder about, donna brazile, setting aside the questions about how she did on thursday night. will donald trump pick someone from alabama after that decision? >> he picked mike pence from indiana. he'll pick somebody who could probably make him look better, someone who will, you know, abide by his rules, but i want to say something about democrats because i have been talking to a lot of democrats including the campaign. by any metric, and, you know, george, those of us who have campaigns under our belts, the metrics of the democratic party are quite different than the republican party. the republican party is broken. they've installed a new chair who's an election denier. that's one qualification. >> george: aren't they more unified than the democratic party? >> democrats come to the party late. look at the evidence. the evidence you say, well,
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black people are not going to support joe biden, and look at the evidence in south carolina. look at the evidence in michigan. so -- >> all of those numbers are trending away from joe biden. >> $10 million president biden raised right after his speech. the metrics of having a ground game, being able to put an ad on tv where you talk about your age, one of your biggest liabilities. so i feel much better about where we are today than, say, three months ago. you know what? the republican party is not unified. what you see is people coming on board because they are afraid that donald trump will tear them apart. >> if democrats believe that, they will lose this race. they are not unified. they do not like joe biden. they are losing people of color. they are losing young people. they're acting like everything's fine. >> no, baby. i'm wearing this color because of barbie. i'm trying to express my support. >> george: and with that, we're all going to look ahead to the oscars tonight. that's all we have time for today. up next, on this oscar sunday, the debate over teaching "killers of the flower moon" in oklahoma. we'll be right back.
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"killers of the flower moon" in oklahoma. we'll be bright. eright. right. right. . b. a. k. . c. k. that happen♪ a♪ ♪ or dolling herself up to go ♪ ♪ handle all of her care. ♪ ♪ with doctors to nurses ♪ ♪ and all the people in between ♪ ♪ healthier happens in more ways ♪ ♪ than ray's ever seen. ♪ ♪ healthier happens together. ♪
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-- 120s. -- 1920s. teaching that history might be in doubt because of restricting laws around race. maryalice parks has the story. >> the osage. >> reporter: "killers of the flower moon" is one of the most talked about films of the year, nominated for ten academy awards. ♪ >> they're like buzzards circling our people. >> reporter: but here in northern oklahoma just minutes from the osage nation, the subject of the film, this high school english teacher tells me state law makes her too nervous to teach the popular book on which it was based. >> if i teach that book, then we get to what in society allowed that story to happen. so what were the laws at the time? what were the social dynamics between races? and you cannot get into that without people being uncomfortable. >> reporter: the 2021
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republican-backed law specifically bans mandatory diversity training and the teaching that any individual should feel discomfort, guilt, anguish, or any other form of psychological distress on account of his or her race or sex. it's 1 of at least 18 similar laws enacted in states across the country that restrict discussions around race and sex in the classroom. thoreson says she would never tell students to feel guilty based on their race, but the penalties around the law are so steep that she backed down. >> are you worried that that is the effect of this bill, of whitewashing of history? >> absolutely. >> reporter: she's not alone. around the state, we heard from educators and leaders of the osage nation, worried the law silences teachers and halts progress. >> they don't want to feel bad about what happened in the past. well, i'm sorry. say that to my great-grandfather who was taken out to the country and shot in the head. i owe it to him to tell that story.
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>> reporter: oklahoma's intertribal council has called for the law to be repealed and jim gray says the law could suppress his tribe's history. >> it wasn't being taught in public schools, but this law made sure it will never be taught in public school because all it takes is one person to be upset about it and they can file a claim. >> yeah. >> then it's no surprise nobody wants to take that risk. >> reporter: but state superintendent ryan walters who's made name for himself by often appearing on right-wing media pushing anti-trans policies and attacking teachers. insists that the osage murders can and should be taught in schools. >> we have had a major misinformation campaign from the radical left -- >> so the tribes are just the radical left? >> no. they have heard it. they have heard that absolute lie that's been perpetuated about it. we believe in telling the full story of american history and oklahoma history. what we've said is you can't tell somebody that they should be ashamed or feel that way about their background. >> teachers say they don't do
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that. no one does that. >> you see my point. >> reporter: the oklahoma board of education has already punished schools because of the law. teachers say it's evidence the law is being weaponized. a high school english teacher outside oklahoma city is a plaintiff in an aclu law targeting the state. >> to understand someone else's experience, they have to be able to see things from their perspective, and if we do not allow students to actually step into someone else's shoes and understand the pain that they actually suffered, we're doing them a disservice. >> reporter: oklahoma's republican lieutenant governor who traveled to the "killers of the flower moon" world premiere to promote the film has conceded that what teachers can teach under the law may need to be clarified, but until the law is changed or repealed, debra says she won't risk teaching the book. >> it feels like we are regressing.
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i'm not sure what they hope to gain from that except those who don't know history are bound to repeat it. >> reporter: for this week, maryalice parks, abc news, tulsa, oklahoma. >> george: thanks to maryalice for that story. coverage of the oscars red carpet starts at 1:00 eastern on abc newslive, and the 96th academy awards begin at 7:00 eastern on abc. we'll be right back. academy awards begin at 7:00 eastern on abc. we'll be right back.
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>> george: that is all for us today. thanks for sharing part of your sunday with us.
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