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tv   Nightline  ABC  March 8, 2024 12:37am-1:07am PST

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this is "nightline." >> juju: tonight -- >> the president of the united states. >> juju: state of the union. high stakes for president biden, delivering perhaps the most pivotal speech of his career. >> the state of our union is strong and getting stronger. >> juju: capping a week where his policies and his age were top of mind for many voters.
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>> the issue facing our nation isn't how old we are, it's how old are ideas? >> juju: with reproductive rights central to his re-election campaign, the message from his special guest. >> how many women have to tell their most painful journey publicly before something changes? >> juju: and the republicans fire back after the president's speech. >> the true, unvarnished state of our union begins and ends with this. our families are hurting. >> juju: plus caitlin clark. >> how will she go for here? there it is! >> juju: one on one with the basketball phenom, closing the curtain on her historic college career. >> it's been so much fun but we're not done yet. >> juju: the court gesture. >> it does surprise me that people get distraught about women being competitive and getting into arguments on the court or having a little trash
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talk. >> juju: why she's going pro now. the comeback. mike tyson stepping back into the boxing ring and the controversial and decades-younger opponent he's squaring off against. can neuriva support your brain health? mary, janet, hey!! (thinking: eddie, no frasier, frank... frank?) fred! how are you?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators, including your memory. join the neuriva brain health challenge. pain hits fast. so get relief fast. only tylenol rapid release gels have laser drilled holes. they release medicine fast for fast pain relief. and now, get max strength topical pain relief precisely where you need it. with new tylenol precise. but you know what should go viral? the fact that kelley blue book my wallet on autotrader gives you personalized monthly payments before you buy. toss us a like! ♪
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♪ >> juju: thanks for joining us. we begin with president biden and the state of the union
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address, making his case to the american people for four more years. this as voters express concerns about his age and the nation's future. let's go right to senior congressional correspondent rachel scott. >> reporter: juju, this was a fiery, at times combative state of the union address. the president keenly aware he is delivering this speech in a critical election year. he did not mention donald trump by name, but he did take him on as well as the republicans directly there in that chamber. many times throughout the night. the president going head to head, sparring on several key issues from immigration to social security to medicare. house speaker mike johnson wanted there to be a level of decorum, civility in that chamber. that did not happen. congresswoman marjorie taylor greene calling the president a liar, repeatedly booing the president. one key focus for president biden, the issue of reproductive rights. bottom line, this felt a lot like a campaign speech in this critical election year, juju. >> rachel scott on capitol hill,
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thanks. more on president biden's hour-long state of the union address. the big question, did he do enough to win over voters? a high-stakes moment for the president. >> the president of the united states! >> juju: coming on the heels of super tuesday, and now likely facing a rematch with former president donald trump this november. >> because of you that tonight we can proudly say the state of our union is strong and getting stronger. >> juju: with tensions continuing to boil over both domestically and globally, many americans question whether joe biden is fit to lead the country for four more years. the president reassuring the nation he's up for the job. >> i've been told i am too old. whether young or old, i've always been known -- i've always known what endures. i've known our north star. the very idea of americans, that we're all created equal, deserves to be treated equally throughout our lives. >> juju: the latest polling showing 47% of americans believe
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the 81-year-old is too old to run, versus 21% who think trump is too old at 77. throughout his speech, biden never once mentioning trump by name, but referring to him several times. >> my predecessor and some of you here seek to bury the truth about january 6th. i will not do that. this is a moment to speak the truth and to bury the lies. here's the simple truth. you can't love your country only when you win. >> juju: the president speaking about the economy, something polls show biden is underperforming on. >> i inherited an economy on the brink. now our economy's literally the envy of the world. 15 million new jobs in just three years. a record. >> juju: biden addressing immigration and border security, another issue that polling shows he trails trump on by double digits. >> from my first day in office, i introduced a comprehensive bill to fix our immigration system. take a look at it all these and
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more. secure a border, provide a pathway to citizenship for d.r.e.a.m.ers and more. >> juju: biden discussing reproductive rights, a key issue under his presidency and campaign for re-election. biden polling at 37% favorability versus trump's 28%. >> if you, the american people, send me a congress that forces the right to choose, i promise you i'll restore roe v. wade as the law of the land again. >> juju: one of the guests in the first lady's box, kate cox. >> what her family had gone through should have never happened. >> reporter: the dallas mother who sued the state of texas after she was denied an emergency abortion bit state's supreme court in december. my colleague, rachel scott, spoke with kate and her ob-gyn, dr. carson, ahead of the address. >> what does it mean to you to be invited as a guest? >> i'm so grateful that the state of the union is shining a light on this very important issue. >> juju: because texas has a ban on abortion, the mother of two had to flee her home state in
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order to terminate her pregnancy in her second trimester after discovering her fetus had a fatal anomaly. >> you're told your baby had virtually no chance of survival? >> so excited for our third baby. it's the hardest news i've ever received. and it's hard to walk around pregnant with a belly. people ask you, you know, "when are you due, what are you having, do you have a name?" >> juju: her uterus was at risk of rupturing if she were to continue to carry to term. it could have risked her health and cost her the possibility of having a baby in the future. >> couldkate has had two prior c-sections so really wasn't a candidate to deliver vaginally. she would require another c-section, even inducing labor early still has risks when you
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have a scar on your out does. >> even though she was getting sicker by the day, continuing to carry a nonviable pregnancy, she still couldn't access an emergency abortion in the state of texas? >> not legally. >> it's hard. because it was never a matter of if i would have to say good-bye to my baby, but when. she survived the birth, she could live maybe a week maximum. it was best-case scenario. how many people have to speak up? how many women have to tell their most painful journey publicly before something changes? >> what do you want to see changed? >> i hope that in the future, families will get to have those conversations with their doctor. i hope the law will be different to allow that, so that women and families can get the care they need in their journeys. >> the biden campaign looks at the issue of reproductive rights as a galvanizing issue. it was important to have someone like kate cox at the address tonight because it put azriel face to the fallout of the
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overturning of roe v. wade. this is not something that's happening in the abstract. >> juju: also in the house, orna and ronan nutra, among those americans with family in gaza. >> it's a bipartisan issue. we appreciate the commitment on behalf of congresspeople on both sides. >> juju: their son, 22-year-old omer, grew up on long island, new york, is the grandson of holocaust survivors. he was temporarily living in israel, serving in the israeli defense forces, when taken hostage on october 7th. >> always a smile on his face. he brings people together. he loves people. >> juju: members of both parties wearing yellow ribbons, showing bipartisan support to bring the hostages home. >> all we care about right now is to see that we get our son back. and, you know, solving the issues in the middle east can be done as a further step. >> juju: the president stating
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his belief in a two-party state between israelis and palestinians as the path forward. and announcing an emergency military mission to build a port on gaza's coastline to help get humanitarian aid into the territory. >> israel must do its part. israel must allow more aid into gaza and ensure humanitarian workers aren't caught in the crossfire. >> juju: since the start of the war, there have been reportedly over 30,000 gazans killed and over 2 million experiencing food insecurity. >> the leadership of israel, i say this. humanitarian assistance cannot be a secondary consideration or a bargaining chip. protecting and saving innocent lives has to be priority. >> juju: tonight's address coming in the wake of several primaries already showing warning signs for biden in part over his support of the war. nearly 20% of democratic voters in last month's michigan primary didn't choose biden in protest of his handling of the
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israel/hamas war. >> the 30,000 palestinians lost, killed, will no longer be back. there's nothing joe biden can say that will make me change my mind and vote for him. >> joe biden hasn't done enough to earn my vote, and not done enough to stop the war, stop the massacre. >> minnesota, a state democrats want to win, 30% folks who cast ballots in the democratic primary cast ballots for someone who was not president biden. many of those votes going to the uncommitted option. that is something the biden campaign is going to have to contend with come november. >> juju: biden highlighting his support for ukraine as it tends off russia's invasion more than two years into that conflict. >> if anybody in this room thinks putin will stop at ukraine, i assure you, he will not. >> juju: emphasizing that house republicans need to move forward in sending aid for ukraine. >> my message to president putin right now and for a long time is simple. we will not walk away.
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we will not bow down. >> juju: the republican response came from 42-year-old alabama senator katie britt, a rising star in the gop. >> president biden just doesn't get it. he's out of touch. >> juju: her response hitting on border security. >> we know that president biden didn't just create this border crisis. he invited it with 94 executive actions in his first 100 days. president biden's border policies are a disgrace. >> juju: and the economy. >> the american people are scraping by. while president biden proudly proclaims that bidenomics is working. goodness, y'all. bless his heart.
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we know better. >> i think senator britt response and her remarks showcased what the gop strategy is going to be, particularly around the issue of immigration. >> juju: biden ending his remarks with his promise to america. >> now, i'll always be president for all americans. you're the reason we've never been more optimistic about our future than i am now. so let's build the future together. let's remember who we are. we are the united states of america! >> juju: "gma" will have more reaction to the president's address in the morning. coming up, caitlin clark one on one with the college basketball sensation now moving into the next faith of her basketball sensation now moving into the next faith of her electrifying career. with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, my skin was no longer mine. my active psoriatic arthritis joint symptoms held me back. don't let symptoms define you. emerge as you. with tremfya®,
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>> juju: welcome back. now to our exclusive with caitlin clark, the basketball phenom moving on to the next phase after an historic college basketball career that changed the way many view female athletes. here's abc's robin roberts. >> reporter: she's the dominating force reshaping the landscape of college basketball. >> it's been so much fun, but we're not done yet. >> reporter: the university of iowa guard caitlin clark smashing records and captivating fans across the nation. and now she's ready to take her game to the next level. >> clark knocks down a three! >> reporter: why did you decide this was the time to end your college career? >> i think there's pros and cons
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to both sides. that's what made the decision so difficult. a win-win but also a lose-lose because i'm giving up something. i think the reason i decided to announce when i did was just to have that closure. especially going into senior night. >> reporter: fans lining up for hours ahead of senior night. >> caitlin clark! >> reporter: the last regular-season game for number 22. and the moment clark would make history. >> for the record -- she ties it with that one. this -- for college basketball history! >> reporter: becoming the all-time leading scorer in ncaa history. >> caitlin clark becomes the all-time leading scorer! >> playing the number two team in the country on senior night on our home court. you can't script it any better. i didn't realize it until everybody started going wild. it's cool to have so many people in the stands that, one, appreciate women's basketball, but they understand the history
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of it. >> reporter: the 22-year-old has called iowa home her entire life, and now she's on the cusp of achieving one of her biggest goals. you're moving on up. how do you feel about the next chapter? >> i think it's something i'm ready for. that's why i decided to make this move. also, this is the place -- all i've known all my life. that was the reason for coming here, i wanted to play for my home state. i wanted to do something that had never been done before. >> reporter: when you think about the wnba draft, and i'm going to go out on a limb and say you're going to be the number one pick, i don't know. we know indiana fever have the top selection. they're already talking about their ticket sales. they're already talking about the demand. what is it, do you think about your game that has people just can't wait to see you in the professional level? >> i think just the style of basketball that i play. to be honest, i don't get nervous for games because i just know, like, this is fun for me. people love the long shots. people love the good passing. people love the fire.
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>> reporter: that fire blazing during last year's march madness tournament. and there was a lot of talk about women athletes and being competitive and fierce and all that. where have you been? it's always been that way. >> yeah, i think it does surprise me that people get a little distraught about women being competitive and getting into argues arguments on the court or having trash talk. this is how women's sports are played, come on. >> reporter: as a young girl you could find her gracing the field, the sport, the track. >> i played every sport. ran track, softball, soccer. basketball, i loved the competitive side of it. i grew up playing with the boys. my dad was my first basketball coach. i would give him a nod, he gives me a nod. then i go out there and get ready for the tip. it just speaks to the bond i've had, especially with my dad, over the course of my basketball upbringing. >> reporter: as a high schooler, clark clinching a spot on team usa's youth squad, winning three gold medals on the global stage. >> and this is caitlin clark!
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>> reporter: a humbling setback that turned into a major comeback. i remember when you were a rising junior, they didn't put you on the team. that seemed to fire you up like it did jordan when he didn't make the varsity team. >> with the tryout the next year, i hurt my pinky during training camp but i kept playing. also, i played really bad, i didn't deserve to be on the team. it allow med to find fire, work even harder, get better, want to prove people wrong. >> reporter: you know we had to step on the court where the magic happens. okay, there's just something about the smell of a gym. and see that iconic record-breaking spot now forever etched onto the floorboards. where is it? where is it on the court? >> all the way over here. >> reporter: that? >> right over here. >> reporter: you shot from there any want to show folks. this is the three-point line.
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this is where she shot it from. you see that? you see the difference? >> that's half court. >> reporter: she's closer half court. you have a place on that court. that's got to mean something special. >> yeah, it's kind of crazy. when i first looked at it, i'm like, this has to be in the wrong spot. it seems way further back from where i actually shot it from. >> how will she go for history? there it is! >> this is what i dreamed of. i dreamed of playing in front of these types of crowds. take a deep breath and look around and soak in the environment. it seriously never gets old. >> juju: our thanks to robin. up next, the comeback. mike tyson back in the ring. who's bringing the former heavyweight champ back into the ring? my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis held me back... now with skyrizi, i'm all in with clearer skin. ♪ things are getting clearer...♪ ( ♪ )
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1:04 am
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♪ >> juju: finally tonight, mike tyson making an improbable comeback at 57. the former heavyweight champion facing off against an unlikely opponent, controversial youtuber-turned-boxer jake paul. it's tyson's first professional fight in nearly 20 years and his opponent at just 27 is 30 years younger than him. that fight will stream on netflix on july 20th. tyson was widely regarded as one of the greatest and most-feared fighters in boxing. he notoriously bit evander holdly field's twice during a championship bout in 1997. that's "nightline." thanks for staying up with us. good night, america.


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