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tv   Nightline  ABC  March 6, 2024 12:37am-1:07am PST

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this is a big one. >> the biggest day of voting until the november election. 16 states heading to the polls, president joe biden and donald trump both winning easily and barreling toward a rematch. >> i'd never voted for trump, period. >> trump is the best president voters turning out across the
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country, making their voices heard pretty much a never trumper. >> i feel like this administration we got now ain't doing the job. >> where will nikki haley supporters go and what matters most to voters? >> i'm all for people being let into our country legally, but not illegally. >> abortion is something i really care about and how the age of both candidates could shape the race. >> these two men, both need to be out of the race. they're too old to run our country. >> this special edition of nightline, your voice, your vote will be right back. >> when i had pain for my arthritis, areas of my body. and it's nsaid-free. cool the pain so i can get back on the court. mucinex nightshift starts working at bed time to fight your worst night-time symptoms. how could you? and leaves your system fast. by the time you wake up, you're ready to take on the day. try it and feel the difference. mucinex nightshift, it's comeback season. ♪
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the most consequential nights of the election year. 15 states and one u.s. territory. a third of all the delegates up for grabs tonight. and a revealing look at what was on the minds of voters. president biden as expected, sweeping state victories and a short time ago, donald trump taking a victory lap. abc news senior congressional correspondent rachel scott joins us now from trump headquarters at mar a lago. >> hey, juju. well, this is a big night for donald trump. the former president wanted to be dominant tonight. and he has projected wins in nearly every state that was voting on super tuesday. he took the stage here at mar a lago taking a victory lap. >> november 5th is right around the corner. november 5th is going to go down as the single most important day in the
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history of our country >> one person, the former president, did not mention on that stage his last remaining republican rival, nikki haley. donald trump clearly trying to pivot here to a general election and draw a sharp contrast with president biden and what is likely to be a rematch in november. juju rachel, thank you. >> president biden saying from the white house tonight that the results leave americans with a stark choice between democracy and chaos, saying that trump is, quote, driven by grievance and grift, focused on his own revenge and retribution, not the american people. he is determined to destroy our democracy, end quote. and while donald trump had a dominating performance tonight, his republican challenger, nikki haley, won only one state, and that was vermont. we turn now to abc's alex presha in charleston, south carolina. >> hey, juju. it was a quiet day for nikki haley here in south carolina. quite frankly, it was
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not the super tuesday that she had hoped for. yes, she did pick up one win in vermont, but outside of that it was a complete sweep for former president donald trump. now, the haley campaign this evening pushing back with a statement saying today in state after state, there remains a large block of republican primary voters who are expressing deep concerns about donald trump. that is not the unity our party needs for success now. it still remains unclear what's next for haley. she had said that she wanted to continue on past super tuesday, but it depended on how competitive she was today. so the campaign will have to determine exactly how competitive they are. but if donald trump is going to be successful in november, he's going to have to win some of these. haley voters over juju. >> alex, thank you. the candidates are the same this time around, but the issues have changed. voters making their voices heard and their concerns known at the polls. >> trump is the best president, pretty much a never trumper. >> it's looking like a 2020
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rematch. but four years later, the issues driving voters to the polls are different. >> body autonomy is very, very important to me. >> i'm getting tired of paying $4 $3 for a milk. >> among trump supporters, we spoke to many mentioned the border, the open border and the criminal aliens pouring across it. >> i'm all for people being let into our country legally, but not illegally. >> but biden supporters seem to be split over the most pressing issues facing the nation. >> abortion is something i really care about and access to people making their own health care decisions. >> i'm concerned about the threat that donald trump poses to the decency and morals of this country. >> voters also say the war in gaza could pose trouble for biden. >> i really don't like how he's handled israel because i'm very worried, worried about the humanitarian crisis there. >> i am voting uncommitted, i, i believe that, the war in gaza is
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unacceptable and joe biden has not done enough to earn my vote. >> age also a big factor in the race, especially for president biden. in the latest new york times siena college poll, 47% of americans think biden, at 81, is too old to be an effective president versus 21% who think donald trump, who's 77, is too old. >> he most definitely going to need some help just because of his age. >> we need more younger leaders. there's no one that even holds a candle to president biden, which i wish was not the case. >> many voters say they're just frustrated. they're stuck with the same candidates. they had to choose between four years ago. >> i think the american people deserve better than the candidates that we have. >> if i'm being 100% transparent, i'm not excited about this election. >> it's upsetting to me that we don't have more palatable candidates for both sides that both sides are more excited about. after tonight, nikki haley doesn't seem to have a real path forward, so where will her voters go come november? >> i would most likely cast my
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vote for biden, personally, i feel like these two men both need to be out of the race. they're too old to run our country. >> i'd never voted for trump, period. you got my answer and we're joined now by abc's linsey davis, who has been digging into the exit polls all night. >> and you've been tracking many of the sweep that president trump, former president trump managed to do short of vermont. but you're also seeing some weak spots in the exit polling. >> you know what's interesting? we're reading the tea leaves. but in this case, we'll say the exit polls in particular. and there are some concerns potentially with the nikki haley voters, the people who she said the 40% she's staying in the race for. take a look at this. in north carolina, for example, the her voters have said 80. they are not willing to support donald trump. that's a whopping number. there california more of the same. 69% say they're not
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going to support trump in virginia. we have a similar number, you see it right there, 69% of those nikki haley voters who are really locked in and saying, even if she's not going to be there, she's not they're not necessarily going to go for the nominee. >> and yet, voters on both sides unhappy with this candidates, questioning both if biden and trump are fit to be president. what have you seen from voters about what they think about each of these candidates? >> donald trump voters, voters are loyal. if nothing else, take a look at what they're saying. 96% of donald trump voters say yes, he is physically and mentally fit to be president. and then you see a total different story, really, when it comes to these biden voters. according to a poll recently, just a few days ago with cnn and the new york times, you see it right there, 61. and these are people who voted for biden in 2020, are saying that he may be too old to be effective as president. >> it's fascinating how the perception may become the reality. >> you're exactly right in 2024.
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>> linsey davis thank you. thanks to you as always. we want to bring in rick klein, abc news political director who's joining us now from the big board. and president trump is enjoying a resounding victory tonight just shy of a sweep. but you're also seeing some warning signs in there. >> yeah juju it's really striking. you see donald trump winning in red states in purple states, even in blue states up in new england. but you are seeing some places where republicans continue to resist the idea of donald trump. vermont of course, is the most stark example of this. that's where nikki haley actually wins her first state of this entire election cycle. she adds that to the district of columbia, and it's right outside of dc, in the suburbs in virginia, that you see other potential warning signs. this is a state that donald trump wins by 30 points in virginia. but in these immediate suburbs, you've got nikki haley winning by 15, 17 points in some of these. in some of these places, 50 points in arlington right outside of dc. so obviously that's not enough to overcome the strength that haley has in other parts of that state and a part across the country. but it does tell you
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that there are lots of republican voters out there that are resistant to the idea of donald trump running again, and those independents are crucial. >> tell us about the uncommitted on the democratic side, because there was a lot of hay made in michigan, and now we're seeing it pop up in other states. yeah. >> and this is kind of one of the biggest surprises of, of the of the evening to me. first of all, biden lost in american samoa. the caucuses, which isn't a big deal by itself, but it tells you there's some questions around organizing. but if you start to spin through some of the big states here to see that that 19% of the vote in minnesota was uncommitted, that's more even than we saw out of michigan a week or so ago. and even more going for dean phillips, the congressman. and in a state like virginia, marianne williamson, who barely was campaigning anywhere plus her plus dean phillips is about ten, 11% north carolina again, 12, 13. so these are democrats that aren't quite in the fold. we know that people are concerned about joe biden, whether it's his age or his position on on israel. but we're seeing that be continued to get demonstrated as the voting continues. >> absolutely fascinating. and that's the protest vote, the
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independent vote all up for grabs in this crucial election. you know it. >> thanks, juju rick klein. >> thank you. we're going to check in now with john karl chief washington correspondent john huge night for president trump. and yet just shy of a sweep. and you're seeing some warning signs in some of the exit polling. >> yeah. look absolutely big night no doubt about that. but nikki haley continued to win between 2030 upwards of 40% of the vote in state after state. and what's more significant than that is that her voters in exit polls are saying that they are unsatisfied with the idea of donald trump. i mean, overwhelmingly unsatisfied and upwards of 80% are saying that they don't see themselves voting for the republican nominee, any republican nominee. the only other one besides nikki haley is donald trump. >> and there was also that if he's convicted of a crime question overwhelmingly. >> and by the way, the exit polls are fascinating. it's like two entirely different groups of people, the nikki haley voters saying that they are not
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comfortable voting for somebody who'd be convicted of a crime and also saying that they believe the 2020 election wasn't stolen, whereas all of trump's voters believe that it was stolen. >> and yes, take us back in the time machine four years ago. what a difference. and the fact that american memories are so short. >> yeah, we forget. but this i mean, you just have to think about how remarkable this comeback was. donald trump in 2020 lost to joe biden. then he lost every effort he could possibly make to try to overturn the election. january sixth. he leaves the white house on january 20th. disgraced a pariah in his own party, he gets impeached. seven republicans in the senate vote to convict him. he comes back a bit. it takes some time, and then in 2022, virtually every major candidate he endorses in a contested race loses. he's blamed for the republican losses in 2022. he you know, ultimately announces he's running for reelection. virtually nobody endorses him. he's losing to rick to ron
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desantis in most polls. and then the comeback. >> and yet here we are looking at general election polls with him up. jon karl, as always, thank you for the insights. and when we return, it's our powerhouse roundtable breaking down the biggest obstacles facing biden and trump between now and november. stay with us. >> if advanced lung to attack cancer. but opdivo plus yervoy is the first combination of 2 immunotherapies for adults newly diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer that has spread, tests positive for pd-l1, and does not have an abnormal egfr or alk gene. opdivo plus yervoy is not chemotherapy, it works differently. it helps your immune system fight cancer in 2 different ways. opdivo and yervoy can cause your immune system to harm healthy parts of your body during and after treatment. these problems can be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have a cough; chest pain; shortness of breath; irregular heartbeat; diarrhea; constipation; severe stomach pain; severe nausea or vomiting; dizziness; fainting; eye problems; extreme tiredness; changes in appetite, thirst or urine; rash;
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>> and welcome back. we want to bring in more of our powerhouse political team, abc news contributors reince priebus, former head of the republican national committee, and donna brazile, former head of the democratic national committee. thanks so much for joining us. reince. let me start with you.
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so, ryan, it was a big night for your former boss, but we're hearing from voters tonight in our exit polls that there are some weak spots. the large majority of haley supporters are saying that they're not necessarily willing to support whoever becomes the republican nominee. can president trump sway those independent voters? >> yeah. you know, look, it's still very early. i mean, you know, the polling is early. people's emotions are high. i think a lot of those people are, quite frankly, a lot of democrats and leaners one way or the other that are voting for nikki haley. and you can see that based on how these elections are taking place and this is going to be an either or election, it's either going to be joe biden or donald trump. and so it's all about, you know, big picture. biden's age, trump's tactics. but then again, you've got immigration, you've got abortion, you've got where we are in the economy. we all those things are going to work itself out. and this is going to be a very close election. it's going to come down to 4 or 5
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states and a very tiny amount of people in those 4 or 5 states will end up deciding the next president of the united states. >> and yet, donna, how does the biden camp take advantages of trump's weaknesses with independents to appeal to those undecided voters and address the concerns at the same time that democrats have for giving biden a second time? >> absolutely. look, first of all, the president must understand that there are some moderate republicans who don't feel at home in the maga inspired right wing republican party. they want they want to have an alternative of come november. and the alternative will be to take a look at joe biden's record and see what he has been able to do over the last three and a half plus years. unemployment is down. we have now 12% increase in home sales. we're seeing an economy that is moving closer and closer to the people who need it the most, an economy that works for all people. nobody wants to look
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in the rear view mirror when they go to the ballot box. they want to look in the mirror and look at the future. and joe biden can offer new ideas for this, this electorate that really, seriously want to get beyond the last four and even the last eight years. >> and ryan's in trump's future is a slew of criminal cases. he's been using that to fundraise and rally support. but how will it play out in the general when we're now seeing that a meaningful percentage of primary voters say they wouldn't vote for a convicted criminal? >> yeah. i mean, it's obviously going to be a challenge. but then again, you look at where the democrats are at and 75% of democrats say they want a different candidate, 75% of democrats are not enthusiastic about joe biden, and only 24% of americans think that we're on the right track. and when you talk about the future, i mean, it's very hard to think about the future when you've got joe biden, who is having a hard time. i mean, really making it
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through a basic press conference. and so it'll be very interesting to see how he does, if he can, if how he does. on thursday night at the state of the union and how he holds up for an hour reading a speech, it's going to be a challenge. and the fact that it's going to be a challenge should tell you something about where we're at here with president joe biden. >> donna, you know, ryan, republicans criticized joe biden for years ago and kept saying he's in his basement. >> nobody can find him. and that's why he whipped the republicans in 2020. so you can well, he hasn't aged very well. we can make fun. you know, i can say that you're not aging very well. i'm not aging very well. who are we to have our. except i can put two sentences together, but he can put four sentences. and guess what? every time he puts them together, there's not a fact checker that said he's lying through his teeth. well, this and this is what makes this debate so lively. >> you're in the 24% of the democrat party that's
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enthusiastic about joe biden. >> you can see that 22% have a lot of fireworks to. >> and i'm not having to vote for somebody who's been convicted of sexually assault, who's been $3,400 million for lying and defrauding the state of new york. so, look, they have weaknesses. they have homework to do. but this notion that we're going to denigrate old people or elderly people or senior citizens who are great americans, great public servants , simply because their age is just something that i doubt we're going to have to leave it there. >> it's about competence. >> well, we're going to have to leave it there. you both have a lot to say. clearly, that's why you're part of this powerhouse team. we thank you both for being here. obviously, this debate to be continued. stay with us. we'll be right back it removes 99% of grease and grime in half the time. dawn powerwash has 3 cleaning boosters not found in traditional dish soaps that remove food and grease 5 times faster.
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>> and that's nightline. you can watch all of our full episodes on hulu. we'll see you right back here. same time tomorrow. thanks for staying up with us. good night. america >> there's no such thing as perfection, but, i mean, we're all striving to obtain it every day. >> it's the drug that took hollywood and america by storm. >> the latest game changing weight loss drug. >> everyone i knew was taking these glp one medications, losing weight and bragging about how great it was and magical. i thought, is this something that i want to try and what was the experience like to actually begin this drug? at first, the side effects were pretty hard. >> what do people start to say? >> you look great. you look thin. what are you doing? are
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