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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  March 1, 2024 7:00am-9:00am PST

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is going on tour and she's making a stop here in the bay area. the deeper well world tour will stop at chase center on tuesday, of course. september 24th. >> we already told you this yesterday. yeah, at this exact same time you had the breaking news on this. yes yeah. yeah. >> what? that i was on a tuesday or it was happening all these everything that was just said, i said you mentioned it. >> i thought wait, didn't we already say this? >> i guess it was just in the chat that you brought up. >> no one can hear me. you know ♪ ♪ >> good morning, america, for our viewers in the west fire and snow creating dangerous conditions for millions. blizzard blast, this morning whiteout conditions. the warning to stay off the road and hunker down. possible avalanche danger with up to 12 feet expected in some
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areas. it used is not here but not like this. faith abu bay in the blizzard right now. >> the largest wildfire in texas history raging, thousands forced to abandon their homes and their livelihoods. one firefighter saving his neighbor's house while sacrificing his own. this morning the new threats and our matt gutman is on the scene. >> battle over the border. resident biden and former president trump holding dueling events in texas has both look to get the upper hand in this critical issue in november. >> startling outtakes. never before seen video from the rust set played in court. >> right away, right away. >> what an expert witness set about some of alec baldwin's conduct. plus the emotional testimony. >> she said i can't feel my legs. >> and more questions about the safety onset.
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>> guardian angel. >> sweetheart, come here. come here, sweetheart. >> the hero deputy sergeant saving a mom and two little girls from a correct. >> is your baby okay question might >> the emotional reunion after the heart stopping rescue. >> end of an era. >> oprah ends her relationship with weig relationships are changing for some married couples. >> throwing shade. as millions consent to travel fospring break, the window seat video with more debate. the child wanted it closed and the woman was not having it. >> anything you can do can ai do better? we are heading into friday with one more geo and becky pesach. which route can save you more? a travel expert or ai?
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>> live in times square, this is "good morning america." >> what is the answer, rebecca? [laughter] >> are you smarter than the machine, george? that's the question, we are putting it to the test a little bit later. >> "good morning america." >> happy friday, good morning and there are these questions about artificial intelligence and this morning elon musk is suing open aia ceo >> we start with the massive blizzard slamming the west this morning, officially life-threatening conditions telling people to stay inside. the storm could bring as much is 12 feet of snow in some places. our faith abube literally in the middle of it all, good morning, faith. >> good morning, michael, the area is blanketed in snow, it is still coming down. this is just a mound of snow from the last several hours. it is only the beginning of the most dangerous part of the storm. officials say the window for
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safe travels on the road has already closed. they want people to hunker down, stay indoors, avoid the roads altogether. the sierra nevada mountains area, they are used to snow but not this forecast. this is different. it could be life-threatening. we are talking of winds upwards of 100 miles an hour in certain areas and snow up to 12 feet in some areas as well. of blizzard conditions near zero visibility. added that the potential for downed trees, downed power lines, and potentially power outages that could spell disaster. there are also avalanche watches up and down the mountain ranges which could be life-threatening. we have several ski resorts in the area that if either closed or changed operating hours. they are limiting the operating hours, you 70 park close for the weekend, they urged visitors to leave the area as quickly as they can. unfortunately, this will get worse as we get into the weekend. so we are talking to people in the area, they are hunkered
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down, on alert, they say they have all the supplies they need in case they get snowed in for several days here on the mountains. michael? >> thank you so much for that, faith. from snow to wildfires in texas, the biggest is the largest ever in texas history, chief correspondent matt gutman is on the scene. >> good morning, two fatalities and dozens and dozens of homes destroyed. also the story of a credible selflessness, the house behind me belonged to charles clark, volunteer firefighter with homes in this neighborhood engulfed in flames. he and his team had its decision to make. to try to salvage his home, or to try to save the home of his next-door neighbor, chanelle young. i want to show you the result of his decision. her house is unscathed. this morning those deadly wildfires blazing through more than a million acres in texas. on thursday, firefighters taking advantage of the favorable conditions. >> even though it's cold firefighters are still fighting hot spots like this. they are trying to put them out
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before the wind kicks up and it gets hot again. with only 3% of the fire contained, thousands of residents forced to abandon their homes. in many cases their livelihoods. [siren] cattle seen here running from the approaching flames. the deadly fire taking the life of at least two people including 44-year-old cindy oh when. >> she was driving and it got really smoky and she couldn't breathe. kind of started panicking. after that point of contact was broken. >> her sister-in-law devastated. >> the family is lost. we are broken. she meant the world to all of us. >> chanel young was napping with her 1-year-old when police wrapped on her door. >> he is like you don't have much time, get out so i got all three of my dogs, my child, as much as i could, and i got out. >> chanel photo be the last time she saw her house, but when they drove back through the neighborhood, they sought another house on fire, that of her firefighter neighbor john's
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car. >> i said charles, you saved my house when yours is burning. >> he made a decision to send a team in a truck to her house and not his own. >> his daughters were here and they were crying and he was crying. >> just incredible selflessness from that firefighter, charles clark. we have been seeing firefighters frantically try to put out hot spots because today the temperature is going to rise about 40 degrees over what it was yesterday. starting tomorrow, a fire/weather watch is in effect with lower humidity, higher temperature, higher winds, just the kind of explosive whether to cause this fire to go out of control. rebecca? >> some giant challenges but thank goodness for people like charles clark. at volunteer firefighter who safe at home, thank you, matt, we appreciate it. want to bring in sam champion who is in for ginger, you are tracking all this dangerous weather. >> he used all the right words. frantic as one and explosive fire conditions and other. we had an inch of snow in
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amarillo yesterday with colder temperatures. amarillo use it as a marker because the fires are to the north of it and as matt said we are going to 75 degrees again today. look at the winds, 7 miles an hour sounds better but we have 24 hours to get a hold of this by or in some way and that is not really possible or likely before we have another front coming in. these temperature's over the weekend are going to be near 80 degrees. we have 1935-mile-an-hour gusts with that front come here comes more rain and this is the big snow. where faith was and this doubles down into nevada as well. we are talking about feet of snow there. george, we will be watching some big heat going on in the country as well. we have heat from the middle of the country moving into the northeast. >> so much to track today, thank you very much. president biden and donald trump doing trips to the southern border, trump blasting biden and biden offering to have a solution, mary is in texas, good morning. >> george, good morning paired while president biden and donald trump using their competing business to the border to blame each other for this
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crisis, both try to get the upper hand and on this critical issue come november. facing mass and tin criticism over his handling of the immigration crisis, president biden visiting the border to confront a growing political challenge. apprehensions have soared to record highs under his administration. the president thursday briefed by border patrol on the banks of the rio grande. and blasting house republicans for tanking a bipartisan border deal at donald trump's urging. >> the toughest set of border security reforms we have ever seen in this country. it is time for the speakers and some of my republican friend in congress locking this bill to show little spine. >> trump pressuring republicans to kill the bill. eager to deny president biden a political win on an issue trump wants to run on himself. the bill has the backing of the conservative border union. we ask one of their top officials, chris cabrera, why. >> with the biggest impact of
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washington failing to pass that bill question merck speak of the security of our country. >> formal president trump urged republicans not to pass the deal. what'd you make of that? >> i mean that his politics for you. was it a perfect bill? no. but it is better than the status quo of what's going on now. >> ultimately he says the president is responsible for the situation of the border. >> you get to make the decisions and he made those decisions. unfortunately, the buck stops with him. >> 300 miles away in eagle pass, donald trump argued biden 'has policies because this crisis. blaming the president for what he described as "lawlessness of the border." >> this is a biden invasion over the past three years. >> trump will also struggle to contain this crisis now promising to go even further than he did in his first term. considering detention camps and mass deportations, although deportations actually dropped significantly when he was in office. far below his predecessor, barack obama. now, president biden with a new tactic. an invitation to trump to put border security above politics
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to solve this problem. >> instead of telling members to conference del mcdermott of congress to block it, join me or i will join you in telling congress to pass this bipartisan border security bill. instead of playing politics, why don't we just get together and get it done? >> now president biden is still hoping that bill will pass but he also knows that is a real long shot right now. which is also why he is considering taking executive action including tough new asylum restrictions in capping daily crossings at the border. the president is well aware this is a real political liability in this campaign and michael, he wants to show voters he is doing something to address the issue. >> thank you, mary for all of that. we will turn out to the funeral for russian opposition leader alexi navalni after his death in a siberian prison to go years ago, james was following this from the ukraine, good morning. >> good morning, michael, huge day for russia today, final
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goodbye to vladimir putin's fiercest christian democratic paired you are not afraid, we are not afraid either, just one of the eastern area chances outside the church where this funeral took place. block after block, many of them with flowers and a big security presence too, metal barriers and fully simply place, the same they took when he was alive, russia ready to crush any protest. they say they have nothing to say on the davis funeral adding only that the unauthorized actions will be held accountable by law. navalni's wife julia lives outside exile but his mother was there and says they had eight days of difficult she is trying to get his bar right down my body back from the authorities trying to find a spot for the funeral and getting a hers company to drive him but he has finally been laid to rest. >> thank you, james paid return to chaos and confusion in gaza, threatening to derail a return of israeli hostages and the
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cease-fire efforts, foreign correspondent tom has the latest. >> this morning, is really jerome videos showing thousands of desperate gazans trucks, barely visible they are to protect the convoy. tanks firing warning warning shots to disperse what radio physically threatening crowd. the ivf claiming self-defense when people got too close to the tanks they fired. the mass run gazan health industry calling it a massacre where at least 100 people were killed, more than 700 injured. is really officials claiming tons of those that were killed were crushed by the trucks and trampled by the crowd. this meant saying you're a is really tanks came and fired on people randomly and directly adding if they don't make invaders come to us in this way we don't want to. >> peoples of the one to get food and a place there is a
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desperate humanitarian aid and they were shot dead. >> this is the tragedy of this work, people should not be approaching our forces. >> the death toll in gaza now more than 30,000. according to the hamas run, say more than many of his relatives were killed including his three young daughters. they were like gold and treasure me, he says. the u.s. now considering air dropping aid into gaza in the distance and in the last few moments we have heard multiple explosions and president biden reacting to those tragic scenes in northern gaza saying it will complicate negotiations to get a cease-fire and three more hostages, biden still hopeful for a deal. george? >> tom, thank you. the latest in the trump trials, the former president is expected in the florida court in the classified documents case, aaron is with a soft, good morning. >> good morning to you, george. this hearing will determine when trump actually stands trial on
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the handling of these because my documents. it was originally for may but now it will probably be pushed. they are suggesting july, that would conflict with the republic in a national convention so trump's sites at august but really trump hope this never goes to trial at all after the u.s. supreme court agreed to decide whether he is immune from prosecution for actions taken while in office as he has in the elections interference case in washington, trump has argued he cannot be prosecuted in florida on charges of classified documents and obstructing the government's attempt to get them back. his lawyers have said trump decided to move the records from the white house to his palm beach estate while he was in office so it constituted an official act. with the two federal trials, though, now unclear and the georgia case in limbo over the district attorney's romance of the product on a prosecutor it's possible that trump only faces one trouble for the november election, the also one with a
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hushed payment to a porn star. >> and the baby whose life this man saved from the car crash, victor is here with the story and victor this video was intense. >> that's right, good morning, michael, motorcycle crashed into a car with her mother and two daughters inside. his quick thinking at the devastating scene saving the baby's life but we do want to warn you, some of the images here are hard to watch. >> dashcam video capturing the moment a motorcycle speeds by at an estimated 100 miles per hour ending a deadly crash. >> of a signal for motorcycles. >> the motorcycle left in pieces. florida deputy sergeant david bosco first on the scene within seconds. >> hold on, hold on, let me get you guys out of their. >> first, pulling one child from the wreck. >> come here, sweetheart. >> muscgrove pleading for a stranger's help, handing the
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girl over. >> sir, come over i need to hold this little girl, please. >> then rushing back to the vehicle to rescue six-month-old, lola, trapped inside and unresponsive. >> is your baby okay? >> no exmac she's right there exmac no exmac >> are member of the impact, my air was ringing. >> the race was on to save lola's life. muscgrove performing cpr on the side of the road until paramedic to arrive. >> when i got her out of the car she was lifeless. >> baby lola rushed to the hospital with severe injuries, but the deputy sergeant without his duty didn't leave on that highway, checking in with the family of the hospital. this morning them in the family now calls "uncle dave, reuniting with them once again to celebrate little lola's release. >> three weeks ago, when this happened, i did not anticipate we would be home already and that lola would be okay. >> he is our guardian angel.
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we call him uncle dave no, the girls do. and he is my hero. he is my girl's hero. we love him. >> lola spent two and a half weeks in the hospital, she suffered skull fractures but as you see she is home, musgrove was awarded the black and blue award for his heroic actions. >> what a sweet face on lola too. >> uncle dave is the hero. >> uncle they. >> they can for bringing that to us. coming up the end of an era for oprah winfrey and weight watchers, what it means for the future of the company. >> plus the growing questions about princess kate's health as prince william steps out this morning. >> and outtakes from the "rust" said about some of alec bald alec baldwin's actions on set. >> behind is cold whe air in the mid-atlantic liquor record temperatures already popped during the day, friday afternoon, later on today, in
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minneapolis that record heat starts to spread a little bit to the east so detroit, you're in record temperature's by the time we get to monday, new york you would be if we had sunshine but it is a fairly cloudy and damp weekend for us. that the letter around the nation here's what you can expect this morning.
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>> always live on abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning. i'm reggie aqui from abc. seven mornings. hazardous winter conditions have forced national park officials to take the rare step of closing yosemite national park. this winter. storm is predicted to bring several feet of snow, rain and dangerous driving conditions . the national park has already canceled or refunded guests for
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hotel and campground reservations through the weekend . the park and its hotels may not be able to reopen sunday. you can track the rain and snow throughout the weekend with the abc seven bay area apps. you can get the latest forecast and look at the same live doppler seven radar drew and the weather team uses. just search abc seven bay area in your device's app store to download it. now. how is our traffic on this friday morning? >> good morning. you know, we are seeing some slick roads out there. so you can see right here our 8-80 camera in emeryville. there is a little bit of rain there this morning, a little bit of traffic, but it is a little lighter on this friday as it usually is. and here on our one on one camera in san rafael, you can also see a raindrop on the camera lens. so a little bit of rain there as well. just be extra careful this morning when you're driving with those slick roads. >> thanks, gloria. meteorologist drew tom is up next
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to kick off, stand a little taller. >> bye bye bye. number one for listening while you work today's hits and yesterday's favorite. >> 96.5 co. it after my car accident, i wondered what my case was worth. >> so i called the barnes firm. when that car hit my motorcycle insurer wasn't fair.
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>> so i called the barnes firm. it was the best call i could have made at the barnes firm. >> our injury attorneys work hard to get you the best result possible. call us now and find out what your case could be worth. you might be surprised. the bondsman injury attorneys come. flowing with ideas and energy. >> that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is easily the most impressive candidate known for her grilling of corporate executives with deep policy knowledge. katie porter's housing plan has bipartisan, friendly ideas to bring home building costs down and the chronicle praises her ideas to end soft corruption in politics. let's shake up the senate with democrat katie porter. >> i'm katie porter and i approve this message on the red carpet at the oscars, march 10th on abc. seven. >> those blizzard conditions are
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verifying this morning, we'll take you to the summit of alpine , part of palisades tahoe. >> look at the winds right now. 84mph, gusting to 113mph. right now. that blizzard warning is in effect through sunday. the worst of the storm yet to hit. that's later this afternoon into tomorrow. we'll measure that snow in feet back here at home to level two today for showers and downpours. some gusty winds. the worst this afternoon and into the evening. guys >> thanks drew for streaming us on the abc seven bay area app. abc seven at seven continues. everybody else is watching gma after a car accident. >> beware of insurance companies bearing small checks. >> you may feel pressured to settle too soon and for too little money. choose jacoby and meyers. we've turned low insurance offers into big settlements. jacoby and meyers because everyone deserves justice. >> what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband, the father of our girls. i see a public servant at a man who served under secretary clinton in the
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state department, where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem solver, who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy because he sees a better future for all of us. >> i'm peter dixon, and i approve this message. >> show her you remember the jewelry exchange has stackable bands. 189 half carat anniversary bands. 399 one carat, 699 two carat, three stone rings 14 90,000 of gifts guaranteed to appraise for double the jewelry exchange. redwood city catherine lybarger won higher wages for nursing assistants and janitors, overtime pay for farm workers, and catherine is winning equal pay for more women. >> uber is so afraid of both overtime and equal pay, they're spending $1 million to try and beat catherine. catherine is endorsed by california's nurses and teachers equality california and california environmental voters
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>> the virus that causes shingles is sleeping at 99% of people over 50. it's lying dormant, waiting and could reactivate. shingles strikes is a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks, and it could wake at any time. >> think you're not at risk for shingles? >> it's time to wake up because shingles could wake up in you. if you're over 50, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about shingles prevention. >> uh- sis, is this dog food in your fridge? >> it's not dog food, it's fresh pet real meat. real veggies seems like a lot of space to waste on a dog. you're all family i need. what if there was a more intelligent type of fitness to make? >> what? >> we're going up. >> one that adjusts so you can push harder. one that connects you to the right trainer. push
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all the way to the end i got you. >> welcome to the world of intelligent fitness. welcome to ifit. here's to getting better with age. >> here's to beating these two every thursday. >> help fuel today with boost high protein complete nutrition. you need without the stuff you don't. so here's to now boost. >> if you're only using facial moisturizer in the morning, did you know the best time for a skin renewal is at night? olay retinol 24 renews millions of surface skin cells while you sleep. wake up to smoother, younger looking skin with olay younger looking skin with olay >> that is the first time i think i've ever felt actual shock. >> we have a fan here. >> welcome back to gma. i think we know all those peo people, for friday for our guide george read their back at the
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oscars. >> that was such a crazy, crazy night. he kept coming back again, we could keep rolling for a while. >> how did you feel in that moment? >> this is golden. >> that was oscar-winner of course jennifer lawrence will return to the academy awards this year as a presenter, hollywood's big night only nine days away. >> headlines right now including dangerous weather out west, could bring as much is 12 feet of snow in some places paired one of the wild parts in texas history, thousands forced to abandon their homes from the wildfires. and then russian opposition leader alexi navalni after his death in a prison two weeks ago, course his widow has blamed vladimir putin calling him a murderer for her husband's death. >> plus breaking news, elon musk
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is suing altman the ceo saying he broke the agreement pursuing profits over humanity these two people sat on the board together from day one and they have a big dispute had. also college basketball superstar caitlin clark has officially announced she is going pro. >> surprise, surprise. >> some people in the stands and iowa are not happy about that but i'm sure they will cheer her on because she will forgo her final year of college and enter the wnba draft where she is expected to be the number-one pick, but before that we will be watching to see sunday because she is probably going to break the all-time ncaa scoring record. >> takes 15 points to break pistol pete's record. >> and the emotional testimony in the "rust" trial it's all coming up. >> now a shake-up at weight watchers, the company stopped plummeting after oprah winfrey announced she's leaving the board. her exit follows the tb legend's
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relation she is using a weight loss drug. ariel is here with more. >> as we know, oprah has the midas touch, everything she touches turns to gold but the reverse appears to be true as well after ten years on the board of weight watchers she announced her exit and even though she says she will continue to advise the company, the company's stock spiraled. >> we all want to be healthier, but let's just get real, we also want to lose weight. >> for nearly a decade oprah winfrey and weight watchers were an intertwined and lucrative partnership. >> i love red. >> but this morning that relationship has changed. the media mogul announcing she is leaving the company's board and the aftermath of her decision, weight watchers shares dropping more than 20%. >> they have been struggling over the past few years, and seeing oprah extract herself and seeing the stock just tank, it really does feel like the end of an era.
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>> winfrey now planning to donate her millions in company stock to the national museum of african american history and culture in washington, d.c. >> are you ready? let's do this together. >> the collaboration between winfrey and weight watchers beginning in 2015 after the billionaire bought a 10% stake in the business, and sent stock prices soaring. with winfrey crediting the program to help her lose weight. >> i lost 26 pounds and i have eaten bread every single day. >> this past december winfrey revealing she started using a weight loss drug to help manage her weight, telling there is a medically approved prescription for getting healthier feels like relief, redemption, like a gift and not something to hide behind and once again be ridiculed for. i am absolutely done with the shaming from other people and particularly myself. >> there has been a cultural shift in terms of how we perceive weight management. in part because of the advent of
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weight loss mitigation. so it's going to be interesting to see how weight watchers could navigate this moving forward. >> of course weight watchers also prescribes medications as part of their weight loss plans and oprah has not specified which weight loss drug she is taken, but she has said in a statement she will continue to collaborate with weight watchers innovating the conversation around recognizing obesity as a chronic condition working told reduce stigma and advocating for health equity which is something alike can relate to. >> there is al too news about a potential weight loss drug you can take less often than the ones we have now. >> this is at the time an idea but the company behind the other two says scientists are looking into what it would take to make a long-lasting glp-1 molecule so the drug would be taken far less often than once a week, so it could have major impact if it does come to fruition. >> that will be major. >> an idea for now but a big
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one. >> a very big one, appreciate that, ariel and we will have more on these are affecting some of these people's relationships in our next hour, george? >> now we will go to the of gutierrez with the safety details, good morning periods because some of this footage we are never seen before peer the prosecution's expert witness a better an armor blasted the way the gunmen handled the gun but once hannah gutierrez accepted the job, she took all responsibility for other's lives. >> ready, and action. >> this morning prosecutors painting the picture of a chaotic movie set and in the criminal trial against "rust" armorer gutierrez. jurors getting a look at outtakes from the troubled western, some of which seem publicly for the first time
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showing star and coproducer alec baldwin emerging from a wooden shed firing shots from a pistol. >> one more, one more, one more, i forgot let's reload. >> baldwin appearing to rush the crew to reload for another take, gutierrez seen quickly approaching grabbing blank cyber fanny pack. the prosecution's expert witness a veteran armor reacting to the footage. >> that conduct we are seeing from mr. baldwin, is that typical conduct from an actor on a movie set? >> no. >> why not? >> well, number one, he is basically instructing the armor how to do their job at that point. this is that moment you need to stop and say no, i am not going to hurry up, i will slow down. >> baldwin was rehearsing on the new mexico set when the revolver he was holding fired a lime round killing selena hutchins in october of 2021. he has pleaded not guilty to involuntary manslaughter with the trial scheduled for july.
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>> 155. >> prosecutors revealing videos like this one showing a stuntman giving a gun to a child actor singer's repeated negligence onset. gutierrez also accused of drug and alcohol use, she was charged with involuntary manslaughter and tamper with evidence. >> it's really difficult case, it's extremely tragic. >> david hall's, the first assistant director on "rust" who took a plea deal for his role in the shooting delivering this emotional account of what unfolded. >> did you speak to ms. hutchins when you approached? >> i did. >> what did you say? >> are you all right? >> did she respond? >> yes. she said "i can't feel my legs" [voice breaking] >> also he testified he excepted the plea deal in part because he wants the truth be known so something like this never happens again. as we noted alec baldwin's trial set for july, some of these very
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same videos are expected to play an important role in that case too. >> thank you, michael? >> coming up we have the growing question for the royal family about princess kate as prince william stepped out again this morning. and next a showdown over the window shade, take a look at this video going viral, geo has more. >> hey, michael, this video has more than 16 million views and it is sparking a big debate right now. who gets to control the window on a plane? what you need to know it's spring break around the corner, we are talking cabin pressure next on gma. right here on "gma" introducing, ned's plaque psoriasis. ned, ned, who are you wearing? he thinks his flaky red patches are all people see otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. ned? otezla can help you get clearer skin, and reduce itching and flaking. with no routine blood tests required. doctors have been prescribing otezla for nearly a decade.
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otezla is also approved to treat psoriatic arthritis. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. with clearer skin movie night, is a groovy night (♪) live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. you can't leave without cuddles. but, you also can't leave covered in hair. with bounce pet, you can cuddle and brush that hair off. bounce, it's the sheet. emergen-c crystals pop and fizz when you throw them back. and who doesn't love a good throwback? ( ♪ ) ( ♪ )
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emergen-c crystals. i can get the exact same brand of contacts from 1-800 contacts then i can get from my eye doctor. right now, you can save 25% on your first order. plus, fast, free shipping right to your door. [street noise] [text message] whole team is here! ♪ ♪ coffee? ah! yes!
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thank you! when you put in the effort, but it starts to frizz... you skipped a step. tresemmé silk serum. use before styling for three days of weightlessly smooth hair that frizz can't beat. new tresemmé keratin smooth collection. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate.
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i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. >> we are back with the video starting a debate, one child one of the window shade closed but the woman with the window seat was not having a-determiner. geo binet taz is here with all the shade. good morning, geo. >> i like that come all the shade, some new people are talking about this video because this happens so often when you are on a plane. if you are by a window seat who has a right to the window shade, does is that you are passenger around you? one woman pet dumb i posted her dilemma and it's going wild online. millions millions prepare the for their flight and some of people watching is the woman opens her shade and the child in front of her clothes as a-determiner. the video "it's my window close went to my quote that passenger talking with gma overnight.
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>> i enjoy watching through the window and i get a bit of claustrophobia when i can't see outside the plane. i did see he had another window directly adjacent to him. so i decided no, i want to keep my window open. if that were to happen again i would have reacted the same way. >> this is in the first time travelers have battled it out making the flight break. >> it's my opinion as the window seat occupant, i'm the dictator of the window shade. >> passengers sharing their frustration. >> i initiate both times, i am able benevolent ruler. >> some having a little fun like this video but this morning who has the right to determine whether the shade goes up or down? we went to the head of the largest flight attendants union. >> i think everyone thinks they have some sort of claim on the window and is understandable when you are purchasing that
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window seat and most people want to be considerate of people around them. so giving people a chance to respond in a positive way is the best approach. >> sarah nelson says in her experience as a long-time flight attendant when people advocate for themselves and explain why they want something, most of the time other people understand and they take that into consideration. just make sure you are not starting a big fight, it's getting tense, sam champion, make sure you are calling a crew member. >> i feel for these crews they are dealing with a lot. >> they really are. >> it's window was it? [laughter] geo, >> w window was it? c>> w window was it? you're not done, geo will be back with another showdown, he will put ai against a travel expert to see which one gets the best deal on spring break travel. coming up next, this guy right
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here sam champion and our play of the day. [laughter] >> window shade. you want what's best for them. ♪you are the one i want!♪ ♪ohh, ohh, ohh!♪ so ask your vet about nexgard® plus. it's one-and-done monthly protection from fleas and ticks. plus heartworm disease, roundworms, and hookworms... all in a delicious, beef-flavoured, soft chew. use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures or neurologic disorders. from the maker of #1 vet-recommended heartgard plus. nexgard® plus. the one you want for one-and-done protection. when moderate to severe ulcerative colitis takes you off course. put it in check with rinvoq, a once-daily pill. when i wanted to see results fast, rinvoq delivered rapid symptom relief and helped leave bathroom urgency behind. check. when uc tried to slow me down... i got lasting, steroid-free remission with rinvoq. check. and when uc caused damage rinvoq came through by visibly repairing my colon lining. check. rapid symptom relief... lasting steroid-free remission...
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...and the chance to visibly repair the colon lining. check, check, and check. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin cancer; death, heart attack, stroke, and tears in the stomach or intestines occurred. people 50 and older with at least 1 heart disease risk factor have higher risks. don't take if allergic to rinvoq as serious reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. put uc in check and keep it there with rinvoq. ask your gastroenterologist about rinvoq and learn how abbvie can help you save. wow. that's good. almond breeze? you like the almond breeze i got you... that's sooo interesting. what's happening, dad? with delicious taste and 50% more calcium.
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blue diamond almond breeze. don't just milk it. almond milk it. skin-carving next level hydration? new neutrogena hydro boost water cream. a vital boost of nine times more hydration* to boost your skin's barrier for quenched, dewy skin that's full of life. neutrogena. hydro boost. (crowd cheers) sore throat got your tongue? mucinex instasoothe sore throat medicated drops. uniquely formulated for rapid relief that lasts and lasts. that's my babyyy! -ow! get mucinex instasoothe.
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it's comeback season. in afghanistan, he cared about two things: completing the mission, and making sure his marines came home. and we all did. pete's always fought for what he believes in, and i know he'll do the same in congress for affordable housing, the rights of women, and the democracy he swore to protect. because helping people who need it has always been pete's mission. and i know he'll get it done. next generation veteran fund is responsible for the content of this ad. >> we are back with our play of the day and a little news anchor in the making, sam is here, i want to make sure people know it's not you. >> i am a little news anchor, thank you. [laughs] i love that, i didn't even see that coming. how are you, michael, nice to
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see a-determiner. folks, we can all relax and breathe in because the next generation of newscasters and journalists our camera ready and reported for duty. check it out, her mom just posted the most adorable video of her daughter's family room broadcast with the most amazing frame. >> hello, welcome to couch t electricity is gone. >> what is gone? >> the electricity the sink. >> but we want to watch tv. >> so, my tv is working -- >> i mean i reported on dozens of power outages, that was awesome. but this was taken back in the day when she first started, the broadcast career at less than two years old. in my day, guys, he had to go through college and had to work up through local stations to get a job like this, now you can get a really easy you just have to start super young. we are not sure if she still wants to be a journalist when
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she grows up, there is plenty of time, tessa, the one thing i will tell you no matter what you want to do their something to be said for natural talent and star quality. we can see that in her right away. >> sorry, go ahead. speak i thought that was amaz amazing. >> great play of the day, tessa, we can't wait to see more of you. coming up it's a global day of unplugging and we will tell you how to power down and enjoy a day away from your screens unlike those people right there. ♪ ♪ symptoms define me... emerge as you. with tremfya®, most people saw 90% clearer skin at 4 months... ...and the majority stayed clearer, at 5 years. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge as you. emerge tremfyant®. ask you doctor about tremfya®.
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each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do. that's why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. uniquely designed with carbsteady. glucerna. bring on the day. like many women over 40, i'm starting to get more dark spots. new bright reveal niacinamide serum by l'oreal. fades the look of all types of dark spots by up to 40%. ♪ new bright reveal niacinamide serum by l'oreal paris. rsv is out there. for those 60 years and older protect against rsv with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. i chose arexvy. rsv? make it arexvy. ♪ ♪ whether someone is across the neighborhood,
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across the street, or across the room, you have the power to make them feel right at home. ♪ ♪ ritz. a taste of welcome. can neuriva support your brain health? mary, janet, hey!! (thinking: eddie, no frasier, frank... frank?) fred! how are you?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators, including your memory. join the neuriva brain health challenge. sorry body, for knowing about actives, but giving 100% of them to my face. but fear no more, body. get active serums with hyaluronic acid that quench, vitamin c that brightens, and pro-ceramides that even everywhere. new dove serum body washes. get dove or get foamo. >> >> i want to show you there's another storm onto monday and tuesday for bad weather on the west coast. coming up on gma waking up with lori b
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star reviews and scott is here just tell us about his new show, simeone's the host of the podcast put your lawn mower away. this >> this election is about who shares your values. let me share mine. i'm the only candidate with a record of taking on maga republicans and winning when they overturn roe. i secured abortion rights in our state constitution. when trump attacked our lgbtq and asian
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neighbors, i strengthened our hate crime laws. i fought for all of us struggling to keep up with the rising cost of living. i'm evan low and i approve this message for all of our shared values. as once a student is reported missing, all hell breaks loose. >> did this college student kill his best friend over a woman they both loved? >> now you're speaking out for the first time. why all new 2020 tonight? >> always live abc seven news starts right now. >> now every friday morning i'm reggie aqui from abc seven mornings. >> and here's traffic with gloria. >> good morning reggie right now we are tracking a crash in san francisco. this is a two car crash on northbound 280 before the 101 split speeds are down to 16mph in this area. and if you're writing bart today, trains are running at slower speeds because of the wet weather, so expect delays there. drew. hey gloria, we are tracking showers on live doppler
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seven. >> for the most part, they're pretty light. you could see an isolated downpour from time to time, but stronger storms move in here later on this afternoon. it's a level two on the abc seven storm impact scale for those downpours later today. gusty winds, even the chance of a thunderstorm. a live look from santa cruz. see those gray clouds? some drops on the lens. lighter showers. currently we'll give way to heavier showers and downpours this afternoon and this evening. it's a chilly day today. two temperatures only in the 50s. we do have a wind advisory in effect that starts at noon today. gusts up to 50mph are possible. reggie drew, thanks for the warning for streaming us on our abc seven bay area app. >> abc seven at seven continues as everybody else is watching good morning america. >> the barnes firm has years of experience handling thousands of car crash cases. we will give you the support you need and help to get the best result possible. burn injury attorneys call one 808 million. >> turn on the updated mix of
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96.5 coit, the only bay area station playing today's hits and yesterday's favorites. while you work, i got a blank space baby, hit me baby, one more time. >> start your day with the 7:30 a.m. commercial free workday kickoff. >> bad habits lead to late nights, and in the long coming up, so you better get this party started. all of your favorite songs from today and yesterday on 96.5 co. it customize your dream sofa or sectional at living spaces where our special order collections are available at unbelievable prices and ready in as little as four weeks, starting at just 8.95. >> our wide variety allows you to get creative with different fabrics and configurations, so you can select the perfect colors, patterns, shapes, and sizes for your space. enjoy free shipping and get special financing for 60 months with your good credit. build your design today at living spaces .com or a showroom near you. >> living spaces. >> what do i see in peter dixon?
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i see my husband, the father of our girls. i see a public servant, a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department, where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem solver, who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon, and i approve this message. >> we can't spell astound without you. and you can count on our fiber powered network to deliver award winning, ultrafast, ultra reliable internet. and we can't be beat with mobile on one of the nation's largest, most reliable 5g networks. save on internet just $20 a month plus ad mobile for $15 more. we do everything with you in mind, bringing you ultra reliability, speed and savings. get internet for $20 a month. ad mobile for $15 more. switch to astound for a plan that fits you and overflowing with ideas and energy.
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>> that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is easily the most impressive candidate known for her grilling of corporate executives with deep policy knowledge. katie porter's housing plan has bipartisan, friendly ideas to bring home building costs down, and the chronicle praises her ideas to end soft corruption in politics. let's shake up the senate with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. >> this week, live is heading to las vegas, tsay. america. >> it's 8 a.m. fire and snow creating dangerous conditions for millions. up fire and snow g devastating conditions and the g largest wildfire in texas history raging, thousands abandonabandoning their livelih. >> losing weight and losing your
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marriage how drugs for weight loss or changing bodies in some relationships. >> if you had known your marriage might be a casualty on this weight loss journey, would you take those pounds back? >> spring break on a budget. can artificial intelligence book your trip are less than you can? >> chat gpd says $40 a day for rental cars. >> we put a real travel agent nai to the test. can you guess which one was cheaper? >> ♪ ♪ global day of unplugging, time to step away from your screen. we will check and how deborah roberts did during flip phone february. and expert advice to help your family power down. as we say, "good morning america." >> live in times square, this is gma. >> good morning, america, happy friday, everybody. we have some great people here in times square this morning,
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they are hanging out in the cold. >> we really appreciate that, they've been cheering like that even when they are not on camera and we are loving them with the btw sign, thank you for coming out to everyone and spring is right around the corner. lori is here with "the right stuff" for spring cleaning tools for big and small messes, it's all coming up. >> breaking stories at 8:00, dangerous weather for millions and the wildfires in the texas panhandle. >> hey, george, we were talking about it but i think showing the heartbreak of this is showing the images from fire to snow and back to fire. there are more than a million acres burned in what is the largest wildfire in texas history. this is likely to go way up during the day today, the only measured this once a day amarillo back to 74 degrees today, though the winds look lighter this is tough fire conditions. all the way up to nebraska and another front is coming in. that means near 80 this weekend
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with winds coming in by the to 2 sunday, if we don't get a hold of that fire 24 hours it will go unchecked for days. blizzard conditions and warnings with notes or 12 feet in some parts of california, also extending to parts of nevada. we doubled the warning area, that blizzard warning. avalanche warnings are under that as well in this zone right here from mammoth to tahoe city because so much snow is coming we could've avalanches. this is a place you do not want to travel at all. as a matter fact they are shutting down roads right now. michael? >> definitely be careful there, sam. we turn to the latest on the ivf battle in alabama. with pat to protect for ivf elizabeth let's see dr. and patient reassurance. >> good morning, michael, it is giving reassurance as this legislation to protect ivf moves forward with overwhelming bipartisan support. it would save doctors that do
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ivf are immune from civil and criminal charges, basically this would allow those doctors to move forward with treatment after they were put on pause at three major clinics, that was in the wake of the controversial decision by alabama supreme court saying frozen embryos are people and discarding embryos which is a typical part of the ivf process it could be a crime. hundreds of families say ivf is the only way for them to have children. made a direct appeal to lawmakers at the statehouse this week while we have seen some antiabortion groups have been critical saying this bill falls short of pro-life expectations. what happens next, lawmakers will vote again on this legislation next week. it's expected to be signed into law by the governor as soon as wednesday for the families we have been following in the middle of their ivf cycles, they say that cannot come soon enough. guys? >> a little bit of hope for those families, okay, elizabeth, thank you. coming up in our gma morning
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menu, love and weight loss, the effects of slimming down you tog medicine can have on your relationship. >> and travel deal, ai or a travel expert? >> plus questions about princess kate and prince williams making another appearance this morning and sam is putting one of our special guests to work. hey, sam. >> michael, don't tell them because i am here and scott foley now and we are going to talk about his new series "the girls on the bus" scott commented you also know it was global unplugging day? >> i had an idea. [laughs] >> would you do the honors and truly unplugged for us? >> you think i can do this right now? oh, my goodness, look at that? look at that. >> scott, you weren't really supposed to unplug it what are we going to do question work >> that was just a joke. >> we will get back as we get the lights back on i don't know what happen. we will be right back.
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's wow. that's good. almond breeze? you like the almond breeze i got you... that's sooo interesting. what's happening, dad? with delicious taste and 50% more calcium. blue diamond almond breeze. don't just milk it. almond milk it. to build the electric vehicle of the future, you need partners. mining partners. technology partners. education. supply chain. energy. what if one partner could do it all? that partner is ontario, canada. with all the critical minerals to make electric vehicle batteries. 65,000 stem graduates per year. one of north america's largest i.t. clusters. a fully integrated supply chain.
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all powered by one of the cleanest grids in north america. ontario. your innovation partner. ( ♪ ) (michael) my tip is, ontario. the worst lies are the lies you tell yourself, like smoking isn't that dangerous. [announcer] you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit now. the ball is out and there's a pile-up. -let's go! -get in the pile! ugh, i'll deal with this tomorrow. you won't. it's ripe in here. my eyes are watering. i'm a busy man. look how crusty this is. shameful. ugh, it's just too much. not with this. tide. tide can tackle any pile. that a tackle pun? just clean the pile, ron. okay. this too. that was easy. when stains and odors pile up, it's got to be tide. ( ♪ ♪ )
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start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. ultomiris is for adults with generalized myasthenia gravis who are anti-acetylcholine receptor antibody positive. it is lasting control over your gmg symptoms. and, ultomiris is the only long-acting gmg treatment with 8 weeks of freedom between infusions. ultomiris can lower your immune system's ability to fight infections, increasing your chance of serious, life-threatening meningococcal and other types of infections. if not vaccinated, you must receive meningococcal vaccines at least 2 weeks before starting ultomiris and if ultomiris is urgent, you should also receive
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2 weeks of antibiotics with your vaccines. before starting ultomiris, tell your doctor about all of your medical conditions and medications. ultomiris can cause reactions such as back pain, tiredness, dizziness, limb discomfort, or bad taste. ultomiris is here. ask your doctor about managing your generalized myasthenia gravis with ultomiris. ♪ making your way in the world today ♪ ♪ takes everything you've got. ♪ ♪ you wanna be where you can see... ♪ ♪ troubles are all the same. ♪ ♪ you wanna go where everybody knows your name. ♪ they're grrreat!
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♪ ♪ >> we are back with our gma cover story come look at the impact drugs for weight loss can have on relationships. deborah roberts here with us, good morning. >> good morning, they were starting for health situations, some people taking that shot often and on label and losing weight, and sometimes massive amounts but behind all the smiles is a complex reality. with the way laws some have seen big gains and others big losses in their lives. first, it changed their bodies. now it is changing their relationships. >> my friends were excited like you are happier, you are going.
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>> if you had known your marriage might be a casualty on this weight loss journey, would you take those pounds back? >> [sighs] >> at 4770 smith says she feels more confident than ever. since starting she has in her marriage. >> being in my 40s and gaining 45 pounds and struggling to get it off, i was headed down a pretty unhealthy path. but now just because i feel good i have a lot more self-confidence. >> while weight loss has brought some families closer together, for others it has ended in divorce. >> you are losing weight and you lose your marriage? >> yeah. you know, it's an unfortunate circumstance. it wasn't unfortunately just that, it was a lot of other factors. >> jason oneok, datuk two at a trained chef says his eating
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habits have always been a struggle. jason began taking mindoro in february of 2023, four months and 80 pounds layer stomach later he was filing for divorce. >> is that tough with the relationship with your wife? >> we were married for 17 years and together for a two soto 44 and 45-year-old jason is different than the jason that met his wife at 20. i'm thinking it brought confidence in me to see we didn't really work anymore. >> kevin says overall he is happy but life is very different and a little complex now. a lot of complex emotions following many of these weight loss drugs including questions about body positivity and whether this is a blow to that movement. you can see much more on "impact x nightline come the skinny infecti confessions
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ozempic. >> this is something you can debate all day long. >> you absolutely can but a lot of people success and they are happy. >> we will watch more. thank you so much for that, deb. now we will go to the royal family in prince william making another public appearance on his own this morning as questions about princess kate, in london with the latest, good morning, maggie. >> hey, good morning, michael. yes, this morning as princess kate is recovering at home, prince william is out at about in wales. guys, it looks like even managed to sneak in a little bit of fun while carrying on with his royal duties. this morning prince william appearing publicly in wales as questions mount over his wife's condition. with rob mackle honey, many are asking one big question. where's kate middleton? princess kate has not been seen in public since that walk to church on christmas day. she was admitted to the hospital
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in early january for what the palace called planned abdominal surgery into discharged two weeks later. since then, social media has been full of concern in conspiracy theories. not called by the latest tape from palace which was told the news thursday that the time went on her recovery they said we would only be providing significant updates. that guidance stance. the situation exacerbated by prince william bowing out of an engagement for a "personal matter" on tuesday, an unusual move an unusual language for a royal periods the palace only saying at the time kate was doing well. >> when it comes to your medical condition in the u.k., it's a private matter. she is not the head of state and that's why the king has decided to be more transparent with his cancer diagnosis and treatment. fully aware speculation but the reality is there certain things they are allowed to be private about. >> thursday prince william seen visiting a synagogue mentioning kate but not her condition.
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the prince trying to manage royal obligations as both his wife and his father face health battles. king charles in the midst of cancer treatments. >> now the palace seems to be aware of how much interest kate's well being is generating online but it seems the family has decided this is a private matter and they want to keep it that way, guys? >> we wish all of them well with that health battle. okay, maggie, thank you so much. we turn now to our series spring break on a budget, geo and becky are back to bring you the best adventures without breaking the bank, and this morning, can artificial intelligence book your trip for less than you can? let's see what happens, good morning again, geo. >> yes, good morning again, the ai is getting smarter by the day, you know it and much more mainstream but when it comes to booking a vacation, can a computer really know how to plan fun and affordable trips for
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your family? becky and i put old-school and new school to the test. let's see how it turned out. for the aaron's family from boston, time and money are key when planning their spring break. >> can you help us book a trip to san francisco for spring break? >> so becky and i are trying two ways to plan and save, i will go old school planning online with the help of travel expert katie nastro. >> while i am of deleting all human contact together and using ai for help. specifically google gemini and chatgpt. ai is up first tip, act as my travel agent. i am planning a trip from boston to san francisco and i would like to find inexpensive flights, a nice, but cheap place to stay, and great activities for the family. >> at first, and chatgpt goes a little cut he want us and recommends a rough neighborhood. >> fisherman's wharf, union square, the tenderloin? i don't know about that. >> but it does also lists some and i picked one down in
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fisherman's wharf for just over $200 a night. now, the pricing on rental cars was a little outdated. >> chatgpt said $40 a day for rental cars? i speak of it recommended, rental, has 1 for $50 a day. that's a little more but it's still a good deal. i switch over to google's ai, gemini for a few more tips. >> they just suggested i do flexible dates and check out google flights. i shifted to a day earlier and google plates said to buy the fares as individual one-way tickets. that bright stomach brought the price down to come and get this, $204 round-trip. >> weigh less than any round-trip tickets i can find. now some of the advice was little off so be it extra careful to check out things like the location of suggested hotels. but -- >> i consider myself a very experienced trouble booker and i learned some things on this experience. >> okay, geo, you are a-determiner. >> we are trying to see if we can do that faster and get better prices than ai.
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>> woman versus machine. we want to cast our net as wide as we can end up drill down to get that sort of perfect ideal flight. >> it took a little toggling with options and filters but we narrowed it down to $306 flying on two different airlines. >> leaving on alaska, returning on jetblue. >> both nonstop. >> found a rental car for $57 a day but parking in the city can be expensive so we filtered our hotel results by free parking. >> so we have a few hotels with free parking your. >> not bad. there are always benefit to booking direct. there may be freebies we don't even know about that are not displayed here as well as if anything goes wrong, you're dealing greatly with the hotel. >> plus you definitely get points for this room. >> you do. >> thief hotel just over $1100 >> narrator: five nights just in the heart of fisherman's wharf. >> all right head-to-head. >> i feel like a dinosaur after seeing that. [laughter] >> but you got your point so we are really excited and your team
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old school so tell us what you found. >> our amazing travel expert, katie, found us four airline tickets for about $1200, we got the car rental for about three to $42 and accommodations just over $1100, the grand total just over $2700. >> all right, becky, you tell us, you did new school with the machines, what did you find? >> i did, rebecca, here's the deal, ai is not like a trouble robot on exact deals, th best price, jetblue, $300, but it did have really good hints on where to book deals results a list the math. four airline tickets at $204 each round-trip, that brings us to $816. car-rental, that was $233 before taxes, hotel in fisherman's wharf was about $1286, so a grand total of $2,335 so in this case, booking a trip with ai would save you
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about $400. >> but you heard about before taxes? i counted taxes, becky. >> really? this is an interesting stipulation. i also like it's very interesting, becky, that you used ai and you still found some things that were not exactly right. wasn't helpful, ultimately, in finding the deal? >> yes, you do have to double check it, so that is important. i thought ai would be helpful in itinerary planning like sightseeing ideas and it was. even suggesting city pass for activities that would have saved our family another $150, but here's what surprised me. deal hunting is a cat-and-mouse game and ai was really up to date on the current hacks for printed prices, it was like having a travel savvy friend from the city you are visiting giving you advice that is all up to date. so i was pleasantly surprised. >> i love a pleasant surprise when it comes to a travel hack and becky ended geo we always love having you with us. sam, time to book that flight. >> that was so much fun.
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i learned stuff there. all right, i want to show you a little bit of a cherry blossom in washington, d.c., and a lot of people have asked us isn't it super early? the pig blossom said, i'm not an arborist but the pink blossoms are early blooming in the d.c. area, the beautiful white ones are all around the city that are later on. and the national park service says that cherry blossom, the white one, is march 23rd through march 26th is the pink bloom there. it's a 50 year in a row it is blooming in march. the normal date is april 4th. to be aware this cool air that is there right now is gone by tomorrow. we have milder temperatures and look at the long-range forecast, look how warm it stays,
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♪ outright stuff ♪ time for the right stuff from everybody, lori here to help us get ready to help us get ready for spring cleaning supplies to freshen up your home, always good to see you, lori. it kind of matching the furniture. >> it is spring, michael, right around the corner. >> good morning, we are going to start, you might as well go big. going with the big hard clean messes first. where we got? >> exactly right, if you have a carpet or couch or chair, and a soft surface at home, you need this bissell little green clean machine. this has over 75,005 star reviews on amazon. we will show you how it works. we actually did a demo this morning, i think we're going to
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show you guys. we had billy spill a little bit of coffee on this chair, and sal cleaned it up, where he spilled coffee you can't trust a buried speaker usually can't trust sell either. >> that is less than two hours ago and you can see now, tada, it's so user-friendly, it's no louder than a vacuum cleaner and you use a light touch to spray and suck it right out. see that? it's so easy come under $100 which if you get your carpet or your upholstery professionally cleaned that will cost a lot more, and every purchase helps to benefit the bissell pet foundation that helps homeless pets. >> what about that? >> you will love this one. this is folex, a top seller, it is $7 if you help us demo this,
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just a little bit of coffee, just a little, you will use it again, $7, gently agitated stomach agitate it and if you will blot it for me it instantly will remove. this is great because it is safe to use around kids and pets, and has no cfc, bocs it can take out oil, grease, ice cream, we used it in my house for ice cream, markers, plato. >> plato? >> you can take my kids anywh anywhere. >> about dustin? >> this is under $7. it looks kind of like slime, it's fun to play with, i'm so glad you will help me demo this. this is the color o col picking up the dust on the grime, this is great for car events, fans, don't worry we were burned for that later. but with this is great for is all of those little nooks and
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crannies that you feel like even when you do a good big clean, you can't get into the little crevices to clean. this has over 15,005 star reviews. and does your head feel sticky? >> no. >> it looks like really slimy but it doesn't leave anything sticky and it has a zesty clean smell. there we go there. next up we are going to do the broombi so this is the best broom. michael, will you help me demo this? go ahead. go ahead. it's a silicone edge so it uses static electricity, look at that, look at that. it is great for crumbs, you can pick up glas something spills, but what's really cool about this one? we're just going to wipe that right away is that it can get liquid. by the way. it can get liquid. so you just pick it up, right. that it is incredible. we love the brumby. caroline is obsessed with this, our producer. and then we have one
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final thing left. michael, i love swapping. >> i'm not a big fan of mopping, but what kind of mopping? >> you're going to love this out here. who wants to mop their floor with dirty water? nobody. you need to chambers. the o-cedar will let you do that. so we're going to put a little water on it. we're going to mop up our floor here now instead of putting it back into dirty water. we're putting it in this chamber. we're spinning that mop and it takes all that dirty water out around 50 bucks. and sparkling. >> you just made mopping a game. i love it, i'm all in for the mopping now, laurie. be you. do it again. as always. you guys coming up? its global day of unplugging how you and your family can reconnect as we roll into the weekend. i want the mop. >> it's cool. >> tammy monday will be larger than life. when boy band legends aj mclean from backstreet boys and joey fatone from. nsync join together and perform live monday on good morning america, sponsored by planet fitness. thursday morning on good morning america, garth brooks has
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something super special to share. >> this is just two to cool. i cannot. wait to show you. >> and he's sharing it with robin and you, robin roberts. >> me and gma. i'm so excited. let's do this. >> it's just magical. it's american idol's best season yet. i'm giving you a yes. no matter where you come from, you can always make it in life, especially on american idol. >> i can't believe this is happening. you make dreams come true. >> jimmy kimmel hosts the oscars sunday. always live with abc. seven news starts right now. good morning. >> i'm amanda delcastillo from abc seven mornings. let's get straight to gloria for a look at traffic. gloria. good morning. >> well, we're still monitoring this crash here in san francisco. this is a two car crash on northbound 280 before the 101 split. and right now, the speeds are down to 23mph. so
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we'll keep checking in on this for you throughout the morning. and this is a live look outside right now at our emeryville camera. this is one of our busier cameras right now, but traffic is still lighter than it is most days of course, traffic is always lighter on fridays. all right. >> thanks so much, gloria. meteorologist. drew tuma has your accuweather forecast after the break. >> kathryn lybarger won higher wages for nursing assistants and janitors over time. pay for farm workers and catherine is winning equal pay for more women. uber is so afraid of both overtime and equal pay. they're spending $1 million to try and beat catherine. catherine is endorsed by california's nurses and teachers equality california and california environmental voters >> lab diamonds at insane prices . two carat, three stone rings, 1493 carat solitaires, 2995 carat, 4990 and one carat pink,
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blue or white studs 599. we beat everyone's price on lab diamonds, period. the jewelry exchange redwood city overflowing with ideas and energy. >> that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is easily the most impressive candidate known for her grilling of corporate executives with deep policy knowledge. katie porter's housing plan has bipartisan, friendly ideas to bring home building costs down, and the chronicle praises her ideas to end soft corruption in politics. let's shake up the senate with democrat katie porter. >> i'm katie porter and i approve this message. >> 96.5 coit. today's hits the drinks. bring back all the memories. yesterday's favorite. it that way. listen while you work 96.5 co. it. >> hey bay area live with kelly and marcus coming up lionel richie from american idol joins us in las vegas. >> plus dj pauly d's here. >> that's at nine on abc seven.
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we'll see you in 30 minutes. >> live doppler seven. it is snowing in the sierra. blizzard warning is in effect through sunday. back here at home locally we have scattered showers. we're expecting heavier rain later on today. downpours a level two, some gusty winds as well with a wind advisory. even the chance of a thunderstorm. future weather showing you later on this evening. prepare for a wet night. those winds up to 50mph. amanda all right. >> thanks, drew. we will have another abc seven news update in about 30 minutes. and always on our news app and abc seven >> welcome back to gma live from times square. >> today is the global day of unplugging. it's first tonight it's sundown. it's a day to take some time off. go offline. be more mindful about how much tech we use. and deborah you took a similar challenge. you call it the flip phone. february oh my gosh george, it was something else i got to tell you it was something else, i will tell you.
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there is a study that says nearly half of us say we can't live without this and i plead guilty to feeling kind of addicted to my smartphone. so i decided to take on the february flip phone challenge to see if life is a bit, and healthier without some screen time. it's the experiment sweeping social media. flip phone february. >> i will give it a shot and see what it's like to actually step away from the smartphone. >> the challenge was officially on. >> i'm back at the packing stages of doing messages. these messages will be very brief like see you soon. >> no over apps let's see if i can flag a cab. it had its perks. >> it's five days and with the flip phone and i am really giving it my best. i really am. i have not been posting on social media. which, i actually don't miss a whole lot. one plus of not scrolling through my phone all the time is i am reading more.
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i've read two books in the last two weeks. rate, pepper? >> and its pitfalls. >> it's hardest for me is not googling. the other thing is taking pictures, i'm not taking pictures like i usually do and i do like doing that. everything requires a little bit more thought in terms of pressing the buttons, so sometimes i just decide forget it. >> and i wasn't alone in my efforts, people all over the country were joining in on the fun. >> i think some of the places that get filled by looking at your phone when there is nothing to look at it, look at the world and i like that. >> i've been doing a lot of extra hikes and going and drawing while on the hike. >> ditching your smartphone may bring some added health benefits. >> some of the benefits of taking a break from your smartphone can include noticing improvement in your mood, feeling less stressed, sleeping a bit better. >> having more time. >> if you don't want to fully commit to the flip phone, there are some other ways to limit screen time.
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>> my tips for taking a break from's motion media or your smart device really include turn off notifications or apps you know you spent a lot of time on. >> to celebrate global day of unplugging, i will share my flip phone february results. >> it wasn't perfect, i will say, i vowed to use this for a few weeks an two weeks and i dit quite make it, the first is it isn't easy to go backwards once you become accustomed to the convenience of technology. guys, all those apps, everything we do, really, is in here. >> what did you miss? >> i missed the uber i had to catch cabs, the mobile app for the digital plane boarding and apple pay you don't have to carry money and suddenly, you know, you have to pull out the credit card or find some cash. [laughter] but i had friends who wondered if i was okay. >> it's or michael. >> i had my kids casually go
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what's this? put it on a card. >> you will like it, don't worry. >> deborah comey did it come he took the flip phone challenge comey did great, but how did you convince your family to unplug for the day? erica souter and lindsay peers, the owner they are here with some ideas and erica, i want to start with you. why is it important for the kids and for the parents to unplug? >> we know there's less anxiety, better sleep, better connection when you put the phone away and you spend time with a family. so what it takes is actually convincing the kids to let go of the devices and convincing the parent. we want to make sure there are activities and play so they can do that. >> something i think is so interesting as a parent of a 5-year-old and a baby, we spend so much time worried about what they are doing in the real world and so much less time worried about what they are doing online. we have to think about good things, fun things for them to do when they are off-line. what you recommend? >> it's hard to get your kids to buy end of this but if you have a planet can work on this sunday
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my family is doing tomorrow. we are going to start the day with a nature scavenger hunt and as we go through the day, we are going to check off the things. then we will do a quick act of kindness, this is taking cookies to the fire to palm across the street and then i give back we can take to church of clothes and toys on sunday and then make a meal together, find something new or go to an old favorite we will do french toast and last is learn something new. for us, tomorrow is going to be origami. >> origami, i know what we are doing tomorrow in the jarvis/hansen house. >> she's in french toast and mike and i come to your house? come hang out with you in the family? that's a nice, busy day, keep all the kids and yourself occupied. and lindsay, here, you brought us some great off-line activity that you can do with the kids to get them occupied while they have no screens. tell us about some? >> of course. ryan over here is writing a letter to his idol.
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ryan is writing to rinaldo, love it. and you can get them excited to make an old-fashioned stationery and letters by using materials you have, you can cut out hearts and make cute about cards, watercolor, cut them into shapes, emojis, use the supplies you have and it is amazing how creative they will get without having a lot of prompts. and instead of finding her idle online, find them a letter, who knows maybe they will write back because they don't get that ma many. >> if only you had written one to michael he could hand it off right here. >> missed opportunity, ryan. learning lesson here. >> right? i have a 9-year-old daughter and the beauty products thing is huge or enough of that age. i'm trying to keep them away from products that are not safe for them so this is a win/win it's unplugging and making safe spa and beauty products for them. should we show them what to do? we will mix a scrub, basic ingredients. sugar you a lawyer to have in your pantry, little safflower oil, let's go.
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anand a fun essential oil scents like cotton candy, this happens to be a lovely lavender. you be a cheap bulk jars they can design cute little labels and you can save them as gifts, it so much fun. you can also make bath bombs, you can make lip balm's, so cute, raspberry, draw the labels, it's good for them to get their hands dirty and make some and they will use. >> thank you. >> really appreciated. if you are not crafty? >> i love a good game. these games are awesome because you can actually get going. the floor is lava, you put the spots down and spin the spinner, they are having fun in getting everyone excited. also, a good latter toss. you want to go for it? points for the highest rack round or whatever it's called? let's see how you fare. toss it over let's see. oh! >> did we tie? >> you won. [laughter] nice job come you guys. >> forgot about the kids, we are
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going to get in here. >> get the whole family involved, these are all great options. >> thank you both, erica, thank you. really appreciate you and you can shop these games and get instructions for all of these diy activities on unplug with those kids and enjoy time together as a family. when we come back, that guy, scott foley is here live.
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let me share mine. i'm the only candidate with a record of taking on maga republicans, and winning. when they overturned roe, i secured abortion rights in our state constitution. when trump attacked our lgbtq and asian neighbors, i strengthened our hate crime laws. i fought for all of us struggling to keep up with the rising cost of living. i'm evan low, and i approve this message for all of our shared values.
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♪ ♪ >> welcome back, scott foley, one of our favorite leading men of prime time is here. he started "scandal" and "felicity" and now he is in a new one "the girls on the bus" about flood presidential candidates. good to see you. >> thank you so much. >> love the new series and the ideas behind it but it was quite a mountain you had to climb to even make it. >> look, i think anytime you make a tv show it's a huge mountain to climb but doing this during kobe kobe, we finished at the be getting a 2023 and then there was an after strike and a rider's strike, getting on the air has been no small feat and i'm excited people get to see it. >> and this is about a real-life reporter that went on the road with the presidential candidates, so what is crazier? a show or reality? >> well, look, we do every thing we can to write crazy into the show but how can you beat what's
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going on right now? reality is insane. you know? how is it that we are this deep into a presidential election, not even the steep, and there are really only two candidates? >> but this is a nice escape from reality what you are putting out there. >> a great escape from reality. we are following a fictitious alliance lines were electoral race. i play a young mare with huge presidential ambitions gives a pete buttigieg vibe and w we haa great time making it. >> let's check it out. >> sadie mccarthy, i just read your article online, it was go good. too bet it had the shelf life of sashimi. >> thank you? >> eyes dug her your speech, yesterday, too bad you have no chance in winning this thing. >> ouch. how about this? if i make it to nevada, you do a piece on me. >> [laughs]
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>> wow. wow. >> yeah, it's hard out there. >> you are the presidential candidate? was there a speech you remember that riled up the electorate that you think may be good for real candidates? >> good for real candidates? a specific speech? >> yeah like a sub speech. >> nut, always go back to obama at the republican convention whe everyone was like who is this gy and then he was president. that to me as one of the greatest all-time clinical speeches. >> did you find that moment in the show? >> personally? no. i can't compete with that, that's obama. [laughter] but there are some great speeches along the way and they show it is a fantastic, funny, sort of lightly comedic look at the presidential electorate and really it's about these four women, these girls on the bus as the show is called, and found family along the way. >> i have to admit, i am a huge felicity fan, huge "dawson's creek" man. >> oh, my goodness. >> it takes me back and i think of those roles in that show and
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you have a 14-year-old? >> yes, you are aging us. >> i am sorry to do that but i have to ask because i have to wonder what it is like, has your 14-year-old watched? >> we have tried to show it to her three or four different times and every time i come on screen she leaves the room. [laughter] once a dad always a dad so it doesn't matter if you are 26 on screen or 51 and realize she doesn't care at all. >> i would've run out of the room watching with my dad as well. >> understandable. >> that the rate thing about kids coming to keep you honest and humble. >> moving to scandal, kerry washington said if there was a scandal movie should be up for it. and she would want you when it. in it. >> look at that, she would want me in it, that goes to show how close carrie and i are because i had no idea. yeah, look, the show had a fantastic ending but i think there is always more story to tell pure it i think at the end of the day it is up to shonda rhimes. she was the sort of brains and brilliance behind the show.
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of course carrie wants to do a movie, we all want to do a movie. >> what do you want your character to do in the movie? >> first i want him to get out of jail. [laughter] >> that will be very important. >> yeah, and also not die. there is a sequel to the movie. you know? that's the thing. >> stay alive. >> stay alive. >> it's funny we asked a question about your 14-year-old felicity and i was like has she seen saint scandal mike skinner question mike >> come too many scenes with her dad with her his shirt off. >> scott foley, the girls on the bus debuts on thursday, mar march 14th on max. >> we want to talk about the weather conditions we have snow on the west coast from the east coast a snow drought even though some in syracuse and
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20 inches just north, look at what they should have been. that's 104 inches of snow, we are down to 45 in that area. we really do need to get some more snow into the picture but unfortunately look at these temperatures. by the time we get to the first part of the week next week, 68 degrees, almost 70 in syracuse and the long-range models have that warm air sticking around all the way through march. record temperatures, by the way, by the time we get to chicago, chicago land you >> scott foley was so impressed watching sam deliver that behind the scenes i was looking at that teleprompter he just off the cup spewed that out. lake affects, inches of snow, you are insane peer you are insane.
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[applause] >> by the way, coming up we have libby owens host of the podcast "moms don't have time to read" has found time to write one and tells us about i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy.
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because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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>> we are back with zibby owens from the "moms don't have time to read" podcast, zibby does have time to write books, her new novel "blank" is out now. >> i'm so excited. >> tell us about "blank." >> it's a fun, fast-paced read about a novelist named jones late on her second book and decides to hand in "blank" as a commentary on the about her marriage and everything after this big
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decision. >> your husband and son both claimed to have come up with the idea, is that true? >> how about that? >> did they? >> no periods i have four kids i think was my younger son when i was trying to think of an idea he said why don't you just handed in blank and i was like no, wait, that's a great idea to write about. >> so it worked out for you but you are also a publisher. >> i am. >> what if someone gave you a blank book? >> i would not be happy at all if someone handed me a blank book. we do one book a month in fiction and memoir and luckily, i just so happen to have my latest book we are publishing by amy lynn called "hereafter" and she did not handed in blank. >> good for her. tell us a little more about the book. i hear truck which pancakes played a big role? >> they do play a big role. my husband makes chocolate chip pancakes for my kids all the time and when he travels to l.a. for work they are like okay, mom, where the pancakes and i am like i don't have time for this so that is part of what i put in
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the book is this frazzled mom who can't seem to do anything to make a pretty happy. >> i have written books, my wife has written books i think if we gave a blank page they would say give him a sour advance back advance back medially. what advice do you have a writers with writer's block? >> people looking for their next story, i have talked to so many authors, aspiring authors, writers too end up podcast and what i really learned as it is never too late to start the next chapter you have to get in there and do it. >> just sit down and do it. >> yes. >> and you have another book in the works called "overheard those quote what's that about? >> a bookstore owner, clearly no imagination, about a bookstore owner and her ex-husband starts dating a big movie star and she is talking badly about her son's football game and it gets caught in the live stream which happens to me although i didn't say anything bad and she gets canceled and it's about how to redeem herself. >> which might have a new?
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>> my son's football game i was sitting there with family and everything and we found out later when we watch the footage that everything we said was on the live stream for whole sch school. >> hot mike moment. >> i know. >> thank you for coming in. >> thank you. >> "blank" is out now and we will be right let's go win this thing! then we hit the road and never stopped. you shared with me your frustration at working harder
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to barely get by and afford a place to live. your fears for our democracy and freedoms and your dreams for yourself, your family, and the future. it is not too late to realize those dreams. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message because together we can still get big things done.
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is it possible to count on my internet like my customers count on me? it is with comcast business. keeping you up and running with our 99.9% network reliability. and security that helps outsmart threats to your data. moaire dida twoo? - your data, too. there's even round-the-clock customer support. so you can be there for your customers. with comcast business, reliability isn't just possible. it's happening. get started for $49 a month. plus, ask how to get up to a $800 prepaid card with a qualifying internet package. don't wait, call and switch today! >> once a student is officially reported missing all hell breaks
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loose. >> tonight -- >> university of florida freshman has not been found. >> "20/20" is all new. >> your friend is dating your ex-girlfriend. >> did he kill his best friend over a woman they both loved? >> you've been imprisoned for murder of your best friend. now you're speaking out for the first time. why? >> killer on campus. the all new "20/20" tonight at 9 p.m., 8 p.m. central on abc. >> monday will be larger than life when on good morning america, sponsored by planet fitness. >> every time i hear. bye bye bye, i want to thank you for watching. it's only eight days or nine days until the oscars. sorry about that. we're counting down with some surprises. all week long. >> have a great weekend, everyone. bye bye bye bye bye.
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monday. >> why did you decide that now was the time to kind of peel back the curtain? >> rupaul. the all new revealing interview. >> you don't hesitate talking about being at a time dependent on drugs. robin i was at the end of my rope. >> emotional. >> we all have a superpower, don't we? we certainly do. and 100% unique. >> rupaul. oh my gosh, i have been rupaul approved. oh, monday. >> look who's here to say good morning america. >> thursday morning on good morning america. garth brooks has something super special to share. >> this is just two too cool. >> i cannot wait to show you. >> and he's sharing it with robin and you. >> robin roberts, me and gma i'm so excited. >> let's do this thursday morning. >> wait till you see this only on gma. i love me some good morning america and i promise you are going to love this. >> good morning america live from nashville. how long do i
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have to wait. >> what are you waiting for? let's go. i love you and i'm gonna love you forever. >> doctor altman is in critical condition. >> former congressman jerry mcnerney said campaign money is poisoning the system. my proposal would eliminate all pacs. but jerry mcnerney took 5.3 million in pac money. guess he didn't mean it >> listening to people that drink, bigelow tea is so important to my family, because making that perfect cup, it's the reason we do what we do. hi, guys. so what are you guys drinking? >> constant comment when i'm drinking bigelow tea. >> it's just a moment for me. it's just me time. >> that's what a cup of tea is. a moment for you. someone you love. oh, it tastes really great. >> yes, it was always bigelow tea. wow >> that's what my family hopes for. >> cheers. cheers >> overflowing with ideas. and
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energy. that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is easily the most impressive candidate known for her grilling of corporate executives with deep policy knowledge. katie porter's housing plan has bipartisan, friendly ideas to bring home building costs down, and the chronicle praises her ideas to end soft corruption in politics. let's shake up the senate with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message when the truck hit my son, i had so many questions about his case, i called the barnes firm. >> it was the best call i could have made. call the barnes firm now and find out what your case could be worth. >> 808,000,096.5. quite specializing in playing songs that pick you up and make you feel good while you work. i love with the shape of you, an updated mix of today's hits and yesterday's favorites, start your day with a 7:30 a.m. commercial free workday kickoff.
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give me a reason. >> just a little bit's enough for the song. today's hits and yesterday's favorites. >> while you work 96.5, call it farm workers marched 330 miles for their union for three years. >> carlos villa voted with the united farm workers every step of the way. carlos villa for state senate. always live >> abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning, i'm amanda delcastillo from abc seven mornings. let's get straight to gloria for a look at traffic. gloria. >> good morning. pretty quiet out there on the roads. this morning. we're getting a live look right now at our bay bridge toll plaza camera. and you can see hardly any cars out there compared to what we normally see this time of the morning. of course, friday's is always lighter traffic anyway. but from the toll plaza to san francisco right now, it will take you 18 minutes. hey, gloria. >> live doppler seven. we do have scattered showers out there
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this morning. that will turn heavier as we head throughout the afternoon and evening. it's a level two moderate storm for those downpours. winds will turn up to 50mph. a wind advisory in effect later today. even the chance of a thunderstorm. quite cloudy from our golden gate bridge. camera. lighter showers now, heavier showers and gusty winds throughout the afternoon and into the evening. amanda all right. >> thanks, drew. time now for live with kelly and mark. we'll be back at 11 for midday live. have a great day. from the blue light theater at the fountain blue las vegas. >> it's live with kelly and mark >> it's live with kelly and mark today. lionel richie from mother wolf chef, evan funke. plus, pauly d. and a performance from michael jackson one by cirque du soleil. all next on live! ["don't start now" by dua lipa] and now, here are kelly ripa


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