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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  February 24, 2024 8:00am-9:01am PST

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porate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. >> w >> whit: good morning, america. it's our second hour. voters heading to the polls for the presidential primary in south carolina. donald trump and nikki haley holding dueling rallies overnight as polls show trump with a solid lead in haley's home state. >> gio: a first of its kind study taking a look at the effectiveness of heart disease treatments for women and black and brown communities. what's taken so long, and what you need to know about your course of care.
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>> janai: elevating your eating. the easy, kid-friendly ways to boost your breakfast, level up your lunch, and simplify your supper all while keeping it healthy. >> whit: "gma" one-on-one with academy award-nominated filmmaker sean wang. >> it's like the dream has come true. >> whit: the incredibly touching story of how his road to the oscars began with his two grandmas by his side. ♪ i walk to the sound of my own drum ♪ >> gio: and warm up to cold-weather workouts. the benefits of moving outside no matter the temperature. plus, a doctor known for his year-round central park stretches gives us exercises to get started as we say, good morning, america. ♪ it's hard to take control ♪ >> janai: good morning, america. happy saturday. thanks for starting your weekend with us. coming up, spring is right around the corner, but you don't have to wait for the weather to warm up to get moving.
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we will show you why exercising outside in the cold can actually be good for you. look at that. we've got someone here to -- >> whit: got the stretches going. >> gio: this is good. >> janai: you'll start stretching, gio, even before you put on the medium tee. coming up later this hour. let's look at some of the other big stories we're following. >> whit: gaza cease-fire talks are under way in paris to secure the release of hostages and end the fighting. this all as israel is warning it will attack the city of rafah where more than a million displaced people are sheltering if a truce isn't made soon. >> gio: former governor nikki haley is facing a steep uphill battle against former president trump for the republican vote. abc's rachel scott is covering this heated race. >> reporter: this morning, donald trump and nikki haley going head-to-head in south carolina. >> hello, south carolina. i'm thrilled to be back. >> reporter: the former president making several controversial comments about his
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criminal proceedings while trying to appeal to black voters. >> the mug shot, we've all seen the mug shot, and you know who embraced it more than anybody else, the black population. >> reporter: even saying this about the crowd. >> these lights are so bright in my eyes that i can't see too many people out there, but i can only see the black ones. i can't see any white ones. >> reporter: trump has barely campaigned here, only touching down in the final hours, but polls show he's still leading haley by 30 points. this is haley's home turf. she was elected governor twice, and she insists she's the only republican who can beat president biden in november. >> we have to nominate someone that can actually win a general election. >> reporter: that message sinking in with navy veteran davey hare. he once voted for trump. now he's supporting haley. >> i'm just not too impressed with trump lately. he's, in my opinion, kind of gone off the dark end. >> reporter: but among republicans here, he's in the minority.
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gary from somerville is all in for trump. if donald trump is convicted, would you still vote for him? >> yeah, i guess i would. >> reporter: in all but one primary since 1980, the republican who wins south carolina goes on to be the party's nominee. nikki haley's campaign knows that the odds are stacked against her, but she insists win or lose here, she is still staying in this race, janai. >> janai: it is going to be a very busy day. rachel, we appreciate you. now to the new signs of movement in the efforts to free those hostages still being held in gaza. abc's marcus moore joins us from tel aviv with more on the talks happening in france. marcus, good morning to you. >> reporter: well, janai, good morning. there is a sense that encouraging signs are coming from these talks. israeli media citing sources that the talks overnight in paris were very, very good and that significant progress was made, and perhaps there could be a deal before ramadan. these negotiations, if successful, will likely lay the
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groundwork for more talks to lead to a breakthrough. so, this is just one part of a much larger process, and as you know, they come as the death toll approaches 30,000 people in gaza. more than 100 killed just overnight, and a humanitarian crisis unfolds there. we have seen images of desperate families rushing aid trucks entering the area, and efforts to feed displaced palestinians have been ongoing with aid groups urging israel to allow more aid trucks into gaza and warning of the potential for widespread famine, and there is also concern about israel's looming military operation in the southern city of rafah and what that could mean for the million palestinians who have taken refuge from the fighting there. aid groups are saying they have nowhere else to go and israel is warning they will go into rafah if hamas doesn't release the hostages by ramadan which starts in march. guys. >> whit: thank you so much. coming up here in our "gma morning menu," we'll have the latest on a first of its kind study looking at the effectiveness of heart disease
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treatments for women and black and hispanic patients. >> gio: also ahead, we're showing you how to elevate your eating. dr. gabrielle lyon is here with the simple changes in your daily diet that can make a big difference. >> janai: and tory johnson is here with small business steals on clothing and accessories. you don't want to miss it. we'll be right back. ♪ (vo) you weren't made for moderate to severe crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis. but #1 prescribed entyvio is. it's the most prescribed biologic for crohn's and uc.
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in clinical trials, entyvio helped many people achieve long-term relief and remission. infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after treatment. entyvio may increase risk of infection, which can be serious. although unlikely, a risk of pml, a rare, serious, potentially fatal brain infection cannot be ruled out. tell your doctor if you have an infection, experience frequent infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. liver problems can occur. ask your healthcare provider about entyvio, the treatment prescribed to more people with crohn's and uc than any other biologic. ♪entyvio, entyvio, entyvio♪ .. stop... (speaker 2) blue does have pretty good ingredients. (speaker 1) like what? (speaker 2) deboned chicken, chicken meal, brown rice, barley, oatmeal. (speaker 1) huh... (speaker 2) why, what's in beneful? (speaker 1) chicken, whole grain corn, chicken by-product meal, barley, whole grain wheat. okay louie! we'll switch to blue!
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you can make money the hard way as a bullfighter or a human cannonball... or save money the easy way, with xfinity mobile. existing customers can get a free line of our most popular unlimited plan for a year! not only will you save hundreds, but you'll also be joining millions who have connected to america's most reliable 5g network. sure is a lot safer than becoming a stuntman for money. get a free line of unlimited intro for a year when you buy one unlimited line. plus, get the new samsung galaxy s24 on us.
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another one in the books. but we're just getting started. everything going well? oh yeah. let's take a look at this knee. because it's the work behind the scenes, that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team! for all that is me, for all that is you. kaiser permanente. ♪ >> gio: we are back with our "gma" cover story and heart health in underrepresented communities. a new study, the first of its kind, will look at the effectiveness of treatments for women and black and hispanic patients and joining us is abc medical correspondent, dr. darien sutton. good morning, welcome. why has this taken so long? >> you know, that's a difficult question to answer, but just in summary about how we got here, it's a lot about mistrust and so when you look historically, when you look at the exploitation, the abuse and the neglect of
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black and brown americans within science that has led, unfortunately, and we know these cases to be true, the tuskegee experiment which lasted up to 40 years and look at other examples in history where black and brown americans were experimented on without fully understanding the risks and that leads to mistrust but instead of addressing that mistrust much of science decided instead to withdraw black and brown americans as well as women from these scientific studies. and if you can imagine that leads to a difficult decision when, as a physician, you're trying to make evidence-based decisions for patients to help improve their outcomes and you have limited to no data. so today this is an incredible advancement because this investment is helping to address those inequities so we can gather and obtain reasons why that mistrust exists and hopefully improve outcomes. >> gio: we have a story to show you on why this is so important. take a look at this. >> chest pain will start happening and will wake me up in the middle of the night. >> gio: the chest pain started for 30-year-old jaleesa three
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years ago. >> it felt like i was having a heart attack. >> gio: eventually doctors diagnosed her with severe coronary artery disease, a buildup of plaque in her arteries that can lead to a heart attack, the most common type of heart disease, the leading cause of death in most racial and ethnic groups in the united states. however, the research done on how to treat c.a.d. successfully has traditionally only been studied in white men. >> when we're performing the surgery we ourselves notice in women that the vessels are smaller and they can be more difficult to handle and we don't yet know if that makes a difference in terms of their outcomes. >> gio: but now, with a $30 million award, weill cornell medicine will launch recharge looking at women and minority populations with heart disease to determine which procedure stenting or bypass will best improve survival rates and quality of life. >> if you had a white man and have coronary artery disease your treatment will be based on very strong data, and if you are
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a woman, or if you are a nonwhite patient, well, that's not the case. >> gio: after making what can, at best, be called an educated guess to undergo bypass surgery instead of receiving a stent -- >> how are you? >> i'm okay. >> gio: -- today jaleesa is feeling great. >> research is trying to save my life. i hope whoever hears this will want to be a part of the research that's going on here at cornell. it will make a big difference. >> gio: so looks like she made the right guess but it shouldn't be a guess. what are the potential benefits for patients? >> the potential is to understand again what is the best outcome? what is the best treatment? for people like jaleesa as you stated there are two treatments for blocked arteries, one, a cabbage or coronary artery bypass, a surgery or pci or percutaneous coronary stent and both are options for patients but, again, the evidence that should be inclusive of black and brown people doesn't exist.
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the point of the study, find out which answers would be best for a patient, again, to improve outcomes and survival and to reduce complications. >> gio: all right, thank you so much. dr. darien sutton, as always, such an important topic. we appreciate it. whit. >> whit: turning to president biden's plan to forgive student loans with the administration now canceling $1.2 billion in debt for almost 153,000 borrowers. and joining us now is u.s. secretary of education, dr. miguel cardona. dr. cardona, good morning. always great to have you. so, first, this is part of the administration's save repayment plan. tell us who qualifies for this and who doesn't and when it goes into effect. >> sure, thank you, first of all, thank you for having me. this is part of a bigger plan to make higher education more affordable and more accessible. as you mentioned, 153,000 people received notification over $1.2 billion in debt relief will be provided. these are people that took out
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loans of $12,000 or less, smaller loans. we know that these folks are more likely to go into default, so that's the group we targeted with this debt relief announcement this week. >> whit: for those who don't qualify this round, will there be more opportunities for debt forgiveness in the future? >> absolutely. you know, we've totaled over $139 billion in debt relief for close to -- about 3.9 million americans, so there will be more. and it's important to note we have other programs like public service loan forgiveness for public servants who have dedicated their careers to helping the community, there's a debt forgiveness program for those folks, as well. is where people could go. the save plan that we're announcing this week is the most affordable income-driven repayment plan and make sure they can access higher education and not have to pay for the rest of their lives to do it. >> whit: as you know, there has been criticism here. this doesn't account for people who already paid their loans or
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made personal sacrifice, maybe chose a college that was a bit more affordable. what's your response to those folks who may see this as an unfair giveaway? >> well, it's certainly not an unfair giveaway. it's an opportunity to address an issue that has gone on for too long in this country. we have over 1 million borrowers a year going into default. that's a problem for the local economy and our country. on the flip side, people that graduate college earn, over the course of their work career, over a million dollars more than people who don't. that goes into the economy, so we're fixing a broken system. we recognize that the people in it now are the ones that are going into default. we have to fix this but also, whit, we'll fix the system so we're not in this position five years from now. we're increasing college accountability. we're making loan repayment more manageable and debt relief is only a part of it. >> whit: secretary cardona, thank you so much for your time this morning. we do appreciate it.
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all right, let's shift gears and get another check of the weather. go back to somara. good morning. >> somara: we're headed to columbia, south carolina. thank you, harrison brant, for this video. you can see the hail bouncing off the balconies. we're in for more severe weather in the upcoming week, and we're tracking the storm that will bring snow to the rockies and then severe storm to st. louis and chicago, detroit, tuesday afternoon, rain to the east coast by wednesday. you can see heavy snow on the back end of this system in parts of the great lakes and then, of course, tracking the temperatures with a big warm-up, low 80s on monday in oklahoma city. that's a look at the forecast across the country. let's see what's
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>> janai: tory johnson joins us now for "deals & steals" and this morning she has me draped in luxury as we have great clothing and accessories, all of our deals are from small businesses. good morning, tory. this feels incredible. >> it is so soft and fabulous. this is from tourance. what i love is that right now i kind of feel like we're in between seasons. like you never know each day, will it be too cold? a little warmer. heading hopefully into spring. these are great transitional pieces because they're not too heavy, not too light. we've got the shawl you have on and a coat that has a belt with it. so they're incredibly chic but you could wear this out to dinner or you could just put this over a t-shirt and jeans, elevates your look instantly, a big variety of colors and more from tourance you'll find online all slashed by at least 57%
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today. you want to get in on this one. >> janai: wow, all right. these are good. >> these are really cool. this is called peekaboos so it's a beanie that looks like just like an absolutely regular beanie but it has right here a secret little hole if you want to wear a ponytail or have a bun. typically a beanie is not a pony friendly -- these are pony friendly but also the hole closes up so if you're not wearing a pony you don't have to worry about an unsightly hole. they're lined. very warm, super fun. these start today at $15. >> janai: these are good. so good. >> a little bit of animal print. this is skinnytees. we've got a lovely assortment from them. they're known best for their tank tops, they flatter, frame. they stretch without stretching out so you can have them reliably. this is the kimono.
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animal print kimono and can throw it over everything. it adds a pop of fun to an outfit. we have a big variety of wraps, different types of tops, as well as leggings. really fun stuff to get in on skinnytees today. everything is slashed at least in half starts at $8.50. >> janai: i bet their leggings feel really good. their tops are incredible. >> leggings are comfortable too. this is alegria making their "gma" deals debut this morning. whether you choose sneakers, clogs, mary janes, this is all about extreme comfort because they design at the footbed first. so before they focus on anything else, they're focusing on the comfort of your foot, making sure you have arch support and making sure any pressure is alleviated so when you're walking all day, are on your feet all day, you don't feel it in your lower back. >> janai: okay. >> often what happens when you're wearing fun, comfortable shoes. if you're looking for something that will take you through the day and extremely comfortable to walk in every step, this is the brand for you.
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everything today slashed in half. we've got a really big assortment online. even more than this option here. >> janai: fantastic. we were talking about the weather. we're not in spring yet. >> we're not in spring yet. these are awesome for the little ones called zipglove so oftentimes getting the little fingers in. >> janai: you'll be trying for a while. >> so hard so these are so smart. they zip down on both sides allows you to open this up right here so that you can slip the fingers in right where they need to go. make sure that everything is where it's supposed to be. then you just zip up the sides and good to go. plus, they're not just like smart and functional like that. they're incredibly warm. >> janai: yeah. >> so they've got incredible warm fleece lining, this thinsulate insulation. they're water resistant exterior. this is one, because they're on sale, stock up for the season. you'll have them for years. they're so smart. it'll be the easiest things your kids have worn. slashed in half, $17.50.
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>> janai: baby boy, baby girl will love these. >> finally the comfy. this is the featured "shark tank," the original blanket you wear. at home or on the go. look how cozy that lining is. so soft you don't want to take them off which is why you see people in the grocery store -- >> janai: i had to let my son wear it to the store because he loved it so much. >> we have them for kids and adults. we have their giant blanket. it's eight feet by eight feet that fits the size of a king size bed. when you want to cuddle up on the couch, that's for you, all slashed in half starting at $21.50. >> janai: comfy, cozy today. >> that's what saturday is all about. >> janai: we partnered with all these great companies. go to the deals by using the qr code on the screen or get them on our website,, and we, of course, will be right back. ♪
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the magic never leaves you when you stay with the disney resorts collection. following you along, everywhere you go. making every moment special. even more surprising than your last. and bringing you extra time in any of the 4 theme parks, every day. plus, stay longer and save more... with up to 30% on rooms at select disney resort hotels! why would you stay anywhere else? ♪ i'd do anything ♪ ♪ at petsmart you can save up to 20% on your dog's first groom with the salon welcome package. so they can be by your side for all the moments that matter. petsmart. anything for pets.
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millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message. ♪ when your child has moderate—to—severe eczema, it's okay for them to show off.
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show off their clearer skin and noticeably less itch with dupixent. because children 6 months and older with eczema have plenty of reasons to show off their skin. with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, they can stay ahead of their eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your child's skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ♪ show off to the world. ask your child's eczema specialist about dupixent.
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good morning. i'm stephanie sierra, a federal judge paused a lawsuit impacting san francisco's ability to clear homeless encampments. that's while the supreme court decides a similar issue in oregon. a preliminary injunction is in place, which prohibits san francisco from clearing homeless encampments unless it has enough shelter beds available. the city attorney says the pause keeps the city from wasting resources. well, it's going to be beautiful out there today. let's check in with lisa. good morning. >> hey, stephanie. good morning. a lot of clear sky behind you. and the view from our sutro tower camera showing you sunny conditions. 54, san francisco 52, oakland hayward 61. half moon bay. and what a gorgeous sight there from the golden gate bridge. so upper 60s today to mid 70 s not bad. >> thank you lisa and thank you all for joining us. the news continues right now with good morning america
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♪ ♪ ♪ visit your volvo car retailer for special offers during our presidents' day sales event.
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good morning, america. i'm kristina forest, author of "the partner plot." violet and xavier were high school sweethearts who thought they'd get married and live happily ever after, but broke up in college. a decade later their paths cross, and when they wake up with wedding rings on their fingers, they have to decide if first love is worth a second shot. >> janai: i am intrigued. welcome back to "gma" with a great book to read during the month of love. kristina forest's "the partner plot" is this saturday's "gma"
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buzz pick. it's available for presale now and out tuesday wherever books are sold. keep reading along with us on our instagram @gmabookclub, and coming up, we will hear from the author of our february pick. that sounded really interesting. >> gio: it really does. >> janai: but right now, though, some other headlines we're following. a new york jury holding the national rifle association liable for financial mismanagement and finding that its longtime leader, wayne lapierre, quote, corruptly ran the group. lapierre, who announced his resignation from the group before the trial started, ordered to pay back more than $4 million. he's accused of spending millions of the nra's money on private plane trips and gifts. >> whit: kansas city paying tribute to lisa lopez-galvan, the radio deejay who died during last week's parade shooting. the city's union station was lit in the colors of the mexican flag last night to pay tribute to her heritage, and funeral services for the mother of two will take place today.
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>> gio: and amy schumer revealing she's been diagnosed with cushing syndrome. the disorder happens when your body makes too much of a stress hormone over a long period of time. schumer says she realized something was wrong after fans commented on her puffy face during recent interviews. she says she's happy to know she has a condition that she says will work itself out. always the best attitude. whit, i'm heading over to you guys. do not eat all that food. >> whit: we were already starting the conversation with your friend, dr. lyon. we are going to get right to it. we are going to make healthier food choices here in the kitchen for the whole family by making some simple swaps. joining us now is dr. gabrielle lyon, author of "the new york times" best-selling book, "forever strong: a new science-based strategy for aging well." dr. lyon, it's great to have you. >> thank you so much. >> whit: i read your book after you were last here on "gma." i know you and gio are buddies. it changed my whole perspective on food and exercise, but i was thinking about kids in all of this, because i have two daughters, and so i wanted to ask you first, how do you start the conversation with your kids
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about nutrition, because i don't want it to be about dieting and body image. how do you start that talk? >> i love that question. i have two little children myself. i have a 3 and 5-year-old, and my daughter is 5, and one of the reasons we talk about it is how do we eat to have more energy. >> whit: yes. >> what are ways we can eat to be good to our body, and by framing it in that way, it takes all the body weight, body composition right out. >> whit: great, love that. of course, you know, we have to start our day. we're sending kids off to school, so let's start with breakfast. i know in my pantry, we have a lot of boxes of cereal. >> i saw your pantry. >> we sent you pictures of this. >> i was crying. >> whit: trying to swap out some of the cereals we've become accustomed to, what is a good alternative? >> you get to try this. >> whit: i'm on it. we get to eat. i love it. >> gio: yes. >> first people think they have to have cereal, because it's easy and fast, but i would say kids will usually use a lot more
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of the carb cereal than the milk, so a better alternative is to have greek yogurt, and this is high in protein. you can add berries. berries are really high in fiber. >> gio: tastes so good. >> and polyphenols good for, again, energy, and as kids are growing and not even just kids, chia seeds, almonds, you cannot go wrong, and if you wanted to throw in a little bit of granola, i won't be upset. it is about balance. how do we balance protein and fiber, and the best part is, you will find your kids have more energy. >> whit: yes. >> as opposed to being tired and sluggish or hyper. >> gio: that's what this is all about. let's move to lunch. whit loves himself some sandwiches. >> whit: yeah. i'm old school. that's my sandwich right there, the ham and cheese. >> gio: how do we replace this? >> first of all, there's no bad food. it is about how do we have a bit of balance and make good choices over time. this isn't a terrible choice, but it's not my first, because the white bread can be pretty
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fast absorbing, but if you switch to, like, these tacos, there's fiber in these tacos. chicken, make good choices, healthy and satisfying for your kids. >> janai: and those look good. >> they do. >> whit: the lunch meat too. gio is like, you might want to try something different. >> that's a good point. moving from processed to -- you can purchase pulled chicken. it doesn't take a ton of energy or time, so that's one way of doing it. also, this is what i use for my kids is a bento box, and you can actually, if you wanted to get creative, take the taco and put it in the bento box. >> gio: so cute. >> janai: they can make it themselves. love that. when we are talking about a snack, that afternoon slump, those chips are good. i had some but how -- [ laughter ] -- can you make it a little healthier? >> the first thing, if you are eating well throughout the day, you'll be much less likely to
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snack. including the kids, believe it or not. >> gio: because you are satiated. see, i'm a good student. >> janai: good vocabulary. >> there is this book called "forever strong." you may have read it. snacking is not ideal and especially snacking on carbs. if you snack on the carbs like this, you are much more likely to reach for something else. like candy or sugar. don't do that. >> janai: all right. >> a much better choice using a cracker that has seeds in it or higher in fiber, maybe it's almond flour and some kind of dip and that dip could be a yogurt-based dip or hummus. >> whit: you were saying having that protein, if you're going to have a snack, having protein will help fill you up. >> it's a good strategy and it's easy to do. food and health does not have to be complicated. it can be very simple. >> janai: real quick before we run out of time, upgrade dinner. >> yes, dinners are the times we all sit together as a family and this is a sheet dinner. put everything on the sheet, pop it in the oven and you're done. >> gio: that looks like my
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breakfast and lunch. >> whit: gio is next level. not all of us are having creatine sandwiches for lunch. >> not yet. >> whit: dr. lyon, such a pleasure. thank you so much for coming in. dr. lyon's book, "forever strong" is out now and you can shop for it on coming up right here, he moved in with his grandmas and now the documentary he made about them is nominated for an oscar. we'll talk to the filmmaker when we come right back. mental health... ...but his medication caused unintentional movements in his face, hands, and feet called tardive dyskinesia, or td. so his doctor prescribed austedo xr— a once-daily td treatment for adults. ♪as you go with austedo♪ austedo xr significantly reduced dan's td movements. some people saw a response as early as 2 weeks. with austedo xr, dan can stay on his mental health meds- (dan) cool hair! (vo) austedo xr can cause depression, suicidal thoughts,
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or actions in patients with huntington's disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, or have suicidal thoughts. don't take if you have liver problems, are taking reserpine, tetrabenazine, or valbenazine. austedo xr may cause irregular or fast heartbeat, or abnormal movements. seek help for fever, stiff muscles, problems thinking, or sweating. common side effects include inflammation of the nose and throat, insomnia and sleepiness. ♪as you go with austedo♪ ask your doctor for austedo xr. ♪austedo xr♪ (vo) with so many choices, how do you pick the right dog food? well, you want real meat to be the first ingredient... and you probably don't want things like chicken by-product meal, or whole grain corn. that makes the choice pretty easy - blue buffalo. pick up blue wherever you buy pet food.
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never. i'd never smile. and it forces you into this submission of silence because you don't think that anybody is going to take what you have to say seriously. invisalign has changed my life forever.
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mucinex nightshift fights your worst night-time symptoms, so you can get to sleep and wake up ready to go. how could you? ( ♪ ) wake up to a new you. with mucinex nightshift, it's not cold & flu season, it's always comeback season. ( ♪ ♪ ) ♪ (just one kiss) ♪ ( ♪ ♪ ) with reynolds wrap, cooking becomes so easy you can feel like the chef of your kitchen. easy prep. easy cook. easy clean. reynolds wrap. "overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives."
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with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. if you told us, hey, ten people will watch this, you, your family and -- >> two friends. >> yeah, two friends, we still would have made the movie, because at the end of the day, it's like a memento for me and my family, and, you know, ten years from now, and if my grandmothers have passed away, because that's the cycle of life, i have something to show my children. i have something to sort of remember who they are, and so that to me is the most special thing about all of this. >> janai: welcome back to "gma" on this saturday morning. we're on the road to the oscars. that there was a moment from when director sean wang was on "gma" earlier this week discussing the legacy of the oscar-nominated short, "nai nai
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and wai po." he made this movie about his grandmothers, and he recently attended the oscar nominees luncheon where he and his grandmas sat down with our linsey davis. check it out. >> reporter: when director sean wang set out to film a documentary about his two grandmothers, he expected it to be a visual time capsule he could share with his future children and grandchildren, but nai nai and wai po has become so much more than that. the two women's friendship captivating viewers, even being nominated for an oscar for best documentary short. wang began shooting the film in 2021 during the height of the covid pandemic. you have said your grandmothers are the purest form of joy in your life. how did you decide, i'm going to document this? >> i moved home to the bay area, where i'm from, where we shot the movie, and it happened to
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coincide with a lot of, you know, rising anti-asian hate crimes that were happening in the country, but especially in the bay area where we all were at the time, and so i would go read the news and be sort of filled with this sort of extreme anger, and i would go hang out with them and be filled with extreme joy, and so i kind of just wanted to make something that was, you know, a container for people like them and them to feel seen in all of their joy, their pain, their silliness, their humor, so i pointed a camera towards them and kind of let them do their thing. [ speaking non-english ] >> reporter: i just wanted to ask nai nai, how does one go about choosing joy? how did she get to that revelation? >> she said, there's so much going on in life, and there's so much happening, but if we can just only think, you know, especially at their age, you know, the stuff that brings them
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sadness almost isn't productive, and so we're just going to try to focus on the joy, and it's a decision. >> reporter: can you ask nai nai and wai po, they said in their movie, oh, you're taking our lives and turning us into superstars. how they feel now that that came to be. >> she said, this is my american dream. it's like the dream has come true. >> reporter: all three are set to walk the red carpet together at the oscars in style. >> the stylist came in and they were, like, put us in whatever you think looks good and they're okay, but, like, you can feel free to choose. whatever you guys want. we're low maintenance. we bring in the clothing rack and they're like, what about this? they're like, no, no, no, no. nope. that's nice, no, no. >> reporter: if you win, then what happens? you go up and no speech, just a dance party? >> i said that once, i was half kidding but the more i think about it, i think, you know,
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maybe oscars needs everyone to stand up and have a 45-second dance party. i'm not against that. yeah. >> congratulations. >> reporter: for "good morning america," linsey davis, abc news, new york. >> janai: our thanks to linsey. this isn't the last we'll see of sean or his grandma wai po. his first feature film premiered at the sundance film festival and it will be out this summer. and wai po has a, quote, pretty big role, so she is a proper actress now, and the oscars, of course, air on march 10th right here on abc. our boy whit will be out there with our girl linsey having a bunch of fun. >> whit: it will be fun. >> janai: now back to somara for another check of the weather. >> somara: that warms my heart. i love that story. we're headed to breckenridge, colorado, has seen two inches, six inches in the last two days. monitoring the system coming in over the next seven days bringing hefty totals. the sierra nevada could see two to four inches of snow, pretty on par, because while much of
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the state of california right now is a little below average when it comes to season to date snowfall, the northern sierra is at 98%, right on track. that's a look at the forecast across the country. let's see what's g >> whit: a >> whit: as february comes to a close kiley reid author of our february book club pick, "come and get it," has a special message for our viewers. >> good morning, america. i wanted to say thank you so much for reading my book, "come and get it," this month. it's been so fun to connect with readers this way and it's been even better to see some of you in person on my book tour. i've loved meeting so many of you. so thank you, again, for coming and getting it and keep reading. >> whit: all right, "come and
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get it" is available now, and coming up, dr. jordan metzl joins us with the benefits of exercising outside in any type of weather, plus, a few moves to get us started. there we go. stretch it out. we're back in a moment. choosing a treatment for your chronic migraine - 15 or more headache days a month, each lasting 4 hours or more - can be overwhelming. so, ask your doctor about botox®. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they even start. it's the #1 prescribed branded chronic migraine treatment. so far, more than 5 million botox® treatments have been given to over eight hundred and fifty thousand chronic migraine patients. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be signs of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue, and headache. don't receive botox® if there's a skin infection. tell your doctor your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions and medications, including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of
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>> gio: the question is, what would you do if you saw this? >> i'm his girlfriend. >> gio: how did you know i was here? >> i tracked you on your phone. >> gio: sunday night on abc. >> gio: the question is, what >> gio: the black tee is on, so you know we're about to work out. the february chill has settled in. there are perks of getting outside to work out before the weather warms up. dr. jordan metzl leads regular workouts in central park. welcome to "gma." >> thank you. nice to be here. >> gio: let's talk about working out outdoors. what are the benefits? >> i'm a sports medicine doctor, but i also teach fitness classes. we do these year round. people think from november to april, i'll stay inside. we love people getting outside. there's a lot of psychological and physical benefits to getting out and moving, breathing fresh air, seeing the sun sometimes. it's wonderful for you. >> gio: there are things you need to keep in mind when it's
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you're going outside and it's cold out. >> working out outside is wonderful for your health. a couple things, first, warm up properly. a good warm-up is really important. number two is wearing the right clothes. i'm literally going to, after i'm done, i will run home, so i layer up with clothes. that's important. number three is -- >> gio: you're dressed correctly. i'm not. >> you look great. no problem. number three, talk to your doctor just to make sure you're in good health to get out there and move around. but working out outside is wonderful for you. >> gio: you got to show us some moves now. >> you bet. we'll start with easy jogging in place here, warming up these muscles. as we're getting these muscles warm -- you keep jogging, i'll talk, but you look terrific jogging. >> gio: i do this before live reports outside when it's cold outside. i actually do this. >> we're warming up our body to get ready for exercise. when i go out for a run, i start pretty slowly and then i slowly speed up, but i give myself a little time. high knees, i love it. number two, we will do
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squats, air squats. when i have my patients or people in my class, i have them turn their feet out, it opens up the hipbone. do a prayer position if you want, and come down into your squat and back up. good squat form. the key thing with these squats you're doing, you want to open up those hips, and loosening up the most powerful muscles in the body are the glutes. you're opening those up. >> gio: such a good tip with the feet. >> can't you feel a big difference? like a sumo wrestler and opens up the hip joint. number three, we'll do easy lunges. and, again, starting to loosen up the muscles. you can either step forward and back up, or if that's too hard for you, you can go backward, and, again, lunges are a great way to start loosening up the muscles, and the benefit of these exercises is you're loosening up the muscles and loosening up the joints, as well. these are tips to get you started to get out in the cold and start moving around. >> gio: it's so important just to get out there, actually start moving, and take advantage of this, because it can actually help you. >> it's wonderful outside. we're teaching a fitness class next week. anybody is welcome.
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the goal is getting out in the fresh air. having a great time. >> gio: dr. jordan metzl, get out to central park, and work out with him. why not, and we'll be right back on "gma." get moving. all right. but his vision dimmed with age. he had amd. i didn't know it then, but it can progress to ga, an advanced form of the disease. his struggle with vision loss from amd made me want to help you see warning signs of ga.
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like straight lines that seem wavy, blurry, or missing visual spots that make it hard to see faces like this one, or trouble with low light that makes driving at night a real challenge. if you've been diagnosed with amd and notice vision changes, don't wait. ga is irreversible. it's important to catch it early. talk to your eye doctor about ga and learn more at what do i see in peter dixon? talk to your eye doctor about ga i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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oh, it's cold outside. time to protect your vehicle from winter's wrath. of course, the hot sun can be tough on vehicles too. you need weathertech. laser measured floorliners and cargo liner will shield the carpeting from sand and snow. for your interior, there's seat protector and sunshade. plus, mud flaps and bumpstep for the exterior. while the new impactliner, with shock absorbing rings, safeguards your truck bed from costly damage. order american made products at surf's up! it's the work behind the scenes, at let's take a look at this knee. that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team! kaiser permanente. so the question is, what would you do if you saw this -- >> who is this? >> i'm his girlfriend. >> who are you? >> i'm his girlfriend. >> how did you know i was here?
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>> i tracked you on your phone. >> what would you do? sunday night on abc. >> gio: love that show, "what would you do." get more "gma" live streaming this morning at 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. eastern. are we all going to go out for a little workout? >> whit: you got the guns out already. >> janai: yeah. in that medium tee.
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sierra. today, the oakland fans fest returns to the east bay. it's an event designed to celebrate the oakland a's and its fans, who proudly call the town home. the a's will not be there, though, but the new oakland ballers will be, along with several local breweries and san francisco. the annual chinese new year parade and festival kicks off tonight. the drag parade begins at 6 p.m. ateconand market streets, then ends at kearny street in columbus avenue. all festivities begin at 515 and go until 8 p.m, and there will be a grand finale, fireworks show at union square. it's going to be nice out for it. and during the day, even better. let's check in with lisa. good morning. >> hey, stephanie, good morning to you. it is a beautiful start to the weekend. and look at all the blue sky here, the golden gate bridge, where temperatures are in the mid 50s, 57 in hayward, 64 already half moon bay. the light winds, the clear sky. good recovery from those 30s. this morning in petaluma it is 48 right now, 57 in napa with
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54 in santa rosa and 50 in livermore. so our 24 hour temperature change 11 degrees milder in novato compared to yesterday. concord running a little cool. so we're looking at numbers today anywhere from 5 to 10 degrees above average. notice we've got plenty of 70 in our inland valleys here are forecasted. and our average temperatures are just in the 60s. so today will be the day where we are warmer and sunnier for the second half of the weekend. some changes today though. 70 in concord, 73 in santa rosa and morgan hill, 74 in san jose. even the coast mid and upper 60s. the accuweather seven day forecast. some light rain on monday. more rain into next weekend. steph. >> lisa, thank you and thank you all for joining us. nhl hockey is next on abc seven. have a great day
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it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya. >> announcer: this is espn on abc. >> bob: welcome to an abc hockey saturday doubleheader. the rangers will follow but we begin in the motor city as the red wings meet the blues, crucial playoff points on the line as jordan kyrou and st. louis will take


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