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tv   ABC World News Now  ABC  November 9, 2023 1:41am-2:00am PST

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going debate over a bold proposal for the bay area. the possibility of adding tolls to all lanes of local freeways. supporters feel it would help cut down on the post-pandemic traffic jams, but others feel like it brings to the for some obvious and not so obvious downsides. and now people are getting a chance to weigh in. that story is one of the top things people are clicking on right now on our website. abc seven all right. >> thank you for watching tonight. i'm ama daetz. >> and i'm dan ashley for san diego's larry biel all of us, we appreciate your time right now on jimmy kimmel blake shelton, have a great night. to use for 30 days. complete risk free. your insurance may even cover your new engine. >> one system if you're on oxygen, you need to be using an antigen. >> call one 800 987 8840 or visit inogen .com. i know what
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i'm going to do. >> i just don't want to do it. >> there is no expiration date on romance. >> we made history together. >> welcome back. we have some good news, good breaking news from hollywood where the actors strike is finally over. the contract will take effect once it's ratified by the union. so the big question, how long will it be before we can watch our favorite tv shows or see new movies on the big screen? abc's andrea fujii has some answers this morning. >> a hooray in hollywood. >> i'm really excited that that we've reached an agreement. i think it's a groundbreaking agreement. sag-aftra reaching a deal with the major studios to end the nearly four month long actors strike that affected 160,000 union members and cost the us economy billions of dollars. >> actors reacting last night at the premiere of the zac efron film the iron claw.
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>> you're joking. yeah. don't tell me that. now go. >> terms of the deal have yet to be disclosed pending final ratification, but the billion dollar agreement includes a significant boost in minimum pay, increased residual payments for streaming content and new protections from artificial intelligence. >> the eye protection were absolutely essential to the union. >> they would not have called an end to this strike without achieving them. >> sag-aftra president fran drescher saying we did it. the billion plus deal three times the last contract, a new ground was broke everywhere. the alliance of motion picture and tv producers saying it looks forward to the industry resuming the work of telling great stories. film crew members as early as today could return to productions that were paused mid-shoot when the strike began, and they include deadpool three and gladiator two. do you not entertain other projects should restart shooting once scripts are finished. the timing helping to save next year's summer movie
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season. >> if work couldn't begin this month on shows, then then there wasn't going to be anything happening until january and that was a very scary prospect for everyone. >> as for tv, new episodes of your favorite shows still could be months away, but stars will be back on the promotion circuit almost immediately, getting the word out that hollywood is back in business. rihanna, andrew, andrea, thank you. >> hopefully now they can get back to making great movies like e.t, star wars. oh, speaking of aliens, i love a good space movie, don't you? >> two months ago, do you remember this? danny new told us about mexico's congress holding a hearing on non-human life forms on earth. well this week they held another one. danny, we have so many questions, but i'll let you take it away first, then we'll talk. >> well, i'm here talking about it, so we know it couldn't have been too conclusive live, but i'll let you decide because in september, a self proclaimed ufologist a ufo zoologist presented these supposed mummies
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claiming that they were thousand year old non human beings from a peruvian mine and they happened to look exactly like e.t. but on tuesday he came back, baby with photos including x rays and the ufologists claim that these pictures proved that it was a quote, a new species because they did not have lungs or ribs. but keep in mind, this is the same man who in 2017 presented aliens that were later found to be dolls. dolls also do not have lungs or ribs under x ray. anyway, guys, the hearing lasted approximately three hours long because it was just so much knowledge to gain and explore credibility to. >> yeah, it looks like you're being beamed up to outer space as we speak. as we speak. >> this is real. >> you know, i think that we would be less skeptical if he hadn't already tried this a few years ago. and as danny mentioned, they were dolls the first time. so i think that's why we're all having a little bit of an issue with it. but it
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is interesting that they gave him three hours to talk. >> right. where are the other governments to the rest of the world? you know, that's that's your science something something's off there. but the truth is out there. all right. coming up, the new weight loss drug that could provide even more dramatic results than ozempic and wegovy. and later in the mix, the very last thing this bicyclist was expecting is to fall right on top of him. >> you're watching world news now. >> i'm john morgan of morgan and morgan. with so many mesothelioma lawyers on television, how do you choose the right firm for you and your family? our goal is to get you as much as you deserve. $30 million was set aside for mesothelioma victims like you if you've been diagnosed with mesothelioma, we'll come to you within 24 hours. so our team can get to work right away. call us now. there's only one morgan and morgan. >> call one 800 602 3400. and these bills are crazy, she
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after this from our abc stations . we what would you give for a child you loved to make their wish come true to help them fight a critical illness. >> just imagine what you'd do. you see wishes are so powerful and you can make them real. they can give a child back their childhood, even change the way they feel. every single one of us can make the stars align. because when we come together, hope and joy will shine. in the sky. >> cause in a sky full of stars. because for you.
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ways that i do have kind of two lives. >> and the one before i was hit, abc's bob woodruff the one after i always wanted to somehow finish this assignment. >> i wish you luck. i love you. >> this friday night on abc. >> now would be a really good time to search your pockets, your drawers, your closets for any stray $2 bills because they could be worth thousands of dollars. one, $2 bill from 2003 with a very low serial number just sold at auction for 2400 bucks. uncertainty with $2 bills from nearly every year before 1918 are worth at least 1000 bucks. >> you know, it just hit me. i have a $2 bill upstairs. i'm going to andrews office after this. >> okay. there's a new tool for people struggling with obesity. >> we've been hearing so many stories about celebrities having success with drugs like ozempic. but a newly approved drug could provide even more dramatic effects. here's abc's erielle reshef.
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>> a powerful new weapon in the fight against obesity. the fda approving zep bound with the same ingredient in the diabetes drug manjaro but for weight loss, we're changing the way medicine is practiced in the united states by treating the obesity with naturally occurring gut hormone therapy that is going to reverse the risk of developing heart disease and diabetes. zeb, bound from eli lilly, works like the injectable weight loss drugs ozempic and wegovy, mimicking a hormone that makes the body feel full. but zap bound targets a second hormone. and research suggests that it may lead to more dramatic weight loss. christy kaiser says she lost 122 pounds after 15 months on the drug. she says she's no longer pre-diabetic and no longer needs blood pressure medicine. >> for me personally, it has given me my life back. my health is better. you know, i hope i've extended the longevity of my life because of it. >> zeb bound comes with side
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effects like wegovy and ozempic, including nausea, constipation and abdominal pain. in injectable weight loss. drugs are not always covered by insurance and can cost over $1,000 a month. eli lilly says zeb bound will be 20% cheaper than its competitors. and eli lilly says that zeb bound should be available just after thanksgiving. and patients with insurance coverage should expect to pay $25 a month. erielle reshef, abc news, new york. >> ariel, thank you for that. >> always consult with your physician first. these are not miracle drugs. >> yeah, and i've always wondered how they actually work. and it turns out that they slowed down your digestion and that makes you feel fuller. longer helps families with mesothelioma is all we do. >> my firm has been offering a free book on mesothelioma for over ten years, since that time, hundreds of people have mesothelioma, have trusted us to represent them. we have local offices throughout the us and there is no risk to you. mesothelioma really is all we
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the result of brain damage suffered during pregnancy delivery or shortly after birth. a failure to follow the proper standard of care may be the cause of your child's injury. a lifetime of medical care can cost millions of dollars. protect your family and find out whether financial compensation may be available. cases are also being investigated for children diagnosed with erb's palsy, also known as shoulder dystocia or brachial plexus injury. if you suspect that your child's disability could have been prevented, don't wait. get a free case evaluation. >> call one (800)■!a679-9060. that's. one (800)■!a679-9060 >> we're back now from trying to steal andrew's $2 bill. we're starting withf chain. >> suddenly it's missing, though not the $2 bill. okay. so this picasso is actually the most valuable piece of art to be auctioned in 2023 until andrew's
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$2 bill. >> this pablo picasso from 1932 two sold at auction for more than $139 million. it's called will translate to woman with a watch. it's a portrait of his lover. >> oh, there it is. >> there she is. what a glorious lady. >> and i'm told you pay 130 didn't shred for that. it didn't shred itself after the winning bid. remember that with the banksy? no. oh, yes. after somebody bid like millions of dollars on this thing, it just shred itself. >> five. >> forgot about that. this is still real. would i pay this much? absolutely not. maybe if i was a museum or a billionaire. >> if you were the met. >> yeah, if i was the met. all right. next to the last thing a bicyclist was expecting to fall on top of him. something hooved. >> this happened in south carolina. a little ride and all of a sudden, gonzalo gonzalez montoya says, oh, a deer was trying to leap across the road and went right into him. that is horrifying. buying >> where is the deer? where is whoa. >> you were saying? whoa sammy,
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it happened so fast. >> he said he didn't even have time to feel scared saying the deer only luckily hit him in the arms. both the cyclist and the deer, by the way, are just fine. and we saw yesterday how far and high they can jump. >> and they always seem to do it in front of traffic, onto cars, onto bicycles. >> yeah, they look for them because we keep paving roads right in the middle of their home. >> very true. it's their home. they have nowhere to go. >> i think deer pr is pushing all these videos to make this point. we keep getting more big deer. yeah, big deer. there's a lot of leaping videos recently. all right. next to a massachusetts for big pumpkin. >> okay. dave rothstein took to the connecticut river in a hollowed out pumpkin in an attempt to break the world record for paddling. >> i dare you to do this over the hudson. >> i tried to talk you into it. i said, let's break a world record. the three of us. we could get in a pumpkin in that water. >> looks clean. he traveled a distance of more than 40 miles. the current record is held by a nebraska man, 37.5 miles. guinness is still working, though, to certify rothstein's attempt. >> this is my first marquette shout out to the 4.13
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connecticut river is beautiful this time of year. take a nice autumn little jaunt in your your local pumpkin. >> and then he's just swimming in it, too. >> that's enough pumpkins, by the way, to make about 200 pies. but would you eat a pie that after he sat on it? no not really. let's update you on fritz the hippo. >> the cincinnati zoo is sharing video of its playful and feisty baby hippo frolicking about in the water. >> you may recall fritz is the younger brother to social media. darling fiona, and was born back on august 3rd of 2022. >> she's
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