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tv   ABC World News Tonight With David Muir  ABC  August 8, 2023 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT

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kristen: thank you so much for joining us today for "getting answers." we will be here every weekday at 3:00 p.m. answering questions with experts from around the bay area. "world news tonight" with david muir is next. see you back here at 4:00. tonight, the new severe weather threat as we come on the air. deadly storms over the last 24 hours. and abc news learning georgia's investigation into donald trump is likely to go before the grand jury next week. first, violent weather across several states.
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a confirmed tornado touching down in massachusetts. straight line winds downing utility poles like dominos near baltimore. thousands of flights delayed or canceled. and millions also facing extreme heat alerts from texas to florida and the carolinas. record temperatures expected into the weekend. rob marciano timing it all out. breaking developments late today. sources telling abc news the fulton county district attorney is expected to go before the grand jury next week, presenting her case against former president trump, his allies, and their efforts to overturn the 2020 election results in georgia. donald trump potentially facing his fourth criminal indictment. jonathan karl standing by. for the first time since the 1950s, a confirmed shark attack off new york city. a swimmer bitten on the leg and seriously injured. beaches closed, police and dr drones patrolling the water, looking for sharks. trevor ault at new york's rockaway beach.
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new charges and several warrants issued in the disturbing brawl on the dock in montgomery, alabama. a river boat cocaptain attacked by a boater. others joining the fight. authorities asked if there's evidence of a hate crime. a special election in ohio tonight. a high-stakes vote that could set the stage for a major abortion rights battle in the state come november. the republican-led effort to make it harder to change the state's constitution. the new study showing more potential health benefits for patients using the popular weight loss drug wegovy. and tonight's mega millions drawing. the billion dollar jackpot growing even bigger, now the largest in the game's history. good evening, and it's great to have you with us on a tuesday night. i'm mary bruce, in for david.
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and we begin with the violent storms on the move tonight. a rare tornado touching down in massachusetts. massive storm damage from tennessee to new england. now, those storms turning deadly. near cape cod, massachusetts, a confirmed ef-1 tornado with 95-mile-an-hour winds. trees slamming down into homes. up to eight inches of rain flooding highways, multiple vehicles under water just off i-95 in massachusetts. near baltimore, straight line winds bringing down power lines, trapping drivers in their cars. those power poles lining the road. at the height of the storm, a million customers without power. in knoxville, tennessee, an ef-2 tornado ripping through an apartment complex. and in anderson, south carolina, 15-year-old evan kinley killed by a falling tree. and as this storm moves out, a new one is moving in. abc's senior meteorologist rob marciano leading us off in massachusetts. >> reporter: tonight, extreme
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flooding, and a rare tornado touched down in new england. up to eight inches of rain falling in spots, swamping roads and cars. a confirmed ef-1 twister hitting near cape cod. winds up to 95 miles per hour. this home practically cut in half from a massive tree. officials believe the town's water treatment plant to be damaged, too. all part of a powerful system bringing more than 700 reports of severe weather in the last 24 hour. northwest of baltimore, watch as straight line winds topple utility poles like dominoes in the heart of the evening commute. lori and christopher gingher caught in the middle. >> we've got electrical lines all around us. and the telephone poles on two vehicles. >> reporter: telling our faith abubey, they were trapped for five hours with their two grandchildren. >> it was it was terrifying. i just screamed. i just -- i'm like, i was more
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worried about the kids in the back and having this pole fall, you know, on our vehicle. it didn't, thank god. no one was hurt. >> reporter: in knoxville, tennessee, a confirmed f-2 tornado tearing this apartment complex with winds up to 130 miles per hour. this funnel cloud spotted east of it ka, new york. more than a million families and businesses losing power across the storm zone. and at major airports, massive cancellations and delays, the ripple effect felt for days. the storm claiming two lives. a 28-year-old struck by lightning in florence, alabama, and in south carolina, 15-year-old evan kinley, seen here in his football uniform in a post by his team, was struck and killed by a falling tree in anderson. >> mary: just awful. and rob with us now. and rob, just as this system moving out, you're tracking even more severe weather? >> reporter: we are, mary. and you can hear the generators behind me, the power lines, the trees all over this neighborhood that saw that ef-1 tornado. that system beginning to pull
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away. there are be a couple of storms in new england, but not as bad as this morning. and the bottom part of that front across southern georgia, you have a watch up until 11:00 tonight. and the watch north of denver until 10:00, that's a strong pulse. that's going to be dropping into the midsection of the country. we'll see storms, i think, omaha, down through kansas city, st. louis, and by tomorrow afternoon, across the heartland in paducah and the tennessee valley. flash flooding, isolated tornado possible, and certainly some damaging winds right there in the mid south. south of that, the heat is going to continue and only expand. we're now back down into south florida for excessive heat warnings. tomorrow's temperatures up and over 110 across this wide area. and along the i-10 corridor, houston, new orleans, jacksonville, the heat will be with us, really, until further notice. mary? >> mary: no relief in sight. okay, rob, thank you. now, to that shark attack here in new york city. a woman seriously injured after being bitten in the water off rockaway beach, the first confirmed shark bite since the
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1950s. beaches are closed temporarily while they search the waters, and it comes as the number of attacks and sightings is rising nationwide. abc's trevor assault on rockaway beach. >> reporter: tonight, the first confirmed shark attack in decades at new york city's rockaway beach. first responders delivering life-saving care after a woman was severely bitten. >> you said this might have been a shark attack? >> possible shark attack. >> reporter: authorities say the 65-year-old was swimming alone, when she was attacked. lifeguards reportedly hearing her scream for help. wounds visible on her left leg, emergency workers applying a tourniquet. >> it was a female that was bitten, she was bleeding, unconscious, taken out of the water. >> reporter: today, officials shutting down the beach to swimmers and surfers, launching drones and helicopters in search of the predator. >> never heard that before. first time, especially around this area. i know people get drowned, but not sharks coming after them. first time. >> reporter: and officials first
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time today temporarily shutting down another nearby beach after a separate shark sighting this morning. nearly half of all confirmed shark attacks in new york's recent history have happened in the past two years. over the july 4th holiday, at least five reported shark bites off long island. 15-year-old peter bitten while surfing. >> my first reaction to when the shark grabbed my foot was to immediately get out the water, get help. >> reporter: experts say warming waters are drawing more fish to shore, in turn luring sharks, leading to these dangerous encounters. and mary, it's still unclear what kind of shark is responsible for this attack. and officials have not yet been able to find it. we did hear from the hospital, and the woman who was attacked is now in stable condition. mary? >> mary: and we are grateful for that. trevor, thank you. next tonight, three people are facing assault charges after that dockside brawl in alabama. a fourth man is wanted for questioning. the incident started when the cocaptain of a river boat tried to move a small boat docked in
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the ship's designated spot. a group of men then attacked him. the police chief says that dock worker was just doing his job. here's abc's eva pilgrim. >> reporter: tonight, three people are now facing assault charges in that riverfront brawl in montgomery, alabama. >> we will not allow this type of behavior in our city. >> reporter: police say the three suspects have been identified as 48-year-old richard roberts, 23-year-old allan todd, and 25-year-old zachary shipman. >> those guys who parked there were told not to leave it there. >> reporter: authorities say the brawl started when this river boat cocaptain, identified by authorities as damien pickett, tried moving a pontoon boat in the designated spot for a cruise ship on its way in. >> the cocaptain was doing his job. he was simply trying to move the boat just enough to where the cruise ship could park safely, in its identified location, however, it quickly escalated into fisticufs.
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>> reporter: in these now viral videos, part of the police investigation, you see a shirtless man confront the cocop tan cocaptain. a fight breaking out. several people jumping in, outnumbering the captain. that's when, all of sudden, black eyewitnesses who were watching decided to jump in and help the captain, running, even swimming up to the scene. beating back the people who attacked the man. one of them using a folded chair to hit someone over the head. tonight, police say that man with the chair is wanted for questioning. authorities say they don't have the evidence at this time to bring any hate crime charges. the investigation is ongoing. mary? >> mary: okay, eva, thank you. next tonight, word that a grand jury in georgia is likely to hear next week the results of an investigation into former president trump and his allies' alleged attempts to overturn the 2020 election. the former president in new hampshire today, calling it all
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another effort to keep him in court instead of on the campaign trail. and even though trump is already facing three criminal indictments, it's ron desantis who is being forced to shake up his campaign. here's abc's chief washington correspondent jonathan karl. >> reporter: with barricades already lining the streets outside the fulton county courthouse in georgia, we are learning tonight that fannie willis, the district attorney leading the investigation into donald trump's efforts to overturn the 2020 election results in georgia, is likely to go before the grand jury next week to present her case. the investigation has been going on for 2 1/2 years. at the end of last month, willis said that her work is accomplished, with a possible fourth criminal indictment of the former president looming. and in washington, the judge overseeing the federal election interference case is demanding that trump's legal team and the special counsel come together to hash out an agreement about what
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evidence trump can share in public. a hearing on that is set for friday. meanwhile, the former president was on the stump in new hampshire today, insisting he won't stop talking about the evidence, regardless of what the judge says. >> i will talk about it. i will. they're not taking away my first amendment rights. >> reporter: trump's legal troubles don't seem to be hurting his campaign at all. florida governor ron desantis, once seen as the most formidable republican challenger to trump, is now trying to revive his floundering campaign. he replaced his campaign manager today, his third staff shakeup in a month. >> look, at the end of the day, i'm the leader, you put out a commander's intent, and you delegate for people to do it, then you evaluate, and it's not up to what you want, you mauck adjustments. >> reporter: his new campaign manager is 35 years old, worked for desantis in the governor's office, but has never managed a campaign. and with the first republican primary debate just two weeks
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away, another candidate announced he'll be on the stage. former vice president mike pe pence, also likely to be a witness against trump in the special counsel's january 6th case. pence's campaign tonight saying, "hopefully former president trump has the courage to show up." >> mary: jon joins us now. and this campaign calendar is shaping up to be very compli complicated for trump, with that fourth indictment in georgia now possible, and still, that looming question tonight, will we see him on that debate stage? >> reporter: look, it's anybody's guess whether or not donald trump bothers to show up at that first debate in milwaukee. today, he asked the crowd, as he often does, whether they thought he should go. the crowd of his supporters seemed to say that they did think he should attend the debate, but if he does, mary, he will find himself on stage with at least one potential star witness in the special counsel's case against him, mike pence. >> mary: unprecedented sight to be sure.
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jon, thank you. now, to the huge turnout in ohio for a special election and abortion rights could be at stake. on the ballot, a measure to make it harder to amend the state's constitution. that measure rushed before voters ahead of a november ballot to change the constitution to protect the right to an abortion. abc's alex presha is in columbus. >> reporter: tonight, a massive turnout at the polls in ohio for a special election that could determine the fate of abortion rights in that state. >> the constitution is under attack. and we want to protect the constitution in ohio. >> reporter: on the ballot, a republican-led measure that would make it harder to change the state's constitution come november when voters consider an amendment to protect abortion rights. right now, a simple majority is needed to change the constitution. but if the proposal called issue 1 pazsses, any change would nee a 60% supermajority. >> it was important to protect my rights, especially as a woman and you know, the abortion protection. so, i wanted to vote no today. >> reporter: before polls even opened, nearly 700,000 early
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voters had cast their ballots in what's being seen as the latest referendum on abortion since the supreme court overturned roe versus wade. ohio's ban on abortion after six weeks has been put on hold by a judge. for months, both sides have held rallies, door knocked, and spent millions on ads to get voters to the polls. >> vote yes on tuesday, august 8th, to protect parents' rights, unborn children, and the ohio constitution. >> this is our decision. not yours. get out of our bedroom. >> i won the last election. i'm not going anywhere. >> reporter: what happens here in ohio, mary, could be a sign as to how abortion plays in the 2024 election. there are several conservative states that are expected to have similar abortion rights amendments on their ballots. mary? >> mary: whole country keeping a close eye on this tonight. alex, thank you. in los angeles today, thousands of city workers walking off the job, striking for 24 hours, marching at city hall and at the airport, saying
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wages aren't keeping up with the city's high cost of living. hotel workers have also staged intermittent walkouts, and, of course, the actors and writers are still on strike. mayor karen bass pledging the city will not shut down. the supreme court today temporarily allowing the biden administration to enforce regulations aimed at stopping the spread of so-called ghost guns. firearms made with at-home kits that do not have serial numbers. the court voting 5-4 to put on hold a decision by a texas judge striking down the regulations. while the biden administration appeals that decision, possibly all the way to the supreme court. ghost guns are showing up at more and more crime scenes, and they are nearly impossible to trace. and president biden has designated nearly a million acres around the grand canyon as the nation's newest historic monument. the designation will protect lands important to several native tribes, and ban new yo uranium mines. >> today marks an historic step
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in preserving the majesty of this place. first among american landmarks. sacred to tribal nations. revered by every american. it speaks to the soul of our nation. >> mary: the president is visiting three western states, promoting his work to create jobs and protect the climate. and when we come back, news tonight about the wife charged in an alleged murder for hire plot in the bahamas. why today's bail hearing did not go as banned. and breaking late today, rapper tory lanez sentenced for shooting megan thee stallion. her message to the judge.
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alleged hitman, "kill him." she was fitted for an ankle monitor and returned to jail until tomorrow. tonight, the cousin of the uvalde school shooter is under arrest, turned in by his mother for allegedly threatening to, quote, do the same thing. police arresting 17-year-old nathan cruz in san antonio. his mother alerting police he was trying to buy a gun, telling her he was going to shoot a school. his cousin shot and killed 19 children and two teachers at robb elementary last year. and when we come back, the new study showing more potential health benefits of the popular weight loss drug wegovy.
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other brands can't do both. pepcid complete. i'm kareem abdul jabbar. i was diagnosed with afib. the first inkling that something was wrong was i started to notice that i couldn't do things without losing my breath. i couldn't make it through the airport, and every like 20 or 30 yards i had to sit down and get my breath. every physical exertion seemed to exhaust me. and finally, i went to the hospital
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where i was diagnosed with afib. when i first noticed symptoms, which kept coming and going, i should have gone to the doctor and told them what was happening. instead, i tried to let it pass. if you experience irregular heartbeat, heart racing, chest pain, shortness of breath, fatigue, or light-headedness, you should talk to your doctor. afib increases the risk of stroke about 5 times i want my experience to help others understand the symptoms of atrial fibrillation. when it comes to your health, this is no time to wait. to the index now. late today, rapper tory lanez sentenced to ten years in prison for shooting and wounding megan thee stallion. he was found guilty of shooting her in the feet in los angeles in 2020. the district attorney saying he has shown no remorse. in a written statement, megan thee stallion telling the judge she has not experienced a single day of peace since the shooting.
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the popular weight loss drug wegovy may have more added health benefits. a new study finds the drug lowers the risk of heart attack and stroke in overweight adults with cardiovascular disease by up to 20%. drugmaker novo nordisk says the latest clinical trials shows drugs like wegovy can help with more than weight loss. another trial found ozempic also helps lower the risk of heart attack and stroke in type ii diabetes patients. and when we come back, tonight's mega millions jackpot. more than $1 billion and still counting. i've struggled with generalized myasthenia gravis. but the picture started changing when i started on vyvgart. vyvgart is for adults with generalized myasthenia gravis who are anti-achr antibody positive. in a clinical trial, vyvgart significantly improved most participants' ability to do daily activities
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>> mary: finally, tonight's mega millions jackpot breaking records, now beyond $1 billion. tonight, it's the big one. the mega millions jackpot now the largest in its history. soaring to more than a $1.5 billion. $1.58 billion, to be exact. the cash option, $783.3 million. not too bad, either. >> the winning ticket, right here. >> mary: from california to michigan, missouri to new york, everyone lining up. >> you know you're not going to win, but i do it anyway. >> it's this high, so why not? >> mary: and what would you do with it? >> give both my parents a place. >> there's 1,000 charities out there. >> i'm going to donate some, give some to the family. >> mary: in minneapolis, merlin smith smiling, holding his ticket. steven tallant, too. all hoping to beat the odds. and just what are they? 1 in 302 million. tonight is the 31st drawing in a row. no winner since mid april. and that streak could be broken just a short time from now.
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>> i just hope i win. if you don't play, you can't win. >> mary: i've got my ticket. thank you for watching. i'm mary bruce. for david and all of us here, good night. where building a better bay area, moving forward, finding solutions, this is abc 7 news. >> affected peninsula is shot by a security guard inside the home depot store. larry: this happened depot on oh county road n's carl's. investigators say the gunfire happened after the suspect attacked a security guard with the guards on baton.
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>> the sheriff's office walks us through what happened. >> doors are open less than adapter shooting sent two people to the hospital. >> i hope i don't get shot. you get up in the morning and hope everything is going to be fine. >> it's terrible for both of them. >> the san mateo county sheriff's office had a man attempted to steal from the store when a security guard stopped him. the say the shoplifter grabbed the guard's baton and started hitting him. the guard pulled out his gun and shot him. >> the suspect took the security guards baton, struck the security guard in the head and face area. the security guard then discharge two rounds. >> two rounds -- rounds fired just around the time the store was closing. >>