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tv   ABC World News Tonight With David Muir  ABC  April 28, 2023 3:30pm-4:00pm PDT

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kristen: thanks for joining us for "getting answers." we will see you later. >> tonight, new tornado warnings as we come on the air. tracking two storms across the eastern half of the u.s. tornado threats, large hail and damaging winds up to 75 mph. from texas to florida, the system pushing up to the carolinas and into the northeast tonight. a second storm again taking aim at dallas and houston. the new threat along the flooded mississippi river. and yosemite national park close for at least six days. - - tracking it all. also tonight, the debbie midair collision involving two army apache helicopters. three american soldiers killed returning from a training exercise in alaska. the second midair collision
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within a month. just moments ago, the army's top general ordering a standout of all army aviation units. martha - - standing by. the war in ukraine, the death toll rising from the new wave of russian attacks targeting major cities including kyiv. more than 20 people killed including children. russian missiles hit an apartment complex. ukraine morning preparations for us counteroffensive on the here at home, seven weeks since the collapse of silicon valley bank and that he fears of a financial crisis. the other banks struggling to stay afloat and with the federal reserve is now planning. custody after the - - at least 11 people wounded. authorities the two groups have been doing for months when it finally world over. a homeowner is charged with allegedly shooting and killing his neighbor who is using a police finding him dead in the driveway. a quick thinking middle school
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student jumping into action when the school bus driver suddenly passes out behind the wheel. and, the big moment at the nfl draft. the 13-year-old jets fan who is now everyone's topic. >> from abc news world headquarters in new york, this is world news tonight with david muir. >> david: good evening, it is great to have you with us on friday night. i am wayne johnson in for david tonight. as we come in the air, we are watching the new tornado warnings in east texas. one of two systems tracking across the goal plan to the northeast. 30 million americans on alert through tomorrow for large hail, damaging winds and some triggering our tornado watch in bell county texas at this hour. ominous clouds of pelting rain the first system delivering blinding wind and rain in the
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jacksonville area. five confirm tornadoes across the florida panhandle. a lightning strike in mississippi believed to have sparked this fire in a gas and in davenport iowa, the threat of flooding as the winter snow melts the mississippi river, reaching the highest level in four years. both storm systems on the move to the northeast. a very soggy weekend ahead. abc's senior meteorologist >> tonight, severe weather taking direct aim at the lone star state. tornado warnings near waco. >> this is a very dangerous storm. >> is coming right at us. >> meteorologist - - tracking this lowering wall cloud west of the city. in - - mississippi, flames erupting from a gas pipeline before dawn. a lightning strike is to blame. the new storms coming on the heels of a separate system that brought widespread destruction to the florida panhandle on thursday. including and ef two
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isaac martinez and jaden er alvarado recovering in the hospital after they were struck by lightning on wednesday. >> thank god every second that he did not take my boys. >> meanwhile in the midwest, the rising mississippi river is disrupting the lives of families along its banks. our allen lopez outside of davenport iowa. >> major flooding coming of roads like this one, the only way residents can get out here the local energy company showing offgas leading people without an answer to whether services will be restored . >> in the west, after a record-breaking snowfall, record-breaking heat is wrapping up the flood threat there. >> take a look, the flooding is well underway. emergency responders, these deaths range anywhere from 2 to 20 feet heat the nextcof days officials is only e shutow
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today aicatn fld om theri closed until at least next week. >> impact across the country here. rob - - back with outside of new york city, your tracking multiple storm systems with almost severe weather now heading this way. >> meteorologist: these back to back from spreading the rough stuff all within a 48 hour period. if you live in texas, you know what i am talking about. radar is very active there. we have active watch boxes including our tornado watch until 8:00 eastern was bringing a strong line throughout the right now, up through a little bit later. these are not little after midnight, then look what happens when it hits the florida panhandle tomorrow afternoon the same areas that get those tornadoes, more severe storms possible, certainly big hail and damaging winds. this lifts up the carolinas, mid atlantic getting to virginia and d.c.. this is sunday night.
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this is what the rebels like right now. we are getting rain in new york, new jersey, pennsylvania back to d.c.. this is the first system that slowed to a crawl, so get used to it. it will be a rainy we can across the northeast for millions. >> we will be tracking it through the weekend rob, thank you. now to the latest in a series of deadly helicopter crashes. for the u.s. army the second in the month. two apache helicopters on a training mission out of there alaska colliding in midair killing three soldiers and injuring one fourth. the late news coming in from the army's top general, what he just ordered an expert here's abc chief global affairs >> tonight, the army ordering a service why stand down. ordering all aircraft to stop flying sometime next week for this comes after two debbie thursdays involving two army . apache attack helicopters flying in tandem colliding with one another in the skies over
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alaska. for soldiers on board, three were killed and one was injure . >> there are no obvious external factors. the sun was still up, the weather seemed to be good. >> the cruise of the blackhawk helicopters that crashed at the end of march and kentucky were flying in the dark with night vision goggles when they collided during a training mission. nine soldiers lost their lives in that crash. and in february, a single blackhawk helicopter from the tennessee national guard spiraled out of control and crashed killing two guardsmen. the army safety center reporting from october last year to march 31 this year, there have been four major mishaps compared to eight in our last year. thursday. >> crash would bring that want to go back and look at, is there something in the
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training? is there something in the procedures that need to be changed to prevent this from happening again? >> wayne: official taking a close look at these incidents. martha, the army has had a bad year in terms of these mishaps. how does that compare to the other branches of the military? >> all the military services have had an increase in serious aviation mishaps in the last two years, but nothing like the army having two midair collisions within a month. they will have to take a very hard look to figure out why this is happening during this >> some serious questions there martha, thank you. now to the war in ukraine and russia's latest assault, a wave of cruise missiles and drones killing at least 25 people. i missiles slamming into an apartment building in central ukraine. for children among the dead. it comes as ukraine's defense minister said their counter attack is in their final stage. abc chief correspondent ian panel is in ukraine.
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>> russian missile strikes across ukraine today setting apartments ablaze, killing innocent people while they slept in their beds and one of circulating online shows the real impact of russia's attacks on civilians. one woman's apartment shattere by the strike . just outside, devastation amid the flames. as dawn broke in the central locked in a desperate race against time after a missile caused apartments to pancake onto one another. more than 20, including at least four children were killed in this one walk alone. sergei was saying "my neighbors are gone. no one is left. the russians among worst than him one they want to kill just because we don't want to work for them. another strike killing a
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two-year-old and her mother in their home. other buildings also hit, going up in flames, leaving little of this warehouse but twisted metal. president zelenski meeting with the president of the czech republic and slovakia held a moment of silence to honor the dead. he is saying russia must lose so other nations will not have to face the terror done to ukrainians. zelenski also sharing more details about his phone call with president xi this week. he is asked for the chinese help for getting 20,000 deported ukrainian children back from russia. defense ukraine minister also announcing that preparation is for a counteroffensive are now the final stages saying we will do it as soon as there is god's will, the weather and the >> ian panel from ukraine tonight, thank you.
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back here at home, the federal reserve is blaming yourself for a failure of oversight that contributed to the collapse of silicon valley bank last month. tonight, another bank, first republic, is teetering on the edge. here is abc's elizabeth - - >> tonight, seven weeks after the collapse of silicon valley bank sparked fears of a flawed financial crisis, the federal reserve is partly blaming yourself for the second-biggest bank failure in u.s. history. an internal review finding regulators failed to take forceful enough action to deal with growing risks as svp exploded in size and its the feds also blaming executive saying they failed to address 31 out any warnings by the time the bank collapse. >> this is a textbook case of month, it all came crashing down in just 48 hours as customers raced to pull their money out. >> all of her money is in the bank. i don't know how we will do our payroll.
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>> just two days later, signature bank folding. the fdic's saying their bank should have collapsed prevented that collapse too. tonight, there is fear that the banking crisis may not be over. first republic bank is still struggling to stay afloat, even after a $30 billion rescue for major banks. >> i would not be surprised, they we have to move first republic is owned by and we will be able to fill in the blank on monday. >> the federal reserve now want to tighten regulations on rollback under the trump administration, adding he can do that without approval from chair jerome powell said those changes to make the bank more sacred and resilient. >> we are following news on abortion tonight. surprising both in two conservative states, legislators in nebraska south carolina with her public majorities failing to pass strict new bands nebraska's heartbeat act to ban most abortion after six weeks falling one vote shy of the feeding opponents filibuster
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while in south carolina, the senate rejected a bill that would have banned abortion from conception, except for rape, incest and other narrow exceptions. supreme court justice samuel alito wrote the decision overturning roe v wade telling pretty good idea who leaked the draft of that decision. while investigators have been unable to identify theweaker, using a preponderance of the evidence standard , justice alito says he is certain of the motive, to prevent the draft from becoming the decision of the court. next tonight, 14s are in custody following a shooting at a prom after party in jasper, texas. all are accused of multiple charges, including aggravated assault and organized criminal activity. the sheriff said the four teens had an ongoing dispute going back months leading up to last weekend's shooting resulting in multiple injuries. >> tonight four young men are now in custody for allegedly
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opening fire and after prom party in texas, leaving 11 people injured. most of them were teens. >> all four suspects were charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, a first-degree felony, and engaged in organized criminal activity, a second-degree felony. >> police say the alleged by the celebration firing at the crowd after a month long dispute between the two groups. survive.ims are expected to the gunfire erupting at his home in jasper, not two hours outside of houston after manasseh day, it is more than 200 people celebrated the end the owner describing the chaos. >> i tried to get always get out of here. when the all right now, i ran in, i was trying to findthe scooter shooter . >> high school senior madison collins was there with her
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cousin who was shot. >> when i turned around, she was on the ground with a gunshot wound. all i could hear was her screaming my name. >> tonight, authorities say more risk of becoming. >> we have a long way to go before we put a dot at the end of the sentence. >> police are the four suspects fired shots at another group of people that vary same night. two of the suspects are in police custody tonight, two others were found in louisiana and are now awaiting extradition back to texas. >> out thanks to you tonight. now, to the race to evacuate americans from sudan. tonight the new york times is reporting the convoy of buses has left the commonwealth capital with 300 americans on board for a 525 mile trek to the red sea. the state department not confirming the convoy, but the white house has urged americans to get out within the next 24 hours. fighting is being reported in the capital, despite the extension of the humanitarian troops. when we come back here, homeowners charged with
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allegedly shooting and killing his neighbor, using a leaf blower at the time. and, a 70-year-old hiker hospitalized after being attacked by a cougar .
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time. his neighbor was found dead in the driveway in antioch, illinois. - - arguing with him before shooting him in the head. it appears to be the latest in a series of shootings over everyday incidents and mistakes, including going to the wrong home or pulling into the wrong driveway. here in new york city, the city's building department cracking down following the deadly parking garage collapse in lower manhattan. one person was killed and several others were hurt when a four-story garage came down officials say for parking garages have now been shut down because of structural concerns. 78 parking structures are targeted for inspection. when we come back, seven-year-old hiker attacked by a cougar .
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>> to the index now. never before seen photos from inside the white house the day osama bin laden was killed. the 12 use of the operation, the washington post obtaining images from that day showing president obama, then price vice president biden and the national security team in the security room. president obama listening as they discussed parade and in the only oval office, obama and biden going over the president's remarks before addressing the nation announcing the world's most authorities are searching for thr-d hiker in utah. the cougar striking while the he escaped with cuts to his head and arms but is now hospitalized in fair condition. the sheriff urging people to stay away from the area. a quick thinking middle school student coming to the rescue in michigan. video showing seventh grader dylan reeves jumping in action on a school bus when he saw the
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driver struggling and passing out on the way home from school. dylan, you see there grabbing the wheel, pulling his foot on the brake and selling other students to call 9-1-1. none of school said he will receive a special honor later this year, pretty incredible. when we come back, the biggest are at the nfl draft, and he is only 13.
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>> finally tonight, night two of the nfl draft about to get underway. when it comes to announcing the pics, every team may want 13-year-old kyle at the microphone. >> is the most talked about moment for the nfl draft. wish to do battle that overcame
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bone cancer. >> 13-year-old kyle - - as in the first round pickfor his favorite team . >> with the 15th take in the select will mcdonald, iowa k state! let's go! >> on this night when dreams come true, this young man's wish much bigger than football. three years ago, kyle, and active sports loving kid was diagnosed with bone cancer in his leg. during multiple rounds of chemo treatments and surgery to remove 6 inches of his tibia. >> it was not easy, not at all. >> he missed out on pretty much a full year of his life, being a kid. >> kyle looking harvard's physical therapist to regain strength, now in remission walking with the knee brace. a long, difficult journey but
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last night with the help of his godparents and the make-a-wish foundation, kyle about his dream. >> with the 15th pick in the 2023 nfl draft. >> i want to say, there is always light at the end of the tunnel and to keep pushing through and persevering through tough times in your life and good times will come. >> arousing his favorite team let's go kyle, what a moment. the second of the nfl draft is underway in just a few moments, right here on abc. good night. >> thank you for making world news tonight with david muir america's most-watched newsca.
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♪ ♪ >> announcer: this is espn on abc. >> the first round of the nfl draft is for finding guys you believe to be your franchise players. there is a euphoria of dreams realized, sharing it with loved ones and those who have inspired you. the first rounds in honor but it's certainly not the end of the road, that is just when the word begins. more dreams can come true tonight, the second and third rounds of the nfl draft are on the clock. >> welcome to the 2023 nfl dra draft!
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>> it's t