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tv   ABC World News Tonight With David Muir  ABC  April 27, 2023 3:30pm-4:00pm PDT

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kristen: thank you for joining us f >> david: breaking news as we come on the air, a confirmed tornado on the ground in florida. dangerous storms cutting across parts of the south. images of the damage coming in now. the tornado touching down in the florida panhandle a short time ago. a severe thunderstorm watch, heavy rain, and large hail moving up along the east coast. storm threats into the northeast tomorrow night. from washington, d.c., to philadelphia to new york, rob marciano timing it out. also breaking late today, former vice president mike pence testifying before the january 6 grand jury, the highest ranking member of the trump administration to be questions about attempts to overturn the 2020 election. donald trump unable to block
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mike pence from appearing. pierre thomas standing by. new details about the 21-year-old suspect accused of leaking highly classified pentagon documents. air national guardsmen jack teixeira asking the judge to be released. prosecutors calling him a danger and flight risk, saying authorities found an arsenal of weapons at his parents' house, suggesting he may still have top-secret materials. columnist e. jean carroll under intense cross-examination in her rape and defamation lawsuit against our president trump. his defense attorney grilling her about her motive for suing, including whether she remembers the date of the alleged attack. how she responded from the stand. aaron katersky in the courtroom. wnba star brittney griner fighting back tears during her first news conference since her release from a russian prison. her message to american prisoners paul whelan and evan gershkovich. the host of one of tv's most infamous talk shows has died. jerry springer, the ringmaster, and how he remembered his own
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show. lives and teams about to be changed forever. count down to the nfl draft. who will be the number-one pick? ♪ ♪ >> announ>> announcer: from "ab" world headquarters in new york, this is "world news tonight" with david muir. >> good evening. good to have you with us on this thursday night. i am whit johnson and for david tonight and asked me, they are, millions of americans are on alert for severe weather, dangerous storms across the gulf tonight, at least one confirmed tornado already in the florida panhandle. the system moving up the east coast. images just coming in of the aftermath of a reported tornado in florida. homes destroyed, thousands without power. driving rain and wind turning day to night in panama city, florida. dangerous hail across the region. you can see these giant hailstones slamming into the pool in dublin texas as a bull runs to get out of the way. in the midwest, the growing
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threat of flooding, the mississippi river rising to a near record levels, homes underwater in pepin wisconsin. it abc's senior meteorologist rob marciano tracking it all in st. paul, minnesota, tonight. >> rob: tonight those severe storms slamming the south for a third straight day, with a life-threatening tornado reported in the florida panhandle. >> shelter now. children now. not a question. do it now. you've got a tornado moving in your direction. >> rob: these homes in hosford florida taking a direct hit. roofs gone, trees snapped like toothpicks. in panama city beach at least one person reportedly struck by lightning this afternoon. >> what happened? >> rob: in fort worth, sending to boys to the hospital. neighbors rushing them in. the same storms brought huge hail to dublin texas. livestock running for cover. 85-mile-per-hour winds hammering
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melbourne, florida, wednesday and more hail than many have ever seen. as though storms make their way into the northeast, the fast rising mississippi river's flooding towns in the heartland. here the st. paul downtown airport, that led up that her access to tell pilots, do not land here. because this runway is close in part because they put up this temporary floodwall to keep the river back. record-breaking snowfall now melting, forcing rivers over their banks and into neighborhoods and towns like moline to devonport where the river won't crest until next week. >> whit: rob marciano joining us from st. paul. this system is set to move all the way into the northeast. >> rob: that's right. now it's hitting florida for the third day they've had hurricane strength wind gusts. that line is moving across the panhandle. we have severe weather watches up for that, parts of georgia and through memphis and parts of northern mississippi as the storm pulls itself up into the northeast. most of the damaging storms go offshore tomorrow but heavy rain with embedded thunderstorms in
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the carolinas, virginia tomorrow morning, getting into d.c. and then pushing up into new york and the northeast tomorrow night. sticking around i think the weekend for just about everybody. it's a washout. we reset the severe tables tomorrow in dallas. meanwhile, river flooding we are doing with that, the four states. iowa, illinois, wisconsin, and here in minnesota, 32 river gauges into major flooding stage over the next week or so. trying to unload this massive winter snow fact that we had the past few months. >> whit: difficult few days for millions of people. rob, thank you. news out of washington late today, former vice president mike pence testifying before the federal grand jury investigating the january 6 capitol riot and attempts to overturn the 2020 election. let's get right to abc's chief justice correspondent, peer thomas. former president donald trump tried to block pence from testifying. today finally happen. >> reporter: sources are telling us former vice president pence appear before the ecialnsor jack smith
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clearly seeing pence is a critical witness in the investigation into the former president trump broke any laws in efforts to overturn the last election. the subpoena calling on him to testify. hhe is perhaps the ultimate insider's point of view, he can speak to the pressure he was under to block joe biden certification president and may have knowledge of the scheme to bring for collectors to washington to somehow keep trumpet office. we know from sources that have a focus of the special counsel, now clearly entering the final phase of the investigation. >> whit: pierre thomas in washington, thank you. turning now to the massachusetts air national guardsmen accused of leaking classified documents appearing in court today. prosecutors arguing that jack teixeira should remain behind bars because he's too dangerous to be released. citing the arsenal they say they found in his parents' home. his social media post about violence and murder. we are also learning about allegations leading to a
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high school suspension and psychiatric evaluation. ae to enlist and get access to america's secrets. abc's trevor ault outside the courthouse. >> reporter: in federal court today, prosecutors urging the judge to keep 21-year-old jack teixeira behind bars, calling him a serious flight risk who presents an ongoing threat to the nation. there court filing painting a daf yo man with racist and violent inclinations with a virtual arsenal of weapons at his parents' home including bolt action rifles, rifles, ar and ak style weapons, and a bazooka. the doj says teixeira once rode in the online group where he allegedly leaked those classified documents "if i had my way, i'd kill an expletive tone of people. because what he claimed he was tempted to turn a minivan into an assassination fan and then in 2018 he was suspended from high school for remarks about weapons including molotov cocktails, guns at the school,
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and racial threats. a claim that prompted local police to deny him of firearms i.d. card but still he managed to join the massachusetts air national guard and gain top-secret clearance. prosecutors now accuse teixeira of accessing far more secret information and then the hundreds of pages he allegedly posted online, searching the classified government database almost daily, sometimes from a computer at his he tried to cover his tracks, smashing his laptop and ipad, replacing s bail, it would be all too easy for him to further disseminate classified information or to flee to a foreign country, like edward snowden, who now lives in russia. today teixeira's father told the judge if his son were allowed to stay with him while awaiting trial, he would report any violations of the terms of
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release, insisting all firearms have been removed from the house. teixeira's lawyers declare their client is not a flight risk and that when teixeira learned the feds were onto him, he didn't run away. he sat on the porch, reading the bible, waiting to be arrested. >> whit: trevor ault joining us. the judge has yet to rule on whether teixeira will be released pending trial but the new claims about his background raise a good more questions about why he was ever granted access to these top-secret documents. >> reporter: it's actually right, whit. coinetting pross a nfidencen e rtment of whinstveg, manioaty are wonderiy teixeira was trust with the top-secret clearance when local police saying he couldn't be trusted to own a gun. >> whit: all right, trevor. thank you. here in new york, the intense cross-examination of columnist e. jean carroll in a rape and defamation lawsuit against former president donald trump.
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trump's lawyer attacking her motive, why she waited so long to speak out, and even asking why she didn't scream during the alleged attack. abc's sr. investigative reporter aaron katersky in the courtroom. >> reporter: tonight, donald trump's attorney grayling e. jean carroll, accusing her of making up a rape story to sell a book. "you thought including the story about donald trump while he was still president would help sell the book," defense attorney joe tacopina asked. "i thought so, rape replied, but i was wrong. close with the book never sold well. carroll said the reason she decided tell her story was the #metoo movement. carroll says it caused me to realize staying silent does not work. for hours, joe tacopina tried to pick apart carroll's claim that trump attacked her in a department store dressing room in the mid-1990s. he questioned why she never called police and pressed her on why she couldn't say exactly
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when the alleged attack occur occurred. carroll answering "i wish to have and we could give you a date. carroll was consistent and composed, losing patience only when joe tacopina asked her why she didn't scream during the alleged attack. "you were in this scream for help, he asked her. >> i'm not a screamer, koenig responded. coastal people ask why did you scream. some women scream. some don't. he hell me whether i screened or he hell me whether i screened or not. saying it's not about the money, it's about getting my name back. and getting attention for being raped, she said is hard. carroll's testimony is not over, there's no court here. carroll returns on monday to continue cross-examination. >> whit: aaron katersky reporting, thank you. now to that deadly rock throwing spree in colorado that killed 18-year-olds appearing before a
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judge. court documents alleging chilling new details including one of the three teens took a photo of the victim's car is a momento. here is abc's mola lenghi. >> new details emerging as three teens face first-degree murder charges in the deadly rock throwing spree outside denver, colorado. according to arrest affidavit, suspect mitch karol-chik and telling police he was traveling in a pickup truck with zachary kwak. this rock crashing through alexa bartell's windchill, fatally striking her in the windshield. the suspects saying that the trio drove back to the crime scene to take a picture as a momento. the affidavit says karol-chik admitted to throwing objects at cars with koenig since last february. and that according to the 27 after bartell's car was struck, the other two were talking about them being blood brothers, agreeing to not speak of the
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incident again. police say it's iphone tower data intense for the public led them to the haskell seniors. this prelast week eating seven cars in 45 minutes. among them, nathan tipton's minivan. >> if it was a second earlier would've come in my window and hit me. hit me square in the chest or maybe even in the face. >> reporter: people in the courtroom gallery visibly upset when that defense requested bond for the suspects. some people know that that bond was denied and tonight all three suspects remained in custody. >> whit: a truly awful story. next, the heartfelt words from wnba star brittney griner speaking to reporters for the first time since her imprisonment in russia. greiner breaking her silence on how she got through the ordeal. whether she was aware of the efforts to bring her home. greiner also speaking out on the fight to free other americans who were wrongfully detained. abc's chiefs national correspondent in phoenix toni tonight.
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>> brittney griner walked into a room full of journalists months of anticipation. there was an ovation. her first comments to reporters her detention in russia, tears. >> i am no stranger to hard times. you're going to be faced with adversities. throughout your life. this was a pretty big one. >> reporter: ads running today demanding russia release detained journal reporter evan gershkovich, calling his arrest that latest in a disturbing trend. i asked griner about it. during your detention were you aware of all the efforts on your behalf and what message would you sent to evan and paul wheeler today questioned my >> yes, i was aware. it made me a little bit -- have hope. which is a hard thing to have, and i would say to everyone that is wrongfully detained right now across the world, stay strong. keep fighting.
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>> reporter: president biting announcing sections that target nations that specifically detain americans abroad, on the same day that evan gershkovich was denied consular access in russia. the mercury and griner's season starts next month. they dedicated largely to the wrongfully detained. >> whit: thank you. to the conflict in sudan. both warring generals now agreeing to extend a shaky truce for another 72 hours. that truce, brokered by the u.s. and saudi arabia, aimed at providing a safe quarter for people who want to leave. the white house now encouraging americans in sudan to take advantage of the options that may open up in the next 24 to 48 hours. turning now to the talk show host who helped push the boundaries of daytime television. jerry springer has passed away. he was the mayor of cincinnati and a news anchor before hosting his namesake tv show that featured chaotic and sometimes
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cringeworthy moments. it was a ratings giant for 27 years. here is abc's aerial russia >> he was the talk show host stirring up chaos and confrontation. jerry springer ushered in a new era in daytime tv, the ringmaster of a daily circus. he was unapologetic, chalking it up to escapist entertainment. >> it's outrageous. but because it's so crazy, but kind of enjoy it. >> reporter: a lawyer with political ambition, springer became a city councilman then mayor of cincinnati, even making a run for ohio governor. but after a scandal, he pivoted to the news business and later showbiz. at one point that jerry springer show even beating oprah in the ratings. in his later years, springer appearing on a new generation of reality tv shows like "dancing with the stars." >> i don't know --
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there is no legacy. i am a schlub who got lucky, treat people well. that's with the memory should be paid every thing else is vanity. >> reporter: jerry springer was 79. springer was released diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. his family saying that he passed away peacefully at home. they say he was irreplaceable but his intellect, humor, heart will live on pace, thank you. we come back, news on the manhunt for three dangerous fugitive who escaped jail in mississippi. what authorities are saying. singer ed shearing performing inside the copyright trial against him. stay with us ise! -surprise! your dedicated fidelity advisor can help you open those doors. for you, mama. through personalized money management that can evolve with new chapters. and they can proactively view your entire portfolio. with an eye on taxes and the impact of risk.
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traveling with him and are in the area as well. a fourth fugitive was killed during a standoff with authorities yesterday. he was accused of killing a pastor while on the run. when we come back, singer ed shearing on the and performing in court but with my moderate- to-severe eczema, it can be tough. now, i'm staying ahead of it. dupixent helps heal your skin from within. so you can have clearer skin, and noticeably less itch. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your doctor about dupixent. the chase ink business premier card is made for people like sam who make...? ...everyday products... ...designed smarter. like a smart coffee grinder - that orders fresh beans for you. oh, genius! for more breakthroughs like that... ...i need a breakthrough card... like ours! with 2.5% cash back on purchases of $5,000 or more... plus unlimited 2% cash back
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although uncommon, there is a potential risk of heart attack or stroke associated with blood clots. open up your world! a chance for up to 4 months between treatments with vabysmo. ask your doctor. >> whit: to the index now, singer ed sheeran performing on the stand during the copyright trial against him here in new york. he was accused of copying parts of marvin gaye's hit "let's get it on" for his grammy-winning song "thinking out loud." sheeran describing how the song was composed, briefly singing his song's original lyrics for the jury and playing the basic core progression is accused of copying on his guitar. when we come back, countdown to the nfl draft. who will be football's next big star heart failure and seemingly unrelated symptoms like carpal tunnel syndrome... shortness of breath... and irregular heartbeat
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>> whit: finally tonight, we are just minutes away from the nfl draft taking place in kansas city. hundreds of thousands of fans are there to see who will be the number-one pick. lives and teams about to change forever. here is abc's will read. >> reporter: to my dreams become reality, just minutes from now the nfl draft begins in kansas city. stars born, lives changed with the announcement of a name. >> kansas city chiefs select patrick my homes. >> reporter: this year the drama and intrigue surrounds four quarterbacks. lms bryce young, heisman trophy winner. likely going number one to the carolina panthers. will leva's, stroud, anthony richardson all expected to go high. the unexpected is expected at
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the nfl draft. nobody predicted pick 19923 years ago >> a familiar name. >> would turn into the crew that it did for tom brady, winning seven super bowl's and five mvps. a reminder that tonight greatness is on the clock. >> 300,000 fans are expected to be here in kansas city for the draft this weekend. >> whit: and millions watching at home. thank you. nfl draft begins at 8:00 eastern right here on abc. thanks so much for watching tonight. i am whit johnson in new york. hope to see you back here tomorrow for david and all of us here, have a great night.
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announcer: building a better bay area, moving forward, finding solutions, this is abc7 news. kristen: good afternoon. >> thank you for joining us. the weather is different. it is the warmest day of the week. there is a spare the air kristen: yeah, levels are elevated and we are told to reduce emissions. let's bring in sandhya patel. dan: i imagine the warm temperatures are part of the spirit sandhya: yeah, high-pressure overhead is putting a lid on the atmosphere with a lack of winds, warmer weather, air pollutants trapped know the surface, which is why we are concerned about the air quality. it is a sunny view from san jose. low 90's around fairfield. brentwood. near the coast, a sea breeze and
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lingering fog, 59 right now in half moon bay. let us check out the 24 hour temperature change everywhere. it is warmer compared to yesterday. 5:00 tonight, still hot inland. 7:00 is a remaining warm inland. coastline cool. tomorrow morning fog. 40/50's. quickly by the lunch are warming into the low 80's. by the early afternoon up her 80's to low 90's. i will be back -- up to low 90's. i will be back with a full forecast. dan: thank you. mike pence testified before the federal grand jury investigating the aftermath of the 2020 election. his testimony happened just after donald trump lost an appeal to prevent it. this is the first time in modern history a vice president has been compelled to testify about the president he served, a milestone and the justice
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department's investigation into