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tv   America This Morning  ABC  April 27, 2023 4:30am-5:00am PDT

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baumexas mting in the midwest ni expected tay.evelat about t young with leaking classified us intelligence documents. the evidence, prosecutors say, shows he tried to destroy evidence plus his alleged arsenal of weapons, including a bazooka as his former commanders in the air national guard are now disciplined. tucker carlson speaks out what he's saying in his first public comments since his fox news exit. happening now dangerous inmates on the run how this group escaped from a
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mississippi jail and the chaos that followed house on fire, a police officer shot and a local pastor killed on camera. why this van suddenly burst into flames on the highway, trapping the driver and what happened next and later the real life treasure from 2000 years ago found by a hiker in the woods. s is america this morning. thursday morning, everyone i'm andrew denber. thanks for joining us. i'm marie in an alley. we want to begin with extreme weather affecting millions of americans of the midwest are bracing for historic flooding, and last night, a storm dumped massive hail in texas children had to be rushed to the hospital in critical condition after a lightning strike in fort worth. severe weather pummeling central texas. homes in cattle in the city of dublin, pelted by giant baseball
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sized hail this photo showing a four inch grapefruit sized hail hitting waco. meanwhile in florida, heavy rain and hail made travel treacherous, blanketing the grounds of this middle school in el wsewhere a more urgent threat is unfolding along the mississippi river, potentially historic flooding, prompting evacuations as many areas from minnesota down to iowa and illinois river levels. they haven't seen him me an 20 of snow in the north in lacrosse, wisconsin homes and roads underwater. the river expected to crest there later today. guttenberg, iowa. the river is expected to crest at 21 ft. by tomorrow. you can see how high the water is. this is lock and dam 10 and downstream in dubuque , the city now closing a crucial lock and dam system to keep the rising water out, taking that action for only the third time since the systemtalled
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back in 1973 the impact significant for trade spring, you know, grain usually goes downstream, but in the spring fertilizer comes up. friend. a lot of that fertilizer is probably going to have to go on to road and rail systems and so that it can get onto the farmer's fields as they plant. we will check today's forecast in just a few moments. we're learning more now about jack to share of the young man charged with leaking highly classified us intelligence documents while working for the air national guard in massachusetts officials are now sharing photos, which they say proves he tried to destroy evidence. it comes as we learn the leaders of his air force unit have now been spending a bcs lindsey watts is here now with more lindsay. good morning. good morning, andrew. we're getting a look at those new images, some from inside the suspect's room. that's where federal investigators say they found an arsenal of weapons and it's part of why they want to keep jack tajura behind bars. this morning, disturbing
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revelations about the man accused of leaking top secret military documents online. these new photos show what federal investigators found inside jackie jeras room, the justice department says that includes rifles, ak style weapons and a bazooka. prosecutors say teixeira regularly made comments about violence and mass murder using his government computer to research mass shootings. photos also show a smashed tablet laptop and other devices found inside a dumpster. in a new filing. the doj says. today's era is a danger to the public, and they want to keep him behind bars until trial. fallout from the leak is ongoing. abc news has learned. the air force suspended two commanders in the military unit where teixeira worked. the air force called the suspension. as temporary as the investigation continues. 21 year old teixeira worked as a computer technician with the massachusetts air national guard . investigators say he started posting classified material to the online forum discord late
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last year. he's facing 25 years in prison system failed. this is a major failure. some people need to be fired over this eye level top secret clearance, which the pentagon has said was needed to do his job. but lawmakers from both sides of the aisle are demanding more answers . we need to know the facts. we need to know who the chairman was. why he felt he had the authority or ability to show off confidential documents, secret documents to his friends has a detention hearing in massachusetts. later today, prosecutors expected to argue that he may still have access to classified documents and nations hostile to the us could help him escape if he is freed before trial. andrew lindsay, thank you. a legal defeat for former president trump and appeals court has refused to block vice president mike pence from testifying in the january 6th investigation. the court rejected trump's claim of executive privilege. a special counsel is looking into trump's efforts to overturn the 2020
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election. pence is expected to be asked about the pressure he faced from trump and the former columnists who says donald trump raped her in the nineties will face cross examination today. yesterday e. jean carroll gave the jury at the civil trial in new york. a graphic account of the alleged attack in the dressing room of a department store. she struggled to pinpoint the time frame but said it left her traumatized and unable to have a romantic life. trump criticized carol and social media, prompting the judge to suggest that it could amount to witness tampering. meanwhile former president trump may soon have a new opponent in the race for the white house. he also lives in florida. overnight, sources telling abc news florida governor ron desantis plans to launch an exploratory committee as early as mid may, setting up a potential campaign for the white house. sources say the governor is looking to announce his candidacy in mid june. it comes as his feud with disney, the parent company of abc news escalates aboard he appointed to oversee disneyworld nullified to agreements yesterday, which had given disney control over
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expansion at the resort. and minutes later, disney filed a first amendment lawsuit against the santis. and the board, claiming they're waging a relentless campaign to weaponize government power against disney in retaliation for expressing a political viewpoint, unpopular with certain state officials. that political viewpoint is disney's opposition to florida's parental rights and education law, which critics dubbed the don't say gay law prohibiting classroom discussion about sexual orientation or gender identity. at the center of the ongoing feud is disney status as a special tax district in central florida, which the scientist has objected to the status essentially allows the company to self govern the area around disney world and has been in place since the 19 sixties. we just wanted them to live under the same rules, pay the debt, pay the taxes all that stuff in the lawsuit. disney claims there's been a targeted campaign of government retaliation that is now threatening its business operations and jeopardizing its economic future. in florida. some republicans have criticized the census for going after disney, a major employer in his
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state. but in a podcast released yesterday, he argued his battle with disney will actually help businesses nationwide when we had the kerfuffle with disney that actually helped a lot of ceos around the country because they could go to their board. they could say, look, we don't want to be the next disney. we've got to stay out of this stuff, and we've got to focus on the task at hand. a corporation should not be taking positions on this stuff or be felt like they have to take positions. earlier this year, florida's legislature decided not to end the special tastic tax designation for disney because of concern that local residents would then have to pay for fire and police services. tucker carlson is speaking out for the first time since leaving fox news. he tweeted that monologue last night, making no mention of his dismissal from box. instead he vented about the current political debate in the media. when honest people say what's true calmly and without embarrassment, they become powerful. at the same time, the liars who've been trying to silence them shrink and they become weake that'sniverse. trus
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prevail. see you soon. meanwhile the new york times reports fox executives found private messages from carlson containing highly offensive remarks just before they settled the lawsuit with dominion voting systems. authorities across the south are searching for three dangerous inmates who escaped from mississippi jail. they were reported missing sunday. after escaping through the jails roof. they face a variety of charges, including auto theft. and weapons charges. police say 1/4 inmate who escaped has died after a fire at a home where he barricaded himself and opened fire at police. police say this grainy video shows that same inmate crashing a motorcycle and a local pastor, stopping his red truck to help investigators believe that 22 year old fatally shot the pastor and then stole his truck. another inmate has reportedly been seen at a gas station near houston about 450 miles away. it is time now for a look at your thursday weather.
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good morning. that same storm system that brought enormous hailed a part of the lone star state will continue to move east and we are concerned about the central gulf coast areas around new orleans to mobile pensacola , facing some severe thunderstorms from midday through the afternoon thursday, and this unfurls into a widespread rain maker into the mid atlantic states and even the northeast, so the greatest risk for severe storms will be in the central gulf coast thursday and the thursday evening with damaging winds isolated tornado risk. and this expands to the northeast frankie weather meteorologist jeff cornish. coming up the search for a man who fell off a cruise ship heading to hawaii, also ahead. republicans in montana expel a transgender lawmaker for violating protocol. her reaction this morning and later the announcement from wendy's being celebrated by fast food fans.
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. wish i'll see you live on good morning america. we're back now , with a crash just north of new york city. nine people were injured when a honda slammed head on into a school bus. police say an unlicensed 16 year old was driving the car for people suffered life threatening injuries. colorado three teenagers are due in court facing murder charges for a series of rock throwing attacks on a road near denver 20 year old woman was killed. police say the teens were in a truck throwing rocks and hit seven vehicles. now to montana and the protest over a transgender lawmaker being silenced by her colleagues. they say she violated their decorum. now she's been expelled and calls that a disturbing affront to democracy this morning zoey zephyr, montana's first openly transgender lawmaker, has been banned from the floor of montana's house of representatives, all those in favor of the majority leader's
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motion vote. i as opposed vote. no motion passes. the move folls the speeches that forgave last week in which he criticized a proposed ban on gender affirming care in the state, saying it would lead to suicides. i hope the next time there's an indication when you bow your heads in prayer, you see the blood on your hands. republicans said. that language broke decorum, and they've now silenced her, refusing to grant her the floor. when she attempted to speak. they demanded an apology. but zephyr refused. speaker asks me to apologize. yes. what he has on behalf of decorum. what he's really asking me to do. is be silent. my community is facing bills that get us killed. on monday after being silenced for a third time. zephyr was accused of inciting this protest in the house gallery. and now all republican members have voted to expel her from the house floor for the remainder of the session. no person may participate in conduct that
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disrupts or disturbs the orderly proceedings of the body. zephyr will be allowed to vote, but she will have to do so remotely. in a statement, zephyr saying, though the republican supermajority has voted to strip me of my ability to partake in debate. wait. i remained steadfast in my commitment to my community. the bill that zephyr initially opposed, passed the house and now heads to the governor's desk. the governor's son, who is non binary, has lobbied his father to veto the bill coastguards set to resume its search for a passenger who fell off a cruise ship near hawaii. the man reportedly fell from a balcony on royal caribbean's quantum of the seas . a passenger says a scream was heard before the australian man were seen falling from the balcony coming up next. the former h g t v stars at the white house state dinner last night, but first why this van suddenly burst into fla sometimes, the lows of bipolar depression feel darkest before dawn. with caplyta, there's a chance to let the light shine through. and light tomorrow, with the hope from today.
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the tools and expertise you need to bring out the innovator in you. what makes the l'oréal vitamin c serum different? 12% pure vitamin c serum by l'oréal paris. when compared to a vitamin c derivative, only pure vitamin c can fight skin oxidation instantly. skin looks up to 70% brighter. pure vitamin c serum by l'oréal paris. i'm amber, i've lost 128 pounds with golo, taking release. skin looks up to 70% brighter. i have literally tried everything. i was on the verge of getting gastric bypass surgery, and i saw the golo commercial, and it was the last thing i tried 'cause it worked. commercial and it was the last thing i tried because it worked. we're back with a fiery rescue in wisconsin. police say sparks
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from a flat tire caused this minivan to burst into flames. the 84 year old driver wound up trapped inside. police responded running to the van and eventually pulling him to safety. the driver and one officer suffered minor burns. just minor injuries there now to oklahoma and a death penalty case so controversial it got the attention of kim kardashian. it involves a man who spent nearly 25 years on death row. fighting a murder conviction and claims that evidence was destroyed. abc s andrea fuji has the latest this morning despite pleas from lawmakers and from celebrities including kim kardashian and susan sarandon and oklahoma death row inmate has been denied clemency murderer and i don't deserve to die for this. richard glossip was previously spared from execution three times and faced a retrial. he asked the parole board yesterday to spare him again. but the board was not swayed. glossip now 60 has long maintained he had nothing to do with the killing of his former boss, motel owner barry ventress
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, in 1997 glossip was convicted of hiring a coworker to kill trees with a baseball bat. that man confessed and then avoided the death penalty by testifying that glossip but high hired him. but dozens of oklahoma lawmakers , including republicans, who support the death penalty have come to glossip's defense after an independent review found some evidence was either destroyed or not provided during the initial investigation. why would you destroy evidence in the life in such a critical case? i can think of no reason it's illegal . it's wrong. it's in just even oklahoma's attorney general is arguing for a new trial, saying a death sentence would be excessive because glossip did. not murder anyone, but the family of barry van trees is standing by the conviction were victims as well. we've been in prison this entire time with this situation. and i don't mean to mean we've kept quiet. we've tried to do the right thing.
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glossip's attorney says they have now asked the oklahoma governor for a reprieve. they also have a pending petition before the us supreme court. rhiannon andrew andrea. thank you at the white house last night, president biden hosted a state dinner for south korea's president and some famous faces from outside the political world attendedie year old son, maddox, who has studied in south korea. and home renovation gurus chip and joanna gaines were also at the dinner. joanna's mother is korean coming up next, the three airlines with the most complaints, also ahead of 2000 year old treasure found in the it's hard to run a business on your own. make it easier on yourself. with shopify, you have everything you need to sell online and in person. you can have your inventory, payments, and customers in sync across all the places you sell. it doesn't have to be
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sky high number of complaints figures show air travelers lodged nearly 80,000 complaints in 2022. that's nearly five times the pandemic levels. they were mostly upset about. what do you think canceled flights and lost luggage? of course, absolutely. frontier airlines had the most complaints, followed by spirit airlines and then jetblue. next it's coming soon to a grocery store near you. wendy's chili menu favorite will appear in supermarkets later this spring reaction online has been mixed, but one fan called it the most important news of the year. i don't know about that. all right next to real life treasure found in the woods dating back some 2000 years. this is really cool. archaeologists say nearly 200 coins from ancient rome were found by a hiker along italy's west coast. they think a soldier may have buried them during the war there likely worth a fortune, but they're headed to a museum. doesn't get to sell them next. one very confused catcher this play from a minor league game after this hit waiting for
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a play at home plate waiting, waiting, waiting, but the runner is safe. the ball is camouflaged on the foul line to catch. you can't even find it in all the confusion, another run scores love baseball, but let's turn now to the nba playoffs where jimmy playoff butler scored 42 points as the eighth seeded miami heat eliminated the top seed in milwaukee bucks. some say it's one of the most stunning first round upsets in nba history. i agree the heat move on to face rival new york. next alright in hockey of rookie making his nhl debut scored last night for the seattle cracking tie care ta helped his team win 3 to 2 over the avalanche in denver's parents were in the stands loving every single moment by the way. the panthers panthers also upset the bruins last night, and finally, a new look for king charles before his coronation. here's a life size bust of the king made of yes, chocolate. nearly 3000 candy
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4:59 am
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5:00 am
reggie: is there more to the attack on a former fire commissioner than what we the claim being made and shocking new video her office has released. jobina: the intersection of rac and policing in antioch, a 16 scandal algol vanda police department. reggie: we are warming up here in the west, but in the south, take a look at the severe weather. kumasi: and the war the kings, leading the series 3-2, one game away from moving up. that could happen right here in the bay. in san francisco. reggie: welcome to thursday, april 27. kumasi: it will be a nice day. drew: the warmest of the week. here is a look at the fog.
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we have it right at the


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