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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  April 26, 2023 7:00am-8:59am PDT

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good morning, america. for our viewers in the west, dangerous weather on the move with millions in the path breaking overnight, a possible tornado touched down in texas based ball sized hail shattering windshield with and whipping at 90mph. and a new threat taking aim today. ginger is tracking the path, making their case. president biden and kamala harris in their first appearances since announcing the reelection bid. we'll have all the fallout this morning. a terror takedown. the suspected isis mastermind behind the kabul airport bombing that killed 13 us service members taken out by the taliban and in sudan, five u.n. workers now killed. and a dire new warning
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about a major biological risk as fighters take over a public health lab. breaking news, police arresting multiple suspects in that deadly colorado rock throwing spree. what we're learning right now at this father of three whose minivan was hit is now speaking out. gripping jailhouse phone call between the so-called doomsday mom, lori vallow, and her sister . you know me so that's what i thought. the dramatic and emotional testimony and what's next? miracle on the train tracks, the incredible moment workers save this toddler with autism who wanted on to the tracks what his mother is saying this morning, more backlash. the new rules set to take effect may 1st and why a higher credit score may not be a good thing. facing the music, ed sheeran taking the stand, accused of copying a marvin gaye classic. and you'll hear the songs back to back. one day we're gonna come back. and one month after a devastating tornado ripped
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through rolling fort. we are there live, showing what makes the town mississippi strong, telling stories of survival. speaking with the police chief who lost his home and his department in one night. where were you in the storm hit? i was at home and my wife and my grandbaby. how the community is coming together to pick up the pieces, providing warm meals, shelter and helping their neighbors throughout recovery. we we're feeding 500 people a day and they're getting to come and not just eat, but they're getting loved on and cared for. this morning, what's next in the rebuilding and how you can get involved right from home? i believe we're going to come back really big and better. yes we're rolling strong because one day we're gonna come back live in times square. this is. good morning america. so much healing to be done down there in mississippi. but robin is on the scene and they are coming back and have a lot more on that all
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morning long. so important that we're following that recovery effort. but first, we begin with some breaking news overnight in dangerous severe weather on the move from colorado to texas, where 90 mile per hour winds tore through the state of possible tornado. completely leveling this convenience store . and the new threat this morning, ginger is tracking the latest for us. good morning, ginger. good morning to you, michael. remember we've had more than 400 tornadoes confirmed already this year. and we are just now entering the heart of tornado season. there's a possible tornado with the damage . there you see just east of lubbock. they also have damaging winds in excess of 90mph. so it doesn't matter which kind you get. you can do a lot of damage with it. and there will be a lot more where that came from today. also, big hail, sweetwater, texas, seeing the hail on the road there. but it was windshield cracking, hail baseball to softball sized in different places across the texas. there and then that warm front spot did it first. now we're going to get the low and the cold front. so if you're garland, plano, waco, fort worth , dallas, it starts two, 3 p.m. on the western side of this marches right across and then
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eventually through the gulf tomorrow morning. so 9 a.m. would be when you see thunderstorms in louisiana. george i want to mention that florida also has a really unique threat i'll tell you about in a moment. okay. we're looking forward to that. we're going go to the white house now. president biden and vice president kamala harris made their case to voters yesterday. donald trump is already targeting a ticket. chief white house correspondent mary bruce has the story. good morning, mary. good morning, george. well, with the campaign now underway, we are seeing the party line up behind the president. despite polls that show that the vast majority of americans, including most democrats, would prefer an alternative candidate, progressive senator bernie sanders, who was of course, one of the president's main rivals in 2020, now says he is endorsing biden. the president is not expected to face any major challenge for the party's nomination, and that means that this campaign is going to feel really different. the democratic party already saying they do not expect to hold debates, which is sparking some criticism. we did get our first taste of this campaign yesterday. the president there greeted with those chants of for more years as he fired up a crowd of union workers with that new campaign
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mantra to finish the job. kamala harris was also out there. we have seen her taking on a more elevated role, perhaps an attempt to try and boost her popular charity. she's leading the charge on the fight for abortion and reproductive rights while on the other side of the aisle, the republican frontrunner, donald trump, is already taking shots at the president, saying when they stand on that debate stage, it will be democrat's worst nightmare. here we go again, george. yeah, deja vu. mary bruce, thanks very much. lindsay all right. thanks, george. now to the latest out of afghan where the taliban killed the suspected isis mastermind behind the 2021 kabul airport bombing, which took the lives of 13 american troops and at least 170 afghans are two. foreign correspondent ian panel has the latest. good morning, ian. yeah, good morning, lindsey. shortly after that deadly attack, president biden vowed we will not forget. we'll hunt you down and make you pay. but in the end, it was the taliban who got the suspected mastermind this morning, the suspected mastermind behind the killing of 13 american servicemen and women and more than 150 afghans is
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dead. the white house saying the taliban killed the terrorist leader in an operation in recent weeks, but that the us was not involved. a senior administration official calling the outcome significant. the taliban haven't commented in this video. you can see the lone figure dressed in black, the pentagon saying it's the bomber carrying 20 pounds of explosives packed with ball bearings. the attack at kabul airport in august 2021, claiming the lives of 13 us service members and at least 170 afghan civilians. marines staff sergeant taylor hoover was among those killed. his family was informed of the killing of the isis leader tuesday morning. another terrorist being off the face of the earth. i'm good with that, especially one that planned something. this scale or this magnitude, but still, his family looking for answers from the biden administration around the events leading up to the blast. all we want is answers. we were
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on the exact same spot where the blast occurred. just one day before this is the difference potentially between the life saving work that's been carried out by the military here and potentially death by the taliban in less than five yards since taking control of the country, the taliban's been locked in a deadly battle with the islamic state's afghanistan affiliate isis. k well, the us is saying that the militants must now stop the country from becoming a safe haven for terrorists once again. but the reality on the ground is that isis is a developing threat inside afghanistan and potentially against us targets overseas in the future michael. all right. thank you for that, ian. i'm going to turn now to the chaos in sudan where five aid workers have now been killed and world health officials are warning about a massive biological risk after a public health lab was taken over by fighters. abc foreign correspondent james longman is tracking the latest. this morning. a deepening humanitarian crisis. the united
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nations confirming five un workers have now been killed in sudan. they call the situation a nightmare for ordinary citizens and aid workers alike, adding some aid workers have been attacked in their homes, beaten and held at gunpoint. this as the world health organization urgently warns of a huge biological risk after a public health lab in khartoum containing isolates of polio, measles and cholera was taken over by fighters. that is extremely, extremely dangerous. more countries are now rushing to evacuate citizens during a 72 hour ceasefire brokered by the us, france and the uk have staged large scale evacuations with military flights, while other evacuees face treacherous overland routes to reach port sudan and other border entry points hundreds of miles away. evacuees like dalia abdel-moneim , whose house in khartoum was struck by a missile. we went through like 4 to 5 different cities, and we have no food. security is estimated 16,000 americans remain in the country.
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a state department says only 100 us citizens are seeking assistance and mass evacuations are, quote, incredibly risky. but san franciscan resident imad feels the us government should have done more to help get his parents out. we weren't expecting seal team six to come and save every american like that. we know that's not practical, but we weren't expecting guidance. support intel, anything really to help us make a critical life or death decision. so the countdown is now on to the end of the ceasefire. the us and other countries have just one more day to get everyone out who wants to leave. the sudanese, of course, are hoping for a much longer lasting resolution. george. a dire situation. okay, james, thanks very much. not opening statements in the aegean carol. civil case suit against donald trump. carol is accusing trump of assault and defamation. aaron katersky is at the courthouse with the story. good morning, aaron. george good morning to you. nearly 30 years after she says donald trump raped her, e jean carroll is expected to testify about it here later today carol is going to tell the
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jury about the alleged attack that her attorney said lasted just a few minutes. but stayed with her forever. she claims she and trump were in a department store dressing room when trump allegedly banged the door closed and lunged at her. trump's attorney said it didn't happen, telling the jury, carol is advancing a false claim of rape for money for political reasons and for status. trump was not in court and his attorney said he still doesn't know whether trump will testify. the judge demanded to know this week, telling the defense it was time to fish or cut bait. trump has said, carol , is not his type, but her attorney said when trump saw this photo during a deposition, he pointed to carol and said, it's marla seeming to confuse carol for his second wife, marla maples. jury here is made up of six men and three women. trump's attorneys said they can hate donald trump, but they must express that at the ballot box, not here in a court of law.
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lindsay all right. aaron katersky for us. thanks so much, aaron. now to new information in the colorado rock throwing attacks that killed a 20 year old woman. we're hearing from one of the victims for the first time. mola lenghi has the story this morning. investigators announcing the arrest of three suspects in connection with the death of alexa bartel. the 20 year old died after veering off the road when a large rock smashed through her windshield. we don't know how intentional if this was a kids pulling a prank, are we dealing with someone who is very calculated, what they're doing? any combination of those , the 318 year old suspects, all arrested at their homes? it's unclear if these arrests are related to the six other vehicles hit by rocks in a 45 minute span last wednesday. nathan tipton's minivan was also hit. the rock blowing out his rear window. all i could see was their headlights. it was dark road and then a large shatter. large. it sounded like a shotgun blast. scared the heck out of me. tipton, a rideshare driver
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and father of three, was not injured, but he still wonders what if? what if i had a passenger and she got killed? the 318 year olds arrested face first degree murder and extreme indifference charges the jefferson county, colorado, sheriff's office says additional charges are expected to be filed against the three men. michael all right. mola, thank you so much for your reporting. we're going to turn now to new mortgage rules set to take effect. chief economic correspondent rebecca jarvis is here to break it down. good morning, rebecca. good morning, michael. and a lot of people are paying attention to these new rules because they do go into effect may 1st and they're part of an effort to make home buying more affordable for those who are limited by wealth or income . among these changes, people who have lower credit scores may get more of a break with those up front fees. when it comes to buying, people with higher credit scores will still pay less, but they may not get as much of a break. so in real terms, how this is going to look on a mortgage of $300,000, if you have a credit score of 659,
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you could save about $3,750 in closing costs. whereas if scorer hier, you might pay $375 more. the urban institute says on average, this is going to be an increase of about $10 a month. most mortgages will not see a major impact. now, keep in mind, these new rules apply only to loans from fannie mae and freddie mac. critics say that it penalizes people with higher credit. they make them pay more. but the organization changing the rules, the federal housing finance agency, they say there are many factors in play, like the amount of money of a down payment and many borrowers may actually see no change at all. michael and rebecca, can you tell us more about the other big business headline that's out there? first republic bank, their shares tanked after the silicon valley bank failure. they did tank, then and then overnight they tanked again last night because of the fact that the worry is that this failure
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that they are customers are rushing to take $100 million out of the bank overnight and over the time that silicon valley bank failed. the issue here, michael, is that that's looking backwards, looking forwards. the bank says that has stopped and that deposits are sound. michael all right. thank you so much for that, rebecca. we're going to do this morning. we are celebrating the life of harry belafonte. the legendary singer and actor was also a major figure in the civil rights movement. our deborah roberts is here with more. good morning, david. good morning, michael. the loss of a giant, he was once a janitor assistant but rose to become the epitome of elegance and sophistication. harry belafonte with that unmistakable raspy voice, was that rare entertainer who made his mark not only in hollywood, but for humanity. the first black actor to win an emmy. he went on to win grammy awards while also standing up for justice during the civil rights movement. that means that day will delight come and be wonder
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for his voice like a call to prayer that is that journey that day like a man be one of the first solo artist ever to reach 1 million albums for his breakthrough album, calypso. in 1956, strike king, charismatic, talented harry belafonte broke barriers on screen and off for while but you through my work has been my friend by night and early, much of his life focused on the civil rights movement. a close friend of martin luther king jr. he would perform at some of his rallies. our great friend, one of the truly great artists of our age, harry belafonte, who will carry on the program in 1963. belafonte
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helped organize the march on washington as artists and as human beings, we rejoice in the knowledge that human experience has no color. always a guiding force for younger artists. he brought the biggest musicians of the 80s together to create the all star group behind we are the world to fight famine in africa . the those musical giants paying homage to him in the middle of the recording session sunday, belafonte addressing the fight for equality on gma in 1981. i wouldn't hire me because of my political or or social beliefs, but when i measure what my commitment must be to mankind , i don't think there's any question if there's no choice between freedom and employment. the belafonte family saying to the world he was a legend, but to us he was dad, harry, far, far. which means grandpa in
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danish. and he will always mean the world to us. they life. so many tributes for this icon from the world of entertainment and beyond from oprah. thank you for your music, your artistry for being here on earth. you blessed us all. viola davis tweeting, thank you for being a beacon. you are now amongst our beautiful ancestors. continue to guide us. what a man, michael. i had an opportunity to meet him a couple of times. and you knew you were in the presence of greatness. yeah, i'm the same way. i had a chance to go over and spend some time with him at his apartment. and you're. you're there with a titan, but everything with him was so smooth. it was so stylish. he had such. such grace. and he was one of the pictures we took. i had a sign. it says, civic superhero. oh, and that's exactly what that really does. sum it up right there. amazing, man. thanks deborah. coming up, we're going to be enrolling for mississippi with robin as the town comes together to rebuild after that
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deadly tornado. and the latest on the so-called doomsday mom, lori vallow daybell trial. her sister taking a stand in the emotional jailhouse phone call between them. also ahead, new details about tucker carlson's departure from fox, the text messages that might have led to his exit. but first, let's go back to ginger and lindsay. florida gets hail, but to get hail up to 2.7, five inches in diameter, like a baseball, that's tougher to do. it happened near four corners and mascot and you can see it. they're flowing through the streets. we'll do it again today because there's kind of a rare situation where you've got air that's cooler and drier off the mexican plateau that's made it all the way to florida. so anybody really from daytona, just south of jacksonville through orlando to miami, could not just see damaging wind, but big hill, your local weather in 30s when it comes to your hair ingredients matter. that's why herbal essences is packed with naturally derived plant ingredients. you love and none of the stuff you don't. our sulfate free collections smell
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incredible and leave your hair touchable. soft and smooth. herbal essences is i'm abc7 news meteorologist drew time with your accuweather forecast morning clouds giving way to sunshine and a warmer afternoon 70 and upper 80s in our warmest spots today some 15 degrees above average for this time of the year. coastal clouds do return tonight. 40s and 50s heading into thursday, accuweather seven day showing you thursday it is warm to hot 90 making their return for the first time this year. then over the weekend we'll find gradually cooler weather moving in. also ahead, the miracle rescue on the train track. in a moment. workers saved this toddler. we'll be right back. thyroid eye disease. i hid from the camera for. i
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fresh food a lot sooner after the farmer's dog. she's a much healthier weight. she's a lot more active and she's able to join us on our adventures, get started at long lived building better bay area. moving forward , finding solutis. isews. good everyone. i'm erin from abc seven mornings. the man facing charges for allegedly blowing up pga transformers in san jose is due back in court today. 36 year old peter corrosive was arrested last month after large amounts of explosive material were found inside of his home. investigators say surveillance video helped to link him to two pga transformer explosions back in january and december. he is now charged with nine felonies. kyra says plea hearing is set for 130 this afternoon. good morning, everyone. checking in on traffic here. we have some major sig alerts who are following this morning starting in fremont with a multicar crash on southbound 880 before thornton avenue. the traffic is backed up into san leandro to
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washington avenue. so be aware of that mess. and we do have a big alert that cleared and this is going to be in redwood city due to that rollover crash on northbound 101 before woodside road. and then we'll wrap up with a somewhat hazy view of emeryville, highway four to the toll plaza 58 minutes pharmacy make sure bina meteorologist drew tuma has a quick look at the bay area forecast so we come back meet three people who took control of their money with a chase secure banking account no minimum deposit to open simple tools control at hand. one bank for today and tomorrow for chase. make more of what's yours . spring is finally here, and all of us at the floor store are excited to help you with your redecorating projects. find up to 50% off store wide on carpet hardwood, tile waterproof flooring and more. plus two full years of interest free financing and fast installation guaranteed on any product in northern california's largest inventory. the floor store your bay area flooring authority. our spring
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got you. that's so, so interesting. what's happening, dad? with delicious taste and 50% more calcium. blue diamond, almond breeze. don't just milk it. almond milk it. i'm trying to find a way to make it back home. that is a live look at rolling fork, mississippi. so much devastation from that tornado that hits so hard in that community. robin is on the ground there in rolling fork as they come together. good morning , robin. hey, good morning, george. and they really do come together. you see the sun rising here in rolling fork. and i got to tell you, it takes your breath away when you see first hand the damage that's been left behind by that storm. this this was once someone's home and pretty much all that's left standing is that closet with clothes stilha. it gives you an indication of what this town is facing. but let me tell
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you folks a and we want to help. it's all part of our new mission. mississippi strong. where we are. we are we're dedicating we are dedicating ourselves to helping this town to rebuild and to reopen. and they know it's going to take some time. so this morning, we're going to kick it off. you are going to meet some incredible folks. you talk about neighbors helping neighbors. and if you would like to help, you can do so. just scan that qr code that's on your screen right now and you can go to our website. so we've got a lot of stories to share with you. and guys, you know how we rolled here in rolling fork. we may have a surprise or two up our sleeves all throughout the morning. can be sure about that. we are glad you were there robert. in every little bit. every little bit definitely helps. we'll talk to you in a little bit. and we're going to turn now to the trial of the so-called doomsday mom accused of murdering her two children in a dramatic day in court as lori
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vallow daybell sister took the stand. eva pilgrim is here with more. good morning, eva. good morning, michael. her sister originally defended her, but after learning her niece and nephew were dead, she confronted lori in a jail phone call. emotional testimony from lori vallow daybell sister, summer shiflett, admitting she initially believed lori when she said her children were okay, even after they'd been missing for months. she basically told me that she was aware of where they were and that they were safe. but when seven year old jj and 16 year old tylee's bodies were found on lori's husband's property, the discovery leading to a furious jail phone call letters death, all i understand. i want to believe the best of you. i really do. i love you with all my heart. it fills me with just little kids. i don't understand you know me, summer
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that's what i thought. you still do. lori you let that happen them and did it. tell us it would be felt like a piece of trash that i don't know. you authorities found jj and tylee bodies in doomsday author chad daybell's backyard nine months after they were laste. shortly afterldren disappeared. lori marrying chad in hawaii. i don't think i'm in pain. no, i don't. i think you were dancing on the beach, having a great time getting married. nobody knows what i've been through. prosecutors say lori and chad believed jj and tylee were zombies and murdered. them both have pleaded not guilty to those charges. why would you marry them? he didn't . well, then come up with an explanation publicly. still some are testifying during cross-examination. she couldn't imagine her sister actually wanting to kill her children.
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and a detective also walked the jury through authorities finding those two kids bodies. lori sat almost motionless with her head down. guys, all right, eva, thank you. now to ed sheeran in court defending his grammy winning hit thinking out loud. sheeran is accused of copying one of marvin gaye's biggest hits, aaron katersky is back with that. good morning again. aaron lindsey. good morning again to you. ed sheeran supposed to play a bunch of concerts in new york in june. but first he has to come to this new york courthouse to face the music from a songwriter's family who says it's time sheeran gives credit where credit is due. put him in. come on back up, back up. mobbed on his way into court, ed sheeran sat alone on the witness stand to defend his grammy winning ballad. thinking out loud after he was accused of copying the 1973 soul classic. let's get it on. here's sheeran's hit baby man hard could still fall as hard.
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and marvin gaye's i even if you feel i got you baby, come on the family of ed townsend, marvin gaye's co-writer, accuses sheeran of copying the chord progression, rhythm and other elements of let's get it on this video of sheeran blending the two songs at one of his concerts, the family's attorney called a smoking gun, found the well because he should home. but sheeran testifying i had done what you're accusing me of doing, i'd be quite an idiot to stand on stage in front of 20,000 people. all now sheeran insists that he wrote his tune independently and his attorney said that both songs contain basic musical building blocks that no artists can own.
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a guy sheeran is expected back here later in the trial to continue his testimony. guys, that is an interesting case. aaron, thanks very much. when are you back in rolling fork, mississippi, robin? in just a little bit. all right. like the day i rise up, i rise unafraid in another. half heart failure with unresolved symptoms. it may be time to see the bigger picture. heart failure and seemingly unrelated symptoms like carpal tunnel syndrome, shortness of breath and irregular heartbeat could mean something more serious called atr rcm, a rare under diagnosed disease that worsens over time. sound like you call your cardiologist and ask about atr rcm since i'm turning into a mom sweater vest. no, my super soft skin. c jergens original cherry almond lotion. smooth mom would
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fork, mississippi. and robin is down there in the state. she loves. hello, robin. oh, i do love this state. this is my home state. you know that, george. i'm telling you, it's been about a month since that ef4 tornado tore through this little town in northern mississippi. and i'm really honored. i'm honored to be here this morning to kick off gma. s new initiative, mississippi strong, where we are pledging our commitment to helping this town recover and rebuild. we know it's going to take some time. and before we get going, this morning, i thought it best that we take a look at how rolling fork has been impacted. the this morning. the power of the deadly tornado disaster still painful with lingering destruction and devastation breaks your heart to know that so many families, you know, have lost so much a month later, display families feeling the stark reality of that
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harrowing evening. y'all need help over there. an ef four tornado ripping through rolling fork on march 24th at 8 p.m. if that tornado bid was captured by aq weather, bringing catastrophic winds up to 170mph, surging rescue. hello? the twister bearing down 59 miles across mississippi, killing nearly two dozen people. people homes, man. the majority of 1700 people who live in the small town have lost their homes. many 35% living below the poverty line. i'm still here, so don't worry about no material stuff at all. we're back in the storm zones. epicenter just northwest of jackson. look at it. look at that. that's the flagpole. that's the flagpole. do you know the power that hasn't taken. yes, do that. as the community picks up the pieces. so what do you want to see from rolling
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forward, rolling for small town , a good town? and i said, everybody know everybody. we're looking at building and come back and like i say, be bigger and better than ever. block after block, police chief michael miles taking us around the small town, reduced to rubble. where do you start? is this so everywhere you look here? yeah i mean, it's bad. what's that white structure? that was a water tower of the city. water tower. that was a water tower. that was a water tower. and that. when did it like that? where were you in the storm hit? i was at home. me and my wife and my grandbaby. we managed to get in the bathroom by the time we got in the bathroom there, everything just started coming apart. the police chief showing us where his home once stood. and that area right here was the living room. and you all are standing in the kitchen. i was born and raised in that house right there. so you can say i've been here all my life. here go, grandma, go to
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that house where his 86 year old mother still lives, one of the only inhabitable homes in the area. all the pictures on the wall, none of those blue, none of them. i'm very blessed and i'm happy to be here. i've been here 51 years right here. s chief miles, one month in, what is the most pressing need right now? right now, i would say what we need to do is just clean the area up and like i said, try to get people back. it's the removal. it's the rebuilding. the reopening. yes process help pouring in from volunteers like the cajun navy ground force who've been here since the storm first hit. we've had about 2000 volunteers come in since we've been here in three and a half weeks. and it's a wonderful thing to see. and the local high school south delta transforming
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into a distribution site to help its own neighbors. i can tell you one day last week i had 75 volunteers in this building, same way with the goods that are coming in, it could be a carload full of pampers or it could be a trailer full of stuff all at no, no. and the support crucial for residents who a month later continue to recover. they don't just want to survive. they want to thrive. i know the people here. i know their spirit. i know that they're not going to give up. there's plenty of hope here. got to tell you, folks there so much hope around here. when you walk around and people are remarkably upbeat and hopeful and grateful. and this is just the first phase of our initial live i call it the three r's, the removal, the rebuilding and the reopening of rolling fork. and you heard the chief. this is
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the cleanup process. and there have been folks here, they've been here around the clock and in our next half hour, we're going to go to the local high school, which has become like a recovery haven. you should see what they're doing over there and you will see what they are doing, neighbor helping neighbor and there's so many people coming from the outside to lend a helping hand. and i know you. i know our gma viewers and i know you want to help as well. in fact, you've been asking us how yoscan the qr code on your n and i'll take you to our website and you can find out how you can help. so i got to head over there to the local high school in just a little bit, guys. and we are looking forward to seeing you there. robin such an important story. thanks very much. we'll be right back to make it back home. i'm not trying to hard. say. come on now, let's
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heading to the local high school. i hear that there's some folks there that are waiting for us, and they're just so grateful for all the help that they are receiving right now. and, you know, lindsey, we're going to have a surprise or two. i just decided. yes, we're going to have a surprise or two. also, i just decided. yes we'll do that. robin, i didn't think you went all the way there and i would be empty handed. all hands on deck. and for our viewers at home, if you want to get involved, just scan that qr code on the screen to go to our website to learn how we have much more from mississippi in our next hour. also ahead, the new alert about melatonin and gummies. what parents need to know. hyundai. there's magic in the journey. your journey, whether curiosity is your guide or you're taking the turns as they come, whether your trip is fueled by fantasy or
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you want to talk about a dynamic storm? you get a land spout which is twisting just like the tornado out there in colorado. and then you've got snow on the northern side of it. the foot or even two feet that will still have now jackson hole, wyoming, with some of that fresh snow enjoying it. but there's going to be even more where that came from through friday down through the rockies. look at that. wyoming montana, colorado and new mexico. coming up here on gma, we do have new details about tucker carlson's exit from fox and then that incredible rescue on the train tracks. the moment the workers race to save this toddler. we're going to hear from his mom and lizzie caplan and amanda peet. they're the stars of the new series fatal attraction. they're here live. you don't want to miss any of this. and your local news and weather, they're coming up next . play punch win with punch a bunch at great resort and casino up to $350,000 in prizes every friday in april. drawings every hour from 7 to 11 p.m, 200
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big baby. i'm not going to touch you. i guess the connor hall. and by this building a better bay area moving forward, finding solutions. this is abc seven news. good morning, everyone. i'm kumar aaron from abc seven mornings. we're going to check in now with georgina for a look at traffic. hi. hi. kumasi thank you. good morning, everyone. so we are going to start with the maps and go back to fremont. we've been tracking the stigler throughout the morning and it is still in place. multi-car crash on southbound 80 before thornton avenue. we also have a fog advisory issued for the golden gate bridge. very low visibility in and out of the north bay it there and then especially our drive time on highway four to the maze you're looking at about 42 minutes. so you're writing on 80. but from highway four, adrian, adrian being at let's continue that fog trend. we have that fog advisory in effect for the coastline until 9 a.m. this morning. visibility is down to zero milest a lit yer needed for most of us were in the 40s and 50s. right now, some
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of that fog has already moved back to the coast across the city right now, here's a live look from sutro . and we will find temperatures warming later today going into the 70s and 80s away from the coast. all right. thank you, drew. if you're streaming with us on the abc7 bay app, abc7 at seven is next. for everyone else, it's gma quoits here to take 30% off your next cleaning your kitchens and bathrooms. natural stone surfaces are exposed to germs and bacteria so call our certified technician deep clean marble, granite and more to remove buildup. then apply a sealer to protect from bacteria and stains. give quite a call today and be sure to have your natural stone surfaces cleaned every 12 to 24 months for a healthier home. call 804 quit now and take 30% off your next cleaning. oh. oh. taking the win with quality top tier gas for less. excellent choice, of course. yeah. you this road trip is very well planned. yeah, i made a spreadsheet. wow. that's
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current fca can lease ram 1500 for 389 a month. live with kelly and mark speakers at 909 abc seven on abc. good morning america. it's 8 a.m. severe weather on the move with millions in the path. a possible tornado touching down in texas. baseball sized hail shattering wind shield winds whipping at 90mph in a new threat. taking aim today, ginger is tracking the path. tucker carlson, what we're now learning about the former prime time host departure from fox could his comments about top executives have led to his ouster? melatonin, gummy alert. what a new report found about the popular supplements on the heels of the spike in melatonin. overdose calls for kids. dr. ashton is here. the incredible caught on camera moment. these workers saving a toddler who has autism, who
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wandered onto the tracks, climbing over the electrified rails. what his mom is saying about the rescue this morning. that girl, fatal attraction reimagined. i'm not going to be ignored. dan lizzy caplan and amanda peet are live in times square as their new show takes on the 1987 classic right. wow. look at the bars with love this morning. we are mississippi strong, bringing you to rolling for one month after a devastating tornado hit the town. and my house sit on this concrete slab right here. how this tight knit community is rebuilding, finding hope among the damage, but nothing compares to rolling for mississippi. and i promise you did. what comes next in the recovery, how you can help and the surprises we have in store as we say here what strong. le
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gma. good morning america. it's great to have you with us and it's great to have robin joining us from rolling fork, mississippi with some surprises up her sleeve this morning. it's been just one month since a devastating tornado ripped through the town. now this morning, she's there launching a new mission. guys you can see right behind me, we've been talking about this. yes. we've been showing you the destruction. we just drove the town. it is it is difficult to see what this community is going through. but i want you to see what else this community is going through. they are pitching in to help in the wake of the storm. right here are people from the mississippi food bank. hello, mississippi food bank. how are you? and this is katherine right here. all right. good morning to you. thank you. for what you my dad was q dog. okay, katherine, may i have permission to cross? okay, good morning, everyone. i want you to come across here because. good morning. good morning. this is
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the local high school. it has become a major distributor center. they're handing out warm meals. hello, ma'am. handing out meals, whatever it takes. whatever folks need, they're doing it here at this distribution center, which is the local high school. do you remember that restaurant owner a few days after the storm that i talked to tracy hardin? well, she is here. she is handing out warm meals with some help from volunteers. hello. hello tracy. it's good to finally see you and hug you in person like this. thank you for being here. oh, thank you so much. oh, that felt good. i'm telling you, i remember you a few days after our audience remembered you as well. and you got right to work. it smells good, right? but all of a sudden, what do you have in those bags? it smells so good. sausage and biscuits. okay we're going to eat well. we're going to eat. we're going to get to
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know tracy a little bit better. but first, we want folks at home. they want to help out. and george, you're going to tell them how they can do that. that's right, robert. if you want to get involved, you can scan that qr code on the screen right there. and of course, we're going back to robin in just a little bit. but right now, we're going to get more on that severe weather. it hit colorado and texas all the way through that area. there's a new threat this morning as well. ginger tracking the latest. converting george, i'm so glad we're back there. and i'm so glad we can take time to warn people that there will be tornadoes again today. this is the science of meteorology has gotten to that point where we can warn you just have to watch when a storm shows us what it can do, like it did just east of lubbock, texas, damaging winds in excess of 90mph, possible tornado damage there. that was a convenience store that was taken out. and then you've got the big ol hail. we're talking baseball to even softball sized. well that is possible again today for a much larger and much more populated area in texas. all along the cold front and the low. so dallas-fort worth, waco, plano, garland, all included. but it'll start two, 3 p.m. on the western side. so wichita falls there and then through the afternoon and evening hours,
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then it progresses into the overnight and the gulf coast gets involved into early tomorrow morning. new orleans, you could be waking up with some of these severe storms, goes over to mobile right through the florida panhandle, mexico beach, appalachia. so i'll have more on what happens in florida, because they've got a pretty rare event coming today in just a bit. but for now, michael, all right. thank you for that, ginger. and now to new details about tucker carlson departure from fox news and text messages that might have led to his exit. abc news chief washington correspondent jonathan karl has the latest. good morning, john. good morning, michael. the wall street journal, which is owned by the same company that owns fox news, is out with a detailed accounting for the reasons tucker carlson was fired. according to the paper, one key factor was crudely offensive language that he made towards women, language that came to light when he was forced to turn over his text messages as part of the dominion lawsuit. one particularly crude insult that he directed towards a female
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executive at the company was redact before those messages were made public. carlson according to the paper, didn't like that quote. he told his colleagues that he wanted the world to know what he had said about the executive in a private message, mr. carlson said comments he had made about former president donald trump that he hated him passionately, that were in the court documents were said during a momentary spasm of anger. while the dislike of this executive was deep and enduring, the company became concerned that if those messages, the unredacted messages, became public, it would be an embarrassment to fox and michael. there was also a financial factor. quote, while mr. carlson's tucker carlson tonight was popular, it was also repelled to blue chip advertisers, which meant it wasn't providing a huge financial windfall to the network despite those high ratings. the paper said that carlson had also become toxic to some within the senior ranks of fox news itself. quote, mr. carlson, sometimes trafficked in
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what critics, including some higher ups within fox felt was thinly veiled racism. on his show. and finally, according to the paper, one other factor was the way carlson saw himself within fox, quote, concern that the populist firebrand had come to believe himself bigger than the network. a cardinal sin in fox court chair rupert murdoch's empire. and was increasingly operating as his own island. carlson has not yet commented about any of this yet his firing or any of this that has come to light. lindsey, some fascinating revelations there. john, thank you. now to a close call on the train tracks. hero workers racing to save a young child who had wandered onto the tracks. will reeve is here with that story. good morning. well good morning, linsey. it's a nightmare scenario beyond comprehension for a parent, a child wandering off onto a live railroad track, heading right for the electrified third rail, touching it, meaning near certain tragedy. but enter the
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hero's quick thinking, fast acting and life saving only milagro de dios this morning, a mother calling it a miracle that she was reunited with her young child after his near-death experience on a railroad track outside new york city. the train employees who saved him hailed as heroes. it all happened so fast, says a sosa, mother of three year old waylon de sosa, who had wandered away, tumbling over a wall and climbing over electrically charged rails. engineer william kennedy telling our station wabc he spotted the boy as soon as i saw it was a child, i instantly daddy kicked in and we got to save this kid. kennedy, whose train was moving 70mph, slamming on the brakes and getting on the radio. you kill rail. we got a toddler here on the tracks. conductor marcus higgins, who was heading the other way, also saw the boy and stopped. watch as he rushes toward waylon. the boy now in between the rails, he climbs on top of them, still electrified. this toddler is right on the
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third rail. waylon was then brought on to a stop train, and after an hour of anguished separation, his mother rushing to him, filled with gratitude. she says she's unable to pay back what they've done for her and her son. waylon was found with just a splinter on his hand. he is home safe, referring to the train employees who saved waylon, the railroad president said with the bravery and calm comportment of superheroes, they averted a horrific outcome. certainly did. oh, that was amazing. thank you. will come into our gma morning menu. what a new study reveals about those popular melatonin gummies for sleep. also ahead, the goal, an honor. carrie fisher is finally getting. lara has that in pop news. also, fatal attraction reimagine the stars of the new series lizzy caplan and amanda peet are here live. they are. and robin is live from rolling fork for mississippi strong, highlighting the community as they rebuild in the aftermath of a devastating storm. hey, robin
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. hey, mike. i hope can you can you feel the spirit here? these local volunteers, that's anne right there. i'm telling you, they are helping people after the aftermath, providing just some basic materials that people need. getting some breakfast right now. good. you're good. hey i'm great. i'm blessed. highly favored. how are you? all right. now you're going to meet some of the faces of this town. i have fallen in love in case you haven't told. so we have a lot more from rolling fork. going to meet some of the faces . that's all that's going to be done to rebuild this little town. got to keep moving, folks . let's go. all right. today i'm eyes up our eyes on a friend verizon small business days are coming. april 27th through may 3rd. now is the time to partner with our experts for a free tech
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to give one lucky fan the magical surprise dream of a lifetime and grant a wish to fly to la and see the premiere of my new film, disney's wish in person. i know. oh, plus, i'll bring you an exclusive look at the brand new trailer. i'll see you live on good morning america . this is going to be so awesome . it's going to be awesome. she is so infectious. love having seeing her. and she's going to be live in times square tomorrow. ariana is going to be here. but right now, we're going to go back tomorrow night. yes, we are. we're going to go back to robin george. she is live from rolling fork. hey, robin, how's it going? but i'm going to be back tomorrow for ariana two. one of my favorites. but i'm right now i'm here at the distribution center where residents can they can come, they can get the basic necessities. now, just days after the storm, remember we
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introduced you to tracy hardin, wh in a walk in cooler at a restaurant, chuck's dairy bar. now, one month later, she hasn't stopped that. you see in herhtow, she is handing out warm meals. she has her volunteers that are here with her. she's handing out hugs as well. we're going to talk to her again in just a moment. all the hugs. but first, take a look at this. no if you're a regular or just driving by chuck's dairy bar has been a staple in rolling fork, mississippi, since 1977. people from everywhere home to chuck, you could go in. we knew almost everybody there because the food is delicious and it's just a gathering place and it always has been. there's not a lot of options in town, so we're glad parents feel comfortable t bringing their kids. they can go
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and play pool or eat owner tracy hardin has been serving up food and love at chuck's for 16 years. her diners becoming family. she's like another mom to me, like she treats us all the same. she loves us. that's what i do every day. i wake up not just to cook burgers, but to give back to the community. that's given so much to me. on the night of march 24th, her small knit community forever changed after our tornado ripped through the town, making a direct hit at chuck's. tracy and her staff hunkering down inside the restaurant. it's cooler. we're in the cooler and squeezed in tight and screaming and praying for a miracle. everyone was safe. high school senior chaz stevens rushing to aid those trapped nearby. all those houses. there was like one standing. and we were pulling bodies out. nothing that nobody wants to see. tracy tracy, along
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with two of her employees, appearing on gma days later on, the one who never asked for help is the hardest thing. but we're in a position now where we have no choice. so help us help us help our people. this is what's left of my dairy bar. one month later, a few salvaged red booths . and these brick steps are all thatrillionemain. not a whole lot. was saved, but our lives. now she's finding comfort and holding her herding community tight. they're just like my kids . i see them daily and i'm missing that right now. i'm missing it a lot. i give you a hug. be that. we'll be backoo sn, i.w
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are y'all in the meanti metracy is not missing a beat. l right, y'all enjoy setting up shop at a mobile food truck. y'all we're feeding 500 people a day come and not just eat, but they're getting loved on and cared for. may not be in tucdbut we got th. you know, we got the staff from chokes. and so it was like, okay, we got some poop here. a sign that brighter days are ahead. yes, indeed tracy, the owner of chuck's dairy bar, you were watching the piece and just seeing you give out good hugs. let me tell you that. not just great food, but you give out good hugs as well. part of my job. oh it's a labor of love. i can erhoto wke with
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courage to raise their hand and say, you know what? we're going to help ourselves, that we need some help along the way. now that it's been about a month where are you now in the process of dealing with this right now? it's still really hard, still grieving. our friends. but we're up and we're running and we've been donating meals for three and a half weeks now just doing doing what we love. and it's been wonderful that people have given so much that we've been able to do it at no cost. we're making plans. my other friends in town are already have buildings ordered for their businesses and wow, you know, we're getting plans together. i met with an architect two days ago and we've come a long way in a short time in just a short time. and i know your friend
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from the coast, dick's dick's. dick's hollis. yeah, he came this morning and brought a check from a gofundme. he set up to help us rebuild. $17,000. and that'll go a long way in getting us back to where we yeah. why do you keep crying? why you keep. these are tears of. they are growing. yeah they are. joy we've seen a whole lot more smiles this week and just tears of joy. that's right. that's right. and you know what ? i had this look. i look to get a shot of the residents here at some point. i mean, they are coming out here. you really interact with them. tracy yes. i love. what are you what are you hearing from them? what is what are their most pressing needs right now? because we have folks that are watching who want to help. so what are the most pressing needs that you're hearing from the residents pressing needs is trying to get our people back to town. and to do that, we need we need housing . we need building materials, we
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need furnishings. we need we always still need those prayers. most of all right now the need is so don't have anything. so i know. and you're grateful for anything and everything that people are so grateful. so grateful. all right, tracy. okay. you kind of thank me. no, thank you. and i mean this with all sincerity. i mean, you from day one, you have stood up and you have. i love when someone said, i don't know you, but i love you and that's how people feel. i don't know any of y'all, but i love you and love what you do. all right? yeah. you okay? here we go. here we go. we're going to be back with more from raleigh because, you know, i know dick's helped you out, but we've got some surprises for you, too. up the sleeve. up the sleeve. right ginger? you know that michael. robin. i know you will. and i love to hear from her and everybody there. we also have to warn folks in florida today, because you're going to see thunderstorms reaching such high heights that you could see big hail, which is not something
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that you see every day. so daytona beach all the way down through orlando and west palm, fort lauderdale, all included in the threat today. also we are watching those mississippi river levels higher than we've been in 2001. and it looks like in some spots it'll get to a historic levels, highest since 1965. let's get a check now a little closer to home. i'm abc7 news meteorologist drew time with your accuweather forecast. morning clouds giving way to sunshine and a warmer afternoon 70s and upper 80s in our warmest spots today. some 15 degrees above average for this time of the year. coastal clouds do return tonight. 40s and 50s heading into thursday. accuweather seven day showing you thursday it is warm to hot 90 making their return for the first time. this year. then over the weekend we'll find gradually cooler weather moving in now to a new report about those popular melatonin gummies finding many not may not have the dosage that they claim. abc news chief medical correspondent dr. jen ashton is here with more. good
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morning to you. tell us about this report. so this was a small study published in the journal of the american medical association. they looked at 25 over-the-counter melatonin, gummy, gummy bear specimens, samples and found they were really looking at dosage. they were looking at purity. they were looking at contents with respect to the labeling. and what they found was that 88% of the samples they tested did not have a dose that was consistent with their labeling, completely different. some were lower, some were higher up to three and a half times higher than the label dose. so when you talk about something that is so commonly used and we've talked about this before, the reports for children accidentally ingesting these have skyrocketed. and we've seen melatonin, overdose calls in the pediatric age group go up significantly over approximately the last ten years by. 530. this has resulted in over 4000 pediatric hospitalizations. and tragically, two pediatric deaths. so you need to read
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those labels and keep them away from kids and tell us what we need to know about melatonin and perhaps some other ways to help us fall asleep. well first of all, it's important to realize that this is not fda approved for sleep and anything, even if it's natural, can be potentially dangerous if given in the wrong dosage. this is our sleep hormone, and it's strongly regulated by our natural exposure to light. there is really a lack of evidence to support its use in healthy children. and if it is used in children on the advice of a pediatrician, that dose is usually less than one milligram. so read those labels and talk to your child's pediatrician. so helpful as always, jen, thank you. and now let's send it over to lara for a little pop. thanks. lan's great advice. jen and we're going to begin pop news with late actress carrie fisher, the star of the original star wars franchise, will finally get her own star on the hollywood walk of fame. her daughter, billie lourd, will accept the honor on her late mom's behalf on may the 4th. also known as star wars day here in the us. fisher of course, became a household name as
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princess leia. she went on to star in blockbuster hits like when harry met sally before receiving two emmy nominations for her amazing appearances on 30 rock, fisher, star wars costar mark hamill celebrating the announcement, writing long overdue and so well deserved. we agree. mark hollywood walk of fame producer anna martinez sharing fisher star will be across the street from her legendary mothers. debbie reynolds. we wanted to share that with you all this morning. short pop news today because we have so much to get to. we sure do. robin down in rolling fork. we'll be back with that. what you get to watch read. where can i get a great deal on what i'm just dying to buy? oh it's all right here gma life get the latest celebrity buzz deals and steals and the coolest lifestyle tips from gma. i love that so much. streaming weekends on abc news live. poopy poop oh oh. baby, baby. oh, baby,
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baby. okay, give up a kiss. what no. how did i end up here? i'm me building a better bay area moving forward, finding solutions. this is abc seven news. good morning. i'm reggie from abc seven mornings and joe bna has a look at our traffic. thank you reggie. good morning everyone. so we are going to start with a live look outside in emeryville, except you can barely make out 80 right now due to all the fog that is moving into our area. so low visibility is certainly going to be a part of your commute if you're traveling along 80 highway four to the toll plaza, you're looking at about 58 minutes. and there's also a fog advisory issued for the golden gate bridge. this morning. we'll wrap up with a look at our dry times. it's going to be slow across the bay area. reggie. that is a sure sign that it's going to be warmer today. drew tuma has that when we come back. welcome hollywood. what's your dream? hey, almost summertime from
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, pretty wan, the musical raven. and give us my call coming to the orpheum theater, april 25th through the 30th. get tickets at broadway. com give your small business one tech solution that checks all the boxes. it's all here with the comcast business complete connectivity solution, peace of mind with cyber threat security . the power of the largest, fastest reliable network. plus save up to 75% a year with comcast business mobile, the complete connectivity solution from the company powered by the next generation ten g network. get started for just $49 a month and ask about an $800 prepaid card. comcast business powering possibilities is at 72 sold. we are disrupting traditional real estate and it was much needed. now, anybody in america, wherever they live, can get a price, a higher price for their
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home than if they sold the traditional way. and then they can sell whenever they want in a month and three months and get it done in just a day. so for anybody, wherever they live, anywhere in america, if you're thinking about selling anytime this year, just put in your dress, get our price and be able to sell whenever you want in just eight days, only at 72. sold. hey hey. bay area live with kelly marcus. coming up we'll chat with amanda peet and lizzy caplan from fatal attraction. plus, author judy blume is here. that's at nine on abc seven. we'll see in 30 minutes. we're taking a look at live doppler seven. we still have that dense fog advisory in effect from the city down to the coastline of san mateo and santa cruz until 9 a.m. the next 30 minutes because we have our marine layer with us. almost feels like a summer morning out there and temperatures are responding to where we have that sunshine already into the 50. so a light layer certainly needed right now. and then we'll have some warmer weather later on this afternoon. the golden gate bridge socked in with fog. look at this. later today, seven
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counties and 80s away from the coast. reggie i feel like we haven't seen that fog in so long. it's really interesting today. we'll see you again in about a half hour. you can always catch us on our news app and abc7 news. we're always on the air from 5 to 7. i'm just trying. welcome back to gma live from times square and robin is down a rolling fork. mississippi that incredibly strong community. robin i don't think they're going to let you come home. i don't want to come home. i don't want to come home. i'm staying. i'm around rolling fork royalty right now. the mayor of rolling fork, ladies and gentlemen, is here with us. cindy love from texas is here. i saw somebody from past chris jan, because as they remember after katrina, how people helped out. and so they want to help. but all these volunteers that are here with tracy, they have been helping since the storm. the community has come together . they're picking up the pieces and even just walking through the damage, you can find messages of hope. i want to show some of them. they give the
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community some operation and we're going to meet some of the champions of the town in a moment. but i got to show her a little bit more of their stories right now. there's a chill in the air in rolling fork, mississippi. it feels like a bad dream that you can't wake up from you sitting at home one hour and the next hour, total devastation and ef4 tornado leaving a trail of death and destruction. we all went to the bathroom, got down on the floor in the bathroom. we all looked each other and all we did was just pray, pray, pray. all the glass just busted and the roof collapsed and it was just horrible. the tornado taking the lives of 13 residents throughout the county. and everyone lost something where there was a loved one home and everyone lost something. yeah. what can i pray
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for you? of course. always one month later, glimmers of hope. love you, love youyo bute u ra reaching out to survivors to offer their support in my house . sit on this concrete slab right here. carolyn washington is a long time chuck's dairy bar employee returning to the site where her home once stood. i was basically set for life. so i'm gonna have to start all over again with everything. despite losing everything on this visit. oh, my god. my grandmother picture a treasured fine emerges out of the rubble. my grandma. oh, my god. i believe we're going to come back really big and better. yes, we're rolling. fox strong. it's that resilience and determination that also encourages south delta high school principal sam matthews,
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who is grateful he and his pregnant fiancee were unharmed. my windows were starting different here. so i went in my home office. i got under my computer desk and we rolled it out for about 2 to 3 minutes and it was over his roof gone and metal from his neighbor's trailer tangled in his tree. all the material stuff can't be replaced. i'm just lucky that i'm alive now. his priority is to support his students and his community to make sure they return and rebuild. we don't complain. we roll our sleeves up , we help our neighbor. nothing compares to rolling fort mississippi. and i promise you that. you know what? i can promise you that, too. there is something very special about rolling forward. and here again is tracy, one of her employees, carolyn, she was posing like this in the picture. yeah and the principal. i'm so glad that
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you and your fiance are everything went well. i know you want to get the kids back in school because, again, this is your high school here. so where's the situation? stand with that. right now we are all at the middle school, pre-k through 12. we are allowed to return home. but it's just so important to get students back in the school setting so they can get back to a normal routine. my girls track team, they're competing for the south state. so congratulations to that. and through all this, i just want everyone to know we are a b rated school district and just high school was the c and we were 13 points away from a b, so we were trying to fight and hoping students can come back with some resilience and we can get that beat this year. they're going to learn something through this time. they really are. they really are. and carolyn, how are you doing right now? i know we spoke, you know, right after the storm, but how are you now? i'm doing good. doing well right away. yes. yeah. what do you need most, right now? well, you know, i'm a counselor, a wonderful city work. and we have a lot going
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on. we lost water towers, buildings, so we're going to need some help getting our town back together. yeah i saw that. i mean, the water tower, the snap. just like a matchstick. yes. and tracy, can you just convey to the folks at home, what is it about rolling fork, mississippi? it's just love. it's so much love. um you know, you can go to so many places and you hear people talk about how close they are and how they come together and but here, you know, we don't even have to talk about it. we just do it. it's just done daily for each other and we're just full of love. yeah. and we're so proud of that. i think that's the right word. you are. you are full of love. yeah, that's it, mr. mayor. if that is. well, we want you to know, mr. mayor, and everybody, that's a gm. we're committed. we're committed to helping you. we know that you are helping
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yourselves. we want to help you. and we know you said that with all the driving. and i know just the little driving that we've done that it really it's taxing because you've got to go back and forth and get supplies. so we have for you. $10,000 worth of gift cards to go towards gas from double quick. all right. so $10,000 gift cards to gift you that gas. so you can get those supplies that you need. and you can distribute it as you see fit. all right. well you've been great, everybody. oh, wait a minute. no there's another surprise. there's another one. okay it's not. there's so many people around the country. there's so many people around the country who are in awe of your story, mr. mayor. and they know that you have created a fund here in the city, a city fund as one of america's largest home discount retail. big lots aims to make a positive impact in small, beautiful towns just
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like this. and so this morning, they are donatin$2 dollars to go into the recovery efforts for you. and i just want to tell you all that we are going to be with you. we know that this is just one phase that you are in the removal process of the debris, that then you will then rebuild. and then what are you going to do? you're going to reopen. shucks. you got to offer a chance to reopen this town. it's been such a powerful morning here in raleigh for work with all of these people, as well as the people working hard inside the distribution distribution center, bringing this community back. and you see it there. and as i said, we will be back for the next phase of mississippi strong. and remember, if you want to help at home, you can just scan the qr code on the screen to go to our website for more information. do you feel the love? do you feel we got the love here? and i know you're feeling the love from all
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the way around. so as arnold used reopjoice. we are feeling that here. yeah, we're sending the love right back to you all. love love, love. that story, how wonderful. it's a brand new day. don't let junk get in the way. oh, you have to do this point and you'll be back to your old self again. oh, yeah. call one 800. got junk or visit one 800. got junk. com 96.5 quality. listen today while you work it's an updated mix of today's hits and yesterday's favorites like uber and the guys love tomorrow start your day with the 7:30 a.m. commercial free work to kick off stand a little for life outside number one for listening while you work today's hits and
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number one in customer satisfaction with retail banking in california by j.d. power. it's a brand new day. don't let junk get in the way. all you have to do is point and you'll be back to your old self again. yeah. call one 800. got junk or visit one 800 guy junk. com get ready for the next generation of football stars to take the stage being here means everything to me. my with appearances by chris pratt and the jonas brothers, the nfl draft live start thursday on abc monday, may 6th. all time greats. what is grit? what does mean girls? one incredible tournament we will be crowned the first ever jeopardy masters champ. bring it, bring it. don't bring jeopardy! master starts monday, may 8th on abc. welcome back to gma. we're back now with a big night for the panthers in the nhl playoffs.
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they are facing the top seed bruins tonight at seven eastern followed by the avalanche versus the kraken at 930 eastern. all the action happens tonight on espn. let's get the check down a little closer to home. i'm abc7 news meteorologist your team with your accuweather forecast morning clouds giving me a sunshine and a warm afternoon. 70 and 80s today. here's the accuweather seven-day forecast even warmer tomorrow 90 return before we cool off over the weekend. all retired nfl star turned children's book author brian westbrook. he's helping out a treasured local bookstore that needs a hand. and our new gma contributor jess simms was there for a very special surprise. good morning, jess, and welcome to gma. lara, this is an absolute dream come true. i'm so honored to be sitting here with you and the rest of the gma team, so thanks for having me. of course. tell us about this. well, now this story. i'm going to bring you this right here. brian westbrook's career soared on the philadelphia eagles and the city remains super close to his heart. this segment is
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sponsored by verizon, which with brian, gave a beloved bookstore some game changing help. father of three and former eight season running back for the philadelphia eagles, brian westbrook is tackling a new mission to empower youth to dream big. nobody was thinking about football on the day that brian the mouse was born and the coauthor of the mouse who played football is using his story to do it. a story about the underdog, a story about resiliency, the story about not allowing someone to tell you what you're good at and just believing them. you're welcome to children's book world. thank you so we caught up with brian at children's book world, a local bookstore just outside philadelphia, standing in the times. i know that that's my childhood. for over 30 years, heather abbott and her mother, hannah schwartz, have made the family business a place for local youth to escape. within the pages of a good book. finally made this important book. it's about time. it's all living on and now we get the kids who we sold books to are
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coming in with their kids. they'll be able to see, you know, you can be a football player and an author. yes. when they aren't partnering with local authors like brian, the community staple is booked and busy teaming up with over 22 local school districts and libraries. there have been incredible wins. but talk to us a little bit about some of the challenges. the technology is changing so quickly and we want to keep up and we really want to meet the kids where they're at. so kind of keeping up with all that has been has been hard as a business owner and spokesperson for our sponsor, verizon, brian knows just how vital connectivity is to run a business. we want our small businesses to be the backbone of our community. we have to use the technology and verizon is a great partner to be able to use our technology to allow those businesses to grow. and having a reliable network is imperative to getting the job done during the small business days. april 27th through may 3rd, we've got industry leading experts who can sit with you and do a tech check for you all complimentary, tell
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you wher at, where you nereedu' to go. one stop shop services for all their technology needs and they've got a special gift for the bookstore. we do have a surprise for you and right here we have google has provided us with two google pixel phones, two buds as well as two watches and we're not done yet. we still have some more. oh, my god. and verizon has provided business service, internet service for your entire business. and for the phones for an entire year. are you serious? i'm actually kind of speechless, which, you know, me doesn't happen very often as a former school principal myself, i know how hannah and heather's work with local school districts really helps educators inspire a love of reading in their students. you can find out more about verizon helping small business owners, maximizing their potential on gma social pages. wait a minute, jess. you were a school principal. i was a school principal. and peloton instructor. and espn. and now
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goodni. seral lives, several lives. love it. well, welcome to the family and thank you forringg that very important story. absolutely. it was beautiful. so great to have you. thank you so much, larry. and coming up on good morning america, fatal attraction reimagined. lizzy caplan is here. amanda peet is here. oh come on up on good morning america. gma is open for business is sponsored by verizon , the network america relies on . y that was a nice reception. next live, amanda peet and lizzy caplan watch live today at nine on abc seven make a move in the most electrifying honda vehicles yet like the crv and accord with available hybrid powertrain designed for more responsive performance. get up and more advanced tech. when you drive a honda, you're driving with a 2022 kelley blue books kbb best value brand get moving and find
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better make me happy makes me feel this way. ain't nobody loves me better than you. , buddy. summer begins with guardians of the galaxy, volume three, only theaters may 5th. i'm back now on gma and we all remember fatal attraction. boy, did it take over the box office in 1987. and now the classic thriller is being reimagined for the small screen. our next guest take it on two iconic roles. please welcome amanda peet and lizzy caplan. welcome to the show. you two. thank you. in this i mean, this is one of my favorite movies. really? yeah. i love this movie. it scared me a
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little bit. and i loved it. but i know this straight. but. but lizzy, you were you were five years old when this movie came out. so when did you first see. what? when i was five years old, i thought every week in the theater till i was six. no, i don't remember exactly, but i remember i was way too young to see i wasn't five, but i was far too young. the first time i saw it. and i know for you, amanda, you. you had a what did they say? you had a memorable time at the theater. the first time i saw it, i was. i don't know how old it was. 18, 17. and i saw it on 19th and broadway with my best friend and her boyfriend and her boyfriend fainted. oh at the end it was a packed it was it the boiling bunny? yeah. what's it? it fainted. well, he was a really good boyfriend, so i think it's really interesting. what was he. yes, right, exactly . it was he. that's why he fainted, baby, i don't know. let's take a look at a clip. oh, hi, my. hi. this is alex. i
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forgot your last name for us. it's for us. my husband, dan. dan, alex forrest. do i know him already? oh, from the criminal courts. i work in victim services. oh, that's with conchita, right? right. wow oh, are you kidding? you were right, beth. this place, i mean, it's. it's magical. well we've been very happy here. and, lizzy, you got to say my favorite line. i will not be ignored. dan i still send that as, like, a meme. like, if you don't respond to my text, like you're getting that. yeah, it's one of those very memorable lines and yeah, no pressure to deliver that. and amanda, for you, what was it like to take such a popular movie in adapt it to tv? well i'm a huge fan of alexandra cunningham and i just i knew that she was going to try to dig into the psychological backstory
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of alex forrest. and i thought that that was a worthwhile thing to revisit. and we saw joshua jackson there, the third wheel in the movie. did you guys grow up with the crush like everybody had in the 90s when he was on dawson's creek? he wasn't born. oh yeah. did you have a crush on him? really oh, this crusher me. oh, i mean, i'm older than he is, but i had. but you know, just a little bit. he looks like such a little pudgy. well the amount of texts and emails i got from my friends, i didn't know that every single person was, like, obsessed with pacey. yes. yeah, i wasn't even obsessed with pacey. i just really slammed. yeah nope. i just. yeah mighty ducks. i liked it when he was ten. i really like him. just yeah. wow learned a lot here. and, boy, that in some things got to give. it's been 20 years
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and. but i hear your kids have a very strong opinion about it. yes. this is before your time too, dear josh, that's 20 years, theyathe beginning and saw me. i think there must be like a moment where i'm kind of like rolling or making out with jack nicholson. and they they turned it off. they were like, this movie is so inappropriate. it's so, so messed up, you know, and so they don't understand that it's actually a movie about this lothario who meets his match and diane keaton and that it's a comedy and it's not condoning a massive age gap between a boyfriend and government. anyway, it's pretty funny. i could see kids cringing with mom making out, you know, on the. yeah, but it was also just like they're like, this is ethically murky. yeah, you know what i mean? legally murky things like they never got past any of the opening makeout session. no they didn't because they, they, they they don't understand that it's a romantic comedy between diane
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and jack. well, one thing we do understand, fatal attraction. it's fantastic. and that youtube done an incredible job. and thank you for being here to bring it to us. thank you. thanks for having us. thank you, guys. and we're going to let everybody know fatal attraction, it premieres april 30th on paramount. plus, do yourself a favor. check it out. we'll be right back. top new brands, huge selection, big discounts. that's rick van. a new thor sequence. adventure van is discounted to just 99, 998, or only 622 per month. shop in comfort indoors r yo new rv at rick van in fremont. now's the time for cleaner indoor air. now's the time for a professional air cleaning from stanley steemer. you've known us for cleaning carpet and hard floors, but we've been developing and perfecting our air duct cleaning process and equipment for over 20 years. we do things the right way, cleaning your entire system . so if it's been never had yous
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bay area and a better earth. building a better bay area moving forward, finding solutions. this is abc seven news. good morning. i'm reggie from abc seven mornings and georgina is taking a look at the roads. thank you reggie. good morning, everyone. we're going to start with a look at the maps right now. we're following a crash in concord and the focus is definitely going to be on 680 right now. so the crash itself is going to be southbound, 680 before willow pass road. but as you continue further southbound, i'm bringing in this live picture of walnut creek. you can see how packed it is there. your speeds will be well under the limit. and also still backed up at the bay bridge toll plaza. hey drew. hey, gina. we're looking at fog right now. the fog advisory has ended, but it's still some thick areas of fog along the coast this morning. temperatures rise where we have that sunshine. we're warming pretty quickly already. 60 in san jose, 64. and antioch at 57. in oakland, that fog is thinning across the golden gate bridge. we'll have that cloud cover along the coast later today. temperatures 70s and 80s.
9:00 am
reggie, drew, thank you. time now for live with kelly and mark . we'll see you again at 11 a.m. for midday live. until then, you can always check us out at abc7 it's live with and mark today. film and television star amanda peet. plus worldwide best selling author shooting balloons also from the new series fatal attraction. lizzy caplan and we've got your spring health checklist as we continue. our spring has sprung. we all next on live. why don't you give me my now here are kelly rip out and morgan smiley. lehman.


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