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tv   ABC7 News 900PM  ABC  April 21, 2023 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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>> building a better bay area, moving forward, finding solutions, this is abc 7 news. >> there has responded with what i think is tremendous support and help. >> support for a tough problem that is visible on the streets of san francisco. >> thank you for joining us for the special edition of abc7 news . governor newsom announced a new partnership designed to crack down on san francisco's drug overdose crisis. the california national guard and a chp will work with san francisco's police department and district attorney's office and the ongoing effort to address fentanyl abuse. >> the focus will be on disrupting fentanyl trafficking and stopping the supply of fentanyl in the city. the governor says the plan will
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also provide more law enforcement resources and personnel to crack down on crimes holding dealers accountable and increasing law enforcement presence. >> i have s it alone and part of what we are getting from the governor is some help, some support, resources so that we can have the capacity necessary to take on this challenge head on. >> the additional help comes on the heels of the governor's unannounced visit to the streets of the tenderloin just this week. ins says the governor's familiarity with san francisco played a role in gaining the additional crime-fighting support, but it is still unclear how the new law enforcement resources will actually be deployed. >> he is the former mayor of san francisco so he is not a stranger to these problems. the chp presence could vary from technical assistance to putting squad cars in areas like the tenderloin and south of market in order to assessed local
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police and possibly do traffic stops. the national guard probably is going to be on technical support. we are not talking about armed troops on the streets of san francisco, we are talking about a unit that already exists, there are 166 national guards people who are actively trying to circumvent the fentanyl trade. statewide last year the resulted in the seizure of 28,000 pounds of fennel with a -- of fentanyl. >> the drug crisis of course touches on a lot of issues and if you're looking for an ally when it comes to things like abuse, mental illness and more, turn to abc7 action. we have put together a list of resources. >> late today the supreme court decided to plentiful state -- grant a stay of a lower court order that keeps the abortion pill legal. >> outside the midline deadline the supreme court granting a full stay of a lower court
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ruling to reverse fda approval of methyl prince stone -- methi lpristone, allowing it to remain widely available. president biden releasing a statement moments after saying "my administration will continue to defend fda's independent expert authority to review, approve and regulate a." drugs." the group challenging the fda approval responding in a statement writing, "we look forward to a final outcome that will hold the fda accountable" in less a month the fifth circuit is due to here ora l arguments. the president of the american medical association saying the case could have wider impact on patient health and medical
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research. >> the risk is that we will have judges all over the country looking at tylenol and looking at drugs that i happen to have been developed with stem cells that were used to treat diseases. we think it really puts the country at risk. >> samuel alito and cla thomas issuing dissenting opinions in this case. alito writing the court grants days where there are threats of real harm and that he does not see any as this case plays out. >> the two suspect in tuesday's deadly shooting at home t depot a in court today. they were arrange separately. knapss is charged with murder and robbery for shooting and killing 26-year-old blake mose an on armed security worker. court documents that she told police her gun accidentally went off as mose try to wrestle a stolen item out of her hands.
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prosecutors say gillorie was a getaway driver charged with evading an officer, accessory and child abuse. because knapp's child was inside the car. go-fund-me has been established to help the victim's family. you will find a lake on a -- a link on our website. >> the san mateo sheriff has working to identify additional victims after a sixth-grade teacher was arrested on 10 counts of sex assault, stemming from an investigation at taylor middle school. matthew garrett was taken into custody yesterday at his home in san francisco. detectives were looking into report of the sex assault of a student when they heard from others claiming they were touched inappropriately by garrett between 2007-2022. the los gatos mom accused of throwing secret sex parties for her son and other teenagers. shannon o'connor wants to know what her sentence would be if
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she were to plead out. some of the victims are asking the judge not to go light. >> shannon o'connor faced a judge today as victims face their accused tormentor. prosecutors requested friday's hearing to present 15 verbal and written victim statements to the judge while connor, backed turn to the victims, listened. >> every time we are in court and victim stand up and have the courage to speak the truth about -- their truth about what happened, it is an emotional experience for everyone in the court room watching. >> our cameras in court allowed to record video of all the o'connor for hearing on her request for the judge to say what her sentence would be if she would plead guilty. victims and their parents pleaded for the maximum sentence of 20 years. the resident was charged in 2021 after she was accused of throwing drunken parties for her team -- her teen son where she encouraged teens to drink and to participate in sex acts.
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many of the girls and their parents that they suffer from anxiety, depression, and pts day from lingering emotional and physical symptoms. some victims claim that o'connor moved to idaho to follow them after they left the bay area. the called o'connor a criminal and a sick individual and a dangerous predator. all this while o'connor stared straight ahead. >> i want to commend the victims and their parents for coming forward in this very difficult situation to let the judge know about how the actions of miss o'connor continue to affect them to this day such that that can be considered when the court gives an indicated sentence. >> and a new filing friday, prosecutors claim o'connor has continued to commit crime since she was taken into custody. first in idaho where she was arrested and then in san jose where she has been jailed since october 2021. they claim she pressured her son and other teenagers do not cooperate with investigators, directed her husband to hide her finances and can -- and
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conspired to smuggle drugs into the main jail and sell them to other inmates. o'connor's legal team will meet with the district attorney and the judge privately on may 5 to discuss a possible sentence should o'connor plead guilty to all charges. steven clark says the case has been conducted in an unusual way thus far. victims only usually speak at sentencing and not before, as they have done multiple times as this case has proceeded. clark says this is not a guilty or innocent case, the judge wants to hear all voices. >> she wants to hear from both sides and especially from the victims how this impacted their lives before she commits to a sentence for miss o'connor. >> the next public court date we relearn the sentence and if there is a change in plea is on may 16th. >> bart this week. yesterday it carried 44% of the number of pre-pandemic commuters. 44%, less than half what it used to, but at least it is some progress.
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weekend ridership is doing better, this past sunday it was two thirds of normal. trains every 20 minutes every day of the week on all lines during all operating hours is the plan. currently service runs every 15 minutes during peak times but drops to 30 minutes. bart recognizes that riders wan more frequent services on night and weekends in the goal is to start more frequent service in september. a discussion is inspected next week. >> we are enjoying some lovely spring weather this week. >> we sure are. our meteorologist is here with the lookahead. >> we're going to keep it going because the two hand in hand seem to see. let me show you a live picture from the east bay hills camera, all the way across the bay. it is looking good outside as we check out the high temperatures today. in the low to mid 80's. 82 in concord. 85 in fairfield. 82 in napa. 81 in redwood city. 77 in. san jose
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76 oakland, san francisco 72 degrees as we look at those temperatures, still pretty mild to warm, inland and the 60's and the. 70's 24 hour temperature change, everyone except the coast in oakland running higher. let's take a look at the weekend preview. ti's going to be spring warmth, low 80's and sunday on saturday, it will be cooler on sunday. a preview. there is fog starting to redevelop near the coastline. i will be back with a closer look at the full weekend forecast coming up. >> thank you. starting tomorrow great americas implementing a chaperone policy in an effort to address safety issues. all guests 15 or younger will be required to be accompanied by someone who is at least 21 with a valid photo i.d. the chaperone will need three -- to remain with them. one adult can chaperone 10 kids in the
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park after 4 p.m. there are been increasingnumbers of fights after the past two years. >> a new use for all of those empty storefronts and down town san francisco. >> a historically black town once known for its. the problem plaguing this town and so many other communities of color
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for likes or followers. their path isn't for the casually curious. and that's what makes it matter the most when they find it. the exact thing that can change the world. some say it's what they were born to do... it's what they live to do... trinet serves small and medium sized businesses...
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so they can do more of what matters. benefits. payroll. compliance. trinet. people matter. >> downtown san francisco has been struggling to recover from the pandemic and a new idea to revive downtown would bring pop up businesses to empty storefronts. so far 100 vendors have applied.
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abc7 news suzanne fogg gives a closer look at what could be in store to build a better bay area. >> so many people love the city of san francisco and what it has to offer. during the pandemic our city was empty and things were looking bleak because of so many closures. in downtown san francisco, you will still find a lot of empty storefronts. non profit sf new deal and the city's office of economic workforce develop and hope to change that. a new program called vacant and vibrant brings pop up businesses to vacant places. >> it would be definitely cool. >> it would be great to see them more utilized and to. >> the francisco's downtown. this program is getting a lot of excitement because i think it is something that we can do immediately. >> the program can start in the summer and include 15 pop-ups in downtown -- include two to
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three pop-ups downtown. 130 pop-ups have submitted applications so far. the program director says he has applications from all sorts of pop-ups including cultural organization, artists and restaurants. >> want to bring all kinds of food downtown. singapore and food, a moca café. and also a ton of artists. photographers. >> it's great, the more diversity the better that is what the makes the city great. >> many people on board with the temporary business going up and empty storefronts. >> it'll generate income and some exposure like i said for the folks that are doing the pop-ups. >> someday this could be the future of san francisco. >> this program, they can -- vacant and vibrant will create a window that people can experience and see it, they can go downtown and actually experience what that vibrant san francisco downtown will be in the future. >> suzanne phan, abc7 news news.
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>> the san francisco mayor joined city officials and -- in welcoming 10 new ambassadors. the retired city police officers are part of the investment in alternatives that will patrol the streets until 8 p.m. >> this is just the start. these retired officers are coming back into service to help fill the gap. what we need to do is hire more full-time police officers, so that will take longer but we are so happy to have these retired officers to be here when we need them in this moment. >> the ambassadors are helping to improve public safety in several neighborhoods including hayes valley, the castro and fisherman's wharf. they supplement foot patrols in commercial areas. >> the future of googles mega campus plan for san jose is in doubt. the company has halted construction on the 80 acre site. san jose's mayor reassured folks that nothing has changed.
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google already announced it is assessing the timeline. the plans include not only space for google but housing for thousands of families and 15 acres of public parks. >> got off the phone googles team and while cnbc seems to be about a month behind, there is nothing new. google remains committed to san jose in the long term. and san jose is fully committed to google. >> construction was supposed to begin early this year. so far that has not happened and contractors have been told there could be delays. the mayor says google has a 30 year agreement to develop the campus. >> the weekend is upon us. >> it has arrived and in grand fashion with the weather. >> yes, spring finally here in the bay area. it's going to stick around as we head towards tomorrow. let me show you some live pictures. good evening to all of you as we look from our tower cameras. you will notice visibility is terrific. across the bay area.
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there's one exception. a live picture from our roof camera, mild in napa and santa rosa. 61, 68 degrees in concord. it's almost like summer is around the corner. 67 in livermore. still hanging onto some of the warmth, former oakland airport camera, no problems, the view is nice. 57 in oakland, and then low 60's to san jose, 64in mountain view. high pressure in command of our weather that allowed us to warm up today. this ridge will hang around as we head towards the weekend so the north. right now live doppler7, seeing a lot of cloud cover high level near the coastline. we do have some fog that has regrouped. let's look at the visibility. half moon bay reporting six miles, misty there already. keep that in mind as you make your weekend plans tomorrow morning. from our san jose camera the
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view is spectacular. fog along the coast overnight, warm in land temps. here is the view from golden gate bridge and a look at that tree pollen that has been problematic for many of us. it is still high, oak, mulberry, juniper and cedar. for tomorrow expect both remain elevated and uv index will be very high. as you are enjoying the sunshine come keep that in mind, do not forget the sunscreen. 10:00, temperature that will not follow a lot. tomorrow if you have plans around 8:00 you're in the 50's and 60's, so it warms up nicely for the afternoon. 80's popping up in land, 50's coast side. your morning temperatures wh -- with the fog. tomorrow afternoon, los gatos and morgan hill, 78 in san jose,
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how about some sunshine on the peninsula ,74 redwood city and 68 san mateo. breezy, lingering fog in the sunset district, 60 degrees, 65 downtown san francisco. looking at the north bay temperatures, 81 degrees in santa rosa. just a lovely day. 79 in vallejo. san rafael 75 mix of sun, clouds. 72 in. oakland 75 in fremont. 82 degrees in antioch. fairfield 79. checking out the giants-mets forecast tomorrow afternoon at 1:05, 62. the accuweather 7-day forecast, warm day for your saturday. sunday those temperatures will back off and then we see the cooling continuing monday before things turn back around again, bumping up those temperatures with the warmth returning the middle of the work into the mid 80's. looking really good for the
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weekend. >> love it. >> coming up, how does 21% equals zero? we'll explain as why is why it is a good thing for californias. i'm living with hiv and i'm on cabenuva. it helps keep me undetectable. for adults who are undetectable, cabenuva is the only complete, long-acting hiv treatment you can get every other month. cabenuva is two injections, given by my healthcare provider, every other month. it's really nice not to have to rush home and take a daily hiv pill. don't receive cabenuva if you're allergic to its ingredients or if you taking certain medicines, which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include allergic reactions post-injection reactions, liver problems, and depression. if you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have liver problems or mental health concerns, and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. some of the most common side effects include injection-site reactions, fever, and tiredness. if you switch to cabenuva, attend all treatment appointments.
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ready to treat your hiv in a different way? ask your doctor about every-other-month cabenuva. every other month, and i'm good to go.
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>> caring for our environment is part of building a baby area. what is being done on a local and state and federal levels.
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thousands of students conferged on the civic center to demand environmental justice. they want california to stop issuing new fossil fuel extraction permits than they say that their communities are adversely affected by pollution. >> people of color costly being put on the front lines are bad things, whether it be pollution, air pollution ,kids have asthma, because they want to protest the fact that they have the right to live. >> after the rally, the students marched from san francisco's city hall to the state building. they corporations they say put profits ahead of the well-being of communities and cause environmental harm. >> ahead of earth day tomorrow, president biden announced new environmental action, but today he signed an executive order in the rose garden creating a new office of environmental justice. the president says environmental justice will become the responsibility of everyone. >> that means every federal agency, must take into account environmental and health impacts
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on communities and the work to prevent those -- negative impacts. environmental justice will be the mission of the entire government. woven directly into how we work with state, local, tribal and territorial governments. >> this comes as president biden faces criticisms from environmentalists for approving a major oil price it -- project in alaska. california has achieved a goal. 15. million zero emission vehicles have been sold till the goal was reached two years ahead of schedule being called a major victory in the states ambitious climate action plan. this year, 21% of all new cars sold in california are zero emission. by the year 2035, sold in california are required to be zero emission. gas prices in california hit a plateau at $4.90 per gallon on
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average. triple-a puts bay area prices higher. san francisco gas averages $5.04 a gallon. >> coming up next, the i team house gets result. -- gets result. also ahead. >> this is definitely something i think about whenever i choose a place to live. >> burned twice.
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>> building a better bay area. moving forward. finding solutions. this is abc 7 news. >> it should have been done january
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1. >> months after it took affect and weeks after the i team expose problems with the flavor tobacco ban, lawmakers are taking action. >> stephanie sierra explains the changes coming. >> california is the second state in the nation following massachusetts to pass a ban prohibiting the sale of most flavored tobacco products. but it took more than two years for the band to take effect this january. now four months income of the i team uncovered a problem. >> have you received this letter from the state advising of the new tobacco law? has any enforcement agency come around to inform you of the roles? >> no. i haven't seen nobody. >> no, they haven't give it to me yet. >> none whatsoever. >> after visiting dozens of bay area tobacco retailers, it declaimed clear that the state -- became clear the state' sban lacked strategy. >> you don't know for sure if this is legal?
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>> we don't want to get dinged. >> the rules buried in cities and counties that already had pre-existing laws. >> i think it is important we make these bans meaningful, understandable, clear. >> san rafael assembly member damien connelly th is taking action. >> we are focusing on greater enforcement. >> he introduced 8935. if passed, it would make it illegal for anyone born after january 1 of 2007 to ever purchase any tobacco product in california. now he is amending its of the california department of public health and state attorney general's office to enforce the flavored tobacco ban. >> that is a good thing, but do they have the time? >> will you include language that will require the enforcing agency to do door-to-door outreach?
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>> we will certainly talk with them and members, public health groups, what does enforcement look like on the ground? that is really what this will come down to. >> the legislation is welcome news to retailers like sanjeev patel, who we profiled last month. >> i think that would make life easier. >> others say it is about time. >> it is past time. it should have been done january 1. >> last month, and investigation found several retailers not complying with regulations, and several cases even selling flavored nicotine products to high school students. >> we want to clear it up, explicitly provide tools to law enforcement. >> but even with a clear set of rules and enforcement tools,
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anti-tobacco advocates worry this legislation will not go far enough. >> what are they doing about the underground product being sold on the black market? what exactly are they doing? >> stephanie sierra, abc 7 news. >> if you have a story for the abc 7 news i team, call this number on your screen. or go to team. >> people living in a san francisco apartment building that burned on wednesday say they have been victimized again. they say thieves broke in, stealing valuables that belong to those displaced. dion lim spoke with some residents and a fire official about the issue. building she lives in was going up in flames in a two alarm fire wednesday afternoon was not the most traumatic part of the week for her. >> i didn't even think about something worst that could happen. it just added to everything. >> as she pointed out the gaping
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holes in the now uninhabitable apartment along leavenworth street, she explained how thieves entered her building not once but twice after the blaze. >> they took most of my valuables. maybe around $10,000 or more. >> i have personally chased off a bunch, one just last night with a crowbar. >> tenants say they have experienced package thefts and break-ins in the past, but these consecutive crimes, especially after a fire that initially displaced nearly two dozen people, including a 97-year-old grandma, is distressing. >> we haven't gotten any sleep since it. i am living in fear. and i am living in fear of people coming into the unit all day long. >> we could have covered a number of stories of burglaries happening after wildfires but wanted to know if this type of crime is happening across the city. >> we are hearing of more thefts of property after the property is released from our custody
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back to a property owner. this is the reason why it is so important for property owners and landlords to listen to the advice that we give to them after every fire in san francisco on the. importanceof securing the building >> we reached out to building management in our waiting a response. she is sharing her story for the safety of everyone in the community. >> my main reason for speaking out is i just want to raise awareness that something like this happened, and i just question if any of that could have been prevented. this is something i think about whenever i choose another place to live. >> the red cross says they are assisting seven residents. she has set up a gofundme to help her displaced neighbors try to rebuild. in san francisco, dion lim, abc 7 news. >> a group of homeless advocates in san jose are calling on the city to stop clearing out homeless encampments. the group students against sweeps say the sweeps are in violation of the city's own
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policy. the group spoke near columbus park, which the city plans to turn into a dog park. >> the message this sends to us, they are at less liberty to take up space in this area than the dogs of the homeowners. >> they have been waiting for a safe parking site that is not materializing anywhere in our city. >> the group says instead of sweeps the city needs to increase funding for outreach and resource sites. we reached out to the city of san jose but have not yet heard back. >> it looks like the are leaving oakland with their sights set on s2 dm in las vegas. what about what they are leaving behind, the coliseum? >> and the warriors next playoff game against the kings is on abc 7. catch game four sunday. coverage starts at noon and is followed by "after the game."
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u.s. bank. ranked #1 in customer satisfaction with retail banking in california by j.d. power.
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>> after the a's announced a deal with las vegas, we are learning more about the future of the coliseum. the african-american sports and entertainment group sees a new opportunity for development. ryan curry has that story. >> these stadiums, the oakland arena and the coliseum, house
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d three professional sports teams for decades. what is the future of this complex once all are gone? >> a lot of what we are doing is taking advantage of that blessing of location that it has. >> allen is a developer connected with the african-american sports and entertainment group. they announced earlier today plans to redevelop the coliseum site in a big way with potentially new housing and a location for a new sports team. with the a's most likely leaving, he says this crates the possibility of building something new on the site. >> sites that big and well-connected have the potential to do those types of things to help bring about recovery, as well as bring about economic expansion. >> he says the plan now is zeroing in on a specific project. longtime sports fans in oakland support a move to keep oakland as a professional sports city. chris was a former board member with the coliseum authority.
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he now runs a group and says the site has a norma's potential. >> it is probably the best site in california. don't have that much land anywhere next to a major thoroughfare. there is nothing going to be there. >> he says he has held season tickets for the a's for decades. he says losing the team is a bad look on the city. >> it is really a tragedy they are going to move. after always losing the warriors and raters, the a's are gone now. >> they acknowledge that them leaving is difficult for oakland, but in order for them to develop something big on the site, they need financial support and support from the city. they think they can turn the site into something that improves the community. >> not only the opportunity to invest in a really great opportunity to earn returns, but to do it in a manner that brings about equity and inclusion. >> in oakland, ryan curry, abc 7 news. >> abc 7 news sports producer
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casey pratt has been all over the a's saga for years and has kept everybody updated on twitter. follow him to stay in the loop. >> in advance of earth day tomorrow, abc has committed to telling stories about water. but in some places, issues are threatening the health of millions of people. a columbia university study found those issues disproportionately affect communities of color. abc news reporter melissa a dan shares this story from the central valley. >> our 2500 gallon storage tanks. >> on a farm in the central valley sits a water treatment site that may be one solution to providing clean drinking water to residents. allensworth became the first california town established exclusively by african-americans, plagued by a history of contaminated water in the late 1970's. his grandparents helped to start a mission to preserve and maintain clean drinking water. >> this water isn't good, the
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groundwater is in good. it is not just allensworth. >> allensworth's water has arsenic levels as many as 250 parts per billion. the epa level is 10 parts per billion. according to columbia university researchers, 1.3 million americans have public water with high levels of arsenic. >> when somebody says arsenic, you are thinking, that is going to kill somebody. >> the world health organization says long-term exposure to arsenic can cause cancer and skin lesions. it has also been linked to cardiovascular disease and diabetes. the columbia study found higher levels of arsenic in public water are impacting mainly communities of color, especially latino neighborhoods, at a higher rate, forcing families in allensworth, now a predominantly latino town, and many across the country to either buy water or drink the contaminated h2o. >> for many families, getting
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their hands on clean drinking water requires a trip to water kiosks, where they get to fill up their water bottles and take it home. but that journey is not close by. we are talking at least 15 miles from allensworth to the nearest water kiosk. >> but it is more than arsenic worrying residents. government data analyzed by abc news found water districts in poorer neighborhoods with larger populations of people of color reported more epa violations than mostly white wealthier communities. those cities often have water treatment facilities filter out many of these toxins. but according to columbia researchers, many minority communities just don't have the resources. >> the racial ethnic makeup of your community and how much money you make should not be associated with the quality of your drinking water. >> at a certain point, do you feel forgotten? >> to an extent, yes. but we are determined that we do our part to improve the quality of life in communities
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like this. >> the family has the university of california berkeley in setting up a water treatment site in their own backyard. but this solution requires funding. >> if we can pull that off, then we've just taken arsenic out of the community's drinking water in its entirety. >> hope may be on the horizon. >> miss our in-depth look at the nation's aging water infrastructure, the first installment of our news series, "trouble on tap." that airs tomorrow on abc 7. >> next, a look at the weekend forecast. will it feel like spring? >> plus, a new use for artificial intelligence i could be worth millions of dollars to one person and priceless to the people of california. it's okay to feel stressed, anxious, worried or frustrated. calhope can help access, calhope
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- life is uncertain. with calhope's free and secure mental health resources, it's easy to get the help you and your loved ones need when you need it the most. call our warm line at (833) 317-4673 or live chat at today. >> stocks edged slightly higher today as investors look for clues about inflation. the dow is up 22 points. the nasdaq rose 13. the s&p added nearly four. today, the muslim community
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celebrated the end of ramadan. one of the biggestelratis was in dublin where hundreds gathered for eid, which consists of prayers that carry a message of peace and community. that was followed by a feast with family and friends to mark the end of month-long fast. >> the prayer is for the safety of the community, for acceptance of all the prayers that we have done in rome it on. >> besides fasting, most plums also held food drives and other charitable events. >> investigators say a tire is to blame for a fire that stunned commuters this morning in connecticut. >> the goldstar bridge, oh my god. >> a fuel tanker rolled over on the bridge. the driver of the rig was killed and two others injured in the crash. video shows good samaritans rushing to help a woman get away from the wreckage. a vehicle's tire blew out, creating an incident that caused
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the tractor-trailer to rollover. it spilled about 2200 gallons of fuel. imagine a world where devastating wildfires are reduced or even eliminated with the help of artificial intelligence. a new global competition is calling all tech innovators to use ai to stop high-risk wildfires within minutes. cornell barnard has a look at the challenge. >> imagine a world where technology can stop this and this from ever happening again. >> it may be a contest like no other. the goal, to detect and extinguish a wildfire within minutes with the help of ai. >> the thing about being able to detect and suppress a high-risk wildfire in 10 minutes or less, or being able to pinpoint all fire ignitions across the size of multiple states or countries, even, from space in 60 seconds. >> pg&e's a four-year competition with an $11 million prize going to the company or team which can
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innovate firefighting solutions to help end devastating wildfires in california and across the nation. >> along two come to mentor tracks, competing teams will design radical solutions. >> each team must develop satellite technology capable of detecting fires from space, then communicate on the ground with fully autonomous aircraft or drones which can fly to the source of a wildfire and put it out. if it sounds like the stuff of science fiction, think again. >> if you want to partner with the best and the brightest, entrepreneurs, roboticists, artificial intelligence experts, scientists, innovators. >> cal fire is already using technology to fight fires. technical analysts tell planes where to go and gives personnel weather information. ai is on duty around north bay mountaintops, while fire detection cameras can relay information about where a fire starts. >> it can be done to improve how
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we as a fire service can respond to developing incidents and keep them smaller so it benefits not only us but communities across the state. >> we hope this will be complementary technology that will support our brave firefighters that are out there on the front lines. >> a contest where the winner could actually change what fire season looks like, possibly saving lives and property. let the competition begin. cornell barnard, abc7news. >> wouldn't that be great if it can make a big difference? >> that would be huge. let's turn our attention to the weather forecast and a big warm up. >> we are going to bring you above average temperatures once again. six to 12 degrees above average today. we will do it all over again. san camera. a beautiful view as we look at the shark tank.
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the air quality will be good for outdoor activities. one thing to keep in mind is on the doppler there is some fog near the coastline. higher clouds up above. the fog will hold the temperatures down new the coast in the 50's, but away from the coastline we are talking 70's around the bay, 80's inland. warm on sunday. the temperatures will dial back. most inlet in the 70's, but a few low 80's showing up. here is a look at the seven-day forecast. if you like the warmer side of things, tomorrow is your day. sunday is a cooler one. then we keep the temperature trend going down for monday before the temperatures come right back up. trust me, it is going to feel warm around here next week in the middle of next week. >> thank you. stop me if you have heard this one. there is a bobcat in my car. it really happened and it is on video.
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come on! oops. ♪ ♪ ha ha. ♪ ♪ ahoy illinois! can i get you guys a drink? okay, hold on. you guys are really getting your steps in. hey who's up for some deep dish, huh? extra anchovies, i know. i know. ooooh. wow. welcome to the middle of everything! look at you taking the win with quality top tier gas for less. oooome?wow. yup. hi. hi? treating your car as good as you treat your dry-clean onlies. i see you winning. yeah thank you for noticing. i notice wins. like how i noticed you spilled a little coffee on your shirt but kind of made a cool new pattern. oh great! hey you win some and you win some am i right? you can let go now. oh sorry!
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ohhh your coffee. ahh it's fine you're a safe driver. take the win with quality, top tier gas for less at arco. dude, what're you doing? i'm protecting my car. that's too much work. weathertech is so much easier... laser-measured floorliners up here, seat protector and cargoliner back there... nice! out here, side window deflectors... and mud flaps... and the bumpstep, to keep the bumper dent-free. cool! it's the best protection for your vehicle, new or pre-owned.
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great. but where do i---? order. sfx: bubblewrap bubble popped sound. >> a wild rescue of sorts in wisconsin. a bobcat got stuck in the grill of a car. conservation wardens managed to free it. with a quick yank, the cat was freed, flung into the bed of a pickup. they replay. my goodness. thankfully the bobcat was ok and safely returned to the wild. >> a couple of brand-new
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attractions are now open at six flags discovery kingdom in vallejo. >> one offers you the chance to create a work of art they dolphin. guests can sign up on line to take part in the paint in create program, assisting some of the smartest animals around in making a one-of-a-kind masterpiece. >> visit our website, then you come on down, you pick one to three colors, and you get to hold the canvas with them and they are going to do the hard work. they are going to paint and you will hang on and create that work of art. >> this is great. the other new attraction, six-month-old cheetah cubs. this one is being trained to be an animal ambassador. he will be able to interact with guests on a leash. six flags received five other female cubs that can be seen at cheetah creek. >> coming up on abc 7, wheel fortune is next, followed by jeopardy, then stay with us for abc7news at 11:00.
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we are streaming 24/7. get the abc 7 bay area news app and join us whenever you want, wherever you are. that is going to do it for this special edition of abc7news. thank you for joining us. >> for sandhya patel and all of us, we appreciate your time. we will be back with you in one area. >> see you then. ♪ heatin' up the kitchen ♪ ♪ we got somethin different ♪ ♪ spreadin' good vibes all day ♪ ♪ todos a la mesa ♪ ♪ que buena la mezcla ♪ ♪ it don't get no better ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ lovin' this land everyday ♪ ♪ norte a sur lo puedes ver ♪ ♪ nada se puede comparar ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado...yeah ♪
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what if a mouse could change the world? if elephants could fly. if a princess could look like me. if stories could come to life. if i could watch heroes save the day... ...and become a hero myself. what if there could be a huge party... ...with my friend mickey? here, now, is where 100 years of disney dreams come to life at the disneyland resort.
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come to life congratulations on wheel's incredible 40-year run. that's from all of us here at wcco, minnesota's home to wheel of fortune since the beginning. wheel... of... fortune! [ dynamic percussive music ] announcer: pat sajak and vanna white! ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ladies and gentlemen, here are the stars of our america's game: pat sajak and vanna white! my wife, leslie, and our good friend judy friedman are celebrating a birthday today. i hope i get a chance to mention it later. i don't know. time flies. yo.lcom you hi. good to see you all.


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