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tv   ABC World News Now  ABC  April 19, 2023 1:41am-2:00am PDT

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. welcome back. southwest airlines
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has resumed operations after a major malfunction briefly grounded its flights nationwide , and it came just months after that massive meltdown stranded thousands of travelers during the christmas travel rush. here's a b c's victor, a kendo nearly half of all southwest scheduled flights delayed more than 2000 plus stuck on the tarmac after the airline asked the faa to impose a ground stop after a computer malfunction about two hours later, the problem was solved ripple effects from the backup still being felt it's another black eye for the beleaguered airline in december, staffing issues, technical issues and whether southwest to cancel nearly 17,000 flights. kyle sometimes found his travel plans upended then and again. we were trapped in st louis for seven days over christmas, and using our flight credit from that trip to go to hawaii right now, so we're kind of like bruised a little bit but not broken. southwest
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ceo apologized to congress for december's debacle. let me be clear. we messed up the airline blaming delays on an outside vendor. but the head of the senate commerce committee, senator maria cantwell, called delays another demonstration that southwest needs to upgrade their systems. victor oquendo, abc news, miami victor. thank you along search to find a lost submarines finally paid off. the defender was a 92 ft long sub that was built in 19. oh, seven in hopes of winning a us navy contract that didn't happen and it was ultimately scuttled in long island in the long island sound just after world war two. its location was never disclosed , but a team assembled by a diver in connecticut found it using sonar. underwater mapping and other information they contacted the navy about possibly preserving the wreckage . cool story. this one is also pretty incredible. centuries old bust that has traveledheor is now headed home the artifact created 20 years ago is in the
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image of a roman emperor. it was owned by 1/19 century bavarian king. before an american soldier brought it to the texas after world war, two were a woman found this. at a goodwill store paying 35 bucks for it. it's now being sent back to germany next month. many times we're going to do these stories. i need to go to goodwill. i need to go antique ng. apparently you never know you might find something for $35. and it's being worth 35 is nowadays they look, the fake ones look like the real one. so you don't know what you're getting. it's interesting. okay, coming up. did you know that surface that made netflix famous , you know, sending dvds by mail is still around. yeah, well, not for long, old days. i remember that later. this happened yes. she is swimming with some wild wildlife. you're watching world news now.
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i'm steve. i lost 138 pounds in 9 months on golo and taking release. golo saved my life. i was way overweight, and that's what sent me down the path, was i--i wanted to make sure and live for my kid. plain and simple. ♪ ♪ what would you give for a child you loved, to make their wish come true? to help them fight a critical illness, just imagine what you'd do. you see, wishes are so powerful, and you can make them real.
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they can give a child back their childhood, even change the way they feel. every single one of us can make the stars align. because when we come together, hope and joy will shine. ♪ ♪ about hiding things with your face. just want to have a good night. than cheryl crow. a change would do you good, and several big changes are coming to netflix. abc's line on wii's has the
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story. this morning. netflix is in a state of evolution, and it could be good news or bad news, depending on how much you watch on the other side. the other side streaming giant is delaying its password sharing crackdown now saying it will roll out by summer. you were the bane of my existence and the object of all my desires. we see some of these services attempting to tighten their finances up by monetizing a lot of those people that that are currently sharing a password restriction of passwords. sharing has already been successful in other countries like new zealand and spain, and in a letter to shareholders, netflix acknowledge the shift will make some people cancel, but it's only short term in canada. netflix says it's paid membership base is actually higher now than it was before their password crackdown as customers set up their own accounts or added a paid member to theirs. meanwhile the end of an era when it comes to those red envelopes that started it
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all. after a 25 year run, the company is ending its dvd mailing service. back in 2009. abc news got an inside look at a netflix distribution center. i'm seeing ahead of me a world of at least hundreds of thousands of this millions with a nod to the company's humble beginnings. what was your source of dvds in the beginning very early. it was a best buy. and we go down there and dvds, absolutely by cases of dvds. things have changed, but before its transition to streaming netflix shipped more than 5.2 billion dvds, the first ever shipped showtime. beetlejuice in 1998, the most popular dvd. you look at him. you think of me. blindsides starring sandra bullock. you do still own a dvd player and you want to be one of the last people to rent a dvd by mail. the final discs will ship on september 29th. do you guys even have a way to play a dvd in your
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still have a dvd player? it's a blue ray slash dvd. how do you even get a netflix dvd? i've never seen the option so they have a separate website. .com. okay out how you can get your
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lexus at 80% less than prescription hearing aid prices. we're back with this happen, starting with a new take on a hovercraft happened in tokyo, a japanese inventor went on a demonstration flight of his latest attempt at a hovercraft, he says it's made from everyday components lumber purchased from home improvement stores and bicycle parts and components from radio controlled cars, using his own hands and simple tools. pretty cool. it's essentially a drone. that you can ride that hovers only a few inches off the ground. cool. but you know why i'm trying to get with the things on the bottom. are those bubbles looking things ? either way, it looks fun. next a reminder to obey no parking signs. this happened during high tide in massachusetts last
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sunday. look at this. the car was parked near cape cod bay. becoming partially submerged as the tide came in. the car was towed on monday. no word on whether the driver faces a fine. i would assume they do. yeah definitely need a new car, i'd say. another police department joked that the car's owner will be fined and sand dollars next to a hitchhiker on a farmer's buggy down under. of course, this happened in australia, queensland, corey ross capture them. i'm gonna python slithered across the floor of the buggy. he was driving across his property before climbing up. on the dashboard instantly crashed . corey eventually stopped the buggy and relocated the snake. he called it just a daily event on the farm. and of course, most farmers here in america don't have to deal with python. more proof that i do not belong on a farm. i told you yesterday i have an irrational fear of sn wanted to herying b ant loyalnt, okay any
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swimming with sharks. i also would not do this. this happened in the maldives. this woman was diving in the crystal clear waters when she was encountered by an aquatic menagerie hundreds of fish of all shapes and sizes, including yes, snakes. i mean, this happened, it's basically the snake of the water. sharps okay, of course, most of the sharks in the diving waters off the maldives are typically harmless nurse sharks, by the way, rhiannon i would never do this. what. swimming sharks, maldives don't think so. small deeds is it would not swim with think i would not swim with them either. look how clear the water is, though she is. that's actually pretty incredible. i wanna what other kind of fish are around there? why are the sharks not eating anything? okay, choose one. you have to either be on a farm with snakes or swim with sharks would go with the farm. and snakes in
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australia, although australia has all kinds of very scary thingsn oopr cagi
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>> announcer: it's "live with kelly and mark!" [cheers and applause] today, film, television, and broadway star, scott foley! plus, we continue takes two" series with dancers val chmerkovskiy and jenna johnson! and the new "kelly and inbox! all next on "live!" ♪ ♪ [cheers and applause] and now, here are kelly ripa and mark consuelos! [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪
2:01 am
>> kelly: hi,


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