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tv   ABC7 News 900AM  ABC  April 16, 2023 9:00am-9:59am PDT

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>> building a better bay area, moving forward, finding solutions, this is abc 7 news. liz: an within the alameda county das office. but the number two person in charge is accused of saying about a crime victim. contra costa county public defenders requesting to dismiss cases after racist messages allegedly among antioch officers were uncovered. why they say the public cannot have confidence in any prosecutions right now. it is sunday, april 16. things for joining us. -- thanks for joining us. lisa: it is breezy in spots, we
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are looking at changes toward the later part of the day due to the system to the north of us. the rain will stay to the north, we will see an increase in high clouds in the north bay and the wind. slightly warmer, 52 at the coast. looks gorgeous, 46 in santa rosa and 52 in concord. the winds have been breezy, they are light right now. they will be building throughout the day. check out santa cruz, 50 degrees. those 60's today. mid and upper 60's in the warmest locations, just in the 50's. a few shower chances, coming up. liz: this morning, the alameda county district attorney's office is in hot water over an alleged racist comment. dion lim attained an a mill with a complaint that the chief assistant da, the number two
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person in charge, made the comment about a samoan victim of crime. >> recall dion: during monday's rally oakland, victims of crime shared their stories. >> justice for jasper. dion: families of murdered loved ones, a freeway shooting last year, spoke about the need for proper punishment and fears of possible changes to the severity of charges from da pamela price. what came as a surprise come alameda county prosecutor who said he was put on paid administrative leave by price, taking to the podium. >> and half african-american and was influenced by the first african-american female judge in alameda county history, judge ford. dion: she should an anecdote of
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the seemingly racist incident a young female da said she experienced last month in the present administration. i obtained a copy of the mill complaint. assistant district attorney criticized the victim of her case, who is aapi. the complaint was sent to her direct supervisor into union representative, alleging bruce said samoan's fight, they like to get drunk and high and fight in a minute. >> it was his way of attacking a victim of a violent crime and justifying what would most assuredly be a low sentence. our young aapi shocked she left, went to her office and broke down. dion: i've reached out, asking for comment, but we have yet to
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get a response. monday, the purpose of the rally and sharing what happened to the young female da was not about race. >> is doing what is right and protecting victims. dion: when i asked the representative for the union of any response from otis or price, he said no. liz: after emails we obtained some of the contra costa canopy of a defenders office is asking the district attorney to dismiss all pending public defending cases antioch antioch involving the police department after a growing racist texting scandal possibly involving 40% of the department. we have the story. >>
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confidence in any prosecutions from antioch at this time. anser: she smoked abc 7 news friday before sending this letter to the contra costa county district attorney. she writes i request you immediately dismiss all pending public defender cases involving antioch police department, agreed to release incarcerated clients and sees filing any related cases. this after published reports reveal a chain of racist and homophobic text messages allegedly sent by antioch police officers over a period of almost two years. >> this is a huge moment and unprecedented. anser: he is a deputy public defender in contra costa county. he says the messages show what police officers are doing and in their own words. an example of one exchange, one officer texted so many black people. another replies they all look the same. tell me about it. i feel like i am at the zoo.
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i hate these idiots. cases based off the word of officers must be dismissed. >> a traffic stop f identifying someone from a surveillance video should all be dismissed. these officers should not have any credibility in a court of law. anser: they say this could impact thousands of cases, including those involving violent crimes, but adds that those may require more litigation. >> it may be up to judges to determine how big of a remedy to give. anser: this attorney represents a man arrested two years ago for an attempted shooting. he was mentioned in several text chains. there are concerns raised about one detective, who testified as a gang expert in this case with special enhancements. those charges could lead to life in prison without the possibility of parole. >> the enhancement is, in large part, founded on gerber's
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testimony. the impact is tremendous and infects every aspect of the charges against my client. liz: four people are dead and several others injured after a mass shooting in alabama overnight. local news reports say shots broke out at a crowded sweet 16 birthday party. most of those injured are reportedly teenagers. it happened around 10:30 p.m. at a dance studio in the small town. a local church pastor has been at the hospital all night with families of those hurt and killed. family members told the pastor that tempers flared during an argument where the birthday party took place. local law enforcement have opened an investigation into the shooting. according to officials, president biden has been briefed on the shooting. the white house says they are in touch with local officials and law enforcement offer support. the alabama governor put out a statement this morning, expressing grief over the
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shooting. she posted on twitter saying i grieve with the people of dadeville and my fellow alabamians. violent crime has no place in our state and we are staying closely updated by law enforcement as details emerge. we'll keep you updated. this morning, sideshow activity in san francisco and east bay. the first of the sideshows reportedly happened after 11:30 last night at dolores and 16th street in san francisco. there was another in oakland on sixth and market streets about three hours later. a police helicopter circled overhead as spectators lit fire rings and set off fireworks and drivers didn't omit in the intersection. oakland police said they did seize and tow several vehicles involved. teachers in oakland unified school district will vote tomorrow whether to strike. contract negotiations have been going on for six months and there was no deal on the table. the school board approved a
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package of budget reductions for next school year. the reductions are designed to make room for pay raises for teachers. the union representatives to see increases in state funding should be enough to fairly compensate teachers. the warriors are looking at to game two of the opening playoff series against the kings, it was a wild finish in sacramento. you cite here on abc 7. warriors had their chance, up 10 points in the third quarter, but the kings dominated late. the former aix lead, the wa they had get the lead. steph curry had the chance to send it to overte,en. -- win. >> that is what the playoffs are about, guys making plays. the first game is a feeling out process, high-energy game from start to finish. the learning lesson is every momentum swing matters, no
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matter who you are playing. especially with the offense like they have. the best game in the since of meeting the moment. excited about game two. liz: that is tomorrow night at the golden one center in sacramento. we will have more on game one later in sports. warriors fans gathered outside chase center to watch the game on the big screen. it was not meant to be. were taken orost ride oem. warriors! tara: hopes were high and the lines were long. >> you best believe lb out here at the watch parties. -- i will be out here at the watch parties. tara: they were ready to watch their team make a run at another championship. do you think they will win? confident? >> very confident.
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the kings are good, but they cannot touch us. tara: the historic matchup met by big cheers. fast-paced game one kee it was really exciting. almost like you can't breathe, especially at the last second. >> i was at the edge of my seat, it was painful. frustrating. tara: looking to their m.v.p. to pull through, but not this time. >> curry put up a good performance, and i think that shows the leadership on the team. i think we can pull it through. >> the game was crazy, we could have had the come back. there is always next time. tara: these faithful fans ready for game two. >> go warriors again. i will be over here in the city watching the game again.
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liz: they night, we know that. lisa: just getting started. a beautiful view here, the exploratorium camera plenty of sun will fill the skies today. we have to say goodbye to 70 degree temperatures for a while. stay tuned, the seven-day forecast is next. liz: showing support for fired police chief. >> abortion is our right. liz: abortion rights advocates rallying in oakland. their demands as the debate over a common abortion pill plays out across the country.
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liz: first you did oakland residents are showing their support for fired police chief armstrong. he a news conference -- they
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held a news conference. they want more attention paid to the city's crime problems. th say that starts with reinstating armstrong. >> he has the limits been trying to reach out to us, do not take away somebody who understands us. let us have someone understands us in maybe we can get somewhere. >> i am here to support the community and let them know that i am not out of the spotlight, i am not -- continue to pay attention to the violence happening in oakland. liz: he was fired in february because of questions surrounding his handling of misconduct. the battle over reproductive rights has taken a new turn this weekend, surrounding a drug. the supreme court is weighing in, allowing access to the drug for now. abortion rights advocates rallied in the east bay saturday, demanding the drug be available to people who needed. cornell barnard was there. cornell:
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of abortion rights advocates rallied at oakland city hall, demanding the drug commonly used in chemical abortions remain legal and available. >> it is under attack by judges and we think it is critically important that people come out here and understand why it is upsetting. cornell: emotions running high on both sides as the fierce debate over the future of abortion plays out nationwide. the supreme court stepping in friday justice samuel alito administering -- now giving the quinto april 20 to review the case and decide what the next steps will be. -- the court until april 20 t review the case in the side with the next steps will be. it brings a temporary sigh of relief or abortion rights advocates after conflicting rulings in washington state and texas left the use of the drug nationwide up in the air.
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>> we were talking to doctors around the country, there was mass confusion and chaos. cornell: when antiabortion rights group represents four doctors from the original texas case. >> when any court that the facts and law, they will agree with us. this is the next step in a lengthy litigation. cornell: governor newsom announcing the state has begun stockpiling mass quantities of an alternative abortion medication if it is banned. >> i hope the supreme court is the right thing. but we need to be prepared to push back. that is why we are here today to speak out. liz: county revamped its website for reporting statistics. they are prioritizing hospitalizations and deaths. infection rates and case counts are no longer reliable, due to dramatic decreases in lab
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testing. data on covid-19 variants will be emphasized. taking a look outside from the golden gate bridge camera, both sides of the sidewalks on the bridge arethe sidewalks are expo reopen after 10:00 this morning. runners started this morning at 8:00. the event is meant to help at-risk youth join outdoor education programs. a pancake breakfast is being held at the finish line. lisa argen, it is cold this morning. lisa: if you get to one of the areas where it is breezy, certainly feeling the chill. it is going to be replacing the ridge of high pressure in the upper level of the atmosphere, so we get colder air in as the pressure gradient tightens. that means wind the next several days. you can see some changes on top of mount tam, we have a little bit of fog and wind in the upper
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elevations. by the end of the week, we can see offshore warmth heading our way. 50 in san francisco, 51 in san jose and mountain vioad,oo morng 53ez windy. only in the 50's, another cool afternoon.thwind from fairfieldt anywhere from 15 to 20 mile an hour. the wind is building. that will allow for the cooling trend, then high cloudiness throughout the north bay. here is a look from vollmer peak , a gorgeous view of the valley this morning. rightly cloudy skies along the coast and breezy wind this afternoon. tomorrow, we could have a possible shower. snow in the mountains will bring a colder air mass our way as the
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trough moves overhead and warmer conditions by the end of the week. we could be flirting with 80 degrees in spots. first thing is first, the wind in a few areas has been breezy. wait until this afternoon, they get faster come up to about 30 miles an hour at the coast. is ay onshore flow throughout the day. we have not quite to sett ie springtimepatters bac ad forth, and here we go again. high clouds leading to what would be a few showers at the edge of the system dropping to the north. much colder air tuesday and wednesday things turn around. the system slides to the east, that is when things get interesting. monday into tuesday, may be about 100th if we see any rai
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five to six inches of snow through late tuesday. a look at the forecast today for the south bay, temperatures will be cooler than average. look what happens tomorrow, tuesday and wednesday. by the latter part of the week, we are warming up big time. interior thursday afternoon, this is what i want to show you. friday and saturday, much warmer. 61 today in oakland, 64 in livermore. morgan hill in the upper 60's. may be a shower or sprinkle, probably not for most of monday and tuesday. it is the colder and windier conditions wk,hecos need to go . liz: no problem doing that. just ahead, we are seeing super blooms begin to sprout throughout the state. hear from local experts with tips on how to visit and view them responsibly.
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♪ always in that state of mind ♪ ♪ living on a high vibration ♪ ♪ so hot gonna make it melt ♪ ♪ and i'm lovin' what i'm tastin' ♪ ♪ nos gusta mezclar ♪ ♪ como malteada ♪ ♪ aqui hay lugar ♪ ♪ yeah we livin' in the golden state ♪
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liz: while-- wild exploding. we are on the verge of a super bloom. reporter: the hills south of mount diablo look like they are colored in yellow highlighter. swaths of yellow blooms covering the lush green hills. experts say that is just the beginning. a super bloom is in full bloom in southern california. for us in northern california, we are on the verge of it. more warm weather, more sunshine , we could be experiencing a super bloom in the next week or two. >> reporter: the department of parks and recreation is
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encouraging people to get out and enjoy the show we are about to witness. but they are reminding the public to not stampede off trails or onto private property, or block roads or illegally parked in order to get the perfect instagram photo. >> we are hoping this year that people will be mindful if they want to walk out into the flowers of where they are walking and try very hard not to trample flowers. >> many wildflowers are sensitive to soil disruption and trampling, so it is important that you stay on trails. so that we do not doom the bloom. reporter: no picking the wildflowers either, just appreciate the super bloom after a super gloomy winter. liz: let us
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last night, here is a listen. ♪ creek as he took the stage. headlining the event was joan jett and the blackhearts. including big brothers big sisters and boys and girls club. congrats on another successful year. still to come on abc seven mornings, gun violence prevention. the community coming together to call for corporate accountability. twin peaks tunnel shutdown, why you might need to find alternate transportation. alex! mateo, hey how's business? great. you know that loan has really worked wonders.
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that's what u.s. bank is for. and you're growing in california? -yup, socal, norcal... -monterey? -all day. -a branch in ventura? that's for sure-ah. atms in fresno? fres-yes. encinitas? yes, indeed-us. anaheim? big time. more guacamole? i'm on a roll-ay. how about you? i'm just visiting. u.s. bank. ranked #1 in customer satisfaction with retail banking in california by j.d. power. dude, what're you doing? i'm protecting my car. that's too much work. weathertech is so much easier... laser-measured floorliners up here, seat protector and cargoliner back there... nice! out here, side window deflectors... and mud flaps... and the bumpstep, to keep the bumper dent-free. cool! it's the best protection for your vehicle, new or pre-owned. great. but where do i---? order. sfx: bubblewrap bubble popped sound.
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>> building a better bay area, moving forward, finding solutions, this is abc 7 news. liz: accused of leaking classified documents appearing for a court hearing. what we are learning about the files and the man behind the leak. we will get to that story in a moment, let us get another check of the forecast. lisa: temperatures will not climb too much, a cool day in san francisco. in the 50's right now, spot on. 53 in oakland, 52 in palo alto and mountain view. we have the sun and emeryville, temperatures are coming down through the 60's. with the breezy wind around the bay, 52 in concord. the winds will build throughout the afternoon, that is one of the elements that keeps us cooler. 15 miles an hour in san francisco, that is up to 30 miles an hour later on. we climb through the 50's, a sunny day.
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high clouds increase, mid to upper 60's. rm locataches d to.more 50's ant the work week, but that turns around by the end of the week. liz: new information is coming to light about the leak of classified documents. some of the files reveal details about chinese surveillance. we have the details. reporter: back in february as the u.s. shot down a chinese spy balloon off the coast of south carolina. those highly classified pentagon documents leaked on the internet, revealing there were reportedly more. the washington post obtaining some leaked files showing u.s. intelligence agencies knew of fo ur additional spy balloon's that flew over the continental u.s. earlier this year. they show another balloon flew over a u.s. carrier strike group in the pacific ocean. the documents posted on discord
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allegedly by national guardsmen, the 21-year-old now charged with unauthorized retention and transmission of national defense information and willful retention of classified documents. >> there are very serious penalties associated with that. we will send that message, how important it is to national security. reporter: he had top-secret security clearances as part of his job. they say he copied the materials and shared them online. >> the individuals need to be able to get on the system. but if they open a document with no need to know and it triggers a warning to his supervisor so they can investigate why the individual would be looking at the document and why they would be printing it. reporter: they also detail battle plans and munition supplies in ukraine. the white house saying there will be action. >> i've instructed the department to make sure they get to the root of why he had access in the first place, number one,
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and to focus extensively on the extent to which it all occurred. reporter: his family has military ties, his mother volunteers with a veterans group and his stepfather retired after serving 34 years in the same unit. abc news, new york. liz: the minnesota senator joined this week this morning, asked about senator dianne feinstein's absence from the senate as she recovers from shingles and calls for democrats for feinstein to resign. the 89-year-old and the oldest sitting member of congress has not voted since late february, she has missed 60 votes including roughly two dozen votes in the important senate judiciary committee, which is stalling the confirmation of president biden's federal judge employees. >> ceiling coming up.
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we need to take her at her word, she is recovering from shingles, make sure she comes back. if this goes on month after month, she will have to make a decision with her family and friends about what her future holds. liz: feinstein is working from home in san francisco, she insists she will return to the senate. in the meantime, she has asked chuck schumer to temporarily appoint a replacement so judicial appointees can be confirmed. that could be easier said than done. schumer will need bipartisan support. a search is underway for three american sailors who are missing in mexico. the u.s. coast guard in mexican navy are searching for them. they went missing after departing april 4. they were adored a 44 foot boat and were supposed to stop somewhere on april 6. marinas have been contacted in the boat has not been found. developing out of sedan, violence has rocked the country's capital, leaving
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dozens dead and hundreds injured. rival military groups are clashing for a second day with gunfire and explosions across the city. at least 56 civilians have been killed. the u.s. ambassador tweeted he and his staff had to take shelter inside the embassy. the conflict continues, despite diplomatic pressures to cease fire. tensions have been escalating for weeks over plans for a government transition to democracy. a train that derailed is not a threat to public safety. none were carrying hazardous materials. other cars were carrying hazardous materials, but were not affect it. a spokesperson for the network says ice and debris on the track likely caused it. the victims and survivors of the
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boston marathon bombing ahead of today's race, it has been 10 years since the attack. one boston day include a gathering and private visits to the memorial sites for the families who lost loved ones in 2013. today in san francisco, the aapi is teaming up with march for our lives to take a stand against gun violence. it is focused on wells fargo, calling on the bank to cut its ties to the gun industry. they say they stand in solidarity with the community in the face of since this violence. they say the community is still struggling with the aftermath of mass shootings and monterey park and half moon bay. the rally starts at 1:00 this afternoon in chinatown. you might run into some delays today, transit officials are closing the twin peaks tunnel between the castro and west portal stations to allow crews to complete a detailed ceiling inspection of the tunnel service that will be interrupted
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bus and oceanview lines. shuttle trains will provide connecting services throughout the city while the tunnel is closed. still ahead, welcome. if the actor taking over as the new cohost of live with his wife, kelly. here is a live look outside, time is 9:37. we will check in on what to expect for the week ahead, coming up. for likes or followers. their path isn't for the casually curious. and that's what makes it matter the most when they find it. the exact thing that can change the world. some say it's what they were born to do... it's what they live to do... trinet serves small and medium sized businesses... so they can do more of what matters. benefits. payroll. compliance. trinet. people matter.
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liz: the faa has cleared the launch of the starship rocket that plans to one-day transport people back and forth to the moon, then mars. the government approval allows for will be the launch of the most powerful rocket ever constructed. it's been tested for the last five years and is planned to
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lock from texas. the nextimyo go to e sanof spaco francisco zoo, you might get to see new prairie dog pups. officials say the gradually all emerge from underground burrows this weekend. they were born to various mothers and spend the first four to six weeks in their burrows. the zoo estimates they are about five weeks old. they are playing and exploring in their habitat visible to the zoo's visitors. the second annual pride problem is coming up at the end of the month. lgbtq youth around the east are invited to celebrate. this year's theme is wonderland. there is funding provided through a community grant. >> coming to a place whe everyone can be fully themselves and celebrate with whom they want in the manner they want and know that no one in the building is going to make a deprecating comment about that come monday
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morning is a really freeing thing to happen. >> i've never been a big fan of school dances, because there are way too many people and it can be a lot with being of what kathleen said. it is not always comfortable -- you can always just be yourself there. upright problem, me and my friends were able to do that, which is a lot of fun. -- at friends were able to do that, which is a lot of fun. liz: it is open to juniors and seniors. tickets are on sale through the website. the addresses on your screen. if you would like to support the event, you can sponsor tickets for students. let us get a check outside as we had to break. lisa: nice and sunny for most of us, it will get breezy and
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temperatures in the city today only in the 50's, similar to yesterday, but windy. enjoy the sun, clouds are on the way. the first half of the week is cool. liz: also next, like the beam. the kings take game one against the warriors. we have the highlights, coming up and sports.
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i'm a retired school librarian. i'm also a library board trustee, a mother of two, and a grandmother of two. basically, i thought that my memory wasn't as good as it had been. i needed all the help i could get. i saw the commercials for prevagen. i started taking it. and it helped! i noticed my memory was better. there was definite improvement. i've been taking prevagen for a little over five years. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. ♪ estado dorado ♪ ♪ always in that state of mind ♪ ♪ living on a high vibration ♪ ♪ so hot gonna make it melt ♪
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♪ and i'm lovin' what i'm tastin' ♪ ♪ que bonito lugar lleno de tanto sabor ♪ ♪ so much flavor ♪ ♪ un future brillante se acerca ♪ ♪ ahhhhhhh ♪ ♪ nos gusta mezclar ♪ ♪ como malteada ♪ ♪ aqui hay lugar ♪ ♪ yeah we livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ dame mas, fres-co y real ♪ ♪ (wooh) dale gas ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado ♪ liz: the warriors lost an opportunity to lead the playoff series against the kings, kings fans were excited. this is the first time their team has made the playoffs in 17 years. we have the highlights. larry: the warriors sacramento kings in round one of the playoffs, be careful what you wish for. the kings take the series opener in the first ever playoff meeting between the north'n brea
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back in the playoffs. the warriors up by six10 in the third quarter. end of the third, kings go on a run. p off the bench, kings up one. de'aaron fox for 3, one. fox goes for 38. wow. under two minutes to go, keeping the dubs in the game. 15 seconds left, andrew wiggins gets a wide open look. no, he missed the last 25 gam of the regular season. resulting in a foul. got to drop one f just under two seconds left. steph is off balance, pus no good. the kings hold on. >> it is first of four,
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those guys credit. they played a great game. we still had a great chance to win and the goal is to get one and i am confident. >> shoot the ball better and rebound the ball better. if we can do those things, like where we are at. you have to win one in the building, at least. >> have what we want to do, that is all we can ask for. playing against a hell of a team, we've got to clean some things up and do better. larry: everybody is number 42, including brandon crawford. the giants jump out with a big lead. 6-1 go wrong? giving up the game-tying single
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growing extras again toe losing o t also honoring jackie at the coliseum, pick it up at the third inning. pitching in the seventh, san jose native -- that is gone. we are tied. fans are celebrating. giving up a right-field line. they have dropped nine of 10. that is a wrap on morning sports, enjoy your sunday. liz: let us get a check of the forecast. lisa: we have a system coming down from the north that will
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sier nada. wiloor r d you can see what is going on in seattle and portland. a little below average, it is nice and bright. lots of sunshine giving way to partly cloudy skies in the north bay, the wind is kicking up. that is what spring offers for most of us. 53 in oakland and palo alto, 52 in half moon bay. there is a look at the clouds, mount tam with temperatures coming down for everyone. 49, so pretty chilly fairfield. concord is 52. about one inch of snow is expected. temperatures go from the 50's today, 40's tomorrow, 30's on tuesday. much colder air coming into
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plain only for the mountains, ball of us. as we enjoy the sunshine today, it fades away in the north bay ana show, then i cloudy much warmer ez kki u over 20 miles an hour and widespread across the bay area. that is why you will 50's, water temperature is only 49 degrees. theas we look at the sky today h the sunshine, notice the system to the north is bringing some clouds through the south. the upper level low drops down from the gulf of alaska with the cold air and moisture in place. it will not amount to much. if we add it up, the totals are anywhere from 100 to nothing there on monday and into tuesday. but you will feel the
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difference, 10 to 15 degrees colder. 50 to 60 mile an hour winds with three to six inches of additional snow. in the south bay, fairly similar. a beautiful day in san jose. morgan hill upper 60's, cooler with a breeze kicking up. 50's for pacifica and half moon bay. downtown below average by five degrees. the biggest change in the north bay with increasing clouds and the wind. still a beautiful day. east bay 62. the breeze keeps it on the cool side and inland, we are in the mid 60's in livermore. it's berg feeling the ter day. w7in 6d,we are dropping the tes quickly into monday and tuesday, below average. maybe a sprinkle, turning it around wednesday and we could see offshore flow that will
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bring the temperatures up well above average. we will forget about the cooling trend by the end of the week. you will feel it the next few days. liz: just got to push through. they are partners at home, now they are commuting to work together. mark consuelos is a settling in as the next host of live, he has filled in but now he will take a permanency alongside his wife kelly ripa. we have a preview. reporter: mark consuelos plenty of practice cohosting with his wife, kelly ripa. when the suggestion came that he do it permanently, they both had the same reaction. >> are they crazy? >> that was universal, no. that is a terrible idea. >> we made a list of pros and cons and it became apparent there were a lot of prose. >> after cohosting 100 times, he said he developed the right approach.
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>> its been successful when i concentrated on just that show, that day. reporter: before they share the stage, they like to joke around. >> he will say this is not live, is it? i always say no. the less he thinks it is a live tv program, the better off we will all be. reporter: after six years next to her friend, the mug was passed to the right person. >> he is in the grand traditi of authentic, totally comfortable being himself. reporter: in expressing his opinions. >> that will be great for me, because we have such differing opinions about most everything. with every marriage, there is a in and-- yin and yang. >> i find it therapeutic to discuss these things. >> in the safety of this room?
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[laughter] liz: it premieres tomorrow, you can watch it weekdays at 9:00 a.m. on abc seven. the two oakland high school teams being honored today for their hard work on the hardwood.
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liz: here are the winning numbers from last night's powerball drawing. nobody picked tomorrow night's jackpot goes up to $235 million. and the winning numbers from last night's super lotto plus drawing. nobody picked all six either, wednesday's price increases to $51 million. the city of oakland will honor girastbalchool state champions
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thfirst everes is championship title. they will ride a bus around downtown. it kicks off at 11:30 this morning, the warriors honored both teams last month. today is the last chance to catch the cherry blossom festival in san francisco. festivities kick off at 11:00 this morning, the parade starts at 1:00. each year, the festival sees about 220,000 people taking in the vibrancy of japanese culture. the celebration lines up with the blooming of the cherry blossom festival entries. it also includes raffles and more. a playful deer was spotted prancing around in a pond in connecticut. it is giving off puppy energy as it pulls up in the pond. it was warm that morning and a
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good time to splash around. it playfully chased a pair of ducks, a sweet site for sure. : it was in the 80's by 9:00 in the morning in boston. temperatures hit the 90's in some parts of the area. we are certainly feeling the chill here, temperatures are coming down today. a few high clouds. still a beautiful afternoon. numbers ranging from the mid and upper 50's with breezy wind at the coast. low 60's bayside, upper 60's inland. accuweather 7-day forecast, getting set for cooler weather. then, we turn around, like spring midweek and getting warm, like summer, by the end of the week. liz: cannot wait. thanks for joining us. have a great day. ♪
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for likes or followers. their path isn't for the casually curious. and that's what makes it matter the most when they find it.
9:59 am
the exact thing that can change the world. some say it's what they were born to do... it's what they live to do... trinet serves small and medium sized businesses... so they can do more of what matters. benefits. payroll. compliance. trinet. people matter.
10:00 am
- thinking about benremodeling your kitchen.ce. stop thinking and start doing. top brand appliances, stunning countertops, dazzling design, and amazing customer service. sound too good to be true? well, it's not. get ready to transform your drab kitchen into your dream kitchen. we'll show you how it's all coming up right now on the kitchen experts show. (upbeat music) coming up on today's kitchen experts show, why homeowners recommend kitchen experts. - so johnny said, "i can do it in three weeks." and i said, "i kind of don't believe you, but let's try it." (janelle laughing) and so, literally, it was done in three weeks. - [janelle] got a small kitchen, no problem. kitchen experts knows how to maximize your space.


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